@Doomed Wombat Now I want to see the specifics on Avernus and the others if possible. Or special mentions in it.
Eh sure
Stellaris Planets of the Trust
Midgard Capital World
Class of World Size 25 half terraformed continental world
Population: Primarily human, one or two pops Tech-Priest
Buildings: Primarily mines, power planets ect., several farms, but not enough to support population on its own.
Primary ethics: Militarist Materialists, with splashes of all other ethics
Vanaheim: Main Shipyard
Starfortress level station equivalent all slots filled with ship yards.
Class of World: Size 15 continental world.
Population: Primarily human, three or so pops of Vanir, does not fill all of the world
Buildings, primarily agriculture/support for orbitals
Primary ethics: Militarist, Xenophobe
Addendum: Shipyard ring, size 15 habitat, most of the population lives there alongside 4 pops of Tech Priests.
Muspelheim: Mining world,
Class of world: Size 12 Habitat
Population: All Muspelheim
Buildings: Unique autonomous fabricator to represent AM/EM production facilities (hidden Laboratory Complexes)
Primary Ethic: Militarist Xenophile
Class of World: Size 16 Arid World
Population: All Svartalf
Buildings: Unique Artisan facilities producing energy and minerals
Primary ethics: Militarist, spiritualist (xenophobic in the paranoia sense)
Class of World: Size 21 Arid World (Heavy Gravity modifier)
Population: Jotun take up 60% of the tiles, rest filled with Jotunar
Buildings: Primarily mines
Primary ethics: Militarist/Xenophile/materialist
Class of world: Size 19 Continental World (Lush modifier)
Population: Human, 2 pops of Tech Priests
Buildings: Primarily farms, special modifier lets them produce amounts of energy and minerals with them.
Ethic: Authoritarian, Xenophobe, Militarist
Class of World: Size 22 continental world (Natural beauty trait)
Population: Primarily human, one pop of Astartes. Not all tiles filled out yet.
Buildings: Equal balance of all things, unique genetic buildings.
Ethics: Militarist, materialist, spiritualist, xenophile
Class of World: Size 18 Arctic World
Population: All Nilfar
Buildings: Primarily power plants to represent promethium. Autonomous Fabricator and possibly hidden research facilities.
Ethic: Unknown
Class of World: Size 14 Continental World
Population: 2 pops Aesir otherwise normal humans.
Buildings: Primarily mines and farms
Ethics: Militarist, authoritarian (minor xenophile)
Class of World: Size 16 Gaia world* (Psycic world and Dangerous Wildlife modifiers, part of
ancient precursor event chain)
Population: Primarily Avernite human, 3 pops of tech priest, one pop of Quartok (several other pops of non-space flight aliens due to Avernus.)
Buildings: Primarily defensive, resource production on moon colonies, several bio labs for research (representing unseen university and biologis research, yields massively improved due to modifiers)
Ethics: Militarist, Materialist, Xenophile.
*In Stellaris, Gaia worlds are typically left behind by more advanced species until you advance far enough to make them yourself, their description reads as follows.
"An ideal, temperate world with a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere and a resilient ecosystem. Optimal conditions for all known higher forms of life at different latitudes." It doesn't mean that a world isn't dangerous as all ****.
Here's all the core worlds. I don't have much time now, but I may expand in the future. TBH though any polity in Stellaris that had 10 fully developed core worlds would be a galactic power, but that's due to scaling.
If you want explanations please ask.