The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

"If we paint Stark as mentally compromised he'll never gain power."
*Spongebob meme pointing at Sith empires*
Yup, because nobody would ever follow mentally unstable madmen just because of the power at their fingertips.
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"If we paint Stark as mentally compromised he'll never gain power."
*Spongebob meme pointing at Sith empires*
Yup, because nobody would ever follow mentally unstable madmen just because of the power at their fingertips.
With the overwhelming majority of Sith that was because they pulled the whole revolutionary dictator thing: Take a small amount of capacity for violence and leverage it into ever increasing quantities. Here its a little different.

This is more like having someone you know is Satan himself hanging around and making himself useful.... meanwhile everybody else is a rolling clusterfuck that can apply itself to any problem and consistently make negative progress. By the end of the fiscal quarter half the place is going to be Satanists just because he is the only guy left who you even have the capacity to feel faith in.
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This is more like having someone you know is Satan himself hanging around and making himself useful.... meanwhile everybody else is a rolling clusterfuck that can apply itself to any problem and consistently make negative progress. By the end of the fiscal quarter half the place is going to be Satanists just because he is the only guy left who you even have the capacity to feel faith in.
Honestly - if you take "Darth Vader" as a base, then remove the whole 'killing the messenger' and 'evil for evils sake'? A lot of people would vote for him in preference for the usual bullshit. "Personal Power" + "Charisma" + "Strong leader" + "Sci-fi Technology" + "Actively uplifting the planet" + "Fantastic diplomat" + "Insanely rich" + "Really good at business & industry" + "Fought aliens and won" ...

Normal politicians really should be worried, because this guy would win most votes without even trying. Possibly without even knowing he was a candidate in the first place. I mean, even trying to dig into what kind of dirt he has just unearths stuff like "going sith lord on the alien combat drone - is actually a war hero" and similar.
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Phase 14 Part 1
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 14: Disclosure


Part 1


Tony Stark will appear in front of the United Nations General Assembly tonight to answer questions about SWORD and First Contact.

USA Today

Millions in the Vatican watched in person a historic address by Pope Joakim. The Catholic Church's official position affirmed by the Pope is that aliens are as much God's creatures as we are and can be baptized. From a theological view, nothing has fundamentally changed. Who are we to claim that God created only Earth, or life in general and intelligent life, in particular, could exist only here?


A variety of Protestant denominations grudgingly agreed with the Pope's stance on the matter of alien life. In contrast, some more conservative or radical ones have different answers.


Unsurprisingly, Baptists in the United States are divided by the Disclosure. We are seeing everything from congregations welcoming our new brothers and sisters under Christ to a condemnation of demons in disguise walking among us.

Washington Post

The confirmed existence of aliens sends shockwaves through historians and archaeologists. An off-hand comment by President Obama that the aliens we are in contact with have visited Earth at least once before, three hundred years ago, is sparking controversy.


The Ancient Aliens guy will be on the Late Show tonight!


Riots are breaking through many Islamic countries, stoked by radical Imams preaching against the existence of aliens or declaring Jihad against them or those who believe in them.

The situation in certain provinces in Indonesia is terrible, with military forces in a stand-off against furious mobs.


North Korea condemns Chinese betrayal and swears vengeance after a Chinese armored corps deployed across the border with the Hermit Kingdom. Despite the danger of millions of refugees flooding the border, China has taken a surprising hardline stance against the Kim regime.

Associated Press

Disclosure divides megachurches in America across denomination lines. Evangelicals face the revelation with a great deal of distrust, disbelief, and anger. Many others offer way acceptance and hope…


The Talmud says God spends his nights visiting over 18 000 worlds. The belief that we are alone in the universe and that God would be incapable or unwilling to create other intelligent life is sheer arrogance speaking!

Rabbi Joseph Franklin

Conservatives are divided between applauding friendly First Contact and expressing concern about literal aliens' effect on our society.


Anti-military protests peter-off across Germany after Disclosure. They are often replaced by demonstrations and rallies demanding peace.


Tony Stark's alien connection? We are hearing rumors expected to be put to rest tonight that the reason why Tony Stark was present during First Contact was 'unique qualifications he had'…



United Nations building
New York

It was almost back to business as usual over here, or so Pamela claimed as we neared the General Assembly's main chamber.

"Don't tell me you have stage fright, Tony." Hawley looked at me.

"I've faced worse, trust me. It's just not something I've ever enjoyed, and I have much of this to look forward to. Thank you very much."

"You're welcome. We wouldn't put you in the spotlight if we thought you weren't up to the job."

"We both know that some of the people who put me here did it hoping I would publicly destroy myself."

"That's their problem now. You have my utmost confidence and support, Tony. Go help us change the world even more!" Hawley stopped and nodded at a side entrance close to the speaker's rostrum.

"It's time to face the music. Again," I reined in my sarcasm and temper with that statement. It was time to make yet another performance.

The hall was packed with diplomats, journalists, and security, including Marine squads lining the walls. Compared to what I would be facing later, both in the UN and with the US government, this would be a circus for anyone watching.

"It is good you could make it here tonight, Dr. Stark," The President of the General Assembly, Robert Gates from New Zealand, spoke first as I approached the speaker's podium. His words got the bubbling noise of conversations to halt, and everyone in the hall focused on me.

"It's an honor to be here, Mr. President. I understand that you all have questions. I am at liberty to answer as long as the answers do not compromise world security, that of the United States or our allies," I spoke with a practiced ease born of one too many times dealing with large bodies of politicians. This might be almost like facing the Senate, except the Senate used to have teeth.

"Our member states will have the opportunity to ask you questions tonight, Dr. Stark. Please be brief and to the point in your answers."

"Understood. Brazil first?"

"Good evening, Dr. Stark. My government would like to know what makes you qualified to represent humanity during a monumental event like First Contact. We have heard many rumors and would like the truth from your mouth," The Brazilian representative inquired.

"You are all aware of my misspent youth. It would and should raise questions about my qualifications on the diplomatic front. During my captivity in Afghanistan, I encountered an alien device holding an engram of a long-dead person meant to educate successors. The device malfunctioned, granting me over a hundred years of memories and knowledge. The memories of a person who lived and operated on the highest echelons of power of galaxy-spanning nations make me qualified to participate and lead a First Contact scenario."

A rumble of surprise, discontent, interest, and many other emotions erupted alongside loud muttering from diplomats and journalists alike.

The Assembly's President took my answer in stride and went down a presumed list of representatives with pointed questions.

"What can you tell us about the current state of the galaxy? What are we dealing with?" South Korea's ambassador asked.

"Only the little we learned during first contact. My memories, as far as galactic events are concerned, are both out of date and from a different galaxy. Let me make something clear, the people we made contact with consider us a primitive backwater; they have a hands-off approach until we can sufficiently develop. They last visited three hundred years ago, and they experienced a very different world. Our First Contact was with an exiled royalty sent to Earth to rethink his life choices and ideally find himself worthy or earn back the title of a crown prince. That implies that the nation in question is, at best constitutional monarchy with all that might entail if not an absolute one. Our discussion was disrupted by the arrival of a combat robot tasked with assassinating the foreign Royalty we made contact with…." I proceeded to elaborate on what we knew of the galaxy at large, which was the Thor situation and our hopes and fears around it.

It quickly became evident that this differed from what most people hoped to hear.

The next question came from Costa Rica, making me wonder what went behind the scenes to determine who would ask what and in what order.

"Mr. Start, do you intend to take over the world as its alien overlord?"

I chuckled at that. I was waiting for such a question, though I expected it from a journalist.

"First, I am not benevolent enough to bother taking over the world and putting all the work needed in running it. Second, despite my new memories, I am human. If I went insane and intended to take over, I wouldn't be aiming to be Earth's alien overlord."

That lightened the mood. Perhaps that was why the President went for Costa Rica's ambassador now.

"SWORD, Dr. Stark. What gave that initiative the jurisdiction or right to speak for all of humanity?" That question came from Saudi Arabia.

"I can give you a diplomatic answer that is technically true. The actual answer? The answer that matters to people from interstellar nations will be different. The SWORD Initiative and the countries supporting it have the lion's share of military and economic power on Earth. That is the hard truth of interstellar relationships," I paused. Telling certain truths rarely uttered in these chambers made people grumble aloud. "Not so long ago, people were naive to think we were at history's end with the fall of the Soviet Union. They were painfully wrong. Two days ago, the world changed forever. There is no turning back the clock now. Humanity's childhood is at its end. The only question now is if we get to grow up as a species and find our place in the wider galaxy?"
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World Council:

Alexander Pierce - The Hydra; US; can potentially be swayed to a different Hydra faction;

Gideon Malik - The Hydra; US

Pamela Hawley - Illuminati, UK representative S&S/SWORD and SHIELD/

Chao Yen - Chinese representative, allegiance 'progressive' Hydra successor faction; S&S

Jakuna Singh - Indian representative, allegiance?

Douglas Rockwell - Us Representative, allegiance?

Ben Goldstein - Israel representative, allegiance: Illuminati;

Daphne von Holstein - German representative, allegiance? S&S

Gabriel Monet - French representative, allegiance?

Aurora Stefano - Italian representative, allegiance?

Douglas Brand - ANZAK representative, allegiance - corporate interests;

Hinata Akira - Japanese representative; allegiance - corporate interests; S&S

John Hei - South Korean representative; allegiance - corporate interests, Illuminati
A bit late, but shouldn't this be under [Informational] instead of the main story threadmarks?
'uanique qualifications - unique qualifications

Sigh, basically normal people agree with normal, extreme people are extreme. You made this split of opinions depressingly real. No evidence matters in the face of group leadership authority.
A bit late, but shouldn't this be under [Informational] instead of the main story threadmarks?
It should, and now that someone mentioned the oversight, it is.

'uanique qualifications - unique qualifications

Sigh, basically normal people agree with normal, extreme people are extreme. You made this split of opinions depressingly real. No evidence matters in the face of group leadership authority.

Evidence? Facts? This is SPARTA! Ahem, this is POLITICS!
I didn't expect Thor not being mentioned yet. There's so much to unpack there, him invalidating many pagan religions, well they're dead anyway... Abrahamic clergy be like: Good thing our God never actually showed up like those alien pretenders...
Also humanoid aliens, Asgardians don't even have stupid forehead ridges or tattoes, they look exactly like humans.
I didn't expect Thor not being mentioned yet. There's so much to unpack there, him invalidating many pagan religions, well they're dead anyway... Abrahamic clergy be like: Good thing our God never actually showed up like those alien pretenders...
Also humanoid aliens, Asgardians don't even have stupid forehead ridges or tattoes, they look exactly like humans.

That's why people are being vague on certain details about First Contact. Let the initial madness abate a bit first before causing paranoia by outright saying that aliens can look like us.
Phase 14 Part 2
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 14: Disclosure


Part 2


Dalai Lama stays the course and supports previous statements on the possibility of alien life. In a statement, he pushes for acceptance and understanding, claiming that differences in shape, color, or religion don't make a being any less human or worthy of respect.

Associated Press

Many parts of India accepted the news of the Disclosure with calm interest. Many regular citizens we talked with point out that the idea of aliens, or beings that can be considered such, is nothing new. Like one of the people we interviewed in Delhi said:

"Until yesterday, we had to take our epics and holy books on faith. It was a matter of personal belief. Now, we know, and from a religious perspective, it should change nothing. You Christians, Muslims, and Jews might be so unlucky…. Jests aside, we have our crazies here, but even they shouldn't have a problem with the idea of aliens and their existence."

BBC World News

Hammer Industries filed to challenge recent patents filed by Tony Stark and Stark Industries, citing that their source is alien knowledge and know-how, not something discovered or created by Tony Stark. Legal experts expect the courts will throw away the case because entertaining it could make several disastrous precedents.

Forbes Magazine

Caroline Freeman, one of SI's top layers, confirmed in a statement that she filed a motion to dismiss the case filed against Dr. Stark and Stark Industries. She cited as a primary argument that if this goes to trial, it will create a dangerous precedent. The immediate danger is the logical conclusion following Hammer's layer's arguments – no invention or patent will be safe. If Tony Stark didn't develop and design the challenged patents, then who did? Are they properties of MIT? After all, Tony Stark studied and graduated from there. That institution taught him much and allowed him to utilize his talents better. Do they legally belong to the institution of higher education the person whose memories Dr. Stark inherited studied at? Do they belong to that long-dead person? It wasn't someone long dead who developed the patents, so we can practically build all those devices and materials, including fusion. It was Dr. Stark.

Times Magazine

Two separate cults proclaimed that the end of days is nigh and that Tony Stark is the Antichrist. FBI and Homeland Security are moving against them, fearing mass suicide attempts.


FBI representatives confirmed that after his Q&A session in front of the UN, Tony Stark had received dozens of credible threats to his life. The cited reasons vary from treason to these United States to being the vanguard of the New Order coming to put us all in FEMA camps…

The Late Show

Citizens began to return to the decimated town of Puente Antiguo after the US military Corps of Engineers declared it safe from contamination after the battle. News crews and reporters from all over the world descended upon the town, eager to interview its inhabitants and glean anything new about First Contact.

UFO enthusiasts and alien believers are also streaming into the town, coming on a pilgrimage of sorts. Sadly, the locals who were present during First Contact – the owner and staff of the local establishment Issabelle's Diner haven't returned yet.


Tony Stark's unprecedented revelations and insight in front of the UN's General Assembly are sending shock waves across the diplomatic and business world. SI's shares took a slight dip as people divested of them, often loudly claiming that they would not profit from aliens.


Mr. Stark's statements and answers in front of the UN weren't the call for unity and progress many expected because of his attempts to revolutionize Earth. Instead, we received a hard, cold lesson on interstellar politics no one should forget anytime soon. Consequently, Tony Stark is either being proclaimed a visionary and herald of a new age or accused of being a closet authoritarian, a wanna-be dictator who just came out of the closet.

New York Times

On the one hand, we have a bright future due to all the inventions Tony Stark and SI are introducing. On the other hand, politically speaking, his words are dashing hopes for further liberalism, peace, and prosperity through equal cooperation. Mr. Stark paints a picture of the future that holds much of the world we hoped to leave behind, a world where might make right and where naked power is a viable tool to resolve problems.

Unfortunately, until we meet more alien civilizations and can directly talk with alien representatives, we have no shred of proof that Mr. Stark is wrong in his beliefs.

Washington Post

Sources within the US State Department confirmed we have an alien representative in protective custody currently undergoing treatment for a broken jaw and shattered teeth. The foreign Prince suffered those injuries during an assassination attempt on his person during what is widely believed to be a coup attempt within his nation.

This led to a darkly humorous event. Treating the Prince began much later than it should have due to the need to successfully persuade him that our doctors wanted to help him and not torture him after they explained the procedures involved in fixing a broken jaw and replacing damaged teeth...

USA Today


Stark Manor
New York

Even as a billionaire, it wasn't often that I got back home riding a helicopter. The reason was even rarer, which was a bit odd considering my reputation as a Merchant of Death. There were protesters and countless curious people near my home who wanted to get a glimpse of me or worse.

Fully a third of New York's riot police was camped at my front door alongside a company of the National Guard. SHIELD people were likely crawling around as well, not to mention my security and a SWORD Strike Team that I would be housing permanently for the foreseeable future. The way things were going, I might need a bigger manor or a super-villain base with all the stereotypical traps to keep crazies at bay. Perhaps sharks with laser eyes if we were to go on with the classics?

By the time we landed and I managed to disembark, I had a whole five minutes of peace and quiet without anyone bugging me. That was a new record since my appearance in front of the UN.

As soon as I got away from the chopper, Hannah dashed away from her bodyguard and threw herself at me like a guided missile.

"DAD! You said you were all right!"

"I am all right?!" I pointed out as I hugged her. Hannah was apprehensive.

"They said you were wounded on the news!"

"I got sunburns, nasty ones on my hands. You know how reporters are; they tend to make things look worse than they are to get more viewers," I pried Hannah gently from my side and showed her my hands. They were a bit moist from a cream against burns, but otherwise, all right. The burn was more of an unpleasant irritation than anything else, and telekinesis ensured that, under most circumstances, I didn't have to use my hands until they healed.

Hannah naturally poked the back of my hand with an index finger.

"Ew, that's gross!"

"One troublemaker delivered safe and sound, boss," Happy made his way to us.

I nodded at him in gratitude and looked questioningly at Hannah. "Causing trouble, are we?"

She gave me her best innocent look. It was about seven out of ten, and that was without her emotions betraying her. Well, the feelings and biting her lower lips.

"We are out of drones and a set of fine china," Happy reported, earning himself a pout.

"Are the two items related?" I could imagine Hannah getting too excited and crashing a drone into one of the cupboards holding China. There were at least two rooms where it was displayed behind glass.

"It was an accident!" Hannah protested.

"No flying inside until we are reasonably sure you are good enough not to crash into easy things to break."

"That's not fair! It was the stupid drone's fault!"

"Did you program it with an AI?"


"Did you fly it?"


"There you go. Now let us get inside. I'm feeling peckish and want to hear what you were up to as of late, daughter mine."


We were in the kitchen, getting a quick snack, when my phone rang again.

"Where is Pepper? I expected her to meet us," I asked Happy while levitating a toast and buttering it with my mind.

"She is, and I quote, 'dealing with the fallout of Tony's latest…'" He trailed off and glanced at Hannah, who was devouring chocolate chip cookies. "You get my drift, boss."

"I can see how my latest actions might have caused her more work," I noted, focusing on my new phone, levitating it out of my pocket and unlocking it.

"Stark. This better be important."

"It's Dr. Wagner, Dr. Stark. It's that hammer. We can't move the damn thing, no matter what! We tried everything possible, and now I'm calling you!"

"Do you expect me to fly there and pick it up?" I asked.

"If that is what it takes! Call it like a puppy if you want; just get it moving, please!"

I didn't feel like flying back to New Mexico, especially when I had to prepare for meetings with the Senate and Congress in a few days. Why wouldn't the damn thing move?!

I hear a loud noise and a curse in German from the other side of the call.

"I don't know what you do if you did anything, Dr. Stark, but the hammer just rose and flew away!"

"What?" Did Thor recover his powers?"

I felt a tingle of frustration at the back of my head. After focusing on it, I could now vaguely sense smug satisfaction and irritation at being left behind.

"We've got incoming," I grimaced. I wasn't sure if the damn hammer would stop no matter what I ordered in my head until it got to me.


"We've got an unruly Norse artifact flying this way. I'll be waiting for it in the garden before it decides to fly through a wall."

"Is daddy all right?" Hannah asked and looked worriedly at me.

Sure enough, it took over an hour and a few conversations that I rather wouldn't have. However, everyone relevant knew we had a rogue hammer flying through US airspace and likely not caring about air traffic. I managed to finish my toast and a glass of juice while explaining that I didn't suddenly go insane, damn it.

Thunder rumbled over New York, and a gray blur fell from the sky to land lightly in the garden besides me.

Now that it was here, I could feel a sense of smug satisfaction and pride coming from the hammer.

"That's a hammer," Happy pointed out while more than a few people among my security detail exchanged money.

"Mjolnir, the real deal, to be precise. Right now, it likes me more than Thor, who is in the doghouse for the time being." I raised my hand, and the hammer jumped in like an eager puppy. Even if I wasn't a perfect user, not even close, it didn't appreciate being left behind in the desert.
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Around this point the various governing bodies of the world are going to be putting their representatives in a smoke filled back room to at least feel out repealing and rewriting a host of different international treaties. There will be a significant amount of pressure to industrialize and militarize space both by specific nations and as a multinational effort through SWORD and right now we just don't have the paperwork to allow that. Hell, with the Jotun involved leaving an icy wasteland like Antarctica as an international no-man's-land would be the height of stupidity as well and that will require repealing a fair few laws as well.

I also imagine we are going to be seeing a period of terrestrial consolidation, through means gentle and not, in the name of global instrumentality. This is a bad period of time to be a third world nation or a major corporation involved in strategically relevant fields if you value autonomy over the general welfare. If you aren't playing ball you will be leaned on and leaned on hard. Chances are that Stark or the governmental players will try to buy you first, though, taking advantage of both healthy self interest and less healthy corruption to just bring disparate actors into the fold.

Secrecy was the only thing putting a damper on that.

I have to wonder how smart that hammer is, in the sense we talk about any computer. It makes sense for it to have a bunch of really weird functionality including quality of life bullshit that Thor never knew about.
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Around this point the various governing bodies of the world are going to be putting their representatives in a smoke filled back room to at least feel out repealing and rewriting a host of different international treaties. There will be a significant amount of pressure to industrialize and militarize space both by specific nations and as a multinational effort through SWORD and right now we just don't have the paperwork to allow that. Hell, with the Jotun involved leaving an icy wasteland like Antarctica as an international no-man's-land would be the height of stupidity as well and that will require repealing a fair few laws as well.

I also imagine we are going to be seeing a period of terrestrial consolidation, through means gentle and not, in the name of global instrumentality. This is a bad period of time to be a third world nation or a major corporation involved in strategically relevant fields if you value autonomy over the general welfare. If you aren't playing ball you will be leaned on and leaned on hard. Chances are that Stark or the governmental players will try to buy you first, though, taking advantage of both healthy self interest and less healthy corruption to just bring disparate actors into the fold.

Secrecy was the only thing putting a damper on that.

I have to wonder how smart that hammer is, in the sense we talk about any computer. It makes sense for it to have a bunch of really weird functionality including quality of life bullshit that Thor never knew about.

We will be seeing the begining of this paradigm shift once the immediate dust of Disclosure settles and governments aren't putting out fires all over the place. Before that, we will likely have informal meetings that will smooth things over for the more formal policy discussions that will have to happen.

The major push for consolidation and ensuring that everyone will be on the same page, even if in comes to direct military interventions will happen after the Dark Elf incursion. That, combined with the Chitauri, would further reshape the world and convince enough people that there are sufficient threats out there that business as usual, taking things slowly, or keeping it all civilized threatens Earth's existence.

Indeed, in the next few years, people will be trying the soft power approach, bribes, etc.... After the Dark Elves, you will get the soft sell, with the implicit threat of escallating force that will materialize if you don't play ball. We are likely to see a series of uniication wars in the next couple of decades.
The major push for consolidation and ensuring that everyone will be on the same page, even if in comes to direct military interventions will happen after the Dark Elf incursion. That, combined with the Chitauri, would further reshape the world and convince enough people that there are sufficient threats out there that business as usual, taking things slowly, or keeping it all civilized threatens Earth's existence.

Indeed, in the next few years, people will be trying the soft power approach, bribes, etc.... After the Dark Elves, you will get the soft sell, with the implicit threat of escallating force that will materialize if you don't play ball. We are likely to see a series of uniication wars in the next couple of decades.
Somewhere in the middle there you will probably see consolidation happen through deniable coups and proxy wars. If someone is willing to play ball then of course they are going to receive external support and consideration to the detriment of their rivals and, from then on. Usually that ends terribly for the outside power but, in current conditions, there is a reason to invest and integrate rather than just denying assets to the Soviets or whatnot.

I expect there to be a bidding war for parties along and adjacent to the Ivory Coast to be starting in... about two weeks, for example. Selling yourself to corporate interests is old hat there and the prices are extremely low versus the markets Stark and company normally operate in.

Oh, to be a fly on the wall in Baikonur...
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Al Gore 2016!

Making America Great Again By Stealing Acquiring Liberating The Casket Of Ancient Winters!
Wasn't The Casket Of Ancient Winters still in Loki's hands when he fell in the void? Only Gungnir fell out of his hands when he was shot. Thanos now now has it, most likely.
Al Gore: We will hire Jotun at ski resorts. I'm super cerial!
Trump: We will build an ice wall to stop Sahara expanse, also an ice wall at the Mexico border while we're at it.
We must build a wall to prevent our beautiful, beautiful-it's the greatest country in the world from turning yellow like in Mexico. I love Mexico, I have many Mexican friends-Mexico is a great country, but you don't want your neighbourhood to turn yellow-nobody wants their beautiful neighbourhood to turn yellow. That's why we need to build a wall-it's gonna be the greatest wall ever: much better than the China wall. Do you know who told me that? Tony Stark did. And I said "wow, that's very smart of you Tony" because Tony is a great friend and he'll bring back jobs to America.
Phase 14 Part 3
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 14: Disclosure


Part 3


Tens of thousands experienced the scare of their lives last night when what appeared to be a low-flying missile crossed the United States from New Mexico to New York. The object moving at supersonic speeds landed in Tony Stark's manor in New York, where multiple cameras snapped pictures of it as it slowed down. To witnesses' utter disbelief, it was no missile or gadget Mr. Stark was testing. It was a hammer. You heard me right! It was a hammer, but not just any hammer; that was Mjolnir!

Our government is still to disclose many things about First Contact!


Further revelations are coming about the identity of the aliens we made First Contact with. It's not little green men. It's big, buff, Scandinavian dudes and ladies. It turns out that the Ancient Aliens crowd was right. What you're hearing are the outraged screams of countless historians and archaeologists!

The exiled alien Royalty? That was no lesser character than Thor Odinson, son of King Odin of Asgard. The Asgardians are, in fact, advanced aliens who have visited Earth before, the last time being three hundred years ago. They are the inspiration for many Norse religions and myths.

Government officials claim that waiting to disclose this part was because it is frankly hard to believe. Harder than aliens being real. Well, I would be among those who doubted it until I saw those videos of the flying hammer.

The Late Show

The Pentagon released new footage from the battle in New Mexico. This one shows Tony Stark wielding The Hammer that flew across the country, causing panic last night. We are talking about Mjolnir, which appears to be an advanced alien device that can control the weather. In the new videos, we saw Tony Stark picking it up and wielding it against the alien robot sent to assassinate Prince Thor of Asgard. We also have surviving security videos from the site where Mjolnir initially landed, showing many US soldiers trying their luck, as well as a large blond individual tentatively identified as our alien guest.

The videos of Tony Stark wielding Mjolnir and using lightning from a storm the hammer summoned have gone viral, becoming the most-watched ones on youtube and other social media.


This is Luke Vader, folks, and this time, we are watching something that isn't yet but should be in Star Wars! You all know what I'm talking about! Our Nerd Overlord, Tony Stark, wields ancient artifacts, commands lightning, and has the memories of an alien general! We saw him fight a machine out of legend!

Could it be? Might we see something about Mr. Stark's alien past in the future of Star Wars? At any rate, there are already fans celebrating the advent of Sith Tony Stark!

After all, one exciting conclusion is that we might see actual tactics depicted in future Star Wars material. That could be either awesome or change Star Wars into being unrecognizable for good or ill.

This is Luke Vader; stay tuned in for more Star Wars news!

From Luke Vader's Star Wars dedicated youtube channel


Asgard prison realm

Hela sat on a replica of the command throne of a battleship and stared down her visitors. After all this time, Tyr had the gal to show his face before her! It was all she could do not to jump at him, trying to tear out his throat with her bare hands.

Doing so would be pointless. She was the only real thing in this place, alongside the food and water she consumed. Everything else was an illusion born of hard light and Seidir.

"What do I owe this distinct displeasure to?"

"I come with an offer. You've been wasting your time stuck here without a chance to change for the better or worse," Tyr began. "We are offering you an alternative."

"What? Do you want me to be the court jester? Or do you find yourselves in need of my particular talents? Have you forgotten how to command and lead, Try?"

"Do you see why I left her here?!" Odin grumbled.

"All I see is more incompetence and stupidity," Tyr shot back, surprising Hela. Was there trouble in paradise? "Do you want to leave this place or not, Hela?"

"It's a bit stale," Hela allowed. Being constantly surrounded by shades was something she could do without.

"Thor found himself a fascinating Midgardian to listen to. One who is worthy. We offer you to change the nature of your sentence to exile on Midgard, where you will hopefully change to fit society." Tyr explained.

"Do you believe the Midgardians can change me when you didn't bother trying?"

"Mjolnir found one of them worthy enough to allow him access to some of its power," Tyr revealed.

That got Hela's attention. Mjolnir was her original weapon. The power of the storm, of lightning, winds, and rain. While those magics and abilities weren't' fully compatible with her, she had a special connection with that weapon.

"How worthy?" Hela asked in anticipation. It had been so long since there was anything to pique her interest. She found herself hungry for new experiences, no matter how fleeting.

Tyr waved a hand, and she saw Mjolnir fly across what could presumably be Midgard, showing it was far more developed than she gave it credit for. It eventually landed in a large garden, where a familiar-looking Midgardian surrounded by others of his kind was waiting for it. Hela curiously watched the interaction between the man and Mjolnir.

"He is rather worthy but not compatible with the powers Mjolnir channels. He isn't strong enough to handle it either."

"He is Midgardian, a mortal. That is only to be expected. His mind and memories are what we are interested in," Tyr waved a hand again, and more of the current Watcher's work revealed itself to them.

Hela could see and hear Midgardians discuss this Tony Stark. He was evidently a person of means and influence among them, which he had earned.

"What do you require of me?"

"Talk with the Midgardian. Learn, and change for the better. Become someone Asgard can live with and be proud of," Tyr challenged her.

Hela's eyes narrowed at him. "Is that all?"

"We will keep your powers bound," Tyr pointed out.

Hela scoffed as if they would have left her out, able to wield her powers.

"Is that it?"

"You will be let into Lord Stark's custody and meet reasonable expectations of conduct, Hela. You will represent Asgard, even if you will hold no official position or power," Odin grumbled. Every time her father opened his mouth, it became clearer and clearer that this wasn't his idea.

"Why?" She asked Tyr.

"The way you were imprisoned was a senseless waste. You should have been either redeemed or declared lost and disposed of. I am giving you the option to damn or save yourself, Hela. Do with it what you will."

"What does this Lord Stark think of being my minder?" Hela chuckled at the idea of a Midgardian being able to handle her, even with her powers bound.

"We will begin negotiations with him soon after we re-establish contact. Now you have some homework to do. Learn what has happened to Asgard and why I would rather have you sane and reasonable, helping or safely dead." Tyr vanished, followed by exhausted-looking Odin.


Capitol Building
Washington DC

"The Senate's First Contact and the SWORD Initiative hearing begins now. I am Senator Charles Kelly, the Chairman of this proceeding. Dr. Stark, are you ready to answer questions? To tell us the truth as you know it?"

"I am, Mr. Chairman," I answered after my lawyer had given me a nod. The way this game was supposed to be played, I was expected to get a green light on answering questions during the live portion of the hearing from legal so that we would avoid entanglements with secrecy clauses.

"Dr. Stark, before we begin, can you get your hammer to stop being distracting?"

I looked at Mjolnir, which was floating smugly beside the desk we were sitting at as if basking in the attention of the press and those gathered to watch today's proceedings.

"Mjolnir feels too full of itself to behave, Mr. Chairman. If I were reasonably sure it wouldn't cause trouble, I would leave it at home or a research laboratory."

At those words, the hammer fell to the ground with a clang, giving me the impression of being offended by my words.

"Now it's feeling sorry for itself," I added.

"Are you implying the hammer is alive, Dr. Stark?"

"I can sense the impressions of emotions from it, Mr. Chairman. For what we know, it might be indeed alive, depending on how you define being alive."

Now Mjolnir floated up. If it was a dog, I was sure his tail would wag. I looked at it and sighed.

"Now I'm pretty sure it's just fucking with us," I shook my head. "What is the first question you have, Mr. Chairman?"
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