The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

Phase 13 Part 2
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 13: Ripples


Part 2


New York

"Reinforcements are on the way to secure the site and artifacts. Mr. Stark and our visitor are on the way to a military hospital under heavy guard. We chose the place in question due to its proximity to elements of 1st Armored Division that can deploy in defensive posture before the casualties are airlifted there," Danvers reported in front of the whole Oversight Council and the President, who was very interested in the fact that Aliens apparently brought a civil war or a coup attempt to US soil.

"Can we keep things quiet?" Councilor von Holstein inquired.

"So far, we have no major leaks. Persuading the population of the town in question to lie through their teeth and blame everything on a weird weather phenomenon will be going to be expensive and might require twisting hands," Danvers did her best not to grimace at thinking about SHIELD. "As per our operational agreement, such cover-up operations are SHIELD's responsibility due to long-term experience. The agents who attempted to create an interstellar incident might do something constructive for a change."

"We will discuss that later in the meeting, Madam Director," Akira noted. "What are your preliminary evaluations and recommendations?"

"We should remain in a heightened state of alert. Until and unless Prince Thor's people re-establish contact, we won't know the outcome of the coup attempt we suspect occurred. We might see additional attacks aimed at his assassination. We can only guess at this time who might ultimately win. If it happens to be the loyalists, allowing Prince Thor to die in our custody will earn us no favors. The reverse is true if the coup is successful. Keeping the Prince alive will lead to further incursions to see him removed as a threat. However, the lack of follow-up strikes aimed at him might indicate an ongoing civil war, in which case either side's continued survival might not be a priority."

"What do you recommend?" Yen asked.

"I am giving you the facts as we understand them, Councilor,' Danvers calmly explained. "No matter what we do, we face potential dangers and boons in the long run. However, we lack the information to make an educated decision. We must decide how to handle Prince Thor, mostly blind."

"That's less than ideal," Hawley pointed out.

"While true, we can't change the fact facing us. Regarding actual recommendations and observations, there are various things of note. First, we might need to invest in hardened transport infrastructure for rapid deployment that doesn't rely on air transport. This means overhauling and expanding the railways in case of Jotun incursions or such by other entities with a similar way to weaponize and control the weather. At the same time, we will require investment in faster, armored transports to facilitate rapid deployment of combat elements into or near contested regions. The strategic mobility the Asgard demonstrated means makes this critical."

"More investment in R&D and infrastructure. I am sure we can agree on this. There will be benefits beyond the direct military ones. Are there any scientists left on the planet who aren't neck-deep in work?" Hawley wondered aloud.

"Councilor Stark will know. We can ask him when he recovers," Danvers suggested. "Another observation is that for the Asgard, small arms might be obsolete and unable to provide sufficient effective firepower to be worth it. Instead, they appear to favor literal enchanted artifacts and weapons. The sheer durability and self-repair capabilities demonstrated by the combat platform deployed to assassinate Prince Thor backs this hypothesis. Bringing anything short of anti-tank firepower might be pointless if we have to engage Asgard forces, rogue or not."

"Well, we lack magical weapons or the way to mass produce them," Yen grimaced. "So everyone expected to face Asgardians should be carrying anti tanks missiles?"

"Heavy weapons that people can carry thanks to exoskeletons might be useful against regular Asgardian infantry. From what we saw, the Asgardians who engaged the Destroyer were nowhere near as durable as that thing. However, we would almost certainly need proper anti-tank firepower for anything that is not infantry. HMGs and auto-cannons might be useless against light vehicles and, as demonstrated, heavy infantry units."

"Exoskeletons might become from nice to have to indispensable when facing aliens," Yen concluded. He would like that China was already making a killing selling the passive ones.

"That is our preliminary conclusion, yes. The primary issue was that the weapons our infantry carried, except Javelins, simply had insufficient firepower. It should be noted that we have indications that Asgard isn't mass-producing this kind of combat robot. However, the existence and demonstrated capabilities of the Destroyer should compel us to assume the worst in that regard," Danvers explained her thinking.

"We will take this under advisement. It's a good thing that we have a friendly, high-placed source of intelligence about Asgard's capabilities," Hawley smiled. "Prince Thor should be eager to tell us what we should prepare against if for no other reason than so, we could better keep him alive. It's not like we will be a strategic threat to Asgard anytime soon."

"Further debriefing of the Prince after the doctors are done with him is on our to-do list," Carol confirmed. "My final recommendation, for now, is that we continue to utilize Councilor Stark as our point man for first contact. His performance was exemplary both from a diplomatic and military perspective, including defusing an ugly clash between agencies."

"Yes, our colleague continues to prove himself supremely capable. That will be a problem for some people when combined with the increased profits, power, and influence of Stark Industries," Yen scrunched his nose as if trying to chase a headache away.

"Because he is too powerful and independent for the taste of many?" Hawley hummed. "It's a good thing that Tony is one of ours then, isn't it?"

Danvers noticed several Councilors nodded without reservation while others looked less than pleased at the declaration. Apparently, even an alien incursion wasn't enough to keep the political games at bay.

"Speaking about meddling groups, SHIELD," The General grit her teeth. "Do we have an explanation of what Fury was thinking, or better yet, those who aimed to cause a diplomatic incident?"

"From what I gather, until it was too late and the four other Asgardians arrived, no one was taking the Prince Thor situation seriously enough. There were people and groups within SHIELD or able to influence it that saw this as a perfect opportunity to compromise SWORD and, depending on how much Councilor Stark overreacted, use the fallout both against us as an organization and Mr. Stark in particular," Danvers didn't like the picture Hawley painted at all.

"What are we going to be doing about it?" The General asked.

"You and SWORD, Director? Nothing. It is our job to deal with such… mistakes," Yin reminded them.
So, Illuminati are gonna go harder on Hydra? Good.
Also, a good thing to develop, would be heavy blasters. Something like those two have. One with rapid-fire for shit like Chitauri, and the canon one for vehicles, and superpowered individuals.

First day in the office by Lord Cheddar
"You and SWORD, Director? Nothing. It is our job to deal with such… mistakes," Yin reminded them.

Well, some people at SHIELD 'bout to get their cheeks clapped. I wonder who actually was behind it; was it actually Fury, was it a bunch of paranoid idiots, was it a bunch of racist paranoid idiots, was it someone from one of the many branches of HYDRA, was it someone else, was it someone intentionally trying to discredit SHIELD, all of these at the same time? Round and round the blame-game goes, who's at fault: nobody knows!

Hopefully the Illuminati get their shit together and start acting more seriously. The interconspiracy wars have gone on long enough. Speaking of HYDRA, which faction are Pierce and Sitwell part of in this universe? Are they still part of the idiotic technofascist branch or are they part of the (somewhat) benevolent international deep-state branch? If they are, which seems likely considering their careers and nationalities, that means that they won't have to betray all their friends when HYDRA's existence is revealed, yay!
Sitwell and Coulson, best friends for ever!
Fun fact: did you know that Alexander Pierce was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for his outstanding diplomatic actions when he was part of the Department of State, many of them before he joined HYDRA? Apparently he declined it because "peace [is] not an achievement but a responsibility". He was probably even being honest!

Actually, this has just given me a great idea for a theoretical scenario where Project Insight goes like it did in the OTL MCU.

>Be me, high ranking SHIELD bureaucrat
>Newly promoted to SHIELD headquarters after a long career in NSA
>Take that, Langley! Who's the more important agency now!
>I get to watch the watchmen now
>Life is good
>Suddenly explosions
>Why the fuck are the Project Insight Helicarriers shooting at the Triskelion
>Wait that means they're shooting at me
>"Well, shit." I say along with everyone else in the office
>Suddenly the asshole from accounting pulls out a submachine gun from his bag
>"HAIL HYDRA!" He screams as I duck behind my desk
>I mean, he was always kind of an asshole, and racist, and obsessed with "order", and weirdly passionate about the Wehrmacht, but I didn't expect him to be an actual Nazi!
>Okay I should have kind of expected it
>Cheryl from HR pulls a Laser pistol out of her purse and starts shooting at him
>"Shut up, you racist dick! HAIL HYDRA!"
>The Japanese secretary's arms unfold into FUCKING PLASMA BLADES and he starts slashing at the other accounting people
>The whole room breaks out into a fight between several different groups all yelling hail HYDRA.
>At this point, the only other person not fighting is the intern.
>All of sudden she says "fuck it" and SHAPESHIFTS??!!! into a green alien
>What. The. Fuck.
>Cheryl turns to me and tells me "come with me if you want to live".
>Cliché but I don't really have a choice
>I take my old NSA-issue gyrojet pistol out of my desk drawer and join her
>What? Government work has its perks.
>We fight our way to the staircase where we're joined by the LockMart representative who's wielding a plasma rifle
>"YOU FUCKERS! YOU RUINED OUR FUCKING HELICARRIERS!" He shouts as he guns down the quarterly reports people, "HAIL HYDRA!"
>I'm saved from Jeff from the cafeteria's knife by a HYDRA branded ninja.
>Wait, isn't that the Starbucks barista?!
>Fifty floors later:
>Our squad is outside the East Entrance Bus Stop covering Abdul the Shawarma Guy who's shooting at Quinjets with a Stark Industries anti-air Blaster.
>I hope he survives; he makes the best shawarma in DC.
>Help! All My Colleagues And Acquaintances Are Actually Part Of Competing New World Order Conspiracies!
>Holy shit I'm a romcom anime protagonist

I was too lazy to write in full prose, so I wrote an omake in greentext style instead; maybe I'll re-write it to be a full piece of prose later.
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So, Illuminati are gonna go harder on Hydra? Good.
Also, a good thing to develop, would be heavy blasters. Something like those two have. One with rapid-fire for shit like Chitauri, and the canon one for vehicles, and superpowered individuals.

That's one of the end-goals for the exoskelleton, and later power armor projects - to make Earth infantry useful on a battlefield against alliens, by giving them the weapons to take out enemies, and ideally, the protection to survive return fire, or at least close misses.

Congratulations, your post is an Apocryphia for the story now. It sounds about right about the level of madness the various Hydra, Hydra descendent, and other groups with their interests within SHIELD. In this timeline, it was created by Hydra, which explains why no one notices when Hydra infiltrators do their own things - said things are generally in line with what the official Shield does. And fury was both trained and chosen for the job by Hydra people, so while he isn't directly one of them, you can say that his morals and view of the world broadly align.

Then we have all the councilors by design buidling their own power bases, which are supposed to ensure that SHIELD as a whole won't be used against their countries beyond its official remit. So going against terrorists and their supporters, enhanced individuals, alien infiltrators and third party spies, thats fine. Going beyond that, is a big no-no, at least in theory.

In my mind, this broadly explains why no one noticed SHIELD being infiltrated and Hydra OTL - the damn thing was kind of Hydra from day one. There really wasn't anything out of the ordinary to notice up until the end.

Sitwell is Red Skull Hydra or as we call it, Hydra Hydra. Pierce is kind of part of them, however he might jump ship to the Illuminati in the end. He is more interested in finding a working way to get Hydra's overal objectives than the particulars of the ideology.
That's one of the end-goals for the exoskelleton, and later power armor projects - to make Earth infantry useful on a battlefield against alliens, by giving them the weapons to take out enemies, and ideally, the protection to survive return fire, or at least close misses.

Congratulations, your post is an Apocryphia for the story now. It sounds about right about the level of madness the various Hydra, Hydra descendent, and other groups with their interests within SHIELD. In this timeline, it was created by Hydra, which explains why no one notices when Hydra infiltrators do their own things - said things are generally in line with what the official Shield does. And fury was both trained and chosen for the job by Hydra people, so while he isn't directly one of them, you can say that his morals and view of the world broadly align.

Then we have all the councilors by design buidling their own power bases, which are supposed to ensure that SHIELD as a whole won't be used against their countries beyond its official remit. So going against terrorists and their supporters, enhanced individuals, alien infiltrators and third party spies, thats fine. Going beyond that, is a big no-no, at least in theory.

In my mind, this broadly explains why no one noticed SHIELD being infiltrated and Hydra OTL - the damn thing was kind of Hydra from day one. There really wasn't anything out of the ordinary to notice up until the end.

Sitwell is Red Skull Hydra or as we call it, Hydra Hydra. Pierce is kind of part of them, however he might jump ship to the Illuminati in the end. He is more interested in finding a working way to get Hydra's overal objectives than the particulars of the ideology.

Man, it's a great thing that the people who are supposed to protect us in real life aren't like that! Haha ha...ha...

Looks at utterly dysfunctional status of most intelligence agencies worldwide

Hydra hated the Emperor and tried killing him multiple times as part of an attempt to install a Hydra puppet Fascist government. SHIELD prevented all of those attempts.

SHIELD wasn't a thing during WWII, either in this timeline or the MCU, it formed afterwards. Plust, Japan does have its own brand of Hydra, which while not the nicest bunch around , doesn't want to remove the Emperor and would preffer to have his blessing. That said, yes, back in WWII, Red Skull's Hydra would have liked to run Imperial Japan and guide it as a saner and useful ally. Ideally one that wouldn't have started war with the US, delaying if not preventing the US entering the war.

That can be an alternative history story set in the MCU - a Hydra coup in Japan succeeds, there is no Pearl Harbour in December 1941, and the US enters the war later, perhaps late enough for the USSR to be crippled and not a strategic threat to Nazi Germany, and by extension Red Skull's Hydra. From then on, we can either end up with a Wolvenstein expy world, or a cold war backed by WMDs between US alingend free world and Hydra controlled Third Raich.

Then we can explore the fun mess that is Hydra using the Nazis, but not necessary being believers, which would lead to clashes and all kinds of bloody madness.
Phase 13 Part 3
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 13: Ripples


Part 3


Royal Palace

A fate of a people was going to be decided in a King's bedchamber. Tyr wasn't sure if it was appropriate or yet another sign of how far Asgard had fallen. He looked from the unhappy Queen to the still-slumbering King, and his fist clenched around Gungnir's hilt. One of the few things that went right this night was that his soldiers managed to retrieve the arcane weapon.

Losing it, or worse, Loki retaining it, would have compounded the series of disasters that crippled Asgard.

"Relax, my Queen. If I wanted either of you dead or planned to take advantage of the chaos to launch a coup, we wouldn't be here, waiting for Odin to wake," Tyr pointed out.

Frigga wasn't a foolish woman, and he knew him well enough to be aware he was telling her the truth. She knew he was more than ruthless enough to kill Odin while sleeping if he had gone mad with hunger for power. That was, of course, irony because as the commander of the small military Asgard was left, it had been questionable who had more real power at their fingertips for more than a thousand years now.

Gungnir was a powerful device. The same was true for the Bifrost. However, destruction-wise, they could do nothing that his fleet would be unable to. The small number of soldiers he had left were extremely deadly precise instruments – the last pale shadows of what Asgard used to be. Of what it could have been as well.

Odin stirred, and Frigga hurried to his side. The King's sole eye opened, letting out a tear.

"Yes, you fucked up in an unbelievable fashion, my King," Tyr confirmed what Odin had to suspect if not already figuring out, due to the enchantments linked to him.

"Loki, that foolish, foolish boy…" Odin sighed. Curiously, there was less disappointment in his voice than bitter resignation.

"The Bifrost is gone, as well as its power source. You are welcome for not losing a chunk of Asgard and a good portion of our remaining population," Tyr deadpanned. After so many years of exile, of hoping that things here would change for the better, his patience and, sadly, politeness were running perilously thin.

"You don't gloat, Tyr. That's not your style. It never was," Odin grumbled tiredly. "What do you want?"

"We will discuss Asgard's future as well as your succession, King Odin. This night's events were one failure and disaster too many," Tyr declared.

"So it has come to this," Odin sighed. "I was hoping Thor would become a King you could follow. The King who could change Asgard."

"He actually might if we have the time, though not thanks to any of us," Tyr chuckled bitterly. "How is he willing to listen to a Midgardian he just met, yet none of your tutors made a lasting impression on that boy?"

"I've been asking myself that question as well," Odin grumbled.

"What, Midgardian? What is my son up to now?!" Frigga demanded.

"He somehow stumbled into a Midgardian warlord, retired from war, and is busy changing his realm for the better. Something that we hoped Thor would do. From what the Watcher showed me, that man has a good enough head on his shoulders for a mortal. He speaks sense, and Thor is willing to listen, which is a good thing in the long run," Tyr elaborated.

Frigga scowled at his words. Yes, being shown up by a Midgardian would sting for a long time, no matter how good a thing that was.

"Are you really willing to go that far if I don't listen, Tyr?" Odin asked.

"I backed you against Hela when it became clear she would go beyond her plans to strengthen Asgard for millennia to come and waste it all on a pointless war to take over the galaxy. My soldiers bled and died to take her alive and destroy the Valkyries when they refused to surrender. We accepted to face exile so you could channel Asgard's militarism into something that wouldn't tear us apart as a people. For a thousand years, we've waited, my King. For a thousand years, we saw Asgard change beyond recognition and not for the better. These days we are our own culture, and we do not fit with this warrior nonsense that has poisoned our people. We waited and waited for you to find a worthy successor. Then Thor turns into a fool corrupted by this primitive culture gripping our home, and Loki is a traitor to all of Asgard. It is painfully clear that you can't or won't do what is necessary to change our people. We will no longer watch Asgard slowly die, King Odin!" Tyr snapped. He took a few deep breaths before speaking again in a more level tone. "However, the very fact that I am here talking and you are alive should tell you that I am not another Hela! I don't want power, for power's sake! All I want is a future for our people!"

"And you will kill for it," Queen Frigga muttered quietly.

"We are Asgard's sword and shield, my Queen. Killing for Asgard is what we are meant to do if necessary. We are on the cusp of it becoming necessary."

"We were supposed to become a different kind of warriors. Warriors bound by honor. Philosophers and scholars as much as fighters. That was what I wanted to turn Asgard into."

"Said the philosopher-king," Tyr nodded. "You've said it many times before, King Odin. I no longer care where things slipped out of your control and took a life of their own. All I am interested in now is results and a path forward that is not more of the same."

"I do have a son," Odin pointed out.

"You have a daughter too, and for a thousand years, you've done nothing to rehabilitate her! I've long wondered if it wouldn't have been kinder to have had her killed all those years ago," Tyr interjected.

"It pains me to say it. However, Hela was imprisoned for a good reason," Frigga's face twisted into a pained grimace.

"It has been a very long time, yet Odin has done nothing constructive to rehabilitate her. If he has been trying and failing, well…" Tyr raised a hand in a placating gesture. "Sometimes death is the only kindness you can give a person. But that's not the case, is it? You have no idea how to deal with her, my King!"

"And you do? I haven't heard a single suggestion from you that might have worked!" Odin snapped.

"I wanted to be able to talk regularly with General Hela, yet you declined after our first conversation. It went just as I expected it to. After all, I was the one who was in command of destroying her Valkyries. It would have taken years, decades, perhaps centuries before we could have talked without that tainting it. Yet, there might have been progress! Or were you afraid that she would have changed my mind? That I would have led a coup with no one left in Asgard to stop me?" Tyr demanded.

"Hela had a way of twisting people. There was only one of her Valkyries who surrendered! One from tens of thousands of women from dozens of species! How could I have justified risking her subverting you?!" Odin demanded.

"By trusting me just like you trusted me to bring her back alive!" Tyr snapped. "Enough of this; we are talking in circles again! Asgard needs new leadership."

"On that, we can provisionally agree. I was looking forward to giving Thor more authority until I could quietly retire and act as his adviser while he comes into his own as a ruler," Odin confirmed what Tyr already knew.

Frigga didn't appear surprised at that, so Odin was serious and might have been close to start doing as he claimed his intentions were.

"It is time for a change, yet Thor, as he is, won't do. It will take time to get him back, and we can't wait to rebuild the Bifrost for it. I propose that you step down and have Queen Frigga act as Regent until we can resolve the succession to our satisfaction," Tyr proposed.

"By ours, you mean the military you are in charge of?" Odin asked.

"I didn't just barge here without consulting with my people. We are overwhelmingly of the same mind, King Odin. Enough is enough. A thousand years of mismanagement and seeing our people degrade into what they are today did much to destroy our personal loyalty to you. Now all that is left is our love and loyalty to Asgard," Tyr stared at Odin with hard eyes. "An Asgard that no longer exists because of your mismanagement, my King."

"I see," Odin's eye stared at Tyr, and he gave him a shallow nod. "You are telling the truth."

"Sadly, sacrificing your eye didn't show you some other vital truths over the centuries," Tyr snipped and shook his head at the slip. Needlessly antagonizing Odin would get them nowhere. "We will give Thor a chance. The Midgardian has been a good influence in the short time they spoke. And he is worthy enough that it opens all kinds of possibilities."

"Elaborate," Odin grumbled.

"He could pick up Mjolnir and use it to cripple the Destroyer enough so that the Midgardian military could destroy the thing. I reckon that Thor stumbled into a worthy advisor. If I didn't know better, I would call it a divine intervention," Tyr's lips quirked.

"Hela found that man fascinating, too," Odin noted.

"When did you see her last?" Frigga demanded.

"Just before I came back and made Loki Regent as a test, I was almost certain he would fail," Odin admitted. "We talked, argued, and I called a vision of Thor, who was talking and listening to that Midgardian."

"You know what, if we are going to be fixing all failures that got us here, dealing with Hela is one of the things we must do. If you thought her irredeemably insane, you would have put her out of her misery, wouldn't you?" Tyr demanded.

Odin slowly nodded, earning a resigned sigh from Queen Frigga.

"We are going to see if she can be rehabilitated or not," Tyr declared.

"How do you propose we do that?" Frigga perked up.

"When you have many problems, some might solve each other. In this case, Hela will serve as a motivation for Thor. If he doesn't shape up, he will have a competition, no matter how unlikely for the throne," Tyr explained his crazy scheme. Then again, it was time for desperate measures.

"You wouldn't put her back in charge!" Odin snapped.

"No, unless she changes so much, Hela is not the same person. Thor doesn't need to know that. And Hela will know how unlikely it is I would ever support her bid for the throne after our history. Thor's Midgardian already did one miracle. We'll dare him to do another and bribe him to do his best. We are sending Hela with the ship that will pick up Thor, and she will spend the next part of her imprisonment contained on Midgard."

"Is that an offer, a suggestion, or a demand, General Tyr?" Frigga asked. "I would certainly support any reasonable plan that might give me my daughter back."

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Informational: Known World Council members and their confirmed allegiance
World Council:

Alexander Pierce - The Hydra; US; can potentially be swayed to a different Hydra faction;

Gideon Malik - The Hydra; US

Pamela Hawley - Illuminati, UK representative S&S/SWORD and SHIELD/

Chao Yen - Chinese representative, allegiance 'progressive' Hydra successor faction; S&S

Jakuna Singh - Indian representative, allegiance?

Douglas Rockwell - Us Representative, allegiance?

Ben Goldstein - Israel representative, allegiance: Illuminati;

Daphne von Holstein - German representative, allegiance? S&S

Gabriel Monet - French representative, allegiance?

Aurora Stefano - Italian representative, allegiance?

Douglas Brand - ANZAK representative, allegiance - corporate interests;

Hinata Akira - Japanese representative; allegiance - corporate interests; S&S

John Hei - South Korean representative; allegiance - corporate interests, Illuminati
AHHHHHHHHHH MY TONY/ HELA SHIPPING IS COMING TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUE. also I'm guessing Hela is to much of a contributor to the Odin force? If that's a thing in this universe or tied into it in some intrinsic way or probably the center of a prophecy or some such since they aren't gods as QM stated
As expect, the reward for a good job is even more job! :rofl:
Asgard: Hey Mr.Stark, we saw how you gave Thor some really good advise and he listen!, so we want to tell you that we might put his insane big sis as the next Asgard ruler unless Thor fix his attitude and become a worthy king of Asgard.
Stark: 'Throw something out of window' Why can't you people clean up your own mess!?
I'm more interested in what Stark will demand in return. They're gonna have to offer something seriously hefty if Stark is going to convince the council to allow a genocidal Hela to stay on Earth.

Not to mention compensation for the whole sending Thor without asking and the Destroyers rampage.

Well, this is certainly unexpected, but quite welcome. I am okay with the inevitable adventures, misadventures, disasters, and almost certainly some form of ship that will result from this.

Seriously though, Hela and a reformed Sith Lord/tech savant? Almost a perfect combo. Aside from the whole non-Asgardian thing, but being even partially worthy of Mjolnir certainly does a lot for even that. If this Stark can get ahold of some SSS and get results like Captain America, they could probably have kids...

...ya know, instead of Valkyrie as Hulk's trainer, HELA would really work in that regard. Somebody for her to punch all day and take her frustrations out on.

...and if Hela works with SWORD enough and plants the idea for another generation of proto-Valkyries to come back...Black Widow as a Valkyrie? Can't imagine a better fit than a redeemed assassin.

Edit: And a great excuse for developing mass transit infrastructure globally in the name of defense from aliens! Excellent work. Stark didn't really have any motivation to go that route, but now he would. Make some kickass maglev trains, maybe vacuum Maglev of our tech gets good enough.
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AHHHHHHHHHH MY TONY/ HELA SHIPPING IS COMING TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUE. also I'm guessing Hela is to much of a contributor to the Odin force? If that's a thing in this universe or tied into it in some intrinsic way or probably the center of a prophecy or some such since they aren't gods as QM stated

There's no such thing in this universe. Besides, the Aesir already did more than enough to ensure their downfall, no need for prophecies, or outside intervention there...

I am really happy that we get to see a redemption ark for Hela. And the shenanigans she will get up to will be hilarious.
It helps that she is somewhat different than OTL, and the same was true about her motivations, even if there are many similarities. The big thing is the prison Odin used in this timeline was made to ensure she wouldn't go totally insane.


Well, this is certainly unexpected, but quite welcome. I am okay with the inevitable adventures, misadventures, disasters, and almost certainly some form of ship that will result from this.

Seriously though, Hela and a reformed Sith Lord/tech savant? Almost a perfect combo. Aside from the whole non-Asgardian thing, but being even partially worthy of Mjolnir certainly does a lot for even that. If this Stark can get ahold of some SSS and get results like Captain America, they could probably have kids...

...ya know, instead of Valkyrie as Hulk's trainer, HELA would really work in that regard. Somebody for her to punch all day and take her frustrations out on.

...and if Hela works with SWORD enough and plants the idea for another generation of proto-Valkyries to come back...Black Widow as a Valkyrie? Can't imagine a better fit than a redeemed assassin.

Edit: And a great excuse for developing mass transit infrastructure globally in the name of defense from aliens! Excellent work. Stark didn't really have any motivation to go that route, but now he would. Make some kickass maglev trains, maybe vacuum Maglev of our tech gets good enough.

Indeed, once people mentioned it, there are many similarities and possibilities for all kinds of shenanigans. Including said Sith for once being the voice of reason, sanity and restrain... How the hell that happened is still unclear....

Yes, Hela gets a thankful punching bag, Hulk gets to have fun, and Bruce Banner might end with a semblance of control.

Natasha Romanoff might indeed become the first new Valkyrie in over a thousand years.

True again - there was no incentive for Sith Tony to go thinking about transport infrastructure, unless someone offered SI a contract to develop vehicles for one. Now SWORD has an incentive to look into it, thus Sith Tony and SI have an incentive to see what they can come up with.

Thanks for the chapter!


we wouldn't be here

The Midgardian has been a good

Thank you, its fixed now.

Is it wrong that i kinda want to see a SITony/Hela ship? :D

The weirdest thing is that in this timeline it actually makes sense...
The weirdest thing is that in this timeline it actually makes sense...
"Yes, Hannah?"
"Are you sure you bought Lucasfilm just for Star Wars?"
"Of course I am, I told you that so many times. Why?"
"Are you sure? Because your new girlfriend looks a lot like that villain from the last Indiana Jones movie. The woman whom you said looked hot."
"...I said she looked hot? That was my phrasing? Jarvis, did I really use those words in front of my daughter?"
"Dad! Priorities? And a straight answer, please?"
Make Hela great again!
I wanna wash out the vomit from reading lovesick Hela in Third Path to the Future.
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Phase 13 Part 4
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 13: Ripples


Part 4


William Beaumont Army Medical Center
Fort Bliss

An early summer storm raged over Texas, ensuring that the soldiers of the First Armored Division deployed around the hospital attached to their base were on edge. Everyone could look nervously at the sky, waiting for something unnatural to happen.

Captain Steve Granger, the CO of the unit on station, wasn't an exception. He rubbed his tanned cheek and looked back at Sergeant Johnson, one of the soldiers who arrived with the VIPs they were here to protect.

"Fucking aliens, I still can't believe it, Sergeant," Granger looked out of the lobby. "What's this, the Twilight Zone?"

"Might as well be, sir. That thing ate Javelins for what felt like hours and kept coming. It was like a twisted Terminator movie, and we were the mooks," Johnson twitched, acutely recalling buddies vaporized or the next best thing.

"Anti-tank rounds to keep heavy infantry at bay; what is the world coming to?!"

A widescreen on the wall of the nearby cafeteria switched from advertisement to breaking news.

"The United States and allied forces worldwide remain at a heightened state of alert without explanation. This has prompted countries like Russia, China, and North Korea to mobilize in response… We just received a short statement from the White House that the President and select representatives from allied countries will appear in front of the United Nations General Assembly at noon tomorrow to explain ongoing events…."

"Do you think that trying to keep your encounter under wraps failed?" Granger wondered.

"I have no idea, sir. I was with the VIPs trying to outrun that Terminator and then doing my best not to get vaporized. From what I know, handling civilian witnesses long-term is not under our jurisdiction. A civilian agency is supposed to handle that."


"DAAD! Are you all right? What happened?! When are you going to get home!?" Hannah babbled over the phone. I got this one from a nurse, promising to buy her a brand one and cover a few years' worths of a premium plan. The thing felt like a brick in my hand, and its loudspeaker had the oddest vibration when Hannah squealed.

"I am reasonably fine. I had an adventure in the desert and got a sunburn. There's a reason we live in a place with a nice climate like New York instead of California, dear. Right now, I'm not sure when I'll be back."

Comparing my baked hands to a sunburn was understating things a bit, but it was a close enough comparison. That I was on the good meds and felt only a tingle helped.

"Can I come to you?" Hannah demanded.

"No, you might get a nasty sunburn too, so nope. Be a good girl and listen to Pepper and Happy. I'll see if I can pick you up something you'll like on my way back. Otherwise, we will go to find you something appropriate. Deal?" I wondered when transparent bribery would stop working, or Hannah would wise up and drive a hard bargain.

"Okay! Bye!" I heard shuffling, and Pepper picked up the phone.

"Tony, you promised you wouldn't get into trouble anymore!"

"There was that killer robot that was very inconsiderate in that regard," I reasonably pointed out.

"You have bodyguards, and we have a military supposed to deal with such things! We are selling them more than enough weapons to win world war three!" Pepper snapped.

"Well, it turns out I need to design even better weapons." Somehow I didn't seem to help my case no matter what I said.

"That's not the point, and you know it, Tony!"

"I did the best I could under the circumstances, Pepper. I didn't go out looking for trouble or ask for a killer robot from outer space to come after me!"

"Just try not to end up in the hospital again! You refused to go right after returning from Afghanistan, and now you're calling from one! What are we to think?"

"That I am trying to be more responsible with my health now?"

"From where I stand, you aren't trying hard enough!" Pepper huffed.

"From where I am laying, I have to disagree. Please try to keep Hannah out of too much trouble. Bye, Pepper," I ended the call. There was no way to keep certain people happy.

I could hear a commotion from outside the room. The door opened, revealing a General in a field uniform who didn't look very happy.

"Mr. Stark, I am General Chambers, the Commander of the First Armored Division. I understand you've brought political complications to my doorstep?"

"It was not my intention, General. Other parties had a vote too."

"My orders are to get you to a secure communications room as soon as the doctors clear you to leave this bet. This mess in New Mexico has stirred trouble the world over."

"I must admit I am out of the loop," I reminded him.

"That is why you need to get to secure communications, and I am playing messenger boy for the Pentagon," Chambers countered.

More political entanglements, joy. As if I wasn't busy enough already.

After a round of arguments, I got my hands caked with gel to help cool them and keep an infection at bay, got multiple shots, and was ordered to drink many electrolytes, then go to a medical check as soon as feasible. Thor wasn't as lucky as me. He was missing multiple teeth and would need his jaw wired shut for a few weeks, forcing him to eat through a straw.

If I had the time, it would be darkly amusing to see doctors try to explain to him that this was how we treated such injuries and that they didn't want or intend to torture him for the fun of it. The less said about modern dentistry, the better.


A small convoy got me to a secure communications room in the base, allowing me to talk with the World Council. I got patched into a screaming match, and it took me a disgustingly long time to gather what the fuss was about.

It turned out we all overlooked what mobilizing to meet a potential invasion would look like to the world at large. Just the US going to DEFCON, I would have been sure to leak and freak people out. That our allies and everyone else followed suit, well… That should have been a boon in case of an actual invasion.

"Councilor Stark, it's good to see you mostly intact," Hawley greeted me, ignoring the ongoing argument. "What do you think? Do you think the benefits of disclosing aliens to the population at large outweigh the problems doing so will cause? We will be able to move at a somewhat faster pace if we operate openly."

This came out of the left field.