The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

If he's succesful, are others going to drop their headcases on him as well? Tony Stark, Space counselor incoming?

Jokes aside Im really linking the direction this one is going and in general your focus on the big picture and technological development while still giving us interesting characters and character development.
Edit: Typo
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Looks like someone set the semi-sentient artifact to 'troll'.

They'll forget to ask and just drop her on Tony, won't they?

No, they will actually negotiate with Tony and SWORD before sending the cruiser with Hela on board towards Earth. There might be some gifts, or bribes on board.

If he's succesful, are others going to drop their headcases on him as well? Tony Stark, Space counselor incoming?

Jokes aside Im really linking the direction this one is going and in general your focus on the big picture and technological development while still giving us interesting characters and character development.
Edit: Typo

The Kree and Skrul might think about it as well, as a part of diplomatic overtures with Earth and Asgard. They won't be starting another war while fighting each other, at least not against Asgard, and due to Asgard's protection Earth is going to be a neutral zone, which can be useful to both factions.

If Hela gets redeemed, I just hope to see Thor riding Fenrir.

"Fenrrir, good boy! No down boy, down! No! Don't do that!" Que Thor screaming after Fenrir picks the Prince up by the cape with his teeth, and throws him on his neck, then tears off in the distance whoofing happilly all the way.

You will be let into Lord Stark's custody ... or
You will be in Lord Stark's custody

This Hela seems more reasonable and justifiably upset than crazy or conceited.

Her prison was meant to keep her from getting insane. And she gets to replace it with a whole planet she hasn't been to in ages if at all, where technology is not too primitive and rapidly advancing. It's a bargain.
Earth becoming Space!Switzerland would be an interesting take, one which makes too considering they are under the protection of Asgard and I doubt we would want nor need to play politics and intervene in the much larger and stronger nations around them. Other than the Chitauri and Thanos, are there any alien invasions in the MCU?
Earth becoming Space!Switzerland would be an interesting take, one which makes too considering they are under the protection of Asgard and I doubt we would want nor need to play politics and intervene in the much larger and stronger nations around them. Other than the Chitauri and Thanos, are there any alien invasions in the MCU?
Well there is the whole skrull secret invasion. Which like a schrodingers cat we cannot be certain has not already happened until the moment of the big reveal.

"Dr. Stark, before we begin, can you get your hammer to stop being distracting?"

I looked at Mjolnir, which was floating smugly beside the desk we were sitting at as if basking in the attention of the press and those gathered to watch today's proceedings.

"Mjolnir feels too full of itself to behave, Mr. Chairman. If I were reasonably sure it wouldn't cause trouble, I would leave it at home or a research laboratory."

At those words, the hammer fell to the ground with a clang, giving me the impression of being offended by my words.

"Now it's feeling sorry for itself," I added.

"Are you implying the hammer is alive, Dr. Stark?"

"I can sense the impressions of emotions from it, Mr. Chairman. For what we know, it might be indeed alive, depending on how you define being alive."

Now Mjolnir floated up. If it was a dog, I was sure his tail would wag. I looked at it and sighed.

"Now I'm pretty sure it's just fucking with us," I shook my head. "What is the first question you have, Mr. Chairman
Reminding everyone that it's not his hammer. Stark is it's human. Until Thor shapes up it is going to have some fun. Its spent enough time in proximity to Loki to grasp the concept of pranks.
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Phase 14 Part 4
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 14: Disclosure


Part 4


Disclosure-related protests continue to sweep the world, with riots erupting in places stoked by local radical factions. The reasons are as varied as the protesting groups. We have everything from people ready to greet our new alien overlords and those eager to welcome them in peace and friendship to violently xenophobic groups who protest against any dealings with alien elements and everything in between.


A Humanity First manifesto is spreading through the internet, claiming that Earth and humanity must stand proud and alone, free from alien taint. This message resonates with surprisingly many people feeling that forces outside their control now threaten their place in the world.

Washington Post

Disclosure and the heightened war readiness of many countries across the world did nothing to slow down the fighting in Iran. Loyalist forces in the North completed the encirclement of Tabriz. They began a slow, grinding campaign to destroy the cut-off Revolutionary Guard units within the city. Armor, mechanized, and mountain infantry are sweeping the North, aiming to destroy radical elements and fully secure the country's northern borders. In the East, the Iranian military is slowly fighting to take control of key population centers and roads. They act in preparation for the war's final offensive after the fighting in the north concludes.

In the past days, despite the danger of an alien incursion, US and NATO air power intensified their sorties over Iran, determined to aid in ending the war faster.

BBC World News

About half of Herat and a third of Jalalabad are now in ANA and Coalition hands. This only happened after weeks of heavy fighting that saw whole Afghani formations destroyed and much of the cities in question leveled by artillery and air strikes. Coalition forces increase the deployment of heavy infantry equipped with exosuits and the best personal armor available weekly. In this new age of heavy infantry, Combat Engineers act as shock troops. The Coalition usually deploys them on the front to take enemy strong points when it is not feasible to deploy heavy firepower due to significant civilian presence.


First Jaeger heavy infantry platoon outfitted with Stark Industries exosuits deployed to Herat. At the same time, anti-war and peace protests grip Germany. Despite government reassurances, many of Germany's allies are unhappy with the expressed mindset of large parts of the German population.

In a scathing tirade, French Foreign Minister Jeanne Petain all but accused Germany of shrinking its defense responsibilities.

"If Germany is to expect and enjoy the mutual defense that NATO and the European Union provide, then it must be ready to respond in kind. Germany must not only contribute with economic aid but boots on the ground when necessary."


The prospect of German re-militarization is controversial across Europe, where the specter of the Third Reich still haunts the halls of power. Some EU members would welcome a more serious commitment to defense from the German government and the population. At the same time, there are others, or elements within the former, who would watch any sign of German re-militarization with extreme concern. And this doesn't even touch upon a critical factor – how does the average German citizen feel about this topic?

BBC World News

"It is a bitter irony! Germany finally has a free, liberal society! We need the aid of their military to protect liberty and freedom throughout Europe and the world. Yet, the German people now balk at the idea of wearing the uniform, fighting, or dying for a worthy cause. Oh, why wasn't that the case a hundred years ago? Or eighty years ago?"

James Kaine, an infamous right-wing member of the Tory Party


Capitol Building
Washington DC

"Dr. Stark, please explain to us why do you believe the SWORD Initiative is necessary. Why is it better than our existing alliances if that is the case? I would also like to hear you elaborate on certain statements you made in front of the United Nations. Our friends in the press have been busy twisting your words one way or another. Please, put that particular dog to rest."

I glanced at my lawyer, and she gave me yet another nod.

"Global reach. For various reasons, our existing alliances are limited in scope. An alien threat doesn't care about our politics, borders, or sovereignty. To safeguard Earth, we need rapid response forces that could act in every corner of the planet and reach it in numbers within a reasonable time frame. Our existing alliances simply were not set up for dealing with the kind of threat environment that an extra-terrestrial invasion presents. As importantly, the SWORD Initiative doesn't have the baggage of any already existing alliance. It is not bound by the same restrictions as, say, NATO. I'll use NATO as another example – its core purpose was a mutual defense against the Soviet Union and their Warsaw Pack puppets. Russia is no longer a conventional threat, and that, combined with the NATO framework and restrictions, makes the alliance less than an ideal tool to face alien aggression. Our alliances in South East Asia had the explicit purpose of countering the Soviet Union again and later containing China. This again makes them flawed tools for the task at hand."

I let people digest my words and carefully opened the cap of a bottle of water, then took a sip.

"SWORD is a framework meant to grow. Ideally, in the coming years and decades, it will incorporate all countries on Earth. The paradigm we have to operate under is, by necessity, global. An alien incursion on the other side of the Earth is not a local problem that is out of sight and out of mind. It is and should be considered as a first step of a global invasion. Any incursion could be a beachhead that, if not neutralized, could threaten every single country and person on this planet. With Disclosure out of the way, we all have to accept we live in a different world. And I hope for all our sake and our children's sake, that we as a species will act accordingly."

"This is going to be a tough thing to accept for many, and I am not only talking like someone who is part of the government as an elected official," Kelly said to the flashing cameras. "There is much history, perhaps too much bad blood to just turn another page. However, you gave us much to think about and discuss, Dr. Stark. Now let us put to rest all those accusations that you are a dictator in the making, shall we?"

"Now I will speak not as Dr. Tony Stark, as scientists, industrialists, or even American citizens. I will speak with someone who has the memories of a general who fought multiple galaxy-wide wars. I will speak as someone who remembers watching whole worlds burn as collateral damage while massive fleets fought above them. All the good intentions in the universe don't matter when someone parks a warship above your world and demands you fulfill their demands or watch your world burn. That could be a pirate ship kept spaceworthy with duct tape and prayers. It could be a state of the war warship from a galactic superpower. It could also be part of the enforcer wing of an interstellar corporation that came to exploit any useful resources it could find in your system. We know for a fact that there are hostile star nations within our galaxy. Only luck and Asgard's distant protection have kept us somewhat safe until now. Yet despite that, Earth has been invaded in the past, forcing Asgard's intervention. Any invasion that happens in the future will take into account not only Earth's strategic location in the galaxy but the fact that we are now a modern civilization. Even with rapid reactions from Asgard, the consequences of such an event can be catastrophic. We are our own first and last line of defense!" I declared.

The way things were going I wondered if people would want to lynch me for telling them hard truths they didn't want to know.

"Reality doesn't care about what I like or dislike; it doesn't consider my political views. Despite what certain good-natured scientists believed, becoming an interstellar civilization doesn't absolve you from petty desires for conquest or racism or somehow makes you morally superior. It only makes you more dangerous, and I am talking from experience here; it is easy to consider a primitive alien species expendable when they stand in the way of what you want and need. In our society, things like colonialism and offensive wars to grab lands and resources are something that today's world order does its best to discourage, and people loathe them. The same can't be said for successful interstellar conquerors for whom colonialism works. I don't need to tell you what happens to the colonized, even if they are fortunate to survive as people, do I? Might doesn't make you right; however, if you possess enough of it, it doesn't matter if you are morally right or not. You can do whatever you wish to those weaker than you, and only sufficient raw power can deter you. We are back to operating under such a paradigm now. And we are racing against the clock to become strong enough and advanced enough before a hostile faction sets its sight upon Earth."
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So many people are not going to like that we have to go back to a "Might makes Right" mindset.

But Stark should also mention that our Geneva Conventions are not going to be recognized by any other civilizations. Each will have its own ideals, morals, and traditions, including what is right and legal to do in war.
So many people are not going to like that we have to go back to a "Might makes Right" mindset.
I think it's less the Might Makes Right mindset that is going to get people, but rather that citizens in first world countries are going to grapple with the fact that they're not big fish anymore.

Is the life of a fisherman off the cost of Costa Rica going to change much with the disclosure? No. The fish still need to be caught. The menial labor must continue.

Is the life of somebody used to leisure and security going to change? Absolutely.
So many people are not going to like that we have to go back to a "Might makes Right" mindset.

But Stark should also mention that our Geneva Conventions are not going to be recognized by any other civilizations. Each will have its own ideals, morals, and traditions, including what is right and legal to do in war.

That should be obvious, though I am sure people will be surprised by such a fact....

I think it's less the Might Makes Right mindset that is going to get people, but rather that citizens in first world countries are going to grapple with the fact that they're not big fish anymore.

Is the life of a fisherman off the cost of Costa Rica going to change much with the disclosure? No. The fish still need to be caught. The menial labor must continue.

Is the life of somebody used to leisure and security going to change? Absolutely.

That's true. It might be less about being a big fish, and more about losing sense of security that has been prevalent since the end of the Cold War and the threat of nuclear annihilation.

Alien what?


Thanks, its fixed.
You know depending on how well SITony influences Thor and Hela for the better he may end up having Loki dropped on him as well for rehabilitation purposes. That and he'd be 3 for 3 in looking after Odins kids. :D
You know depending on how well SITony influences Thor and Hela for the better he may end up having Loki dropped on him as well for rehabilitation purposes. That and he'd be 3 for 3 in looking after Odins kids. :D
Stark: "Well, Prince Thor, here's your test. From me."
Thor: "You?"
Stark: "Yes. Go and fix up Loki on your own. If you do a better job than what your father did with Hela, you pass."
You know depending on how well SITony influences Thor and Hela for the better he may end up having Loki dropped on him as well for rehabilitation purposes. That and he'd be 3 for 3 in looking after Odins kids. :D

Stark: "Well, Prince Thor, here's your test. From me."
Thor: "You?"
Stark: "Yes. Go and fix up Loki on your own. If you do a better job than what your father did with Hela, you pass."

I am seeing the odd assumption here that people will be interested in rehabilitating Loki instead of wanting him to stand trial for treason, murder, at least two counts of attempted regicide, and worse, if not outright want his head mounted on a pike in front of Asgard's Royal Palace.
I am seeing the odd assumption here that people will be interested in rehabilitating Loki instead of wanting him to stand trial for treason, murder, at least two counts of attempted regicide, and worse, if not outright want his head mounted on a pike in front of Asgard's Royal Palace.
Too much influence from the later MCU movies (and Loki's own TV show) in which Loki is depicted as Actually Not A Completely Terrible Guy, Really.

Although I'm just spit-balling theories here--for my own part, I've barely seen any of that stuff. I'm just thinking that Tony will simply be Done With It All at the end and throw Asgard's problems back at Asgard.
Too much influence from the later MCU movies (and Loki's own TV show) in which Loki is depicted as Actually Not A Completely Terrible Guy, Really.

Although I'm just spit-balling theories here--for my own part, I've barely seen any of that stuff. I'm just thinking that Tony will simply be Done With It All at the end and throw Asgard's problems back at Asgard.

This Loki is very much not the Loki we saw in the latter movies, or his show.... then again, from his performance in Ragnarock while pretending to be Odin, he would have been terrible ruler of Asgard even then so that's not exactly a saving grace for him.
In general Loki has negative credibility here even for Big-and-Purple: Rather than being the fellow who briefly turned the world on its head and had a solid shot at winning, well, instead we have a rolling clusterfuck that performed one of the most ill thought out and hamfisted power grabs in recorded history. Odin gave him every possible opportunity, handed him the keys to the kingdom, and pretty much gave him the easy road to taking things to broad popular approval with a minimum of manipulation... and instead he first gets stabbed in the back in an unexpected but inevitable betrayal and then slapped down from on high. I'm surprised that Snappy Genocide Barney wants him.

Its a tragedy. A far cry from the figure of actual myth.
That should be obvious, though I am sure people will be surprised by such a fact....
Should be obvious, yes, but I really think the majority (in setting, not among the readers, in case that needed to be said) will not see it as such, without metaphorical anvils being dropped.

That's true. It might be less about being a big fish, and more about losing sense of security that has been prevalent since the end of the Cold War and the threat of nuclear annihilation.
Both, IMHO, but to varying degrees from person to person.
Should be obvious, yes, but I really think the majority (in setting, not among the readers, in case that needed to be said) will not see it as such, without metaphorical anvils being dropped.
Pretty much. News conferences, interviews, even talking with senators and bigwigs and heads of state... the person you are talking to is the dumbest person in the room. The smart ones, they already know most of what you have to say: They've been briefed until their heads are on the verge of exploding. For them you are just framing the issue and giving nuance.

But there is going to be 'that one guy' who doesn't just have too little understanding, he has the wrong understanding and believes its gospel. You are speaking to defuse that bomb before it goes off and spreads contagious bullshit to the four winds.
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I am seeing the odd assumption here that people will be interested in rehabilitating Loki instead of wanting him to stand trial for treason, murder, at least two counts of attempted regicide, and worse, if not outright want his head mounted on a pike in front of Asgard's Royal Palace.
Well, for all it's worth, you can count me in for the "prosecute him" camp. I never watched the nutflex show, so for me, MCU Loki is an asshole at best, and a monster at worse.
But then, it would be kinda hypocritical, considering Hela supposedly did 10x worse things than Loki, and she still has her chance of redemption.
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