The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

Yes I don't see how such large and strong shields could be possible with Star Wars technology.

Uh, those are a thing, and in Legends have been a thing for about 3600 BBY. One of the reasons Tarkin tested the Death Star on Alderaan was to see if it can take out a planet with modern defenses, which meant modern planetary shields. Those things are big, expensive and require hardware and power generators that you burry under whole mountains and use oceans for heatsinks. That's why I'm saying that best case scenario, even with incorporating alien tech in the project, Earth is decades away from designing, much less building a planetary shield. Wakanda's willing or unwilling aid means that there's a theoretical chance we will see an operational planetary shield just in time for Thano's arrival, though even then, Earth might still lack the power grid to power the damn thing properly.
Is the gray shapeshifter alien based on the ones from the Ultimate Avengers movie from 2006? I believe the Ultimate Avengers 2 was in Wakanda. But it has been years since I watched them so I'm not completely sure.
Is the gray shapeshifter alien based on the ones from the Ultimate Avengers movie from 2006? I believe the Ultimate Avengers 2 was in Wakanda. But it has been years since I watched them so I'm not completely sure.

I haven't watched them. Those are supposed to be Skrulls. Depening on the light, and precise shade of green, or yellowish, they can look from green to gray, even before they begin changing shape. You will note that in this timeline, due to the events of Captain Marvel being radically different, among other things, the war between the Skrull and Kree is ongoing and with no clear victor in sight nearly decades longer than OTL. This has all kinds of interesting implications, and the limited infiltration of Wakanda is one of them. If anything, Star Lord T'Challa is what inspired this alongside a post on SB where we were discussing that if the sorcerers on Earth are a thing, even nerfed ones, how other species and empires might deal with extradimensional threats from demons, gods, etc...
haven't watched them. Those are supposed to be Skrulls. Depening on the light, and precise shade of green, or yellowish, they can look from green to gray, even before they begin changing shape.

Ok. When you said it shifted and had gray skin that was what I thought of. But if it's just a lighting difference then Skrulls make sense.
Hopefully the allies will realize that they can't let Wakanda develop a proper military, and immediately attack with whatever mobile forces are at hand just to keep up the pressure.
Hopefully the allies will realize that they can't let Wakanda develop a proper military, and immediately attack with whatever mobile forces are at hand just to keep up the pressure.

Air and missile strikes are in, just like the French air raid in progress. As far as boots on the ground, beyond inserting special forces, which might not be viable against Wakanda's air force once it broken remains return, it will be months of building up the logistics to get to Wakanda. And if the Skrull in question have their way, it would be even longer. Now, if with the help of captured examples of Wakanda tech, Shuri and T'Challa, Sith Tony and company develop a way to detect Wakandan stealth, then all bets are off.

edit: spelling
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There is the estimated time of a few months before Wakanda is invaded.

I say it will be a few weeks, a Flying Carrier built by Sith and catching Aliens when?
Hopefully the allies will realize that they can't let Wakanda develop a proper military, and immediately attack with whatever mobile forces are at hand just to keep up the pressure.
Honestly? Waiting and holding back will probably prove politically impossible.

Military speaking, giving Wakanda time to get ready for a "strike wave #2" is moronic. I think a few nations will be told the equivalent of "you can get this if we can walk past you to strike at them, more if you have a few airports we can loan." ...with the "OR ELSE" loud and clear. Honestly, if the Chineese, Europeans and Americans go to war - and I can see no reason whatsoever for them not to do so, at the same target, with some backing from other parties? Things are going to happen very, very fast.

This would incidentally probably be one of the few things that could make China/Japan/America cooperate properly. Sure, they are sceptical about each other... "But those other guys? Actually killing people in the streets right now. Focus, people." Much better for the economy, too.
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Honestly? Waiting and holding back will probably prove politically impossible.

Military speaking, giving Wakanda time to get ready for a "strike wave #2" is moronic. I think a few nations will be told the equivalent of "you can get this if we can walk past you to strike at them, more if you have a few airports we can loan." ...with the "OR ELSE" loud and clear. Honestly, if the Chineese, Europeans and Americans go to war - and I can see no reason whatsoever for them not to do so, at the same target, with some backing from other parties? Things are going to happen very, very fast.

This would incidentally probably be one of the few things that could make China/Japan/America cooperate properly. Sure, they are sceptical about each other... "But those other guys? Actually killing people in the streets right now. Focus, people." Much better for the economy, too.
I was talking about waiting on logistics for the big invasion and sending a small army first, not about any ifs or whens.
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There is the estimated time of a few months before Wakanda is invaded.

I say it will be a few weeks, a Flying Carrier built by Sith and catching Aliens when?

The first helicarrier has been in construction for over a year now and should be complete in early 2012. By the time Loki and company come to visit, it should have had its shakedown cruise and might be fully operational if there are no major teething issues. If Wakanda had decided to play ball, then it might have been equipped with a cloaking device as well.

Honestly? Waiting and holding back will probably prove politically impossible.

Military speaking, giving Wakanda time to get ready for a "strike wave #2" is moronic. I think a few nations will be told the equivalent of "you can get this if we can walk past you to strike at them, more if you have a few airports we can loan." ...with the "OR ELSE" loud and clear. Honestly, if the Chineese, Europeans and Americans go to war - and I can see no reason whatsoever for them not to do so, at the same target, with some backing from other parties? Things are going to happen very, very fast.

This would incidentally probably be one of the few things that could make China/Japan/America cooperate properly. Sure, they are sceptical about each other... "But those other guys? Actually killing people in the streets right now. Focus, people." Much better for the economy, too.

No one will wait for waiting's sake, however you can't get an army in central Africa without building up the logistics for it, and that will take months. Air raids and cruise missile strikes are in. Insertion of special forces might be considered, however helicopters and ospreys would be dead meat for cloaked Wakandan fighters in defensive posture, and you can't see them to try and avoid them. The same goes for attempting to insert paratroopers through HALO jumps.

Practically speaking, only the US has the logistics to get the job done, and even then, it will take them months if no one is shooting up their attempts to set up the logistics. For the EU and the rest of NATO, China, etc.... They will need years to get develop the logistics netowork and tools that would make a viable deployment to Wakanda of anything but special forces.

I was talking about waiting on logistics for the big invasion and sending a small army first, not about any ifs or whens.

Indeed, you aren't sending even a small army without proper logistics, and they aren't there. It would be even longer if Kenya and Tanzania prove hostile. Wakanda's location by deafult is going to buy it time before it can be invaded. However, it is within strike range of many US bases in the Middle East and North Africa, which will be expanded, reifnroced, hardened, and used to harrass Wakanda while a coalition forms and builds up the logistics for a ground invasion.
I have to wonder how standing war doctrine is going to be rewritten after this. Despite the threat of alien invasion I imagine that the great powers were picturing fighting any resulting war in something resembling a conventional fashion, if with a few more big guns and neat toys. The first world hasn't really had experience with a war to the knife since WWII, just brushfire wars of different sizes with the occasional curbstomp against a far inferior target, and our way of going to war is doubtlessly flawed and obsolete... but we don't really have a solid idea how due to a lack of proper case studies. We haven't even had something like Ukraine happen yet.

It should pay dividends. Having the illusion of strength wasn't doing us any favors.
I have to wonder how standing war doctrine is going to be rewritten after this. Despite the threat of alien invasion I imagine that the great powers were picturing fighting any resulting war in something resembling a conventional fashion, if with a few more big guns and neat toys. The first world hasn't really had experience with a war to the knife since WWII, just brushfire wars of different sizes with the occasional curbstomp against a far inferior target, and our way of going to war is doubtlessly flawed and obsolete... but we don't really have a solid idea how due to a lack of proper case studies. We haven't even had something like Ukraine happen yet.

It should pay dividends. Having the illusion of strength wasn't doing us any favors.

That is one of the thing that makes current events a mixed bag in the long run instead of a pure, umitigate disaster. Wakanda's attacks are providing a wake-up call, and serious re-evaluation of combat doctrines. That's going to be big in the air, because most conventional AA and SAM missiles are designed for proximity kills against what are soft targets. Any alien fighter would be an aerospace one, and through armor, shields or both will need to tank micrometeorites and keep going to complete its mission. Nothing short of anti-tank level firepower will be able to reliably kill those, and I meant the kind of firepower that has a chance to gut modern tanks hitting them where their armor is tough, not in the weak spots.

The ongoing events are also a big wake-up call to complacent, comfortable populations, and that can't be unrerstated as how important it is going to be.
Phase 15 Part 6
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 15: The Wakanda affair


Part 6


Razor flight
Wakanda airspace

The French pilots were surprised no one and nothing had intercepted them yet ten minutes after entering Wakanda's airspace. They kept flying and recording what their recon pods could glean – which was the expected small village herds of goats and the people keeping an eye on them. One of the pilots was quite sure he gleaned a small group galloping on horseback. Yet, there was no trace of an advanced civilization capable of striking across Europe and beyond with stealth craft that blew the American bombers and F-22s out of the water.

One thing command thought obvious, and the pilots agreed – modern cities were hotter than the surrounding areas. One of the best places to hide one was where no one would think twice about seeing hot spots on thermal. Even if you somehow concealed a city, what about the heat it produced?

Wakanda conveniently had such places near its border with Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Kongo. That region contained more than a few volcanoes, which have been partially active for centuries.

They could detect no tracking radars, a trace of modern civilization, or even towns and cities resembling those they flew over while passing through Kenya before reaching Lake Victoria.

Half of Razor Flight flew high, just below the cloud cover. At the same time, the rest went low in the hope of avoiding effective detection by any SAM emplacements.

On the ground, surprised people looked with confusion at the unfamiliar aircraft flying above them. Here and there, members of the Border Tribe who weren't deployed in the cities to keep the peace reported the intrusion. However, while noted, those first reports were dismissed as distraction attempts by units that obviously were not loyal to the new regime. Orders went down the chain of command to detain and interrogate the warriors who raised a false alarm.

By the time more and more reports reached the new leadership, which was stretched thin trying to keep the country together and maintain an illusion of strength and legitimacy, it was too late. Wakanda was a small country, and the French fighters flew quickly. In ten minutes, the air raid could cover almost two hundred kilometers, moving at the maximum subsonic speed of the Strike Fighters. That was fast enough to cover a good chunk of the country's length. More importantly, it was just enough to get from the border near Lake Victoria to the holographic field surrounding the Golden City.

After the coup, the people responsible for Wakanda's air defense were either dead or in custody, awaiting the military government's decision about their final disposition. The warriors of the Border Tribe crewing their stations were unfamiliar with their equipment. Their first reflex upon receiving a warning about intruding foreign aircraft was to run a diagnostic. Indeed, no outsider would dare attack Wakanda or know to do so!

When people comprehended their new reality and began to react appropriately, the first French Strike Fighter was less than a minute from flying above the Golden City. Of the Dragon and Talon squadrons that should have been Wakanda's first line of defense, there were literally a handful of aircraft left in the country, with a few designated as transport for the new leadership and not meant to engage in combat. That left only a few Dragons that had returned from delivering weapons and were being loaded with their next batch of cargo while their crews rested.

A ring of automated concealed energy cannons was meant to provide a second line of defense and back up the Air Force in case of an attack. When they were activated, the French aircraft were out of range, leaving only the Golden City's defenses to meet them. Several weapon emplacements were built into the hills, cradling Wakanda's real capital. The only issue with them was that opening fire would disrupt the holographic field covering the city, exposing its location to outsiders. The same was true for activating the shield.

Ultimately, the order to activate those defenses came only after two Rafales, followed by six Strike Fighters, entered the holo field, believing they were about to overfly a smoking volcano with its sides covered by lush forests.

The French pilots' exclamation of surprise broke the radio silence, followed by excited reports to the rest of the flight and the Carrier Battle Group, sailing off the Somalian coast and heading for the Persian Gulf at maximum speed. The Holyfield distorted and deflected their calls. If it wasn't for the rest of the flight flying right above the city acting as stations to transmit data to the Charles de Gaule, the fighters that found themselves above the Golden City would have seemingly vanished without a trace.

The automated cannons came online, and their armored hangars opened. Radars and more exotic sensors awoke, painting the airspace above the Golden City.

However distorted their transmissions were, they were understandable. Warning icons and targets appeared on target computers. Three Rafales and six Strike Fighters went evasive. Their plane's computers could detect the threats. In many cases, the pilots could see the cannons unlimber and begin tracking on the mountainsides beside them.

In the city below, thousands, then tens of thousands, looked up with stunned disbelief. The cannons opened fire, throwing blue streaks of energy calibrated to avoid the tallest buildings in the city. Missiles answered them and six more Strike Fighters descended like ravenous birds of prey. The remaining three Rafales stayed on station above the city, looking for threats and transmitting priceless information about Wakanda.

Some cannons rotated to aim up and went to rapid fire, bracketing the descending Strike Fighters with energy bolts. Missiles and rockets slammed into the mountainsides, engulfing cannon emplacements in fire. A Super Etendard blew up, touched by an energy bolt. A second one followed, proving not agile enough to break the targeting lock. A missile struck true, yet its warhead failed to detonate due to the too-short distance it was launched from before impact.

In the sky, two then three Strike Fighters died while racing to fly through the holographic field, but not before one unleashed its rockets and two gravity bombs in the general direction of the incoming fire. A fourth blew up as it flew through the hologram of a tree. The remaining two Strike Fighters lived long enough for their targeting pods to lase targets and launch missiles, followed by rockets and bombs. More explosions shook the cannons shooting up, throwing off their aim for precious moments.

Seconds later, two more Super Etendards blew up, spreading debris and burning fuel all over the Golden City. In response, the mountain range to the west of the capital turned into an inferno when the bomb and missiles struck true. Capacitors burst, and energy cannons blew up, turning into burning beacons. A single Super Etendard and two Rafales were still alive below the holographic dome, and only because they were flying too low for the automated cannons to target without hitting the city itself. Three, then a fourth Dragon finally rose to meet them, resulting in a short, one-sided air battle.

At the same time, a Wakandan fighter shot down the last surviving Rafale within the city limits; the remaining French aircraft hit their afterburners and split, heading towards US bases in Saudi Arabia.

Their mission was an unmitigated success, despite the heavy losses. NATO now knew the location of one of Wakanda's modern cities, as well as the area of some of its defenses and their capabilities. Now the Carrier Battle Group had targets for cruise missiles, and they would launch them soon, matching the timing to ensure that NATO satellites would be above Wakanda the whole time the strike flew above the country. That, in turn, would reveal more targets for a follow-up strike that would be launched hours later from US bases across the Middle East and US Navy elements in the Persian Gulf.

The following day, there would be no doubt that an unexpected and unwanted war came to Wakanda. Hundreds of thousands of angry and confused citizens would be demanding answers from their new government.
I can't wait to read about Cpt. Rodgers reactions to the world's current status when he's defrosted. He'll also shit a brick when he finds out the god damn Illuminati-Hydra run the show and that Howard's Son is one of them. Probably have conniptions.
I can't wait to read about Cpt. Rodgers reactions to the world's current status when he's defrosted. He'll also shit a brick when he finds out the god damn Illuminati-Hydra run the show and that Howard's Son is one of them. Probably have conniptions.

In this timeline, at least Sharon Carter was one of them, and Howard Stark had a close working association with them, which is one of the reasons he got killed. Captain America is in for some shocks if anyone explains the truth of things to him.
In this timeline, at least Sharon Carter was one of them, and Howard Stark had a close working association with them, which is one of the reasons he got killed. Captain America is in for some shocks if anyone explains the truth of things to him.

Hahaha. The guy is going have a stroke!

Hey, if it's not too spoilery, but are there any plans to offer some kind of age rejeevenation to Stark? He seems about 10 years older than he was in Marvel Cin verse.
Ohh. This is good . Necessity is the mother of all inventions. And this war will turn out to be a big necessity.

I really want to see everyone marching on Wakanda. NATO, Russian, Indian and Chinese forces attacking and taking the city like a veritable ork horde.

Take from them everything. Give them Nothing.
In this timeline, at least Sharon Carter was one of them, and Howard Stark had a close working association with them, which is one of the reasons he got killed. Captain America is in for some shocks if anyone explains the truth of things to him.
The illuminati are currently allied to Hydra but they are completely separate entities. Unless you are Retconning that difference.
The illuminati are currently allied to Hydra but they are completely separate entities. Unless you are Retconning that difference.

In this timeline, what we are calling the Illuminati is a Hydra group/head that separated from the original Hydra when it fractioned centuries ago, then set up shop in western countries, and eventually the US, then backed the US in WWII, and were the founders of SHIELD. They also used Operation Paperclip to get what they believed to be saner parts of Red Skull's Hydra into SHIELD, and that kind of backfired like OTL....
Burn baby burn.
I love when those assholes get what they deserve.
Wakanda as been a mostly stable and amazingly prosperous nation for generations; the people won't rebel. They MIGHT push to have a new royal put into power, though...