Flagship Name

  • Spirit of Fire

    Votes: 21 47.7%
  • Vigilance

    Votes: 23 52.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I thought we quit SV Rolling, lol. Since it's responsible for the original bad luck.

Edit: I see Daemon came and gave his say. Nevermind
Alright rolls. Some Space Wolves that are corrupted are found, but the number is far below last year's, and it has dried up in recent months. For the AI, things went poorly. However, Oriacarius, Pert, and Otto manage to salvage the situation, and the Space Wolves do not lose massive numbers. Instead, the Iron Warriors lose some ships. Progress is still made however, albiet at high cost. The Night Watch perform decently, but their lack of training shows. The snipers are found and purged, a few Sergeants died, but nothing of importance. Also, Thrawn is caught. With Oriacarius' reroll, that means only limited losses occur.

Searching The Space Wolves: ???? + 40 (Thousand Sons) + 20 (Bader) + 20 (Counter Security Teams) + 20 (Telepaths) + 10 (Omake, not actually given yet) + 10 (Ever Vigilant, Ever Watchful) = ????
Cultists: ???? + ???? = ????

The Fleet Actions: 54 + 60 (Pert) + 40 (Iron Within) + 10 (Otto, halved due to supporting) + 10 (Omake, not actually given yet) = 174 – 20 (Limited Boarding Actions) + 10 (Altered Stance) = 164
The Boarding Actions: 4 61 + 40 (Leman) + 40 (Wolves) + 10 (Otto, halved due to supporting) = 151 + 30 (Limited Operations) = 181
The AI: 91 + 60 (Unending Numbers) + 30 (Defenses) = 181

Night Watch Spec Ops: 49 + 70 (Night Watch) – 60 (Quarter Trained) = 59
Cerub: Auto fail.

Finding the Snipers Undel: 48 +20 (Astartes) + 20 (Scouts) + 20 (Alpha Legion Trained) + 20 (Telepaths) + 20 (Imperial Army Assistance) + 20 (Raven Guard) = 168
The Snipers: 39 + 40 (Elites) + 60 (Terrain) + 20 (Home Turf) = 159
Sniper Ambushes: 11 + 40 (Elites) + 40 (Terrain) + 20 (Home Turf) + 20 (Prepared Positions) = 131
Wardens: 48 + 20 (Astartes) + 45 (Legion Combat) + 16 (Anti-Daemon Bonus Translation) + 20 (Imperial Army Assistance) = 149

Capturing Thrawn: 32 + 300 (Assassin Temple) – 100 (No Easy Access) – 60 (No Informant Network) + 40 (???) – 40 (Take Him Alive) – 100 (None Can Know) = 72
Thrawn: 13 + ??? = ???

Edit: Forgot about Oriacarius' rerolls.
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Rolling Policy
Rolling Policy

I will only accept rolls from Discord, and the Rolz Room, although I prefer Discord. Also, no rolls that I do not explicitly ask for will be counted. I will still make offscreen rolls, and some rolls will remain hidden.

Edit: From June 25, 2020 onwards I'll ask that rolls be claimed in advance before they are rolled. Effectively say something like "Rolling" before you actually roll the dice when done on Discord. I'll be pretty lax in general with this rule when doing 1 or 2 rolls, but when I do a bunch I'd appreciate it if it's followed.
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something aint right...we need him either dead or killed NOW, guys like thrawn don't give up suddenly unless they have a back-up plan...most likely some form of a advantage...I don't trust this.
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