Force-Multiplier Technologies
Advanced Knowledge Implantation Chairs.
Callamus, like most of the Imperial successors, has found the majority of it's supply issues in the higher tiers of materials, but these materials cannot be produced by simply drowning the task in bodies, and require great technical knowledge and skill to craft. Servitors designed to fill this role were attempted, but it proved nearly impossible to make them sophisticated enough for even advanced materials, nevermind those for exotic weapons or to be used in relics. So, increasing the average skill of the common man was turned to. As the Mechanicus that remained in the fall of Mars and rise of monsters and war as the Black Imperium spread was centered heavily on Callamus, and the highly Progressive nature of the Callamus Mechanicus, with perhaps only the Secundus Mechanicus exceeding them, and only regarding xenotech, it was relatively simple to release higher sciences to the common people, especially because massive amounts of resources and effort were directed into achieving yet greater knowledge. The problem was teaching them, which was itself twofold. Firstly, the individualistic nature of people meant that a truly standardized regimen for teaching was impossible. Second, not everyone was mentally equipped to learn the sort of higher physics and technical knowledge necessary, especially for higher-end materials.
The advent of the Conclave and the technological exchange therein had offered a partial solution. The Knowledge Implantation Chairs, relics of the Dark Age, allowed skills and knowledge to be imparted directly into their user. While there were limitations on them to avoid disruption of one's sense of self, and how expensive they were limited them further to important roles such as doctors and military specialists, simply reducing the time and energy necessary to teach important soldiers and scientists their skillsets was a major boon. It came as little surprise when this was one of the first technologies to be researched for improvements once the upheaval from the deluge of petty STCs and subsequent restructuring of much of their industry and settlements ended, as a better educated workforce was more productive in every field.
The project was a collaboration between Archmagos Golin, who specialized in interfacing with machines and constructs that aided in this, and Archmagos Wyrin, who specialized in teaching, but had put aside the usual gaggle of apprentices following her to add her skillset to this. Over the course of 40 years, they came up with four designs, one of which was the Advanced Knowledge Implantation Chair. It had a number of safeguards built in to increase the amount of information an individual could be granted, both in the short-term and long-term, but could also 'teach' a dozen at a time, instead of the original machine's singular occupant. Of course, the price was 4 times as high, and, disregarding the greater number of simultaneous, users its performance was only about 30% better, but this did a great deal to increase the quality of the workforce meant to work on more advanced materials, especially when combined with the other three devices.
Simple Knowledge Implantation Chairs.
Where the Advanced Knowledge Implantation Chair quadrupled the cost in order to increase the performance and number of simultaneous users, the second of the machines sacrificed half of its performance to halve the cost and allow 2 dozen users. The original simply couldn't be used on menials with any frequency due to their cost and potential negative side effects. While this version had few safeguards against the latter, it was cheap enough and could imbue knowledge into enough people to be mass produced and be reasonably expected to rapidly return on the investment. Indeed, the average menial rose in skill by quite a bit, and so did productivity.
Mass Knowledge Implantation Chairs.
The third invention was essentially a method to rapidly implant information into the minds of the young, or to give tactical briefings in minutes that might otherwise have require most of an hour. While it cost twice what the original design did, in part because it had some of the Advanced Chair's protective features, it had a maximum occupancy of 100. Of course, it also lost the ability to convey more than a dozen pages of information to a person without a break, and no more than a hundred over the time the basic design could transmit a thousand. It also saw use in teaching the youngest menials basic sciences and math in their scholas, as the simple concepts could be implanted without difficulty even by this version of the chair and left little impact compared to major skills and complicated sciences, which left more time for conventional schooling of higher concepts, and identifying those with enough potential to be worth using the more potent chairs on.
Rapid Knowledge Implantation Chairs.
The last invention was meant to give crash courses. If major casualties were suffered in an assault and replacements needed to be deployed as soon as possible, this chair could be used to implant a month of the normal chair's information in a week. However, it was somewhat unstable, and carried a 1% risk of simply burning the user out. That might not sound like a great deal, but when the number of candidates for their use was usually somewhere in the thousands on any given day with multiple war fronts active at any given time, casualties started to appear fairly rapidly. Additionally, this chair cost 3.5 times as much as the original design and did not allow for more than one user. So it was only really used if the Battle Congregations had taken mass-casualties. It was by no means the assured early death of the Thunder Warriors, but they were used sparingly.
Mass Growth Vats.
While Knowledge Implantation Chairs were useful, the Biologis sect of the Callamus Mechanicus was more interested in increasing their numbers. Specifically, in streamlining the process of making Servitors to fill out their ranks. There was no such thing as too much allied chaff after all, but they'd been stumped on this for some time. To that end, they pored over the many, many STCs obtained in the Conclave for inspiration, and happened upon some medicinal compounds they felt would help. Essentially, the vat was filled with a sort of 'anti-Juve-nat' which led to rapid growth by rapidly aging the cloned Servitors and sliced the process of growing their bodies to a tenth of the old timeframe, though this merely halved the time taken by the actual process of making them. This could easily be scaled up for hundreds per vat, and soon entire complexes sprung up with this technique used to mass-produce the lesser variants of Servitors. Of course, the more heavily modified Servitors couldn't use this method reliably, but the common Gun or Construction Servitor was little more than a modified human body without any original mind to speak of, and so had no problems gathering the necessary nutrients form the soup of chemicals and nutrients they were made in.
High-Speed Djinn Skein Gladitoria.
Once their project involving the Knowledge Implantation Chairs was finished, Golin and Wyrin moved on to another. The Djinn Skein Gladitoria, instead of directly downloading knowledge and skills into the user, placed them in a simulation where they could acquire skills without actually risking their lives. While not a perfect simulation of real world combat, it was the fastest way for armies to gain practical experience without actual fighting. This variant was specifically designed for supersoldiers and others with extreme speeds and reactions times, tailored with a few different settings for those with merely a few steps above peak human, up to the level where even an experienced Astartes might have to put effort in. Certain pilots also used it for their fightercraft training, though it was generally of little use for the average soldier in any way that a normal Skein couldn't also do.
Cost-Cut Djinn Skein Gladitoria.
Where the original Skein involved the user being immersed in fluid, this one merely requires the helmet. However, this drastically dulled the simulated senses, cutting the benefits of the program by roughly 40%. On the other hand, the production costs were cut by 30% and the maintenance costs by 75%, due to how much less delicate parts needed checking over and the lack of a need to replace the fluid used in the base model. In theory, it could be used on the basic army of any major polity to increase their prowess, as the maintenance fees were so much lower. Additionally, modification of the speed of the simulation and of the machine itself opened doors for further modification.
Accelerated Djinn Skein Gladitoria.
This version was a simple but potent upgrade. 1 hour in real-time was 3 hours in the simulation. While twice as costly as the basic simulator, though only 20% more in maintenance, this was a game-changer. 3 times as many simulations could be run in the same time. While this wasn't a direct multiplier to skill as the Skein had limits, it did mean that the skill ceiling for troops rose quite a bit. Additionally, even Astartes could benefit, as they could accumulate sheer experience normally requiring decades in a few years.
Hyper-Accelerated Djinn Skein Gladitoria.
Taking lessons from the Rapid Knowledge Implantation Chairs, this version of the Djinn Skein Gladitoria could cram 24 hours into one, though it once again carried a flat 1% risk of burning out it's users for each subjective day they used it. It was also prohibitively expensive, costing 3 times as much as the already-expensive basic simulator and needing nearly 50% more resources invested into it's maintenance. However, being able to cram weeks of training into a day made it excellent for turning militia into hardened soldiers in an emergency, or taking a gamble on a talented youth and making them into an elite fighter with minimal actual combat.
Networked Cogitator.
While Golin and Wyrin worked on their mind-related projects, one Kiniola Laste worked to improve the basic Cogitator upon which so much of society depended. Working off the base of the Dark Age Cogitators from the Conclave, she did not attempt to directly improve them, instead she worked to make it easier to connect them and allow them to share processing power. Much of her efforts were focused on preventing this networking from leading to the emergence of Abominable Intelligence, mostly by preventing processing power or memory from diverging from it's tasks. However, the remaining 60% were focused on streamlining the connections between them, allowing Networked Cogitators to share information twice as fast and share processing power more efficiently because of it. Of course, the new variant of Cogitators are easy to link, but decoupling them without damaging at least one is nearly impossible in less than a day, so the bank can quickly become unwieldy. On the other hand, the connections are much less space and power intensives, cutting down somewhat on the maintenance costs.
While it once again required serious safeguards, this Cogitator was designed to provide enormous quantities of processing power, mostly due to being the size of a Titan, enough to manage calculations fit to single-handedly run a planet. However, it was enormously power-hungry, enough that even reactors meant to power a city struggled to fully satisfy it. Additionally, it was similarly enormously expensive, costing as much as the smallest of Hives. However, it could provide an astounding amount of administrative prowess to any world, simply outperforming organic counterparts. Resource output across the board increased 10% for the entire planet if one was made. One advantage of it's size was the fact that it was designed to have massive amounts of ceramite covering most of it, save a few air vents, meaning it was well-protected for a civilian target even without a guard.
How's this? I don't think we ever got Tranth to mess with the Chairs did we?