The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

A small convoy got me to a secure communications room in the base, allowing me to talk with the World Council. I got patched into a screaming match, and it took me a disgustingly long time to gather what the fuss was about.

It turned out we all overlooked what mobilizing to meet a potential invasion would look like to the world at large. Just the US going to DEFCON, I would have been sure to leak and freak people out. That our allies and everyone else followed suit, well… That should have been a boon in case of an actual invasion.

"Councilor Stark, it's good to see you mostly intact," Hawley greeted me, ignoring the ongoing argument. "What do you think? Do you think the benefits of disclosing aliens to the population at large outweigh the problems doing so will cause? We will be able to move at a somewhat faster pace if we operate openly."

This came out of the left field.
Well, to be fair, NATO and a few others going on full war footing, and staying there without explanation for weeks, would indeed worry a few nations greatly. With good reason.

"So, this is the problem: ET is out there, and some of them are hostile."

...keeping this under wraps right now is an option, but a really bad option. Anyone who hears that and just fall apart permanently, well... they would be useless anyway, wouldn't they?

Grasping the moment and leaning into a case of "sorry to worry you, but we did not want alien warlords to grab a foothold on earth" is probably the right answer. Lean into it. Mention a small scale assault has already happened on US soil, and the military losses involved. Mention the basics of the Jotun threat you worry might materialize. Sure, a lot of nations hate each other "THE GREAT SATAN" etc, buuuut.... at least those other nations are humans. On a technicality, perhaps, but it's something. Nonhuman attackers? I expect human racism to kick in pretty hard there, especially when/if the ice storms start materializing. And nations that might happily sell out *cough*North Corea*cough* are nations where it arguably would be better if they did so and burned out now.

The Russians and Chineese will probably just double check their stores for winter war gear, realise that those are mysteriously depleted (Not corruption noooo..... obviously enemy action! *cough* Yes.), and try to get proper winter gear again.

SWORD really should keep a ledger of who tries to use "potential alien invasion" as an excuse to backstab others for power, because those are the people and groups that totally will do so again next time. And the next time after that. It's nice to know what groups you have to work to remove and/or replace.
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Disclosure is a good thing if they prepare for it. To just come out and say there's aliens and we had a minor attack is to cause chaos, pointless protests, looting and vandalism. It would also turn humans xenophobic.

Shame in Stargate fics, the disclosure keeps getting delayed and if it happens, it doesn't get shown.
To just come out and say there's aliens and we had a minor attack is to cause chaos, pointless protests, looting and vandalism.
Mostly from people who would have used ANYTHING as an excuse to do looting and vandalism. Football match, for example? CLEARLY A GOOD REASON TO MAKE THE CITY BURN!!! Y'know. Those people.
It would also turn humans xenophobic.
It could.

But they can honestly say they have have friendly contacts too. They can honestly say that said friendly contacts are why they have plans on how to counter the Ice Jotun if they invade. Showing it as "There are some good ones and some bad ones out there" is really, really easy. If they want to.

There are comic-verses where a population not being a raging racists is both unusual, noteworthy and a death flag. Hopefully this is not one of those worlds.
Mostly from people who would have used ANYTHING as an excuse to do looting and vandalism. Football match, for example? CLEARLY A GOOD REASON TO MAKE THE CITY BURN!!! Y'know. Those people.

It could.

But they can honestly say they have have friendly contacts too. They can honestly say that said friendly contacts are why they have plans on how to counter the Ice Jotun if they invade. Showing it as "There are some good ones and some bad ones out there" is really, really easy. If they want to.

There are comic-verses where a population not being a raging racists is both unusual, noteworthy and a death flag. Hopefully this is not one of those worlds.
Aliens have to be presented in a positive light in a neutral world to prevent xenophobia. Here's Hydra though which will be stupid like aliens need to be purged, even though they have no chance and need help.
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Man, I have no idea what is letting you keep this pace but if you are able to sustain it without hurting yourself I am all for it.

I'm on medical leave for at least two more days.

It is mysterious phenomenon but Illuviar has been doing it for years, if you see him stop he's probably updating another fic.

Insomnia sometimes helps. I've written more than half of the original RK, and at least a third or RK II in the middle of the night when unable to sleep. Naturally, this is not sustainable, and it shows with some updated being rougher than others, especially considering that I wrote most of thos stories before I began using Grammary and Scribens to grammar and spellcheck.

Well, to be fair, NATO and a few others going on full war footing, and staying there without explanation for weeks, would indeed worry a few nations greatly. With good reason.

"So, this is the problem: ET is out there, and some of them are hostile."

...keeping this under wraps right now is an option, but a really bad option. Anyone who hears that and just fall apart permanently, well... they would be useless anyway, wouldn't they?

Grasping the moment and leaning into a case of "sorry to worry you, but we did not want alien warlords to grab a foothold on earth" is probably the right answer. Lean into it. Mention a small scale assault has already happened on US soil, and the military losses involved. Mention the basics of the Jotun threat you worry might materialize. Sure, a lot of nations hate each other "THE GREAT SATAN" etc, buuuut.... at least those other nations are humans. On a technicality, perhaps, but it's something. Nonhuman attackers? I expect human racism to kick in pretty hard there, especially when/if the ice storms start materializing. And nations that might happily sell out *cough*North Corea*cough* are nations where it arguably would be better if they did so and burned out now.

The Russians and Chineese will probably just double check their stores for winter war gear, realise that those are mysteriously depleted (Not corruption noooo..... obviously enemy action! *cough* Yes.), and try to get proper winter gear again.

SWORD really should keep a ledger of who tries to use "potential alien invasion" as an excuse to backstab others for power, because those are the people and groups that totally will do so again next time. And the next time after that. It's nice to know what groups you have to work to remove and/or replace.

Yes, realistically, SHIELD and the US governmnet can hide this, though doing so would require greatly compromising or vanishing some citizens from the town where the Destroyer began its rampage. However, the big issue everyone in the know is thinking about is that a follow-up assassination attempt might be coming, and they might be unable to hide that one. Hell, a bunch of aliens who apparently are coup-happy might just enter a big city, take hostages and demand the US, or Earth in general give them Thor or else, instead of trying to track him down or fight through whatever security he might now have. That's something security specialists will raise as a possibility while people discuss if they should come clean, or the world leaders of most powerful countries will have to lie their assess off together in the front of the UN explaining why everyone is on a war footing, but the only hot wars that matter are in Iran and Afghanistan.

It's true that such revelation will reveal certain groups and governments that has to be watched.
Disclosure is a good thing if they prepare for it. To just come out and say there's aliens and we had a minor attack is to cause chaos, pointless protests, looting and vandalism. It would also turn humans xenophobic.

Shame in Stargate fics, the disclosure keeps getting delayed and if it happens, it doesn't get shown.
Mostly from people who would have used ANYTHING as an excuse to do looting and vandalism. Football match, for example? CLEARLY A GOOD REASON TO MAKE THE CITY BURN!!! Y'know. Those people.

It could.

But they can honestly say they have have friendly contacts too. They can honestly say that said friendly contacts are why they have plans on how to counter the Ice Jotun if they invade. Showing it as "There are some good ones and some bad ones out there" is really, really easy. If they want to.

There are comic-verses where a population not being a raging racists is both unusual, noteworthy and a death flag. Hopefully this is not one of those worlds.
Aliens have to be presented in a positive light in a neutral world to prevent xenophobia. Here's Hydra though which will be stupid like aliens need to be purged, even though they have no chance and need help.

There are two issues in general. First, everyone in the know is aware there are hostile aliens there and they are busy hardening Earth against an alien inasion. Those who back disclosure bet on doing so untying their hands so they could do so openly and with less resistance.

Second, for all anyone knows, there will be no hidding the next attack on Thor, which people believe might be comming. That won't change until Tyr and Odin find a way to get a two-way communicator with intergalactic range to Earth.

As far as presenting aliens as friendly, first contact was actualy friendly this time around. Technically second one with the Warriors Three and Lady Sif. Everything only went to hell when the Destroyer arrived, so there can be a narrative of there being both friendly and hostile aliens out there. Now, certain racist types who can't handle people with different kind of skin collor being considered equals, or those with different relligion, will be an issue. That will be particularly painful outside the West and West aligned countries, because like it or not, most of the world's population isn't in the west and aren't necessary aligned with western values.... and we already have tons of racists to begin with.

Xenophobia is going to be a thing no matter how aliens get revealed.
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Do you think the benefits of disclosing aliens to the population at large outweigh the problems doing so will cause?

I can imagine the stupidty of the general public being a massive, massive stumbling block.

Any possible excuse, reason, or rationale could be used... racism/xenophobia, hate crimes, terrorism, denial/conspiracy thinkering, 'welcoming alien overlords,' xenophiles, selling land for (radioactive) glass beads, intelligence leaks, fear mongering, back room (idiotic) deals...

Just look at current events and world politics of the last 5 years.

In fact, the general stupidity level is so unimaginably high it can easily be billed as surprising to HYDRA, Shield, Sword, etc...

I don't know if you want to write all/any of that, though!
Phase 13 Part 5
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 13: Ripples


Part 5


New York

"We acknowledge this was a major design oversight when creating our invasion response planning," Councilor Yen spoke in precise, flawless English. "However, the only reasonable change I would have made in hindsight is adding dedicated planning for disclosing aliens and preparing our societies for it. Prince Thor could have landed in any of our countries. An assassin or a kill team could have landed in another. We still don't know if the trouble on Asgard is over or just beginning. The last thing I will say on the matter is this isn't a question of whether SHIELD can cover up the attack. The questions we must ask ourselves should we order Director Fury and SHIELD to cover the incident? Should we use this opportunity to advance our uplift agenda openly? Is attempting to hide it worth it when a follow-up attack can make all over governments look not only like incompetent fools but liars no one can trust?"

Those were good questions, General Danvers grudgingly admitted.

"The worst-case scenario, we are looking at protests, riots, and chaos across the globe," Secretary Pierce frowned. "Ideally, we should have laid down the groundwork for disclosing the existence of aliens in preparation for dealing with future incursions as a part of establishing SWORD," He raised a hand. "That is not an accusation towards General Danvers or SWORD in general. Such preparation would and should be a political decision outside of SWORD's remit. However, I would like to hear both Directors' thoughts on the matter," He nodded at Carol.

"You all know the facts we have. Depending on what has happened and is happening on Asgard, we can expect either a friendly communication attempt or the deployment of kill teams aimed at Prince Thor. We might also potentially have an incursion from the Ice Giants, the Jotun, no matter how the events on Asgard resolve themselves. I do not believe covering up a follow-up attack will be feasible, much less a larger incursion. If it happens in the vicinity of a larger town or a city, doing so will be out of the question."

"Director Fury?" Pierce nodded.

"We can cover up this one; however doing so might require distasteful methods. We might have to disappear certain citizens or destroy the credibility and reputation of others to discredit anything they bring forth as evidence. Considering the general chaos of the situation, we are not confident we will be able to recover all footage of the Destroyer in action within civilian hands before it could reach the internet. That won't stop us from covering up the incident," Fury's single eye glowered. "General Danvers is correct about covering up an incursion in a more populated location. Even if possible in the short to medium term, the consequences when it becomes clear we attempted such a cover-up will likely be extreme."

"So we can hide it? Otherwise, there's no point in discussing trying to do so, and we should focus on how to handle disclosure," Akira noted.

"That is correct, Madam Councilor," Fury noted.

"It is also true that doing so can blow up in our faces, or at least our government's faces. Most of them will face elections, and such a scandal can be disastrous. That is something to consider as well," Stefano reminded them. "What are the benefits of disclosure under these circumstances, if any? We are aware of the possible fallout."

"We can openly push more resources into and focus on the Uplift Project. We should have freer hands with it in general and will have many ready answers to the questions and people who are against the pace we are pushing things at," Pierce offered. "Councilor Stark, do you have something to add in that regard as an industrialist, not just a member of this Council?"

A few eyebrows raised at seeing a bottle of water levitate in front of Stark's face so he could drink before it floated away from the camera. He raised his red hands that glistened with some kind of gel, then moved them back out of sight.

"Aside from the political complications and idiots being idiots, I can see the benefits. However, first I should point out that by necessity, there is an increasing number of people in the know within military and general government circles. Sooner or later, the secret will leak, and discrediting people will do only so much until we can no longer hide it. We should weight the consequences of disclosing the truth now and those from concealing it for a period of time until external factors force our hands. Being caugh red handed in that case might be worse than going for disclosure early."

That pointed reminder drew a lot of winces and grimaces, Danvers noted. Stark wasn't the only one concerned about the fallout from a revelation at a later date when the world learned about all the lies.

"A big boon will be a free hand to invest in space infrastructure. There are already questions about SI's joint ventures with Von Doom Industries and our work with NASA, claiming it is a waste of resources when there is so much to do here on Earth. We are looking at expenditures that, while worth it in the end, would make the first steps of the uplift look cheap in comparison. That is not the kind of burden any corporation or group of them could reasonably carry and continue with the next step of the uplift in a useful time frame. We will need money, resources, and the right people, all working in the relevant R&D and infrastructure fields. Ideally, that would be a united effort so we don't waste time reinventing the wheel, so to speak. There are, of course, other practical concerns. We need to make the best possible use of the economies of scale, which means more conglomeration of various industries. That will run straight into the face of anti-trust laws. At the same time, we will have to deal with CEOs and boards of directors only interested in how they can profit more from what is happening. Balancing those things will be frankly impossible under the current legal and economic framework."

"Does that include your company, Mr. Stark?"

"If anyone replaces me in running it, or I suddenly find the desire to sell the controlling package of shares I have, then yes. Until then, SI is on board with the uplift program. Many major corporations whose industrial capacity we need have less enlightened management and are controlled by people with only profit in mind. We all know this often includes playing stupid games to get every single cent they can, and we can't have that."

"Did Hammer piss into your cereal recently?" Fury smiled.

"Recently? Not that I recall; however, he is a prime example of what I am talking about. I've dealt with corporations believing themselves too powerful in both my lives, Director Fury. The corporate culture here on Earth is frankly too close to what caused some very ugly incidents in my memories, including a civil war. We can't allow corporate agendas to slow down or compromise the uplift effort. And we can only do enough in that regard once the paradigm changes. Waiting for a larger scale incursion to do it for us would be an irresponsible waste of time."

"That's not something I ever thought I would hear from a CEO like you, Councilor Stark," Brand spoke in a thicker-than-usual Australian accent.

"I am many things, Councilor, Brand. A typical CEO is not one of them," Stark reminded them. "From the uplift perspective, a disclosure is going to be better done earlier than later; that is what I believe. The question remains if the troubles doing so will cause would be worth it. At the same time… do any of you want to deal with the shock of finding out that aliens are real in the middle of a major incursion instead of now, when things are somewhat stable?"

The discussion continued back and forth, shifting from the plausibility of keeping things under wraps to the benefits and dangers of revealing the truth. That was going to be what decides the outcome, Danvers decided.

"Can we lower our state of military readiness anyway? Because if not, our leaders will have a hard time tomorrow, explaining why everyone is ready for world war three without a good reason to show for it," Singh pushed yet another argument to consider.

In the end, the final vote was close, with the faction believing disclosure might be for the best, winning by two votes.

"We will make the relevant recommendations to our governments and present them with the arguments and options we discussed. Director Fury, SHIELD is to focus on internal security and tracking any dissidents who might stir up trouble beyond voicing their displeasure at the situation we will soon find ourselves in. Director Danvers, keep ready to meet further alien incursions."

By this time tomorrow, Danvers decided the world would be a different place.


"People are beginning to stockpile essentials due to the constant state of military alert worldwide! Instead of the explanation or de-escalation we hoped for, we just got news of the President ordering the mobilization of the National Guard across the country, with orders for them to be ready to face and put down riots. NATO is following suit alongside the armed forces of unaffiliated EU countries…."


The European Parliament and Commission will meet tomorrow in Brussels alongside the Foreign ministers of all EU members. We still don't have a clear answer why militaries across Europe are mobilizing and deploying in what experts believe to be a defensive posture. The same is true about the decentralized forces of the Russian Federation. However, there is no indication that the Russian military is entering an offensive posture.


Tensions in Taiwan raised exponentially after the Chinese military mobilized and began recalling reserves in what low-ranked government officials in Beijing claim to be a response to the actions of the US, Japan, and South Korea.

BBC World News

Is this the prelude to World War Three?!


А a few hours ago, what was assumed to be a leak from a science fiction movie surfaced on youtube, showing shaky hand camera video of what appears to be US military forces engaging a giant robot shooting heat rays. Since then, more footage allegedly from the exact location and pictures posted on Facebook perpetrate what many assumed to be an ill-timed and ill-spirited prank considering the tensions around the world. This all changed an hour ago when the Pentagon posted brief clips of combat footage that appeared to be in the same location and against the robot seen in the original videos…

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Is Tony saying government should have more control over corporations?
I do think power, water and maybe banks and should be government run. Though I am I laic so my opinion might be fuck dumb.
Is Tony saying government should have more control over corporations?
I do think power, water and maybe banks and should be government run. Though I am I laic so my opinion might be fuck dumb.

As a Sith, Tony had to deal with corporations that played stupid games, including purging their higher management after cutting his way through their military forces. And that was before he ended up in the Clone Wars, where at this point the CIS is basically run by a triumvirate made by the new leaders of the Trade Federation, Techno Union and San Hill of the Banking Clans.

As a Sith, later Republic General, and Mandalore, he is on the oppinion that Corporations should serve the state and people they're based in, not the other way around. And if Corporations are actually more powerful than governments, they should become the government and act like it, otherwise everything goes to hell. For example, in the Core, there are examples of Corporations and governments being merget to such an extent that you can't say where one ends and the other begins, like on Kuat. However, KDY for all its shenanigans, tends to take care of Kuat, because to an extent, KDY is Kuat and Kuat is KDY*.

*Kuat Drive Yards

A corporation with culture closer to what we have on Earth is the Trade Federation after the Neimoidians took over shortly before they invaded Naboo in Episode I.
As a Sith, Tony had to deal with corporations that played stupid games, including purging their higher management after cutting his way through their military forces. And that was before he ended up in the Clone Wars, where at this point the CIS is basically run by a triumvirate made by the new leaders of the Trade Federation, Techno Union and San Hill of the Banking Clans.

As a Sith, later Republic General, and Mandalore, he is on the oppinion that Corporations should serve the state and people they're based in, not the other way around. And if Corporations are actually more powerful than governments, they should become the government and act like it, otherwise everything goes to hell. For example, in the Core, there are examples of Corporations and governments being merget to such an extent that you can't say where one ends and the other begins, like on Kuat. However, KDY for all its shenanigans, tends to take care of Kuat, because to an extent, KDY is Kuat and Kuat is KDY*.

*Kuat Drive Yards

A corporation with culture closer to what we have on Earth is the Trade Federation after the Neimoidians took over shortly before they invaded Naboo in Episode I.

*Kuat is KDY is House Kuat. That's a lot of Kuat. Thousands of them, in fact.

The pre-Neimoidian Trade Federation was actually apparently quite nice (relatively) and pretty much acted as the de facto federal government of much of the Outer Rim.

Corporations in Star Wars, by virtue of sheer scale and the differing cultures of the Star Wars galaxy compared to Earth, often acted more like medieval guilds and governments than simple businesses.
Since the late Galactic Republic was so corrupt and geriatric, unregulated capitalism caused large portions of the galaxy to fall under direct corporate control or into neo-feudal relationships (as was the case with the Trade Federation).
The Star Wars galaxy is essentially every non-libertarian's worst nightmare: much of the galaxy's population is under the thrall of huge corporations ranging from pseudo-zaibatsus to robber barons that are literally nobility to corporatist regimes where the government is a public-private partnership (like on Corellia). Lets not even talk about the 'legitimate businessmen' that rule over vast domains full of literal wage slaves. Corporations in Star Wars were so powerful that it was a sensible and well-intentioned choice to give corporations seats in the Galactic legislature. They even owned the galactic mint!

I highly doubt even Sith!Tony would like to see this repeated on Earth.

I'm actually rather hyped for the public revelation of first contact. Too many stories keep up the mascarade for way too long in the name of comic book "the status quo is god" type shit (looking at you, Stargate). Not only is it sterile narratively, it is also a bad idea in-universe.
It's better to do a public reveal when you can control the narrative and push for more funding than have it inevitably blow up in your face when some idiot leaks it on Discord to win an internet argument with 12-year-olds.
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In the context of defending a semi-united planet against unknown alien dangers, there would be many advantages to forcing certain elements of corporate infrastructure to be run by governments. Water, electricity, waste management, cell phones/mobile coverage, and telecom data transmission should be all put under government oversight and regulation, because all of those are critical elements of maintaining modern civilization.

Without a unified infrastructure approach to those specific subjects, during or in the aftermath of an alien invasion, potentially massive amounts of devastation would be dealt across the planet. Infrastructure would be massively harder to rebuild if everything was not standardized beforehand under a series of common government regulations, measurements, modernization protocols covering current needs and standards (see the entirety of the New York Metro System still being run on equipment over 100 years old), etc.

There are many advantages to what Stark is doing in developing essentially what Earth can consider unlimited power via fusion reactors. By establishing multiple fusion reactors across all six major inhabited continents, we can set up overlapping infrastructure where you can have "hubs" and "nodes", where massive fusion reactors can provide ridiculous amounts of power, with smaller, hopefully more portable fusion reactors taking up additional power generation making sure that infrastructure is not too centralized. If everything was built around single giant massive cyclopean fortresses, an alien civilization could very easily throw a KKV or ten at those plants, and no matter how fortified that location could ever possibly be, it would be broken, and potentially large chunks of the planet's ecosphere along with it. Decentralization is absolutely critical, but when you have everything decentralized you need to make sure that everything is coordinated and working together. Thus oversight of critical infrastructure is absolutely needed under the garb of defense, a bare minimum.

That's not even talking about the moral equation of denying the people who live in your civilization, the teeming masses, all the benefits of free almost unlimited electrical power, water, cell phones/cell coverage, and data, which by itself would serve to create a new golden age of innovation and spur on further advances, because now you have lifted the teeming masses from literally having to worry about certain critical things that are important in their survival. But since Sith Tony Stark is not approaching things from a moral compassionate angle, brutal military pragmatism will have to do.

Edit1: it also occurred to me that other services, such as cell phone network coverage, would also make a lot of sense to put under mandated government oversight. Making sure the entire planet has, if not the level of coverage that South Korea has something a step or two below that would be good, as well as simplifying the process of getting a cell phone so that theoretically every person on the planet, or at least every citizen of every country could get one easily and cheaply.

Making sure that there is global cell phone coverage, as well as things like satellite radios, would also enable a great increase in capacity for search and rescue teams/forcesto reach dangerous inhospitable regions all around the globe and have communications when it is needed. It would also allow military and civilian forces to report in on any sightings that are actually made, because if you don't actually have the coverage necessary for all those uninhabited areas, the second a Skrull infiltration team needs to show up on Earth, they'll just go to those areas first.

By making sure that as many areas of the planet as possible are covered under cell phone and internet data coverage, this allows for data transmission that will not only benefit the civilian population but prevent or at least reduce alien infiltrator possibilities.

Edit2: it also just occurred to me that an element that I've entertained in some of my science fiction writing would also be very useful here, mainly that there needs to be a level of government coordination and operation that is greater than individual nations, but less than what a theoretical world government would be. I'm envisioning breaking up areas into geographic zones essentially that could be administered to and taken care of with Earth's industrial capacity growing ever greater those zones would be treated as areas to to standardize and coordinate operations.

For instance, when I was tinkering with this idea and some of my own sci-fi writing I broke the Americas down into:
- North America (canada, the United states, and Mexico)
- Central America everything between Mexico and the border of South America, also including the entire Caribbean)
- South America the entire continent.

- Europe: roughly the size of the United States by itself, I thought of Europe as an entire single geographic zone in its own right up to the current borders with Russia.

- Africa: I subdivided by mostly geography and climate (Northern, Central, and Southern zones).

Asia I broke into four pieces
- Russia being cut in half because it is essentially covering all of Northern Asia in its own right, thus having a northeastern and northwestern Asia section under that
- Southwest Asia would essentially be what we recognize as the Middle East, up to India's borders.
- Southeast Asia would be China and Japan through to India, including Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.

- Oceania covers the philippines, indonesia, Australia and New zealand, and the vast realm of Polynesia in general.

- Antarctica: while currently undeveloped, I imagine Antarctica would also be its own zone to be developed later on as global warming would start to eat away at it and reveal the actual continent underneath all those ice sheets eventually. At minimum it would need its own defensive installations and monitoring stations, so that alien infiltration or assaults could not occur easily at the South pole.

The above breakdown of global landmasses into zones was mostly done to facilitate trying to imagine how one could take Sid Meier's planetary Transit System, from the game Sid Meier's Alpha centauri, and actually make a global planetary transit system a real thing. I came to the conclusion that you would have to break down the Continental land masses of the earth into large zones to make standardizing equipment, measurements, educational standards, and other such things like that to enable each zone to take care of itself with minimal maintenance issues. The nation's inside each zone I envisioned as mostly remaining intact barring unusual circumstances where unification of countries makes sense, but this allows several Nations to pull all of their combined resources and Industrial capability together to perform greater than how they could individually. This also has obvious benefits for military coordination as well, notice how the European Union to some extent is kind of heading in this direction already. I just didn't kind of envisioned several insert Union here zones covering the entire planet, so that every country would have the benefit of being part of some kind of greater Union. They don't necessarily even have to be political organizations like the eu, I was envisioning them solely to facilitate infrastructure improvement and standardization and military coordination, but they could easily be Pan national organizations like the EU if say the dice were rolled well and a bunch of countries said you know hey that sounds like a great idea.

What I just described is is a general sweep of the hand, I am painting with large brush strokes. I'm not particularly trying to avoid racial or ethnic tensions by making countries work together that otherwise hate each other (see China and Japan for instance), I am solely focused on geographic and to a lesser extent climate subdivisions. Obviously the system could be improved or altered to suit other parameters, I was just vaguely sketching out a system I came up with years ago for writing in my own worlds that I haven't really done a lot with.
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And in the context of defending a semi-united planet against unknown alien dangers, there would be many advantages to forcing certain elements of corporate infrastructure to be run by governments. Water, electricity, waste management, and data transmission for Telecom purposes should be all put under government oversight, because all of those are critical elements of maintaining modern civilization. Without a unified infrastructure approach to those specific subjects, during or in the aftermath of an alien invasion and potentially massive amounts of devastation, infrastructure would be massively harder to rebuild if everything was not standardized under a series of common government regulations, measurements, etc.

There are many advantages to what Stark is doing in developing essentially what Earth can consider unlimited power via fusion reactors. By establishing multiple fusion reactors across all six major inhabited continents, we can set up overlapping infrastructure where you can have hubs and nodes, where massive fusion reactors can provide ridiculous amounts of power, with smaller, hopefully more portable fusion reactors taking up additional power generation but making sure that infrastructure is not too centralized. If everything was built around single giant massive cyclopion fortresses, and alien civilization could very easily throw a kkv at those plants, and no matter how fortified that location could ever possibly be, it could be broken, and potentially large chunks of her planets ecosphere along with it. Thus decentralization is absolutely critical, but when you have everything decentralized you need to make sure that everything is coordinated and working together. Thus oversight of critical infrastructure is absolutely needed under the garb of defense, a bare minimum.

That's not even talking about the moral equation of denying the people who live in your civilization, the teeming masses, all the benefits of free almost unlimited electrical power, water, and data, which by itself would serve to create a new golden age of innovation and spur on further advances, because now you have lifted the teeming masses from literally having to worry about certain critical things that are important in their survival. But since Sith Tony Stark is not approaching things from a moral compassionate angle, brutal military pragmatism will have to do.

Might I add that government oversight in certain critical areas is essentially necessary for them to function properly. Things like the rail network, public transit, the power grid, the post, and the healthcare system all work much better in countries where they are run by the government. The British rail network, ever since She Who Steals The Milk privatised it, has been noticeably subpar compared to its mainland counterparts and its pre-privatisation state (which wasn't exactly great either). American private healthcare is infamously bad for most of the population.
There are other areas, such as telecoms, utilities supply, and higher education, that are absolutely disastrous in private hands if not extremely tightly regulated by the government. Ask anybody who's ever had to go to college or pay a phone bill in the US.

With the arrival of Earth into the wider universe, there are many sectors that should not only be nationalised but also put under intergovernmental oversight. As shown by the impact the Russo-Ukranian War has had on the EU versus the UK's power grid, as well as the impact that Brexit has had on transport to and from Britain, things like utilities and transit are much better under the control of authorities overseeing larger and larger portions of our increasing globalised world, lest people end up as Texan popsicles.
Many of the arguments for privatisation (cost, price and finance) have been made obsolete by the rapid advances in technology ITTL. As the uplift continues and accelerates following the reveal of alien life, the arguments for (at least partial) nationalisation will become overwhelmingly stronger in many sectors.
Might I add that government oversight in certain critical areas is essentially necessary for them to function properly. Things like the rail network, public transit, the power grid, the post, and the healthcare system all work much better in countries where they are run by the government. The British rail network, ever since She Who Steals The Milk privatised it, has been noticeably subpar compared to its mainland counterparts and its pre-privatisation state (which wasn't exactly great either). American private healthcare is infamously bad for most of the population.

There are other areas, such as telecoms, utilities supply, and higher education, that are absolutely disastrous in private hands if not extremely tightly regulated by the government. Ask anybody who's ever had to go to college or pay a phone bill in the US.
I do not disagree with your assessment, in fact mass transit is definitely an element of nationalized infrastructure that I did not actually consider properly. It makes complete sense though, I should add it to my list.

Higher education as a specific field I'm a little more uncertain about. With the advance in modern life spans, and the medical advances that have and are being made to extend human lifespan even further, not to mention whatever Star wars stuff Tony Stark makes, it makes a lot of sense for me that education needs to be essentially lengthened to match the human experience of living. If we can keep the human body both alive longer than 100 years, and potentially retaining some of the vitality of youth longer than what the human body can currently pull off, then humans standards for education will have to change with that as well.

For instance, as well as making community college potentially mandatory one could also add say two more years to the public educational system essentially a 13th and 14th grade. Thus public education would go to your 20, then you're two years of community school for specialized job training, then you're actually in the labor force with this expanded education providing greater benefits to a person's livelihood and theoretically salary (though if universal basic income is implemented globally or near globally, then many jobs would change so that what you earn as a salary would not necessarily be everything your life hinges on, only generating extra to fulfill desires and requirements that aren't completed by UBI).

With the arrival of Earth into the wider universe, there are many sectors that should not only be nationalised but also put under intergovernmental oversight. As shown by the impact the Russo-Ukranian War has had on the EU versus the UK's power grid, as well as the impact that Brexit has had on transport to and from Britain, things like utilities and transit are much better under the control of authorities overseeing larger and larger portions of our increasing globalised world, lest people end up as Texan popsicles.
Many of the arguments for privatisation (cost, price and finance) have been made obsolete by the rapid advances in technology ITTL. As the uplift continues and accelerates following the reveal of alien life, the arguments for (at least partial) nationalisation will become overwhelmingly stronger in many sectors.
I completely agree with you, it's one of the reasons why I like advocating for this stuff in fiction writing because it's kind of being proven in the real world. In this particular piece of fiction, a Sith Tony Stark can provide an impetus for change faster and better than what the modern world can do, unfortunately.
It's better to do a public reveal when you can control the narrative and push for more funding than have it inevitably blow up in your face when some idiot leaks it on Discord to win an internet argument with 12-year-olds.

That was indeed one of the arguments that helped win the debate for the pro-disclosure side. It was less about a leak, and more about an alien attack litteraly blowing up any cover-ups into the collective faces of many governments.

There is a lot to unpack here.

You are absolutely right that at the very least strong government oversight and regulations are going to be mandatory going forward. As things progress, there will be sectors of the economy declared of vital planetary security importance, and if not quite nationalized, corporations operating in them will have to do it under strict regulations and have government oversigh breathing down their necks and on their boards of directors, with fuck-ups leading to nationalization, removing of the people in charge, and at worst, replacing them with a new crop and partially privatizing the companies in question.

More likely, though harder to swallow is going for a Chinese model, where the government hold a big chunk of relevant comapnies shares, if not a controlling one while not directly running the companies as long as they work as required.

One thing that Sith Tony has been careful not to mention aloud is the implication of the fusion infrastructure once it properly comes online. Due to the glut of supply, electricity will become ridiculous cheap, with people likely paying not for the electricity itself in the long run, but a fixed or somewhat flexible fee for infrastructure maintenance. The same could eventually be true for nationalized transportation, telecomunications, internet, etc.... all of which would be vital in pinpointing alien incursions, responding to them, mitigating the damage and rebuilding.

Now the future division of the world into a mega regions to ease up administration, ensure everyone uses the same standards, etc.... is something possible, though in the long run. Before that happens, we will likely see much closer tied and practical merger between the US and Canada as a federal super-state, perhaps eventually Mexico as well. Europe properly federalizing or going a confederation route, most of South East Asia uniting grudgingly as a counter-ballance to China in a world where the US is grudgingly working with China and unlikely to military clash with it because everyone has bigger problems, etc.... In theory the same would be true for the Middle East and Africa. In practice, that happening would likely require a series of unification conflicts paving the way for evenutal world government, which will realistically first require supanational blocks absorbing most smaller countries.

Indeed, until you have working theater and then planetary shields, you want your power and transport infrastructure as decentralized as possible to make it harder to take out with a few precision orbital strikes.

Unsurprisingly the biggest obstacles are going to be ideological than otherwise practical, especially as far as nationalization is concerned. There are places, like the US, where that is a dirty word not to be mentioned by serious economists and more importantly, government officials.

As far as education goes, not necessary strictly speaking higher, but a push for restructuring about specialization, and respecialization being easily available might be more useful. Engineering and infrastructure building will be a big thing for decades to come. Needing qualified and bright people in the hard sciencies is another thing, though that is not for everyone full stop.

Militaries worldwide will be becoming a hugnry for both bodies and well qualified personnel depending on the job needed to be done. There will be an emphasis not only on quality but quantity so enough combat elements survive the initial orbital strikes during a full-scale invastion to bloody the invaders. This also means networks of decentralized miltary bases all over the world, with the exponential increase of support personnel of all kinds.

A nice bonus that politicians should sniff out sooner rather than later, is that the changed paradig can make their voter very happy by greatly increasing their standard of life and that will soon be affordable across the board or cost cheap in comparison to all the onging investmens, so you might as well go full hog so to speak.
One thing that Sith Tony has been careful not to mention aloud is the implication of the fusion infrastructure once it properly comes online. Due to the glut of supply, electricity will become ridiculous cheap, with people likely paying not for the electricity itself in the long run, but a fixed or somewhat flexible fee for infrastructure maintenance. The same could eventually be true for nationalized transportation, telecomunications, internet, etc.... all of which would be vital in pinpointing alien incursions, responding to them, mitigating the damage and rebuilding.

I'm gonna point out that even today maintaining the electrical grid in the US is significantly more expensive that the electricity it carries. Even if power was suddenly totally free you may only be looking at a reducing your bill by about 25%. Small local power sources that let you decouple completely from the grid are great for individuals because it can reduce that cost completely for them. Unfortunately that leaves the rest of the people on the grid paying even more. And if major cites, who import lots of power, switch over to local power sources too fast they may render the less populated parts of the country incapable of maintaining the grid at all.

I'll also point out that lots of America has water and other utilities managed by small local associations with only loose oversite from government in general. Our national and state governments do not have the money or manpower to even attempt to nationalize them and manage everything directly, particularly in the Western US. I'm sure someone will try to bring up economies of scale or some nonsense like that but I'mma just gonna let the civil engineers point at them and laugh.

Edit: Anybody wanting to centralize all that stuff better be looking at doing some bloody huge infrastructure updates first.
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Militaries worldwide will be becoming a hugnry for both bodies and well qualified personnel depending on the job needed to be done. There will be an emphasis not only on quality but quantity so enough combat elements survive the initial orbital strikes during a full-scale invastion to bloody the invaders. This also means networks of decentralized miltary bases all over the world, with the exponential increase of support personnel of all kinds.

Something that militaries around the world will realise very quickly is that there is a great potential for automatisation in the military to occur on a scale only dreamed of in science-fiction.
Original!Tony was able to create several incredibly advanced AI as well as his own personal robot army (the Iron Legion) in his garage as side projects while he was focused on playing superhero. Imagine what Sith!Tony could do with the backing of the Western Military-industrial complex.

He's already seen the power of drones and autonomous weapons systems. First as a soldier on a future Earth and then as Veil during the Old Republic Era, where advanced droids were a very powerful weapon, and during the Clone Wars, where an army essentially composed of mechanical rent-a-cops managed to fight on a peer level against the most developed portions of the galaxy despite incompetence and Sith sabotage.

It's not like it would come out of nowhere: the last decades have seen the rise of increasingly sophisticated drones and a realignment in doctrines to compensate for it. The greatest obstacles to land-based drones were energy efficiency and computational power. The uplift has removed those obstacles.
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I'm gonna point out that even today maintaining the electrical grid in the US is significantly more expensive that the electricity it carries. Even if power was suddenly totally free you may only be looking at a reducing your bill by about 25%. Small local power sources that let you decouple completely from the grid are great for individuals because it can reduce that cost completely for them. Unfortunately that leaves the rest of the people on the grid paying even more. And if major cites, who import lots of power, switch over to local power sources too fast they may render the less populated parts of the country incapable of maintaining the grid at all.

I'll also point out that lots of America has water and other utilities managed by small local associations with only loose oversite from government in general. Our national and state governments do not have the money or manpower to even attempt to nationalize them and manage everything directly, particularly in the Western US. I'm sure someone will try to bring up economies of scale or some nonsense like that but I'mma just gonna let the civil engineers point at them and laugh.

Edit: Anybody wanting to centralize all that stuff better be looking at doing some bloody huge infrastructure updates first.
Ouch, that is a damn good point. Hopefully Stark will get started on working on improving long-distance energy transmission. No idea if SW has a tech solution for that, would be very helpful.

Agreed that universal infrastructure upgrades are needed pretty desperately in the US. If done right, might help solve unemployment too.
I think he's saying that rampant capitalism is bad.
Capitalism works. Fanatic capitalism? Then we're talking slavery, megacorps and similar at the top end. Just under that? You have people in control of water and sewage systems in a city and charging whatever they want because people can't choose another option without closing down the city permanently. Selling just means someone else gets extorted. You get people with easy-to-fix medical problems not getting them fixed and turning into drains on the state instead because keeping the fixes espensive pads someones bank accounts. Fanatic anything tends to go bad rather quickly. Capitalism is most definitely not an exception.
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I'm gonna point out that even today maintaining the electrical grid in the US is significantly more expensive that the electricity it carries. Even if power was suddenly totally free you may only be looking at a reducing your bill by about 25%. Small local power sources that let you decouple completely from the grid are great for individuals because it can reduce that cost completely for them. Unfortunately that leaves the rest of the people on the grid paying even more. And if major cites, who import lots of power, switch over to local power sources too fast they may render the less populated parts of the country incapable of maintaining the grid at all.

I'll also point out that lots of America has water and other utilities managed by small local associations with only loose oversite from government in general. Our national and state governments do not have the money or manpower to even attempt to nationalize them and manage everything directly, particularly in the Western US. I'm sure someone will try to bring up economies of scale or some nonsense like that but I'mma just gonna let the civil engineers point at them and laugh.

Edit: Anybody wanting to centralize all that stuff better be looking at doing some bloody huge infrastructure updates first.

As far as the uplift goes, the US will be a nearly unique problem. One thing that helps is the infrastructure overhaul and hardening bills that already passed both Senate and Congreess and the US governemnt forked billions for them, with more coming. Do note that we are not talking about small counties and such, or perhaps even US states nationalizing and centralizing power generation and distribution, transportation, etc... We are talking about the Federat government doing it on a continental scale. That its going to be incredibly expensive and require overhaul of the general infrastructure, which is already starting, is a given.

Robust dispersed power grid is also going to be needed for decades to provide energy for all kinds of things, including orbital defenses, and eventually shields whle keeping it diseprsed enough to be relatively hard to knock out.

Megabucks so to speak might just begin to cover it, as a price tag.

More drones and automation will be a go. Total realiance on them, against a more advanced opponents, which Earth is buidling up to face in case of an invasion is a likely a no. The operational assumption is that the enemy would have an electronic dominance, and if hopefully unable to hack drones and such, will be perfectly capable of jamming them. Releasing fully autonomous combat drones you can trust anytime soon would have various issues.

You'll note that while Jarvis is a thing and Sith Tony can make other AIs, those need quite large and powerful servers. The AIs in missiles and such are nothing like you want in proper combat drones/robots, if we're talking about the same thing, instead of very smart loitering munitions and such.

Capitalism works. Fanatic capitalism? Then we're talking slavery, megacorps and similar at the top end. Just under that? You have people in control of water and sewage systems in a city and charging whatever they want because people can't choose another option without closing down the city permanently. Selling just means someone else gets extorted. You get people with easy-to-fix medical problems not getting them fixed and turning into drains on the state instead because keeping the fixes espensive pads someones bank accounts. Fanatic anything tends to go bad rather quickly. Capitalism is most definitely not an exception.

You know, I find it amusing that people fail to realise that this arugment can be employed about almost any economic system - it works until the human factor is involved, and then people tend to fuck it all up for selfish reasons. That said, some systems are more likely to go bad faster than others.

Ouch, that is a damn good point. Hopefully Stark will get started on working on improving long-distance energy transmission. No idea if SW has a tech solution for that, would be very helpful.

Agreed that universal infrastructure upgrades are needed pretty desperately in the US. If done right, might help solve unemployment too.

Underground network of isolasted superconductors. The latter should become available in ever increasing numbers as space manufacturing becomes a thing and expands. It will also compete with many things. The issue with long-distance wireless energy transmission is all the energy passing through. You don't want to have anything in its way or near it, ideally not even air, which in almost all cases makes physical transmission medium the better option.

We covered earlier in the story that there is ongoing massive infrastructure overhaul in the US and accross the world, which is separate from the fusion infrastructure, which includes both the reactors themselves, fuel pipelines so to speak, and overhaul of the energy grid to handle the new power sources. Mind you, I am not sure if I properly elaborated in the story about what the fusion infrastructure includes.
What's happening with the tesseract? Is it still on the bottom of the ocean, cause that'd explain both why Danvers doesn't have powers and why it hasn't been given to tony to study.
Phase 13 Part 6
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 13: Ripples


Part 6


In a statement late this evening, the Pentagon confirmed that US forces engaged a combat robot in the small town of Puente Antiguo, New Mexico. The footage released on social media and by Pentagon officials contain images captured by evacuating civilians, US military drones, and combat personnel cameras. So far, the Pentagon and US government officials have refused to comment on the nature of the machine that attacked Puente Antiguo.


National Guard and US military units flood New York in preparation for the unexpected visit by the President and various world leaders. Elements of the 82nd Airborne Division, the Marines, and a detachment from the 30th Armored Brigade Combat team flew in at night. They had been deploying across the city since early morning.

New York Times

After informing close family, the Pentagon is releasing the names of US service members who died protecting Puerto Antiguo. We have fifteen confirmed dead, listed as on detached duty, and at least ten injured. This makes for a very unusual casualty distribution during battle, experts claim.

Compared to Navy and Marine losses in the Persian Gulf and the ongoing Second Afghan War, these losses might sound underwhelming. However, this has been the most significant loss of US servicemen in combat on US soil in more than a century…

USA Today

"As you can see behind me, the streets leading to and surrounding the United Nations building are an armed camp. We can see tanks parked near the entrance, and combat helicopters are circling above. Traffic across the whole city has been restricted for hours now, with police and National Guard units out in force. Right now, you can see the motorcades of the Chinese Premier, closely followed by vehicles flying the German flag. We got a confirmation that the German Chancellor arrived at LaGuardia, despite raging protests against unrestrained militarization within Germany and against war. They began a few hours after the small German army fully mobilized, and the German Ministry of Defense began recalling reservists…."


This is it! The storm is coming, and we are about to see the New World Order openly take over!

A doomsday post on Reddit

Aliens are real! A shocking speech by President Obama shakes the world!


"My fellow humans of Earth, I speak to you today, not just as the President of the United States, but as a human being. The long-asked question, 'Are we alone in the universe' has a clear answer. We are not."

from the opening of President Barack Obama's historic speech during Disclosure, given in front of the United Nations General Assembly.

Military and police are on the streets in force across cities worldwide while world leaders made a world-shaking proclamation! Aliens are real! The battle of Puente Antiguo was against an alien robot deployed to disrupt a peaceful First Contact meeting!


Aliens exist, and some of them are hostile!

BBC News

Millions gather in the Vatican seeking answers. The Pope will make an official announcement late tonight!


Religious leaders across the Islamic world are divided by the Disclosure. Some condemn it as lies by the Great Satan, in this case meaning not only America but anyone who believes aliens exist. Moderates tend to take the stance that God is Great and perfectly capable of creating intelligent life on worlds far away from Earth if he so desires. We have seen cries for Jihad against the unbelievers. However, it is unclear if it means hostile aliens, aliens in general, or those who believe aliens exist in the first place.

Al Jazeera

We see confusion and elated crowds gathering in cities across the world. So far, there have been no reported riots or clashes with military and security forces.

Associated Press

North Korea proclaimed aliens being a hoax aimed to discredit their government and threatened they would protect the Kim Regime with all weapons at their disposal.

In a surprising turn of events, the Chinese government rapidly responded, condemning the talk of aggression in these tense times. We have unconfirmed rumors that the Chinese military is deploying forces to their border with North Korea as a pointed reminder for the Kim dictator to behave…

BBC World News

"Aliens? It's cool, I guess. Why can't it be witches and wizards instead?"

Hannah Stark During Disclosure

World leaders reveal the SWORD Initiative, currently under the command of General Carol Danvers, as its Director. It was confirmed that US military units on detached duty to SWORD acted as a first response to First Contact in New Mexico. They were engaged in combat with an alien drone code-named "The Destroyer."


Industrialist and reformed playboy Tony Stark was revealed as a SWORD Consultant who was present during First Contact. In a dry speech, Director Danvers credited Mr. Stark with establishing successful First Contact and remaining calm and composed under fire. How Mr. Stark became, Earth's first representative in front of alien visitors remains unclear and highly classified.

New York Times

Both Senate and Congress will hold hearings over First Contact, the Battle of Puente Antiguo, and the United States' involvement with the SWORD Initiative.

USA Today

Mr. Stark was reported to be lightly injured during the battle and recovering; thus was not available to comment. Stark Industries representatives refuse to comment on what Mr. Stark's involvement with the SWORD Initiative will mean for the company.


Mr. Stark will act as the SWORD Initiative spokesman in front of the United Nations, Senate, and Congress later this month!



New York

"Just to be clear, I will be forever thankful you threw me to the wolves in the media and the politicians in Washington. I will absolutely not hold grudges over this," I smiled pleasantly to the gathered SWORD's Oversight Council.

"I didn't expect you would be dancing with joy, Mr. Stark," Alexander Pierce offered me a tired smile. "From what I understand, you have a bit of time before doing vital science again. Your schedule, in that regard, should be clear until commercial fusion begins coming online next year. As far as making Stark Industries even more wealthy, I am sure once the dust settles, you'll have many more contracts coming your way."

"This doesn't make me feel any better," I pointed out. "If I knew what you bastards intended to do, I would have sworn until my dying breath that Disclosure would have been a terrible mistake."

"That remains to be seen. We're about to live in exciting times," Yen philosophically concluded. "In the end, it should be better to get the shock out of everyone's systems and the inevitable scrutiny out of the way now before we are all very busy with the next step of the Uplift or a proper alien invasion."

"Do you have a sane way to explain why I am involved in this at all?" I was curious about the thought process of plastering my name worldwide in connection with the so-called Disclosure.

"We intend to tell the truth, Tony. We believe it will serve Earth's interests best in the long run," Hawley gave me a frank look.

"The truth being?" I led her on.

"You ran into an alien artifact that gave you memories out of this world. This makes you uniquely qualified for certain roles," Hawley kept staring at me.

"Such a revelation makes it less likely that one day I might seize power, politically or in another way. There will always be the question if I'm subverted, despite the trust I'm enjoying. By doing so, you will limit the potential power that I can gain in the future." And bind me closer to them politically because I will need their continued backing and reassurance that I wasn't compromised.

If I intended to take over Earth or something, this would be a slap in the face and my previous choices biting me in the ass hard.

"It's a good thing I don't want the job of running Earth; I'm selfish like that," I smiled back. "However, I am still far from happy with all the dog, and pony shows that I will have to endure as a consequence." I was reasonably sure Hawley and company might graciously agree to try for some bullshit story if I offered them various concessions they undoubtedly had in mind. I wasn't going to take the bait.

"You agree just like that?" Pierce appeared taken aback.

"Why not? I've run worlds before, I've been a General fighting galactic-wide wars, and I've run a nation as well. I have no intention of doing that work again, thank you very much."

Amusement, unease, and incredulity mixed into a somewhat confused cocktail.

"You still owe me for forcing me to take the heat on this one, just to be clear."

"That's a very enlightened way to look at things," Pierce temporized.

"Try selfish, Mr. Secretary. What's the narrative we will be pushing for?"

"Unity, the need to stand together or hang separately, the benefits of new technology and how they will change the world for the better and give us a fighting chance…." Hawley trailed off. "SI will benefit greatly from this, so there is that, Tony. And you will continue to have a precious voice on where we guide Earth. You've earned a vote in making these decisions."

"Indeed, your actions in the past few days were exemplary, Mr. Stark. As much as a burden that your new memories are in some respects, they are also an invaluable boon for Earth as a whole," von Holstein added. "By forcing the issue in the open, we believe it would be able to get the most of them. When you speak, people will listen and know you are talking from the point of a unique experience. We need not just the World Council and high government officials on board now. It's the population at large."

It made a twisted sense. The only real question was how to turn this to the best of my advantage, to counter the colossal pain in the ass the coming months were going to be.

Besides, while I had no intention of running Earth, like ever, no one mentioned being one of the people behind the throne, so to speak. That much was obviously on the table.

I wondered if I would be more angry or amused at this new development if the painkillers were out of my system.
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What's happening with the tesseract? Is it still on the bottom of the ocean, cause that'd explain both why Danvers doesn't have powers and why it hasn't been given to tony to study.

SHIELD has it, a scattered energy signature from it was that got an alien commando team to wipe out the air base where Danvers was stationed, and where SHIELD affiliated research project was trying to get it working. The Tesseract is currently inactive. This is the primary in universe reason why Danvers didn't become Captain Marvel, if that is indeed possible in this timeline. One of the consequences is that this Earth is also behind in advanced propulsion technology due to being unable to create a working drive based on styduing the Tesseract.

SHIELD will be able to finally jumpstart it in mid-2012, which will give Loki a shortcut to Earth with all that entails.