The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

So all that diplomatic bickering was for nothing? Tony went with his initial suggestion, same as Tyr.
I expected him to at least try some wishful requests with the implication they were not his idea and are optional.

Indeed, all the diplomatic bickering ended accomplishing nothing, in no small part because no one else wanted to end up holding the bag if the negotiations failed. This way, they can blame Sith Tony and the US for a failure, or for a success that is not deemed successful enough... or for a success in general, which means Earth is accepting being an alien protectorate as a good thing, which won't go down well with many voters all over the world. Then, there was of course the little issue of forcing the issue about who would negotiate for Earth, after Asgard obviously chose Tony Stark.

Do not mistake the events of the last update for everything being great diplomatically, or for everyone being happy with the outcome.
Do not mistake the events of the last update for everything being great diplomatically, or for everyone being happy with the outcome.
Eh, no matter what the result ended up being there would be someone out in the streets about it.

The intelligentsia will be queuing up for that school. Honestly, most students will have headcams, and the books will be copied and distributed all over the world. The military types will be happy we're not going to get squashed like bugs right now, and get ALL the guns from Stark they can.

The religious types? Earth is best and obviously could fight off everyone else because earth is the center of the universe. How dare anyone imply anything else. Hallelujah.

This is Marvel Earth, so... the agents, double agents, cultists, minions etc etc is actually a rather sizeable demographic. They will be all over the place. For the Great Leader!!! etc. Will vote against anything that makes the government a better option than their secret cabal.

The tiny demographic of civilians with actual common sense will be... not happy, but able to handle it and will try to use the upsides. But they are really few in Marvel Earth.

The typical "Muties Must Die, let's build doom bots and let them loose with unlimited ammunition in our cities!" commoners of Marvel Earth? Probably convince themselves that the whole Wakanda thing is an obvious plot to try to discredit the anti-wacc movement, that Sword is actually selling out earth to the aliens, and that theese new pills are Really Goooood. Yeeeeah.
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"Not with that attitude" - Hela probably
I'm imagining her and Tony saying that line together and then just looking at each other. Its adorable.
So all that diplomatic bickering was for nothing? Tony went with his initial suggestion, same as Tyr.
I expected him to at least try some wishful requests with the implication they were not his idea and are optional.
The other nations weren't consulted so they could contribute. They were consulted so they wouldn't do anything stupid unilaterally that would have made things worse.

And we both know they would have.
It's highly unlikely. Now, Sith Tony getting to a position of economic dominance and a personal military strength that makes him a deciding factor in Earth's policy, through turning SI into an extremely powerful megacorp that blurs the line between a corp and the governments? That's much more plausible.
He's in a position to... kind of become the economic substrate upon which mankind sits. Something that governments could actually be considered subcontractors for, handling things it finds inconvenient.

He operates outside of national boundaries and is likely to become too powerful to be bound by the will of any one of them, he's likely going to be the first power with any sort of meaningful space industry and thus will functionally crash every other market that requires inorganic material scarcity, exotic technologies are likely to pass through his hands before they reach general circulation even in terms of governments as a matter of course.

And then we have to consider the conspiracy he is the favored child of. Yeah. At some point people are going to realize that his playing the part of a subordinate is purely a polite fiction.
Well, it is both finding people who would accept being stuck on Earth without a good way to get back to Asgard regularly, or even with proper cheap and regular communications, and finding such people with the right qualifications.
Some people might be ideologically driven, being capable and willing... but willing because they have something to gain from being here at the ground floor. The Asgardians are not above that sort of thing and, yeah, they aren't the only member of the Nine Realms that might be part of the potential recruitment pool.

I could imagine Nidavellir making a play. Looking at any of the old, old lore of Norse and Germanic dwarves? It would be on brand.

Hell, even with Hela being vilified there are bound to be extremists that still think she is hot stuff.
Yeah, most people will be mightily surprised by the way Sith Tony tries to "fix" Hela. He certainly won't be trying to turn her into a pacifist.... :D
"I'm absolutely a pacifist. I am entirely dead set on running out of enemies."
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The other nations weren't consulted so they could contribute. They were consulted so they wouldn't do anything stupid unilaterally that would have made things worse.

And we both know they would have.

That was certainly a part of the calculus. Another one is that Earth has to hang together. Needlessly alienating countries, diplomatically, politically, or economically, even if they're rivals is not a good idea, because if any somewhat reasonable invaders emerge, you're basically handling them safe landing zones and armies worth of collaborators. That might be survivable if the country in question is a small pariah like North Korea. If it's China, Russia, or India, for example, any of them backing the aliens all but ensures that the rest of Earth will lose.

He's in a position to... kind of become the economic substrate upon which mankind sits. Something that governments could actually be considered subcontractors for, handling things it finds inconvenient.

He operates outside of national boundaries and is likely to become too powerful to be bound by the will of any one of them, he's likely going to be the first power with any sort of meaningful space industry and thus will functionally crash every other market that requires inorganic material scarcity, exotic technologies are likely to pass through his hands before they reach general circulation even in terms of governments as a matter of course.

And then we have to consider the conspiracy he is the favored child of. Yeah. At some point people are going to realize that his playing the part of a subordinate is purely a polite fiction.

That's Sith Tony's long-term way to power, yes. It helps that consolidation of assets, is going to be important, and in the end of the day, any Earth corporations that would be relevant on the interstellar stage, which Earth would need first for its development, then for trade, and such, would by necessity be massive megacorps with incredible amount of assets and reach. Anything less would not be competitive, like at all. So the question isn't if Earth will have to deal with such an entity or a few, but how to manage them. The alternative is not going to be acceptable.

Sith Tony knows his history, due to having to deal with such corps in his day, so he knows how they rose, and if they failed, why they failed. That gives him a lot of hindsight to work with, and allows him to take a long-term approach that is very rarely seen in the modern corporate world.

Hell, SI is going to be the primary candidate to take a crack at any exotic technologies to try and reverse engineer them, then begin manufacturing Earth designed copies. That by itself would be yet another license to print money. For most intents and purposes, right now SI is already the most powerful and wealthy corp on Earth, and it is only going to become more powerful and welthier as it fully takes advantage of the current contracts it has with various governments. And we haven't yet reached the second step of the Uplift Program - taking the first steps into space, where SI in collaboration with Von Doom Industries, NASA and a refubrished European Space Program will be the leaders.
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That's Sith Tony's long-term way to power, yes. It helps that consolidation of assets, is going to be important, and in the end of the day, any Earth corporations that would be relevant on the interstellar stage, which Earth would need first for its development, then for trade, and such, would by necessity be massive megacorps with incredible amount of assets and reach. Anything less would not be competitive, like at all. So the question isn't if Earth will have to deal with such an entity or a few, but how to manage them. The alternative is not going to be acceptable.
There will probably be at least some attempts at a State Capitalist approach to all of this which wouldn't entirely be a bad move. considering the monumental amount of re-gearing. Either the in the harder sense performed by modern China... which either goes very well or very poorly with nothing in between... or the softer variant we saw in, say, the Japanese Economic Miracle. Early adopters of the new technologies, those who gear up first, will have a massive advantage and it will probably be such powers that can keep up with Stark even in small ways. Laissez faire capitalism specifically, yeah, its great in certain fields but not when you need to sink hundreds of billions of dollars into investments that won't be seeing immediate returns for all that you occasionally get freaks like Tony.
Hell, SI is going to be the primary candidate to take a crack at any exotic technologies to try and reverse engineer them, then begin manufacturing Earth designed copies. That by itself would be yet another license to print money. For most intents and purposes, right now SI is already the most powerful and wealthy corp on Earth, and it is only going to become more powerful and welthier as it fully takes advantage of the current contracts it has with various governments. And we haven't yet reached the second step of the Uplift Program - taking the first steps into space, where SI in collaboration with Von Doom Industries, NASA and a refubrished European Space Program will be the leaders.
We'll have to see if Tony is going to be working on a vertical or a horizontal business model. Whether he wants to control the entire production chain all the way down from the asteroid to the hands of the consumer, at the cost of maybe having someone else stringing up alternate production chains, or if he finds it more profitable to just utterly dominate space mining and make himself the only affordable producer of resources for everybody else.

Its not exclusive or anything. Picking one doesn't mean you don't also do the other but it would very much mean that he expands faster in one direction or another.

Deconstructing just one of the bigger metal-bearing asteroids (one called Psyche is one of the most tantalizing bodies in the solar system for industrial purposes) would leave us with such a resource glut that we'd be gilding shit just for corrosion resistance and exotic shit like osmium would actually be used in meaningful quantities. I'm not even sure if iron or steel will have a price anymore.
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In many regards, the Uplift Program, is simply incompatible with traditional modern capitalism. Take the fusion reactors that are being built right now, and will be built in the future - they go way beyond what the economy by itself needs now, or will need, because their ultimate goal is not to just supply cheap, limitless energy, it is to fuel ground to orbit weapons, theater, and eventually planetary shields. What's needed for the latter two, goes far beyond what the economy of even super-industrialized Earth will need. Eventually, the whole energy sector might have to become government run, with people and corporations not paying traditional bills for electricity, but instead paying for it as a part of their tax, and in exchange receiving access to a robust modern power grid that can supply them with as much energy as they need. The electricity bills with transition to be exclusively for maintaince and overhaul of the energy grid, instead of paying for the energy itself, which would be ridiculously cheap due to the sheer availability. And building that many fusion reactors that won't earn profit is not something that the private sector can deal with, yet will be necessary in the medium to long term.

Eventually the same might be true for internet, due to how valuable rapid internet access worldwide would be for government and corporate use, not to mention as a way to monitor for alien incursions and a way for civilians to immediately report anything out of the ordinary. Other vital industries would likely follow suit, if they're needed, yet due to various developments become not profitable enough for the private sector to maintain and develop in a way that governments need them to. In that case, at the very least we will see corporations running the show, which have both government oversight and governments as major shareholders holding the leash so to speak.

As for SI control over industries, we will likely see both things happen. In industries that Sith Tony deems vital, he will want direct control of the whole production chain - from resource extraction in space, to finished products in order to ensure both quality and quantity as needed. In other cases, which he doesn't deem as vital, he would prefer to dominate one or two parts of the chain from resource extraction to assembly of finished products, while leaving other corporations to take active participation in the process.

That's true. Feasible asteroid mining is one of the things that would significantly shake up the existing economic models, which would be already rather different from what we're familiar with right now by the time this timeline gets there. Practically speaking, by the end of the uplift program, Earth will be within the grasp of being a post-scarcity society for most things that regular civilians need for comfortable lives. If corporate and government interests let it get there is another question. There would be proponents for both, for different reasons. For the Illuminati, post scarcity could be a way of control - a modern take of bread and circuses for the masses if handled right. This of course would lead to a clash between most of the industrialist among them, and the political, and military wings of the organization.
I wonder we will get to see more of Veil!Stark overseeing the Star Wars franchise he bought from Disney such as checking out Bad Batch or Andor before approval for example.
He's too busy for that now, but I thought those were good(didn't watch)? He needs to pre-fix others, such as the sequels and Mandalorian.
Bad Batch and Andor are pretty good, check it out when you have time.

And yeah good point, although it's funny to imagine Veil!Stark react to the actress of Bo-Katan since you know Veil is married to Bo-Katan from another story.
Phase 17 Part 7
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 17:Unintended consequences


Part 7


News from the second meeting between Tony Stark and General Tyr from Asgard spread through Earth's halls of power like wildfire. This meant even more changes were coming.

Like across most of the world, the changes were a double-edged sword in the United States. They brought incredible, often unexpected, prosperity to some while serving as the death knell to whole industries. Some were in a position to change in time, and while not precisely facing prosperity, they were expected to endure. Others faced ruin, and its face was that of Tony Stark.

Then there was power and influence, ideology too. Stark Industries was growing by leaps and bounds, firmly entrenching itself at the top of the Fortune 500 list. As an industrial concern and weapons manufacturer, the corporation had always been influential. Under Tony Stark's revitalized leadership, SI grew and diversified, entering new markets by storm while preparing to break even more new ground.

That sped up the ongoing realignment. Those betting on Tony Stark and SI doubled down on it, while everyone else found themselves hard-pressed to choose a side. SI was already too powerful to ignore. The only question for many in power as if they should back or oppose it while they still had the chance.

In Europe, the fires of change were burning bright and not necessary for the better.

In the United Kingdom, energy independence was within grasp. This opened many new opportunities yet, combined with the ongoing wars, strained the fabric of society even further. New and old ideologies were about to clash for the future of the whole nation. Some wanted the Empire of old back or never truly comprehended it died in the flames of two world wars. Others saw a priceless opportunity to achieve their vision, which meant Britain had to stand alone and unburdened by external constraints like the EU.

And even those who saw the future of the United Kingdom as forever linked with Europe felt more than little unease at what was happening on the continent.

From Paris to Warsaw, from Brussels to Rome, from the shores of Spain to the cold forest of Finland, Europe was at war the continent hadn't seen since the Nazis took it by storm decades ago. If anything, the conflict revitalized NATO's existence and boosted the European Union. It was becoming painfully clear that smaller European countries would never have the economy or militaries to protect themselves or thrive in this new world of fusion, aliens, and impossible threats like Wakanda.

The EU's long, halting, plodding advance toward more unification and centralization was suddenly a vital theme discussed by all governments of its member states. In this new world, standing alone would be a lonely and deadly place to be. And even the organization's greatest adversaries had to admit that with its aid, many member states would find it easier to adopt fusion in a reasonable timeframe. That was critical because the energy independence that Tony Stark offered the world was a priceless gift that a country had to have unless it wanted to be left behind.

Fusion reactors were expensive. The overhaul of power grids required to make the best of them was often even more so. The economic and political rewards far exceeded the price… if a country could pay it in the first place.

Yet, this, not quite a new direction the EU was slowly moving towards, was something only some accepted. Politicians and industrialists across the UK were by no means unique in being wary of the new direction shaped by decision-makers across Europe. A stronger, more united EU, one with more teeth beyond denying money, was something that only some member states, their governments, or the opposition agreed with. For some, it was a matter of sovereignty. For others, such a stronger EU meant less power or simply less opportunity for graft.

In Moscow, the people within the Kremlin looked warily across the border. Their primary issues remained survival and maintaining their position in the cut-throat politics of the Russian Federation. Any attempt to look outwards would be punished by rivals looking for weakness to exploit. One day, Russia might be united enough to rekindle its dreams of an Empire. Until then, survival and, if the opportunity arose, reining in a few of the autonomous regions within the country was all that might be possible.

Africa was on fire, literally and figuratively. Wakanda's weapon shipments ensured criminals, rebels, and terrorists had teeth, the kind they had rarely enjoyed since the fall of the Soviet Union. Not everyone was fortunate, like Morocco. Government forces across the continent bled at the hands of insurgents and organized crime, while often unstable governments teetered on the edge of the abyss. The potential food crisis, again, because of Wakanda's madness, didn't help manners.

It was a dark irony that mutual hatred of Wakanda was the one thing that united Africa as a whole these days.

The alien threat? Future development? They would only matter once Wakanda was dealt with. There would be no future until Wkanada was de-fanged or gone for good. For an increasing portion of Africa, either outcome was acceptable.

The Middle East was on fire, though Wakanda was merely a distraction and an opportunity this time. Long-simmering issues, advanced weapons, and the distraction of three ongoing wars gave terrorists and insurgents priceless possibilities too good to let slide. Governments had to scramble to find a path forward while their house was literally on fire.

In India, Wakanda's outrage sparkled focused fury, harnessed by nationalists nationwide. Soon, there was little doubt about who would win the next elections with promises of security and a bright future in cooperation with Stark Industries.

China found itself with a priceless opportunity to diplomatically reset the board and avoid what might have been a direct course toward a cold war with the United States. It still had to struggle with nationalist and expansionist elements within its government, making it harder to take full advantage of the new paradigm politically.

Yet, on the economic front, cooperation with SI for fusion technology and the development of exoskeletons meant that economic growth was more than ensured despite the ongoing wars and strife. That fact, by itself, suggested that the compact between the Chinese people and its government remained intact.

In South-East Asia, the changes brought opportunities, yet in some regards, changed little. China was still the behemoth everyone was wary of yet kept trading with.

Japan eagerly embraced exoskeletons to ensure its people could work effectively longer before retiring, yet still struggled to find a culturally and politically acceptable solution to declining birth rates and thus population.

South Korea had to remain focused on the North, where the Kim regime appeared increasingly unhinged with every significant change that hit the world.

In Taipei, the new paradigm sounded like a potential death knell. The possible warming of relationships between China and the US, or at least the necessity of cooperation, could prove to be fatal in the long run… Just like China acting sensibly and winning economically over Taiwan might eventually end up with a new status quo unacceptable to too many people, especially among those currently in power.

The winds of change were blowing, and no place on Earth would remain untouched for long.
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Mostly, this made sense. At the very least as "Yeah, sure, it could go like that." However...
In the United Kingdom, energy independence was within grasp. This opened many new opportunities and, combined with the ongoing wars, strained the fabric of society even further.
This sounded a bit weird to me. Y'know... "Oh no, the gas bill might go down - TIME TO MARCH OUT IN THE STREETS!!!" Wait, what? How does that compute? Some oil industry might get in jeopardy, but there is not that much of it, and plastics, oils for lubrication etc etc will definitely have a market still. Engineering personell from the oil sector will definitely have more work to do in other sectors, and transportation personell ditto. Electric stoves etc are honestly an obvious deal if the monthly bill gets halved if they change. And with fusion power en-masse? The electricity bills will indeed drop like a stone.
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I'm expecting a new age of colonialism among the more destabilized regions... which even the colonialists don't properly want. Right now the world is entering a period where uncontrolled territory is dangerous, where everybody has to play ball, and failed states have suddenly become something nobody can afford to countenance. In this case, though, it would be an unwanted distraction that few would profit off of rather than a rapacious cash grab or act of nationalist self-fellation.

That isn't to say that there won't be some exploitation. I imagine that the first fusion reactors built in Africa, save for the Wakanda occupation region, will be coincidentally right next to major aluminum mining regions on the Ivory Coast. But that sort of thing would be salvaging a few tarnished pennies out of a massive money hole.
Wow talk about a lot of dominoes falling everywhere thanks to Tyr and Veil!Stark agreement.

Those agreements reinforce various other issues in play.

Wrong word, pretty sure you meant teetered

Thanks, fixed.

Mostly, this made sense. At the very least as "Yeah, sure, it could go like that." However...

This sounded a bit weird to me. Y'know... "Oh no, the gas bill might go down - TIME TO MARCH OUT IN THE STREETS!!!" Wait, what? How does that compute? Some oil industry might get in jeopardy, but there is not that much of it, and plastics, oils for lubrication etc etc will definitely have a market still. Engineering personell from the oil sector will definitely have more work to do in other sectors, and transportation personell ditto. Electric stoves etc are honestly an obvious deal if the monthly bill gets halved if they change. And with fusion power en-masse? The electricity bills will indeed drop like a stone.

Yet, instead of and might be better in the sentence you quoted. Now, the issue with the bills is that while the price of electricity is going to fall like a rock, that won't be fully reflected in the bills. In places, at least initially, they might even rise, because the lion's share of them is going to be transfer fees over the energy grid, maintaince and upgrade of said grid. Now, in the long run, it is entirely possible that electricity becomes right, while fusion reactors and the power grid are government sponsored, if not outright ran, and paid for as part of the regular taxes. The reason for this is that Earth is going to need orders of magnitude more fusion reactors for defense than the economy could handle. And once you've built those reactors and the distributed and upgraded power grid that can handle them, there isn't good reason not to have most of them run, even at low power. Eventually you will actually want them running, so they're available to ramp up power production fast in case of a surprise attack to power up weapons and shields, and the rest of the time they can be used for the regular power grid.

Now, to elaborate on the other things you wrote about. One of the issues about the strife, is that while the changes will indeed open a lot of new jobs, those jobs aren't necessary be in the same regions, and won't necessarily cover the same people. That's something often overlooked when people talk about the effects of automation, new industries, etc... While they tend to be a net positive in the long run, they do cause stress in the short to medium term, and there is no guarantee that any given government can handle it well at the best of times.

These aren't the best of times, and the stress on societies worldwide caused by all kinds of obvious and not so obvious factors opens the door for demagogues and radicals of all stripes who will be promising what people want to hear, and what governments won't necessary be able to, at least in the short term.

For the UK in particular, at this point of time, we've got a lot of people with conflicting interests, and a great deal of voters who just wait for an opportunity to put their displeasure in action.

This is what I love about the fic, the politics

That's a big part of the story, yes.

I'm expecting a new age of colonialism among the more destabilized regions... which even the colonialists don't properly want. Right now the world is entering a period where uncontrolled territory is dangerous, where everybody has to play ball, and failed states have suddenly become something nobody can afford to countenance. In this case, though, it would be an unwanted distraction that few would profit off of rather than a rapacious cash grab or act of nationalist self-fellation.

That isn't to say that there won't be some exploitation. I imagine that the first fusion reactors built in Africa, save for the Wakanda occupation region, will be coincidentally right next to major aluminum mining regions on the Ivory Coast. But that sort of thing would be salvaging a few tarnished pennies out of a massive money hole.

That will be one of the many reasons for the Unification Wars TM. Some of them will be interventions to restore order and try to bring forth a stable, friendly government after local order collapses. Others will be attempts to neutralize hostile regimes that might just greet alien invaders with open arms. There will also be mistakes and interventions that could have been avoided with more deft diplomacy, yet after various events to date, no one would be in the mood to use velvet gloves so to speak.

Yeah, many of the first wave of fusion reactors in Africa, as well as investments in infrastructure, will be aimed to give access to raw materials, or to power locally build refinerries and plants to create advanced alloys. The countries which would be able to make good deals otherwise would be relatively few, if for no other reason, everyone is spending already tons of money for domestic fusion and power grid overhaul. Even if countries want to help, the capability to do so in the short term will be limited, even before we take into account the ongoing wars, and the coming invasion and incursion, which means that the militaries worldwide would be getting much of the money that otherwise might be available for investment. In practice, it might turn out that a new economic model is needed worldwide to sustain the uplift and constant military upgrade programs, which after New York and London everyone sane will be backing to the hilt.
Japan eagerly embraced exoskeletons to ensure its people could work effectively longer before retiring, yet still struggled to find a culturally and politically acceptable solution to declining birth rates and thus population.
Stop having employees pretend to work overtime coz it's culturally not acceptable to leave before the boss.
I know, easier said than done.
interesting, i just binged the entire story and I must say, top notch storytelling, excellent material. I can't wait for more to come
Phase 17 Part 8
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 17:Unintended consequences


Part 8


The Golden City

The city Ihna Amvake returned to after weeks of combat was the same, yet different. She only had the opportunity to see how the war affected the rest of Wakanda outside its warriors because her Talon needed maintenance and upgrades. Otherwise, she would be preparing to fly another mission instead of trying to relax on the train on the way home.

Ihna was sure that if she tried, she could touch the fear permeating the train car. People were constantly looking through the windows as if certain that any time now, more missiles would strike the shield, yet, this time, it would fail.

The constant angry murmurs were a new thing in her experience. It didn't help that she could see groups of people gathering across the city while many of the best-known roads were blocked by solid blocks of Border Tribe warriors.

The constant glimmering lights all over the mountains nesting the city didn't help calm people down. Now and then, Ihna saw her travel companions look warily at those lights where construction crews and groups of engineers were busy building more defensive cannons and doing their best to restore those worst hit during the outsider attack that struck the city weeks ago.

Finally, the pilot reached her stop and quickly made her way out of the train. Passing by the park near her parent's building, she heard a veteran warrior speak in front of a large group of youths.

"We must protect our future! If we fail, the outsiders will plunder Wakanda and leave us with nothing, as they did to the rest of Africa!" As he spoke, the old warrior shook his fist, and many of the youth followed suit. There was no mistaking their anger or eagerness to find a target for it.

Ihna slowed down her pace and watched the gathering. There was something she hadn't seen before going on. As a pilot, there was no place for anger or other emotion while flying, no matter how dangerous the mission was or how wrong it went. Cold precision in planning and execution got the job done and gave you the best odds to get home intact, especially now when everyone sane knew how dangerous the outsiders were. At best, adrenaline helped your reactions a bit, yet at the same time, it was a double-edged sword affecting precision and rational decision-making.

What that warrior spoke of went contrary to all of Ihna's training and experience in combat. It was anger and arrogance that killed most of her fellow pilots. Instead of offering rational arguments, the warrior was using the wrath of the youths. He wasn't trying to calm them down or tell them that rash actions and decisions might get them killed in combat. Instead, he was giving more fuel to their anger and aiming it as if it was a weapon instead of an obstacle to overcome.

Ihna shook her head and walked away, wondering who to speak with about what she just witnessed. With the King himself and the Golden Tribe betraying Wakanda, then the military miscalculating and grievously misjudging the outside world's capabilities, the pilot wasn't sure if there was anyone left she could talk with.

Still, this can wait until tomorrow evening, when she has to return. Until then, Ihna had few precious hours to spend with her mother and sisters. Who knew if she would live to see them again?


Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility
Mojave Desert
Nevada, US

Fury stalked through a long corridor, lined up with armored doors ready to slam shut, cameras, and security personnel. This place was vital for America and the world's security, and he wasn't about to take any chances with it. That was especially true because the last time Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. was active, it ended up with nothing to show for but a wiped our Air Force base.

The Director entered a large conference room with a long metal table surrounded by comfortable chairs. Some of NASA's best scientists and 'freelancers' with useful specialties sat around, sipping coffee and tea while looking at folders with classified information about the mystery they would soon attempt to crack.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I am Director Nicholas Fury of SHIELD. By now, you've all heard about SWORD, that aliens are real, and that our place in the universe is less than ideal. We are here to do something about it," Fury spoke loud and clear while walking to the head of the table. He picked up a small remote waiting for him and pressed a button. Screens came alive, showing the aftermath of the alien attack on the US Air Force Base close to three decades ago, then that of the battles in New Mexico and Wakanda's attack on universities, among other things. He sat down and gave the gathered scientists and engineers a few more moments to absorb the gruesome pictures before swapping them for a close-in image of the Tesseract and what Hydra achieved with it in the forties of the previous century.

"Some of you are here because their theories are now proven," Fury nodded at Dr. Selvig and Dr. Foster. "Practical wormhole travel is possible, though it is another question if it will be within our reach within the lifetimes of any of us. That is how the Asgardians rapidly traveled to Earth and back. We need a way to localize any deployment of people or material using wormholes first on Earth, then within the solar system. After that, it would be nice if there is any way to block the formation of such phenomena. Naturally, he looked at the scientists in question. To get there, we would need to spend a lot of time and resources working on the theory and practice surrounding the creation of artificial wormholes."

Selvig and Foster perked up at that.

"What might be otherwise impossible can potentially become possible thanks to this artifact straight out of myth," Fury continued. With another press of a button, everyone looked at the Tesseract from various angles. "During the Second World War, Hydra was able to utilize this object to create technology that is only now becoming feasible without it. If you manage to re-activate it and figure out how to utilize it, there might be no limit to what is within your reach."

If that happened, SHIELD would have a proper counter to Stark if the man went bad or was playing them all. Not to mention, having an alternative source of defenses for Earth was common sense.