The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

I'm not sure if you ever mentioned it, but were there any changes to hydra during ww2? With how much you've nerfed and changed I'm kinda surprised that I can't remember a mention of the tesseract weapons, because it's always been harder to store energy than it was to create it, so I find the idea that Zola managed to store a power source using ww2 material science that is defined as "infinite" -and the thing about infinity is that if you take a "small" piece of infinity it is still infinity- kinda laughable with how much the rest of the tech has been nerfed

The lightspeed drive in the captain marvel movie is believable, both because of the funding the Cold War pushed and they had alien assistance pushing material science enough for the prototype, but also because it wasn't trying to mess with the cube directly just harness the energy it naturally sheds and manipulate that
I'm not sure if you ever mentioned it, but were there any changes to hydra during ww2? With how much you've nerfed and changed I'm kinda surprised that I can't remember a mention of the tesseract weapons, because it's always been harder to store energy than it was to create it, so I find the idea that Zola managed to store a power source using ww2 material science that is defined as "infinite" -and the thing about infinity is that if you take a "small" piece of infinity it is still infinity- kinda laughable with how much the rest of the tech has been nerfed

The lightspeed drive in the captain marvel movie is believable, both because of the funding the Cold War pushed and they had alien assistance pushing material science enough for the prototype, but also because it wasn't trying to mess with the cube directly just harness the energy it naturally sheds and manipulate that

I haven't covered those details in the story yet. Basically, what Hydra did was thanks to the Red Skull's limited control of the Infinity Stone, they cheated. They were able to contain and use energy from the infinity stone in large part because said energy "wanted" to be contained and used. Strictly speaking, they shouldn't have been able to do what they did with Earth's tech level in the early 20th century. For an example, their energy weapons were more like flamethrowers, with the power packs working like fuel tanks, and the weapon itself, "spraying" and channeling said energy in the desired direction. The same goes for the power packs that powered their exoskeletons we saw in the first Captain America movie. That is a big reason why SHIELD went nowhere reverse engineering Hydra's most advanced tech - with the Terseract dormant, and without someone influencing it to get its energy to cooperate, that tech simly could not work as advertized.

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To be fair, they rather fucked themselves.
Now we just need to see if we can unfuck them and everyone else. We have a very limited window to get the world into good working order and every wasted second, bullet, or life is going to mean we are immeasurably worse off when shit hits the fan. We needed something to galvanize the human race and make it treat the universe as the threat it very much is but that was handled in the very first day.
as if he was imitating Vader.

primary drawback of the enhancing serum the Red Room gave her

her light enhancement kept infections and diseases at bay
Ok, I know I'm way late on this. But did anyone ask about the Star Wars movies being a thing in this story? Did the MC just not notice that yet?

Also what kind of enhancements were part of Widow's training? I thought they were just extremely skilled and trained people?
Phase 18 Part 3
AN: Merry Christmas!

Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 18: War Fever


Part 3


Silent Hunter, M-Class Ravager ship
flying above the Arabian Peninsula

Passive sensors ripped out of a wrecked Kree escort ship and mapped the human town and cities below. Bright programs analyzed the raw data for anything resembling military presence or, even better, unexpected discoveries like the small mountain of vibranium back in Wakanda.

D'ver used the flight to calm himself down and take a break from impersonating that fool M'Baku. The flight computer could handle everything as ordered, leaving the Skrull to relax and plot.

The sheer arrogance of these Wakandan humans used to be extremely helpful. It was only due to it and its consequences that he and the renegade Skrulls got as far as they did. Without all the stupid issues that led to the coup and ongoing unwinnable war, taking much of the vibranium would have been impossible for the Ravagers. A strike force from one of the larger powers might have been able to pull it off. A whole clan might have been able to secure the mine for long enough to get out with a large enough haul that made the potential risks worth it.

D'ver's gambit offered an unprecedented opportunity his colleagues jumped at after a brief discussion. However, he had only a handful of Skrulls to impersonate people. Even with the disruptions and chaos caused by the war, there was only so much they could do, and so fast they could push the locals to mine vibranium. A big reason for this flight was so D'ver could decide what to report to their group's leader in a few days. After the latest mishap, he doubted the Wakandan military could last long enough for the Ravagers to achieve their more ambitious goals. The Skrull was seriously considering pulling out soon with everything they could get their hands on. It should be enough, he thought.

Nevertheless, there was still the possibility of slowing down the other humans and thus buying time. That was one of the reasons for taking this flight in the first place.

Logistics mattered and governed how fast the locals could invade with useful numbers. A few days ago, D'ver believed the crippled Wakandan air force could still buy him enough time. The successful raid made him reconsider. A primary defensive approach meant to simply buy time was no longer viable. With the vehicles the other humans stole, they could risk hunting more Wakandan air assets or even commit to a large-scale raid. Even if everyone sent on such a mission died, they could still die after causing too much damage Wakanda wouldn't recover from in time to matter.

A direct side-effect of the raid was political upheaval and many people asking questions of the Wakandans D'ver's allies replaced. Their position was less secure now, and that required action. He needed victories to buy time and solidify support for the replaced local leaders.

D'ver wasn't arrogant enough to believe his local subordinates would succeed for sure, no matter how much advantage he could give them through planning and intelligence. No matter what happened in the following local week, his people had to be ready to pull out with as much vibranium as possible.


Sanctuary II, Thanos' flagship

Thanos hummed contently while his adult children entered their usual meeting chamber and took their seats. Ebony Maw was last to arrive, floating in a way most would find highly unnatural and disturbing.

"Settle down and pay attention," the Titan's voice boomed, interrupting Proxima and Corvus' flirting.

Those two were still acting like lovestruck youths when there was no prospect of immediate combat. It was amusing and often vexing, for work was to be done!

"We listen and obey, father!" Proxima bowed before skipping to her favorite seat.

"We will soon be able to leave the galactic fringe," Thanos reminded them, using a light chiding tone. "So far, we were able to replenish and slightly expand our forces after each culling, but that won't be enough for the battles and wars to come. We will need vaster numbers in space and on the ground."

Seeing the children perk up, pay attention, and think about their position was heartening. "Ebony?" Thanos addressed his oldest son.

"I bring useful news, father. We have located the system of the Genetic Smiths who created the Outriders living weapons. As we speak, I have agents gathering more information about them and their capabilities," Maw raised a hand and used his telekinesis to switch on a holographic projector.

Different versions of a six-limbed dark-skinned creature formed above the table where Thanos' children sat. One of them was nearly naked, wearing torn-apart rags. That image was a good baseline to compare with the other models of the living weapons. In contrast to the feral-looking thing, those beside it were something else indeed. One was clad in golden armor. A closer look revealed it was cybernetically grafted to its body, giving it protection and further close-quarter weapons beyond its fanged maw and four arms with razor-sharp claws.

The final Outrider could be mistaken for a Chitauri in full armor if it wasn't for the additional limbs. It stood on two legs, clad in advanced armor resembling high-end Chitauri equipment. Each set of arms cradled weapons – a large gun in the upper ones, while the lower held two pistols.

"The Genetic Smiths can solve any manpower issues we might face if we can bind them to our cause. Expendable war beasts, guards, soldiers, crews, workers…." Ebony trailed off with a satisfied smile. "They can solve many of the dilemmas facing us when we encroach upon the galactic powers."

"Mass cloning of tailored war organisms might be viable after all…" Thanos mussed aloud. His other option was going for not particularly smart war, autonomous war machines, though that would be a perilous prospect. If they went rogue, such machines could threaten everything he wanted to achieve. That wasn't a risk Thanos would take lightly, no matter what precautions could be used.

"Do we have enough time to go that way?" Corvus inquired. "The war between the Skrulls and Kree will end sooner or later. If the winner has enough time to rebuild and consolidate, our work will become much harder."

"That is why we will take a different approach on the next worlds we cull," Thanos explained. "Our Chitauri allies have been developing cybernetics that can not only replenish their numbers but transform parts of the local population into tough, obedient workers who will die more useful deaths than most. We will use them and what the Genetic Smiths can offer in the long run to build up industrial centers and forward bases for our future campaigns. Remember, our goal doesn't require facing and defeating the likes of the Kree or Skrulls in an open battle for the control of the galaxy. We must be sufficiently powerful to stall their forces and achieve our overreaching objectives. When we have the Infinity Stones, it won't matter how much material the industries of those Empires could build in the long run or how vast armies they could raise to use it."
Phase 18 Part 4
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 18: War Fever


Part 4


The final participants of what would become the First Unification War entered the fray on the heels of a major victory against Wakanda. Under the aegis of SHIELD and the oversight of the freshly established SWORD agencies, a special forces raid managed to neutralize a Wakandan airfield and, more importantly, capture multiple light and heavy fighters. This would directly lead to Wakanda's final significant offensive actions in the conflict as a response.

Those events, combined with the ongoing civil war in Iran and the still escalating War on Terror, were both key in understanding what followed and directly responsible for the last conflict that would characterize the First Unification War...

The First Unification War: The third conflict

Breaking News! North Korea's leader just suffered a heart attack on live T.V.! He was delivering a blistering speech of defiance against South Korea, the United States, and China when suddenly clutching his heart and collapsing…


The North Korean military is mobilizing minutes after the official announcement of the death of the country's Dictator. We have unconfirmed information about explosions and troop movements near the capital, Pyongyang.

BBC World News

Civil War in North Korea? Signal and satellite intelligence confirms there is fighting in parts of the country, focused on the capital and nearby military bases. The North Korean military is now fully mobilized, with units either racing toward Pyongyang or the borders with South Korea and China. In response, the U.S., South Korean, and Chinese Forces in the region are now on a war footing, ready to face any possible developments.

Associated Press

Beijing is moving an armored corps towards the border with North Korea to further reinforce the forces stationed there. Do the Chinese have inside information about the ongoing events in Pyongyang?


Seoul is in chaos hours after the South Korean government ordered the city's citizens and its suburbs to either evacuate or go to shelters.


The U.S. president pledged continued support to America's South Korean allies.

USA Today


SHIELD facility X
a former Canadian military research site
Northern Canada

The world was going to hell in a handbasket, and for once, it wasn't my fault. Despite, or more like, because of the war with Wakdanda, terrorists all over the Middle East and Afghanistan were going on a rampage, using their modern weapons as if they were going out of fashion. Air strikes, sometimes nearly indiscriminate ones, as well as artillery, answered, raising the overall death toll and ensuring any notions about winning hearts and minds died fiery deaths.

North Korea was on fire, too, just not in a way anyone anticipated it. The Kim dynasty as a whole proved not to be insane enough to start a war they couldn't win. Instead, the candidates for new leaders and their supporters were apparently busy trying to kill each other in a free-for-all with a dubious throne as the prize; that and not ending up in a shallow grave.

Right now, it was anyone's guess if the situation over there would blow up or fizzle out.

It was frustrating there was nothing I could do to put down any of the raging fires. This right here painfully illustrated the limits of my power as Tony Stark. My money, economic power, political connections, and even my position as part of SWORD meant little.

At least the raid on Wakanda worked because my position would be much weaker if it failed spectacularly.

"You are feeling particularly morose today, Stark," Doom announced after darkening my doorstep. He entered my laboratory carrying big cups of steaming coffee. "I really don't like this empathy thing we have going," he added.

"It has its uses. With more time and training, you will be able to ignore it or even subconsciously not use it unless you want to. That makes being around most people much easier," I told him.

Not hiding my abilities did wonders for my mental state, and it was very slowly helping accustom my body to channeling more of the Force over time. Sadly, that was mostly a moot point with the state of the Force in this universe.

"I can't hide anything from Susan! She is reading me like an open book!" Victor grumbled.

"That usually helps avoid misunderstandings," I offered and sniffed the coffee he brought me. "Or ensures you will dig your own grave, then jump into it as far as your girlfriend is concerned."

Doom's emotions were all over the place. He was frustrated and not a little bit angry. Below all that, he was damn smug and proud of himself.

"On the bright side, there's no guessing about how your lover feels about you," I pointed out. "You two are sweet enough to rot teeth by sheer proximity." It was bloody annoying.

"There's that," Doom perked up and stared at a nearby wall with a far-away look. A wistful smile formed on his face before he caught himself and shook his head. "I'm not supposed to be like this!" He waved a hand at himself.

"Young love," I sipped my coffee and enjoyed its bittersweet taste. There was enough sugar and caffeine in it to wake the dead, just like I needed it as of late.

"We've been stuck either in here or in seclusion for too long, Stark. Hell, you've been in here for too long already," Doom reined in his emotions, channeling them into lighting arcs that jumped between the fingers of his free hand. He looked at the energy with fascination before raising his eyes to stare down at me. "There's a lot of work to be done, including our new joint initiatives."

Victor sighed and let go of the Force. The lighting died out, and he pointed at the monitors around me. "We have good enough theories and enough material for our people to work on. Much of what has to happen now is banal work best done by an army of technicians and lab assistants. Our talents are wasted here."

"One of the big reasons we are here is security. Another is to be on the ground floor when deciding who gets what spoils from those the military recovers and brings in for study."

Doom scowled at my words. He glanced at the wall, certainly in Storm's general direction, before looking back at me. Victor's emotions further settled down until he had them under reasonable control.

"Why are you really here? You didn't come to just vent at me, much less bring me a coffee for having to listen to you bitch at me," I gave him an unimpressed look.

"I've been thinking about what you teach us, what you told us, and what is happening," Doom said, tapping his temple with a finger. "Going forward like it is business like usual would be insane. What is happening is an ample demonstration that Earth isn't ready for the kind of war we might find ourselves fighting," 'And losing,' he didn't say aloud, yet his emotions and bearing made crystal clear what Victor was thinking. "I am many things, Stark. Insane, I am not.

Well, wasn't this interesting? I took another sip of my beverage to buy myself more time to think. Through the Force, I could sense his determination and frustration at admitting he wasn't up to the task by himself. In that regard, his emotions mirrored my own.

"We are at a disadvantage. It would take tremendous work and a lot of luck to get where we need to be to protect Earth," or more importantly, those on Earth we cared about.

"Letting it to politics and the 'free market' can get us all killed or worse, as you very well know. That is why you joined this SWORD initiative, wasn't it?" Doom inquired.

I nodded slowly, ensuring the only emotions he might sense were those I wanted him to. It was safe to let him think his idea on the matter was all there was to it. After all, what he suggested was perfectly accurate, just not all of the truth, far from it.

"When the opportunity arises, I might introduce you to a few acquaintances," I offered. It would be an excellent way to see if Doom knew precisely who they were and if he was already working with them. Either way, he could prove to be a valuable asset.
nice chapter thx for writing it
fun seeing north korea will be interesting if china will do clean up or if a local super will take over ?
That's one mess no one wants to have to deal with, much less clean up.
If it's anything like real life their contingencies will trigger. All three Powers the US alliance, Russia and China will be driving a blitzkrieg to secure the NBC stockpiles in the their launch silos and storage bunkers in North Korea's Northeastern mountain range. The Civil War and horrid infrastructure will slow all three down.
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Phase 18 Part 5
AN: This update fought me tooth and nail, refusing to cooperate. Feedback, please.

Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 18: War Fever


Part 5


To this day, there are conflicting accounts of how the "Second" Korean War began. Conflicting sources point at orders coming from Pyongyang, sent by the Kim dynasty faction losing the civil war for control of North Korea. Others claim it was the winning side that sent the orders.

However, no surviving records or intercepted radio transmissions weigh either way. All we have is second and third-hand accounts from survivors of North Korean front-line units. The one sure thing is that the ongoing fighting in the capital led to censorship cracking, with orders going out for reinforcements in the open. Units near Pyongyang did mobilize and added to the chaotic battle in the capital. The rest of the North Korean military was already on edge, ready to open fire on any perceived threat…

Hours after North Korea's military along the DMZ lost contact with Pyongyang, an explosion occurred at one of its artillery batteries aimed at Seoul. Claims of treacherous South Korean, US, and even Wakandan attacks immediately followed, throwing the North Korean units in the region into chaos. Mistakes were made...

The First Unification War: The Korean Reunification War

North Korea shells Seoul! War in Asia!


The way the war began, combined with the nature of the DMZ, dictated the nature of its opening phase. The Norks made no obvious preparations to breach the minefields and throw armored spearheads at our defenses. While they were mobilized like everyone else, signal intercepts and other intelligence made it clear that the North Koreans deployed in a defensive posture.

At the same time, a significant number of our units and those of our allies had to be deployed to cover various cities and projected targets for potential Wakandan air strikes. This meant that even if we were ready to smash our way through the DMZ in retaliation, we didn't have the forces to exploit any such breach. For the first week, the conflict was a pure artillery and air war.

In theory, the nature of the opening phase of the war should have given us a great advantage. We had better fighters, bombers, better artillery. Our weapons were more precise and vastly more reliable. The Norks had tens of thousands of artillery pieces, a glut of generally obsolete AA systems, and old fighters with pilots who lacked enough flight hours to compete. Attacking us should have been pure madness. It was pure madness. Yet, the reality on the ground and in the air was somewhat different…

from the memoirs of Colonel Frank Mayer


Seoul and its outskirts were dark, save for fires, explosions, and the flashing lights of moving vehicles. On various locations on both sides of the DMZ, pilots could see flashes of artillery and missile launches. Explosions blossomed across military bases, towns, and villages. Patches of forest and fields lit up, struck by various weapons.

It was a hell-made manifest, and the air forces of three countries were flying right at it.

Ahead of the strike craft, primary F-16 variants fitted for ground attack flew air superiority fighters and SEAD squadrons, aiming to degrade the North's air defense net. It was a painful revelation that while much of it was obsolete and not particularly dangerous if you knew what you were doing, there were enough modern systems run by people who had a good idea of what they were doing.

The first air strikes across the DMZ faced minimal resistance, emboldening the South Korean air force and their US allies. However, the following wave was mauled by modern, likely Chinese or Russian systems. That setback meant many North Korean artillery batteries kept firing, especially along the northeast part of the DMZ. From Incheon to Namyangju-si, artillery shells, and missiles shattered skyscrapers, hammered residential districts, and struck at logistic junctions.

In a sense, due to the unplanned nature of the attack, North Korea lost the conflict before it even began. Their command and control were compromised, and their leadership was too busy fighting and dying each other. Yet, even in its death throes, the North Korean regime and its military were a wounded, dying beast lashing at everything in range. They were still dangerous, and unfortunately, there were many soft targets they were perfectly capable of striking.

For South Korea and its allies, the first night's air attacks of the war were meant to achieve many objectives. One of the most critical tasks was exposing the enemy's effective AA systems so they could be destroyed. Once those were out of the way, air supremacy would allow unmolested hunting of North Korean artillery pieces. It was also meant to reduce the pressure from the ceaseless artillery strikes by hitting logistic hubs and ammo depots and choking supply to the front. Ongoing strikes against command and control nodes meant that there was little organization among the North Korean military.

It was do-or-die time for the parts of the North Korean Air Force that survived the first day of fighting. Even with the North's command and control networks disintegrating, it was clear to local commanders that they were in a position to use all they had left or lose it. It might have been a life-long indoctrination, or perhaps sheer spite. However, despite its disadvantages and the near-certain suicidal nature of the mission, the surviving North Korean fighters and bombers rose to meet the onslaught and try striking targets in the South. Shortly after dawn, the same would be true for mobilized and deployed armored and motorized formations, which would try their luck in crossing the DMZ.

It was a target-rich environment for the South Korean military and their allies; if anything, there were too many targets to be neutralized in a feasible amount of time... and some of them were quite dangerous. For the North Koreans, it was an unsustainable bloodbath. Yet, they kept at it with fatalistic fanatism, often until they could no longer fight.

Anyone who could have feasibly stopped the madness either died in Pyongyang or in a command bunker struck in retaliation for the unprovoked aggression. The Second Korean War would enter its third day without a sign of the bloodbath ending.


Silent Hunter, M-Class Ravager ship
interstellar space

It took D'ver three tedious days to reach a location in deep space form where he could safely contact the leader of his Ravager Clan. He needed to be far enough from Midgard to ensure no Asgardian sensors or magics might discover him and close enough to one of the Clan's hideouts for the equipment there to boost his signal.

"Runt, what do you have for us?" Kel's voice rumbled, sounding like breaking gravel. That was no surprise – many Kronans had similarly sounding deep voices. The unusual thing was Kel was a particularly cunning and intelligent example of his species. He was shrewd and lucky enough to earn himself the right and power to make his Ravager clan.

D'ver explained the situation, suffering through painful communications lag. Better systems could get around it, though doing so would make the transmissions much more powerful and easier to track – a distinct liability for any self-respecting Ravager.

"I am tempted to get you all out now, with all you can carry," Kel said. His brown, rocky face scrunched into a scowl. "You've already earned us all a great bounty. Too many Ravagers lose it all by being too greedy."

Kel was right, though that didn't help D'ver. The Skrull wanted to get as big a haul as possible. Doing so would be his ticket out of a life as an outlaw. The days he spent traveling with little to do but to plot helped in that regard.

"I offer a compromise, boss. Send the additional transports. I will try to buy us as much time as possible. If it all pans out, we'll have more time to get away clean with more material. If not, we will do it quick and dirty, taking everything we can while loading everything that has been mined and stored already."

"Doing so will mean missed opportunities for our Clan," Kel pointed out.

That was true, D'ver knew. The additional transports needed for the best-case scenario would be out of play for a few weeks between their travel to Midgard and then back. They also had to be escorted, which meant more of the Clan's ships would be tied up in the operation and unavailable for other traditional Ravager activities.

"The prize is worth the risk, boss. However, it is your call."

Kel raised a thick rocky finger and pointed at D'ver.

"This is your play, Runt. We can't risk pissing off the Asgardians. Those people are crazy," the Ravager leader made a suggestive gesture near his forehead. "I'm sending you two transports with escorts. Get them filled with what loot you can and those you have waiting and get back before those primitives nuke themselves into oblivion."

Well, this was as clear a directive to do as he saw fit to succeed as he was going to get. D'ver turned his ship around and headed back to Earth. He had three more days to refine his plans and a few weeks to put them in motion before the other Ravagers arrived, and it was time to leave.
Phase 18 Part 6
AN: Happy New Year! I hope you'll all have a fulfiling and productive year! Stay safe and healthy!

Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 18: War Fever


Part 6


The General Secretary issued an ultimatum to North Korea, demanding an immediate ceasefire. He threatened grave consequences in case the Kim Regime continued the 'unprovoked and insane' aggression against South Korea.


Between the civil war in Iran and Wakanda's naval interdiction efforts, the economic impact of the ongoing conflicts is potentially going to be catastrophic. At this time, the Suez Canal is closed for commercial shipping. There are many cargo ships stuck in the Red Sea or the Mediterranean, crippling trade between Europe and Asia. The Wakandan efforts also mean that critical food and aid shipments to Africa are on standby, guaranteeing famine and starvation in various African countries.

Forbes Magazine

EU heads of state, foreign ministers, and representatives of the European Central Bank will hold an emergency meeting in Brussels this Friday. They will negotiate a new economic and defense framework for the EU, reflecting the ongoing war and existing and emerging threats.


In an emergency session this afternoon, the Senate will discuss and vote on a possible declaration of war against North Korea. Considering the ongoing Wakandan War, we might be looking at World War III unfolding before our eyes…

USA Today


the Pentagon, Washington, DC

Admiral Frederick Tillman, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, sat in a bunker below the Pentagon, pondering his options. It was three days after the world went to hell in a handbasket, with little chance of things improving anytime soon, even if he didn't have to deal with any new wildfires.

Around-the-clock air strikes in Iran, all the assets bound in protecting sites around the globe from Wakandan air assault, and now, the Norks deciding to commit what might very well be the most expensive suicide in human history… For decades now, the US military has taken pride in being able to fight multiple wars across the globe and win. These days that boast was put to the test, and the Admiral wasn't sure they were up to the task in a manner that mattered.

Iran was a foregone conclusion. Air strikes and some more missiles from the naval assets in the region would see the loyalists' military win. After that, it would be up to the politicians on both sides to figure out something everyone could live with. Ideally, Iran would choose a moderate path and invest in rebuilding instead of financing terrorist groups all over the place. For all intents and purposes, that place was now a sideshow that could be mostly ignored.

Wakanda couldn't be ignored because if those crazy bastards wizened up, they could still cause catastrophic damage before going down. While crippled, their air force was still potent, and all countermeasures against it were incredibly manpower and hardware intensive. The sheer number of assets bound in place due to Wakanda was unbelievable. That, combined with terrorists with dangerous weapons running all over the Middle East and Afghanistan, further stretched the Coalition forces.

Unfortunately, the cupboard was relatively empty when North Korea erupted. The sheer intensity of the fighting there dwarfed even some of the most pessimistic but credible projections, making the situation worse.

Tillman looked at a constantly updated map of South Korea and the one of the globe beside it, showing the best-known dispositions of friendly and enemy forces.

All available marine units were sailing towards Korea with naval escorts. Federalized National Guard units and elements of the First Armored Division were racing toward transport ships. Until then, the only ground forces that could make a difference were the Marines from Okinawa and Guam.

Due to the heavy artillery and missile strikes the Norks were still capable of, the forces from Okinawa had to disembark at Busan, and it might still be a couple of days before they could engage the enemy. It would take longer for the meager reinforcements from Guam to get in place and at least another week for further reinforcements to land.

In theory, that wasn't a catastrophic delay. The most critical area around Seoul was shielded by water. For all the ongoing issues on the front, there wouldn't be a successful North Korean amphibious assault.

Despite that, Seoul and its suburbs were an anchor tied around the necks of the South Koreans and the US forces in the theater of operations. A significant portion of the enemy's artillery was concentrated against the city while covered by the best anti-air assets the bloody bastards had. Even with evacuation starting a few days before the war, there were still millions of civilians stuck in the area. Some were lucky enough to be reasonably safe within shelters. However, most of the population was busy evacuating under fire, which pinned in place a significant portion of the South Korean military and emergency services. Most of the available precision ammunition, cruise missiles from naval assets, and the invaluable Jericho missiles Stark made were expended against the glut of artillery aimed at Seoul.

The Admiral glanced at the long lists of confirmed losses and destroyed enemy assets, with those of claimed kills near it. At best, in the three days of vicious fighting, the Norks had lost nearly four thousand artillery pieces of all kinds, something that would have broken almost any other army on the face of the planet.

In this case? It wasn't enough. Precision ammunition in the theater was running out. Part of it was the incredible intensity of the fighting. The rest was the sheer number of enemy artillery striking all over the place, with a murderous focus on ammo depots and vital military facilities.

Many of Fifth Fleet's elements had to fall back for resupply, with only air strikes from the carrier in the area still going strong, burning through long-range weapons as if they were going out of fashion.

At the end of the day, Korea wasn't a prominent place. The nature of the DMZ meant many forces had to be stationed to hold apparent positions. The nature of the beast robbed the allied forces in the region of some of their most significant advantages. It didn't matter as it should have that they had the edge in command and control, mobility, or precision weapons when the enemy had the massed firepower to remove square grids of the map that had to be held.

There were mobile artillery systems that proved themselves invaluable again and again until they simply ran out of ammo and had to retreat, seeking resupply. Others were merely unlucky, finding themselves under barrages. It was clear that the enemy's battlefield intelligence gathering wasn't great. However, some sneaky bastard had accounted for it, using the volume of fire to smash grid squares where SPGs might be. It was wasteful, with a tremendous amount of shells expended against empty fields. At other times, villages and towns were smashed for no good reason. As if that wasn't bad enough, the enemy kept getting lucky due to the sheer volume of fire they could still sustain even after days of heavy fighting.

The Admiral stared morosely at the maps. The ongoing Nork efforts were unsustainable in the long run. But frankly, that was a moot point. They already caused a tremendous amount of damage, and the price for taking them out for good would be even higher.

Seoul was safe from a ground invasion, and why would the enemy bother taking place when they were busy reducing it to a burning ruin? Most of the North Korean army was focused east of the capital, taking advantage of the better terrain. While those regions were fortified deathtraps, the forces in place to hold them were suffering heavy casualties from artillery of all kinds, and that wasn't going to change in the next few days.

Tillman had a simple, terrible choice regarding recommending a strategy to the President. They could redirect air assets and artillery away from Seoul, sacrificing what was left of the South Korean industrial heart and potentially tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of civilians, to relieve the pressure of the forces holding the DMZ. It was either that or continuing to focus on the artillery aimed at the capital and the anti-air systems covering it.

Unfortunately, the same geographical features that shielded Seoul from a ground invasion meant that raids across the DMZ without a tremendous preparatory effort would be a pointless bloodbath.

The Admiral looked at the reinforcements already en route and all the cargo ships with ammo and relief supplies. At least those weren't much of an issue, especially the latter. Convoys were leaving European harbors with military and relief aid, heading for South Korea as well. That would help in the long run.

The bigger problem would be getting the supplies and reinforcements from the reasonably safe harbors to the front and all the people fleeing the fighting. Hell, most of the military police in the continental United States would be deployed to ease up logistics and help the Koreans keep things under a semblance of control.

Then there were the Chinese. Tillman had no idea what way they were going to jump. If the State Department could be trusted, the Chinese would not support the Norks in their suicide attempt. That was well and good. However, it wasn't something the Admiral could count on until all was said and done. The way things were going, if the Chinese intervened, there wouldn't be enough forces left to conventionally stop them from taking a leisure ride all the way to Busan.