Thoughts on possible sources for technology ideas:
1: The Lost Fleet (Black Jack) by Jack Campbell
-- Bombardment tech (Rocks from the sky)
-- Null field
-- Other stuff I can't remember
2: Shards of Honor (and the Miles Vorkagsion adventures sequels) by Bujold
-- Nerve disrupters (anti-personal, anti biological creatures - eg Tyraniods, wildlife): An field of energy that kills all nerves inside it's cone of effect. No effect on matter (so non destructive to building and equipment)
-- Mirror Shields (reflect energy weapons back at the attacker)
-- Needle grenades
-- Other stuff I can't remember
3: Crest of the Stars / Banner of the Stars
-- Smart "mines" (Basically torpedoes, I remember them having good torpedos)
-- This one would be the easiest for me to review, I have the books... somewhere
1: The Lost Fleet (Black Jack) by Jack Campbell
-- Bombardment tech (Rocks from the sky)
-- Null field
-- Other stuff I can't remember
2: Shards of Honor (and the Miles Vorkagsion adventures sequels) by Bujold
-- Nerve disrupters (anti-personal, anti biological creatures - eg Tyraniods, wildlife): An field of energy that kills all nerves inside it's cone of effect. No effect on matter (so non destructive to building and equipment)
-- Mirror Shields (reflect energy weapons back at the attacker)
-- Needle grenades
-- Other stuff I can't remember
3: Crest of the Stars / Banner of the Stars
-- Smart "mines" (Basically torpedoes, I remember them having good torpedos)
-- This one would be the easiest for me to review, I have the books... somewhere