Beaded Bracelet of a Disciplined Soul

Through precise control, disciplined focus, and a deep understanding of one's self and capabilities, a monk wearing this bracelet will find that techniques using Ki will be easier than before through the monk's enlightened understanding.

-Minus (X amount) Ki cost for all abilities that use Ki.

(QM would choose an appropriate/balanced amount to reduce Ki by)

Opportunistic Brass Knuckles

Enchanted brass knuckles that when equipped allow the wearer to execute sneak attacks even if they're not otherwise able to do so.

(QM could choose an appropriate bonus to fist atk for such a weapon. Probably nothing crazy, the dmg from this item would likely be designed to come from the sneak attack)

Grand Alchemist's Spectacles

Enchanted old-fashioned spectacles that retain the experienced eye of their previous owner. The wearer of these glasses will find that all alchemy ingredients within the wearer's eyesight will be glowing, greatly easing the process of collecting materials and reagents.

Shadow Door

An eight foot long magical disc of inscrutable darkness. By placing this magical item on any wall you create an artificial doorway that lasts for 30 minutes allowing the user to simply slip through even the most impenetrable of obstacles.

This is a single use magical item.

Whispering Crane

A magical origami crane. Cup the crane in your hands and whisper your message, the crane will fly to a party member of your choice and relay your message. The crane will remain active for 5 minutes with a range of 200m allowing for a short conversation. After the 5 minutes use, it must recharge 3 hours before another use. A word of caution, should the crane's 5 minutes expire while traveling between companions, it will simply revert to an immobile paper crane wherever it happens to be at that time. Finding it again could be difficult.
Cool, now we just need to find an ability or item that makes us immune to Terror and Karen will be able to stare down things without flinching that would make others run away screaming at the mere sight of it. While inflicting that very effect on others.
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I just wanna make a couple suggestions to the more creative people in the quest.

Corrupted Ashbringer

Warglaives of Azzinoth

Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros

Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of The Windseeker

Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian

Thori'dal, The Stars' Fury

Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings


Fangs of The Father

Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest

Hopefully some like Warcraft as much as me, and would jump at the chance to turn these into items for the quest. That is all.

Merry Christmas to Everyone!
So, I'll restart putting up the update as soon as I can tomorrow. Why did I stray from the usual schedule? Well, as you probably already know this is a bit of a special occasion. Yesterday was Christmas Eve and today is the Christmas Day. However, that doesn't stop me from wishing you all, a Merry Christmas!

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring
Snowin' and blowin' up bushels of fun
Now the jingle hop has begun
Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bells chime in jingle bell time
Dancin' and prancin' in Jingle Bell Square
In the frosty air
What a bright time, it's the right time
To rock the night away
Jingle bell time is a swell time
To go glidin' in a one-horse sleigh
Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a-mingle in the jinglin' feet
That's the jingle bell rock
Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock
Jingle bell chime in jingle bell time
Dancin' and prancin' in Jingle Bell Square
In the frosty air
What a bright time, it's the right time
To rock the night away
Jingle bell time is a swell time
To go glidin' in a one-horse sleigh
Giddy-up jingle horse, pick up your feet
Jingle around the clock
Mix and a-mingle in the jinglin' feet
That's the jingle bell
That's the jingle bell
That's the jingle bell rock
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The Divine Blood Star - Part 2 + Interlude
Proofread by @kelgar04. Getting right back on schedule. Enjoy the update!

You trace your way back to the elevator since it is the only way you know to get to the studio from here. It didn't take you that long to reach it, just a few minutes although there were some slight doubts in your mind that you could have taken a wrong turn and gotten lost but those doubts where shattered once you saw that metallic door which opened automatically. To show you the same studio in which you worked in for the majority of yesterday.

The studio is currently completely empty, save a few technicians who seemed to be setting up some sort of equipment. Hell, they could be dismantling it for all you know. They barely look up to see who entered before getting back to work. One of them waves to you and you return it. The holographic display from yesterday was still on. It looks absurdly real like you were really in front of a marine boot camp, with all the sounds you'd expect from an active base. The faraway grunts of soldiers and the yelling of a drill instructor even if there isn't anyone there. You're startled out of your mind when the holographic projection suddenly cuts off causing you to yelp an jump slightly back in surprise.

You look around you a bit embarrassed at the way you just acted. You see that it was those same technicians you earlier saw that had finished dismantling what you assume to be the holographic projector for the camp. One of the technicians approaches you, it's the same one who waved at you earlier, from what you can tell. The technician is rather plain but in a good way, unlike that other woman Ashley. She seems to be a Texan through and through without doubt like you. You can tell that much by her features and the 'I love Texas' shirt she has.

Once she reached you, you can then easily read her name on that card she's hanging on her shoulder. Abigail Williams?

"Howdy! Ah, nary saw yer puss aroun' here. Who're ya?" she speaks with quite a thick Texan accent like that same annoying bitch who was your locker neighbor back when you were a cashier.

But you won't let that affect your impression of a person, especially when they're being friendly. You guess she probably grew up in an even more remote rural area than you that didn't get a lot of exposure to the outside world. Even you don't have that thick of an accent which would make anyone else in another part of the US consider it as some sort of new foreign language.

"Howdy," you say in greeting while trying to be quieter than her.

You take a wary step back, Ashley wired behavior slash harassment is still fresh in your mind but Abigail seems to barely notice.

"Yeah, I'm kinda new around here," you say, "I'll be working as a Model and Actress," You're not quite sure about the later part. You? An Actress. That's the last thing you can imagine yourself doing.

"I'm Karen Natalia. What'cha your name?" you ask even though you already know it, it's only polite after all. You can see her eyes brighten at your question.

"Mah name? Ima Abigail Williams. Nice ta meet ya!" she replies energetically then she turns and shouts to someone, "Heya, David! Come down here ya fucka'!"

She reminds you of a lot Yaoi-chan. Well if Yaoi-chan was a lot less innocent and a bit.... well a lot more vulgar in her language that is. You look and she's speaking to some guy who's sitting on top of a really high ladder. You didn't even notice him before and he was just right above your head.

"Gitty-up fudge yourself, Abby. I'm still not done here," he yells back.

'At least this guy can speak proper English. Somewhat,' you think.

"Ima nah goin' to wait for ya, forever!" she yells back up at him. You can't quite stop yourself from smiling, It's been a while since you just talked with regular people rather than rich assholes with a rod straight up their asses that it's a wonder they can tie their shoes.

That David fella does end up coming down, although he was throwing insults at Abigail and grumbling all the way down. When he's finally back on the ground, he finally notices you standing there. He's rather plain looking too but like Abigail in a good way. You can see how to some people he can appear to be good-looking.

"Oh, howdy! what's a pretty lady like you doin' with a brute like that?" he replies with a playful smirk on his lips.

Abigail punches him pretty hard on the shoulder that makes David wince in pain. He just shrugs it off, however, and doesn't seem to mind. He, from where your standing, probably deserved it anyway.

"No need to present yourself, I heard your chatter from up there. I'm David Christopher," he says presenting himself confidently, "Hey If you want, I could buy you a drink and we can get to know each other a bit better? See where it goes."

He smiles as he nudges you flirtatiously with his elbow. You're a bit taken aback since you didn't quite expect this but you take it in stride as you smirk back at him. Abigail punches him in the shoulder again, harder than last time and even now he can't stop himself from exclaiming a few expletives at Abigail.

"Don't botha with this fucka', he's the worst ya coul' get," she says.

"Hey!" David replied offended.

"Eh, sorry David. Not interested," you say with a grin.

You can see a bit of disappointment in his eyes but he takes it in stride as he laughs good-naturedly at your answer. He seems like a pretty chill guy.

"Guess even the great David is on this lady's level," he jokes and you chuckle politely. You noticed the undirect compliment there. Abigail seems to get a bit impatient, though.

"Anyway! We gotta go. Nice to meetcha, Karen!" Abigail gives you a sunny smile as she drags David out of the studio.

He tries to protests but decides to just give up in the end. He waves goodbye to you and you return it. Now you're left alone in the studio. You should probably get back to that lounge area, Shawn will probably come back to fetch you soon. You do manage to find your way back there and fortunately, you find no sign of that weirdo Ashley. You could probably report her to upper-management but you're not quite sure how that would reflect on you if you file a complaint on your first day.

You take a seat on one of the comfy sofas you didn't get to sit on earlier because of the weirdo and they're absolutely heavenly comfortable. You're startled out of your hazy thoughts once you hear someone opens the door. It is Shawn who walks in and meets you with a wide smile. The widest you probably ever saw on his face. Even you can tell it'll probably hurt his cheeks once he drops it but that didn't seem like it'll happen any time soon.

"Hey, Ms. Natalia?" he calls to you and you regretfully stand up from your ridiculously comfy sofa.

He looks around the room and he is satisfied once he notices there isn't anyone else in there and continues, "I would have done it back in my office but since there isn't anyone here, so it should be fine. I've got two job propositions," he says and your eyes light up.

He launches into the first pitch excitedly and explains to you, "The first one is one where you'll be acting in a TV-series, Its an adaptation of a novel set in an apocalyptic Earth, the premise is a what-if the Arabian Empire went to war with the European Union back when the tensions were high in 2049, you can see where it devolves from there into a world war on a massive scale that went wrong. Anyway, you'll be playing a rather minor character, it was an insignificant one in the novel but since they want to be faithful to the books, they want someone to play that character. You'll get a few spotlights and this is a good way to make you a bit more known." You're kinda impressed he didn't even pause once while speaking you were getting a bit worried he may pass out there.

Then before he can even draw breath he launches into the next explanation, "The second one is a military-style action movie to be precise, the main characters are a special forces team and they're on a big impossible mission to save the President's daughter who was kidnapped by a dictator of a far-off island in the Pacific. This one you get a hell of a lot more screen time as one of the members of the special forces team but apart from the main characters, all the others will wear masks, cowls and so on that will mask their face. That's including you and if I recall the script right, everyone from the team dies apart from the three main characters," Shawn finally pauses to breath now you are worried he seemed like he was going to pass out after that last burst. But he seems to be rather excited and to be honest. You are as well but you manage to hide it well enough.

"So your choice?" he asks looking like he was about to start bouncing from foot to foot.

[] The Apocalyptic Earth Show
[] The Special Forces Movie
[] None. You don't like any of those options.
[] Why not both?
(Note: The last option will cut down a bit of your playing time in YGGDRASIL. This won't reflect in the quest since you'll get your usual amount of YGGDRASIL gameplay but it does reflect in-universe.)

"You will stand down!" you say in your best intimidating voice which is rather poor you'd say.

If your heart is not in it and you're not fired up, you can't quite pull it off but it does trigger the dialogue option. You see that that the tree fellas took a step back. It is rather comical since your voice wasn't really that intimidating. You can hear Yaoi-chan, who's slightly behind you, giggling softly. You see that the tree fellas make way for an older tree fella who seems like the leader of the little group.

"Intruders. What are you doing in the Elementals' territory!? No humans and certainly no bloodsucker is authorized here!" he says forcefully in a rather gravelly baritone voice, it sounds slightly unnatural, a bit artificial. You can tell. So this is a synthesized voice? Huh.

"We're just passing through to get to the city," you say and you know there's a city nearby but you can't quite recall its name though, "We will pass regardless of whenever you like it or not. If you stand in our way..." you let it hang off threateningly. There was a pause, long enough for it to become uncomfortable as the tree fella's seemed to be looking blankly at you while processing your answer.

"Very well... We will escort you out of the forest... If you stray beyond the path, you will be cut down immediately!" he says and the tree fellas nearby start moving to stand beside you and follow you each time you move.

Yasu-bud matches your pace as you start walking with your wooden escorts, "That was rather risky," he says and you refrain yourself from giving a witty reply, "but you did a good job, nonetheless. Do warn us when you do something like that, though."

Your eyes widen in realization, you didn't even consult them on what should their actions be but you just assumed that since you're the one leading this expedition south, well, you've got the right to make decisions like this. Right?

You're 'escorted' out of the city quickly enough. Now, you've got a choice to where to go. On the other side of the big world tree thing, there's a city. You could probably go there to make a few preparations if you want and even get to use the massive amount of money you've gained so far but have never yet had the opportunity.

Alternatively, you could just go directly to the big tree and start the quest directly rather than waste time going around making detours.

What do you do?

[] Go to Aeserria.

[] Go to the Branch of the World Tree and start the quest immediately.

[] Consult your friends and hold a vote on what to do.

[] Write-in.
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[] The Apocalyptic Earth Show

Minor exposure but it shows our face. Seems like a good start.

[X] The Special Forces Movie

[X] Consult your friends and hold a vote on what to do.

Teamwork makes the dream work. Especially right after we accidentally made a risky move without our team's input.

edit: Yeah, Yun clinched it for me.
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[X] The Special Forces Movie

[X] Consult your friends and hold a vote on what to do.
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[X] The Apocalyptic Earth Show

[X] Consult your friends and hold a vote on what to do.

Im fine with any one of the two jobs, we should not take both though we don't want to fall too far behind.
Adhoc vote count started by Rhinohunter on Dec 26, 2018 at 11:40 PM, finished with 1590 posts and 19 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by Rhinohunter on Dec 28, 2018 at 6:41 PM
This vote count is in an error state, please contact support
Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, Karen's personality might fit better for the characters in a Special Forces group. How deep is this acting/modeling thing gonna get? Will picking roles not suited for her personality be more difficult, at least at first? I have a hard time imagining Karen acting as a princess compared to a gruff soldier.
So the difference between the two acting jobs is that the former is a minor role to get face recognition whereas the latter will give Karen multiple opportunities to give a personality to a faceless character thereby showing off any raw acting talent she has. The second job also fits well with Karen's rather serious personality, and work ethic so I'm inclined to go with it.

[X] The Special Forces Movie
[X] Consult your friends and hold a vote on what to do.

I have no strong opinion of the second decision atm.
[X] The Special Forces Movie

Become the next Michelle Rodriguez. Do it. :cool:

[X] Consult your friends and hold a vote on what to do.

...but quit bein' a jerk about things.
She seems to be a Texan through and through without doubt like you. You can tell that much by her features and the 'I love Texas' shirt she has.
Texas: A state only a local could love. :V:V:V
She reminds you of a lot Yaoi-chan.
We can't trust anyone anymore.
[] The Apocalyptic Earth Show
[] The Special Forces Movie
[] None. You don't like any of those options.
[] Why not both?
Mind a write in?
[X] Alright fucking level with me. I could understand being a model if its just being a pretty face, but why do you think I can act?

[X] Consult your friends and hold a vote on what to do.
We should do the special forces and act it SO FUCKING WELL, they alter the universe to keep us, and then our good looks force them to allow our mask off!
*Is starting to sorta want an Acting Quest* :p