The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

god-dammit loki...this is the same shit that got you exiled in the first place...and what the hell do you even want anyway these days?


fucking tricksters and their overly complicated plans and just hoping this backfires in loki's face and he has to actually get some character growth.
Children these days… To think he had to rely on a Midgardian to get Thor to begin thinking like a Prince!? What was wrong with his whole realm? Odin wondered before collapsing into his bed and falling asleep.
Y'know... there is one thing, and one thing only, at the top of that realm. The one "common denominator" to the whole realm, actually. I've heard he's been there for millenia, so if there is something wrong... maybe look to him? Just a thought. Have any idea who it might be?

About the whole Shield thing... Are they trying to murder their own credibility? Because that is how you murder your own credibility. I could absolutely see how it could happen, but it's still a case of "play stupid games, win stupid prices". And that kind of should be obvious even to the shield grunts on the ground. Some of them are probably hypnotized or bribed not to care, but still. The force can probably tell Stark very interesting things about some of them based on their feelings during this operation.
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god-dammit loki...this is the same shit that got you exiled in the first place...and what the hell do you even want anyway these days?


fucking tricksters and their overly complicated plans and just hoping this backfires in loki's face and he has to actually get some character growth.
Unlike Odin and Hela, he's necessary for the plot. We can't have everyone acting rationally.
god-dammit loki...this is the same shit that got you exiled in the first place...and what the hell do you even want anyway these days?


fucking tricksters and their overly complicated plans and just hoping this backfires in loki's face and he has to actually get some character growth.

On Lokis' side, he is just like OTL MCU personality and issue wise. He is also going to end just like he did originally at the end of the first Thor movie and will thus be in a position to facilitate the Chitauri invasion on Earth in 2012. If he survives that, then he might be in for character growth.

Y'know... there is one thing, and one thing only, at the top of that realm. The one "common denominator" to the whole realm, actually. I've heard he's been there for millenia, so if there is something wrong... maybe look to him? Just a thought. Have any idea who it might be?

About the whole Shield thing... Are they trying to murder their own credibility? Because that is how you murder your own credibility. I could absolutely see how it could happen, but it's still a case of "play stupid games, win stupid prices". And that kind of should be obvious even to the shield grunts on the ground. Some of them are probably hypnotized or bribed not to care, but still. The force can probably tell Stark very interesting things about some of them based on their feelings during this operation.

You can say that one of Asgards' big core problems is Odin's A grade parenting.

There are different factiosn within SHIELD pushing for different outcomes. A firefight ordered by Stark for example is going to reflect badly on SHIELD but might be fatal to the whole SWORD concept and bring back all those tasks, funding, agents and authority within SHIELD's aegis. While Fury acted to mitigate the potential fallout that would might fall on SHIELD by placing Coulson in charge, he didn't push hard enough to stop the ongoing mess. By doing so, he might see a rival organization defanged, and gets to see identify everyone who pushed for this or thing it is a good idea so they would be all on his shit list to deal with when practical.

Others genuinelly want a hardline approach towards those damn alien trespassers, no matter how dumb an idea that is given Earth's strategic situation. If nothing else, we can't have our rivals be friendly with an alien power. Then removing them might prove that much harder, not to mention that their influence keeps growing and making us weaker and weaker.

This is ultimately the increasingly desperate mindset that will lead to this timeline's Insight mess in the late 2020es.

Some of those grunts, are Hydra hardliners, of the outright racist kind. They aren't necessary hired for their brains but combat skills instead.
we meed at the strangest of places," I greeted Coulson.


I have ordered, and if not me, then someone less reasonable and more trigger-happy


Fury is too smart to have pulled you up to this. More


an illegal alien who might threaten natural security


Not it's obvious that you don't want to push the


between Coulso and me


there are a lot of issues in this chapter, I reckon you need some sleep my friend

I know you said this is about big picture stuff but how long until Stark gets a lightsaber or a proper apprentice mini-me following him around?
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Some of those grunts, are Hydra hardliners, of the outright racist kind. They aren't necessary hired for their brains but combat skills instead.
Exactly. Curious if this whole situation will expose that to the rest of Shield... of if it will expose it to Shield AND everyone else. "Are we the bad guys?" style.
Rule 2: Don’t Be Hateful
Beyond making Thor really stupid after Age of Ultron I'm not sure what you mean
Not gonna turn this into a whole discussion, to not derail or start a flamewar, so in short, Wakanda can be 100% black, but Asgard can't be 100% white. It's plain racism and the destruction and disrespect of European culture.
there are a lot of issues in this chapter, I reckon you need some sleep my friend

I know you said this is about big picture stuff but how long until Stark gets a lightsaber or a proper apprentice mini-me following him around?

My wireless keyboard needs a new battery, or I need a new wireless keyboard. At lest some of those are from that, not a lack of sleep.

Not anytime soon. The clsoest thing Sith Tony will have to an Apprentice will be members of what could have been the Fantastic Four.

Exactly. Curious if this whole situation will expose that to the rest of Shield... of if it will expose it to Shield AND everyone else. "Are we the bad guys?" style.

There's a reason why no one noticed the issue. Shield OTL at its best, operated a lot like parts of Hydra would do if left aloen. In this timeline, it was outright founded by peple who were a different Hydra faction. Shield embodies doing distasteful things for a hopefully good purpose on the best of days.

Be it



I'll give it a look.
Not gonna turn this into a whole discussion, to not derail or start a flamewar, so in short, Wakanda can be 100% black, but Asgard can't be 100% white. It's plain racism and the destruction and disrespect of European culture.
Eh they werent that "great" to begin with, nothing more than parodies made from few atereotypes
Asgard = holywoods take on viking gods with enough exagarations to make them somewath intresting.
Wakanda = legend of hiden europa lvl of culture cristian kingdom in africa in modern day with modern day ideas thats all.

Cant say much about Atlantis (havent seen BP2 and I doubt marvel zombies did good exploration with calling them fishsticks so...) or K'un-Lun (tough it probably folows clasics xianxia tropes with dash of comic book escalation for good mesure).

Nevermind that marvel humanity itself more of parody than realistic.
Phase 11 Part 5
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 11: Party crashers


Part 5


Issabelle's Diner
Puente Antiguo
New Mexico

"Hogun! My friends!" Thor's voice thundered as he appeared from the diner. "What are you doing here!?" He exclaimed in genuine surprise.

"We are here to bring you back!" Proclaimed a tall man with short, shaggy blond hair. He wore forest green armored clothes not too dissimilar to Jedi Knight's armored robes from the Cold War era.

"Bring me home?! My friends, unless Father has changed his mind about my exile, I am not going home soon!"

"What do you mean?! Wasn't Loki who exiled you after he became regent while the AllFather sleeps?!" The raven-haired woman narrowed her eyes at Thor. There was genuine confusion in her voice, matched by the jumbled emotions she felt – relief, worry, and acute surprise.

"Loki!? This is not one of his pranks! It was Father who banished me until I proved myself worthy!" Thor shook his head.

"But you did nothing wrong!" The last of the group rumbled in bafflement. He was almost as tall and much broader than Thor, but not at the shoulders. The man looked like he stepped out of a Hollywood poster about a Viking saga.

"Did we not? I've had some time to think, and conversing with Lord Stark here put our actions into perspective," Thor countered.

"Should we be arresting them all for trespassing or something?" One of the SHIELD agents asked just loud enough to be heard. I could hear Coulson curse when everyone turned to look their way.

"Boys, we landed into the middle of something here, literally at that." The female warrior pointed out the obvious.

"Politics, my Lady Sif. There's no escaping them, no matter which of the Nine Realms we are on," Thor sounded a touch bitter as he said that.

"Does they involve us? We smash faces in, not deal with politics!" The stereotypical, according to Hollywood, Viking grumbled.

"I'm afraid so, Volstagg. Lord Stark, these are my good friends, the Lady Sif and the Warriors Three. My friends, this is Lord Tony Stark, who is in charge of dealing with visitors from other realms in this part of Midgard. However, some among the locals want to dispute that fact," Thor nodded at the SHIELD agents.

"Who is friendly, who is neutral, and who needs their heads smashed?" Volstagg patted a large double-headed ax he carried over his shoulder.

"Hopefully, sanity will prevail, and no one will need their head smashed in," I deadpanned at them all.

"This is your realm, Lord Stark, your people. I am content to let you deal with them," Thor smiled bitterly. "I'm trying my best to think before acting as I must."

"That's usually a good first step," I nodded and looked at Coulson. "Mr. Secret Agent, what will it be? If I was a less well-adjusted individual, or if I had a grudge against your agency, I might be content to let you try to take these four into custody to see what happens."

Volstagg beamed at this as if I was his new best friend, while the other two looked between me, Thor, and Coulson, wondering what the fuck was happening. Lady Sif gave Thor a long, suffered look as if this was all his fault, which was true, discounting the SHIELD complication.

"You are not that much of an ass, Mr. Stark," Coulson gave me his best disarming smile.

"My patience is also running thin," I noted. "Coulson, what is your endgame looking like here? You are disrupting a diplomatic meeting. I am sure you can imagine the worst-case scenario here."

"I can. I don't know if the people who authorized this can. It's either that, or they're ready to take the risk anyway. You know I am the reasonable option, Mr. Stark."

"What does the unreasonable one look like? Would they open fire on US military unit seconded under SWORD's command? Will they risk starting a war with an alien nation due to internal politics?"

"Was that how us going to Jotunheim looks from the outside, Lord Stark?" Thor interjected.

"It looks worse. You are the Crown Prince, Thor. You were expected to know better. I can't say the same for the idiots who sent Mr. Secret Agent Man to us and thought this was a good idea."

My phone began to vibrate. I thought about ignoring it. Yet anything that might buy us time to de-escalate and find a rational solution to this idiocy was worth trying. I pulled it out and unlocked it.


"Tony, please give the phone to that young man you keep irritating for no good reason," Pamela Hawley's irritated voice sounded in my ear. "And good work at proving me and my compatriots right."

"It's for you, Mr. Secret Agent Man," I waved my phone at Coulson and slowly walked to him, offering it.

He looked at the device with a hint of amusement. His emotions betrayed how he felt – Coulson was even less happy than me to be put in such a situation.

"Agent Coulson. Who is this? Yes, Ma'am, I recognize your voice. Yes, your identification checks out. The best I can do is enter a waiting pattern until the Oversight Council and the Director straighten out my orders, Ma'am. Thank you, Councilor!"

He gave me back the phone. I was reasonably sure Coulson was stretching the truth a bit and that someone else in his shoes might have ignored Hawley.

"We now have conflicting orders and will wait and observe until the Director makes up his mind. Stand down, folks!" Coulson waved at the SHIELD Agents and went back to his phone.

More than a few of them looked ready for a fight. Yet, one after another, they lowered their weapons until the last die-hards decided that starting trouble under these circumstances might be an excellent way to commit suicide.

"Talking worked? It never works for us!" Fandral looked incredulously at me. "Who is this man, Thor? His silver tongue works better than Loki's, and your brother is well known as the Liesmith!"

"That might have something to do with why people often try to kill us," Lady Sif pointed out.

"Your brother is a known liar, and you people wonder why no one listens to him? Did I get that right?" It was my turn to look incredulous.

Thor and his buddies looked at each other, then nodded in as one.

"Oh, people listen to Loki, especially when they shouldn't. It's when doing so would do anyone some good they don't," Lady Sif explained.

How did you get here? I don't think you got permission from my father?" Thor inquired.

The newcomers looked at each other, and the sense of guilt and determination radiating from them was thick.

"We might have spoken with Heimdall, who very conveniently had to briefly leave the Bifrost control station," Lady Sif had the good grace to look embarrassed.

"Back in my days as a ruler, that would be considered borderline treason at best," I noted.

"My father might agree. What have you done, my friends?" Thor groaned.

I wondered who was the worst influence upon whom in this little group.

Before I could get any more answers, the other shoe dropped. The air tingled, and the sky darkened again.

"I think Loki might have found out what Heimdall allowed to happen," Hogun grimaced. "If it was Kind Odin who sent you here in exile, my friend, that changes our situation."

"I'll take full responsibility!" Thor declared.

"I don't think Loki or the King, when he awakes, will agree," Fandral muttered.

A stream of energy ruptured the heavens, this time striking just outside town. More lightning and thunder followed before the sky began to clear up slowly.

"Captain Elis, do we have eyes on what just landed?"

"One-Five is looking at a… metal giant? It's some robot, apparently," Elis sounded like he could hardly believe his words.

"Big, spiky thing with large squares in the helmet where the eyes would be?" Lady Sif asked worriedly.

Elis repeated the question and got an affirmative answer.

"That's the Destroyer! It's one of the most dangerous creations merging magic and technology Odin ever built! It is supposed to protect the Palace's vaults!" Thor elaborated.

"It is also under the control of whoever wields Gungnir. That's Loki right now, Thor," Hogun pointed out.

"How sure are you that your brother wouldn't walk over your corpse to take and keep the throne, Prince Thor?" I asked in a voice that felt much calmer than I felt. So much for peaceful first contact.

"There is only one reason Loki would send that thing here, Thor!" Lady Sif agreed.

"Captain, get this city evacuated; we've got hostile incoming. Contingency Black Two is now in effect. We have a hostile alien incursion in progress."

A weird sound echoed over from the outskirts of the town, followed by an explosion.

"That thing just opened fire on our observers with a heat ray!" Elis exclaimed.

Yeah, that was the other shoe-dropping, alright.
Clearly, the only reasonable response to this is to utilise the full extent of the dakka available to SHIELD/SWORD/the US/the UN.

What do you mean, thermonuclear weapons are overkill? There's no such thing as overkill!
It's not like we're firing a nuclear missile at New York!
Phase 11 Part 6
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 11: Party crashers


Part 6


New York

General Danvers wasn't surprised that everything suddenly went to hell for some reason. Things were going far too smoothly to expect anything else.

Mr. Murphy was a vicious bastard like that.

"We have a confirmed Case Black Two," Carol sighed quietly and turned to face the Councilors.

"It is legitimate," One after another, they gave their assent.

Moments later, using state-of-the-art communication equipment, the General could communicate with relevant military commanders worldwide. At the same time, the Councilors smoothed over the inevitable political fallout and dealt with civilian matters.

"This is General Carol Danvers, Director of SWORD. Case Black Two is now in effect. We have confirmed a hostile alien incursion on Earth. I am declaring Winter Contingency for the Continental United States. Containment protocols are now in effect…."

US military forces would be going to DEFCON 1 momentarily. SWORD rapid response units and SOCOM QRFs would be converging in New Mexico. Military assets within the state were now under SWORD jurisdiction.

"I am assuming operational command,' Danvers continued. "SWORD Councilor Stark and SWORD Two have tactical command and are our point of contact. Stand by to receive tactical information. Operational parameters are these: contain the threat, ensure the safety of alien VIPs in the Area of Operations, evacuate civilians if and when possible."


Puente Antiguo
New Mexico

"We have assets en route from Holloman and Cannon Air Force bases – armed drones, strike fighters from the fifty-fourth Fighter Group, and SOCOM unit attached to the twenty-seventh Special Operations Group. The only heavy ground support we will get in a reasonable time frame is what we have here and at Site Alpha. Anything else is a few hours away at best," Elis reported. At the same time, I officially proclaimed that we were being invaded with all that entails.

One way or another, there would be hell to pay for today's events.

"Evacuate the civilians; then we will draw that thing towards the Alpha Site if we can't take it out. The Air Force can bomb it at their heart's content while it moves through the desert," I hoped so anyway. "Prince Thor, what are that thing's capabilities?"

At the same time, Thor's buddies looked at each other and nodded at themselves.

"We will take it!" Volstagg boasted.

"It might not be that easy," Thor looked haunted. "Father sealed up my powers until I prove myself worthy and redeemed. I probably won't be any help…" He looked at Fandral. "Hit me to make sure!"

"That might not be the best idea…" I tried to stop even more idiocy from unfolding in front of my eyes.

"As you wish, friend," The Aesir moved almost faster than the eye could follow. I heard a crunch, then Thor was on the ground, spitting teeth and groaning, while his buddies fussed over him.

"He's like a mortal, all right," Hogun groaned. "Thor's going to be of no use," He looked at me. "Lord Stark, might I burden you with keeping our Prince away from the Destroyer?"

"That's the plan. I need to know that thing's capabilities. Any tactical information you can share?"

"Get a medic over here!" Elis shouted and pointed at Thor. Looking at him, it wasn't clear if his jaw was broken, though he had a nasty, rapidly darkening bruise covering a third of his face.

So much about Thor thinking things through.

"It's the Destroyer," Lady Sif was the one to answer my question. At the same time, soldiers scurried around to get the civilians moving. "King Odin built that thing to protect Asgard's treasure vaults. Rumor has it; it was built with rare materials making it nearly indestructible. The Destroyer is a deadly fusion of technology and magic. We don't know its full capabilities!"

"Start with anti-tank weapons and have the air force hammer it down. Use small arms if you need to distract it away from civilians; otherwise, do not engage," I offered my advice.

Lady Sif and the three self-proclaimed warriors ran toward the mayhem, leaving Thor behind so much for keeping the alien dignitaries safe.

I noticed a trend I didn't particularly like.

"Observe how they engage that thing, and move vehicles to provide fire support and distraction if needed. Lase it for air strikes."

Elis didn't bother to argue and relied on my orders, then waved me to follow to his command vehicle. We soon had a view from a drone. The Destroyer was indeed a spiky metal robot that shot fire from its eyes. It had fun blowing up cars and buildings as it advanced through the town. That made no sense for a robot programmed to defend something. It was either reprogrammed or someone was remotely controlling it.

"They wouldn't…" Elis muttered incredulously. The drone operator zoomed in on the Asgardians, showing them approach openly. Well, three of them. Lady Sif might have at least a few working brain cells and used them to flank the thing. Meanwhile, Fandral and Hogun literally threw their buddy at the robot after he made a running start.

For a moment, it was like watching a movie as the large Asgardian flew through the air, ready to cleave the Destroyer in tow with an ax. Volstagg got backhanded for his trouble and crashed into a relatively intact car. The Destroyer's eye-sockets glowed, ready to blast him into oblivion, when Sif used the distraction to jump off the roof of a nearby house. She used some kind of spear staff that had blades on both sides.

It was notable the Destroyer didn't notice her in time. It only attempted to react when she was already in the air, and it was too slow to turn around. She slammed the spear through its neck and into the ground, pinning it. Briefly, it appeared that this was it. It would have been nice to have an anti-climatic end to today's nonsense.

We had no such luck. I watched in high definition how the thing's segmented body glowed and shifted, switching its facing to what was its back. Its head turned around, forcing Sif to jump away before it could fry her.

The Destroyer rose, pulling itself off the spear staff as if it didn't pierce it. The Asgardians were on the run now, not bothering to use the side streets to break contact.

"Distract it from the VIPs," Elis ordered. Heavy infantry opened up with machine guns, grenade launchers, and a few prototype blasters. Two Humvees drove forward to allow their gunners to light it up.

High-caliber bullets harmlessly glanced off the robot's armor. Grenades detonated around it or upon impact, barely staggering it. Its armor absorbed the energy of the blaster bolts with nothing to show for it.

"You're right; nothing short of anti-tank would even scratch that thing," Elis spat. "Hit it with Javelins! Where is our air support?"

At least the Aesir managed to get out of sight while remaining mostly intact. The same couldn't be said for a few of our soldiers. A sweeping beam caught three of them, and the result wasn't pretty. What little was left of them would be fit only for closet casket funerals. The HUMVEEs barely managed to get out of sight before fiery beams blew up corner stores and houses in their wake.

A Javelin popped into view and slammed into the Destroyer's shoulder. When the dust settled, it was on its knees, with the armor between its neck and shoulder visibly burst open, revealing that the bloody thing was empty inside! Magi-tech indeed. The metal flowed and folded, healing the wound, and it soon stood up, no worse to wear.

"We need a lot more firepower to take that thing down. Likely sustained firepower to overwhelm its ability to repair itself."

"Unless the Air Force can do it, the only way we might deliver enough punishment is the IFVs at the site," Elis nodded.

"We're moving that way anyway. This thing keeps bee-lining towards Thor, isn't it?"

Elis consulted the drone operators and confirmed it.

"Get him in a vehicle, and we are going to draw it away. Have someone inform the Aesir, so they don't freak out and do something even more suicidal."

"Good, we were about to drag you to safety, sir," One of my bodyguards pipped up. I gave him a dirty look and got into a nearby HUMVEE. A pair of medics helped Thor sit beside me. He had an ice pack, likely from the diner, which he held to his jaw. The Prince tried to say something but only ended up mumbling. He had a broken jaw.

Was there no end of idiocy today?!
So, Tony will school him in practical lesson on warfare, right?

After all, Tony hasn't yet flex his warfare command skill yet, no?
A pair of medics helped Thor sit beside me. He had an ice pack, likely from the diner, which he held to his jaw. The Prince tried to say something but only ended up mumbling. He had a broken jaw.

Was there no end of idiocy today?! A lack of sanity is mandatory.

Kind of curious if that is all "Those Who Wait In Shadows" shenanigans, or if the Asgard actually are that bad. My guess: ...they actually are that bad. But Shield (and earth power plays in general) kind of shows they are not the only ones. A lack of sanity is mandatory.

Kind of curious if that is all "Those Who Wait In Shadows" shenanigans, or if the Asgard actually are that bad. My guess: ...they actually are that bad. But Shield (and earth power plays in general) kind of shows they are not the only ones.
Oh that's actually from the comics? I thought it was maybe an original from Third Path to the Future.
Pros: it would make Asgardians actual gods and correct the botched mythology
Cons: Shadows are pain in the ass
Phase 12 Part 1
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 12: Hard contact


Part 1



Laufrey, King of Jotunheim, fought to keep himself from smiling in contempt. He knew who and what Loki was. He was also aware the foolish boy was using him and his people again, and for what? So he could pander to those Aesir fools?

Nevertheless, this opportunity to strike at the heart of Asgard was priceless. The attempt to retrieve the Casket of Eternal Winters served its secondary purpose. The few survivors who returned were sorcerers who tasted the magics of Asgard. They were instrumental in making sure this attack would succeed in crippling the Aesir no matter what.

While Loki quietly led Laufrey through the Palace's halls before making himself scarce, Frost Magic pulsed through the fissure in the realms that allowed their covert arrival. At any other time, this would have been night impossible. However, with the Convergence fast approaching, the dimensional walls weakened, making travel that would have lasted months, if not years, in a fast spacecraft possible through magic.

Laufrey could feel ice spread through Asgard's heart like poison as a strike team slipped inside, then a second and a third, each going after their designated targets.

It wouldn't matter if Odin lived or died, though the Jotun King hungered to taste his old nemesis' blood.


Loki sat on Odin's throne, which was soon to be his. One way or another, Odin would die, and Thor would be no more after today, and he would have a war to rally Asgard around.

Now, all he had to do was ensure the Destroyer did its job right, then guarantee that Laufrey succeeded.

There was a little snag with that plan. Instead of facing the challenge as expected, Thor was running, letting the primitive Midgardians and his friends slow down the weapon. That should have been of no consequence. The only things that could even scratch the Destroyer on Midgard would be enchanted Aesir weapons. Thor would die while stripped of his power and before he could redeem himself in Odin's eyes, well, eye.

Midgard possessing man-portable weapons that could damage and slow down the Destroyer was not part of the plan. This was supposed to be one of Odin's masterpieces! While most of the Midgardian weapons were like throwing water against an avalanche, they had those cursed missiles that could blast right through the armor, slowing down the machine and even forcing it to pause to repair itself!

That wouldn't have mattered if Thor only stood and fought like the brute he was! Instead, Loki could feel the fool through the Destroyer's sensors. Thor was fleeing! That wasn't something Loki believed might cross Thor's mind, much less do it!

What was Midgard doing to that fool?! Loki scowled when more missiles fell from the sky and stopped his Destroyer. He didn't have the time for this!

Loki channeled more and more power into the Destroyer. Instead of fueling it into an attack, he cloaked it from sight and made it faster, sending it in pursuit.


New Mexico

"Sir, we lost sight of the target. It just vanished from our sensors. It entered a low emission or outright stealth mode," A strike fighter pilot reported.

"Do we have eyes on the Destroyer?" Elis demanded.

"Negative. Thermal is negative. The visual is negative. The thing suddenly cooled off and disappeared!"

Beside me, Thor mumbled something that sounded like Loki.

"We have an invisible kill-bot after us, joy."

The thing didn't appear while we raced toward Site Alpha. Drones, strike fighters, and bombers were on station above us – that was the good news. The plan of bombing the thing non-stop on the way here didn't pan out. There was nothing to detect and bomb. Figuring out new sensors and a way to detect magi-tech illusions, if at all possible, at our level, suddenly jumped high up on my list of priorities. Perhaps adding seismic sensors to secure facilities? While there were ways around those, it would be better than nothing. Portable seismic sensors as well.

"Prince Thor, please go inside and try to pick up your hammer. Captain, get someone to escort him in and avoid problems. The Blackhawks are back here, right?" I asked.

"Sergeant Johnson – escort duty," Elis ordered. "They should be here, yes. Do you intend to retreat further?"

"We can't assume this thing will keep chasing us conventionally, and we can't afford to retreat to a target-rich environment. Whoever sent it might be able to whisk it away near our location if we properly break contact and get away."

"That's a valid concern after what we just saw," the Captain nodded. "The Strykers and Bradlies?"

"We use them to pin it when it shows. Run it over, park a Bradley on it if that is what it takes, and have the air force hammer it down with everything they have on station."

It was damn frustrating that with the power I could channel, I wouldn't be able to scratch it if it could rapidly recover from anti-tank missiles hitting it in the face. Something more exotic might work, yet I lacked the raw juice for that too.

Elis discussed our rough plan with the vehicle commanders, and I followed Thor inside the isolation chamber. I found him surrounded by scientists watching intently, trying and failing to pick up his hammer. The Prince looked despondent and gave up after his latest failure.

"If someone else manages to pick it up, could this thing damage the robot permanently?" I asked.

Thor looked at the hammer, then up at me, and shrugged.

"Get everyone who has yet to try to try to attempt to pick it up. If it works, congratulations, you're going to try charging an alien kill-bot under cover of all firepower we can throw at it."

"That's not a ringing endorsement for success, Dr. Stark," Dr. Wagner huffed.

"We are out of good options."

"You heard Mr. Stark. Line up and start pulling!" The Austrian complied even if he didn't sound happy.

I went outside, hoping that Elis or someone up the chain of command had a better idea than my half-assed plan. I did ask, too, in case someone was feeling shy today.

"Mr. Stark, if I had an idea that might work besides executing a tactical retreat and hoping for the best, I would have said so. We aren't exactly swimming in assets. The Air Force was supposed to provide most of our firepower until heavy reinforcements could reach us, and they can't hit what they can't find."

Sadly, even with the best the US military could do logistically, moving heavy combat assets in place took time. It didn't help that the US was a big country, and we couldn't assume that any given incursion was anything but a feint or a probing raid to test our capabilities. Going all in without a confirmation it was needed was an excellent way to get our highly mobile units caught out of position.

Further, the sheer toughness of that thing limited what we could use. The special forces that would have been our first ground reinforcements were now busy evacuating the town just in case the thing returned, or follow-up enemy forces arrived in the area. They had little in the way of effective firepower they could add. There was no use giving the killer robot more targets to shoot at when it proved it could trivially erase infantry.
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Really curious if Odin is actually capable of understanding even half the errors he did there?
Option a) No, he's incapable of understanding what kind of feelings he's inspiring in others.
Option b) He knows, and reads like a "the student must kill the master" Banite Sith moron, if you tilt your head and squint.

In gamer slang? He has all the power, and no insight in himself whatsoever. This is the problem with gaining knowledge from a magical power. He probably never used it on himself. He's actually going out of his way, and happily burns personal influence, to avoid talking about the current situation with his wife in private (who wants to talk about her sons, is very invested in both what happens and the results, and has higher actual wisdom to boot).
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Phase 12 Part 2
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 12: Hard contact


Part 2


Throne Room
Royal Palace

Loki tensed with frustration and vexation. Only because Thor ceased running, the Destroyer could rapidly approach his position. Otherwise, the Midgardian machine he rode was faster than the automaton even when he boosted it. Odin didn't build this thing to move quickly and chase vehicles. Would there be no end to Odin's oversights?!

He guided the Destroyer to the location he could sense Thor's presence and Mjolnir. The last thing Loki needed was for the brute to regain his powers. That would further complicate things, and he was already running out of time. It was a minor miracle the Jotun within the Palace hadn't stumbled upon guards or caused mayhem for the Hel of it!

Loki spared a moment to observe the small number of Midgardian combat machines guarding the place where Thor went. He decided that neutralizing them first would be a waste of time. Instead, he guided the Destroyer straight toward the building and its target.

A Midgardian shouted something that the automaton didn't quite catch. The primitives in sight scattered and began throwing small canisters that released white smoke. What were they… Loki looked down at the cloaked figure of the Destroyer. Smoke billowed around it, making it stand out if barely.

Perhaps the same Midgardian pointed in its direction, and the primitives opened fire. Projectiles glanced off the armor, and Loki hissed in frustration at another setback. He unleashed a beam of fiery destruction. Midgardians scattered, trying to get out of the way. Some even managed it, while others burned.

The vehicles opened fire, and the largest, boxy ones launched missiles. Loki struck one of them later, burning straight through its armor and turning it into a burning furnace for its crew. A moment later, missiles struck, crippling the Destroyer and forcing it to waste precious time and energy to repair itself.

"Kill Thor! Kill every single pest in that place!" Loki ordered. He didn't have the time to see to it personally now that the Midgardians were once again slowing down the Destroyer. He had to ensure Odin was dead and had it all set up to blame the Jotun properly.

Just as Loki stood from the throne and relinquished direct control over the Destroyer, the palace's alarms rang.

Could no one do anything right this day?!


After calming herself down, Queen Frigga dismissed her ladies and marched towards Odin's chambers, trailed by her security detail. Enough was enough. Her husband was going to give her a proper explanation. And if Thor deserved an exile, she was going to have words with her son as well, the kind he wouldn't enjoy or forget for a long, long time.

Frigga walked around the corner of the corridor that held only Odin's and her quarters. The Queen halted in her tracks at seeing a small group of Jotun ready for war at Odin's door.

Royal Guards walked behind her and briefly stared as well. A heartbeat later, swords hissed, clearing their sheaths, and spears rose, ready for throwing. Frigga didn't need something as mundane as enchanted weaponry, even if she always had a deadly sword within reach. Seidir gathered around her, forming a protective barrier just in time to intercept a hail of deadly ice shards.

The Queen's guards roared war cries and activated the Palace's alarm before charging to place themselves between her and the danger. Spears flew in retaliation, slamming into ice armor. A Jotun collapsed, roaring in pain, while cool blood splashed on the floor. A Royal Guard fell next, with his face shredded by ice daggers.

Frigga released her first attack. A silver beam of Seidir zigged and zagged between the Aesir, missing them by centimeters, and slammed into the chest of a Jotun. Ice armor boiled and vaporized, followed by flesh and blood.


Alpha Site
New Mexico

Creating proper countermeasures against active stealth was another thing I had to look into. Sadly, the most straightforward solution, advanced smoke grenades, was very nasty for anyone who breathed the stuff due to all the sticky particles inside meant to stick upon invisible infiltrators and make them stand out.

In a pinch, regular smoke might work, which is what I went for after the Force did decide to be helpful and warned me of imminent danger.

To my utter disgust, the Bushmaster auto-cannons of the Bradleys sent shells that bounced off the damn Destroyer. Besides their TOW missiles and the Javelins we had, the only other thing that could harm the killer bot was one of the Strykers, which had a tank cannon.

After the missiles damaged the Destroyer, but not before it gutted a Bradley, the gun Stryker managed to take aim and strike it. The anti-tank round went through the Destroyer's chest, tearing a large hole in its back. The resulting shock threw it off its feet, rolling through the desert.

"Keep firing!"

A last TOW missile struck, followed by a rain of Hellfires from armed drones.

"We have a SPECTRE gunship entering the station within the minute. Strike Fighters are…." Large explosions shook the desert, drowning out Elis' voice.

"If that thing is still operational, it might go stealth again and keep picking us up one vehicle at a time," I warned.

There was a downside to the air strikes. All the debris, sand, and dust they threw in the air obscured the target.

"Do we have anything on thermal?!" Elis demanded.

The gun Stryker fired again in response, followed by another air strike.

"Target is still hot!"

"Stark, everyone else except for the vehicle crews already tried the hammer. It's our turn now," Elis shouted. "The rest of you keep that thing pinned down until it finally dies, or we run out of ammo!"

The Captain nodded at me and ran back into the isolation tent, which now had a large smoking gap in its side. I went after him, passing medics trying to keep soldiers that the energy beam didn't quite touch. They still spotted a nasty burn I could smell or get thrown away like toys by a near miss exploding the ground beside them with predictable unpleasant results.

Inside the tent, I was pleased to see someone had the presence of mind to evacuate those who had already tried and failed to pick up the hammer. I saw Thor struggling with Sergeant Johnson and a pair of large soldiers dragging him toward the back of the camp.

Elis grabbed the hammer's hilt and heaved, straining to move it. After two hefty pulls, he shook his head and moved away while asking for a status report over his radio.

It was time to see if a Sith Lord and an industry tycoon could qualify as a worthy ruler of Asgard or something in that vein. As soon as my fingers touched the hammer's hilt, I could sense energy washing over me. An inhuman curiosity and frustration touched my mind, sliding over my mental defenses. The frustration increased. Lightning surged up my arm like a warm embrace. I let the awareness in. The lightning sunk into my flesh, revitalizing me.

I could get the distant sense that I wasn't quite what Mjolnir wanted or needed, yet I passed muster.

There was electricity in the air all around us. Mjolnir was a conduit to a vast reservoir of energy, which, while enormous, wasn't of the same scope as the Force as I remembered it. However, it didn't matter. There was more power beyond the hammer than a person would or should be able to handle without burning to a cinder.

I could feel the power of the storm, of what might be magic, judging me and pulling away, finding me unsuitable.

Lightning, on the other hand? We were old friends. Storm clouds gathered above us, yet I could sense it was merely a side-effect of Mjolnir reawakening. I couldn't control the storm itself. All the lightning it could generate? All the electromagnetic energy Mjolnir could harness? That was another thing. I could use as much as my body could handle.

Lightning bolts danced around me, crackling in eager anticipation.

"Stark, they lost sight of the target! Unless we get damn lucky, it's invisible again! Can you do something about it?" Elis waved at the electricity arcing around me.

"We're about to find out," I drew on the Force, trying to sense where the Destroyer went.
Tony Stark tempered by a Sith Lord...I can see that being acceptable. I also like that parts of the hammer's consciousness?/programming? agreed to it, while others did not, so Tony only has partial functions. Admittedly though, "just lightning powers" is still a heck of a lot.
Frigga is a badass.Nuff said SITony barely meeting the Mjolnirs worthiness requirements is interesing especiall as he apparently only can partially use its powers.