while I agree with the previously made points ( I did not know there were already a researchers order (of a sort) alright?)
but teaching is not simple nor easy, you have to plan out how you going to teach someone. It IS possable to mess up, it IS possable to give someone the wrong idea.
thus, it IS a skill of avoiding those things and properly explaining things. and pretty much any skill can be passed down/taught, and the logic of the other orders can apply here as well.
so just simply arguing that "we have teachers" is like arguing that we don't need ANY of the orders simply because "we have (X)" would apply to them as well.
try refining your argument, maybe there is some detail that you are not yet mentioning---------?
We have all the Orders we need to fulfill the obvious things we want that the University does not already do.
The people who teach our people are skilled teachers. They're like the teachers in our schools. There really isn't anything that needs to be said further or tacked on.
My point exactly, we created an order for warding because we didn't have warding for a long time with it being impractical due to us not having had many psykers at the start and thus we didn't already have people dedicated to it but once we got them it became something that we needed to do, we didn't have psykers who specialized to hunt down rogue psykers because we had battle psykers which had a generaized education when it came to combat for a long time along with the fact that battling psykers became extremely common over the centuries that we had people specialized in hunting them down like Jane.
But teaching is just an extremely obvious thing that we've always had people for specifically to teach people.
Please stop thinking that our psyker teachers are anything but the best they can be. Any improvements that can be made have already been made. Any suggestions that can be made in regards to improving the quality of our psyker teachers are redundant, already implemented, or would in fact decrease the quality.that still can be said of most....in fact all high-skill professions
why can't the teachers benefit from being taught from a specialized environment/teacher's teacher?
I don't really know if we need it mind you, I just think your argument was far too hallow to be left like that.
Red bovines argument actually works here, he has a valid point. we don't need to relearn how to teach, but we do for the other orders that we did/will create (in theory at least)
An Order of Teachers wouldn't be useful that to us. What would be useful is about 50 more Gamma Sanctionites, and about 10 more Beta Sanctionites....You are literally talking about making a specialized order to do a job that already have people dedicated to it called teachers. The reason for some specialized orders is because some things would be done better if people specialize in it like psy hunters, healers and diviners because they came from the general pool of psykers. Thing is we have people specifically to train and teach psykers for general education and the orders have teachers that specialize in what the orders need to do.
It would be like saying we need to create a non psyker order of teachers for colleges and high school despite us only having colleges and high schools doing just that and us having invested a ton in education. Like it has been mentioned, our psyker education is actually pretty great, it's just that we don't have enough teachers for everyone and psykers are dangerous no matter what thanks to the possibility of corruption.
.....or a teacher........?. There are plenty of mathematicians/physicists/engineers/writers/whatever where the person decides to focus on trying to help teach other people.Not exactly, it's more that applying for a certain role will require people to be trained in certain ways/things. Example being a medic being trained to be a medic after graduating from college or a soldier being trained to be a sniper after finishing army training..........
1. it is how my system worksSo, for the sake of an omake that Durin said he was interested in, I thought it would be cool to do it from the perspective of a Beta level Diviner. Imagine my surprise when I went looking through the psyker spreadsheet and found out, that there were no Beta Diviner Sanctionites! None, of any skill level!
This warranted further investigation! Imagine my surprise when I found out that we had only five Beta Sanctionites! FIVE! We can't even cover all the disciplines, there are no Beta Diviner Sactionites! No wonder they have such an appalling pass rate. Last turn, there were 7 students to 5 teachers! So I went through the psyker trials of the last 10 turns, and I found out some interesting things.
We have almost 2.5 million psykers! By the Emperor!
Our Minor Psyker Pass Rate has been a constant 80%. We know that Durin has put a flat 65% max pass rate for Alphas, so maybe our ability to teach Minor Psykers is so that that every single one has hit the passing cap, and any further increase in the quality of our Minor Psyker Sactionites will translate only into better students. It's either that, or the Unseen University has a very fucked up definition of "grading curve". It may sound like a joke, but this may actually be the case. Psykers are dangerous, even if they have undergone the Sanctionion. It's probably dangerous to have the 20% worst psykers running around. Minor Psykers are by far our most numerous. As of Turn 108, we teach just shy of 90,000 Minor Psykers every year. We have over 6 Normal Minor Sanctionites per student, and almost 2.5 Veteran Minor Sanctionites per student. Minor Psykers do not have classrooms, they have a team of tutors, each personalized to their own needs as students!
Our Zeta Psykers Pass Rate has also been a constant number: 77.50%. On Turn 108, we had 2,487 Zeta attempt their trials. Divide that by 6, we get 415 Zeta Students of each Psychic Discipline. And wouldn't you know it, we have more Normal Zeta Sanctionites than students, with almost double the number of Biomancers teachers, and an almost 1:1 ration for Diviners. This isn't even going into the Veteran Sanctionites the Zetas have available (pretty much half of the students).
The Epsilon Pass Rate has been more interesting. It's been 73%, It's been 75%, and it's been 78%. Keep in mind that Durin uses rounding, even though he reports each percentage to the hundredths. Regardless, Turn 108 saw 1,165 attempt their trials. Divided by 6, that's 195 students/Discipline. We have over 200 Normal Epsilon Sanctionites in each Discipline, with about 100 Veterans to match. Epsilons have a 1:1 Normal Sanctionite to Student ratio, with a 1:2 Student to Veteran ratio. You may begin to start noticing a theme here...
The Delta Pass Rate has been all over. It swings between 64% and 72.5%. Turn 108 was a 64%, but Turn 107 was a 72.5%. Turn 108 saw 286 Deltas attempt the trials, meaning that there was less that 50 of each Discipline. If you've been paying attention, then you're probably assuming that the Deltas have a 1 Student: 1 Normal Delta Sanctionite and a 2 Students:1 Veteran Delta Sanctionite ration, and you'd almost be correct! Diviners are less common psykers. Either that, or Diviners are less likely to pass. Either way, we have 37/16 Normal/Veteran Delta Diviner Sanctionites to >50 students. Telekines have it best, with 58:27 Normaleteran Delta Sanctionites.
Gammas are where the numbers get small, and so statistics are most affected by outliers. We only have a few dozen each turn, with last turn seeing 49 Gammas attempting. The Pass Rate has been usually slightly better than 50/50, with a few odd turns being as high as 70%. I've noticed something interesting with not their pass rate (swings wildly between 50% and 70%), but rather the constant number of passing Gamma over Turns 97 to 108. Namely, It's been hovering around the low 20's each turn. Turn 108 saw 49 attempts (~8 Students/Discipline), with 25 passing. We have 44 Normal Gamma Sanctionites, with 18 Veteran Sanctionites, and 1 Elite Gamma Sanctionite. That's 63 Teachers to 49 Students. Simply put, the Gamma Sanctionites don't not hit the 1 Student: 1 Normal Sanctionite ratio, nor the 2 Students: 1 Veteran ratio. Because of this, the Student Pass Rate is below their estimated cap.
Betas have been severely neglected. Last year, they have 7 attempts, with 2 passing. Their Pass Rate has been everywhere, including in one interesting instance where it was exactly "#DIV/0!". There were no Betas attempting in Turn 106, so it was a natural division by 0 error in Durin's spreadsheets. In Turn 108, there we 7 attempts. 7. We don't even have 7 Beta Sanctionites! We have 5! We can't even cover all the Disciplines, there is no Beta Diviner Sanctionite! Simply put, if we cannot get more Beta Sanctionites, then it's entirely likely that we will never be able hit a decent pass rate for them!
If there's something my quick dive into Durin's spreadsheets have taught me, it's that if you have a Normal Sanctionite of similar power teaching you, with some tutoring from a Veteran Sanctionite, you're going to consistently hit your Pass Rate cap.
Durin told us that tutoring an Alpha can only make their pass rate so high (65%*), with the excess successes our tutoring Hero generates instead going into how well they pass their sanctioning. Pavol Pabst was the first Alpha who failed their trial. We spent two Psyker actions tutoring him, granting him a +130 to his trial. Basically, he would have to roll a 35 on his trial (he rolled 19*). If he had done so, he would have gotten a score of 165 on his trials. I don't know what formulas that Durin uses, but that may have been enough to push him to Primaris, had he succeeded.
*Durin said "as a reminder that is a flat 35% chance that every Alpha-will fail no matter what, you rolled a 19"
If Minors have an 80% Pass Rate cap, and Alphas a 65% Pass Rate cap, then here is my estimations for other caps:
Minor: 80%
Zeta: 77.50%
Epsilon: 75%
Delta: 72.5%
Gamma: 70%
Beta: 67.5%
Alpha: 65%
We've hit the Pass Rate cap for Minor and Zeta psykers, with us usually hitting it for Epsilon. We've sometimes hit it for Deltas. We are struggling to properly teach our Gammas. We've hit the cap before, but that was mainly a matter of us having unusually high pass rates combined with particularly low numbers of gammas that turn. We have severely failed our Betas, basically leaving them to struggle on their own. We don't even have enough teachers for them. I would like to propose to the thread that from now on, we teach at least 3 Betas per turn, by either Ridcully or by Aria, as the bonus to the tutoring roll is based on control. I feel like if we could get 7 more Beta Sanctionites, the pass rate for the Betas could hit a consistent 60%.
So here it it, my plea to the thread: We need to tutor more Betas! We need more Beta Sanctionites! We cannot get a large body of Betas without Beta Sanctionites!
1. Does the Unseen Academy adjust the difficulty of the Sanctioning process over time, to make sure that all the students are safe? Or is the constant 80% simply how your system works, and that we shouldn't read into the extremely precise numbers?
2. In Turn 106, our Major Psyker trials seem incredibly low. What happened?
3. Looking at all the Betas, we have 56 (57 if counting Ridcully). Could we ask if some of them would like to become teachers?
4. Given all my data-diving and speculation, could you shed some more like on your formulas?
5. Could we get an option to have our Heroics to hold classes for the Gammas?
6. Not related to the essay, but could we hold a Grand Witch Hunter Conference? Basically, we have Last Hunters, Master Psyker Hunters, and Psy Hunters. There's a lot of Hunters, and they are really good at their jobs. They should get together and pool their knowledge, hold joint training exercises, and just all around kill the witches!
Eh, but we also got a mechanicus action to create the Colegia Reconstrucs or whatever to automatically complete STC's and that was undoubtedly part of the inherent nature of the Mechanicus. So its not like theres not a precedent.It doesn't need to exist, its existence is an inherent part of the University.
We can create orders dedicated to researching specific things (i.e. the BCJ).
Gellar Field generators are not only useful on daemon worlds, they can prevent daemons from overpowering any camps in which they're stationed and operational. It's implied that they're not inherently capable of this, but they can definitely be repurposed for this task. If we ever invade Valinor or any other Daemon World, it would be very wise to bring Gellar Field generators onto the ground with us, ideally pre-prepared for this specific task to ensure continued and reliable operation.Enemies Beyond said:For years, the survivors held out against uncountable odds, living a desolate existence as the Daemon armies razed the planet. By the sheer blessing of the Omnissiah, many Tech-Priests were still operational, and became instrumental in keeping one large group protected. Using their arcane knowledge, the adepts were able to repurpose one ship's Gellar Field to protect a camp of many hundreds against the rampaging Daemons. The Tech-Priests knew that power resources were limited, and worked day and night to keep the field maintained. Ecclesiarchy priests worked constantly as well by adding their fervent prayers to the field, knowing that the Emperor's Will was just as powerful in keeping the Daemons at bay. Eventually, though, the field fell and the daemonic forces of Tuchulcha overran the camp.
One of two things can be gleamed from this:It could represent a visitation from a Living Saint after her shrine was successfully purged of foul cultists eager to perform a ritual desecration[...]
There's actually a slight problem with this, and that is that it appears Betas who pass sufficiently well end up as Primaris psykers.However, because of the high bonus our Heroics can grant to a Beta, I think that it's worthwhile to teach 3 Betas every turn, in the same year that Saint Lin doubles up on Those in the Shadows. In Turn 107, Tamia granted a +63 bonus to the Alpha. Aria granted +80. I know that Psyker Actions are precious, and so is Saint Lin's time, but I don't see any other way to get a good Beta propagation going on. I feel that if we just get enough Beta Sanctionites, we could double the Beta's pass rate, well before the time when we see a dozen Beta attempt every year.
Yeah it isn't that uncommon, hell its common enough that they stick it in tanks and stuff to give it extra oomph against daemons.Truesilver: Ah, so this Truesilver stuff isn't of the same nature as Truesteel. It's bands of sanctified silver and iron.
Actually I believe the Grey Knights donated their knowledge of Pentagrammic wards to us and when we consolidated out knowledge of them they were included. I think Jane has some on her armour too, they're just expensive.Pentagrammic Wards: Unlike weakling hexagrammic wards which only repel daemons, pentagramic wards outright hurts daemons that go near them, even when inscribed on armour. Only problem is that this seems to be a Malleus-only thing, so we can't get them for our heroes. It's probably for a good reason, though.
Nah that's old. The Grey Knights have entire squads who use these things. Only you know bigger and more powerful cause Grey Knights. Same with the promethium.Incinerator: Apparently you can get psychically impregnated promethium too, and wow, this thing ignores any defensive psychic powers. That's pretty dope.
Huh. I think they changed the Rods Lore, as it used to have some true names scribbled on it as well, though I may be thinking of just the rarer Rods of True Names.Banishing Rod: Iron is super double plus ultra cheap. Darkening it is nothing. Good defence against daemons. Perhaps more importantly, they ban psykers from pushing and reduce Psychic Phenomena result rolls so that whatever the result is will be less severe than they'd otherwise be.
Consecrated Scrolls: Holy divine chicken of Sigmar (this is canon btw), Batman! Re-rolls on Focus Power tests! Burnable, yes, but still re-rolls!
That's the one, I thought it was one of your omakes but I couldn't rightly recall last night, the start of that omake always sticks out in my mind.
Good time?
Presumably that's got something to do with it being derived from emps to an extent.but now I know the actual "colour" of daemonology is gold.
And that's about it. Thank you for reading.
Yup. Watched tv and ate chorizo.