The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

Phase 10 Part 1
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 10: We are not the best vacation spot right now


Part 1


Stark Industries offices
New York

While a new corporate HG complex alongside a large penthouse for yours truly was under construction, more and more of running SI happened from a leased office space in one of the many skyscrapers within the city.

It was early 2011, and the last fiscal year had just ended, which meant it was time to analyze where we were right now and where we would take the company based on everything that happened last year. The board of directors was present, most of them in person; the same was true for the directors of the most important departments, though many of them were present virtually.

"This has been one of the most profitable years in SI's history, especially accounting for lucrative long-term investments that we expect will be licensed to print money in practical terms," Pepper said. In a couple more years, she could get the reins as CEO giving me more free time to pursue other objectives.

"Sadly, it's not all good," The new leader of our Legal department declared. Her predecessor had to retire unexpectedly due to finding himself with an unpleasant case of cancer. That threw a wrench in some of my plans, forcing me to assume all CEO functions late last year.

"We continue to hear grumbling from both the Senate and Congress about more hearings. There are at least two more civil suits in the exploratory phase over the death of US servicemen due to our negligence in handling the weapons we produce," Caroline Freeman continued. "After the investigations were completed, we should have been in the clear legally as far as the government is concerned. Your cooperation did help in that regard, Mr. Stark. Sadly, politics are involved, and they don't have to make sense. Then there are the civil courts…."

"That is why we pay you the big bucks, Mrs Freeman. The odds are good. It might get worse in that regard before the situation approves. From contacts within the military and from the investigation, we know there are between twenty and forty unaccounted Jericho missiles. The only saving grace there is that at most half of them have repulsor warheads; the others are conventional cluster munitions. While still nasty, their destructive potential is nowhere near the same," I noted. "Does Legal has something else pending for this meeting?"

"We covered the major points of interest, Mr. Stark."

"Good. Next, the Finance department, when will we be able to afford new major acquisitions without compromising ongoing efforts or the reserve liquid assets we need to take action if an interesting opportunity presents itself?"

That, of course, meant a significant breakthrough ahead of schedule by either our R&D departments or others across the world. Such good luck was something we would ideally take advantage of early. It wasn't something corporations usually did – assets just lying around weren't working to make you more money. However, in our case, we were waiting for many relevant technologies to advance so we could jump in and make good use of them, which would require money at hand, perhaps a lot of it.

"It depends on the scale. Another acquisition like Star Wars in short to medium term would require paying in part with shares or liquidating assets. While we did make nearly unprecedented profits, most of them are now reinvested in fusion, infrastructure building, or building multiple manufacturing plants with government assistance that would harness fusion power next year," Pierce Johnson, the Chief Financial Officer of SI, reminded us. "We can go up to a billion right now, no issue. Two to three in early summer or September, no issue. Perhaps four sometime in the autumn. A lot would depend on if the expected demand levels for various products are as projected, and the same goes for developing various products and systems. Optimistically, take the upper figures as gospel, Mr. Stark. Realistically, bet on the lowers, barring an unforeseen disaster. Do you have anything you want us to focus on?"

"We are basically in a waiting pattern for many of our ongoing projects to reach completion or a more useful state. Most of this fiscal year will be reasonably calm, barring any opportunity that presents itself. However, once commercial fusion begins coming online next year, all bets will be off."

A summary from R&D followed. No surprises there. The only major, instead of incremental advancements, came in two forms.

"Mass-producing rugged blasters as side arms would require certain advancements in material science. Without it, we can't keep the price and reliability down to a reasonable point. That said, we do have good news about larger weapon variants. We expect to have the prototype runs ready for testing by the military late this spring," Jackie Li reported. This time someone managed to corral him into a proper suit in time for this meeting. Whoever his new personal assistant, slash minder was, needed a raise.

"The two big things we have for this year are related to medical and exoskeletons. I'll go with the latter first. We have the first powered exoskeleton variants ready for limited field testing by the military and civilian variants we can release to the public. The latter come in three types – full exoskeletons, or, everyone keeps calling them, exosuits. Second, we have lower or upper body support systems, respectively. We also have a passive variant of the latter two subtypes. Depending on the type of work a person does, they won't necessarily need a full exosuit, whether powered or passive. This diversification will allow us to reach more businesses that couldn't previously afford or needed the full package. The construction, industrial, and resource extraction sectors would be our primary targets for the powered exosuits and partial movement support variants."

"That's good to hear," We were that much closer to proper powered combat exoskeletons now. "The next point is the stimulants?" In theory, those were easy to make, with what the galaxy I was accustomed to considered regular, commercially available laboratory stations.

Replicating the same here on Earth required state-of-the-art facilities here on Earth. Yet, once I had those built as needed, it was a matter of a few months off and of tinkering to get basic adrenals of all types ready for testing.

"Animal trials of the stimulants are more than promising. So far, we are finding no unexpected side effects. Unsurprisingly, prolonged use results in a chemical buildup within the body that the liver and kidneys might struggle to deal with, but that is only to be expected. Testing also confirmed what you suspected, Mr. Stark – using the stamina boosters alongside strength and adrenaline boosters has the effect of mitigating any damage reaching near maximum human capability might cause to the muscles and tendons. Needless to say, we are looking at years of testing before we get Federal approval for human trials, much less permission to sell them on the open market. On the other hand, the military is highly interested in the stimulants, and we will be in talks with Pentagon representatives about further development," Dr. Hayes explained.

A few hours of tedious, mundane stuff followed before the meeting finally ended. At least I could declare it an unmitigated success.

"Mr. Stark, your next meeting will start soon," One of my bodyguards reminded me. She was from SWORD, so she was one of my government-sanctioned minders.

"Get the cars ready, I'll get a cup of coffee, and we'll head down to the garage."


SWORD satellite offices
New York

The next meeting was an acute reminder that Sword was a rival of Shield, no matter that their spheres of interest should have been different and with minimal overlap. Unsurprisingly, there was ongoing jockeying for budget and relevance. In practical terms, that was to be expected. Until recently, some of Sword's duties were Shield's not so long ago.

It didn't help that anyone with two brain cells to rub together would be aware that in the future, with expansion in space on the horizon, Sword would outstrip Shield in reach and capabilities. That was already happening when Sword was barely getting off the ground. While Shield had competent commando teams, Sword's few bases worldwide had air-mobile mechanized platoons as quick reaction forces. At the end of the day, the two organizations were meant to counter threats that significantly differed in scope and threat level.

As a direct consequence, Fury wasn't a happy camper. Not that I've ever seen him happy.

Today's meeting was a small affair. It was just me, Generals Danvers and Miller, and two more Councilors who overlapped in oversight over Shield and Sword – Pamela Hawley and Hinata Akira.

"Tony, good you could make it in time," Hawley greeted me after the door of the secure conference room sealed behind me. "We are aware that the timing of this meeting wasn't the most convenient."

"Sadly, it wasn't critical enough to get me away from the board faster," I noted while making my way to the nearest leather chair.

Say what you will; Shield and Sword had access to comfortable furniture when they wanted. The reverse was true – they also had specially designed chairs to make people as uncomfortable as possible, either because someone in power didn't like a particular visitor or to keep an interrogation target off balance.

"We've reached a few decisions that directly involve you, Tony," Hawley continued.

"Over my explicit protest. We can either trust him, or he should not be here in the first place!" Danvers objected.

"I second that," General Miller offered. Considering how close Fort Drum was and how convenient its location was, the place was now a Sword base as well and one of the primary places for testing many of my new inventions.

"It's a case of trust but verify. Our strategic situation makes the risk worth it at any rate, and the benefits, well, we deem
them outweighing any possible downsides," Hawley primly sipped her tea while giving nothing like a proper answer.

"Pamela, get to the point. What shenanigans are you up to?" I demanded.

"We are once again going to give you enough rope to hang yourself, Tony. Considering your altered background, you are uniquely positioned to be among the people making first contact with aliens, ideally a friendly one. You naturally won't be alone and will always have close oversight."

"So some people hope I'll use this rope to hang myself, while others hope they will profit from my situation? Or if we are to be extremely generous, they hope Earth will profit from it?" I asked. I had to agree with the Generals; if they didn't reasonably trust me, this was a stupid thing to do unless those who trusted me enough ran over the arguments of any naysayers due to internal politics.

Sadly, due to my position, gaining a complete picture of the politics surrounding Sword and Shield was a slowly ongoing long-term project. The same was true about subverting the organizations. The Illuminati were in the same boat, though I already had my foot in. Usually, that tended to be the most challenging step with such organizations. The rest was a matter of time, effort, and finding the right opportunities to exploit.

"We've spent many meetings creating contingencies and with me giving lectures on what to be wary of when contacting alien cultures," I pointed out. "There are professional diplomats who should be a good fit for this position."

"There are such people who will be a part of any first contact meeting, Tony. Your expertise couldn't be replicated by simply telling tales," Hawley countered. "Either way, unless you refuse, it's a done deal," She smiled at me.

We both knew I wouldn't refuse. There would be a lot of accolades to gain from a successful, friendly first contact, and Hawley wasn't wrong; I was better positioned not to fuck it up due to my experience and, more importantly, the Force and the emphatic abilities it granted me.

"I'll play the diplomat if the opportunity appears. What's next on the agenda?"

"Weapons and equipment, again," Miller huffed. "It's not like we haven't been telling people the truth! Unless you are ready with another miracle, Mr. Stark?"

"No miracles. The first batch of powered exoskeletons ready for testing outside the laboratory will be completed soon. You'll get it, followed by General Scudder receiving the second production run and Shield. Despite Fury's insistence on getting the good stuff, first, the US military and Sword are paying the most for advanced equipment, so you get first dibs. This is my official position as SI's CEO, and I'm sure our contracts confirm who gets priority on newly developed equipment."

"That's infantry scale. What about heavier weaponry?" Miller asked.

"Jake Li, who runs my weapon development division, assured me that you will have heavy machine gun and autocannon scale prototypes to play around with in the foreseeable future. His estimates are a bit too optimistic. We will need to wait for the fusion reactors to come online and begin utilizing their power to create new alloys in practical quantities outside the laboratory before we can begin mass-producing infantry-scale blasters that are both cheap and rugged enough to be worth it. I can guarantee that we will continue to offer your people the next best thing to hand-crafted marginally improved variants to see what works best in the field. The feedback will be invaluable for designing the first mass-produced blasters."

"So you're going with that as an official name now?" Danvers asked.

"When the shoe fits. In practice, the weapons are close enough to what Lucas got to show on screen. Eventually, we might get some kind of stun mode incorporated or a non-lethal variant for military police and regular law enforcement. It's infuriating how much I could do with proper equipment that, back in my day, I could just scavenge from a damn junkyard!" I shook my head in frustration.

"The stimulants we've been hearing about?"

"Those things, if done right, are safe and have been around for thousands of years if my memories are correct. The biology was close enough to human norms that, with some testing and tweaking, I could replicate them. However, what needs state of an art laboratory to produce, I could brew in mass with a desk-sized portable lab bought off the shelf!" I ranted. "You know, some days I'm sure I'm pushing the uplift program so hard so Earth could become a decent retirement place in a few decades."

"It's better reasons than most. I look forward to enjoying my retirement in a world that's straight out of good science fiction. Just don't make it into a corporate dystopia or something like that," Miller chuckled. "You were saying about weapons?"

"It's much easier to make larger blasters. While their firepower, endurance between maintenance cycles, power, and ammo efficiency wouldn't be nearly as good as variants built with better materials, they would be good enough for testing purposes. Repairing those inferior models fundamentally will be similar to repairing and maintaining the mass-produced ones we will get in a few years. They should allow you to get a proper doctrine for use and figure out how best to incorporate energy weapons in the current combined arms environment."

I glanced at the Japanese representative, who kept taking notes, yet said nothing since the meeting began. All I could get from her through the force was cool interest at observing the discussion at hand.


After months of consolidation, skirmishing, and NATO air strikes, Iranian government forces finally launched their long-anticipated offensive in the North. Motorized and mountain infantry, with artillery and drone support, struck from Aslan Duz and Kalibar, linking at the junction of routes 12 and 27. Irregulars and Revolutionary Guard elements fought to the death holding Khoda Afarin and were ultimately destroyed by the Loyalists.

After consolidating in the ravaged town, the Iranian military swung west, moving parallel to the border with Azerbaijan and Armenia. Fending off ambushes along the way from irregular forces, the motorized thrust reached Safarlu village, which is now the site of the street-to-street fighting against a battalion of the Revolutionary Guard. That is expected to be the largest obstacle this prong of the Loyalist attack should meet on its way to the village of Hammedan.

At the same time, mountain infantry backed by IFVs struck up the Hashtyan, aiming first to liberate Jlghran, Joheni, and Hashtiyan. With those towns and villages secure, the western prong of the offensive would continue up the mountain road until it could eventually link up with road 11 further north.

Meanwhile, the armored forces that opened the way for supplies from Turkey last year have been fully rebuilt and reinforced. They are steadily pushing from Nushin to the junction of roads 11 and 14. Reaching that point would allow the Iranian Loyalists to swing around Lake Urmia and complete the encirclement of Tabriz, where major Revolutionary Guard formations have been digging in since last fall.

The months-long NATO air raids and cruise missile strikes, including an ever-increasing deployment of Jericho missiles, have ensured that most mobile elements the radicals possess have been significantly attired, making them incapable of conducting offensive operations.


The Second Afghan War intensifies. ANA division strength formations rebuilt over the winter and launched offensives against Jalalabad and Herat, covered by Coalition air power and backed by a Coalition regiment of mechanized infantry each. The Taliban and Ten Rings insurgents are falling steadily back, facing overwhelming firepower. Pentagon spokesman confirmed using over two hundred Jericho missiles with specialized warheads and fifty with conventional cluster munitions to shatter enemy defensive positions meant to slow down or even stop the allied advance.


Considering logistics constrain and the drain caused by the Iranian civil war, the Coalition and ANA forces in Afghanistan declined to attack Kandahar province at this time. Instead, ANA forces have dug into defensive positions between Kandahar and Kabul, backed by NATO mechanized infantry and tank platoons.

BBC World News

Special forces raid in Belarus destroyed a stockpile of Stark Weapons ready for sale on the black market. The NATO-affiliated commandos took into custody a dangerous international arms dealer. We are yet to receive more details beyond confirmation of the raid by NATO officials.


Demand for incorporating increased security measures against terrorist attacks and teething issues delay the construction of many fusion reactors across Europe. The most optimistic expectations of the first reactors coming online by December 2011 will not happen. The revised realistic completion and ignition date for the first reactors under construction is summer 2012. One thing everyone agrees about is that Europe will be energy independent by the end of 2013. That includes fossil fuels needed for cars due to ongoing campaigns to upgrade gas stations across the continent and many cities with a distributed network of recharge stations.

Forbes Magazine

The tenth of June this year will mark an unprecedented meeting between major car manufacturers from across the world in Brussels to discuss finalizing EU standards for electric cars, recharge equipment, batteries, and generally the logistics of transitioning from internal combustion engines to electric vehicles.

Once again, EU standards will become the world standard. The only surprising thing is that corporations are moving ahead of the curve for once. They are ready to negotiate instead of suffering increasing fines and the threat of losing the EU as a market.

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I'm really enjoying this story; your merger for the MCU and Star Wars within the mind of Tony Stark is an interesting crossover method.

I've got a few things that you may want to look at in this chapter though:
Sadly, no politics are involved, and they don't have to make sense.
I think the comma should be after no. As it is, the sentence implies that there are no politics involved, but I'm sure you meant the opposite. Although, no politics does indeed, not make sense. ;)

This idiom ends with fits, not fit.

Motorized and mountain infantry with artillery and drone support struck from Aslan Duz and Kalibar
Should probably be "Motorized and mountain infantry, with artillery and drone support, struck from Aslan Duz and Kalibar"
Since "with artillery and drone support" is a qualifier to the previous "Motorized and mountain infantry", it should be within commas.

The only surprising thing is that corporations are both moving ahead of the curve for once.
You have the word "both" in this sentence, but the is only one statement: "moving ahead of the curve for once".
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Phase 10 Part 2
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 10: We are not the best vacation spot right now


Part 2


Fort Drum
New York

"This is a surprise, Mr. Stark," General Miller greeted my party at the range.

"Good morning, General. I've been focusing on different branches of technology lately, putting others on the back burner. This is partly because realizing their full potential will require new materials in quantities that will be out of reach for a few more years. However, now that I had some spare time, I reviewed what more we could get from my repulsor technology. Safe and sustained engines will be possible in the coming years, among other things," I waved at my security detail, who began pulling crates out of the back of our vehicles. "Now, we all know that for better and worse, repulsors make great warheads."

Miller nodded grimly at that. The US military knew that better than most by being both on the receiving end and delivering the punishment with these weapons.

"Now, for now, the price tag remains high, so replacing conventional warheads when not necessary is not a feasible idea."

Woods reverently opened one of the cases revealing a Javelin system and two standard-sized missiles.

"I know it's been a staple to use these to snipe enemy infantry. Considering that against aliens, we are going to be hilariously outmatched, I thought, why not bring anti-tank and area denial weapons to an infantry firefight? These prototypes have standard Javelin targeting and guidance system. However, the missile is a cluster munition that can be programmed to fuck up any targeted area within range, giving infantry squads an even more versatile tool. Against tanks and IFVs, after a few months of R&D, we should be able to make the cluster munitions viable by exploiting the same principle the Jericho warhead uses to increase the damage it causes. As tough as modern tanks are, they're still vulnerable to being mission killed by large artillery shells that hit close enough," I patted one of the missiles. "This weapon system, when its development is complete, would be able to exploit the cumulative effect of overlapping explosions. In the long term, we will be looking at even more powerful and deadly repulsor warheads to defeat active defenses by detonating beyond their effective range and swarming them with deadly submunitions," I grinned at the General. "Consider this a teaser for things to come!"

"What's next? The holy hand grenade?" Miller asked while the officers around him looked at the Javelin with appreciation.

"Now that you mention it, in the coming years, we should be able to build practical plasma grenades and eventually clean fusion explosives that rival low-yield tactical nukes without the fallout. Sadly, depending on how our uplift efforts pan out, those goodies might be a decade or two away from being more effective than conventional explosives and cheap enough for mass production. Now, I am bringing more goodies. Sadly, Mr. Li was overenthusiastic, as I warned you about, General. On the bright side, we have a truck with powered exosuits and armored passive exoskeletons for testing outside of controlled conditions. I believe your people will be eager to work them up until they fall apart and give us all the data gained in the process so we can improve the next iteration."


Von Doom Industries HQ
New York

Dark blue lighting crackled between his fingers, making Victor feel a sense of overwhelming power and superiority. Stark warned him about this: as powerful as this ability was, there was a price, and that was how it might play games with his head. It didn't help that he was a prideful and wildly successful man. Victor had many reasons to feel superior to most people he met and interacted with daily, even before gaining the next best thing to magic powers.

If it wasn't for Stark's warnings and Sue keeping him on the straight and narrow, Victor could see himself turning into a cackling maniac like Palpatine. The shoe even fit, with his lighting powers and all. He couldn't let that happen. For all his intellect, power-enhanced arrogance wouldn't be his downfall now that he was on the top of the world!

A ripple passed through the energy surrounding him, and he felt a gentle slap on the back of his head. It was a mental thing instead of something more tangible, followed by fond, soothing exasperation bombarding his senses.

"You are thinking like a megalomaniac again, aren't you?" Sue sashayed into the penthouse office on top of the corporate HQ. She wore a business suit made to accent every curve on her body, and she had all the curves in all the right places.

"You know me very well, love…" Victor put forth his best charming smile. "How was your day?"

"We're finally done with the preliminary designs and will meet with NASA early next week. There was talk about testing prospects for long-term living in orbital habitats to iron out as many issues we can foresee here on Earth before it becomes feasible to try it for real."

"That's sensible. Most people aren't like us. They can't just bury themselves into work if needed and pay no attention to anything else for long periods of time," Victor reasonably pointed out.

"Your arrogant bone is showing again," Sue chided and approached his desk before pushing his chair aside. She kicked off her shoes and sat on his lap.

"At least it's earner arrogance," Victor pointed out.


Militaries worldwide increase the use of passive exosuits in logistics and among combat engineer units. The end goal is to fully adopt passive and powered movement assistance devices across those military branches. At the same time, testing of heavy infantry utilizing exosuits to carry superior firepower is ongoing worldwide. At this point, demand is nearly eclipsing available supply. It is projected to do so over the next few months until new production lines come online.

The price of Stark Industries shares is skyrocketing on the merit of patenting and licensing the production of the most widespread exosuit models alone. Combined with all other advancements introduced over the past year, SI is fast on track to become the most profitable and powerful corporation in human history.

Forbes Magazine

Iranian Loyalist forces secured the eastern half of Salmas after days of vicious fighting. That gave them uncontested access to Road 14, allowing an armored column to advance around Lake Urmia while maintaining good logistics. Air strikes and self-propelled artillery are leveling all the buildings near the road, ensuring there would be no good place for light infantry to make a stand against the armored advance until it hits the outskirts of Kuzerkohan. The Loyalists could mostly bypass the town and head straight toward Shabestar. That town is the only good place the Ayatolah's radicals could make a stand to prevent the Iranian military from striking Suffan, Tabriz's lifeline. With air strikes and Loyalist armored units ready to pounce, the battered Revolutionary Guard regiments at Tabriz would be unable to execute a fighting retreat. Once cut off, reducing them would prove significantly cheaper than an all-out assault against the city they've turned into a fortress over the winter.

BBC World News

Over the past few months, the Iranian military has been sweeping through the heart of the country and around the Persian Gulf, hunting down irregulars aligned with the Supreme Leader and surviving Revolutionary Guard units. Due to the radicals' conduct, they are often given up by the very population they brutalized early in the conflict. Yet, now that their only chance to avoid facing justice is hiding among people who have no love left for their twisted brand of Islam.


Increased insurgent activity continues to plague Iraq. US and allied forces face daily attacks across the country backed by Iranian weapons and special forces deployed before the Iranian civil war. While casualties are mounting, analysts claim that the insurgents would be unable to maintain the current pace of operations due to an increasing level of attrition and a notable lack of modern weaponry deployed during the past two weeks of increasingly desperate attacks.


The sieges of Herat and Jalalabad continue for a second month. ANA formations reportedly suffer catastrophic casualties attempting to take positions, despite liberal application of firepower and during vicious Taliban and Ten Rings counter-attacks. Coalition units are faring far better, yet the city fighting is taking its toll on casualties and damaged equipment. Hundreds of thousands of Afghani civilians are caught between Taliban lines, which limits how much and where the Coalition could effectively apply firepower.

General Roberts cited the lack of sufficient Coalition troops, especially infantry, in the active areas of responsible operations, for the slow progress. Barring leveling large parts of the city without care about the civilians there, the only other feasible option is to clear it the hard way. The limited number of troops deployed to retake the cities from the Coalition also means that simply cutting them off is unfeasible.

ANA's deployed formations have been incapable of achieving such a feat even when backed by Coalition mechanized infantry. This means the enemy within the cities continue to receive reinforcements and supplies despite constant air strikes intent on interdicting their supply lines.

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Phase 10 Part 3
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 10: We are not the best vacation spot right now


Part 3



On duty at this station, a quiet night was always a good night. This was especially true for the officers within the nerve center of the installation in the know about the universe at large. In mid-June 2011, those were a pair of Colonels from the US and Canadian Air Forces. They were both aware that their real job was less about tracking a potential nuclear launch from someone insane on Earth and looking for an incursion from space.

Despite that, habit and nothing unusual happening ever since they got assigned to their current posts meant that no one was really expecting an alert. The Colonels' primary task was to keep the specialists operating the various stations across the large operations room awake and aware, focused on monitoring their tasks.

The last major excitement was the Norks testing the odd missile; however, that wasn't NORAD's responsibility until and unless Kim's goons got a missile that might reach the Continental, the United States, without flying apart first.

Nowadays, the preferred method of keeping awake and aware was discussing what Stark might buy after digesting Star Wars and if he could improve the favorite science fiction franchise of the people in the room.

Needless to say, many specialists with the know-how to work in NORAD were nerds of one stripe or another.

"It's a win-win situation! Star Wars walkers suck! If Stark buys Battletech, he might make a crossover of sorts and get Star Wars-proper mechs! He's admitted he created an energy weapon because he was inspired by watching A New Hope! Who knows, he might get to end the age of Los Tech and shake up the endless status quo of Battletech!" One of the specialists eagerly waved a hand holding an empty coffee cup.

"I want him to get Babylon Five so we see it continued or remastered for a new generation! That was some of the best science fiction I've watched! It got me sane through university and basic training!"

"Do we actually have a betting pool about what Stark will buy next?" Colonel Lavigne asked.

"Not about science fiction. Wasn't six billion a bit steep even for him? Stark should need some time to make up those billions."

"I don't know; he and his corporation practically have a license to print money. Fusion, upgrading the power grid…."

Colonel Vega nodded at those words. "Hell, just for making that reality, I would vote for him if he ever runs for Governor or President!"

"Do you think…" An alarm interrupted them. "What do we have?" Lavigne demanded.

"Some weird disturbance above New Mexico. We're getting radar interference in the region…."

"Stand by… two commercial flights report weird weather phenomena and requesting to diverge from their course…."

"We've got communications interference as well… Cannon and Holloman Air Bases are calling using ground links. We have reliable reports of unusual weather phenomena that are blanketing radar and scrambling radio communications. Cannon And Holloman are scrambling ready fighters to investigate…."

"This is more than weird enough to request calling it up," Vega decided. Wake up the General. I'll call the relevant people…"


Thor found himself on a wet plain that wasn't quite desert. Odd short shrubs were everywhere, coming out of the sand and eroding soil. It was dark, with ragged clouds above. He didn't recognize the sky. It wasn't Asgard's or one of the realms he and the Warriors Three tended to frequent.

"Father! Haimdal!" He shouted at the sky. "I know you can hear me! Open the Bifrost!"

Thor waited a few long moments, stewing in anger at Odin's parting words. He did what he thought was right! He was worthy of his heritage!

"Well?! Open up!" Thor roared as loud as he could. Some small animals scurried away in fright, but that was all his efforts did.

The Asgardian Prince paced around the place where the Bifrost threw him, waiting for his father to change his mind or for someone to change it for him. It took him almost until dawn to come to grips with the fact that something like that was implausible. His mother often found it impossible to convince Odin otherwise when the old bastard felt particularly stubborn.

Thor roared in frustration and then called his trusty hammer to him. All he got in response was an echo from the connection a weapon and wielder shared. He got a vague idea that Mjolnir was somewhere to the right, but that was it. The hammer refused to come to him! Was this a curse thrown by Odin?! He shook his head in vexation and marched through the plain, trying to call Mjolnir repeatedly. When that didn't pan out by the time the local star was rising, Thor tried to fly up and towards his weapon.

All he got for his trouble was a jumping skip that ended up with his face planted solidly into a patch of wet sand. Thor rolled to his back, spitting soil and tiny pieces of rock.

"Why, Father?!" He roared at the sky. "What am I supposed to do down here!?"


Site Alpha
New Mexico

The sword might be new, but at least across the US and, for now, Europe and China, it had both reach and teeth. A proof of this was the force already deployed by the time I got to the site of the suspected alien incursion. Up-armored HUMVEEs, Strykers, and a couple of Bradleys formed a well-defended perimeter. I could see that at least a third of the infantry visible outside had passive exosuit and carried SAWs or grenade launchers. Everyone was loaded for bear as our SOPs required. So far, so good.

The Blackhawk I rode on rose and left for a better parking spot after the last member of my Sword security detail jumped out. The rest of my bodyguards waited with the jet that brought us to the Holloman Air Force base.

"Mr. Stark," A Captain in field uniform came to greet me. "I'm Captain Theodore Elis, CO of SWORD Two. We've got an artifact that gives out all kinds of strange readings. We are ninety-nine percent sure this isn't a hoax," He grimaced. "Well, unless alien larpers decided it was a good time to fuck with us. This way, sir."

He led me to an isolation tent meant to reasonably contain NBC materials due to thick synthetic walls holding lead layers between them. The thing was heavy and damn unpleasant to set up. Still, invaluable for field study of dangerous substances, or so they told me when we were approving what equipment SWORD might need in the future.

"Are we sure this is the only site incursion happened?" I asked as we approached the tent.

"The disturbances covered more than half the state. We've got satellites and drones looking for anything out of the ordinary, and federal agents are out in force asking questions," Elis reported. "So far, we couldn't detect any harmful radiation, however…." He trailed off and glanced at me with a pained expression on his face.

"Assume the thing is hot and radiating something nasty we can't detect," I nodded. You better be paranoid and alive instead of dead or worse.

The isolation tent had two compartments. An inner one surrounded the artifact, and the outer one, where specialists flew in after the soldiers secured the site and deployed all kinds of monitoring equipment and the best portable sensors money could buy.

"What do we have here, folks?"

"Mr. Stark… It's a damn hammer, of all things! If it weren't for what we're detecting, I would be sure that bastard Hammer's pulling a PR stunt. The lack of reporters does help to disprove his involvement…." Dr. Kurt Wagner spoke fast with just a hint of an Austrian accent. "That thing is radiating electromagnetic radiation. If the magnitude was larger when it landed, it could partly explain the disruption in radio communications and what happened to the radars covering this state."

I looked at a nearby screen to see that. Indeed, there was a hammer in the isolation chamber. It had a head that was a square of solid metal, with what appeared to be a wooden hilt, ending up with a leather strap that a person could use to wrap around their wrist or put on a belt. That thing had the appearance of a medieval weapon and not a regular Warhammer meant to breach plate armor. It was more of a maul meant for breaking rocks.

The hammer stood on a sand platform that was fused in and partially turned into a glass, surrounded by a crater. The wooden part, much less the leather strap I could see, shouldn't have survived the energies involved in that thing slamming into the ground hard enough to create such a crater.

"You know, Captain, this might be an alien prank," I shook my head at the 'artifact.' It wasn't like it was unheard of rich idiots playing pranks on less developed cultures. They at least usually had the courtesy of doing so to civilizations that already had contact with the galaxy at large. "Spectral analysis?"

"We don't recognize any of the materials involved," Dr. Wagner told me. "Herbie over there has been trying to get a sample for the last half an hour," He pointed at a tracked robot with multiple manipulators holding various instruments. Its paint scheme explained the name. The robot was near the single door of the isolation chamber. "We can't even cut a piece of that leather strap, so whatever it is, a regular leather it is not! It's fascinating, even if you're right, and this is a prank! We've got unknown materials to play with, so it's more than worth it!"

"There's that," I nodded in agreement. "When you're reasonably sure the thing isn't hot, get someone to suit up and have the hammer removed to a proper research facility," I wasn't about to fuck with the thing until it was in a real laboratory, and we were surer it wasn't hot.

We went back outside.

"I have the nagging feeling that this isn't all we could find after last night, Captain. Do inform when your people find anything of interest, no matter how mundane it might seem," The Force was in motion like someone threw a rock into a calm pond. I could feel in my bones that there was more to this, something important, yet I couldn't recall what it might be. This left me waiting for the other shoe to drop.
I had to skip a large number of chapters that were nothing but headlines and news summaries.

The 'normal' chapters have been pretty good, and I hope you continue to 'show not tell' more in the future.
I had to skip a large number of chapters that were nothing but headlines and news summaries.

The 'normal' chapters have been pretty good, and I hope you continue to 'show not tell' more in the future.

Тhose chapters some people keep skipping are an integral part of the story, because it is at least as much about how the world changes dut the rapid introduction of new technologies and alien invasions, as the shenanigans of any named characters.
Agreed I actually wish they could be expanded to cover even more of the world. Wakanda has to have a newspaper? How are the Sorcerer's reacting to what Stark is doing/capable of? What's going on in eastern Asia, South America, Central America, and Africa? Especially in those countries reliant on oil exports or that have major Islamic religious presence?
Тhose chapters some people keep skipping are an integral part of the story, because it is at least as much about how the world changes dut the rapid introduction of new technologies and alien invasions, as the shenanigans of any named characters.

[EDIT: GAH! I wrote this from the perspective of you being the writer... never mind... the points are still valid, though!]

Yep. True.

And I'll say as someone who has been guilty of it when writing fics: world-building and fic writing are two different things, for two different audiences. Those people (myself included) that are drawn in by your premise of Iron Man + Sith are typically not the same people who want to read news blurbs that span multiple concurrent chapters. It does not matter if an amazingly important detail (or a 100) are present inside text that is otherwise not going to be read.

If you're so interested in adding them, pre and post chapters work well, along with comments and observations done by main characters. Even having them every other chapter works. But multiple, concurrent chapters? If you track the views/readers/likes, you'd probably notice a massive drop off.

Keep in mind that while your vision may enthuse and drive yourself, you are also competing with... basically... the entire internet. Consider readers perspectives, keeping attention, and so on.

If you only want to write 100% for yourself... then I suppose the above doesn't matter.
Last edited:
Agreed I actually wish they could be expanded to cover even more of the world. Wakanda has to have a newspaper? How are the Sorcerer's reacting to what Stark is doing/capable of? What's going on in eastern Asia, South America, Central America, and Africa? Especially in those countries reliant on oil exports or that have major Islamic religious presence?
[EDIT: GAH! I wrote this from the perspective of you being the writer... never mind... the points are still valid, though!]

Yep. True.

And I'll say as someone who has been guilty of it when writing fics: world-building and fic writing are two different things, for two different audiences. Those people (myself included) that are drawn in by your premise of Iron Man + Sith are typically not the same people who want to read news blurbs that span multiple concurrent chapters. It does not matter if an amazingly important detail (or a 100) are present inside text that is otherwise not going to be read.

If you're so interested in adding them, pre and post chapters work well, along with comments and observations done by main characters. Even having them every other chapter works. But multiple, concurrent chapters? If you track the views/readers/likes, you'd probably notice a massive drop off.

Keep in mind that while your vision may enthuse and drive yourself, you are also competing with... basically... the entire internet. Consider readers perspectives, keeping attention, and so on.

If you only want to write 100% for yourself... then I suppose the above doesn't matter.

I am writing this story for a limited audience. It's not the general SW or Marvel crowd, that should have been painfully obvious a long time ago. It is more for those interested in worldbuilding than those who want to see general SW or Marvel shenanigans. This isn't a superhero, or evern hero centered story like the MC or SW. We won't be seeing the Avengers saving the day while everyone else is irrelevant. They would shine and often survive only as power multipliers aiding the regular military.

Hell, unless something goes terribly wrong, which well, it is likely to, Sith Tony shouldn't and wouldn't be getting stick in a battlefield fighting anytime soon.

The very idea of this story is bringing the setting down to earth, so the military and those without literally super-human capabilities like Thor, Hulk, the Iron Man and company, stealing the show logically, becasue no one else would be able to survive on a battlefield that is a challenge and any kind of threat for them. The other side of this coin, is that as the Earth militaries upgrade and overhaul, individualy the Avengers and other heroes become more of first among equals instead of unsurpased peers that the whole story gravitates around.

This by itself would alienate many MCU fans by deafult, because while it might be a story that takes part in a MCU timeline, its not a MCU or superhero story. It is story about Earth's uplift, how it radically changes things, and how it is all influenced by various MCU factors, like Hydra gone wild, alien invasions, later diplomatic and trade deals with alien polites if Earth is lucky, etc...
I always found it unbeleivable that Thanps army, who is supposed to be huge and litteraly world conquering can be stopped by a couple hundred people. Did no other world in the galaxy ever have powerful people? Is earth the only place in the galaxy with people with powers? Thats shit.

This story has been great with the news stuff plus conversations between them.
Honestly i agree with the approach you have to this setting and it's my belief that spiderpowers are best for stealth focused teams, but I think you're going to have issues with magic

Could you add the Kingdom building tag, it's what I use to find tech uplift fanfiction and it took me too long to find this to fall in love with it
Alrighty, so from what I'm seeing, there's several SHIELD and HYDRA factions (one of which is the Illuminati), Agents of SHIELD stuff is present, the Fantastic Four also got empowered by the holocron thing, thus Doctor Doom isn't evil, Wakanda is probably wary of all these technological advancements, and now Thor has finally come to Earth, this is all proving to be something amazing.
Heh so your focusing on empire building over character drama although isn't the reason Starks dad got offed is he finished reverse engineering the Super Soldier serum from Captain America's blood samples. Wonder if Tony has his Dad's notes on that serum since I think its the basis of what they on Black Widow and maybe the basis of Hulk's serum just with different starting energy sources (Vita Rays vs Gamma Rays)?
Alrighty, so from what I'm seeing, there's several SHIELD and HYDRA factions (one of which is the Illuminati), Agents of SHIELD stuff is present, the Fantastic Four also got empowered by the holocron thing, thus Doctor Doom isn't evil, Wakanda is probably wary of all these technological advancements, and now Thor has finally come to Earth, this is all proving to be something amazing.

Basically, in this timeline, one of the ancient Hydra Heads decided to back the US and by extension the Allies, seeing them as the successful or rising world powers so they were a good bet to achive Hydra's agenda about uplifting, unifying and influencing humanity. They were active in the OSS, and founded Shield. Due to the Red Skull's faction tainting the Hydra name by association with the Nazi, the US and West backing Hydra faction is masking as the Illuminati with only those on the top actually being aware of their origins or full scope of their intentions.

This faction is pushign different ideologies within the West to see what works best, and is trying to figure out where is the 'best' ballance between freedom allowing nations and societies to prosper, and control, to protect people from themselves, frindge ideologies, demagogues, etc... The Illuminati kind of fucked themselves when they used Operation Paperclip to save as many of Red Skull's Hydra assets. Due to common origins and tactics, no one has noticed that there's Red Skull's Hydra growing within Shield, and people believe it to be just another, more radical faction within the overal organization. You'll note that it's not just Hydra and the Illuminati within Shield, a part of what makes the organization work and feasible internationally, is that the various Councilors have their own factions, which on a good day ensure Shield wouldn't be used against their countries without an excellent reason. On a bad day, those factions get to do off the books operations to advance the causes of those countries at best, and organizations the Councilors on questions work for or are affiliated with at worst, which includes other Hydra heads and organizations that might have started as such back in the day. Or not.

Honestly, it is an utter mess and not even people in universe are aware of the full scope of it.

Heh so your focusing on empire building over character drama although isn't the reason Starks dad got offed is he finished reverse engineering the Super Soldier serum from Captain America's blood samples. Wonder if Tony has his Dad's notes on that serum since I think its the basis of what they on Black Widow and maybe the basis of Hulk's serum just with different starting energy sources (Vita Rays vs Gamma Rays)?

What does me focusing on empire building and world uplift, the big picture first, has to do with what happened to Howard Stark? He was indeed killed because he believed he had reverse ingeneered the super soldier serum by Hydra, which is one of the tools the Illuminati used to recruit Sith Tony. Him being a mix between a Sith and Tony, those memories do influence him, and the desire of vengeance, even if served cold, is fully in line with their merged personality.

Natasha Romanov and some other Red Cell operatives did get a version of a super soldier serum. While she isn't quite Captain America level, the Black Widow is more than capable of tearing fire teams appart in melee combat by having the reaction times, reflexes, speed raw power and toughness that a human with her build and size couldn't even hope to achieve. You'll note that while in this story she is way buffer than we saw on screen, she is far from having the muscles of a power-lifter her size.

Howard Stark didn't leave useful notes laying araund, and if he did, Shield grabbed them after his assassination. Tony certainly never found anything useful pertaining the super soldier serum. Furthrer, being a genius in this story doesn't mean you're a plot device who can solve the problem of the week with a hours to weeks of off screen tinkering and 'sciencing'. There are many brilliant people working for SI who would have better chance of recreating the super soldier serum than Tony.

As of late, I'm leaning about extremis being nanite based, so Tony would be more help there, from purely engineering standpoint. He would need support from various specialists to get ahead tinkering with that in any useful timeframe, and in this story, this means months to years at best.
I like stories that flesh out the surrounding world/worlds in a manner that is honestly more believable then the originals. In this reality Tony is not trying to be a one man army instead he acts as a CEO of his caliber should when looking at the bigger picture. My question about the Supersoldier serum's was more if Tony could see a way of triggering his own version using the Force, but that may be more of Doom's zone of knowledge. What is Tony's preferred path for wielding the force (its not quiet clear in the opening but that path seems to be one that wielded him)?
I like stories that flesh out the surrounding world/worlds in a manner that is honestly more believable then the originals. In this reality Tony is not trying to be a one man army instead he acts as a CEO of his caliber should when looking at the bigger picture. My question about the Supersoldier serum's was more if Tony could see a way of triggering his own version using the Force, but that may be more of Doom's zone of knowledge. What is Tony's preferred path for wielding the force (its not quiet clear in the opening but that path seems to be one that wielded him)?

He is at heart a Sith Warrior, however due to available masters, circumstances, and goals, he had to more and more lean on subtler, or area of effect ways to deal with problems instead of burte-forcing them as a lightsaber-wielding juggernaut, no matter how fun that is. Doom and depending on her exaxt specialization, Susan Storm might be able to help in that regard. That said, there is no guarantee that the Force will play nice with any attempts to turn a wielder super-soldeir through available MCU means. We know that cybernetics at best partially compensate for lost limbs and such. Replacing flesh with metal is weakening a person's connection with the Force, so that's a straight no-no. Extremis, being nanite based... might be at best sidegrade instead of outright upgrade, especially if there are drawbacks to using it as there should be.

Going the Hulk way, well for a Sith being angry all the time is not an issue, however at best doing that might be trading sanity and versatility, for raw physical power - which is not necessary a good trade-off. When all is said and done, Bruce Banner won the generic lotary as far as gamma radiation is concerned. Trying the same with another person is alomst certainly to backfire spectacularly.

With availalbe technology, there are no clear simple ways to enhance people that don't have various drawbacks, if it is at all possible, and that is before you consider that the Force gets a vote. The Hulk, Captain America, the Black Widow, the Winter Soldier - those were more luck than proper science considering the level of technology and understanding of various fields people worked back in the day. That is what makes replicating thier successes. It's hard to figure out what went right, or more likely wrong, yet for some reason worked with specific candidates.
Phase 10 Part 4
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 10: We are not the best vacation spot right now


Part 4


Site Alpha
New Mexico

"A hammer?" General Danvers didn't sound happy at my confirmation of what we had in the isolation chamber. "Stark, it's not the first of April. Are you fucking with me?"

"It's a damn hammer, with a leather strap that a robot can't cut through to take a sample from, and what appears to be a wooden handle which is the same. It is also emitting electromagnetic radiation. Otherwise, it appears not to be hot; however, we aren't taking any chances. If some more tests turn out negative, we'll send someone in an environmental suit to pick up the damn thing, though we might need to do something about the sand it appears to be fused with. I want the hammer in a proper laboratory. If that thing is a prank, no matter if it's alien or not, the materials it appears to be made of and their toughness have fascinating implications."

"So, more things for you to play with and sell to us when you can mass produce?" Danvers sounded calmer, no.

"That's a general idea, yes. I also have the nagging suspicion that this is not everything we might find."

"Are you a fortune teller now?" The General asked in frustration.

"I can feel and manipulate an energy field. This sometimes allows me to sense disturbances in it. I am pretty sure the hammer is not the only thing to find in this state after last night's shenanigans. I'll be here for the time being, keeping my eyes open and waiting for further developments."

"Try not to create an interstellar incident or worse, Mr. Stark." Danvers abruptly cut off.

"Are you a Jedi or something now, sir?" The Captain wasn't entirely joking. As a CO of one of SWORD's Quick Reaction Forces, he was at least partially aware of my circumstances.

"Or something. It's unreliable, but sometimes I do get, let's call it, a sixth feeling. When it activates, there's usually something dangerous or interesting around. Mine's twitching," I explained, trying not to plaint myself like a Jedi or Sith, at least before I've been able to change public perception of the latter.

"What do you require from us, sir?"

"Keep your eyes open for the other shoe to drop, which is not useful advice considering we have no idea what we're dealing with."

I returned to the tent and began looking over all the data the myriad of sensors could gather.

To be frank, I could sense no danger coming from the artifact, though that wasn't reliable. The Force wouldn't necessarily warn you if you went and did something that was obviously dumb and dangerous. We might be perfectly safe from the hammer while it was in the containment chamber. The same wouldn't necessarily be true if we went inside without the proper protection. The Force might now warn me if I decided just to open the door and pick the damn thing up.

The same was true about entering an active reactor core if possible – doing so would be suicidal. However, the Force wouldn't be screaming at you that doing it was dangerous. It was the same as going into a battle. You should know the risks and that you would be constantly surrounded by danger. Under such conditions, something could slip by you. Like in the Jedi's case back in the day, their Clone Army turned on them if they received Order 66.

According to all the sensors, the worst that might happen if you picked up the thing was to get a mild electric shock. No alpha, beta, or gamma radiation, no thermal emissions, just ebbing and flowing electromagnetic radiation.

A few hours of brainstorming and testing, even trying to probe the thing with the Force from outside the isolation chamber, resulted in nothing new.

"I think we've got all we can with portable equipment," Dr. Wagner suggested.

"Call the Captain, so he can begin arranging transport and get a volunteer in a hard suit," I agreed.

The suit was partially based on NASA space suits incorporating radiation-absorbent layers that were a straight copy of what astronauts used. The same was true about the helmet, which could also close an outer lid meant to absorb radiation.

Unsurprisingly, our volunteered, or voluntold, person was a gung-ho Private. A few of the scientists on SWORD payroll fiddled with the suit while helping the boy get in, ensuring he was sealed in properly. With that out of the way, we gathered to watch on camera Alba's exploits.

Moving in the damn suit was quite awkward, and our volunteer clearly hadn't been trained in using it. That much was painfully obvious.

"Captain, you'll be writing a memo about the need to train in utilizing environmental suits in the field. I'll sign it up as well, and we'll send it to the Director. Next time we might have to fight using either such suits or, if we're lucky, just MOPP gear."

Elis grimaced at that. After my experiences, it was hard to wrap my head that soldiers here on Earth weren't accustomed to constantly wearing and fighting in armor that could be easily scaled up if it wasn't already as an SOP. Now, granted, what protective gear was available was a far cry from what I was accustomed to, yet that wasn't a good enough excuse to get messed up by chemicals or radiation.

"Is this some kind of a prank?" Yet another vote for the possibility. This time it was Private Alba.

He was trying to pull the hammer away from its fused perch, to no avail.

"The damn thing is super-glued to the rock!" Alba protested.

"Private, step away from the artifact. We'll have Herbie use a drill to cut through the fused sand and glass foundation. You should be perfectly safe within that suit," Wagner tried to reassure the young soldier. One of his minions went to the robot's control panel, and Herbie came to life. Its cameras moved, focusing on the target. One of its larger manipulators rose from the chassis, showing a wicked-looking drill.

"Did someone design this thing for Robot Wars?" I asked no one in particular.

More than a few of Wagner's minions exchanged pointed looks. Miasma of guilt and satisfaction at a job well done pushed away the blanket of curiosity covering the tent.

A persisting, very irritating whine came from the isolation chambers. Muting the microphones did only so much. The place wasn't sound isolated, which was something to consider adding as a feature.

Herbie did a quick work of the fused foundation. It snapped with a crack under the hammer's weight after the drill weakened it sufficiently. Herbie waved its manipulators in victory, then went back to stand vigil near the door.

Private Alba marched to the fallen hammer and pushed away a few bits of fused sand. He grabbed it by the hilt, then heaved.

"That's not right?!" Alba exclaimed after stumbling back in failure.

For the record, Alba wasn't a small man. Even if that thing weighed an order of magnitude more than its metal hammerhead suggested, he should have been able to lift it easily.

He tried repeatedly, visibly shaking with effort, to no avail.

"Things just got more interesting…" I muttered. "Dr. Wagner, have the Private step back," I ordered and focused on the camera. The Force stirred slowly as I drew on it. The shallow spring flowing through me bubbled in excitement.

My telekinetic fingers wrapped around the hammer's hilt, and I pulled. Energy surged from the hammer in a burst of electromagnetic radiation. I got a brief sensation of confusion before the lighting cracked, and the hammer slammed into the ground, fusing itself on top of a jagged pedestal of fused glass.

"Did you record that?! What are the sensors showing?!" Wagner demanded.

"There is some awareness within the artifact. It didn't like being pulled up with telekinesis," I told them and let the Force go. "A friend of foe system? Personal identification, perhaps?" I wondered aloud. "Use Herbie to destroy its foundation again and try to pick it up with one of the manipulators. Just in case, get Private Alba out and checked by medics."

That got everyone moving, though I kept getting sidelong glances.

Herbie moved in after Alba left. It drilled through the new pedestal, and the hammer hit the ground again. A different manipulator descended and wrapped three mechanical fingers around the hilt, then tried to lift the artifact. The grip rose from the ground; however, the hammerhead remained in place, merely shifting into the sand. Herbie's servos strained as it tried to pull it towards the door and failed.

"We're going to be here for some time. Start brainstorming and testing ways to move that hammer without directly lifting it. Perhaps digging up the soil it's planted on and moving it that way without directly touching it?" I suggested. "Go work, people!" With those parting words, I left the tent, then typed a brief report to Danvers and sent it to the General.


Later that day, a few people in protective gear were digging in below the hammer and had a stretcher ready to shove below it to try and carry it that way. Due to the constraints of the isolation chamber and how awkward it was working in those suits, it was slow going.

At the same time, we got more data about what happened last night, including some curious pictures of the weather phenomena. The light show and what appeared to be a lighting-covered tornado descending through the sky southwest of our location were telling. At this point, the few clear pictures we had access to showed something different from natural weather shenanigans, even though I've seen nastier storms. However, they tended to happen due to unusual circumstances. They wouldn't usually be found on places like Earth without orbital strikes or volcanic eruptions to throw tons of energy into the atmosphere.

"Mr. Stark, we've got a person stumbling through the desert towards us. His vector of approach puts him on a straight line between our location and that of the other reported major disturbance last night. If it weren't for that, we would chalk him as a lost hiker or something in that vein and called local SAR," Captain Elis reported.

"Do we have a drone on him?"

"One of the Predators on the station is tracking him, Mr. Stark," Elis handed me a military-issue tablet, which meant it was rugged and put into a protective casing, making it appear larger than it was.

There was a rather tall man with a mane of wide blond hair waving in the air, walking through what looked like a plain covered with shrubs. Distance and location put him about thirty kilometers away from us.

"Does anyone want to bet our lost stranger is coming for the hammer?" I asked aloud.

"Considering the ongoing shenanigans, no," Elis' answer was deadly serious.

"Spin up my Blackhawk and get armed drones on station. We're going to have a little chat with our lost friend before he can get within ten kilometers of the hammer. We'll be tentatively using first contact protocols."

"Are you sure about this, sir?" Elis pushed.

"That's the primary reason I'm out here. If it was just the artifact, it's a curiosity I could have waited for to get into a proper laboratory. On the other hand, the long shot of contacting whoever is behind this stunt? That's another question. Get me a heavy security detail and go on a high alert in case our friend has buddies who aren't as obvious as he is."


A short while later, I was descending in the middle of the desert, just beyond the horizon from Site Alpha. Two more Blackhawks landed beside my ride, disgorging heavy infantry wearing passive exoskeletons and an electric mix of machine guns, grenade launchers, and the odd blaster prototype. They spread in a semi-circle behind me while two of the choppers lifted and covered the figure in front of us with their side-mounted mini-guns.

"Hi there, stranger!" I stepped before my decidedly uneasy-feeling security detail and waved at the man. He was over two meters tall and built like a brick wall.

All I could get from him was a mixture of anger, confusion, and aching need. I would have to be more careful how I approached this conversation than usual.

"Well met?" He responded in a way that made it look like he wasn't sure if that was the case. He looked at the soldiers behind me, obviously evaluating them. His eyes glanced between their weapons and the exoskeletons. "We are on Midgard, aye? Your battle dress is very different since the last time I was here."

"Oh, you've visited before?" This was all but an admission he was from somewhere other than our neighborhood. And Midgard? Was that Norse? Yes, it was. Scandinavian mythology. Aesir and the like.

"It's been a few centuries, aye," He answered in clear English, though some of the words and phrasing used were outdated. "I seek no trouble. I need to find something I've misplaced and will be on my way," He gave us a challenging look. "Yet, after the day I had, I won't say no to a scrap, so be warned, mortals!"

"And here we had such a good conversation going until the very end. You sounded like a megalomaniac or even a would-be conqueror at the end," I pointed out.

A pair of blue eyes focused on me in brief confusion. I could sense no increase in hostility: just anger, frustration, and a bit of anticipation to vent it.

"Midgard is under Asgard's protection! Why would I be invading this realm?" He asked in what sounded like honest confusion.

More references to Scandinavian mythology. It wasn't something I have been particularly interested in as Tony Stark, and I could barely recall anything useful from my life before that. Yet, what he was talking about was making my mind itch, as if something was just out of reach. Besides, I was sure that General Danvers and all her dead colleagues would want to ask where was Asgard's supposed protection when aliens leveled that base back in the day.

There was only one world-famous hammer from the Scandinavian myths I could recall. We might just be about to see the truth behind many legends.

"Let's get on with introductions. I'm Tony Stark, an industrialist, scientist, and, more importantly for our situation, an Oversight Council Member and consultant for SWORD. That's an Earth organization meant to deal with threats out of this world. You wouldn't happen to be one such threat, would you?"

The stranger looked at me, then at the soldiers behind me.

"I told you, Lord Stark, I am not here to cause trouble. I'm Thor Odinson, Prince of Asgard…" The alien trailed off. "In exile…" He added with a grumble.

"Well met, Prince Thor Odinson. You wouldn't happen to be looking for your hammer of myth, Mjolnir? And if so, dare I ask how you managed to misplace such a potent weapon?"

"Yes!" Thor nodded eagerly. "Bring me to it, and I will see you richly rewarded!"

"I am already the most wealthy person on this planet. Besides, in my position, I can't be seen receiving bribes."

Thor scowled at me.

"Then there are a few practical matters. You're technically trespassing on Earth and here in the United States. If your people sent us a diplomatic envoy to warn us about your arrival, they're late. And finally, we have just your word that you are, in fact, Thor Odinson. If we have Mjolnir in our possession, it would be incredibly irresponsible to just give it to the first person who turned up and asked for it."

"That! You!" Thor briefly spluttered, then set up his jaw into a stubborn expression. "You speak sense, Lord Stark…." Thor's shoulders slumped. "I've been calling Father and Heimdal the whole night, and no one answered, yet they should be able to observe me without a problem. "My exile wasn't planned…." Something ugly flashed over his face. "I don't believe that the AllFather would have thought to warn anyone here on Midgard about my changed status and exile," He looked at the soldiers, then at the helicopters. "Midgard shouldn't have been advanced enough, yet I see that is changing."

All the while, all I could get from him was a mixture of anger, confusion, and aching need.

"Getting you to Mjolnir at this time is out of the question. However, I can offer to get you somewhere you can get a bath, or something warm to eat and drink, so we can continue our conversation in a more civilized manner. Would you like that, Prince Odinson?" I suggested.

"It's Thor," The self-proclaimed alien royalty looked at the soldiers behind me, then at me, and raised an eyebrow.

"Not a military facility. I am sure there are a few small towns around that could use my patronage," I turned my head to the acting commander of my security detail, who raised a hand to his radio and began speaking rapidly with SWORD Command.

Thor's hands became fists as he looked around before his frame relaxed.

"I will play along within reason, Lord Stark," Thor agreed.
Given the Force and the probability that MCU-canon had some form of in-story Fate/Destiny going on, I suspect that the town they're going to is the same one Dr. Foster's team is at, unless she's already been recruited and posted elsewhere.
Given the Force and the probability that MCU-canon had some form of in-story Fate/Destiny going on, I suspect that the town they're going to is the same one Dr. Foster's team is at, unless she's already been recruited and posted elsewhere.

Due to butterflies created by the ongoing tech uplift, Jane Foster and company are in a laboratory, doing science. They are nowhere near New Mexico.
Phase 10 Part 5
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 10: We are not the best vacation spot right now


Part 5


Issabelle's Dinner
Puente Antiguo
New Mexico

"I'm reasonably sure he believes he's telling the truth, General," Danvers and company weren't happy with the turn of events.

First, the hammer, then someone claiming and believing to be Thor, son of Odin, appearing in the desert – all the mythological references were turning out to be a bit too much for people up the chain of command. While Thor was getting a shower, after a bemused receptionist from the local motel showed him how to use it, I was stuck answering the same set of questions asked by the same group of people.

"If he turns out to be a local or alien larper, I'll pay the bills if that's what you're worrying about. If not, put it on the diplomacy part of the budget. We can't afford to assume he's lying or a lunatic because the downsides of doing so are worse than taking a larper seriously!"

"Are you suggesting an advanced civilization might have exiled their Crown Prince on Earth without giving us a head's up first?" Danvers demanded.

"I've seen politicians do weirder and dumber things and am talking about Washington, not my other experiences." I reasonably pointed out.

"You're on point. This is all on you, Stark. Be advised that Shield is poking around. They might decide to cause trouble, especially when neither your nor that myth character of yours can prove he's an alien dignitary. Either way, he's an illegal alien, perhaps a literal one. Fury or someone else pulling Shield's strings might try something stupid," Danvers warned me.

"As you said, General, it's on my head. I'll do what I believe fits the situation as it unfolds," I switched off my phone and put it to charge. It was nice to find such features in a dinner in the middle of the desert, so to speak.

Isabella, the owner and current cashier, looked fascinated and worried at all the business her place got today. There was a platoon of soldiers putting the cook through their paces. Soon, this will likely be the first place on Earth in centuries to officially feed an alien royalty. Unless the future cover-up holds, this place will make a killing from good PR alone…

"Sir, do you think this is a good idea?" Captain Elis inquired.

"It's better than the alternatives. We can't afford to treat our guests as anything but what he claims to be. While sticking him in the middle of a military base might be best from a security perspective, it won't necessarily be the case diplomatically, and that's the angle we will play. I don't need to explain how much we will be outmatched by anyone having the technology and logistics to get to Earth from a different star system. Better be safe and look like idiots if he's a troll than offend an interstellar nation by mistreating their Crown Prince unless he gives us no choice."

"That doesn't bother you?" Elis pushed.

I took a sip of hot, strong, sweet coffee and looked at him. "Let me tell you something about my past, Captain. Once upon a time, I was a tiny fish in an ocean full of monsters. Then all I could do was survive and hope I would get a clean death. Putting up airs was out of the question. After that, when I got enough power for such things to matter, I was powerful enough to deal directly with anyone playing stupid games. A few examples were all it generally took. In that regard, I'm back in square one. Entertaining an alien larper won't injure my pride."

"It's rarely that simple," Elis noted.

"That was the cliff notes version. We don't have the time or enough alcohol for the short version. Do I need to tell your people to keep their eyes open for Shield interference? You would think something like this is too important for clashes between agencies and other such stupidity…." I shook my head in disgust.

"I'll make sure everyone is on the same page and keep an eye on the locals. We don't need some redneck causing trouble," Elis picked up his coffee and stood up.

I was halfway through my second coffee when the senior NCO of the SWORD unit escorted Thor into the dinner. Our visitor wore a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt that barely contained his muscles – it was the best we could find for sale in the town that could fit him.

"Lord Stark," Thor nodded. After a shower and getting into clean clothes, he felt more relaxed and significantly less on edge than at our first meeting.

"Prince Thor, please take a seat. We'll find something to your liking in this fine establishment."

"Mead, cooked meat, and something sweet?" Thor asked.

"I'm sorry, sir, but we don't offer alcohol in this establishment. However, we have an assortment of sweets, deserts, and dishes with meat," Isabella sounded almost heartbroken at being unable to satisfy our guest.

"No mead?" Thor sounded incredulous at the very idea.

"Local regulations," I shook my head in commiseration.

Isabella offered Thor a menu, and he quickly ordered a meal that would make a hungry Wookie very happy. As it turned out, hot chocolate was a hit that got our guests mellowed out. He had a sweet tooth or ten. He dug into pancakes drowned in syrup and nodded at me.

"You have questions, Lord Stark," munch, "So do I," munch, "Question for a question?"

"That works for me. Isabella, I will have French toast and strong tea," I turned back my full attention to Thor. At least he was eating with manners, despite the utensils appearing positively tiny within his paws. "Do I dare ask how you found yourself exiled, Prince Thor? Just in case the situation at hand has security implications for Earth."

"I told you, Lord Star, Midgard is under Asgard's protection. There should be no such security implications as you put it…." He took another bite of the pancakes, then frowned. "That should be the case anyway. You did mention incidents I wasn't aware of…." Munch… He put down his utensils, drained a cup of steaming hot chocolate, and frowned. "Depending on if my father was right about the circumstances that got me sent here and how much the Ice Giants are pissed off… They might come here to look for me if they ever know I am here."

"Prince Thor, this statement of yours raises more questions than it answers…." I trailed off.

"Fair is fair. I need to answer your question properly, Lord Stark. Be aware that I will expect the same courtesy of you," He stared me down.

"As long as answering questions doesn't compromise Earth's security, I will be as truthful as possible."

"That's fair," Thor nodded.

Was that a hint of respect that briefly flickered through his emotions?

"There was a theft on Asgard, and we found Ice Giants within the restricted area in question. My father wanted time to investigate and let diplomacy run its course. My brother and I weren't feeling particularly patient. We couldn't let such affront to Asgard's pride stand!" Thor's voice thundered, ensuring everyone at the dinner was paying attention.

Whoever was going to handle the cover-up and ensure people filled up NDAs would have their hands full.

I made a carry-on gesture. That was all Thor needed, and he regaled us with the tale of gathering his closest companions, a unit of Palace guards who agreed and heading for Jotunheim. There was a glorious scrap. The only unclear part was if the Asgardians were winning when Odin found out and arrived to end their fun or if they were about to be overwhelmed and Thor's father saved the day.

His words implied the former, yet his emotions pointed at the latter.

"Prince Thor, we did pledge to tell the truth, not to pad out our exploits," I gently reminded him.

Thor scowled at me. Anger flickered in his eyes, and the muscles on his arms bulged as he squeezed the utensils in his hands. I stared at him calmly and sipped my tea while soldiers and bodyguards shifted nervously across the dinner.

"You have the right of it, Lord Stark," Thor's shoulders slumped. "It's not princely of me to act this way," He averted his gaze. "I am beginning to think my pride and ego have a lot to do with Father exiling me. Our adventure did start as I described it, yet more and more Ice Giants were coming at us. We had to fall back when the guard began suffering casualties. When Odin came, we were close to being overrun."

I pointedly didn't comment on the idiocy of invading what sounded like a world with a small detachment of royal guard. For the Crown Prince to lead such an idiocy? There had to be consequences. I would have exiled him or worse if I was in Odin's shoes.

"Father dragged us back home, and we had a shouting match. He declared me unworthy of my title and position, stripped me of my powers, and exiled me. That is how I ended up in your desert," Thor explained. It would have been nice if it included more tactical details about the capabilities of both Asgard and these Jotun, yet, at least this time, he didn't feel like lying his ass off to look better.

"I can't claim New Mexico or any of the deserts in the state," I pointed out. "It's your turn to ask a question, Prince Thor."
Liking this a lot more than all the news article blurbs.
They were okay for giving background details but a lot of them ended up seeming very repetitive.
Maybe I might have missed stuff in them and that would give clues to the future, but at the same time I couldn't make myself do more than just skim them.

So very much enjoying the return to the story
Liking this a lot more than all the news article blurbs.
They were okay for giving background details but a lot of them ended up seeming very repetitive.
Maybe I might have missed stuff in them and that would give clues to the future, but at the same time I couldn't make myself do more than just skim them.

So very much enjoying the return to the story

'I agree, I only recently found this fic and just finished binge reading it and I skipped most of those chapters the only thing I was interested in was what Stark was doing with Star Wars
'I agree, I only recently found this fic and just finished binge reading it and I skipped most of those chapters the only thing I was interested in was what Stark was doing with Star Wars
As much as I consider all the blurbs about the war in the middle east as necessary (probably for the future), I, as well, mostly skipped those and read only about tech development and SW franchise.