M-34 Although no once in a generation genius of warfare like her brother, Rahanra is highly competent at commanding others.
I-47 A necessity for the Yinnari, Rahanra has taken stealth to an extreme given where she frequently travels in his quest.
A-14 Not a priority for her, Rahanra prefers to rely on her companions in this regard.
L-49 Few have plumbed the depths of the black library so deeply.
D-12 Acerbic and acid-tongued, Rahanra's long illness has left her grim and fatalistic, although with occasional bursts of wit.
P-48 Despite the dire hand dealt to her, Rahanra's will is strong, and her faith in the Gods of the Eldar is amongst the strongest of her people.
C-4 (38): Without her power and the artefacts she has accrued Rahanra requires constant interventions of psycic power and medicine to remain alive never mind fight. With these, she is a decent, combatant by the high standards of her people.
Power-58 One of the strongest Eldar alive still enrobed in flesh.
Control: 59 With the skill and strength of will to marshal that power to herself.
Eldar: (+2 to all stats, +4I, +4C, 21 Power, *6 Power Multiplier): Farseer Rahanra is an Eldar, with the many advantages that entails.
Yinnari: (+3P, +3C, +1 all other stats) Farseer Rahanra is one of the Yinnari, the inheritors of an empire reduced to ash, determined to reclaim their right to be defenders of the Galaxy.
Farseer of the Yinnari: (+10Control, +10 Power, + 8P, counts as an expert in all basic traditions, counts as grandmaster diviner, +3 to all other stats) Rahanra Stardew has followed the path of the Farseer to its conclusion, and is capable of peering into infinity unafraid.
Body Broken: (-20 Combat, -200 in combat, halve health, increased trait gain, +30 to psycic powers) Even amongst the Eldar, some are simply born unlucky, and Farseer Rahanra is one of them. Born a cripple with even the most advanced techniques of the Eldar only able to alleviate, not cure her condition.
The Limits of Power: (+21 Power, Power multiplier changes to *432) At present the known limit that an Eldar can reach through training their innate psycic gifts is the level of an alpha plus. Although the potential rests within all Eldar, very few ever reach it, for it is a harrowing path that has killed many. Yet despite her frailty, Farseer Rahanra has successfully reached this summit.
Immensely Curious: (+5L, greatly increased trait gain) Bound to her bed as she was, Farseer Rahanra sharpened her mind on books from a young age, growing increasingly interested in the universe.
Genius: (+2 to all stats increased trait gain) her body maybe broken, but Farseer Rahanra has been gifted one of the greatest minds amongst the Yinnari.
Genius Psyker: (+3 Power, +5 Control, can roll twice on the miscast table and choose the result) Rahanra has learned from a young age to control her power with immense precision and is able to alleviate many of her mistakes.
A Fine Touch: (+5 Control, better at more subtle powers.) Able to use even her vast power with immense finesse, Rahanra is capable of intricate and stunning effects.
Anger of Gods: (+5 Power, better at large scale powers) When necessity calls and her anger is roused, Rahanra can burn worlds with her will alone.
Grandmaster of History: (+10L, +3M, +2 all other stats, almost impossible to be surprised by anything, chance to know even mysterious things) Farseer Rahanra has spent years within the histories of the Black Library and knows many secrets that should never be told.
Determined: (+8P, +100 to resist mental effects, +2 all stats, almost impossible to die, more likely to earn new traits) Despite her infirmity, Farseer Rahanra has never given up and is determined to prove herself equal to her sibling.
Chosen of Hoeth: (+7L, +5 Control, +4 Power, +2 all other stats, +100 to learn new information rapidly) A student of the avatars of Hoeth, the Eldar God of Knowledge and Wisdom, Farseer Rahanra has incorporated their teachings to discover new means of opposing the forces of darkness.
Chosen of Illeath: (+5I, +5 Control, +25 to Divination) A student of the Avatars of Illieath, Goddess of Dreams and Divination, Farseer Rahanra has become one of the best diviners of the Yinnari.
Wanderer Far from Home: (+4M, +4I, +4P +4 Control, +4 Power, less likely to die +100 to explore new areas.) Since shortly after she completed her training, Rahanra departed Commoragh with a small band of her fellows, following her divinations in innumerable paths, from the depths of the Crone worlds, to over the edge of the galaxy in search of relics of the Eldar, and secrets to destroy the forces of disorder.
Paragon of Divination: (+8M, +6I, +6C, +2 Power, +8 Control, +60 to Divination rolls, +15 to success chance of any re-roll always choose the highest when re-rolling, can provide one re-roll per flank in his theatre, can provide two re-rolls per turn to a battle he is involved in, always rolls twice and chooses for actions he and his unit take, can use divination in more situations, can provide two re-roll per year, has 50% chance of re-rolling crit fails, can re-roll successes) Farseer Rahanra is amongst the greatest diviners the Yinnari have ever produced, participating in many of their greatest endeavours such as the infiltration of Nurgle's domain.
Expert of the Sword: (+1M, +1I +30 to melee rolls) Although she has only had the Sword of Hoeth for a short time, Rahanra has rapidly learned how to use it.
Artefact: The Sword of Hoeth: (+10 to divination, +25 to all other psycic actions, reduces miscast chance, +35AP, *3 damage, halves impact of broken body.) Recovered from a long lost Eldar temple to Hoeth within the core of the Eye of Terror, this sword rested waiting for the Eldar to recover it for centuries. Within the hands of Rahanra it sings a song of death as she learns how to wield it properly, while the blade empowers her broken flesh reduceing the burden of her sickness. Perhaps most importantly, the sword acts as a key for many hidden caches of knowledge, burried by the priests of Hoeth in earlier ages, for fear that it maybe lost to the ages.
Artefact: Staff of Ilieth: (reduces miscast chance, +2 Control, hides Rahanra from hostile sight, halves impact of broken body.) Forged with the combined participation of the Avatars of Vaul and Illieath, this staff protects Rahanra from others and herself.
Paragon of Power: Burning Retribution: (All that attempt to interact with Rahanra's power are dealt with burning injuries, +100 to destroying wards and long-range scrying attacks.) Such is Rahanra's power that none can attempt to impede her without harm, while her sight, no matter how distant, acts as a conduit for her wrath.
Paragon of Control: Arcane Conduit: (Inexhaustible, capable of divining and pinpointing the weaknesses and strengths in psycic structures including powers, +50 to incorporating or creating countermeasures to said structures.) In her search for artefacts and power Rahanra became an expert at breaking open wards and incorporating what she has found. This, in turn, gave her a great ability to understand psycic structures of all kinds.
Paragon of Divination: A Path to Victory: (+25 to initiating a path of visions to follow. Gain +5 divination every subsequent vision, resetting when he initiates a new path.) As Rahanra focuses down on a path more and more her ability to parse the threads of fate around that goal grows ever greater, and with ever-increasing clarity, he moves upon his objective.