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Okay... while I know that it would be dangerous, that it would be utterly, utterly dangerous and that there's little time left to recoup losses and that it would definitely be a hard target to face... I kinda want to invade The Reef. (And not just because I came up with the idea.)

It's perfect training for what lies ahead, against the many daemon worlds that would be faced and encountered. Of a battle in the Warp. Of a world fortified well already, in ways perhaps only possible with manipulations of the Warp, and prepared to fight with whatever power they have against the Astartes. Of taking a twisted world that itself might itself fight or break as the battle goes on.

It's madness. It might go bad. The rift might close, even if the Storm Seers try to hold it open. It might even be where the Mitu really show off how powerful they truly are, what wondrous nightmares of flesh and Warp technology can achieve in a realm beyond the Materium.

But it is something that could be grand, could immensely help with not only the White Scars and Iron Warriors with all the information that this could bring but even the already heavily experienced Eternal Wardens as they face a threat connected with the Warp on a way even they have not managed yet, but oh so soon will face in great numbers and ferocity. There could be Mitu technology to find and take, even more than what the recovered Mitu ship can bring. There would be confirmation that Chaos would never take with these creatures, or that they would survive in any other way, and that they would be dead for good. It would grant experience, knowledge and traits to those that survive this nightmare fortress that could prove vital to the coming Maelstrom War, especially as they share whatever needs to be known and taught.

This Reef might belong only to the horrors a mind could conjure as it feverishly dreams of horrors in the abyssal depths, but the Eternal Wardens gaze into the abyss and brings its end. They never blink in the face of the Warp, their eyes glare with steel as the daemons cower.

also i gotta admit the idea of a big battle in such a location just sounds fuckin' awesome and i totally wanna see how that goes

[X] Order the Wardens forward. The Reef will be the Imperium's. Expect heavy casualties.
Ya know... that whole reasoning was really intricate but that last bit though....that ruined it.
Hey guys? Can we afford to slow our snowballing growth a little to get Arbelis built back up? Right now I think they count as barely better then tribal tech level but getting them up to a really high standard of living would be nice to read about. Getting their infrastructure up to date and returned to a state of self sufficiency in one year after the compliance would be amazing to read about. That and likely create some die hard level loyalty.
Hey guys? Can we afford to slow our snowballing growth a little to get Arbelis built back up? Right now I think they count as barely better then tribal tech level but getting them up to a really high standard of living would be nice to read about. Getting their infrastructure up to date and returned to a state of self sufficiency in one year after the compliance would be amazing to read about. That and likely create some die hard level loyalty.

We can't even afford actions to improve our own planet... what makes you think we'll be able to improve this one? Best we can do is fluff sending stuff there to speed it up. But we can't exactly take any actions at all to improve the planet. We have to many plates we're trying to keep spinning and balanced. Maelstorm ritual, Witch Hunters, Night Watch, Primarch issues, our own research that we dropped, the Rune Planet, etc... Also Gehenna station.
Seems to me all the Primarchs are hyper-busy, yup-yup.

We didn't seem this busy until after Chaos tried to murder us (again) back on Aleph. Now? I think an hour of Kesar's free time is something half the Imperium would fight a bidding war over (and a quarter might fight a real war over it).
[X] Order the Wardens forward. The Reef will be the Imperium's. Expect heavy casualties.

I think there is reason/motivation to take it on the basis of it being training for the Maelstrom, is that correct @Daemon Hunter ? Cause otherwise yeah I have to question why we would be going there at all or Ori remotely considering doing so.
I do not think it is necessary we have great possibilities of demon worlds this year because of the proximity to the maeltrom for the training,Daemon said so. Besides that we cannot afford the losses and this is obviously a trap.
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Seems to me all the Primarchs are hyper-busy, yup-yup.

We didn't seem this busy until after Chaos tried to murder us (again) back on Aleph. Now? I think an hour of Kesar's free time is something half the Imperium would fight a bidding war over (and a quarter might fight a real war over it).

At this point I'm considering the viability of investing in the creation of a set of second generation primarchs based around slightly different concepts to act as more general purpose uplift co-ordinators.
At this point I'm considering the viability of investing in the creation of a set of second generation primarchs based around slightly different concepts to act as more general purpose uplift co-ordinators.
It's not that simple. They wouldn't be Primarchs, they'd just be maybe some kind off-brand transhuman, which has its own problems. Emps didn't want to mass produce super-computer thinkers since then the variables for controlling/predicting them throws his math off-kilter.

And he can't make literally more Primarchs since that involves warp-smithing, has Chaos-related dangers which are even more obvious to him now than they were before, and he already cleaved all of those Concepts away from his warp signature and gave them to his first batch, leaving only the absolutely essential components he has Warp Archetypes for.
We can't even afford actions to improve our own planet... what makes you think we'll be able to improve this one? Best we can do is fluff sending stuff there to speed it up. But we can't exactly take any actions at all to improve the planet. We have to many plates we're trying to keep spinning and balanced. Maelstorm ritual, Witch Hunters, Night Watch, Primarch issues, our own research that we dropped, the Rune Planet, etc... Also Gehenna station.

That's because it is already maxed out from my understanding. This one though just got wrecked back to feral from what I can tell.
Hey guys? Can we afford to slow our snowballing growth a little to get Arbelis built back up? Right now I think they count as barely better then tribal tech level but getting them up to a really high standard of living would be nice to read about. Getting their infrastructure up to date and returned to a state of self sufficiency in one year after the compliance would be amazing to read about. That and likely create some die hard level loyalty.

I'm afraid not. Between the Ritual and the Great Crusade in general I'm afraid that anything we do to help them will be at the expense of the Imperium in general. Slowing down the Crusade, sending them resources, even just spending a few hours of Kesar's time.

If it helps....at least the Mechanicus will uplift them. Make sure they're not too low-tech, and it'll start automatically upgrading them further as time goes on.

(Though, it might be possible to get a Proto Hero or small-scale tech group for these situations.)

It's not that simple. They wouldn't be Primarchs, they'd just be maybe some kind off-brand transhuman, which has its own problems. Emps didn't want to mass produce super-computer thinkers since then the variables for controlling/predicting them throws his math off-kilter.

And he can't make literally more Primarchs since that involves warp-smithing, has Chaos-related dangers which are even more obvious to him now than they were before, and he already cleaved all of those Concepts away from his warp signature and gave them to his first batch, leaving only the absolutely essential components he has Warp Archetypes for.

You know, while we can't get actual Primarchs made it might be possible to elevate an Astartes/normal human. Pull a Magnus, as it were.

Sadly, however, we don't really have anything that'd allow something like that. Whether that be unlocking genelocking, hyler-advanced Biomancy, amazing augments, DAoT stuffs, Alpharius blood hacks, ect.
I honestly believe that we should see normal genetics and augmentations that we can give to mortals after the ritual.
the basics: increased lifespan, disease resistance and maybe maybe increased strength, speed and reaction times for the night watch or the imperial army. you know basic stuff.
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I'm afraid not. Between the Ritual and the Great Crusade in general I'm afraid that anything we do to help them will be at the expense of the Imperium in general. Slowing down the Crusade, sending them resources, even just spending a few hours of Kesar's time.

If it helps....at least the Mechanicus will uplift them. Make sure they're not too low-tech, and it'll start automatically upgrading them further as time goes on.

(Though, it might be possible to get a Proto Hero or small-scale tech group for these situations.)

You know, while we can't get actual Primarchs made it might be possible to elevate an Astartes/normal human. Pull a Magnus, as it were.

Sadly, however, we don't really have anything that'd allow something like that. Whether that be unlocking genelocking, hyler-advanced Biomancy, amazing augments, DAoT stuffs, Alpharius blood hacks, ect.
Thankfully I'm not asking for any of that I literally just asking for it to be made a higher priority than others in our domain.

You know. The uplift section?
Alright, Omakes for today. First up is a continuation of the Pert negaverse. Just got to say that the second quote was just amazing. Also, the cypher where you explained Pert just wants to retire to a nice house was great. I fully agree with it, and I imagine that one day maybe he'll have a chance to do so. As for your reward:

Glad you liked, as yeah, I didn't know that Lorgar had sent more people to mess with Perty's homeworld in order to get it to rebel and him to cross the line, which puts Pert's turning to chaos right up there with Magnus in the "Not of his own will/desire to betray" tragic fall through Othellan mishaps and self-flaws. The retire to a house thing is something I admittedly lifted from the Robouttian heresy but I have to agree that it fits pretty well imo for what his actual goals were.

For the reward, we will STACK THAT CR UNTIL IT'S TOO DAMN HIGH!

[X] +10% to the Iron Warriors's CR training in Year 30

Next up is a Vulkan negaverse, and let me say that I really enjoyed reading this. The incorporation of your letter from Kesar into it was great, and I could feel the frustration in the playerbase. It fits what I'd expect from them, and the inclusion of the extra action mention in it fit very well. As for your reward:

Figured this would make a good combo and I channeled some IRL frustration at things to ensure that the thread was salty but not too vicious unlike some threads on here I could name when things don't go well >.> (sheesh, never seen a quest shut down to hypocritical rabid mass murdermongering like that before yeeesh.) As for the reward, let's spread the extra action love to Konrad now, he needs it.

[X] Konrad gains an extra action in Year 30

Then we have a hilarious omake of Leman and Zunia's continued sitcom. You know, I'd read a book just about their interactions. For the omake, I really enjoyed it. It fits perfectly with their characters, and the skepticism of Leman would definitely be understandable albeit annoying. Capturing that in Zunia was great, and thankfully for my sanity, she didn't repeat this on her next task. As for your reward:

Hehehe as I reread the related Omakes I realized that Zunia even set herself up for it by claiming how far down the rot was when they'd need to wipe everything out to start over, so she was literally hoist on her own petard. I'll have to reference it in the next omake, as for the choice, we gotta speed it up at least a little the next project I mean, so that she can reclaim her title of "She who makes Primarchs feel slow paced.".

[X] -3 years to Zunia's next task (Implementing Changes Based on Areas of Improvement. 5 Years of Work)

Well, I can also completely agree that I never actually expected you to pick 35 worlds. However, you guys did come up with a pretty good plan, and one I didn't expect. Also, can I just say that this quote is amazing? "Sorta, his rolls helped but it was Leman's nat 100 that got her on board, and she'd probably have strong words, with punchy vowels, if you called her "Leman's squeeze." I imagine." It's just absolutely glorious. As for your reward:

Hehehehe I had waaaay too much fun with those myself, and yeah, I wasn't the first person to pick the 35 world option but I couldn't resist seeing if we couldnt' bring in the WS especially after we found out how high they were on the CR scale *without* the help we gave the DG. Seems to be paying off in the short term. As for the reward...Big E needs all the help he can get.

[X] +10 to the Emperor's next social roll


Also, in regards to the Arbellis question: We *do* have a system in place for uplifting and improving the worlds in our area of control, but due to the removal of the production system it became by and large a narrative effect, so they'll get veddy good aid, we just have too much on our plate to personally direct it.
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Thankfully I'm not asking for any of that I literally just asking for it to be made a higher priority than others in our domain.

You know. The uplift section?

Basically what argentus said, sadly. Fluff-wise they'll receive a ton of help from the Mechanicus and the Imperium in general. But to do so.ething absolutely miraculous like compete fix their tech/radiation problem in a single year we'd likely need direct intervention which just can't be given when the Ritual is still looming over us.

Speaking of: in regards to the Mitu situation...why don't we just bomb it? Like, it should be relatively easy to shoot a few torpedoes through the entrance, and thus wipe out the for without needing to risk them potentially coming back out of the Warp to wreck havoc or vengeance against the Imperium.
I mean, said it here and in the discord (and also trying to get WoG on the matter, but the Mitu Pocket Dimension world is a good example of the sort of hell worlds we'll be invading so...head start on prepping for the ritual war and methods while we're at full capacity and able to recover rather than more losses during the war itself.
[X] Order the Wardens forward. The Reef will be the Imperium's. Expect heavy casualties.
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We're at max capacity for the Legion, this and next year are expressly 'prep for the ritual war' in terms of focus, and the better we are now the less losses we'll take then when we most need them. I know it's dangerous and risky but at this point we need to bleed so we don't die. Oricarius and by extension Daemon wouldn't have us do it if we didn't have a good chance to pull it off. This is Ori that is leading it as well, so I trust him to be able to handle it and get sufficient value from it.

I also want to point out the Mitu are one of the premier chaos psyker xeno races we've ever encountered even in canon, and there's a chance we could be giving them the time to make another way out if we just starve them.

it is very themetic in 30/40k for enemies that aren't personally defeated to come back stronger or more vicious and I'd rather not have the Mitu be included in that.
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[X] Order the Wardens forward. The Reef will be the Imperium's. Expect heavy casualties.

There's a not insignificant chance that they'll be able to bridge the gap back to the Materium if we just leave them in there. Plus, as argenten just said, we're currently able to get beyong max capacity before the Ritual. Even if we lose a third, or potentially even half, of our forces there in the pocket dimension we'll still be able to reach that number. Which, while fine considering how long it'll take to rebuild after the Ritual takes place, is ultimately pointless if we expect thousands of survivors anyway.

Plus? Good training is good training, and we've had too many casual, measured responses leading up to the Ritual. From not giving up our Socials, but giving up research, to trying to step in for Pertuabo and the Khan. If we want to get out of the Ritual, and minimize losses while doing so, we're going to need to train like our lives depend on it. Because for millions...it does.
To quote one of the greatest TV shows and characters, Omar Little, as to why taking the time to fight in this Warp Rift is necessary: "How you expect to run with the wolves come night when you spend all day sparring with the puppies?"

You gotta step your game up when you are dealing with bigger and worse threats down the line.

@Daemon Hunter At the very least, you can use that quote for Leman Russ for when he likely explains any reasoning for going hardcore with "training" or finishing off tough opponents.
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