Harvesting the Progenoid Glands for the gene-seed will pose no problem. That part is the same as ever. The problem is the process of using that gene-seed to clone/grow the organs for implantation into an initiate - that process is not automatic. Our Biologis should know how to do that for regular Space Marines, as it's something that would be common knowledge among Biologis so that the AdMech can assist with founding new Chapters when needed, but the Grey Knights' gene-seed is much more complex than usual according to durin because of its origins, and due to that it will require our Biologis to have to figure out how to get the organs to grow properly.
10. Not 20. The neck glands would have been removed a long time ago before they ever came here. We'll have ten attempts, and if we don't succeed then it's over.
You would figure that they (Grey Knights) would have that information or failing that the inqustion would...
Also I swear that they could extract Gene seed repeatedly from one marine...
*reads updates*
Legend Class Dreadnought twenty two kilo meter dreadnought armed with a mix of lances, weapons batteries, torpedos and attack craft bays. It has two superlances and a pair of Ragnarok Cannons as well as many other varieties of weapons.
I think I'm going to cry! It's more beautiful than i ever Imagined
by the way the next entries will be starship components while the final entry will be non combat STCs
I am accepting ideas for either, though I will mention that there will not be much civilian tech
You would figure that they (Grey Knights) would have that information or failing that the inqustion would...
Also I swear that they could extract Gene seed repeatedly from one marine...
*reads updates*
Legend Class Dreadnought twenty two kilo meter dreadnought armed with a mix of lances, weapons batteries, torpedos and attack craft bays. It has two superlances and a pair of Ragnarok Cannons as well as many other varieties of weapons.
I think I'm going to cry! It's more beautiful than i ever Imagined
As dangerous as Avernus was people still needed to leave the cities. While most cargo and passengers could be moved by the rail lines safely there was a few things that required leaving the secured areas and traveling though the dangerous wilderness. This required that gates and other entrances be build into the city walls and that guard post were there to man them. In Bunker 4-FH-25 of the Okefenokee garrison a squad of PDF were playing cards as one of their number keeped a eye on the road to the nearby promethium wells. Spotting a small dust cloud the watchmen zoomed in with his Auspex.
"Umm, Sir? Madam? You may want to see this." the watchman called from his post. Cocking a eyebrow at the young soldiers back the veteran Gunnery Sargent spoke to the woman across from him. "Well lets see what the greenhorn needs General." Laying down her cards Lieutenant-General Marija Paulson stood up with her old Sargent. The man was like a father to her having been by her side since she was a fresh faced lieutenant, teaching her what separated a commander from a leader. Even as she climbed the ranks she always made time to keep in contact with her old squad. Joining the Private on the watch platform the screen was centered on a number of vehicles speeding up the road.
"I guess we know what happened to logger team 7 now." she quipped examining the heavy machinery slowly crawling up the road. The Orks manning them were to be expected but the on coming Waaagh! was, well it was small to be honest. Outside of the few dozen vehicles the Greenskins had looted only a couple hundred boyz made up the main body with a mass of a few thousands Gretchin, Snotlings, and Squigs. "This is an embarrassment. What kind of Warboss is leading these fools." she said when no more Orks left the tree line. Gazing at the sad excuse of an attack she turned to the Private and issued her orders. "Radio the Wall Commander. They are NOT to open fire till I say otherwise. The 594th Steel Guard regiment is to deploy in front of this position. Gunny, break open the armory and have it hauled up to the roof. I wish to test our newest additions in combat conditions."
Upon the bunkers roof a line of heavy weaponry were set up with a number of small arms prepped nearby. After the discovery of the datacore a large amount of the recovered archoetech had been disrupted among the ranking Generals and stored in Armories with other non standard issued weapons and had made enough examples to store some at all the Regional HQ's. General Marija had claimed a Super-Exitus Rifle for her personal weapon using her rank and marksmanship to get it. "Aide take note, Test one is a Super-Exitus Rifle with Adamantine Spike round at 14 miles. Speed is set to one hundred kilometers per second. Target is one Ork Dread. Firing." Down range the Dread was "encouraging" a small hoard of Killa Kans was hefty smacks and lots of very loud shouting. Rising its power claw to give some more "encouragement" to a lagging Killa Kan a small hole appeared in the vision slit of the larger walker. This was quickly followed by the back of its head disintegrating and a perfectly straight line through the Orks before the round plowed a hole into the ground. Dozens of Orks died from the shoot with many more having chunks of flesh torn away. Calmly surveying the scene Marija spoke "Test shows that the penetration of the round is excellent however over penetration is a major problem. I do not recommend the use of this weapon on Infantry as a hit does not guarantee a kill, instead passing clean through the target. Recommended use is instead to defeat Heavy and Super-Heavy Armor to kill operators or critical systems of major combatants such as enemy Bandblade and Titan equivalents. Moving on to Heavy Weapons."
The first Heavy Weapon she stepped up to was a Conversion Beamer. Taking aim at one of the logging equipment a brilliant beam jumped toward the slow mechanical monster. It connected with a blinding flash before the "Choppy Tank" was swiped away as dust on the winds. "The Conversion Beamer performs as expected. Use against slow moving heavy opponents or fortification remain as the primary targets for the weapon." Marija stated. Moving on she skipped the Plasma and Melta weapons altogether as she was familiar with them going for the Neutron Laser weapons lineup. Starting with the Heavy Neutron Cannon and Heavy Neutron Repeater and working her way down to the Neutron Laspistol as the front runners of the Waaagh! clashed with her guards and the 594th. "Neutron Laser weaponry has excellent utility, combining the ease of use, power supply, low recoil, and shot capacity of a Lasgun with even greater damage output than Impaler weaponry of the same class having just shy of plasma level damage. Comparably they are to Impalers what a standard Lasgun is to a Autogun. Both Neutron Cannon and Neutron Repeater types can make short work of enemy armor with the Heavy versions being a credible threat to Super-Heavys and even Titans in mass fire. Recommend that all first line units replace Impaler weaponry with Neutron Lasers."
The first of the surviving Choppy Tanks had closed enough that the crew could fire their secondary's at the Guardsmen's lines. Choosing to try out the haywire weaponry she had her bodyguards crewing a haywire cannon shot it much to the enraged drivers anger as no amount of kicks could get it moving again. Further shots at various Orks on the battle lines with other haywire weapons proved to have mixed results. " The Haywire weapons are of limited use against Orks. While vehicles and walkers can be dispatched with ease, it is a crap shot on what effect a Haywire weapon would have on other Ork targets. The standard Slugger and Shoota boyz are unaffected by Haywire weapons for their weapons are too simple were as the so called Flash Gits more advance weaponry always fail when hit by Haywire fire. The more heavily armored Orks like Mega-Nobs can became encased in their armor unable to move after taking ether greater than rifle grade haywire shots or repeated hits from lower grade haywire weapons disabling the armor piece by piece.
Picking up the last of the line up Marija studied the Graviton Weaponry before selecting a Grav-Cannon which she used to crush one of the last Choppy Tanks. Observing how it affected the near by Orks she motioned for the aide to take note. "Graviton Weaponry of previously known types are performing as expected. Heavy armor and Infantry are crushed under their own weight while smaller Ork Boyz and Gretchin are almost unaffected. Now testing the new Grav-Hammer." With a nod to her Bodyguards melee specialist the man unlimbered his new toy and walked to the front of the battle field. Issuing a challenge to the Ork Warboss both sides stop fighting and cleared a field for the two combatants. Stepping up a Mega-Nob of immense size, easily 3 meters tall, bellowed before sluggishly making his way toward the runty Humie that dared to think it could challenge his might. With a almighty swing the Hammer connected with the Warbosses power claw, the gav pulse shock wave liquefying some Snotlings that had stood to close to the duel. The power claw bent under the impact but the Warboss was quick to bring his Flamer into play. Ducking under the sea of burning fuel the specialist smashed the Orks knee, piston driven armor buckling bring the monster of a Ork down were the Grav-Hammer shattered his head. With a roar he leaped at the Ork lines a hit to the chest sending the next biggest Ork in sight into flight while crushing dozens or nearby Gretchin. Their leaders dead and a crazed madman slaughtering all in his path the Gretchin broke and ran, what was left of the larger Orks soon following in their wake. The last Choppy Tank made to charge the man but a blow from the Grav-Hammer flipped it over before the next broke it in two.
"The Grav-Hammer is a excellent addition to our melee weapons. The Hammer is able to shatter all but the heaviest of armor while still retaining the ability to flatten multiple weaker opponents with it's gav pulse shock wave. However it is a highly specialized weapon requiring extensive training to utilize. End of testing. Radio the Wall Commander, tell him that they are weapons free. The 594th is to clear up the battlefield then stand down." General Marija finished, watching as the wall mounted weaponry slaughtered what remained of the Waaagh! not a one surviving to make it to the tree line. Entering the bunker again she sat at the table picking up her cards. "So Gunny, I believe it was your turn." she stated as the squad filtered in and resumed their sets. Flipping his hand over he said "Full house, aces and kings." grinning. Smiling back Marija laid down her own "Royal Flush, I win."
I'm pretty sure the Imperium can already clone animals, I think they do it with Grox relatively frequently . I mean, our biologis can currently clone humans and give them different souls, I see no reason they couldn't do it to creatures- barring Warp bullshit of course.
I would hope so. He's probably the most successful Explorator in the entire history of the Adeptus Mechanicus.
I'm surprised he didn't get the highest honors possible for actually finding an STC Constructor. I mean sure it had a melta hole in it, but that's much much closer than anyone else had gotten.
The Imperium is perfectly capable of cloning people. The Death Korps of Krieg for example are all pod-grown.
EDIT: Derp, didn't read properly. The Imperium can clone anything it damn wishes, provided it isn't some mutant thing created by warp energies. We're talking about a polity capable of engineering viruses that target people based on their hair pigmentation.
We don't need to clone anything like that. DAoT cloning tech could give the Biologus access to something that they might not have had access to before. It might even have applications towards reproducing certain things like geneseed and the like if the technology is studied a bit more.
Communications satellites + probes
Navigation beacons: Orbital, In-system, and long distance
Weather satellites + probes
Spy satellites + probes
Sensor satellites + probes: for use as spotters for ships and defense batteries
Survey satellites + probes + ships: for mining and colonization
More defense satellites
Space stations: Trading, Defense, Construction, Diplomacy, Mining, System Management, Repair and Refit, Military Command, Void Command, Habitation, Gas giant fuel harvesting
Mining and ore processing ships
Void mining equipment and buildings: for asteroids, comets, and moons (Use Starcraft mobile buildings, all of them could be used in a mobile mining base)
Colonizing buildings and equipment: To study native lifeforms, supply food from greenhouses
Civilian power stations
Better ground-penetrating radar
Weather prediction cogitators
Zoo facilities
Animal care equipment
Animal studying equipment
Cryo pods
Stasis pods
Medical pods
Better food preservation
Automated warehouses: more storage in less space
Automated cargo loader: for loading ships for trade, possibly with really good packing algorithms
Rapid automated loader: for resupplying ships quick enough to matter in a combat situation, making attrition due to lack of ammo less of a problem around planets or resupply stations
Educational institutions + ciriculum
More training regimens for the training chairs
Terraforming and land reclamation: fixing wrecked ecosystems or underhives
Stuff for penal legions: exploding collars,
Better construction equipment: faster construction
Mines: for more resources
Mines: for blowing stuff up
Edit: Equipment for exotic planets, like aquatic equipment, low gravity equipment, or anything the Squats had
Terraforming technologies of any sort would be very, very useful.
-Air Scrubber
-Water Purification Station
-Very Advanced Recyclers
-Gene-Splicer (custom ecosystems, custom colonists! Basically how I picture the Ogryns came about)
I'm surprised he didn't get the highest honors possible for actually finding an STC Constructor. I mean sure it had a melta hole in it, but that's much much closer than anyone else had gotten.
I don't know what the Ad Mech would've done to get that datacore back to Mars intact if it was around the old 40k timeline. I mean the Ad Mech has done INSANE things for just a regular STC.