Omake: Excerpts from the Caverner's Gazette, Rumor Mill
Recent Rumor Roundup: Casaba out of Grunwald, Truths in Paramount,
written by Abraham DeGauss
Alright all my dearly devoted deep-delving double Avernites, my duty demands we discuss the latest dirt circulating the camp. And what rumor rumbling its way through us is more relevant than the recent revelations that roared their way out of Greenwald last month.
Lets get something out of the way first: Casaba Heidegger is not in his(her?) right mind. Or body. Avid Avernite's advice: avoid Greenwald. That said, (s)he(?) is possibly the most lucid human-hearted (and headed) hero to heave their way out of that hellhole, and his/(her?) testimony represents an intriguing insight into it. Seek them out if you wish, but be quick about it. Last I heard, they were requesting posting off world.
Here are the facts: on the third of March a celebrated cadre of characters, who will remain unnamed due to a certain curse*, found Casaba wandering a chamber connecting Paramount and Grunwald. After confirming that they were both human and relatively harmless, the gallant group guided Casaba back to Dis. Much to their surprise, at each parting of the path, Casaba insisted on providing Paramount's payment. Our tortured traveler's tour of truths tiered three and up**. Those truths were as follows:
1. Idlewild lies. (3)
2. Dr'viz has found his blade, Worldbleeder is denied its prize. (3)
3. The vaults are thrice spiralled, once by the Keeper, twice by its Takers. (4)
4. The Radiance has loosened their leash. (5)
5. In the valley there is a bog, in the bog there is a hole. In the hole there is a tree. On the tree there is a branch. On the branch a limb, on the limb a nest, in the nest an egg, on the egg a bird. One day the bird shall fly and the egg shall hatch and the nest shall sag and the limb shall bend and the branch shall break and the tree shall fall and the hole shall close and the valley shall be revealed. (4)
6. Silver shines in the dark, bound in black chains. (3)
Time for speculation:
The first two revelations are interesting, but obscure enough that they're hard to latch onto. There are already enough questions around Idlewild that this new treat fails to fascinate, and Dr'viz, his blade and Worldbleeder are all unknowns.
The canny caverner will take note of number three. The vaults have long been the subject of speculation and rumor regarding the Labrynthians. Everyone knows about the lesser vaults, those small caches of goodies that can be found dotted throughout the explored Labrynthians. No one thinks Casaba was speaking about those. That wouldn't rate a three, let alone a four. No, this has to be a reference to the Vaults, those mythical caches at the center of each Labrynthian.
As for the Keeper and its Takers? The cautious caverner takes in talking point four, correlates it with the increased incidents of Longfingers crawling their way out of Greenwald and comes to a certain conclusion: stay out of the Labrynthians. I know I intend to.
For the fifth, research reveals it refers to reference an ancient Terran tune. Why this rates as a secret of the world is subject to speculation. All I know is that I'm personally going full apocalyptic with my interpretation, as is my wont.
We all know what the sixth secret speaks of. We all wish we could share it with those sane enough not to dare the depths.
Until next time, your humble Servant
Abraham DeGauss
Author Profile: Abraham DeGauss is a rumormonger, a pompous ass, a deep delver, and a good researcher. You can trust their weekly column to delve into the truth behind the rumors that circle among us.
*Editor's Note: We're working on it, but the damn toad figured out we were getting sphinx help and upped the difficulty to compensate.
**Editor's Note: Reference Billing Chandra's in depth analysis of Labrynthian Paramount. Auction is currently pending quarantine.