The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

"Or your country is about to attack the rest of the world and you're here to provide plausible deniability in the event of failure to try and stave off our retaliation"
Fuck it... If Wakanda as a whole is willing to go through with this pry their tech from their cold dead hands.

Say that they're classed Hostis humani generis and Nuke em.
Wait. Dont the Wakandans have a challenge trial thing? They can challenge the king for rulership through a duel.

What happened to that?

The radical's preffered and credible challenger got blown up to little pieces in New York. Unless you really believe that Killmonger would have reached as far as he did OTL without significant support from factions within Wakanda? If he didn't die when he did in this story, and well, if other butterflies didn't derail things, the future Killmonger would have become King the "formal" way with the backing and support by the people who launched the coup and who are currently doing what he thoguht was his idea OTL. They wouldn't have meekly accepted losing in this timeline if T'Challa won, or got back to challenge their puppet again.

So the radicals decided to ignore the challenge and do what they belive needs to be done to save Wakandan, because obviously no one else was willing to see it through.

The odd alien infiltrator might or might not be involved, like SWORD will suspect, however, no matter if that's true or not, there were more than enough Wakandians unhappy with the status quo to go for it anyway.

"Or your country is about to attack the rest of the world and you're here to provide plausible deniability in the event of failure to try and stave off our retaliation"

There's that too. On the other hand, as a closely monitored puppet, T'Challa could give credibilty to any government a world coalition installs when the dust settles.

Fuck it... If Wakanda as a whole is willing to go through with this pry their tech from their cold dead hands.

Say that they're classed Hostis humani generis and Nuke em.

Wakanda as a whole? No. The people in control of most of their weapons with long-strike capabilities, yes. Enough of their wariors and War Dogs, many of the traditionalists? Yes, again. The next update will show that things in Wakanda are very confused even as strike teams, War Dogs and Air Strikes start a war.
I wish I could say Wakandan internal politics doesn't make sense... but then I look at the news at the kind of leaders that gain power in the real world, and the kind of political and religious movements people actually get behind and support. Wakandan "Our immoral plan could work if the world was how we want it to be!" politics suddenly make sense again. It's all based on ripping everyone else down and trampling them in the mud, instead of improving themselves. Basically, they are A Pretty Huge Problem.
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The radical's preffered and credible challenger got blown up to little pieces in New York. Unless you really believe that Killmonger would have reached as far as he did OTL without significant support from factions within Wakanda? If he didn't die when he did in this story, and well, if other butterflies didn't derail things, the future Killmonger would have become King the "formal" way with the backing and support by the people who launched the coup and who are currently doing what he thoguht was his idea OTL. They wouldn't have meekly accepted losing in this timeline if T'Challa won, or got back to challenge their puppet again
Man this may actually get the white gorilla tribe on the warpath. They may be an annoying bunch of arch conservatives who shout out about tradition every ten minutes. But kill the king outside of the formal death duel?? Unthinkable!!! Then they cannot complain to the monarch anymore!
Man this may actually get the white gorilla tribe on the warpath. They may be an annoying bunch of arch conservatives who shout out about tradition every ten minutes. But kill the king outside of the formal death duel?? Unthinkable!!! Then they cannot complain to the monarch anymore!

One of the 'traditions' that some of that tribe back is fucking with outsiders by killing their scientists and stealing their ideas and know how to keep them down. They will be divided, and won't be alone in that regard. After all, aside from the coup, what's happening now is what many of them wanted to happen, or claimed louldy that it was so when their leader was in earshot. Which is one of the reasons why, while not happy, M'Baku was on board with the coup.

Now the big question that we might not get an answer to in story, or we might in a spectacular fashion, is what was M'Kathu thinking, if it is M'Kathu and not an alien infiltrator in his place....
I understand and kind of hate that this has to happen to Wakanda. It's a major plot point of Black Panther that Wakanda is an advanced country in hiding; it has been since the beginning of the character. But in a world rapidly heading in a direction towards 'more real=less plot assisted development' the world can't have that.
How would Wakanda justify not helping other African nations by providing food or medical aid? Or financing infrastructure projects? Or a dozen other things that might help, without their risking exposure.

I would prefer that those consequences be dialed back a bit, if only to preserve the idea of Wakanda having to adapt itself to the world it finds itself in. It kind of feels like a failure if it is just allowed to fall apart into warlordism like so many other African countries. It could also be twisted into the usual disgusting narrative about African countries, fodder for those who profit from the idea that those nations just 'can't be civilized' so imperialist/corporation/whoever's agenda should just be allowed to do whatever as long as the trains run on time the raw resources keep being delivered.

T'challa is a hero character, let him be one. I read something once that made the point that 'Agent Carter is to secret agents as Tony Stark is to engineers' and the point was illustrated by her shooting a cloaked target carrying the Super Soldier Serum (the bottle wasn't cloaked) with her pistol. Let the Black Panther pull his country back together with a little help from the shadow agencies. Let him deal with a world that is justifiably angry that this advanced nation has done so little to help the rest of humanity.

Hope I didn't get too up on a soapbox here, I've really been enjoying this story. But I've seen a lot of stories about Wakanda 'getting it's just deserts for screwing over the world'. Breaking or erasing the country because of the convoluted plot points necessary for it to exist seems overdone and petty.
Aahh… Politics.

If they want war , give them war. The Ork in me demands it. Take from them everything, give them nothing. WAAAAGH.
I understand and kind of hate that this has to happen to Wakanda. It's a major plot point of Black Panther that Wakanda is an advanced country in hiding; it has been since the beginning of the character. But in a world rapidly heading in a direction towards 'more real=less plot assisted development' the world can't have that.
How would Wakanda justify not helping other African nations by providing food or medical aid? Or financing infrastructure projects? Or a dozen other things that might help, without their risking exposure.

I would prefer that those consequences be dialed back a bit, if only to preserve the idea of Wakanda having to adapt itself to the world it finds itself in. It kind of feels like a failure if it is just allowed to fall apart into warlordism like so many other African countries. It could also be twisted into the usual disgusting narrative about African countries, fodder for those who profit from the idea that those nations just 'can't be civilized' so imperialist/corporation/whoever's agenda should just be allowed to do whatever as long as the trains run on time the raw resources keep being delivered.

T'challa is a hero character, let him be one. I read something once that made the point that 'Agent Carter is to secret agents as Tony Stark is to engineers' and the point was illustrated by her shooting a cloaked target carrying the Super Soldier Serum (the bottle wasn't cloaked) with her pistol. Let the Black Panther pull his country back together with a little help from the shadow agencies. Let him deal with a world that is justifiably angry that this advanced nation has done so little to help the rest of humanity.

Hope I didn't get too up on a soapbox here, I've really been enjoying this story. But I've seen a lot of stories about Wakanda 'getting it's just deserts for screwing over the world'. Breaking or erasing the country because of the convoluted plot points necessary for it to exist seems overdone and petty.

Narratively, there are problems with this. First, in a more grounded setting, the plausible way how Wakanda got where it is even with vibranium, considering its tiny population, is by stealing technology and sabotaging the rest of the world in order to gain and maintain its technological edge.

Second, the whole Killmonger plot, which if not derailed would have led to this timeline's Black Panther movie events - that flat out doesn't happen without a powerful faction within Wakanda backing Eric Stevens. And those people wouldn't have just shrugged off and gone with the program if T'Challa won. With their preferred pawn with lawful claim to the throne gone, and with the strategic situations changing, those people went for broke. Mind you, these are people who at last in part believe what they fed the future Killmonger propaganda wise.

Ultimately, as presented Wakanda is a politically and culturally divided between the five tribes. A strong enough push could and did cause a major crack forming, and now there is no going back to how things were.

As far as T'Challa is concerned.... this isn't a hero story. I don't write stories where heroes win just because they're the heroes and the good guys. So the question here is after being attacked without provocation, why would multiple powerful and not so powerful countries around ther world allow T'Challa to get his throne back, and allow anything resembling business like usual to continue for Wakanda?

The best realistically Wakanca can hope for under these circumstances, is that T'Challa returns as little more than a puppet, and they're forced to share both their tech and vibranium in the form of reparations for the unjustified war Wakanada began. What Wakanda might get for not everyone being on board with the coup or attacking the rest of the world, is not being bombed to the stone age and the prestige position of veing volunteered to join SWORD while SHIELD keeps a constant close eye on them and deals with anyone who blinks the wrong way.

As far as other stories doing similar thing or not, I can't say, ther aren't many MCU stories that have ever caught my eye, and virtualy none of them really dealt with Wakanda as an important piece.
Phase 15 Part 1
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 15: The Wakanda affair


Part 1


The Wakanda War, or the first Unification War as it became known later, was the first critical challenge SWORD and SHIELD faced shortly after Disclosure. Reasonable fears that alien infiltrators could have compromised members of Wakanda's Tribal Council and their military brought SWORD fully on board. They allowed the organization to take a point in dealing with this unexpected threat.

Thanks to a warning issued by Prince T'Challa, who managed to escape the coup that saw his father, the previous King T'Chaka, and his mother murdered, world governments and militaries had precious time to react before Wakanda strike teams, assassins, and even air strikes went after critical infrastructure under development, laboratories and research centers across the world.

History of the Unification Wars, by New Cambridge University; Quality Digital Books for Windows store

Initially, Prince T'Challa's warning was met with understandable disbelief. However, militaries worldwide were already at a high state of readiness and alert due to the aftershocks of Disclosure and the threat of imminent alien incursions. Proof that Prince T'Challa's claims weren't entirely a hoax in the form of the Royal Talon Fighter he and his sister, Princess Shuri, used to escape the coup soon reached high-ranked military leaders across Europe and the US.

The first confirmation that the Prince was telling the truth came in the early morning hours when news of air strikes across targets in Southern Spain and Italy spread like wildfire throughout Europe.

The First Unification War had begun.

From Disclosure to the Stars: Modern Earth History, Jose Espinoza, Amazon Books

"Fellow citizens of Wakanda, I speak to you today, bringing grave news. King T'Chaka and the Golden Tribe betrayed us all! Last night, the King and the leader of the Mining Tribe met in secret, discussing how to best sell our precious vibranium and technology to the colonizers that even now ravage the rest of Africa!"

from an address given to my Border Tribe Leader M'Kathu the morning after a military coup removed the Wakanda Royal Family and the Gold Tribe from power

NATO goes to full war footing! Flights across Europe and the Continental United States just got ordered to land at the closest available airport, no matter if it's military or civilian!


Explosions shook the University of Palermo, focusing on its research buildings. We are receiving more reports of explosions near Villaprilo, at the construction site of Sicily's first fusion reactor. This is happening after NATO just went on war footing half an hour ago, and all European governments issued orders for air traffic over Europe to seek emergency landings. Is there an alien invasion underway?!


Explosions are reported at the University of Malaga, coinciding with a still unconfirmed attack on one of Spain's fusion reactors currently under construction…

BBC News

"As you can see, Tel Aviv is dark, ready to face an air attack. We can barely see the engines of fighters moving high above us…."

Odd cracking sounds interrupt the journalist, followed by explosions. The camera pans to the right, showing an insect-shaped silver craft that materializes over the city and opens fire.

Missiles and streams of tracers rose to meet them from Israel's air defense network. For a moment, the silver machines ignored the threat until tracers linked with one, shaking it, followed by missiles that struck its back. Something broke and sent the silver vessel spinning out of control to crash into a residential building. The other one accelerated and tried to run, chased by missiles and streams of tracer fire. More and more defensive emplacements lit up. The camera caught how rounds bounced off it as it flew at an angle from the news crew.

More missiles converged on the insectoid vessel, some coming from above, caught on camera as little more than a blur before impact. A missile struck it from above, pushing its already perilously low flight even lower. It clipped a building and shook, tearing its roof to pieces in a shower of brick and roof tiles before losing control and slamming into a nearby office building.

Live footage of the Wakanda Raid on Tel Aviv, caught on camera by a CNN

"Charlie, what do you have for us?"

"We're here outside Edwards Air Force base, observing protesters demanding more news about aliens and alien abductions. For the past ten minutes, we could hear alarms sounding across the base, and it has been launching planes practically non-stop since then!"


"The Emergency Broadcast System just came online! It is simple and to the point for those who missed the message. Citizens are required to remain home and bunker down for the time being. Disruptions in regular communications and power supply are to be expected. More information will follow when available. We still don't know if Earth is under alien attack or if we somehow stumbled into World War Three!"


"Breaking news! We just received a brief statement from NATO officials that we are not currently under alien invasion. However, a previously hidden advanced Earth state has begun a systematic campaign to cripple the ongoing technological advancements worldwide. NATO's statement confirms air raids across Italy and Spain targeting universities, fusion reactor construction sites, and industrial centers producing advanced technologies… What is this? This makes no sense! Aliens I can buy, but this?!"



New York

"Demonstrated enemy capabilities point at a possible collaboration with aliens. The timing is suspect as well. Alien infiltration of the people who executed the coup, or at least their leadership, is something to consider. I put it as a high possibility. If the ongoing attacks are successful enough, that will push back our uplift efforts by years. The loss of highly skilled and able scientists would hurt even worse," Danvers explained SWORD's stance. "We have to treat this as, at best, a subversion attempt aimed to cripple our ability to protect Earth against alien threats. We might be looking at a deniable alien operation executed by the same people who attempted infiltration in the mid-nineties," Carol concluded. "Worst-case scenario, this is a crippling strike to soften us for a general invasion. The enemy already has a secure landing zone in Wakanda."

"Recommendations?" Pierce asked from the back of a car racing toward the nearest bunker.

"We weather the storm, gather intelligence and retaliate."

"General, you need to see this!" A specialist interrupted the conversation.

Danvers looked at a nearby screen showing live news from Israel. It was over fast and was a good news.

"Now, we know we can kill them once they de-cloak to attack. I recommend focusing our air force above likely targets and reinforcing those facilities with ground-based AA and Javelins. Keep in contact with our NATO allies, so we know what might work and what doesn't by the time they hit us."

"Time?" Pierce asked someone else.

"Our best estimate based on distance from Wakanda and the first confirmed attacks in Europe is… forty minutes to an hour before the enemy is within a strike range of the Eastern Seaboard."

"At any rate, barring a nuclear strike, we won't be hitting Wakanda back immediately, and fortunately, we aren't there yet," Pierce's face became a granite mask. "Nicholas, the status of Wakanda's diplomats and possible agents?"

"We are moving to apprehend them. I still don't have authorization to go after embassies."

"Use their Prince. Have him make a public proclamation about the coup and demand that all embassies, consulates, and such cooperate. Then we declare any that doesn't allow your agents in as potentially subverted by alien interests and act accordingly," Stark suggested.

"Aren't you going to ground?"

"I can't risk being caught in the open by air strikes. I'm bunkering down at the research center and will rely on my security detail to do their jobs. National Guard units should be racing this way and air cover, too."

Carol recalled he was at a laboratory near New York where he made Mjolnir available to study. So far, that wasn't going great.

"We have ongoing engagements in central Italy and around Madrid. The Spanish report they managed to shoot down one hostile alien aircraft, yet at least three more successfully entered stealth mode and disengaged."

"Confirmed hostile contact over France and Austria."

"Update from the Wakandian Royalty. He claims he knows of little over a hundred aircraft. I say again; we have at least a hundred-plus intruders in play!"



It was early in the morning in Tangier, and the city was subdued. Military and police were out in strength, while most citizens stayed home.

Others preferred to watch the world change, or perhaps even burn, from inside an air-conditioned bar, drinking away their worries. Here and there, you could find an enthusiast happy that parts of Europe burned. Most reasonable men had other ideas. If what they saw on TV could happen in Europe, then it could happen to them more easily.

Besides, the old men and women who remembered the bad old colonial days were among those most disturbed. They were alive in a different world, then saw it change around them. From where they sat, quietly sipping strong coffee or stronger beverages if their religion and the place allowed it, these days, Europe was much better than it was decades ago. It was fat and content. They didn't want to see the page of history turn back, and Europe was very interested in their affairs. Better leave sleeping dogs lie and allow them to continue mellowing out.

Carlo Santiago found that sentiment was a bit amusing. From where he sat, Europe was a very different beast from what it was decades ago, and Spain was no different. For people to even think of returning to the bad old days, it would take something drastic and unlikely. Well, that was the agent's thought before everyone learned that aliens were real. Some crazies, straight out of a legend or a movie, were busy attacking Europe. The unthinkable was happening, and Carlo didn't like where things might head to. There were always right-wing bastards peddling their poison as if they learned nothing from the likes of Franko, the Italian fascists, or the fucking Nazis.

Sadly, now there might actually be a reason for people to listen to the bastards, the agent thought morosely and drank from his fantastic juice. This was a dry establishment, known for being so, thus faced less scrutiny by security forces. Those tended to crack down occasionally on the places selling alcohol. While it wasn't strictly forbidden, drinking was frowned upon, especially if you weren't a foreigner partaking in a licensed establishment.

Morocco's been strange on that front ever since it gained independence.

As an agent, a dry bar was an excellent place to meet contacts. The lower profile you could keep, the better, so it was best to avoid areas where local security forces frequented to look for troublemakers.

One of Carl's favorite contacts was Elaid. The young man could have been more helpful. However, he was smart, and all he wanted was to get his family out of the country and into Europe as legal citizens. That made him more reliable and trustworthy than other customers Carlo had. Yet, it also meant it was doubtful his buddy would ever bring him enough information to warrant such a hefty reward.

This morning, Elaid was about to prove him wrong, and that was more than all right in Santos' mind.

"Hey there, buddy!" Carlo waved at Elaid when he saw him stumble into the bar. The youngster paused and just enjoyed the cool air. Outside, it was early summer, and it was already scorching hot.

"Hey there!" Elaid waved at the owner and nodded at a fridge with all kinds of cold drinks. "This is better," He sighed in pleasure after downing some cold juice. "My brother was in a meeting last night, and his guys got to meet some crazy character," Elaid finished his juice and sighed in relief. "That one was crazy-crazy, if you know what I mean? My brother isn't the brightest fellow around, and he isn't one to make stories, you know?"

"I know, buddy, I feel you," Carlo nodded, doing his best to radiate commiseration. This might be useful information; who knew?!

"So that big black dude stands in front of the guys and starts preaching to them about fighting colonial oppression and other such shit," Elaid waved his hands to help empathize with how crazy it all sounded.

Carlo had to agree, yet with the whole world going insane over the past few days, who was he to judge? It might be some poor fuck who stayed too long under the sun. These things tended to happen.

"Then that dude brings out crates upon crates with weapons!" Elaid leaned so they wouldn't be easily overheard; I thought that was a moot point. The few other people in the place were too engrossed in watching TV to pay attention. "Those were some weird-looking guns, I tell you! Bro brought a crate of them; that man was giving them like they were ancient AKs!"

Now that got Carlo very interested.

"I've got one in the trunk outside to show you, and we can give you the rest of the crate. You know what I want, and bro's ready to get legit. He doesn't want to get involved with this shit; even he's too smart for that!" Elaid nodded at the TV.

Yes, if this weren't the prelude for an alien invasion, there would be hell to pay, that much the agent was sure of. He paid the proprietor and followed Elaid outside to his car. Sure enough, some very awkward thing in the trunk looked more like a prop for a sci-fi movie than the real thing.

"I tell you what, we get this to the embassy, and if it's the real thing, you go get your people; we've got a deal."
Narratively, there are problems with this. First, in a more grounded setting, the plausible way how Wakanda got where it is even with vibranium, considering its tiny population, is by stealing technology and sabotaging the rest of the world in order to gain and maintain its technological edge.

Second, the whole Killmonger plot, which if not derailed would have led to this timeline's Black Panther movie events - that flat out doesn't happen without a powerful faction within Wakanda backing Eric Stevens. And those people wouldn't have just shrugged off and gone with the program if T'Challa won. With their preferred pawn with lawful claim to the throne gone, and with the strategic situations changing, those people went for broke. Mind you, these are people who at last in part believe what they fed the future Killmonger propaganda wise.

Ultimately, as presented Wakanda is a politically and culturally divided between the five tribes. A strong enough push could and did cause a major crack forming, and now there is no going back to how things were.

As far as T'Challa is concerned.... this isn't a hero story. I don't write stories where heroes win just because they're the heroes and the good guys. So the question here is after being attacked without provocation, why would multiple powerful and not so powerful countries around ther world allow T'Challa to get his throne back, and allow anything resembling business like usual to continue for Wakanda?

The best realistically Wakanca can hope for under these circumstances, is that T'Challa returns as little more than a puppet, and they're forced to share both their tech and vibranium in the form of reparations for the unjustified war Wakanada began. What Wakanda might get for not everyone being on board with the coup or attacking the rest of the world, is not being bombed to the stone age and the prestige position of veing volunteered to join SWORD while SHIELD keeps a constant close eye on them and deals with anyone who blinks the wrong way.

As far as other stories doing similar thing or not, I can't say, ther aren't many MCU stories that have ever caught my eye, and virtualy none of them really dealt with Wakanda as an important piece.
It was a fanfiction. the thing about Agent Carter. And the Hero thing, I meant more as a measure of narritive possibility, not like 'he has to be a Hero, because MCU'. As for the rest, it's your story and I'm looking forward to where it goes.
So this is basically the wish version of World War 3 Africa edition.

I am waiting for the nukes to start flying at some point.
I am waiting for the nukes to start flying at some point.

I would not want any nuke hitting wakanda, for the simple reason of how the Vibranium would react to it. Would it be like when Thor hit Captain America's shield and a massive shock wave spread out and level everything? Or would the unrefined mountain redirect a bunch of the energy into the crust of the planet causing massive earthquakes? There is too much that we don't know how a nuke would react to Vibranium to order nuclear strikes.
Wakanda is going to be smashed for this...sorry to say that people are not going to be happy for generations about the bullshit they have done, was it somewhat justified way back? yes...but they could have helped uplift Africa to prevent it from colonia expansion and such, ensure that Africa isn't turned into a hell-zone and ensuring its protection.

but they turtled...and ironically are far more racist than the racist's themselves these days. so, this is going to be a bloodbath when the dust settles and nations turn their very angry gaze at Wakanda for this action for weakening them for alien invasions. Not going to be a good time to be that nation dont ya know.

also will endgame fight against thanos use the galaxy itself against the mad titian? because just one planet isnt going to cut it, even if they have Hela and asgard on their side, getting to the point of actually fighting against thano's and his army is going to require galatic effort.

I would not want any nuke hitting wakanda, for the simple reason of how the Vibranium would react to it. Would it be like when Thor hit Captain America's shield and a massive shock wave spread out and level everything? Or would the unrefined mountain redirect a bunch of the energy into the crust of the planet causing massive earthquakes? There is too much that we don't know how a nuke would react to Vibranium to order nuclear strikes.

you know that the prince may know that...but does the governments know that? all it takes is one missile to fly at hail hydra agent to get pissed about the world domination plans being thrown out and shit goes down the drain.
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I would not want any nuke hitting wakanda, for the simple reason of how the Vibranium would react to it. Would it be like when Thor hit Captain America's shield and a massive shock wave spread out and level everything? Or would the unrefined mountain redirect a bunch of the energy into the crust of the planet causing massive earthquakes? There is too much that we don't know how a nuke would react to Vibranium to order nuclear strikes.

From what we have seen we can assume it will absorb the energy. Wether it will radiate it out is unknown . The surroundings will be radiated and the entire city will be glassed.

I meant to use nukes to take down the shields surrounding Wakanda. It could absorb a large amount of damage before going down. Unless Tony has capital ship level turbo lasers lying around.

Once the shields are down it's an all out attack.
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Wakanda is going to be smashed for this...sorry to say that people are not going to be happy for generations about the bullshit they have done, was it somewhat justified way back? yes...but they could have helped uplift Africa to prevent it from colonia expansion and such, ensure that Africa isn't turned into a hell-zone and ensuring its protection.

but they turtled...and ironically are far more racist than the racist's themselves these days. so, this is going to be a bloodbath when the dust settles and nations turn their very angry gaze at Wakanda for this action for weakening them for alien invasions. Not going to be a good time to be that nation dont ya know.
Eh. Yes, in regard to their neighbors not too much more than the ambient level of contempt. Bad blood is pretty much everywhere and most of the fuckers who wrecked the continent, and who are still funding its despoilation by proxy, are still sitting pretty as first world powers. That is a hell of a lot worse than somebody who just sat out the colonial period and let it happen.

As for the non-African powers, yeah, I expect this to be handled very similarly to Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany after WWII. The world needs them strong more than it needs them punished because there is another enemy on the horizon. They are going to see an intensive reconstruction around a friendly and indebted figurehead, built up in ways that undermine their ability to be a threat but... at the end of the day... still being built back up.

But, just like with Japan, the old culture is dead. The new Japan is a fundamentally different beast.
also will endgame fight against thanos use the galaxy itself against the mad titian? because just one planet isnt going to cut it, even if they have Hela and asgard on their side, getting to the point of actually fighting against thano's and his army is going to require galatic effort.
"Listen, man. I don't know if I exactly agree with you that this is the right way to fix the universe... but we're probably not winning this one. So how about this: That fist full of bling of yours can pretty much do anything so... why don't you cut the universe in half. Half of everybody goes to Universe A, the rest goes to Universe B, and you get everything you wanted from the start. You get to prove you are right, the universe gets some breathing space, I'll write an apology letter saying as much if things are still working out after a century or two, and nobody has to die."

Of course then we find out this is the one place comic motives supersede cinematic motives and he is actually just writing a magnificently lethal loveletter to the personification of death or something.
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Phase 15 Part 2
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 15: The Wakanda affair


Part 2


"My fellow people of Wakanda, I am Prince T'Challa, son of King T'Chaka. I regret to inform you that late last night, traitors to our country and us as people, not just citizens of Wakanda but humanity as a whole, launched a successful coup. They did it out of short-sighted lust for power and the utter belief in their superiority over everyone else. As if that wasn't a crime enough, then the plotters usurped command of the Wakanda military and launched an insane and unconscionable attack on civilian and infrastructure targets across the world. They aim to cripple every other advanced country on the planet in an ill-thought bid to retain Wakanda's technological advantage…."

"I beseech every loyal son and daughter of Wakanda to resist those mad men and women now ruling our country. I also ask our diplomats and War Dog agents worldwide to surrender peacefully to local security forces before we as a people are declared subversive agents aiding an alien power…."

From the speech of Prince T'Challa, exiled heir to the throne of Wakanda

"We have confirmation now; this isn't an alien invasion, it's actually harder to believe…. Excuse me; it's just; I know those bastards are killing people as we speak, but an African Kingdom out of legend that's more advanced than any other country on the planet?! Aliens I could buy, but this? Wakanda? I've heard of the place; it's no larger than Switzerland?! Are they insane to attack everyone? Yes, alien subversion, because that makes…."

"I want to apologize about our colleague. I am afraid that recent events were a bit too much for John to handle, and I honestly can't find in myself to blame him. I wish him a rapid and smooth recovery. Now, back to the news. Indeed we are not being invaded by aliens, it's Wakanda, and that makes much less sense, or it should…."

from the infamous live CNN news broadcast, where John Gaige found the reality we are now living too much to handle

Wakanda's onslaught continues, with stealth aircraft striking targets as far as Paris and Munich. We have memorable pictures of European Tiger attack helicopters chasing advanced aircraft at rooftop level in Vienna and, more recently, the French Capital itself! Attack helicopters and ground-based anti-tank missiles so far prove the best tool to counter the unprovoked Wakandian attack.


Brief statements from the Governments of Spain, Italy, Austria, France, and Germany condemn the acts of war committed against their countries and affirm that a state of war exists between them and Wakanda. While Austria is one of a handful of members of the European Union that isn't a NATO member, the country is still covered by the EU's defensive clauses, which the Federal Chancellor invoked minutes ago… All attacked NATO members have called for the activation of Article V.

BBC World News

Royal Navy deploys in the English Channel in a desperate bid to build a defensive wall between Wakanda attack craft rampaging in France and British airspace.

BBC News

University of Bern, Switzerland, was just hit!


America is under attack! Locals report the sounds of explosions and low-flying aircraft in the vicinity of Hampton University, right beside Newport News!



United States

By the time the first Dragon Squadrons reached US airspace, both sides had time to learn valuable lessons.

For Wakanda, this meant that simply hitting the target and trying to get away was much more dangerous than ever believed possible. Updated orders changed their targeting priorities. Instead of dispersed fighter groups going after targets to cover as much territory as possible, whole squadrons would now strike. Half of the Dragons would go for the target in question, while the rest would lead the way, hitting any defenses set up to shoot them down.

For the United States military, it became painfully clear that much of the existing playbook for air defense didn't apply to the current situation. In Europe, NATO paid in blood to test the enemy's capabilities and known tactics.

Latest-generation interceptors flew perilously low because otherwise, they would inevitably miss their window of opportunity. Below them, attack helicopters and ground attack craft buzzed above cities and highways, waiting for their chance.

The United States military first encountered the Wakanda Dragon and Talon fighters above Stuttgart in Germany. Their first encounter at home was above Hampton University, where the Wakandians went for the Department of Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences with a vengeance while strafing the whole campus with energy weapons.

An Avenger died first, shredded before its crew knew they were targeted. A nearby Bradley followed, then stinger teams burned as well. A Talon fighter flanked by two smaller Dragons unleashed their firepower at the critical targets within the university campus while their escorts went for any sign of danger they could find…. And there were a lot of those.

AWACS vectored in interceptors and fighters while warships active in the bay pushed their radars to full power, illuminating Hampton. As small as the Dragons were, they were pretty hot when firing. The Talon was larger and hotter. It had a bigger signature at a time and place where many sensors were looking for a target.

A frigate and a missile cruiser emptied their VLC cells with AA missiles at what was practically point-blank range. Marine Apaches and Harriers from the nearby Quantico swarmed the area searching for targets.

The Wakandian pilots followed their training, which was to cover the Talon. Generally speaking, those royal fighters were meant to transport members of the Royal Family, Tribal Leaders, and other high-placed government members or, on rare occasions, military strike teams. One of the primary tasks the Dragon pilots trained was protecting a Talon. They did so that night, which was precisely the wrong call.

Ground-based and air-launched weapons struck the Talon before its cloaking system could be used again. Its tough vibranium armor held, yet the repeating hits didn't allow it to activate its stealth system. The Dragons did as they were supposed to, under normal circumstances, hunting threats instead of cloaking and flying to their next target.

Missile after missile struck the Talon while more and more US aircraft flooded the area, shooting at anything in the air lacking a friendly IFF. With all civilian air traffic grounded, there were only friendly and hostile targets in the air, and it was obvious who was who.

A Dragon fighter went alone against three Apaches, facing them head-on. The pilot was confident in his skill and aircraft. He was among those who dismissed the news of losses in Europe as bad luck or insufficient maintenance. After all, as good as the Dragons and Talons were, they weren't magic. Human errors happened, both among the ground crews and in the air. They were the leading and, until this night, the only reason for Wakanda losing aircraft.

The Apaches' Hydra missile pods and Hellfire missiles disagreed. As tough as the Dragon was, it was no tank. And at the end of the day, those weapons were far more deadly than most warheads carried by air-to-air or ground-to-air missiles.

Energy blasts splashed the first helicopter even as it launched a salvo at the enemy, then cut into the second, smashing its engine and sending it plunging toward the ground.

Six anti-tank missiles and a spread of rockets slammed into the Dragon blasting through its thin armor. Its pilot never knew what killed him and spread the burning pieces of his craft all over Ivy Home Road and the houses around it.

A Harrier fell from the sky with its tail missing, barely avoiding crashing into Hampton Veteran's Medical Center. The burning aircraft slammed into the parking lot, turning into a fireball that covered much of it.

The Royal Talon strafed a HUMVEE and a Stryker, acting as part of the security for the medical center in case of an alien attack. Its energy cannons quickly smashed their armor and turned the vehicles into burning coffins.

A Marine A-10, followed by two Harriers, went after the Talon, unleashing their full arsenal upon the fleeing heavy fighter. Cannon, never meant to hit flying targets, sent depleted uranium shells into the engines of the fleeing craft. Missiles followed – the newest iteration of the venerable Sidewinder and Hellfires guided by targeting pods.

The Talon repeatedly shook until even its tough hide couldn't handle the repeated hammer blows. Something broke, and its engines spluttered. Dragons raced to aid it, barely evading missiles that had problems maintaining a targeting lock against their signatures.

The fighting moved towards Langley Air Force Base, and recently deployed Patriot systems finally gained a lock on the enemy fighters. Missiles left their boxy launchers and entered the fray.

A Dragon blew one of the Harriers out of the sky. At the same time, the other went into desperate evasive maneuvers and released chaff for what little it might do. Another opened fire on the A-10, which stubbornly kept flying behind the damaged Talon and peppered it with bursts of its cannon. Energy blasts melted one engine, then the second and the tail followed, sending the Warthog into the river between Langley and Willow Oaks.

The Dragon's pilot didn't have time to enjoy his victory. A missile slammed into the back of her craft, followed by a second that nearly sent it out of control. She struggled to level it up and wildly looked around. Rear cameras and sensors focused on a black aircraft with its belly open to reveal a missile rack. One after another, two more weapons launched at the Dragon, and despite the pilot's attempt to avoid them, they tracked it like ravenous bloodhounds. The anti-tank munitions hit true, tearing the Dragon in two and spreading its burning remains over the water.

A second and a third Raptor went after the enemy fighter chasing one of the Marine Harriers. The older fighter wasn't fast enough or agile enough compared to the one chasing it. Its pilot was skilled, yet the Marine could do only so much to avoid the energy blasts that came closer and closer to his fighter until two slammed into the right wing and tore it off, just as a second pair struck behind the cockpit, turning the Harrier into a flying bonfire.

The Dragon's pilot was so focused on the chase that he didn't even see what hit him before he lost control and crashed in front of Langley's front gates.

The crippled Talon banked left, trying to avoid as much of the incoming fire as possible. More enemy firepower found its mark, and it finally was too much. The engines cut off, and the Royal Fighter nose-dived, smashing into the statue of a large airplane.

The surviving Dragons went to provide air cover for the crashed Talon, even as a word from Wakanda came to break off and go for their next target. It was too little, too late. Over a hundred US Air Force and Marines aircraft were in the area and low enough to see and fire at the Dragons. Patriot emplacements could also see them, feeding data and movement vectors to the AWACS controlling the battle.

The brief, deadly clash that followed saw the US fighters use all their remaining missiles. In exchange, only a single Dragon managed to limp out of the furball and flee, cloaking successfully and retreating at low speed – all its damaged engine could sustain.

Meanwhile, five more squadrons of Wakandian fighters flew through US airspace, seeking targets. One of them carried two strike teams, meant to ensure that Tony Stark wouldn't see the next sunrise.
also will endgame fight against thanos use the galaxy itself against the mad titian? because just one planet isnt going to cut it, even if they have Hela and asgard on their side, getting to the point of actually fighting against thano's and his army is going to require galatic effort.

Indeed, if Earth stands alone, it will lose, despite decades of uplift and constntly improving its military. Thanos is not a threat that even the galactic super-powers can take trivially, espeically at a time two of them are still trying theid damned best to kill each other.

Earth's best bet would be to have allies, and for the galactic strategic situation to be such that Thanos can't deploy the bulk of his forces to Earth and mush have them holding off the Kree, Skrull, or Nova Corps, ideally all three, or what's left of them from fighting each other for decades and decades, at the same time.
A-10 supremacy lets goooooo. But more seriously this is probably going to be an eye opener for most of the militaries as they learn that current missile paradigm is unsuitable when going up against more advanced aircraft with more advanced alloys.

missiles will change from airburst weapons I feel to direct hit weapons as alien alloys will be able to shrug off anything that's not a direct hit. It kinda feels like having to go back from modern keel breaking torpedos to direct impact ones
You know now that I think about the social effects of Wakanda's invasion of the world, I imagine that race relations have basically been sent to how Germans & Japanese people were viewed during the war.

If not worse as they're going out of their way to destroy any and all places of knowledge.

Not to mention how most of East Asia already view dark africans as animals predominantly China.

This is just going to reinforce said view... Hell maybe they will do to any of them what they do to muslims right now in our timeline.

Personally I think that with all this going down you're going to see people start to embrace the animal that lies just beneath the skin of humanity.

And it will be absolutely be a shit show.
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Freaking arrogant bastards. This is gonna turn into a bloody war of attririon Wakanda cant win. Also theyre sending 2 strike teams against Tony,thats gonna be fun.

If there was ever a time for SITony to go Sith Lord on a fool that will be the moment,especially if they target his daughter.

Also i have a feeling Thor (even depowered as he currently is) Sif and the Warriors 3 may end up joining in the fight.