You react instinctively as you weave your virtual body between their swords. Its almost too easy, they are slow and sluggish. Karen cockily raises a clenched fist and uppercut one of the Draugrs.
Yes, you do. You get 2 HP per level up, MP too. HP and MP are a stat like the others and so if you want to, you can spend stat points on it to increase it more than it would normally.
You currently have 3 unspent stat points. How do you assign them?
[] HP +1
As an example. Of course, you can choose to not spend those points until a later point in time.
The char sheet will only be updated after I call the votes since it depends on whenever or not 'Well fitted' will be added or if 'Have you tried hitting things harder?' would win instead and if you'll spend those stat points or not.
[X] Plan Onward!
-[X] Try to complete the quest.
--[X] Drink a Minor Healing Potion.
-[X] Improve the 'Have you tried hitting things harder?' ability.
-[X] HP+1
Let's save 1 point for now and increase our survival ability. We already know that enemies can hit really hard if were lucky. No need to add that MC should increase stats before use heal items, right?
[x] Try to complete the quest.
-[X] Drink a Minor Healing Potion.
[x] Improve the 'Have you tried hitting things harder?' ability.
So, it looks like we go for a Arcueid like Character. Probably a few Levels in Monk and some Regeneration.
But how do we fake a Marble Phantasm and being a Type/Ultimate One?
Well, if you want to go that way, its certainly possible. You'll have the chance to participate in the World Tournament and if you win it, you'll get the special World Champion class and all the cool things that come with it, since its practically a class hand-crafted by the devs for you. There are nine World Champions each one for one of the Nine Realms. There are, of course, other ways to get something close to the 'Ultimate One' but we'll see how it goes. Complete this starting quest, first.
Don't feel obligated to make Karen like Arceuid, it's just her faceclaim and they're different characters with different views and personalities. One is a thousand years old vampire, the other is just a gamer.
Anyway, I think I left the vote open for enough time. Calling it now.
Adhoc vote count started by Terran Imperium on Sep 17, 2018 at 12:47 PM, finished with 16 posts and 10 votes.
[X] Try to complete the quest.
-[X] Drink a Minor Healing Potion.
[x] Improve the 'Have you tried hitting things harder?' ability.
[X] Plan Onward!
-[X] Try to complete the quest.
--[X] Drink a Minor Healing Potion.
-[X] Improve the 'Have you tried hitting things harder?' ability.
-[X] HP+1
Don't feel obligated to make Karen like Arceuid, it's just her faceclaim and they're different characters with different views and personalities. One is a thousand years old vampire, the other is just a gamer.
It's fine. People want a Warrior and if we go for that then why not for someone who can tear her Enemies appart with her bare Hands and can regenerate from a Drop of Blood or some fleshy bits?
The other Stuff are just Ways we could use to deal with Magic and Stuff that isn't worth punching.
Your level up was unexpected, that was fast when you just defeated three mob monsters in the starting area. You had the choice between improving your initial class ability or unlocking a new one. You thought about it for a few seconds, you'd prefer to actually defeat the enemy before it can even scratch your armor. Getting hit certainly wasn't pleasant last time even if you didn't feel any actual pain. It could get worse with stronger monsters who'll probably have more effective weapons. Hell no. You just realized the Draugrs dropped nothing, dammit.
'Have you tried hitting thing harder?' It is. You thought about spending the stat points but you just shrug at the thought, you'll do so when you are in a safe area where you can think things through before doing any decision that could affect your overall build in the long-term. You were surprised to see that your entire HP and MP bar refilled itself as you closed the system tabs. That is really convenient if it happens each time you level up. You wouldn't have to use up your precious Minor Healing Potions.
HP: 12/12
MP: 12/12
You took the time to observe the situation, there was a little over one hundred players running around fighting Draugrs. The Draugrs seemed to always be in a group of three, one of them being a mage and the rest sword or ax-wielding ones, it was a fairly basic setup. You could try to approach one of the others players and team up but you'd have to share the Draugrs' heads and any items dropped and you'll probably have to listen to others too. Or you could do it alone, why not? You just beat three Draugrs by yourself! What's even better is that now you came out stronger out of it and you'll certainly have more chances. Or you could just go back to the plaza, no sense in wasting your restored health just yet when you could spend your stat points and improve yourself in relative safety...
What do you do?
[] Approach some random group of Players.
-[] Ask for advice.
-[] Team up.
[] Do it alone.
-[] Write-in combat tactics. Simple example: Try to sneak up on a lone Draugr group and attack the mage.
[] Nah, let's just go back to the city.
-[] Go to the Plaza.
-[] Go to an inn and disconnect. That is enough playing today.
[X] Do it alone.
-[X] 1. Punch the nearest enemy 2. Keep punching until no more enemies are aggroed 3. Heal up 4. If(isExhausted = False) {Go to 1.}
Keep it simple. The feel of punching an enemy back to the ground was great, and now that you are stronger, it will probably feel even better! This could be the start of a beautiful addiction...
[X] Do it alone.
-[X] 1. Punch the nearest enemy 2. Keep punching until no more enemies are aggroed 3. Heal up 4. If(isExhausted = False) {Go to 1.}
Oh shit forgot about this update...
Also @Paroni whats with the computer code at the end? (Not exactly code but similar)
[X] Do it alone.
-[X] 1. Punch the nearest enemy 2. Keep punching until no more enemies are aggroed 3. Heal up 4. If(isExhausted = False) {Go to 1.}
Oh shit forgot about this update...
Also @Paroni whats with the computer code at the end? (Not exactly code but similar)