The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

Honestly I'm expecting the assault on Stark to flop, between advanced warning that he's a direct target, his beefed up security force of ex soldiers including i'd expect more then a few tier 1 operators, the advanced equipment he's manufacturing and would undoubtedly have armed them with and his own powers.
Plus all of his technological security controlled by Jarvis and probably sword agents and military personnel sent to defend him thanks to the advanced warning.

The strike force is flying blindly into a slaughter they're horrifically unprepared to face.
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When I read the strike force targeting Stark the first though that came to my mind was the hallway scene in Rogue One with our dear Dark Lord replacing the right hand of the empire. Though I kept switching between him using a lightsaber or Thor's hammer for that moment.
A-10 supremacy lets goooooo. But more seriously this is probably going to be an eye opener for most of the militaries as they learn that current missile paradigm is unsuitable when going up against more advanced aircraft with more advanced alloys.

missiles will change from airburst weapons I feel to direct hit weapons as alien alloys will be able to shrug off anything that's not a direct hit. It kinda feels like having to go back from modern keel breaking torpedos to direct impact ones

That's correct. Barring a golden BB shot, which might have happened once considering all the DAKKA thrown around, every single Dragon or Talon shot down was downed by AT weaponry, not AA weponry. A US firgate and guided missile cruiser emptied their AA cells, scored hits and would have only collateral damage to show for it.

You know now that I think about the social effects of Wakanda's invasion of the world, I imagine that race relations have basically been sent to how Germans & Japanese people were viewed during the war.

If not worse as they're going out of their way to destroy any and all places of knowledge.

Not to mention how most of East Asia already view dark africans as animals predominantly China.

This is just going to reinforce said view... Hell maybe they will do to any of them what they do to muslims right now in our timeline.

Personally I think that with all this going down you're going to see people start to embrace the animal that lies just beneath the skin of humanity.

And it will be absolutely be a shit show.

Yes, one very much unintended side effect is that this unprovoked attack and its targets is going to give so much ammunition to racists, and expand their ranks, it isn't funny.

And new/better sensor systems, too. Can't hit what you can't see and hostile xeno craft won't necessarily need to decloak before opening fire.

Yes, everyone will be throwing fortunes in developing better sensors as well. The very thought of a competent enemy with better weapons and doctrine attacking while protected by similar level of stealth will give countless people nightmares for a long time to come.

Time to carpet bomb Wakanda. They wanted a racial war, now they have a racial war.

That's a sad possible side effect. Things are going to get ugly in many places. A saving grace is thanks to the warning, the actual direct casualties caused by Wakanda are going to be few. Almost in all cases there will be more damage and casualties caused by the defenders trying to stop attacking aircraft they could barely detect. Which is of course morally still the fault of Wakanda's radical faction who launched those attacks in the first place.

I didn't expect Michael Bay-esque "Fuck Yeah US Military" scenes in my MCU fic, but sure, I'll go with them for now. :V

Walanda's pilots followed their training and doctrine when the Talon was in no position to cloak, and that is what allowed the US military to leverage its numerical advantage. This and likely, the attempt to take out Sith Tony are going to be the two places that things go disastrously wrong for Wakanda during their attack on the US. The other attack squadrons will know what happen, and will adjust tactics and their actions, just like they eventually learned from the attacks on Europe and started using whole squadrons to go after a single target, with half the birds in the air, taking out ground defenses.

Sadly for Wakanda, their people are not learning fast enough due to lack of experience with a real war, arrogance in some cases, and well, they are in no position to meaningfully replace losses of aircraft. For all the damage they cause, the opening days of the war will be a disaster for Wakanda's air force, and that is their only long range strike option.

Honestly I'm expecting the assault on Stark to flop, between advanced warning that he's a direct target, his beefed up security force of ex soldiers including i'd expect more then a few tier 1 operators, the advanced equipment he's manufacturing and would undoubtedly have armed them with and his own powers.
Plus all of his technological security controlled by Jarvis and probably sword agents and military personnel sent to defend him thanks to the advanced warning.

The strike force is flying blindly into a slaughter they're horrifically unprepared to face.

Wakanda's assault has been flopping since the opening engagements. They can't sustain this attrition rate, and they can't replace aircraft in a way that would make any difference.

Good news for the attacking side - they aren't going after Sith Tony at home. Bad news for them, his already formidable security was beefed after his engagement with the Destroyer, he has Mjolnir, and everyone knows that he is the primary target in the US so every US military asset that can make it to his position in time will be racing there.
True, but the rest of the attacks they can atleast make a fight of it if not a particularly effective one over all.
Attacking Stark won't be a fight it'll be overly dramatic suicide.
I wonder how much progress Wakanda has stolen from the rest of humanity over the centuries?

At a guest I would say a good 200-300 years as they're only as advanced as they are because of magic space rock metal.

Edit: Say @Illuviar are any of the old Hydra weapons from the war still around or were they all destroyed outside of a small amount for study?
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At a guest I would say a good 200-300 years as they're only as advanced as they are because of magic space rock metal.

Edit: Say @Illuviar are any of the old Hydra weapons from the war still around or were they all destroyed outside of a small amount for study?

The weapons themselves? Yes. Without an active and cooperating Infinity Stone those are mostly useless hunks of metal. I'm not sure if I mentioned it on SV, but the way I'm going with what Hydra did in the 1940s, is basically cheating with an Infinity Stone. Their power cells - energy that cooperated by not blowing up containers that shouldn't have had the integrity to contain it. Their weapons - you can practically compare them to flamethrowers, throwing energy instead of fuel and igniting it, again, contained by power cells that shouldn't have been able to contain energy of such magnitude.

Infinity Stones are bullshit. The primary thing that limits them in this timeline, is that due everyone being brought down to earth, the people capable to use them are much weaker than their counterparts in the MCU, much less the comics. This means that anyone with an Infinity Stone can get less from it due to being able to handle less of its power. It's an indirect nerf. The big difference there is the Time Stone - no practical time travel, however you can go to alternative timeliens with it, and more importantly, you can observe alternative timelines with it. Any perceived timetravel on a small and short scale would be because potentially time doesn't exactly flow in the way we as humans perceive it, so there is a bit of wiggle room to shift things in combat for exaple.
This is going to be a complete shit show, you just now assholes are going to take one look at this and say 'See, This is what happens when Blacks get more tech than the rest of us, we literally can't allow them to be anything even close to our equals if this is what happens when they think they are out betters.' it's going to have every White Supremacists hard enough to drive nails /facepalm bloody hell what a complete and utter shit show
This is going to be a complete shit show, you just now assholes are going to take one look at this and say 'See, This is what happens when Blacks get more tech than the rest of us, we literally can't allow them to be anything even close to our equals if this is what happens when they think they are out betters.' it's going to have every White Supremacists hard enough to drive nails /facepalm bloody hell what a complete and utter shit show

Personally I think that it's gonna be worse than that. I wouldn't put it past some of the more radical "Good ol Boys" to start roving death squads going into Black neighbourhoods and just start mag dumping on anything that moves.

Claiming that anyone could be a Wakandan spy. So kill'em all and let God sort them out.
This is going to be a complete shit show, you just now assholes are going to take one look at this and say 'See, This is what happens when Blacks get more tech than the rest of us, we literally can't allow them to be anything even close to our equals if this is what happens when they think they are out betters.' it's going to have every White Supremacists hard enough to drive nails /facepalm bloody hell what a complete and utter shit show
Also it is rather confusing because what the heck the ethnic minorities of African extraction seem more angry at the Wakandans then us? Hey you are meant to hate us more!!

Actually the worse thing you could do to Wakanda is not subdugate them but make them involved in preparing the African continent for alien invasion.
With a lot of neighbouring nations who likely now resent the hell out of them. Just look at the past oh three hundred years and for nearly every bad thing add in the words (while this happened Wakanda was chilling).
Freaking arrogant bastards. This is gonna turn into a bloody war of attririon Wakanda cant win. Also theyre sending 2 strike teams against Tony,thats gonna be fun.

If there was ever a time for SITony to go Sith Lord on a fool that will be the moment,especially if they target his daughter.

Also i have a feeling Thor (even depowered as he currently is) Sif and the Warriors 3 may end up joining in the fight.
Eh no? Wakanda is gonna get overwhelmed soon.

Shame there is a lack of good Marvel fics, I'd love to read Wakanda SI or crossover character thrown there(the earlier the better). African super power would be great and they could fix a lot of Marvel.
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This is going to be a complete shit show, you just now assholes are going to take one look at this and say 'See, This is what happens when Blacks get more tech than the rest of us, we literally can't allow them to be anything even close to our equals if this is what happens when they think they are out betters.' it's going to have every White Supremacists hard enough to drive nails /facepalm bloody hell what a complete and utter shit show

Personally I think that it's gonna be worse than that. I wouldn't put it past some of the more radical "Good ol Boys" to start roving death squads going into Black neighbourhoods and just start mag dumping on anything that moves.

Claiming that anyone could be a Wakandan spy. So kill'em all and let God sort them out.

That's sadly true. In the US, the National Guard won't get to go home for a long time after Wakanda is no longer a military threat, because they will have to put out fires all over the contry, helpind deal with all kinds of bastards, including racists having a field day and cosplaying certain Klan as if it was the 'good old days'.

Also it is rather confusing because what the heck the ethnic minorities of African extraction seem more angry at the Wakandans then us? Hey you are meant to hate us more!!

Actually the worse thing you could do to Wakanda is not subdugate them but make them involved in preparing the African continent for alien invasion.
With a lot of neighbouring nations who likely now resent the hell out of them. Just look at the past oh three hundred years and for nearly every bad thing add in the words (while this happened Wakanda was chilling).

Eh no? Wakanda is gonna get overwhelmed soon.

Shame there is a lack of good Marvel fics, I'd love to read Wakanda SI or crossover character thrown there(the earlier the better). African super power would be great and they could fix a lot of Marvel.

That's true. Now, hating Wakanda for doing nothing, more than hating the countries that actually oppressed your people for generation, is unlikely to happen by itself. However, hatting Wakdanda for trying to set Africa on fire by delivering weapons to any rebel group, or a group with a grudge is another matter. The same is true for ensuring most of the world will be descending upon Africa ready to burn its way throught to Wakanda if anyone looks as them cross-eyed, because all those nice international norms and laws that tried to make today's world different from what it was nearly a century ago? Wakanda just threw them out of the window, dozed them with gasoline and lit them on fire.
They are dumb dumb. What's the point of targeting evacuated labs and universities. Any research is gonna have backups, you know coz computers are everywhere and there's this thing called internet and cloud.
They are dumb dumb. What's the point of targeting evacuated labs and universities. Any research is gonna have backups, you know coz computers are everywhere and there's this thing called internet and cloud.

That was Wakanda's old playbook and it worked great to get them to where they are. Further, when the airstrikes went in, Wakanda's putchists weren't aware that T'Challa had ran to warn the rest of the world, much less that he might have known for sure what they might be up to.

That said, while universities and research laboratories are a primary target, they aren't the only one. Wakanda is striking at fusion reactors under construction (bad idea, the most damage casued there will be to the construction equipment not to the reactors), and more imporantly advanced industrial centers. Hitting the latter will hurt, though Wakanda isn't exactly deploying the kind of firepower that would necessary take them out of commission permanently.

As far as offisite backup is cocnerned, that is likely something no one thought about due to outright racism and sense of superiority. And as the war progresses, the worse it will be for the current rullers of Wakanda. They will have a lot of unrest to deal with, further dividing their limited available attention, and they already are stretched to the breaking point trying to keep a track to what is basically a world war with command and control not suited for the task, and with many of the best people for the job now dead or in prison for being on the wrong side of the coup, or killed in the fighting.
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Wakanda is striking at fusion reactors under construction (bad idea, the most damage casued there will be to the construction equipment not to the reactors), and more imporantly advanced industrial centers. Hitting the latter will hurt, though Wakanda isn't exactly deploying the kind of firepower that would necessary take them out of commission permanently.
If it had been nuclear reactors they were bombing, that would have hurt. A lot. And ensured Wakanda would have been burned to the ground then the earth salted afterwards. As is? Well, the green movement in most of the western world is dead in this timeline - possibly except for in France, where they managed to shake off Hydra manipulations. A lot of peoples first instinct to "outsiders blowing up site x", would be "make certain we have site x a number of places, except better", just out of spite. That will now be about industry, research centers, universities and fusion reactors. A lot of warhawks will now be pro those things - just because "the enemy" doesn't want them to have it. Sure, there might be a few extra AA batteries here and there, and possibly conveniently close army, navy or airforce bases, but, well. Win-win.
Now, hating Wakanda for doing nothing, more than hating the countries that actually oppressed your people for generation, is unlikely to happen by itself. However, hatting Wakdanda for trying to set Africa on fire by delivering weapons to any rebel group, or a group with a grudge is another matter.

There is also the whole local vs far away issue. In the US most people spend most of their time and emotion opposing their political, sport, or regional rivals and not some random "opponents" half way around the globe. I swear that half the country either doesn't give a damn or doesn't know who Russia or China are. And most of the other half would choose to ignore them as well if they didn't turn up in the news and movies so much.
Phase 15 Part 3
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 15: The Wakanda affair


Part 3


Is this WW3? Wakandian air strikes confirmed in India and China! Japan and South Korea are expecting attacks within the hour!


A Second Battle of Britain? After minutes long engagement above Paris, Wakanda aircraft strike targets on British soil!


"We have an incredible video from the battle over the Camelot fusion reactor in construction near London!"

A shacking camera showed glimpses of a construction site before rising. It caught a black aircraft rising straight up in the air, followed by a couple of Harriers. A few helicopters could be seen in the distance, launching missiles. A pulse of energy erupted from the Wakanda fighter. Approaching missiles blew up in mid-flight, followed by the Harriers. The first one crumpled as if hitting a brick wall, then blew up in a spectacular fireball. The same happened with the side of the second, which appeared to bounce off the sphere of expanding energy. It's left-wing shredded, quickly followed by the back of the fighter breaking. It was already falling to pieces before its fuel ignited, immolating the fragments in an oddly shaped fireball.

At the same time, the Talon apparently lost power and fell like a brick. Missiles streaking from the ground, side, and above struck its tumbling form, shrouding it in fire and shrapnel.

The Wakandian craft regained power but not complete control. It managed to turn at the last moment so its belly hit the ground, and it sheared through construction equipment until coming to a stop at the far end of the construction site.

The video blinked, showing a recording from a soldier's helmet camera. Muffled voices shouted and cursed. A Challenger tank came rolling from the left, and its cannon thundered, shaking the camera just as the Talon tried to lift. The black aircraft rotated in place, trying to turn, when the round hit at a wrong angle, glancing off and shearing a burning streak of metal. An Apache roared overhead and unleashed a barrage of rockets at the Talon, slamming it back into the ground when it attempted to rise.

The tank cannon spoke again, and this time it struck true. The round slammed into the cockpit and broke through the armored glass. Fire and smoke blasted out of the aircraft as it swiveled to the right and skidded to a stop by crashing into the side of a crane.

BBC News

Cambridge University was just hit hard. The defensive force deployed there proved to lack sufficient firepower to stop the Wakandian onslaught. Emergency services are swarming the area looking for survivors from the Grenadier Guards who were deployed to the site earlier today.

BBC News

Wakanda strikes targets within India with a vengeance, taking advantage of less effective resistance. Casualties mount as Wakanda changes tactics and attacks with entire squadrons, aiming to eliminate ground defenses first.

Associated Press

XINHUA reports heavy fighting in the air in Western China.



Razor flight
Somali airspace

Six Rafale fighters flew in pairs, forming a loose protective triangle around a full strike of twelve Super-Etentard strike craft. They all flew heavy with anti-tank missiles and fuel tanks, carrying only a couple of air-to-air missiles. Each fighter had a reconnaissance pod attached, both recording and streaming back to the carrier.

Every pilot knew they very well might be going on a one-way mission. They all volunteered anyway. France was under attack, and from what they got through briefing, watching the news, and the ever-persisting rumors, stopping the attacks proved futile. The only saving grace was the target selection, which was generally idiotic.

Command suspected that the enemy had committed practically their whole air force on the offensive, which in theory, was foolish. It was also foolish to declare war on the entire world, but there they were.

The purpose of the exercise, no matter how suicidal it might be, was simple. Test the enemy's air defense network, find targets to hit with cruise missiles, and if at all possible, force them to recall at least a part of their air force and deploy it into a defensive posture.

That was easier said than done because satellite images showed only a third-world hellhole with nothing hinting at advanced technology, much less the capability to build the kind of futuristic fighters that were busy rampaging across many parts of the world.

If it weren't for the prudent radio silence, the pilots would be discussing the persistent rumor that hostile aliens were involved and that they were using Wakanda as a proxy to test and cripple Earth. That theory certainly made more sense than a hidden technologically advanced civilization in central Africa of all places. A society that was more advanced than the rest of the world by a large margin, no less! Just being black didn't make you an idiot or incapable of being an accomplished scientist or engineer, for example, unless you asked a racist anyway. A third of the pilots were, in fact, black, and their buddies didn't have a problem with them.

Well, no problem with their skin color anyway.

No, the issue with the whole concept the pilots had, was different. By necessity, every one of them was a highly trained specialist intimately familiar with advanced technology and engineering. They were all reasonably aware of what it took to design and build one of the fighters they were flying and even more acutely familiar with all the work that went down in ensuring their Rafales and Strike Fighters didn't break down.

It wasn't the concept of an advanced African civilization that bothered them. A hidden one, on the other hand? That was much harder to accept in the age of Google Maps. Hell, they all consulted both satellite images and maps provided by intelligence and Google Maps, too, if for no other reason than to compare them and look for inconsistencies that could mark possible targets.

A small city with a smaller airport was the supposed capital, and primitive villages were dotted around the border. Most of the country was a wilderness with no valuable resources to make invading the place worth it. That was obviously false. You couldn't build an advanced civilization without tons and tons of resources.

Razor flight crossed the invisible line dividing Somalian air space with that of Kenya, relying on ECM pods to avoid detection by the few radars that lazily illuminated the skies. Yesterday, this would and could be considered an act of war that France would have thought long and hard about committing. Doing so would have been a political disaster.

Today? Razor Flight had orders to shoot down and neutralize any aircraft or SAM system that proved to be hostile, then proceeded to test Wakanda's air defense network.

Frankly, none of the pilots particularly liked the implication of those orders. The world changed in the past week, and they were sure it wasn't for the better.


General Dynamics Research facility
Outside of New York City

SWORD One, usually stationed at Fort Drum, was the flagship unit of the organization, tasked with testing and developing doctrine for the use of all the experimental weapons SI and others could create and evaluate if they would make a practical addition to SWORDs arsenal.

Virtually every soldier serving as infantry in the unit wore a passive exoskeleton. Back at the base, they had the first powered prototype undergoing preliminary testing. They also had armor plates of titanium-gold allow protecting their chests, with more mundane and cheap secondary armor providing excellent protection compared to what regular infantry had available.

After SWORD Two's encounter with the Destroyer, no one bothered with regular small arms or sidearms. Instead, they went for more ammo, grenades, and explosives in the hope that such firepower could make a dent in the next crazy alien thing that came to kill them. SAWs with AP ammo and HMGs with the same, meant to deal with light vehicles, were the lightest firepower anyone except for a few of Stark's bodyguards bothered to carry.

The latter, including SWORD personnel attached to the Councilor, was in the basement of the building. Outside, SWORD One was busy digging in and setting up what hopefully might be a useful ambush for the expected Wakanda onslaught. There were whole squadrons of fighters and interceptors in the air, and a mechanized battalion of the National Guard was on its way.

That should have been more than enough concentrated firepower to make anyone sane think twice before jumping in its teeth.

Whoever ran Wakanda after usurping the Royal Family was anything but sane; everyone in the military with a vague idea of the strategic situation agreed.

The skies rumbled with the sound of jet engines, and if you had good enough hearing, you could hear helicopters approaching in the distance.

Wakanda's squadron dedicated to taking out Tony Stark didn't care. Six Dragons de-cloaked and moved in pairs, strafing any ground targets they could detect. At the same time, two Talon fighters hovered above the building. Their cloaks rippled when the Warriors jumped out to land on the roof and opened fire with vibranium weapons on the SWORD personnel stationed there.

Missiles rose to meet the onslaught, and US Air Force aircraft dove to clash with the Wakandian squadron.
suffice to say? wakanda is done...

its done as a nation of any self respect.

its done on a political and national scale.

its turbo fucked itself so hard that when the wolves come calling home after pissing them off they wont realize just how bad they will have it for potential generations due to the damage inflicted by these idiots.
In the context of this story, does that make Ulysses Klaue a not-a-bad-guy?

It makes him a bastard of an arms dealer who has the potential of winning it big.

suffice to say? wakanda is done...

its done as a nation of any self respect.

its done on a political and national scale.

its turbo fucked itself so hard that when the wolves come calling home after pissing them off they wont realize just how bad they will have it for potential generations due to the damage inflicted by these idiots.

That depends on how things turn up internally for Wakanda. Now, in practical terms, as a de-facto independent country, Wakanda is going to be finished for some time. T'Challa or Shuri will likely end as little more than puppet monarch there to help legitimize the occupation of the country, while politicians and experts wonder how to deal with the place so it won't become a problem again anytime soon if at all. Wakanda's tech and most of their vibranium will end up as reparations for the attacked countries, with some of them getting mostly tech that has no direct military application.

The fact that those who launched the attacks took power through a coup, and their flawed target selection makes a big difference. Otherwise the calls for blood would be nearly irressistable. T'Challa's warning helped a great deal as well, though in the end of that that would buy him and Shuri only so much good-will. Continued cooperation to take out the people currently running Wakanda, and in reverse engineering and spreading Wakanda technology, are their best bargaining chips.

Tony Stark is gonna have a lot on his hands, but I bet he's gonna need the Force in order to stop these Wakandan forces.

That's possible... depending on how well Wakanda's strike teams measure up to what SWORD and Tony's bodyguards have waiting for them. The big issue are the aircraft, and franky, at this point, Sith Tony's best bet is Mjolnir if he has to deal with those at all.
In the context of this story, does that make Ulysses Klaue a not-a-bad-guy?
Eh, no, he is still a arms smuggler breaking plenty of laws however he is also one of the few people with experience messing with Vibranium and unless I missed something stating otherwise in this timeline then I wouldn't be surprised if he was pardoned or at least put in a nice comfy cell with generous amenities in exchange for his Wakandian technology and information on how to use it. Assuming they find him before the rest of the world wins the war and studies Wakanda tech at least.
Veil is gonna i feel is going to look at this when everything is settled as the start of a new Mandalor deal. After all Vibranium and Beskar have a lot of shared properties and id figure that after all is said and done that he and the rest of the world will be looking all over for the mystery metal. Especially in the deep sea and other out of the way places.

i could see Veil try and install a ideal of Vibranium is for Terrans not just Wakandans to try and build up another tool in a unified earth identity like mandalorains had with beskar and mandalorain culture