@Doomed Wombat; Thanks for Betaing for me.
Indomitable Resolve: Cultural and Societal Observations on the Militarization of the Imperial Trust
By Junior Prefect Sven al-Nazari, Midgard Central Societal Research Institute.
Humanity has always known war; our societies over the ages have waged countless conflicts for countless causes for tens of thousands of years. Throughout this virtually infinite period of time human civilizations have reflected or otherwise incorporated warfare into our cultures and societies through militarization. When the we were once Sub-Sector Asgard of the Old Imperium we had reflected this; for Asgard it had been its tradition of Knighthood, for Vanaheim; service in the Imperial Navy, for Midgard it was to serve in the Imperial Guard. There is however one notable example that I am not immediately including into this listing; Avernus.
The Fortress-Deathworld of the Core was different in regards to militarization during the Old Imperium. For Avernites of the Helheim system, Martial service was and still is cornerstone of life itself. This can be attributed to two primary factors; the Avernus-Style or rather Cadian-Style Militia System implemented mere decades after colonization and the weight of survival. Both of which can be observed throughout the Imperial Trust. Under this Militia system as devised by the Cadian born first General of Avernus; Kenneth Drago all citizens regardless of Age, Gender or Status were to initiated into the Planetary Militia, while all children are officially inducted at the age of six, in truth their training begins at birth. Additionally all citizens would spend approximately 32 hours (or planetary equivalent) a week training or on duty within their Militia unit. The effects of this first factor were enormous; society itself was restructured radically around martial skill, teamwork, meritocratic advancement and egalitarianism. Another effect of this shift is in the growth of authoritarianism as society as society as militarized due to the vital role of hierarchy in conducting warfare. The other; the Weight of Survival permeated across all levels of Avernite society as they are fighting their Eternal War. The Weight of Survival is important because of the effects it has on creating a unified society; with a common enemy comes a common cause to unite behind. This can be observed on a large scale within the Trust as we have found ourselves besieged by Traitors, Orks and other foes.
There are several primary areas in which modern Imperial culture has be changed as a result to both of these factors; Duty Above All, The Forging, Society and Our Future. The first is The Forging, for in this context, how can one of the, if not the most defining moments of the Trust be absent when it had cemented the unity and brotherhood of the Trust, a brotherhood that would bind our worlds together and pave the way for its wide scale militarization. The Forging had taken place on three worlds. On Vanaheim Loyalist forces from Avernus had been dispatched to assist their rivals' security forces in combating a wide scale insurgency, on Jotunheim a joint Avernite and Asgardian expeditionary force had preserved Loyalist holdings while also crushing traitor forces across the planet over the course of a decade. The contributions of both worlds were significant for separate reasons; for Avernus it would help create a brotherhood between both worlds while for Asgard, a world that had during the Dark Age of Technology waged brutal after brutal if not catastrophic war against Jotunheim, set that ancient animosity aside for the sake of a greater union. Then on Midgard, the traitorous Angel of Betrayal assaulted our capital from within and without. While the Trust's then more powerful worlds may have been able to repel such an invasion on their own while less fortunate ones would have fallen, it was only through the combined efforts of the nine worlds and our nascent union that the forces of the dark gods had been destroyed. This event had been critical in not only in forging the ideals of community but in driving forward centuries and generations of fortifications and militarization as we have sought to come together against those who would do us harm especially as it had presented us with an immediate and present danger to unite behind.
Popularized as the mindset of the residents of the Capital and most of the worlds founded following The First War of Expansion, the phrase Duty Above All is part declaration, part oath and part worldview. It is to declare that one would uphold their duty to community, to their world, to their fellow humans above all others. The militia system has only given this a new barrel from which it can be unleashed. While it is not necessarily an ideal utilized by the other core worlds outright, it is nevertheless present in all Trust Worlds through the universal Militia System and through military service giving our enclave of humanity a common bonding beyond our shared belief in the New Imperial Truth. It has especially permeated throughout other aspects of daily life; military discipline and precision having become commonplace at home, in the workplace regardless of career, or even when amongst peers. Adding to this is the fact that a full tenth of our population currently serves in the Guard or the Navy and close to half having served, leaving all militiamen to know someone or several someones who are or were in the military if they themselves were not, further reinforcing the idea of Duty Above All and our martial nature.
Language; Militarization within the Imperial Trust has led to two interesting developments on the use of language. The first is the wide spread use of military or semi-military jargon in everyday life for citizens of the Trust. Phrases that define children's games such Hide the Cache, Loading Ammo or Search and Destroy refer to combat actions and military terminology while also referring to common children's games. The second development on the use of language is related to the first; the development of unofficial Battlespeak(s) within in the Trust. Everyone is taught similar terminology in their planetary militia, and its universal enough that accounting for extra worlds one such example being an ocean world having unique words to account for its unique status, nevertheless everyone in the Trust is capable of communicating through it. This is true even if the contexts of how they learned the words are completely different. In effecting become a second language of the Imperial Trust. As an aside however the Avernite variant though is quite different to the norm, as Avernites communicate more through body language and subtle motions in addition to shorter words, as well as having several different words for what on another world would just require one and lexicons of phrases that simply don't exist on other worlds.
Our Future is as it implies; our civilization's future, that is the role of our children. Like every other aspect of our society they too have been immensely affected by the Militarization. Initiated into the Militia-System during Induction Day (On Average after the Sixth birthday of the youth in question), Children enter the Junior Militia. Between sleep, militia training, and education, youths lives are centered around education and training for service. Rarely are children idle as they have so few hours in the week that they are not either resting, exercising their minds, their bodies or networking with their peers. For youths their training at first begins with games to familiarize them with military ranks, jargon while also bolstering their fitness with group activities and exercises. This extends into their general education in school as they engage in mock battles to test their teamwork and ability to cooperate. Eventually they learn Close Quarters Battle and Marksmanship before moving into vehicle training and later specialization training. Eventually however this basic and specialized training gives way to patrols and large-scale exercises and war-games, their schooling giving way to military service, civil careers or advanced education should they so chose. There is however another factor contributing to this aspect of society; the presence of the Astartes; the Varangian Guard themselves. With their presence within the Trust, an argument can be made that due to their wide recruitment base, that youths drive themselves to succeed as they aspire up to the great heroes.
These previously discussed aspects; Duty Above All, The Forging, Language and Our Future are in themselves major aspects in themselves. Yet at this same time, however, they each feed into something greater than the sum of its parts; Imperial High Culture. Each world has their individual cultures and subcultures, unique to themselves, yet at this same time there are profound universals that each of our worlds share that bind us closer than common laws. The New Imperial Truth has given us a common set of beliefs and ideals we can all agree and within good reason question, to allow us to use what was given to us but denied by the Old Imperium; our ability to think and chose and reason. The Avernite-Militia System has reinforced the ethos of duty, unity and discipline into our common society through meritocracy, egalitarianism, a sense of brotherhood, and the means by which we can work together to defend our homes and our remnant. We share common languages born out of militarism; not merely Low Gothic, but Battlespeak, which allows us to coordinate and communicate in battle efficiently while also giving Imperial citizens across all our worlds a means of bonding. Our Children; those who are the inheritors of what we have laid the foundations are intertwined in the militarization of society; as time progress naturally those who remember the time before the Great Threats rose will dwindle as the only reality they know is the one we live in now; a time in which we are besieged by traitors, the Orks or worse. For them our militarization and games that reinforce it will be the only reality that they know. Lastly is the Forging; the series of interplanetary conflicts that had made the Trust from merely an idea and into an adamantium-clad union against a hostile universe, in which failure will mean our end.
A/N: The Imperial Trust is an interesting society to look at when observed at a societal level; a massive system of militarization that has given it a means of universal employment, a way universal/egalitarian/meritocratic method of advancement that begins at childhood if not younger. Between the Planetary Militias, the New Imperial Truth, a shared history, a massive standing army (with an accompanyingly massive amount of the population likely being military veterans), and with an effective central government I'm not at all surprised at how unified it is despite the fact that it likely takes months to get from one end to the other in travel time.
So as a whole what do people think?