[X] Unlock new ability, 'Well Fitted'.
[X] Spend stat points on agility

[X] Go to the Plaza.
-[X] Approach the smith shop.
--[X] Buy Heavy Iron Armor

[X] Talk to the Militia leader and get to the next part of the quest, after.
Closing votes. Let's see what won.
Adhoc vote count started by Terran Imperium on Sep 21, 2018 at 12:10 PM, finished with 33 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Unlock new ability, 'Well Fitted'.
    [X] Spend stat points on agility
    [X] Go to the Plaza.
    -[X] Approach the smith shop.
    --[X] Buy Brass Knuckle Dusters
    -[X] Approach the player-made shop.
    --[X] Bargain for Enchanted Light Steel Armor. Be willing to go up to 75 gold
    [X] Talk to the Militia leader and get to the next part of the quest, after.
    [X] Unlock new ability, 'Well Fitted'.
    [X] Spend stat points on agility
    [X] Go to the Plaza.
    -[X] Approach the smith shop.
    --[X] Buy Heavy Iron Armor
    [X] Talk to the Militia leader and get to the next part of the quest, after.
    [X] Unlock new ability, 'Specialized Weapon'.
    -[X] 'Legs'
    [X] Spend stat points half and half at hp and agility
    [X] Go to the Plaza.
    -[X] Approach the player-made shop.
    --[X] Bargain for Enchanted Heavy Steel Armor. Be willing to go up to 75 gold
    [X] Talk to the Militia leader and get to the next part of the quest, after.
    [X] Unlock new ability, 'Specialized Weapon'.
    -[X] 'Legs'
    [X] Spend stat points on agility
    [X] Go to the Plaza.
    -[X] Approach the smith shop.
    --[X] Buy Brass Knuckle Dusters
    -[X] Approach the player-made shop.
    --[X] Bargain for Enchanted Light Steel Armor. Be willing to go up to 75 gold
    [X] Talk to the Militia leader and get to the next part of the quest, after.
    [X] Unlock new ability, 'Well Fitted'.
    [X] Spend stat points on HP
    [X] Go to the Plaza.
    -[X] Approach the smith shop.
    --[X] Buy Heavy Iron Armor
    [X] Talk to the Militia leader and get to the next part of the quest, after.
    [X] Unlock new ability, 'Specialized Weapon'.
    -[X] 'Legs'
    [X] Spend stat points on agility
    [X] Go to the Plaza.
    -[X] Approach the player-made shop.
    --[X] Bargain for Enchanted Light Steel Armor. Be willing to go up to 75 gold
    [X] Talk to the Militia leader for your next quest but explore the city for a bit before starting it.
    [X] Unlock new ability, 'Specialized Weapon'.
    -[X] 'Legs'
    [X] Spend stat points on HP
    [X] Go to the Plaza.
    -[X] Approach the smith shop.
    --[X] Buy Heavy Iron Armor
    [X] Talk to the Militia leader for your next quest but explore the city for a bit before starting it.
    [X] Unlock new ability, 'Specialized Weapon'.
    -[X] 'Legs'
    [X] Spend stat points on HP
    [X] Go to the Plaza.
    -[X] Approach the smith shop.
    --[X] Buy Heavy Iron Armor
    [X] Talk to the Militia leader and get to the next part of the quest, after.

Adhoc vote count started by Terran Imperium on Sep 21, 2018 at 12:10 PM, finished with 33 posts and 12 votes.
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The Ancient Tomb and the Ghostly Forests - Part 1
Things were going well. You already leveled up your Fighter class up to level 4! You packed up a lot of damage in your fists, now. You were slightly tempted in taking 'Specialized Weapon' again for your legs, which will give you another permanent bonus but right now, there is a major problem that you noticed while you were grinding. You are too squishy for a Fighter, sure. Agility build is pretty cool but when you'll move on to higher-level areas, one hit and you'll be gone.

So you took 'Well Fitted' this time. You should avoid to try and branch out too much which would limit your potential and build up but for now its pretty fine, there is no major loss and it is actually needed. You went back to the shop and bought a Heavy Iron Armor, for female avatars, it is pretty fit and doesn't hold up your movements all that much compared to the male one which looks bulky. The appearance might not matter, however, which is more likely. You doubt the Devs would go into that level of hyper-realism. As usual for the stat points, you smashed all of them in Agility, always.

+1 Heavy Iron Armor(Equipped)

-15 G

You go back to the Militia Leader NPC, an old burly old man in iron armor. As you approached him, he automatically turned to you and started speaking.

"You're back. That means you're ready. Good. Some of our scouts further North in the mountains discovered a Tomb from which Draugrs are pouring out. It seems the old souls of warriors cannot find the rest they deserve in Valhalla. You'll go and put them back to the place they're supposed to be in. I sent a few other recruits like you there. Exterminate the source of this Draugr invasion." Huh, pretty interesting. A tomb? It's so painfully obvious, its a dungeon. Probably an easy one since its part of the main quest storyline for this area, just as you were about to go. The Militia Leader spoke once more.

"An advice, recruit. There is nothing in life more important than struggle. Struggle is the means by which the weak are removed and the strong gain power. This fundamental rule will guide and shape your future. Either you will be one of the few to survive this process and grasp power or you will die as a weakling. Dalsfjoror has no use for weaklings. We must ever strive forward. Go and make Dalsfjoror's proud of your success and do not bring shame to the city that saw your birth." And with those words, the Militia Leader locked itself back into its usual position. Those words were a bit harsh but its something that rings true for you. If you want to stand at the top of YGGDRASIL, you'll have to work for it. Is this a way for the Devs to make the Players invest more in the game? It's certainly a good way to do that. You can see this becoming a famous line on the Internet in a few months. You continue on your merry way toward where the quest marker is when suddenly you are met by such a notification...

[Warning! The System cannot guarantee your safety once you leave the Dalsfjoror Starting Area. All PvP actions are allowed beyond this area without intervention from the Dalsfjoror's Guard. Do you wish to proceed?]
[Yes] [No]

This is it, you're moving toward experiencing the true game, all of this before was only the tutorial. You mentally press 'Yes', nothing really changed as far as you can see. Your character was locked, as in it couldn't move while the notification was still in front of you. Probably to avoid people running off and attacking others while they're still technically protected if they didn't press 'Yes' on the notification. That seems a bit far-fetched, though. You take a look around you for a few moments. Player-density here is much lower, as you don't see much of them apart from the usual Player leaving the starting area.
[Premium Shop Unlocked! You can access this shop at any time and any place apart from dungeons or while fighting.]

You can see to the south of the city, the Ghostly Forest, between them, is the area in which the newbies grind in. To the North of the city, you can see the snowy mountains standing tall and there is the faint form a structure at its base which you can't see well because of the fog in the area, slightly to the North-East there seems to be a second Ghostly forest. You'll have to walk all the way there at the base of the mountains? Damn. You wish, you had a mount. You'll have to see that Premium shop from which you can buy things with real currency. You can spare spending 50 dollars on this game if it means maxing out your character.

You put such thoughts in the back of your mind and started walking toward it. You can see a few Draugrs patrol groups around but the area is big enough that you can walk around them and avoid getting in any unnecessary combat. You want to get there as fast as possible. Half-way there, you hear voices. Since you left the surroundings of Dalsfjoror, you've rarely seen any players, in those few rare occasion, you could see them in the distance either fighting between themselves or against mobs.

You sneak around for a bit and see three players sitting around a campfire as they seem to be talking to each other. They're talking in Japanese and fast so you're barely understanding what they are saying. They're camping in the edge of the second forest for some reason. You know that undead mobs get stronger in the night, which is currently approaching in-game right now, but not strong enough to be a threat to a three-player party and make them wait it out. They may have other reasons...

You could see a Fighter in steel armor, the brunette. Damn, you wish you could have something similar. There was a Rogue, of the vampire race. They too get stronger in the night and finally a Paladin, the red-head. You don't recognize the armor but it looks pretty expansive. Probably a premium player to get something so high-tier looking from the start or a high-level player helping out newbies for some reason or another.

The Fighter and the Rogue had voices matching their avatar but the Paladin had a male voice actually. Which really took you off-guard and sounds weird, but you'll have to get used to it. Nothing is stopping other players from creating a character of the opposite sex. It's pretty cool, you perhaps should have taken a tall burly Viking rather than your current avatar. What is done is done now, you don't really have the will to go back and create another character and drop all the time you invested in this one.

Dammit, you're getting off-track. What should you do?

[] Approach them
-[] Friendly
--[] Ask questions.
-[] Neutral.
--[] Ask questions.
-[] Hostily.
--[] Demand answers.

[] Attack them
-[] Wait for the opportunity first.
-[] Do it now.
-[] Wait until they start moving and prepare to ambush them.

[] Ignore them and continue on your merry way toward adventure!

[] Buy Premium Membership in YGGDRASIL for
-[] 1 Month
-[] 3 Month
-[] 6 Month
-[] 12 Month

You currently have 50 USD, you can afford to spend on YGGDRASIL.​
1 MONTH $14.99 / MONTH
3 MONTHS $12.99 / MONTH $38.97 billed every 3 months
6 MONTHS $11.99 / MONTH $71.94 billed every 6 months
12 MONTHS $9.99 / MONTH $119.88 billed every 12 months
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[X] Buy Premium Membership in YGGDRASIL for 25 Dollars.
-[X] 3 Month

[X] Ignore them and continue on your merry way toward adventure!

Time to enter the dungeon that'll end up being high-leveled and die.
Ah, delicious P2W. So what are the benefits of getting Premium Membership?
Aye, we all experienced it in someway or another.

Premium Membership is getting you more EXP gain from monsters. 10% more for normal mobs and 20% more for bosses, 30% more Gold coins and rare drops. You'll have access to the Premium shop which you can buy from expensive high-tier items, you can roll the gacha for a low-price but the counterpoint to that is that there are low-chances of getting anything good.
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you can roll the gacha for a low-price but the counterpoint to that is that there are low-chances of getting anything good.
Just one more roll, I'll get JAlter this time!

[X] Approach them
-[X] Friendly
--[] Ask questions.

Right, I have no idea what to ask or talk about, but I think we should start talking with other players.

[] Buy Premium Membership in YGGDRASIL for 25 Dollars.
-[] 1 Month
-[] 3 Month

Hmm, we can't afford more than 3 months right now. On the other hand, while this does cost slightly less per month, it costs us most of our current wallet, leaving us with only $11. So buying only one month is also a valid option.

Ah, if only Karen was rich!
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Hmm, we can't afford more than 3 months right now. On the other hand, while this does cost slightly less per month, it costs us most of our current wallet, leaving us with only $11. So buying only one month is also a valid option.
You just made me notice something actually. The 25 USD was for something else entirely and it got mixed up with this one. It'll be introduced later, not now.
The price of a 3-month membership is 12.99 USD for this month and for the next two months.

So yeah, if you take that, you'll be left with 37.01 USD.

I mean imagine that you have to pay 25 USD to actually then get to buy the Premium Membership and pay for it monthly? Damn, no one would buy that game out of pure spite alone. x)
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You just made me notice something actually. The 25 USD was for something else entirely and it got mixed up with this one. It'll be introduced later, not now.
The price of a 3-month membership is 12.99 USD for this month and for the next two months.

So yeah, if you take that, you'll be left with 37.01 USD.

I mean imagine that you have to pay 25 USD to actually then get to buy the Premium Membership and pay for it monthly? Damn, no one would buy that game out of pure spite alone. x)
I think here is another spot of confusion. The threadmark says, that it's 38,97 billed every 3 months. Is that overruled with this WoG? Is it possible to get the prices fixed in the threadmark, to avoid said confusion?

Also, what are our prospects of getting more money to spend on Yggdrasil? 50 USD more every month? Every year? No more money ever?

If our "Income" is low, I would like to save our money, and buy the premium membership later when we have the game knowledge, tools and focus to utilize it properly. At low levels 30% coins is worse than spare change. Our time is also spent in large parts traveling and gathering information, which wastes the premium exp. bonus. If our "Income" on the other hand is high, spend away!

Edit: making sense
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I think here is another spot of confusion. The threadmark says, that it's 38,97 billed every 3 months. Is that overruled with this WoG? Is it possible to get the prices fixed in the threadmark, to avoid said confusion?
What are you talking about? The threadmark is this 'The Ancient Tomb and the Ghostly Forests - Part 1' which has no relation to the Premium Membership.
If you take the 3 months one, you'll spend 12.99 USD per month which is a total of 38.97 USD. When those 3 months end, you no longer have a Premium Membership unless you pay for it again for a total of 3 months, 6 months or 12 months or 1 month depends on what you want.
Basically, you have to pay a certain amount based on how long-term your plan is. There is a discount for each step.
That's how P2W normally works.

As for your income, you have a job as a cashier in a mall. You have 20 USD per hour and you work for 6 hours each day with only Sunday as a holiday. That's 120 USD per day and approx 3600 USD per month. You can't spend all of that on YGGDRASIL, tho. You have your food, electricity and daily-live expenses, that's going on in the background and it wouldn't really be shown apart from usual mentions of it, this is a quest about YGGDRASIL, not a dystopian everyday future life, after all. Anyway, that leaves you with around 50 to 70 USD on anything you want to spend on.
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What are you talking about? The threadmark is this 'The Ancient Tomb and the Ghostly Forests - Part 1' which has no relation to the Premium Membership.
If you take the 3 months one, you'll spend 12.99 USD per month which is a total of 38.97 USD. When those 3 months end, you no longer have a Premium Membership unless you pay for it again for a total of 3 months, 6 months or 12 months or 1 month depends on what you want.
Basically, you have to pay a certain amount based on how long-term your plan is. There is a discount for each step.
That's how P2W normally works.

As for your income, you have a job as a cashier in a mall. You have 20 USD per hour and you work for 6 hours each day with only Sunday as a holiday. That's 120 USD per day and approx 3600 USD per month. You can't spend all of that on YGGDRASIL, tho. You have your food, electricity and daily-live expenses, that's going on in the background and it wouldn't really be shown apart from usual mentions of it, this is a quest about YGGDRASIL, not a dystopian everyday future life, after all. Anyway, that leaves you with around 50 to 70 USD on anything you want to spend on.
Are you sure we need to eat? I mean, we could buy food or we could buy another spin on the gacha. If we only eat twice a day, we could probably save another $50 a month.

Problem? I don't have a problem, you have a problem!
Are you sure we need to eat? I mean, we could buy food or we could buy another spin on the gacha. If we only eat twice a day, we could probably save another $50 a month.

Problem? I don't have a problem, you have a problem!
You can do that if you want, add it in as a write-in when you have the opportunity to do so. :V
Karen, however, despite her love for video games, she doesn't love them that much as to cut on her living conditions and comfort so as to spend more money on a game. x)
So unless, its a direct vote from the players, Karen wouldn't really do that.
What are you talking about? The threadmark is this 'The Ancient Tomb and the Ghostly Forests - Part 1' which has no relation to the Premium Membership.

I was talking about the chart at the end of the voting section of said threadmark, which seems to a casual observer to have relation to the Premium Membership. Quoted here for reference:

1 MONTH $14.99 / MONTH
3 MONTHS $12.99 / MONTH $38.97 billed every 3 months
6 MONTHS $11.99 / MONTH $71.94 billed every 6 months
12 MONTHS $9.99 / MONTH $119.88 billed every 12 months

The confusion comes from the term "billed every 3 months", which would imply that we get (and pay) a bill once every 3 months, not once every month. Contrast with "$38.97 total" or even "$38.97 every 3 months". Many games have one-off payments for longer duration instead of monthly payments, and this chart doesn't make it clear which one is meant.

This is important for us, because we can't afford one-off payments longer than 3 months, as Random Member noted in his vote. I'd also like to point out he also interpreted this chart wrong (that makes 2/2 voters thus far).

I wouldn't have stuck on this detail (as you cleared it in a WoG), except that you asked me a question ("What are you talking about?"), and earlier in the thread asked me to point out unclear mechanics.
[X] Approach them
-[X] Friendly

Eh, early Premium isn't that useful. We save up a bit then buy the GOOD premiums
[X] Approach them
-[X] Friendly

[X] Buy Premium Membership in YGGDRASIL for
-[X] 12 Month

Little reason not to have permament premium membership. WoG implied that we have an income of 50-70 USD/month for use in hobbies (Yggdrasil). Membership is ~10 USD/month, paid monthly. The exp boosts, while not optimal at this point, are still worth it IMO, especially because we will have loads of money to burn in the cash shop anyway. Shortening all grinding time by 9% will add up even in the first month.

How do mounts work in Yggdrasil? We have a lot of money, and shortening traveling time is gonna pay dividends fast.
[X] Approach them
-[X] Friendly

[X] Buy Premium Membership in YGGDRASIL for
-[X] 12 Month
How do mounts work in Yggdrasil? We have a lot of money, and shortening traveling time is gonna pay dividends fast.
They make your travel time around the map much faster. Each realm in YGGDRASIL is at least three times the size of Tokyo. That's absolutely massive. It depends on the mounts as to how quick they are.
The time spent on traveling around and playing on the game is subjective(aka decided by me). Karen at some point has to stop playing, go to her job, her real life which I will skip over apart from a few mentions of it. So, if the distance is long enough, it may take two or three sessions to reach that destination. Mounts serve to drastically shorten that time.

There are mounts that F2P players can get with in-game currency, generally a horse, they can get other neat mounts and if they play them well, they can rival P2W mounts. You need to be a bit meticulous tho.
Premium players can get all mounts through the premium shop. Not all that there is in the game, of course. There are a few unique ones both Premium and F2P players can get through quests and exploration by discovering a unique beast and taming it.

Devs try to not put too much of a gap between F2P and Premium players since YGGDRASIL is a PvP heavy game. Of course, the latter got a lot of benefits but the former can get it too if they grind a little bit more, not all but the majority. Premium players do get some neat features for them and them only. Devs got to encourage more people to spend on the game after all.

It's a steady balance, they have to keep.
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[X] Approach them
-[X] Friendly

A bit nervous about meeting new People while being outnumbered and somewhere where PvP is normal.
But we have to talk with People at some Point so let's hope for the best.
We still have a low Level so it's not like we would loss much.