[X] Did you sell the Frost Troll's Alchemical Ingredients?
-[X] No
[X] If no then you will...
-[X] Gift them to Yaoi-chan.
[X] Do a few quests in the Northen Lands.
-[X] Explore the North. You wanna be able to say you've travelled the North and seen some amazing sights the next time you see your friends.
-[X] Try not to get in way over your head. The Frost Troll was a fun fight, see if you can find some similar monsters.
[X] Did you sell the Frost Troll's Alchemical Ingredients?
-[X] No
[X] If no then you will...
-[X] Gift them to Yaoi-chan.
[X] Go to the South-Western lands, you heard from that forum user that you could perhaps get a quest from which you can upgrade your new armor.
-[X] Do some side-quests along the way.
[X] Did you sell the Frost Troll's Alchemical Ingredients?
-[X] No
[X] If no then you will...
-[X] Gift them to Yaoi-chan.
[X] Do a few quests in the Northen Lands.
-[X] Explore the North. You wanna be able to say you've travelled the North and seen some amazing sights the next time you see your friends.
-[X] Try not to get in way over your head. The Frost Troll was a fun fight, see if you can find some similar monsters.
@Terran Imperium, question. Can potions be stacked up to 99 like I'd guess most MMORPGS have? Depending on the answer I'll put a vote towards buying a full stack of Greater Healing Potions. It's just shy of 2k gold and we've got a fair amount of gold for ourselves right now.
I was thinking about putting a maximum stack of 64 but I finally decided on 100. Which is an even number that can be divided by 2 and 4. It'll make things a hell of a lot easier later on.
Anyway, getting back to your question. Yes, potions, in general, can be stacked.
[X] Did you sell the Frost Troll's Alchemical Ingredients?
-[X] No
[X] If no then you will...
-[X] Gift them to Yaoi-chan.
[X] Go to the South-Western lands, you heard from that forum user that you could perhaps get a quest from which you can upgrade your new armor.
-[X] Do some side-quests along the way.
[X] Did you sell the Frost Troll's Alchemical Ingredients?
-[X] No
[X] If no then you will...
-[X] Gift them to Yaoi-chan.
[X] Do a few quests in the Northen Lands.
-[X] Explore the North. You wanna be able to say you've travelled the North and seen some amazing sights the next time you see your friends.
-[X] Try not to get in way over your head. The Frost Troll was a fun fight, see if you can find some similar monsters.
-[X] But first go shopping.
[X] Did you sell the Frost Troll's Alchemical Ingredients?
-[X] No
[X] If no then you will...
-[X] Gift them to Yaoi-chan.
[X] Go to the South-Western lands, you heard from that forum user that you could perhaps get a quest from which you can upgrade your new armor.
-[X] Do some side-quests along the way.
[X] Do a few quests in the Northen Lands.
-[X] Explore the North. You wanna be able to say you've travelled the North and seen some amazing sights the next time you see your friends.
-[X] Try not to get in way over your head. The Frost Troll was a fun fight, see if you can find some similar monsters.
-[X] But first go shopping.
Votes are closed! The update will be up in a few hours.
Adhoc vote count started by Terran Imperium on Oct 24, 2018 at 2:57 PM, finished with 14 posts and 11 votes.
[X] Did you sell the Frost Troll's Alchemical Ingredients?
-[X] No
[X] If no then you will...
-[X] Gift them to Yaoi-chan.
[X] Do a few quests in the Northen Lands.
-[X] Explore the North. You wanna be able to say you've travelled the North and seen some amazing sights the next time you see your friends.
-[X] Try not to get in way over your head. The Frost Troll was a fun fight, see if you can find some similar monsters.
[X] Did you sell the Frost Troll's Alchemical Ingredients?
-[X] No
[X] If no then you will...
-[X] Gift them to Yaoi-chan.
[X] Go to the South-Western lands, you heard from that forum user that you could perhaps get a quest from which you can upgrade your new armor.
-[X] Do some side-quests along the way.
[X] Did you sell the Frost Troll's Alchemical Ingredients?
-[X] No
[X] If no then you will...
-[X] Gift them to Yaoi-chan.
[X] Do a few quests in the Northen Lands.
[X] Buy 5 Greater Healing Potions from the alchemy shop (100 gold)
[X] Use the 3- Demonic Boar and the Firebird Mascot when in isolated areas without enemies with Holy attacks.
[X] Search and buy a reasonably priced (use the forums to check) middle-class weapon fit for us from the player shops and/or forums.
-[X] If more gold is needed, buy just enough of it from the cash shop.
[X] Did you sell the Frost Troll's Alchemical Ingredients?
-[X] No
[X] If no then you will...
-[X] Gift them to Yaoi-chan.
[X] Do a few quests in the Northen Lands.
-[X] Explore the North. You wanna be able to say you've travelled the North and seen some amazing sights the next time you see your friends.
-[X] Try not to get in way over your head. The Frost Troll was a fun fight, see if you can find some similar monsters.
-[X] But first go shopping.
[X] Do a few quests in the Northen Lands.
-[X] Explore the North. You wanna be able to say you've travelled the North and seen some amazing sights the next time you see your friends.
-[X] Try not to get in way over your head. The Frost Troll was a fun fight, see if you can find some similar monsters.
-[X] But first go shopping.
Before you went on your selling spree and your quest to finish that damned book. You went to a local NPC merchant for which you paid to hold into the Frost Troll loots until a player named YaoiSensei pick them off. You didn't have to pay much, it's not that costly and you made sure to message Yaoi-chan about the items. You didn't see the response, however as you hurried to go to your job.
-25 G
The day went normally as you would expect, although you did less than well today as rich clients were turned off by your tired dead-like appearance, the only exceptions are a few acquaintances you would say. Some old women that like to babble their life story to you and all the drama that comes with it, a few young masters that didn't give up yet on trying to get in your pants who more than likely saw an opportunity in your dilapidated look.
At least you got enough customers going through your side that it wouldn't leave a black mark on your day and overall performance. You did get a reprimand that you should take better care of yourself or its bad for business as girls like you are the 'faces' of the supermarket. What a day. At least you got a generous tip of a hundred dollars from an elegant looking lady. She had a bit of a worrying glint in her eyes but you ignored it. The money she just transferred into your account is good and safe. There is hardly any way to falsify money nowadays since its always virtual.
"Good day to you, Honey." she said with a smirk. You just confusedly nod. Oh well. Who are you to refuse a tip?
+100 USD
You're glad, you're back to your home as you take a shower, enjoy a beer before log-in your latest video-game addiction. YGGDRASIL. The game looks as beautiful as ever, the tall snowy mountains, the roads going between them with the usual NPC or Player caravan traveling. The sun was shining brightly in the sky making the snow sparkle somewhat. You want to explore these lands and the first idea that comes up in your mind is to climb the tallest mountain you could find in there.
You take off running, kicking up a cloud of snow behind you... You were quite fast and you arrived at the feet of the nearest mountain quite easily. You turn around to see a rail of snow following your footsteps that has yet to fall. Perhaps, now you can call yourself 'Sonic, The Fastest Alive'? Your joking soon ends as you see four furry lizard-like creatures appear out of beneath the snow from which they were hidden below. Their fur offering a perfect camouflage to hunt preys. The system soon informs you of their name. Sno Odla seems like a Norse name given by the locals. The devs are full-in for immersion here.
As you would expect them to do they start circling you, menacingly, as soon as one would get in your blind spot they'll start attacking you. Of course, that is useless. You blast off Apex Predator's Aura which momentarily stuns them. You turn around to attack the Odla that was sneaking behind you and you manage to easily crush its skull with your feet, it gives off a sickening crunch. It was almost hard to see the Odla, as their entire fur matched the snow and the simple act of closing their eyes made them nearly indistinguishable from the environment unless you look really hard. At least the fact that their snout is black kind of help.
Two more jumps at you but you're fast enough to catch them by the neck. They try to trash around uselessly and futilely trying to bite your hand. You don't leave them any chance to do so as you gradually increase the pressure until their neck is twisted beyond recognition under the strength of your grip. You remember there being four of them so there was still one alive. You find it cowering behind a pile of snow, it was of a slightly lower level than the others and a lot lower than yours. Your aura seems to be working well. The Odla in front of you is entirely submissive, frozen under the effect of the 'Fear', 'Terror' and 'Submission' debuff which only works on non-players characters and monsters. You decide to...
[] Leave it be.
[] Kill it and loot it.
[] Write-in.
You return to your initial objective of climbing the mountain in front of you. It is obviously not the tallest there is, in the region but you'll be able to see the surrounding better from that high-up ground than below. It didn't take you much time as the mountain isn't that big, with only a few dozen jumps and you're already up there greeted by an even more magnificent view than the ones you saw earlier from up that hill. You're able to see another mountain, which is immensely huge, it pierces through the clouds and goes even higher it seems. That's your next objective, of course!
From what you see, you have two choices on how to go up there. You have the most direct way, to go through the Ghostly Forest that separates your objective from your current location, it seems to be split by a river that goes through it, besides the rivers there seemed to be some sort of stone pillars with a lit fire still burning on top of them. The only downside you can see with this is that you're aware at all of what type of monsters lurk in there. You could get caught unaware or unprepared for some type of monster you aren't equipped to fight but you're here to explore and discover, aren't you? It has its risks.
Your other option is to go around the forest, it'll take you to a pretty clear area with hills and plains before you're back in the mountains where you'll reach your objective from the side. There seemed to be that usual morning fog that's around there and you know what to expect from there. Frost Trolls and Odlas. You could perhaps get a few surprises and some new monster there, this is YGGDRASIL and it is quite vast after all. This road also will take longer.
What road do you take to go there?
[] Through the Ghostly Forest.
-[] By the river, take a swim and avoid the forest as much as you can.
-[] Stay on the shore between the forest and the river.
-[] Just go right through it.
[] Through the plains and hills.
[] Fuck off with your objective. Do this instead!
-[] Write-in your suggestion!
[] Unlock 'Martial Mind' "Martial Mind": This ability raises basic parameters and strengthens one's physical abilities and provide a resistance against hindering mental capacities and one's sense of reason. +1 to all stats, mental debuff resistance augmented.
Attacks with the Holy Attribute can. Pure physical attacks is a no. It'll just go through them.
There are almost certainly other things that can harm them, of course, but those are what you're aware of.
You can do one improvement of an ability or unlock one new ability per level up. So that would translate to an ability/skill point per level up.
Improving either Fists or Feet will result in the two merging into one ability.
Attacks with the Holy Attribute can. Pure physical attacks is a no. It'll just go through them.
There are almost certainly other things that can harm them, of course, but those are what you're aware of.
Well, good thing we've got a skill that lets us coat our fists in holy power. I'm up for punching some ghosts in their face.
On another note I think we should maybe start bumping magic defence a bit. Dodge tanking is fine, but sometimes attacks do get through and more often than not those are magic attacks that hit us.
Martial Mind's actually quite bad compared to our other abilities. Remember: 10 stats = +1 to roll. This means that Martial Mind gives +0.111 to all rolls (including magic attack and special which we have no use for), 1 HP and MP, and some mental debuff resistance. The latter is admittedly an unknown, as it could be an absolute must or pure garbage, depending on the amount of resistance we get per rank and how much/well mental debuffs are used by our enemies. As long as tanking debilitating mental debuffs is not on the cards though, I recommend we take something else. Iron Fist (which is effectively +30 to the relevant stat when dealing damage) would be an example of an immediately useful skill.
As for Mag Def, I'd vote against taking it. Mainly because HP will for a long time be just better. The calculation is essentially "10 HP" vs. "-1 damage taken per magical attack that hits", which clearly shows that HP is preferable unless we take more than 10 magical hits in a fight. (Note that even if we had a situation where dangerous magic users focused on us for enough time to attack us 10 times, we should dodge most of them.) Added to that, HP is useful against physical attacks and damaging status effects (bleeding, poison) as well. Sure we might at some point have mainly much longer fights, and a party with magical healing available changes things a bit, but for now it's HP over Mag Def everytime.
I don't know anything about Yggdrasil, but I wonder if there are any benefits to exploration other than just enjoying some tourism? Are there hidden secrets in the world like treasures, achievements or quests? The top of the tallest mountain in the area definitely seems like there might be something there, even though it's probably an obvious enough a place that anything hidden there would be common knowledge in the forums.
Now the voting:
[X] Leave it be.
Taming sounds nice to me as well, but it doesn't really have synergy with our high-speed dodging melee style. The poor animal would probably just be left behind when we bounce from place to place in combat. If we had a style that would really benefit from a tank companion, I'd be all for it. Now though, I'll just vote for leaving it alive, as it seems to be so low level that it probably won't give meaningful XP.
[X] Through the Ghostly Forest.
-[X] Stay on the shore between the forest and the river.
Adventure time! But let's stay in the open, where we will have a few more seconds to react if we get ambushed.
[X] Improve Ability
-[X] "Specialized Weapon(Fists)"
The fusion ability intrigues me, but this ability is good even if there were no additional benefits.
[X] Stats: HP +4
Survivability now that we are going solo.
Taming sounds nice to me as well, but it doesn't really have synergy with our high-speed dodging melee style. The poor animal would probably just be left behind when we bounce from place to place in combat. If we had a style that would really benefit from a tank companion, I'd be all for it. Now though, I'll just vote for leaving it alive, as it seems to be so low level that it probably won't give meaningful XP.
Eh, if we don't get too attached it makes a great combination with a speed dodging style, mostly by providing ablative distractions
[X] Try to see if you can make it obey your instructions.
[X] Through the Ghostly Forest.
-[X] Stay on the shore between the forest and the river.
[X] Unlock 'Martial Mind'
[X] Agility +4
[X] Try to see if you can make it obey your instructions.
[X] Through the Ghostly Forest.
-[X] Stay on the shore between the forest and the river.
[X] Unlock 'Martial Mind'
[X] Stats: HP +4
Of course a tamed beast will be better than nothing, and a net benefit in a vacuum. My point is taking into account the opportunity costs. I'm basically assuming that taming and upkeeping the beast is going to take resources (time, maybe gold, possibly a companion slot), and I'm suggesting that these resources would be more efficiently used in an other way. If taming proves cheap and easy, I'm all for getting some cannon fodder as you suggested.
Of course a tamed beast will be better than nothing, and a net benefit in a vacuum. My point is taking into account the opportunity costs. I'm basically assuming that taming and upkeeping the beast is going to take resources (time, maybe gold, possibly a companion slot), and I'm suggesting that these resources would be more efficiently used in an other way. If taming proves cheap and easy, I'm all for getting some cannon fodder as you suggested.
depending on if the author doesn't decide to tell us directly, then the only way to find out how much the expenses are for tamed pets is through experience and based on how the snow odla attack went, they depend on ambush tactics and working in a pack, which makes it ideal for taming, and being a carnivore makes it a bit easier taking care of it in the current area, we would probably only need to help it hunt.
depending on the author then the pets will be able to level up or even evolve at a certain point and with animals normally having better senses than humans, then it should be able to tell us in advance about ambushes or hidden enemies.
we can also use it as extra inventory space if that is limited or even use it as a mount if its big and strong enough (with proper training obviously).
snow odla being local creatures (and probably common enemies out in the wilds) would make it less eye catching than if we used the boar we got earlier, and more than likely less expensive on upkeep.