The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

If that happened, SHIELD would have a proper counter to Stark if the man went bad or was playing them all. Not to mention, having an alternative source of defenses for Earth was common sense.
This part makes sense.
If you manage to re-activate it and figure out how to utilize it, there might be no limit to what is within your reach.
...this sounds so much like a snake-oil salesman it's not even funny. And about as wrong as it sounds. Some things become doable, oh yes. No limits..? Yeahright. "With this Tessaract, you can REGROW YOUR HAIR!!!"
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Oh man. The Tesseract. I almost forgot about that thing. So how long before this kinda backfires on Fury and SHIELD?

How long until the Asgardians notice with their presence on Earth and point out things like "You know this thing can easily wreck your planet? As in smash it into multiple parts?"

Next summer, when Loki returns, and becomes Earth's most loathed alien.

This part makes sense.

...this sounds so much like a snak-oil salesman it's not even funny. And about as wrong as it sounds. Some things become doable, oh yes. No limits..? Yeahright. "With this Tessaract, you can REGROW YOUR HAIR!!!"

To be fair, with that thing active, and used by the Red Skull, Hydra in WWII had toys that rivaled or were better than what SI and company are producing right now as bleeding edge and experimental equipment on the infantry scale at least. Sadly, no one on Earth aware of what the thing is, and that it is on Earth, knows that the Infinity Stones are limited by the individual that wields them. Those things in the long run are more of a threat to Earth's security than a boon. Yet, going by the information SHIELD has, the Tesseract can be the solution of many of Fury's headaches if it could only be activated and put to good use....
I always thought the reason Howard Stark could make the Arc reactor and badassum is due to the tesseract. He did have access to it to study and theirs no way he came up with those ideas with the primitive tech he was using.
This is totally not gonna backfire on Nick Fury at all.

Activating the Tesseract means Earth is ready for war with other major galactic powers and it's still hilariously outgunned and outnumbered even with Veil!Stark advancing the tech.
Not to mention that the Skrull will begin to plan to make a play for it as soon as they become aware of it.

The questions I have are:
1. Will Stark/Veil feel the activation of the Tesseract?
2. If he does, will he figure out what that feeling is?
3. What will be the Asgardian reaction to the activation?
4. How will the activation affect the protection treaty between Asgard and Earth?
5. Will the activation bring out the few sorcerers that Earth has out from where they're hidden?
6. If the Space Stone is in the Tesseract, will anyone think to use it to teleport a few armies to Wakanda in order to end the war early? OR a few nicely sized bombs? OR the coveted assembly lines OUT of Wakanda?
Using gates to grab planes is an obvious idea. Send in teams beside plane, jump in and fly away. If enough armies can be dumped into enemy capitol, that is also game over, but probably also quite bloody. Also possibly just ruins left, and they REALLY don't want that. Lots of flamethrowers, heavy weapons, grenade launchers and melee weapons needed.
Not to mention that the Skrull will begin to plan to make a play for it as soon as they become aware of it.

The questions I have are:
1. Will Stark/Veil feel the activation of the Tesseract?
2. If he does, will he figure out what that feeling is?
3. What will be the Asgardian reaction to the activation?
4. How will the activation affect the protection treaty between Asgard and Earth?
5. Will the activation bring out the few sorcerers that Earth has out from where they're hidden?
6. If the Space Stone is in the Tesseract, will anyone think to use it to teleport a few armies to Wakanda in order to end the war early? OR a few nicely sized bombs? OR the coveted assembly lines OUT of Wakanda?

1. Possibly.

2. Unlikely until he has an Infinity Stone in his grasp.

3. Once they figure it out? We are taking it for safekeeping.

4. See above. If Earth plays ball, no issues. If not, there will be diplomatic ramifications.

5. Unlikely.

6. Creating portals with that thing is going to be out of reach for Earth for decades of studying it, best case scenario. Earth won't have decades to study the stone.
This is totally not gonna backfire on Nick Fury at all.

Activating the Tesseract means Earth is ready for war with other major galactic powers and it's still hilariously outgunned and outnumbered even with Veil!Stark advancing the tech.
I'm hoping its mixed results, honestly. It would be tired and predictable if it turns into an unmitigated disaster, or a close call that requires Tony step in to pull the bacon out of the fire. I'm hoping for 57% good results, 43% bad.

Or perhaps with some fraction that is just weird enough that nobody can agree whether its good or bad.
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I'm hoping its mixed results, honestly. It would be tired and predictable if it turns into an unmitigated disaster, or a close call that requires Tony step in to pull the bacon out of the fire. I'm hoping for 57% good results, 43% bad.

Or perhaps with some fraction that is just weird enough that nobody can agree whether its good or bad.

This is basically the in universe set up for the Chitauri Invasion next year. There won't be any outside interferrence until the Tesseract is active, and by then it would be too late.
Phase 18 Part 1
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 18: War Fever


Part 1


The beginning of the end for Wakanda in the First Unification War was a quiet thing. There wasn't a massive allied offensive to mark a clearly noticeable shift in balance. Wakanda's depleted Air Force didn't launch a second campaign against the rest of the world that saw it wiped out overnight.

Instead, a death of a thousand cuts saw Wakanda's military stretched thin, then bled in the sky and the countries surrounding the isolated nation…

The First Unification War: The End of Tranquility



N'Jeru Basa wasn't enjoying his visit to yet another country. This time, the warrior's job was to help control one of the main road junctions. By doing so, N'Jeru and his comrades were ensuring that Wakanda's local allies would be able to deal with all resistance to the North properly, then muster their strength to move against the traitors who sides with the Colonizers to the South and along the coast. From what the young man could gather, air strikes, or at least as many as the Air Force could deploy in this part of Africa, were not enough to deal with the Tanzanian army units that didn't fall caught off guard or backed Wakanda like it was proper.

That was what his seniors told him anyway.

In the last few weeks of fighting through towns and villages that were extremely poor and primitive, the sheer contrast between how the locals lived and Wakanda's marvelous cities left an impression in N'Jeru's mind. These people weren't dedicated Border Tribe Warriors, who spent much of their lives pretending to be poor farmers, herdsmen, and whatever else was necessary to fool the outsiders.

The regular people out here were really poor. Basa found it harder and harder to make the mental gymnastics necessary to justify what he and the other warriors were doing. Was this the price of Wakandan supremacy? He saw precious few 'Colonizers' after arriving in this country. From what N'Jeru gathered, those were either stranded tourists or people working at one of the large national preserves or hospitals around.

None of them looked like colonizers doing any colonizing the warrior could recognize. The Wakandan warriors, on the other hand? They were camping in a patch of forest near a circular intersection, with the local airport just beyond it. Their position allowed them to both ensure obvious hostile traffic didn't pass by them, and they could also effectively fire upon a part of the airfield. Along with other units spread out in the area, this deployment allowed Wakanda's warriors to prevent any enemies from gaining easy access to a foothold in the area and could also use the airfield's facilities as their own.

Frankly, the airfield used to be an asset when N'Jeru arrived. At that time, the Air Force could afford to have a few Dragon Fighters in the area acting as scouts and providing air support. Sadly, for the past week, the only sight of friendly aircraft they saw were brief nightly visits when a tired crew pushed pallets with supplies out of the back of a visibly damaged Royal Talon that hadn't been fixed yet.

The sun was about to set, bathing the horizon in the bloody glow that made the Wakandan warriors uneasy. Some of them were not beyond superstitions. Such sight in the distant past was supposed to herald a bloody night or bloodier dawn to come.

Soon enough, the word came down to N'Jeru's position that a convoy of the hated Toyotas with weapons in the trunk was on their way to the airfield. There was no air support because Wakanda was again under heavy bombardment by long-range missiles. There were particularly many of those this night, which probably explained the excitement heading their way.

Personally, Basa could go on without any more of that; thank you very much.

He wisely didn't say so to the senior warrior in charge of his unit.

"By the Spirits!" A familiar and unwelcome voice exclaimed.

N'Jeku was very young for a warrior deployed in a dangerous area. He was also a firm believer in Wakanda's greatness and how just their cause was. Needless to say, that didn't make the youth one of N'Jeru's favorite people, even if he was a distant cousin. Or perhaps because he was a distant cousin…

Nevertheless, Basa looked around. His eyes darted in every possible direction to see what the boy had noticed. Sure enough, N'Jeru saw them within moments and heard them almost simultaneously.

Missiles roared overhead. Many were rather slow, so slow that the warriors could clearly see their odd, crude shapes. Yet, there were disturbingly many of them…

While most missiles roared harmlessly overhead, presumably heading towards Wakanda, too many plunged downwards while soaring above the airfield. A series of bright yet somehow dull explosions shook the ground. Within moments, all the airport buildings containing supplies and equipment for the warriors deployed in the town were on fire.

The hated Toyotas accelerated, and N'Jeru heard the painfully familiar shriek of mortar rounds in the air.

"Hold for Wakanda!" The Senior Warrior bellowed.


Air Station 6

It took months of planning, setting up the pieces, and finally receiving permission to actually use the Royal Talon the Wakandian Prince and Princess defected with. However, it was worth it in the end, or at least they were about to make it worth it.

The captured Talon glided silently and invisibly through the last stretch of Rwandan airspace before entering Wakanda. Their target was a facility near the region's border responsible for air missions. Before the war, it contained three Royal Talons and six Dragon Fighters – a hefty amount of air power considering what Rwanda had at the best of times. The setup was honestly impressive. Everything needed to maintain those aircraft, their crews, and a security detail could fit into a high-tech tower protected by a cloaking field and shield. It was also connected with the rest of Wakanda by underground rail, something they wouldn't have the time or tight ammunition to neutralize for sure. At any rate, that shouldn't be an issue – if it became one, the mission would have already failed by then, and they would be likely dead or running for their lives toward the border.

"Final check. We are five minutes away," Barton spoke aloud. "Mask on and make sure your buddies have put theirs properly. I don't want anyone crying their eyes out when we deploy!" He nodded at Natasha. "I have the bird."

Romanoff let go of the controls, leaving her co-pilot to fly. She pulled out her gas mask and went through the well-practiced motion of putting it on properly, then ensured it was secured like it was supposed to be.

Below and above them, cruise missiles of all kinds streaked through the air. Many were crude and cheap mass-produced weapons, which were little more than basic suicide drones writ large. Others were state-of-the-art weapons, carrying the latest iteration of Stark's repulsor warheads.

After a relative week of respite, while everyone replenished stocks and brought weapons to best launch positions, Wakanda was now experiencing a hammering it hadn't since the first weeks of the war with the bonus of drones making an appearance in increasing numbers, testing for any counter-measures the enemy might have.

By the time Natasha landed just out of sight of the tower's location, the bombardment had been in progress for hours. Soon it would end, and the local aircraft garrison would return. They would need to lower the shield at that point and signal the incoming fighters that it was safe to come to the barn – something Natasha was attentively listening for.

Sure enough, the comm unit in the cockpit came to life, catching the awaited encrypted message. As expected, for the returning aircraft to receive it, they had to decloak. That was Romanoff's cue cloak and lift, then head for the tower. She wasn't surprised to see only three fighters returning – a Talon and two Dragons. The small contingent of assets operating from this place was one of the significant reasons for choosing it as the target once it was located.

"It's show time, boys," Natasha purred and flew behind the last Dragon. Their prey landed while the raiding party patiently waited above the tower for the crews to leave their craft and move away before pouncing.
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I wonder how Talos and his Skrull people on Earth are doing lately here.

On the other hand, awesome chapter and Black Widow & Hawkeye are going for an enthusiastic walk.
nice chapter thx for writing it
will be interesting if the strike team will meet form allien's

It's highly unlikely. The infiltrators are in the Golden City and at the vibranium mining site.

I wonder how Talos and his Skrull people on Earth are doing lately here.

On the other hand, awesome chapter and Black Widow & Hawkeye are going for an enthusiastic walk.

Why would they be on Earth? Talos, if still alive, is too busy being a General fighting the ongoing war against the Kree.
If I'm not mistaken in legends Luke could create and move black holes, how strong are you planning to make Tony?
If I'm not mistaken in legends Luke could create and move black holes, how strong are you planning to make Tony?
Luke, and Anakin before him, were literally chosen by the Force. If they ever got near their full potentila, no one but a similarly Chosen One TM could compare one on one.

At least in Legends, Luke got much closer to reaching his full potential than Anakin ever did.

People throwing around black holes don't fit with the story I am telling. Thor, Odin, and Hela are near at the peak of how physically strong or durable someone in this timeline can get, and each of them needs to mind face-tanking heavy weaponry.

Oh right, I forgot that in your story, Carol Danvers is not Captain Marvel due to how super broken she is in MCU and is an Air Force General instead. :oops:

Events of Captain Marvel movie never happened at all.

My bad.

Well, an US air base got wiped out, and Carol Danvers was one of the few survivors. However, that's as much as this timeline's events has in common with the movie. There was no existential threat to Earth at the time, just a trigger-happy alien special operations team sent to check things up.
Well, an US air base got wiped out, and Carol Danvers was one of the few survivors. However, that's as much as this timeline's events has in common with the movie. There was no existential threat to Earth at the time, just a trigger-happy alien special operations team sent to check things up.
I see. And it's safe to assume that there's no Doctor Lawson, the Kree woman who managed to blend in on Earth (faking legal records and blood tests since Kree blood is different) and had her stationary ship cloaked 24/7 in that movie as well.
If they ever got near their full potentila, no one but a similarly Chosen One TM could compare one on one.
Neither Galen Marek nor the Starkiller clone was a Chosen One™, yet both apparently outclassed the Skywalkers when it comes to Force BS (pulling a Star Destroyer out of orbit, vaporizing the entire prow of a falling Nebulon-B frigate, etc.).

Amusingly, they were both heavily nerfed in the novelizations because what works cinematically in a video game really, really doesn't when turned into text on a page.
People throwing around black holes don't fit with the story I am telling. Thor, Odin, and Hela are near at the peak of how physically strong or durable someone in this timeline can get, and each of them needs to mind face-tanking heavy weaponry.

If I'm not mistaken Thanos in the MCU was Country level, something that was consistent.
Phase 18 Part 2
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 18: War Fever


Part 2



Mortar rounds screeched through the air, impacting all around the warriors' positions. When N'Jeru dared raise his head above the edge of the small trench he was lying in, he saw a particularly loathsome abomination of a vehicle. It was yet another hated Toyota; of course it was! This time, the thing had a sinister contraption wielded in its back – just like the ones he had seen under the wings of outsider attack helicopters.

"Rockets!" Basa barked and ducked back into the trench.

Sure enough, the damn thing opened fire, and a howling barrage of death and misery struck all over the area with deafening fury.

"Cowards! Why aren't they coming to face us like men!" N'Jeku screamed from his hole in the ground.

N'Jeru was glad they didn't share a trench – the prospect of going to the spirits alongside that fool wasn't promising.

The explosions were still ongoing when heavy machine guns opened up, ensuring everyone in the area kept their heads down.

"Ready to engage infantry!" The Senior Warrior in charge of them bellowed. The continuing bombardment made his roar almost inaudible.

"Let them come! I'll kill them all!" N'Jaku screamed.

The bombardment was still ongoing when warcries came from the other side of the road and to the right side of the dug-in Wakandan warriors.

Basa dared peek again and cursed. There were a lot of bastards converging on their position. They were moving and now firing single shots as they advanced. Others used their fellows as a distraction to set up machine guns or get closer to aim better with their RPGs.

They were all black, without a single colonizer in sight, yet their expressions weren't those of resigned, coerced men who didn't want to be here, fighting their brothers. On the contrary, the few N'Jeru could see clearly as they came at him were fixed masks of determination and anger.

"Contact! Right flank!" Basa shouted, and despite the explosions shaking his trench, he dragged his weapon out, took aim, and opened fire. More and more of the nearby warriors who were still alive and whole followed his example, with the young fool aiding loud taunts to his shots.

Blue energy blast tore into the advancing infantry, who ignored the casualties and kept coming.

N'Jeru shot a skinny young man who was just shy of being a kid and frowned. Now that the enemy was closer, he could see their uniforms. They were distinctly not what the Tanzanian "traitors" who fought against Wakanda and its allies wore.

Bursts of machinegun fire forced Basa to duck again by tearing the ravaged soul before his trench.

"Where is our Air Force!" N'Jaku screamed as the enemy got closer and closer. An RPG round blew up into a nearby trench, showering everyone in the area with blood and gore.

At least the mortars ceased shrieking through the air. However, some distant Toyotas continued delivering punishing suppressive fire into the Wakandan lines. Machinegun fire and light cannon slammed into the defenders, making their job even harder.

"Our Air Force is above Wakanda, fighting!" The Senior Warrior snapped. "It's only us here! Keep fighting!"

The enemy got close enough to accurately throw grenades into the outer trenches despite their heavy casualties. Basa could see at least twice his unit numbers in corpses and wounded lying around. Yet, the attack didn't appear to be ending anytime soon.

Grenades detonated, Wakandan warriors died or lay wounded and screaming in pain, and the enemy kept coming as if the Spirits themselves possessed them!

At that point, Basa knew he was dead. His position was near the front of the trenches, and very soon, one of those bastards would throw a grenade into it.

He was almost right too. A pair of grenades bounced N'Jeru's way, and he ducked, then snapped his shield over his body as well as he could in the hole. The world ended in a loud shriek.

For some odd reason, Basa was still around to feel as if a herd of buffaloes gleefully trampled him over. Repeatedly at that. He blinked a bloodshot eye open just in time to see a large man peering down at him. The next thing N'Jeru saw was a huge boot flying straight at his face, and then there were stars and darkness.


Air Station 6

The pilots left their craft and entered the tower while support personnel raced out to check on the machines. At that point, the Royal Talon's rear ramp opened, and the soldiers at the back threw out smoke and tear gas grenades. The Wakandan's shocked cries lasted as long as the first team jumped off the craft and landed hard on the tower's platforms. They shouldered their blasters and opened fire, cutting down a couple of shocked warriors and the engineers who were still trying to process that someone dared to invade the place.

The rest of the unit jumped out, carrying packs of explosives, with the last pair dragging out a container with already programmed and set up to launch repulsor warheads.

Two commandos threw more gas and smoke grenades at the tower entrance and took a position at it. At the same time, the rest either began setting up explosives or ran into the ready and open Fighters.

"Talon secure! Preparing for lift-off!"

"Dragon secure!"

"Ours' is secure too! Preparing to leave!"

Only then did someone in the tower activate the alarm, and a piercing wail carried over the area. The only entrance to the landing platforms closed shut with a hiss, which was more than all right with the soldiers covering it.

"Placing mines!" One of them informed aloud and removed a pair of claymores with laser triggers from his pack, while the second one moved back, still covering the door with his weapon.

Behind them, the Talon and Dragons came alive and quietly rose above their platforms. Their ramps closed, and they slowly rose above the landing pads before turning away from the tower and leaving. Within seconds, their pilots activated the stealth systems, and the stolen fighters cloaked, heading for three different air force bases in Europe and the Middle East.

"Warheads are live. Move out!" Romanoff barked.

Barton had conveniently moved their Royal Talon so the remaining operatives could rapidly jump inside and haul ass away from the tower.

When enough warriors gathered to try and retake the landing platforms, the commandos were already flying away under a cloak. The Air Tower's small security detail ran straight into the mines seconds before the Jericho warheads activated. Dozens of repulsors shot into the air before sharply descending to the desired positions and detonated, engulfing the whole tower in carefully calculated explosions. The shock waves collided so that each one enhanced the effect of the others, putting their target into a deadly vortex of destruction.

A combination of excellent engineering and Wakanda's propensity to use Vibranium in building anything that mattered meant that the tower made it somewhat intact instead of simply shattering under the onslaught. Reinforced windows shattered, showering many rooms in a deadly rain of jagged, heavy shards. Walls cracked and buckled, compromising the structural integrity of the Air Tower. People and equipment suffered as if punched by the fist of an angry god.

Despite their Vibranium armor, the security detail attempting to take back the landing pads became little more than red smears under the onslaught of the self-enhancing explosions.

Unsurprisingly, less than a day later, every site where the Wakandan Air Force operated received a significant increase in their security details, further depleting the numbers of Wakanda's already stretched-thin Warriors.