well....I mean, it does cost us a diplo action....but yeah I think its reasonable/worth it to try. even if its only on a crit-success and only grants like a 1% resistance....that would be worth it.
(honestly, I had been thinking that it would be giving us chaos resistance the entire time already.....I mean, it clearly hates chaos as it has programmed all its creatures to hate chaos AND it has given some/most/(all?) of its other creatures/projects resistance/immunity...so again, I'm really confused why it doesn't do this already?
why are we uniquely NOT getting chaos resistance? is there some kind of downside to it that we don't know about?
holy CRAP... what if its like the whole balance that bactaria have to "decide" on when it comes to immunity/resistance to anti-biotics and bactoiophases (a bactaria targeting virus)...they can pick one or the other.
if thats the case, WHAT THE CRAP is it more scared of then FRICKING CHAOS?