Btw, according to Sebas's wiki page Ki can be used to heal targets and used as a sort of Sense Life ability so taking monk classes is even more appealing than just for more punching.
Closing the votes. Not sure if I'll post the update today, however. I'm a bit busy but I'll try to find the time.
Adhoc vote count started by Terran Imperium on Nov 22, 2018 at 3:20 PM, finished with 85 posts and 24 votes.
Stats, Magic, Items; Explained
Very well. Look on the Mechanic post under the Informational section of the threadmarks to understand more what each stat do. Special and Resist are not yet explained in there because they won't be relevant until later in the game.

HP: Hit Points.
MP: Mana Points
Phy. Atk: The physical damage you inflict.
Phy. Def: The physical damage you can endure.
Agility: Movement speed, dodge chance and hitting enemies.
Mag. Atk: The magical damage you inflict.
Mag. Def: The magical damage or debuffs you can endure or resist.
Resist: Your resistance to special attacks, debuffs from Super-Tier Magic and other unique Abilities that don't fall under the two main categories 'Physical' and 'Magical'.
Special: The special attacks or buffs from Super-Tier Magic and other unique abilities that don't fall under the two main categories 'Physical' and 'Magical'.


In YGGDRASIL, Magic fall under four main categories:

  • Arcane: Western Fantasy-like Magic
  • Divine: Restoration, healing, self-buff and allies buff Magic.
  • Spiritual: Eastern Fantasy-like Magic
  • Alternative: Spells that fall outside of the other types of spells.
From these categories, it can then be split off into many other sub-categories with such examples from the wiki like Elemental-type magic, Necromancy-type magic, Defensive-type magic and so on.

Magic then is tiered into 10 tiers normally but there is a last one which isn't exactly a tier. Each tier represent how powerful the spell is and the higher you go up the tier list, the stronger the spell is. Lastly, we have the Super-Tier Magic, which is beyond 10th-tier Magic so you could kind of call it an 11th-tier but its a bit more than that. Super-Tier Magic acts more like a special ability rather than regular magic. You can use it without consuming any of your MP.

The number of super-tier spells you could learn is one for each level after you go beyond level 70. When you first learn it, you can only be used once a day. However, you can use it increasingly once more for every additional ten levels gained. So, the average player who has managed to reach level 100 in YGGDRASIL is able to use Super-Tier Magic at least four times a day and will have about thirty super-tier spells.


Items in YGGDRASIL were classified according to their data size. The greater the data, the higher the grade of the Item. So if we go from the lowest to the highest, the classes are: Low, Medium, High, Top Class, Legacy, Relic, Legendary, Divine. Which are too many classes than necessary, in my honest opinion. *grumble*

Additionally, in YGGDRASIL there are player-made items such as Guild Weapons who possessed a data capacity that was determined by the value of the materials used in their construction and the skill of their maker. This data capacity limited the number of data crystals which could be added to it. So, rarer metals made a more powerful item and so on.

There are World Champion items which can only be received by winning the official martial tournament and gaining the World Champion class. The World Champion items are even stronger than Divine-Class Items and they're hand-designed by the devs especially for you and for you alone. Only World Champions can use World Champion Items evidently.

Now, we get to the fun part. World-Class Item(WCI for short), there is only two hundred of those in YGGDRASIL and currently, at this point in time when I put up this post, they were not yet introduced. These items are so bullshit, they threaten to break the game's balance on a regular basis. That's if there was a balance in this game in the first place. There is especially Twenty of them that are beyond overpowered. Once you look them up, you'll be thinking to yourself. 'What the heck were the Devs thinking? What the heck was Maruyama thinking?'
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Wait! That item... bans you from the game.... Unless you use another world item that resurrects, to unban... Longinuss
So if you paired it with an resurrection world item.

Could the players erase their permanently dead character and start over? I mean, if you can delete your character to cancel out permadeath. Than it's still pretty horrible, but not as bad. Just fractionally less horrible. I mean, you'd be losing all the money and items you spend on the character... So much money, just gone.
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Any item that can literally delete characters would be so outrageous that if it was ever introduced or even worse USED, would spark such salt and rage that the game and reality itself would shatter.
Now, we get to the fun part. World-Class Item(WCI for short), there is only two hundred of those in YGGDRASIL and currently, at this point in time when I put up this post, they were not yet introduced. These items are so bullshit, they threaten to break the game's balance on a regular basis. That's if there was a balance in this game in the first place. There is especially Twenty of them that are beyond overpowered. Once you look them up, you'll be thinking to yourself. 'What the heck were the Devs thinking? What the heck was Maruyama thinking?'

Is it wrong that I want us with StormDoom to try and get all the really OP world class items? Just beacuse of me wanting all the OP shines for the hell if it?
There are World Champion items which can only be received by winning the official martial tournament and gaining the World Champion class. The World Champion items are even stronger than Divine-Class Items and they're hand-designed by the devs especially for you and for you alone.
I'm not drooling, I swear. No siree, not me. No idea what you're talking about, honest.

For real though, I want it. Real bad. The World Champion class is ridiculous on its own but you get broken tier gear specifically tailor made to make your character worthy of the title? Good lord.
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I'm not drooling, I swear. No siree, not me. No idea what you're talking about, honest.

For real though, I want it. Real bad. The World Champion class is ridiculous on its own but you get broken tier gear specifically tailor made to make your character worthy of the title? Good lord.


I take it you want it all then?

Also i think we should look at aquiring that charcter deleting item could be handy especially if the character is still playing when Anzi gets transported.

We may need a way to counter him.
... >_> Momonga is a Mid-tier PvPer according to the LN.

Sorry, I've seen so many fanfics exaggerate his skill and strength. Momonga favors PvE.

I know but I was thinking more if StormDoom gets dragged into the other world with him would be handy to have a way to remove him from the board without having a fight that could reshape the landscape fairly dramatically.

Always best to minimise potentially collateral damage,
Isn't Momonga mainly an RP-er? I think I remember something like that.

Yes, but he's built mainly for PvE. Momonga pulled through PvP fights because he leaned heavily on P2W items.

I know but I was thinking more if StormDoom gets dragged into the other world with him would be handy to have a way to remove him from the board without having a fight that could reshape the landscape fairly dramatically.

And leave his minions without someone to control them?
And leave his minions without someone to control them?

Hmm point we really don't want them running loose though they would proably be comming straight after StormDoom and anyone else withe her after she erased him especially Anzi crazy stalker like crush.

I also imagine they would probably come at StormDoom fairly haphazardly.

But your right the running wild would be bad for everyone's health I was more focused on the king to dealing with the other pieces since he is there guiding hand as well as their restraint.

Edit: still want it though since it rare.
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Speaking of world items, can Five Elements Overcoming create a cultivation system? I don't know if it would count as enough of a magic system. Probably like Mythic levels in Pathfinder?
It would be interesting.
Yeah, Momonga was an upper mid tier PvP player that basically relied on losing the first round, gathering info on the playstyle of the opponent and then trying to use that the second and onward, and he was really good at using build knowledge to his advantage. Course when the game becomes reality that becomes a hell of a lot harder, added to the fact that what he uses isn't a PvP build but an RP one, and you can see why it wouldn't be an extreme issue if we do manage to become World Champ with Karen.

Not saying we should underestimate the guy if we ever do reach that point and become enemies, which is 50/50. He's not invincible is all.
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The Port City - Part 2
Character sheet updated. You can take a look at 'The Way of the Asura' and well... I'll let you see for yourself rather than spoil you the surprise. If you have any question, go ahead.
The bonuses summary was also updated.
Edith's backstory was added.

Now let's get to the update! You took the random encounter option, I had to cut the update short here, unfortunately. I have to; to let you react.

You look at the fancy player up and down. Is that an Umbrella he uses as a weapon? You glance at your friends, Nofuku was her usual self, her arms were crossed and even through her expressionless character, you can tell she's wary of the guy. Well, you got the same treatment the first time you met her, you can't really judge the guy based on that. Yaoi-chan was undecipherable, you couldn't really tell what she was thinking. Did she want to join him? Did she not want to? For one of the most expressive members of your party, Yaoi-chan is fairly... You wouldn't know the right term here. Anyway, it means you're on your own in this one.

"Thank you but no thank you, I'm not looking to join any guild at the moment," you reply simply. Joining a guild right now is not really appealing to you and your last encounter with that mage guy, you're not a fan of the politics flying around. You'll rather just duck and avoid all of it. That Kyon fella didn't seem he'll settle with that answer.

"Oh! Come on! Okay, here's the deal. You don't have to join us, just participate for the short duration of the raid and get a little taste of how our guild run things and if it's not up to your liking. You can just leave." he explains to you. "Anyway, I've got to go. We'll be gathering at the docks in two hours. I hope you'll be there!" he says while walking away, waving goodbye to you. You wave back halfheartedly, you see Yaoi-chan waving back cheerily.

"I say we go there. No harm to it!" Yaoi-chan says excitedly. "What about you, Nofuku-san?" you ask your silent companion, she just shrugs non-committally "I'll go with whatever you want to do." you scratch your head, this doesn't really help you at all. Or maybe, you're just being needlessly paranoid? Fuck it. This is a question for your future self in two hours to answer. Not the you of right now.

"Anyway, we'll see about that in two hours. I say we just explore the city and enjoy the sights right now." You do, and the city is quite beautiful. If you had to give it a real-life comparison, it would like Venice a hundred year ago or so. You saw plenty of images of numerous cities and landscapes of the early 21st century and you can say its truly beautiful. What makes YGGDRASIL so awesome and attractive to people is how you can experience it and see it like you would in real life.

During your admittedly touristic tour of the city. You saw two players who looked just as new and lost here as you. You wouldn't really have distinguished them from other people if not for you hearing them speak in English. It almost sounds weird to your ear to hear something other than Japanese in YGGDRASIL. One was a Cleric and the other was a Fighter. You could hear that the dark-skinned one had a distinctively male voice and the blond one had a female voice. Perhaps a couple playing? Or just some friends?

Why is it that more than half of the guys you meet have female characters?! Yasu-bud wasn't even spared of that! You heard that they'll rather look at woman's ass for the entirety of the game rather than a man's but YGGDRASIL is played in the first person. Does it mean they'll like to see a bountiful bosum instead of a burly chest when they look down? Your opinion of Yasu-bud has changed. Rather, what are you thinking right now? This isn't the moment for these kinds of shower thoughts!

What do you?

[] Approach them
-[] Write-in(Karen will speak in English/Japanese; specify)

[] Nudge one of your friends to speak up to them first.
-[] YaoiSensei
-[] Nofuku

[] Just ignore them.

[] Write-in


[] Will you go to the Docks in two hours and take up Kyon on his offer?
-[] Yes.
-[] No.

If no, then what would you do?

[] Go see the local market.
-[] What are you looking for?

[] Look for the quest givers in the city.

[] Try to get some ship and sail to nowhere. Let the wind guide you toward adventure!

[] Explore the surroundings of the city and see what kind of monsters there is in the area.

[] Write-in.
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"Oh! Come on! Okay, here's the deal. You don't have to join us, just participate for the short duration of the raid and get a little taste of how our guild run things and if it's not up to your liking. You can just leave."

This guy is being really pushy.

[X] Just ignore them.
[X] Will you go to the Docks in two hours and take up Kyon on his offer?
-[X] No.
[X] Look for the quest givers in the city.

you can coat your fists and legs with any of the Wu Xing elements(Fire, Water, Earth, Metal, Wood) in addition to the Holy attribute. +30 to Damage, Attack, and Dodge rolls.
