" there was even an account of a daemon taking an arachnid form on summoning, due to how much the locals fear spiders, and being immediately shot to death by the cultists who summoned it"
Sounds like a rumor or a mismatched report. NO evidence, no story, just words and rumors. I don't believe in human words alone.
Put it this way. What if it was a trick from the Daemon for deception or body hopping? By making people feel that it was gone it could body hop into a unsuspecting nearby victim.
The point is more that spiders are so universally loathed and to such a degree that the story is considered plausible as it is reported.
Frankly, I don't think naming them something that is likely to have a significant negative connotation is at all worth it. We can handwave all we want about our people being able to rise above it or whatever, the way I see it it's nothing more than a needless risk. There are shitloads of other names based off of local animals that don't come with that sort of baggage.
A fish common to fresh water of temperate and tropical regions of Avernus. Avernite Carps, contrary to popular belief, are a genus of several closely related fish species, which was discovered only after detailed research by Biologis due to them possessing mostly only minor differences. Carps are common to freshwater lakes and rivers in colonized regions of Avernus, which leads to unfortunate accidents.
Avernite carps are large fishes with oval-shaped body, silvery scale and protruding mouths, similar to carps of Terra albeit bigger. An adult Avernite Carp weights about 40 kg and reaches a meter in length.
Telekinesis seems to be the main and most obvious power of an Avernite carp. Not only they are able to move with unnaturally high speed while holding prey bigger than them, but also possess ability to a pull power-armored human into the water at the distance of 2-3 meters. Avernite carps able to break and even tear away limbs of their victims, which should be impossible without psychic powers due to their lower mass and lack of leverage. They also possess an ability to induce sense of dread. Their biomancy abilities are not yet confirmed, as their unnatural resistance to physical force and great bite strength may also be manifestations of precise telekinesis.
The diet of Avernite carps consist of water plants and small water creatures, mostly invertebrates. Widespread opinion that they hunt humans and other creature of the similar size is actually false, as they seems incapable of eating prey of such size. Stomachs of all dissected specimen contained contained only water plants and remains of small water animals, mostly crustaceans and worms. They attack humans only when feel threatened, and high frequency of such attacks probably indicates territorial behavior.
Generally, usual safety measures(if it's necessary to reach banks of a body of water, it should be done with great caution, on a site with highly visible sloped bottom free of vegetation) should to be taken near the bodies of fresh water containing carps.
The species of carp native to smaller bodies of water and characterized by tolerance to less clean water, slightly enhanced psychic powers and especially ferocious behavior deserve special mention. They are the reason why smaller ponds with murky water usually avoided and treated as if carps are nearby whenever they are visible or not by Avernites.
Despite it's tremendous power, Avernite carp does not possess intellect above the usual for most fishes of such size, making trapping possible. With use of durable, thoroughly fixed fish traps, Avernites catch carps taking advantage of short range of their telekinesis. It's possible to both shot fish inside traps from safe distance before removing them from water, or extract traps with still living fishes by a crane.
I wonder about that though. Your serving your nation with super pimped out mods but die slowly? How does one volunteer for that even if they're from an orphanage?
Do they just hate rogue psykers to an almost unprecedented level?
The average human still has a far shorter natural livespan. Relativly few people (aside from Muspelheim and Nilfheim) get Juvenat, even the normal variant, so getting 300 years old is a big upgrade to being PDF or factory-worker.
The average human still has a far shorter natural livespan. Relativly few people (aside from Muspelheim and Nilfheim) get Juvenat, even the normal variant, so getting 300 years old is a big upgrade to being PDF or factory-worker.
humans tend not to live much over 100 without juvnat, and something like 90% of the population doesn't get any. So yes, they are going to live longer than most. Not as long as someone who got juvnat but not the augs, but still longer than patty pdf.
It's a good fit, but a different anglicized spelling of the same word is used to refer to the male Knight Pilots from Asgard. Also, I suspect that if that wasn't the case the Varangian Guard would be called the Einherjar.
I like Draugrs because not only it fits with Norse theme, it will also fit with Undead theme when we will get Ghosts.
Still thinking that Blink Spiders is a good name for scary assassins.
They are a branch of the Arbites. Their job is to protect the public from rogue psykers, not to terrify enemy soldiers. We want people saying "good! the **** are here." Naming them after undead or dangerous wildlife is counterproductive. Blink-spiders is an especially poor choice for two reason: "Blink-spiders!" is a cry of warning that may be needed at any time any where and; not only are they hated and feared generally but a blink-spider killed Rotbart's wife - if he lets you take the name Blink-spiders he's planning to kill you.
How about the Gendarmes - police but better armed. I still prefer Houscarls though. It's more Nordic and when Jane goes hunting in person they will be her personal guard.
They are a branch of the Arbites. Their job is to protect the public from rogue psykers, not to terrify enemy soldiers. We want people saying "good! the **** are here." Naming them after undead or dangerous wildlife is counterproductive.