Flagship Name

  • Spirit of Fire

    Votes: 21 47.7%
  • Vigilance

    Votes: 23 52.3%

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Well, the main issue I see is that the Valhallan government would have been massively antagonistic towards them, to the point of extermination. As such, I don't see them not falling to Chaos if they were present.

i mean to say they remain outside hivecities, the government is far too busy with actual daemons than the seafolk, well it is up to you. in that case give me [] One time boost of 1000PP
It depends really. For most, the Legion combat has a soft cap of +50. For Last Stands, that soft cap is +100. It can vary however.

I was hoping we cold have soft caps listed somewhere so we could compare them to our current actual scores on the legion state sheet. With that kind of information we would be rather better informed on how our legion stands compared to late game entities.and therefor make more appropriate decision's.
I was hoping we cold have soft caps listed somewhere so we could compare them to our current actual scores on the legion state sheet. With that kind of information we would be rather better informed on how our legion stands compared to late game entities.and therefor make more appropriate decision's.

Well, I would prefer not to do that since I want to avoid metagaming. Also, I am still playing around with numbers for other soft caps to see if they makes sense.
Oh that's nice. We got a 3.1% increase in our PP from techs. From 3 different 1% increases.
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look at new legion stats, it will take us roughly 6 years to regain our lost strength, barring additional losses
Depends on what is considered to be "regained our lost strength" if its getting to 100,000 members, that'll probably happen in 3 years after our Astartes Genome tech is completed and counted in, since it'll likely increase recruitment rates by 3,000 a year. Add in regularly increasing the number of nursing stations and genetic monitoring facilities every year, and it'll increase further. It'll be pretty easy to spend 900 PP a year and get 300 additional astartes recruited a year. Which isn't a whole lot on its own, but over the years will add up quite quickly.
I have been gone for like two days I come back and see all these omakes and chapters.....man I missed a lot.
Emps Fails Three Social Checks in a Row
I really hate Kesar's armour lmaoooo Like really, there's no extra like emo primarch extra. Can you imagine having to re-carve every scribble after every battle while on the Great Crusade? Hopefully Kesar takes it as incentive to get better so he doesn't have to re-do all of it every battle.

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doh! we could have tried asking Dorn to invite Pert to build up Cadia with him, emps never said dorn could not ask for 'help'
I don't know about anyone else, but I can't see whatever image that was supposed to be. Also, if it wasn't Warhammer I'd agree with you, but the Warp makes stuff like that actually beneficial. Well, see it now.
Haha, I memed it so I had to draw it. I'm not sure what's up with the SV media insert but the media insert goes shifty if you put it under spoiler. I've removed it now but it's a bit big. If it's annoying just lmk and I'll uhh, figure something else out. Image quality on SV is pretty bad but you can click through and see the painstakingly drawn scribbles on Kesar's armour on imgur.

Edit: tbc, I'm saying I hate the armour because drawing it hurt my hand. I'm sure Kesar is fine with it in that special emo "all these sons are dead" way.
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Haha, I memed it so I had to draw it. I'm not sure what's up with the SV media insert but the media insert goes shifty if you put it under spoiler. I've removed it now but it's a bit big. If it's annoying just lmk and I'll uhh, figure something else out. Image quality on SV is pretty bad but you can click through and see the painstakingly drawn scribbles on Kesar's armour on imgur.
I think you underestimate Primarchs. Things like making something like this should be easy for them.
Cybertron: History and Government Part One
Cybertron: History and Government Part One
Cybertron, is known as a seat of incredible technological might and one of the foremost Forgeworld of Imperium. It was formed during one of the earliest attempts of the Martian Mechanicum to reach out into the darkness during Old Night. While many such missions resulted in failure and many of the Mechanicum Sleeper-Arks were sundered or lost without trace, doomed before the Emperor's intervention to create the Navis Nobilite, the Martian expedition to Cybertron met with great success. However, taming the hostile world of Cybertron was not easy or quick, it took Martian expedition Centuries to solidify their control over Cybertron.

When the first exploratory probes arrived in its star system, the planet was a deceptive, calm green orb when scrutinized from orbit, but when the first colony ships crash-landed on the jungle planet and the colonists had no way to escape, they discovered themselves to have arrived on one of the harshest and most dangerous planetary ecosystems in the galaxy. The colonists only barely survived, holed up in their spacecraft against a living, besieging jungle, a battle for survival in which undoubtedly many of them died before they finally managed to learn enough about their new homeworld to survive, if not thrive, beneath its jungle canopies.

Five hundred years after colonist's arrival, eight nations were forged. At first, those cities had been cobbled together collections of scrap and scavenged parts. But they slowly expanded their reach and each became a continent-spanning superstate under the Leadership of its Founder. Currently, All of the Eight Nations regarded their Legendary Founders as holy avatars of Machine God's power. This esteem did not, unfortunately, promote international religious orthodoxy. The Founders were strongly passionate and opinionated and frequently disagreed on how best to serve the Great Maker or interpret the commandments of Machine Cult. As a result, the middle period of Cybertron's history was marked by episodes of violent religious conflict. Eventually, both Estasia and Gulak were almost destroyed in the fighting. Saboteurs even managed to damage the core of the metropolis of Lux.

At this point, the rulers of several of the nations feared that religious conflict would continue to worsen and might eventually endanger their survival in Cybertron. Diplomats from Assyria, Khotan, and Babylon worked to assemble representatives from every nation, and in 26M, a general conclave was held in Assyria. It lasted three years and saw wide-scale codification of Cybertron's cultural structure. The general Khotan model was adopted, with refinements. The bevy of various national Elevated equivalents, including Babylon's Administrate, were reorganized into the Tripartite. A few oddities, such as the Militate, remained, but for the most part, Cybertron was much more orthodox than it had previously been. Near-uniformity of social structure did not lead to uniformity of religious doctrine, but it did create enough of a common core of religious belief that divergence between the faith of different nations could be the subject for heated debate more often than outright conflict. While the following centuries were not peaceful, neither were they as tumultuous as those that had preceded them.

Cybertronians are assigned a social caste shortly after birth. Without exception, caste assignment is permanent; though there is substantial mobility within the ranks of a caste. Once, each of the Eight Nations used different social classifications, but after a series of devastating wars and international incidents, the social strata of the nations were standardized at the Grand Conclave. Though there are some slight deviations even in the modern day, the following social castes exist across the Octet.

The Workers makes up 90 percent of the Eight Nations' population. These workers carry the fate of the Octet upon their backs; by the sweat of their brows and breath of their prayers, the Machine God lives on. Cybertron's culture is ultimately oriented around efficiently harnessing and directing the vast labor force of the Workers. Most members of this caste are laborers, the backbone of Cybertron: the skilled and semi-skilled workers who toil in the factories and furnaces of the Eight Nations, from the lowliest lever-puller to the most exactingly trained Archmagos.

Most of the industrial output in Cybertron flows from laborer's hands. They create the many tools and items necessary for basic Cybertronian life—wrenches, hammers, clothing, homes. Those incapable of the strenuous work required of laborers are made aides. Aides hand out tools at the beginning of shifts and collect them when the shifts are done. They count stock, clean factories, and carry messages. A worker is usually made an aide due to age, injury, or pregnancy, and so the position is not generally stigmatized. An aide who appears outwardly young and healthy will raise questions and suspicions, however. The other major role of aides is to work in the crèches of Cybertron, to raise and educate the young. Standard dress for the Workers consists of color-coded tops, slacks and sometimes caps made of artificial textiles; the color arrangement indicates an individual's job and rank. Clothing is mass-produced and generally discarded to be cleaned and reused; individuals rarely own personal clothing. More specialized gear is distributed and collected as needed.

Laborers who display excellence or organizational skill may become shift chiefs, tasked with overseeing and harnessing the labor of entire factory shifts. Depending on the job in question, a shift chief may oversee anywhere from 20 to 200 workers. Shift chiefs must not only have a keen eye for the work going on in their factory but an even stronger understanding of the people working for them. A shift chief is ultimately held responsible for his shift meeting quota and behaving responsibly, and so the best dedicate much of their time to increase productivity and morale among their workers. Thunderous work-songs often echo forth from the depths of Cybertronian factories, timed and toned to turn the ringing of hammers and the pumping of bellows into a kind of music.

Above a factory's shift chiefs stands its foreman, the man in charge of the overall productivity and well-being of a factory. Foremen usually leave the running of shift crews and personnel issues to their shift chiefs, instead of concerning themselves with the state of the factory itself. A foreman's job is to make sure that all shifts perform satisfactorily, that tools are not disappearing, that the entire factory is meeting quota, that the factory's machinery is well-maintained, and that their factory is coordinating with other elements of a city's industry—a factory that turns out brass tubing must, after all, be sure that it produces no more nor less than the other factories of the city need, and must communicate how much stock it requires to do its own work.

Supervisors work with foremen to oversee an entire sector of local industry, such as "tool production," "public sanitation," or "construction." Small towns may have as few as three supervisors, while the enormous metropolis of Thutot has 42. Most cities have about eight. Above all local supervisors, each town and city has a single director, responsible for all of the industry within that municipality. Directors live lives of luxury comparable to mid-ranked members of the Tripartite, but have little free time to enjoy their station; they work three shifts a day, almost every day. A sub-director works the two shifts the director is off-duty and is responsible for summoning the director in the case of an emergency. Directors are given a certain number of weeks of vacation time each year; while on vacation, a director is only obligated to work two shifts a day, ceding his usual third shift to the sub-director.
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A training day...with a surprise
A training day...with a surprise

On terra, Kesar was training alone, to hone his skills in one of the training grounds for he feel he could improve. While his was practicing his sword strikes, he noticed someone else coming to the training grounds. It was his brother, Angron, walking with his axe's and with a scowl on his face. He stoped for a second when he noticed Kesar was there, before he just grunted and began to swing his axes on a nearby training dummy.

Kesar did not know why, but he felt he should not say anything right now to him. So he just returned to practice he sword swings with a little more vigor. A few minutes latter he noticed Angron began to increase his swings speed and put a little power in each strike. Kesar for some reason began to put more effort in his sword strikes. Angron began to do so as well. They continued this for some time before later for some reason not know....they were sparring with each other. Kesar dodge a swing from Gorechild before sending a strike at Angron chest before it was blocked by Gorefother. Kesar knew Angron had more strength than him and his was not going all out! But for some reason, Kesar did not want to lose with out trying, so with quick speed he head butted Angron face, which stunned him giving him enough time to place his sword at his throat.....while Angron had both of his axe's near Kesar throat as well.

Both primarchs stood still looking into each other eyes neither moving....till Angron lowered his axe's and looked at Kesar with a scowl as Kesar lowered his sword. As they stood in silence, Angron looked Kesar in the eyes with the same scowl....but his eyes had a tiny look of respect and said,

"Not bad for a peace talker......but not good yet for fight with me..."

After saying that Angron walked away from the grounds and Kesar wondered with shocked look.....did he just get a compliment from Angron!? Maybe it was a insult on how like he does thing's but still....he just smiled and looked forward to facing him in a duel in the future and Angron taking him more seriously........as soon he lets those bruises and cracked bones he gotten get better.
Cybertron: History and Government Part Two
Cybertron: History and Government Part Two
According to Machine Cult Myth, Machine God handed down three sacred gifts to humanity which are Doctrine, faith, and tools. These inspired the organizational basis of the ruling class of Cybertron. The Olgotary oversees the governmental and bureaucratic necessities of each of the Eight Nations; the Theomachracy tends to the spiritual needs of the people, and the five Sodalities ensure that the sacred machinery of Cybertron continues functioning as it should.

Each Cybertronian town and city is overseen by a seven-member Tripartite Assembly consisting of one autocrat representing the Olgotary, one celebrant representing the Theomachracy, and a five-man Sodality Council formed up of the highest-ranking members of each of the five Sodalities. Tripartite Assemblies establish policy for their local municipality, settling issues by group vote. Each branch of the Tripartite has one vote, with the Sodality Council, jointly deciding how to cast its vote through a separate internal vote.

At the apex of Cybertronian society, there exists in each nation a single National Tripartite Assembly, based in the national capital and consisting of a grand autocrat, high celebrant, and Great Sodality Council. These powerful men and women set the course of their entire nation, deciding matters of national policy, diplomacy, trade, and war. The Olgotary is the ultimate secular authority of Cybertron, drafting and enforcing the laws of the Eight Nations. It is also the primary bureaucratic wing of the Tripartite, setting national policy in all matters of industry. Its authority is absolute save in matters of religion or the responsibilities of the Sodalities. The Olgotary is divided into four branches: plutarchs, regulators, adjudicators, and autocrats.

Plutarchs are the city planners, legislators, and clerks of Cybertron. Senior plutarchs and their staff of juniors draft new laws and revise old ones when necessary, set local and national production schedules and timetables to be handed down to directors and supervisors, and travel to other nations to act as diplomats. They consider themselves the most important branch of the Tripartite, believing that without the efforts of the plutarchs Cybertron would descend into chaos and anarchy overnight. Plutarchs dress in ornate, multi-layered togas of artificial leather when on the job and during formal occasions; the combination of color and trim describes a plutarch's function and rank.

Regulators are the law enforcement officers of Cybertron. They have the authority to detain and arrest any Cybertronian at any time, from the crudest Worker to members of the National Tripartite Assembly themselves; as a result, most Cybertronians regard the regulators with some measure of fear. Junior regulators patrol the towns and cities of the Octet, responding to disturbances and deterring crime with their simple visibility. More experienced or talented regulators may become detectives or covert intelligence operatives, investigating crimes or suspected criminal conspiracies both overtly and in secret; regulators are among the few Cybertronians permitted to disguise in order to gather undercover intelligence on members of other social castes. A few are assigned to the Division of Inward Justice, tasked with investigating their own fellow regulators. The manifest importance of Inward Justice's work does nothing to increase their popularity among their fellows.

Regulator uniforms consist of long coats of reinforced artificial leather with brass pins affixed to the left shoulder, and protective caps and visors. Inexperienced regulators carry some combination of a truncheon, short sword, and hand-held weapons, while their more senior brethren earn the right to carry and use peacekeeping tools of their choice, such as the braided cables favored by members of the Flashing Wire Collective.

While the plutarchs draft the laws of Cybertron, and the regulators catch criminals, the adjudicators enforce those laws. Cybertronians accused of crimes against the state are brought before an adjudicator or a panel of adjudicators, depending on the severity of their crime, their caste, and their status within that caste. The more powerful the individual and more terrible the crime, the greater the number and seniority of adjudicators called in to judge the case. Adjudicators are not simply the judges of Cybertron; they are also its juries and its executioners.

In addition to acting as the final judicial mechanism of Cybertron, the adjudicators are responsible for validating or rejecting new laws. Adjudicators are taught that laws must be fair, clear, and concise; when the pluarchs put forward proposed laws that fail to meet these standards, the adjudicators veto the law and send it back for an additional revision. Adjudicators dress in simple, severe togas of artificial leather, with no decoration to indicate rank. White togas are worn for most business, with black being reserved for executions and the formal return of rejected laws.

The Olgotary elects a single autocrat in each town and city of the Octet via secret ballot; length of the term varies from nation to nation, but six years is the average. An autocrat's job is generally to resolve disputes between branches of the Olgotary, provide leadership in times of crisis, and present the Olgotary's needs to the leadership of the other branches of the Tripartite. Each nation also elects a single grand autocrat, who performs tasks similar to those of his lesser brethren on a national level. Only a nation's grand autocrat may present a proposal of war or truce to the National Tripartite Assembly.
A training day...with a surprise

On terra, Kesar was training alone, to hone his skills in one of the training grounds for he feel he could improve. While his was practicing his sword strikes, he noticed someone else coming to the training grounds. It was his brother, Angron, walking with his axe's and with a scowl on his face. He stoped for a second when he noticed Kesar was there, before he just grunted and began to swing his axes on a nearby training dummy.

Kesar did not know why, but he felt he should not say anything right now to him. So he just returned to practice he sword swings with a little more vigor. A few minutes latter he noticed Angron began to increase his swings speed and put a little power in each strike. Kesar for some reason began to put more effort in his sword strikes. Angron began to do so as well. They continued this for some time before later for some reason not know....they were sparring with each other. Kesar dodge a swing from Gorechild before sending a strike at Angron chest before it was blocked by Gorefother. Kesar knew Angron had more strength than him and his was not going all out! But for some reason, Kesar did not want to lose with out trying, so with quick speed he head butted Angron face, which stunned him giving him enough time to place his sword at his throat.....while Angron had both of his axe's near Kesar throat as well.

Both primarchs stood still looking into each other eyes neither moving....till Angron lowered his axe's and looked at Kesar with a scowl as Kesar lowered his sword. As they stood in silence, Angron looked Kesar in the eyes with the same scowl....but his eyes had a tiny look of respect and said,

"Not bad for a peace talker......but not good yet for fight with me..."

After saying that Angron walked away from the grounds and Kesar wondered with shocked look.....did he just get a compliment from Angron!? Maybe it was a insult on how like he does thing's but still....he just smiled and looked forward to facing him in a duel in the future and Angron taking him more seriously........as soon he lets those bruises and cracked bones he gotten get better.
A bit short, but I liked this omake. The most impressive part about this is that Angron was able to restrain himself enough to not instantly body Kesar.
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