1. unknown, probably badly
2. often but not always. it is also bad form to assassinate the president until the final year of his term when he is back on the campaign trail
1. unknown, probably badly
2. often but not always. it is also bad form to assassinate the president until the final year of his term when he is back on the campaign trail
We have a fair deal of industrial STCs from the Dark Age of Technology. While they're progressive and likely have a number of developments, we're likely better off overall from a tech standpoint. But they've had a lot longer to build the biggest Forges than we have, which gives them a big industrial advantage in terms of producing advanced tech at the least.
when they have to yes, however your Astartes are a lot lower quality on average then if you had taken the time to build your numbers, once he reaches his target of around 25k Julius will raise the entry level and focus on improving quality
I pop back into this quest every now and then to see how y'all are doing...but Durin, is this like... a civilization build kinda story, A 40k Epic? This quest has been going for so long man. It's practically a book. A very very interesting book.
Not really. While they could be harried a lot unless chaos can intercept while in warp they'd be able to flee...just with chaos literally right behind them.
We have a fair deal of industrial STCs from the Dark Age of Technology. While they're progressive and likely have a number of developments, we're likely better off overall from a tech standpoint. But they've had a lot longer to build the biggest Forges than we have, which gives them a big industrial advantage in terms of producing advanced tech at the least.
We have a fair deal of industrial STCs from the Dark Age of Technology. While they're progressive and likely have a number of developments, we're likely better off overall from a tech standpoint. But they've had a lot longer to build the biggest Forges than we have, which gives them a big industrial advantage in terms of producing advanced tech at the least.
when they have to yes, however your Astartes are a lot lower quality on average then if you had taken the time to build your numbers, once he reaches his target of around 25k Julius will raise the entry level and focus on improving quality
Shame, at least they have the tech advantage. Still, once Julius reaches 25k how long will it be before he founds a second Demi Legion if I may ask. And does he want a second world for said Demi legion?
I was going to argue about breaking the defences of the worlds they don't care as much about defending with massed steath ships hidden in their own territory to force through an exterminatus, or at least threatening to do so to force them to hold back forces to screen their worlds.
But after reading what's below I can't work up the gumption.
The Nexx
Chaotic Xenos Realm
Ruler: Unknown
Capital: Nexx
Size: 296 worlds
Estimated Population: unknown, at least 6 trillion
Distance to Imperial Trust: 450 Light years to Midgard (Descendit-East)
Military: unknown, at least hundreds of billions of Warrior Caste members
Estimated Fleet Turn: 20-50 Colony Ships (Dreadnoughts), 5,000 Capital Ships , at least 50,000 Escorts
The Nexx are a insectoid species that has only recently invented faster then light travel but had still conquered a entire sector using generation ships. The Nexx are an ancient species that the Imperium has known about for over five thousand years, but given that they were restricted to a single very heavily fortified system has never had the time and available forces to wipe out. This changed around fourteen hundred years ago when a Nexx worker caste inventor discovered a alternate dimension from which he could draw near infinite amounts of energy. The Nexx immediately began replacing their larger reactors with AD reactors and greatly increasing their technological level by brute force. Around three centuries later they built the first Nexx Colony Ship, a colossal generation ship capable of housing a billion Nexx for over a hundred years and reaching 0.8c due to conventional acceleration. Using these ships they slowly spread out over the surrounding regions, coming into conflict with the local Imperial Sector Fleet. While at first they were losing these conflict severely this changed with the death of the Emperor thirty years into the conflict, when the Imperial Sector Fleet was wiped out by the resulting warpstorms. The surviving Nexx, all three worlds of them immediately started going on the offensive, eventually conquering the entire sector. While in many ways this sounds like a normal post Imperial story it differing in one major aspect, the alternate dimension that the Nexx figured out how to draw power from was the Warp. According to Captain Julius it is not clear exactly when the Nexx started worshiping Chaos Undivided but it is clear that by the time of the Emperor's death it was their only religion. The Nexx Navy relies on slow, large warships with powerful but inefficient energy weapons and shields and are best deal with by boarding actions while their ground forces are mostly poorly equipped Chaotic levy's but have powerful superheavies.
The Nexx are now one of the most powerful united forces in your region, controlling entire sectors as they slowly expand using their primitive Warp Drives.
United Sectors of Amir-Ka
Democracy (Chaotic)
Ruler: President
Capital: Wa-Shi-Ton
Size: 435 Worlds
Estimated Population: 8 trillion
Distance to Imperial Trust: 400 Light years to Midgard (Autem)
The United Sectors of Amir-Ka is one of the most powerful polities in your region of the Segmentum, controlling over four entire sectors. Fortunately it is mostly inward looking, with its leaders being more concerned with internal politics then other powers. This is because it is run by that most strange of governmental systems, a democracy.
Amir-ka is led by a President who is elected once every decade by a vote of all citizens of the polity and whose power is restricted by both a constitution and by the power of the Council of Leaders, who are themselves elected by their own worlds. The Council of Leaders is split into five main political parties, the Nationalists, the Progressives, the Liberals, the Greens and the Conservatives. While the exact balance of power between the five is always changing generally a President will need the support of at least two of the major parties to win, and a third to govern.
While each of the parties seems to owe its allegiance directly to one of the Chaos Gods the conflict between them is rather tame, with there rarely being more then a few billions deaths in the campaign year leading up to a election.
Minor Imperial Remnants
Ruler: none
Capital: none
Worlds of Interest: Seriae, Thakomumcos, Agoria Cumulous
Size: 265 Worlds
Estimated Population: 4 trillion
Distance to Imperial Trust: 200-500 Light years to Midgard (all directions)
Military: estimated 400 billion PDF, 40 billion Guard, 400 million Elites, 10,000 Space Marines
Estimated Fleet Turn: estimated 5,000 Capital Ships , estimated 200,000 Escorts
There are a scattering of Imperial Remnants ranging between a single world and half a sector within five hundred Light Years of you, the largest mostly being Astates Protectorates and a single Mechanicus Domain. Most of these worlds are heavily fortified and protected by mighty warriors
I am very glad we started where we did, It is interesting that Dragon's nest is the most powerful Imperial remenant within 500 light years. Was it like this when we started, or did we fail to outreach hard enough and made everything worse?
I am actually stupidly pleased by the way that Agoria Cumulous survived and has become actually relevant.
When I was designing it I was trying my best to create something that could act in ignorance and still survive the mass corruption immediately following the Emperor's death, then have significant growth potential later on.
The way I hoped things would play out is that whichever sects of the Mechanicus and Imperial Cults were most vulnerable would fall, but their internal conflicts would prevent the corruption from spreading and their increasingly obvious state as being backed by cosmic horrors would unite everyone else against them, hopefully causing a widespread cultural backlash against the portions of Imperial Culture most likely to cause Abomination corruption, and possibly an adoption of local religions in part or in whole.
I hoped they would pull off all of this without crippling their potential for long term growth by fully destroying the Mechanicus and infrastructure that the Imperium brought in, so long as they avoided that the population remains essentially unkillable except by virus bomb or horrific planet corrupting sorcery, and able to exploit the moons and rings to industrialize.
And then there was whatever piece of potential xenotech the Admech thought might have been in the depths, it could easily have included the weird weapons that killed the moon civilisations.
In short, I came up with what I would want to play in a post Imperial Dark Heresy game.
I'm going to re-read the omakes for Seriae and Thakomumcos, they seem interesting.
Minor Xenos Species
There are half a dozen minor xenos species living in your region, the most powerful of which controls almost half a sector. While most of these species have below human levels of technology and are most likely doomed some may be able to survive.
Complete honesty, I was working on an Omake that I hoped would bring in the Yeerks from Animophs as a minor Xenos species. Because 40k doesn't have enough horror, it needed a dash of 'invasion of the body snatchers', not sure whether to continue it or not.
Edit: also who else had a moment of terrible regret at getting rid of the Men of Iron STC and an urge to write Omakes about it being hidden instead when they saw this list of threats.
We have a fair deal of industrial STCs from the Dark Age of Technology. While they're progressive and likely have a number of developments, we're likely better off overall from a tech standpoint. But they've had a lot longer to build the biggest Forges than we have, which gives them a big industrial advantage in terms of producing advanced tech at the least.
Actually IIRC the DAoT was mostly military based and so we don't really have DAoT industry tech. Callamus is also likely in possesion of industry tech of all kinds which would still be useful seeing as they are a forge empire rather than a mere forge world. Afterall, most of our industry actually comes from the tech we got from Atlas if I'm not mistaken.
Wow, those numbers put how insane the Imperial Trust is, with about 10 planets we have numbers that are significant fractions of polices that have hundreds of worlds.
Hey, I was reading a few pages back, and I got to thinking. We haven't seen Black Crystal Regalia in a while, but maybe their holders have been scattered across the entire planet, and I was wondering if our 'encounter rate' would go up if we expanded to other regions.
The Imperium was space Nazis, If we come after space Nazis we are clearly space Germany. Though I will admit my timeline analogy starts breaking down there.
he could try, given Avernus unknown success, he might be able to see past anything not warded to a divine level but there are wards that level on Avernus, his divination's insist that the planet only has 3 continents not 4