The Long Night Part One: Embers in the Dusk: A Planetary Governor Quest (43k) Complete Sequel Up

Investigate the Sea?

  • Yes

    Votes: 592 80.3%
  • No

    Votes: 145 19.7%

  • Total voters
The Ocean Hive World is pretty cool, but i really have to discourage choosing the isolated trait on any sort of Hive World. Even a fertile one. There is no way that a single planet can supply the masses of a Hive Planet. As soon as trade breaks down the population is going to starve.
A level 2 fertile Hive world can just manage to feed itself by strict rationing and using all possible sources of food.
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Next is choosing the governor
Please choose
Age (Between 30 and 150)
Military- Before being granted the Honor of being Avernus's first governor you were a decorated Lord General of the AstraMilitarum, the Imperial Guard. You gain +5 to Marital, +1 to Administration and suffer a penalty of -2 to Intrigue and -1 to Diplomacy. The Imperial Guard regiments assigned to your are yours and gain 2 morale.

Administratum- Before becoming the First Governor of Avernus you were a high level adept in the Adeptus Administratum, the Priesthood of Terra. Your gain +6 to Administration, +1 to Intrigue and have a penalty of -4 to Marital. You also have contacts in the Adeptus Administratum allowing your request to have a greater priority.

Noble- You are a influential noble who successfully managed to scheme your way into become the First Governor of Avernus. Your gain +3 to Diplomacy, +2 to Intrigue and -1 to Administration and Marital. You have contacts in the local sector governors court who owe you a few favors.

Inquisitor- You a a Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus who has decided to lead the colonization of Avernus in the hope that it can produced soldiers skilled in fighting the Warp. You gain +3 to Marital, +1 to Diplomacy, +4 to Intrigue, +2 to Piety and +1 to Learning. You lose the ability select any traits. You have and Inquisitorial Seal with all the authority it provides and many contacts, both friend and foe within the Inquisition and other high ranking members of the Imperium.

Note I only allowed Inquisitor as a option because you chose the very hard challenge of Avernus.

And 3
Combat Veteran- +4 Martial

Skilled administrator- . +4 Administration

Liaison- +4 Diplomacy

Spymaster- +4 Intrigue

Learned- . +4 Learning

Devout- +4 Piety

Witch Hunter- +2 Piety, bonus to finding psykers

Fanatic- +6 Piety, -1 Diplomacy, -1 Intrigue

Military Genius- +6 Martial, -1 Diplomacy, -1 Intrigue

Expert Bureaucrat- +6 Administration, -1 Martial,-1 Diplomacy

Charismatic Leader- +2 Diplomacy, bonus to morale

Genius- +2 to all characteristics, uses 2 traits

Intelligent +1 to all characteristics

Silver Tongued- 3 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue

Warrior of the Emperor-. +2 Martial, +2 Piety

Aristocratic- -1 Martial, +2 Diplomacy, +3 Intrigue

Warrior of the Shadows- +2 Martial, +2 Intrigue
Choose one personal backer
Ordo Malleus- start with extra knowledge on chaos

Adeptus Ministorum- will start with battle sisters

Sector Governor- start with more civilians

Adeptus Mechanicus- start with more tech priests

Lord General Militant - Will start with more Guard

Lord Admiral- Will start with more ships
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[X] Plan It must have taken some kind of Military Gen...

-Rakusa Deerk
-Military Background

-Warrior of the Empire
-Military Genius
-Combat Veteran

-Ordo Malleus Backer

This is a deathworld, we need someone with Military, Military and Piousness.
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I think we need a bit of everything in addition to a ton of Martial. I say:
Plan: Intelligent Military Genius

[X] Name: Eddison Tollet
[X] Male
[X] Age 35 (Young, but, hey, we are an intelligent genius, no wonder we got promoted so quickly)
[X] Cadia

[X] Background: Military: +5 to Marital, +1 to Administration, -2 to Intrigue, and -1 to Diplomacy. The Imperial Guard regiments assigned to your are yours and gain 2 morale.
[X] Trait: Genius (counts as 2 traits): +2 to everything
[X] Trait: Intelligent: +1 to everything.

[X] Backer: Lord General Militant, so we get extra Guard.

So Total: +8 to Marital, +4 to Administration, +1 to Intrigue, +2 to Diplomacy, and +3 to everything else (ie Piety and Learning). And we get Imperial Guard regiments with +2 morale. And extra Guard.

[X] Mountains
[X] Even mix of Guard types
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Do you want your guard regiments to be primarily of one type (please specify) or a selection of types
Also do you want your capital to be in Desert (contains metals), Plains, Tropics (contains promethium), Forest (contains metals), Island (contains promethium), or Mountains(contains metals)
I'm guessing Island might be a good choice. More easily defensible.

on a death world? hell no
if anything the best would most likely be the mountains because you'll only have to worry about flying monsters and digging creatures.maybe a few cave creatures.

an island is in the ocean, on a warp touched DEATH WORLD that means creatures that could be bigger than the island, can enter land, shoot warp fire, or any combination of things.look at the stuff we have in our oceans, and compare to what the might be like on a death world
I like your idea of a governor, Haman. On a world like this we really can't afford a dump stat. Especiall intrigue, as I suspect that we will lose most of the cities that we lose to the enemy within. We have excellent walls, and excellent soldiers under arms. While there are things that could break through, they are less common than the threats of cultists, mutants, heretics and rogue psykers.

I feel compelled to point out, however, that since this is Avernus, if we establish our capital on an island, there will be a decent chance of it turning out to actually be some kind of gargantuan quasi-demonic whale.
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Also, since we don't have a single-biome world, It would be unwise to specialise in one unit type, unless we restrict ourselves to a single environment. maybe something like light infantry in the forests where anything heavier is not going to be able to move with ease, mechanised infantry in the deserts, where marching is a REALLY bad idea, unless unavoidable.

I am not sure what would be appropriate for the other biomes, but I would advise staying the warp away from the poles. I don't want to lose a city to those damn psychic penguins. ;)
The mountain means its only WARPDRAGONS and WTFCAVEIN-Moles we have to deal with

Its also high up giving us the artillery advantage and sighting approaching WTFery and allows us to barricade underground like Dwarves
Yeah, usually 40K critters aren't that illogical/inconceivable, so the mountains should be relatively safer.

Also, DAoT humans are still humans. If this world has been deathworld from the start, then they'd settle somewhere safer, just for sanctuary.
I thought the plot we'd come up with was the Flora/Fauna was a Terraformer Gone WrongToo Far
So they probably settled on a normal world (with a high Warp thing but eh DAoT) and terraformed to be even better

Then died without turning off the machine
If the fuckery of the DAOT humans was responsible for the place becoming such a mess, that would explain a wider distribution of ruins. if it was a deathworld to begin with then we can expect the ruins to be in defensible places that we would probably want to settle anyway. we shall have to wait and see.

@ lordchaos, I believe that was part of someone else's planet proposal, and in any event, it is unlikely that we would know what happened until some time into our ruin investigations.

Mountains seem like a good idea to me also, as if we can get enough artillery and anti-air around our fortress-cities, we will force any invaders to either punch through a deadly storm of anti-air fire, or make planetfall out of range, and advance through an environment that finds them most palatable indeed. Plus, good anti-air defences mean we can keep more of the airborne nasties away.

EDIT: Backers have been added. needless to say, I think we need malleus backing. mechanicus backing would be nice to exploit the ruins fuller and faster, but malleus not only makes more sense, but will help us to better counter the more dangerous threats against us.
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It must have taken a militray gen... has had the Malleus backer added

This is a Warpworld, we need the --Chaos more than the Techpriests and our D20+17 Martial should help with military matters
[X] Eddison Tollet
[X] Male
[X] Age 35
[X] Cadia

[X]Military- Before being granted the Honor of being Avernus's first governor you were a decorated Lord General of the AstraMilitarum, the Imperial Guard. You gain +5 to Marital, +1 to Administration and suffer a penalty of -2 to Intrigue and -1 to Diplomacy. The Imperial Guard regiments assigned to your are yours and gain 2 morale.

[X]Spymaster- +4 Intrigue
[X]Military Genius- +6 Martial, -1 Diplomacy, -1 Intrigue
[X]Expert Bureaucrat- +6 Administration, -1 Martial,-1 Diplomacy

Choose one personal backer

[X]Sector Governor- start with more civilians
Updated to add backer and location and guard types (selection since we have a bunch of different terrain types).

Open to changing backer if people prefer Malleus
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