The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

Good to be back. I let it stack a bit coz nothing was being done in SHIELDRA meetings and all tech was waiting on material science. So I'm all for some time skips and news articles, though Iran and Afghanistan provinces and cities don't mean anything to me, it's enough to know who's winning and what new technology is deployed.
As annoying as they are, at least they're good for testing weapons here and keeping the armies active.

Power armor idea: durasteel layer, Star Wars ceramic, thin durasteel layer, shock absorbent paddding, cooling suit.
Mech cooling idea:
1. extendable radiators that can be used in cover
2. Disposable cheap ceramic plates - mech takes heat damage or heats from using too much power and ejects these plates, while still having primary cooling system

Buying BT is not a bad idea .Battletech is ASOAIF with mechs, thus Battletech > ASOAIF
Buying Games Workshop and give fans what they want, Warhammer 40k movies and tv shows or animation
Fix anime, Stark Anime studio, no more fake harems and tendering to stupid audience. Let the authors create their best.
Same for web/light novels, create a web site that will pay minimum wage to top authors who will earn bonus with royalties.

Trains are a Man's Romance, why not invest in railways and trains? We're only using so much cars today because of oil&car industry, not because they're more efficent than the ancient railways.

Since there won't be Ultron, perhaps an omake with Pepper pulling a Hermione and advocating droid freedom.
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Phase 10 Part 6
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 10: We are not the best vacation spot right now



Part 6


Issabelle's Dinner
Puente Antiguo
New Mexico

"You mentioned issues surrounding my presence? Elaborate. Back then, it wasn't like anyone could stop us when we wanted to come or go. We were worshiped as gods in places, which was…" Thor didn't finish the sentence.

I could feel his pride surge. It seemed Thor being worshiped and all the possible benefits that brought stoked his ego.

"Earth is a radically different world these days. In some respects, the nature of nations and countries has changed. There are many places where people don't appreciate strangers just dropping in without warning or permission from the government. Some racists don't like it even then. The same goes for governments. They sometimes don't appreciate figurative or literal aliens breaching their borders. Such acts make people feel insecure, and they might lash out. This might mean a direct military response to an incursion or other ways to make people's lives harder. For example, we have a problem with certain people within this country who are rabidly against outsiders coming in, even if, for all intents and purposes, the United States is a country of immigrants. In theory, exiled or not, you should be free to make yourself reasonably comfortable and pursue your dreams. That is a kind of national mythos of ours. Yet, too many people, including some within the government, are not living up to it and are proud of that failure."

"That's normal in many realms I've been to or heard of. The Nova Corps are generally the most inclusive Empire in this galaxy. Yet, even they do want to know when and for what purposes outsiders visit their territory," Thor nodded in understanding. "The Ice Giants, on the other hand, are usually hostile to outsiders at the best of times. Am I to understand there might be trouble because I am not Midgardian and didn't get on Midgard through the regular channels?"

"More or less. Notably, we have yet to have regular channels for now because this is our first friendly contact with an alien state since modern countries have existed. On behalf of SWORD, I would like to offer you a warm welcome. However, there are governmental and international organizations, like our sister SHIELD, which might have other ideas. We are making history here and setting up a precedent for future contact with people from beyond Earth."

"Politics, bah! They always ruin people's fun!" Thor scoffed and ate another pancake. "At least you have great food! I can't wait to try your proper drinks too!" The Prince's sudden bout of excitement dampened a bit. "Am I to take it that despite your position, you aren't aware of what your government would do about me, Lord Stark?"

"I would like to keep talking, figure out our respective positions, and then amicably go from there. The people I represent trust me, or so they say, to handle first contact. Those people are part of and have a voice within our government structures, however, they aren't the only ones. Others might do what they believe is best for Earth or themselves and damn the consequences. The longer things remain peaceful, the harder certain courses of action would be to justify," I finished my tea. "If you ask, I'm not thrilled being responsible for this whole thing, yet not being fully in control of my sides' potential responses."

"I am familiar with the phenomena. General Tyr often bemoans what goes in court and how it influences his responsibilities, even if he is, at best, one voice among many," Thor nodded. "Ask your next question, Lord Stark," Thor decreed and finished his pancakes. He looked at Isabel.

"Your ribs are cooking, sir. We are eager to offer you something to drink or another snack until they get ready!"

"More of this hot chocolate! In the biggest mug you have!" Thor set his utensils aside and looked expectantly at me.

"You mentioned Earth is supposed to be a Protectorate of Asgard. We need more information on this topic, given past alien incursions. Because of them, SWORD is a thing in the first place."

We were finally getting to the most crucial part of what Thor stated earlier.

"Midgard is one of the Nine Realms and thus has been long claimed under Asgard's aegis and protection. Considering…." Thor paused, obviously choosing his words well, "How far your people had to come back in the day to even think about leaving the surface of your world, much less traveling the galaxy at large. Odin decided to leave Midgardians to their own devices. I know for a fact that we came to check up on you from time to time. The last major Aesir intervention was against the Ice Giants, who were trying to take over various realms centuries before my last visit to Midgard. I am unaware of anyone or anything meddling in Midgard. Heimdal should be keeping an eye out for any issues that matter. He is all-seeing."

So baring Heimdal, whose capabilities I knew not, the Asgard haven't been paying attention to Earth for centuries, then decided that throwing Thor here as an exile in still presumably medieval times was a good idea. If I took this at face value, there was a lot of Imperial arrogance.

"The Director of SWORD, General Danvers, is the sole survivor of an alien commando strike team that wiped out an Air Force base twenty or so years ago. SHIELD, our sister agency meant to protect from internal issues, discovered and fought a subversion attempt by aliens with the ability to shape-shift." I pointed out. This wasn't the time to discuss that Earth had radically changed since Asgard decreed us a protectorate chock-full of dumb primitives.

"Skrulls here on Midgard? They've been neck-deep fighting the Kree and clashing with the Nova Corps for decades!" Thor exclaimed. He took a few moments to calm himself before continuing. "That can explain it – they lack the military capacity to spare for a proper occupation and couldn't just bomb you into surrender without forcing our hand. Taking over covertly, on the other hand? If handled carefully, it had a chance of working. Heimdal might be able to see everything. However, there are only so many hours in the day, and many things require his attention. The attack on your base is more concerning. You've obviously advanced significantly more and faster than anyone on Asgard gave your people credit for; well done!" Thor grinned at me. "However, I need to know what you mean by an Air Base being wiped out by alien commandos. Depending on the scope of the base, its defenses, your capabilities, and your numbers, it could have been anything that hit the place. From a bunch of pirates to elite warriors from one of the major powers testings the waters, so to speak."

"And here we run into those classified things relating to defense I can't speak about without clearance from my government," I noted.

"Until and unless you get such clearance, and I have more information, Lord Stark, I can't say anything more about what might have happened or who might be responsible."

Isabel brought Thor a whole pot of steaming hot chocolate, making me wonder how we would handle him when on a sugar rush.

"You said your people trust you to handle first contact, Lord Stark. Why is that the case? You now know a few things about me, yet the reverse isn't true. Who are you?"

"That's a loaded question, more than you know, Prince Thor. The world at large knows me as a famous or infamous scientist, industrialist, and weapon manufacturer. Some call me the Merchant of Death; others proclaim me a savior for ushering in the coming of the fusion age. None of that makes me qualified to handle first contact. Not so long ago, I was a different man, content to spend my life partying, drinking, sleeping with any woman I could seduce into my bed, and tinkering with what got my fancy. Then, after presenting the newest weapon developed by my corporation to this country's military, my convoy was attacked by terrorists, and I ended up in a cave in the desert as their captive."

"You need to give more details, Lord Stark. Those are dry facts, not an epic for the bards to sing!" Thor chided me.

"I don't believe my life so far has been worthy of songs, thank you very much," Not that my opinion stopped music videos from cropping up on social media…. "While in captivity, I stumbled on an alien artifact containing the memories of a long-dead general. People thought it was a fancy toy and dismissed it. For some reason, while toying with it while recovering from wounds I suffered during my kidnapping, I activated the artifacts. Those alien memories merged with my own. As a result, I am the only one people on Earth know of who has any experience in dealing with aliens of any kind. It's another question how the damn device ended up on Earth because, according to my new memories, it's from a different galaxy altogether."

"How can you be sure of that?" Thor inquired.

"Traveling across the galaxy back then was common. You could cross it in a couple of days. I remember waging galaxy-wide wars, Thor. I know the shape of that galaxy or what the nearby ones looked like. They were nothing like the Milky Way; that's what we on Earth call ours."

"Those memories, they changed you?" Thor inquired.

"As I've lived a whole other life while stuck in that cave. They did help me fight my way out, so there's that. We are our memories and experiences, and thanks to that device, I am a different man."

"That makes sense," Thor nodded slowly and sipped from the pot. "Midgard gets more and more interesting. It's nothing like I expected. And fusion? That's an important first step if I recall my lessons right."

"It's a gateway to many technologies that won't be feasible until we have operational fusion reactors and could harness the cheap and clean power they will give us."

"Yes. Midgard is about to change even more, and fast at that," Thor concluded.

"In that regard, I would be remiss in my duties if I didn't ask for official diplomatic recognition and establishing of proper diplomatic links between our people." This was going to be vital in the long run. Thor's reaction was going to be telling one way or another.

"That would have been out of the question as far as the Midgard, I remember, is concerned. The Midgard here and now? I am not sure. I don't know enough about your people and capabilities. The one you are building with fusion technology? That is another question. When I return to court, I can speak with the All-Father, and we will see. However, first, there is the issue of my exile," Thor grumbled. "I am apparently to learn various lessons before I could begin redeeming myself."

That was more promising than I feared, if worse than I hoped for.

"Do tell? What do you think you need to learn? Why do you think your father exiled you in the first place, Prince Thor?"
Liking this a lot more than all the news article blurbs.
They were okay for giving background details but a lot of them ended up seeming very repetitive.
Maybe I might have missed stuff in them and that would give clues to the future, but at the same time I couldn't make myself do more than just skim them.

So very much enjoying the return to the story
'I agree, I only recently found this fic and just finished binge reading it and I skipped most of those chapters the only thing I was interested in was what Stark was doing with Star Wars
Personally they gave good context to the rest of the world
As much as I consider all the blurbs about the war in the middle east as necessary (probably for the future), I, as well, mostly skipped those and read only about tech development and SW franchise.

Just to be clear here - while I am glad you are enjoying this story, or at least parts of it, I am intentionally wrtiting it for a certain limited influence, which is interested at least as much in the world building, big picture, how the world changes, etc.. as any hero or character shenanigans, if not more. This is a big part of the reason why I brought the MCU down to ground in this timeline - so regular people, soldiers, militaries, etc... are not just relevant, but will often be as relevant if not more than the individual heroes who would be at best power multipliers for regular forces in order to be most effective.

This is explicitly not a traditional superhero, or even hero driven story like SW and MCU, which is indeed a bit odd considering the franchises I'm using. Which of course means, that many of their fans won't find this their cup of tea, and that is something I very much expected when I began writing it. In that regard, those news articles and such that cover how the wrold at large develops and changes? They are as important, and for certain people, more important, than the 'proper' story chapters.

Good to be back. I let it stack a bit coz nothing was being done in SHIELDRA meetings and all tech was waiting on material science. So I'm all for some time skips and news articles, though Iran and Afghanistan provinces and cities don't mean anything to me, it's enough to know who's winning and what new technology is deployed.
As annoying as they are, at least they're good for testing weapons here and keeping the armies active.

Power armor idea: durasteel layer, Star Wars ceramic, thin durasteel layer, shock absorbent paddding, cooling suit.
Mech cooling idea:
1. extendable radiators that can be used in cover
2. Disposable cheap ceramic plates - mech takes heat damage or heats from using too much power and ejects these plates, while still having primary cooling system

Buying BT is not a bad idea .Battletech is ASOAIF with mechs, thus Battletech > ASOAIF
Buying Games Workshop and give fans what they want, Warhammer 40k movies and tv shows or animation
Fix anime, Stark Anime studio, no more fake harems and tendering to stupid audience. Let the authors create their best.
Same for web/light novels, create a web site that will pay minimum wage to top authors who will earn bonus with royalties.

Trains are a Man's Romance, why not invest in railways and trains? We're only using so much cars today because of oil&car industry, not because they're more efficent than the ancient railways.

Since there won't be Ultron, perhaps an omake with Pepper pulling a Hermione and advocating droid freedom.

That's things the power armors will feature once the relevant materials and technologies get there. Until then, everyone will have to make do with regular personal armor, passive exoskeletos, powered exoskeletons, and eventually proper armored powered exoskeletons as the precursor of power armor.

You'll note that there will be a semantic distinction in capabilities and protection offered by power armor that combat exoskeletos won't incorporate. One of the big features aiding survival would be a gel layer for power armor that allows surviving explosions that would otherwise turn the wearer into a bag of ruptured organs and shattered bones, even if the armor's shell is relatively intact. Said gel would compress and distribute the shockwave isolating the person inside the armor, and making survivable explosions that would otherwise be deadly. This includes close HE artillery hits, frag grenades to the face and such, that would still fuck up powered exoskeletons even their armoring stops shrapnel cold.

Those plates sounds like easy to replace ablative armor. It would be a great medium step before proper SW super-conductive armor is available, which would take a lot of time. The latter basically disperses the energy throughout the whole armor structure and radiates out as much as possible. When struck by too much energy, it also acts as ablative armor, boiling away to protect the wearer, while at the same time retaining the structural integrity of traditional armor when struck by kinetics or energy weapons below certain threshold. Naturally, that armor becomes more and more effective as it scales up, up to capital ship armor belts.

Depending on the success or failure of the SI SW adventure, SI's Entertainment division and Sith Tony might go buy more and more franchises in the future. First however, they need to make up the money spent on getting SW. Then, realistically, due to Hannah loving Harry Potter, it will be trying to get that IP first, and developing it, before moving on others, that are a bit less famous the world over.

Trains are the useful kind of headache and infrastructure, neither SI, nor Sith Tony has had time to deal with as far as the US in particular is concerned. He can do only so much without going into politics directly, which for now is a big no-no for various reasons. In Europe, China, India and later other countries, with cheap fusion energy online, increasing the electric train infrastructure would look great. The US might get the memo one day too.
God I love stories where Thor is an actual person, espescialy one whose been groomed to be a king all his
life, of course over the course of centuries and millennia he'd pick up some political and scientific knowledge at least just from seeing it every day.
I think what makes the Thor movie shift interesting to read is that it provides a "So what?" There are countless stories that make changes and when a mainline event comes along it proceeds almost exactly the same as before. This provides a very nice satisfaction that this is not the same world at all. I enjoy the expression of normal complications.
Phase 11 Part 1
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 11: Party crashers


Part 1


Issabelle's Dinner
Puente Antiguo
New Mexico

After two more pots of hot chocolate and a more detailed retelling of how Thor ended up here, our guest still wasn't jumping around like a kid having a sugar rush. The ribs he ordered were still a few hours away from being ready. He was busy demolishing a big dish of eggs, bacon, and cheese, watering it all down with orange juice.

By now, I was sure I had a pretty good handle on the situation of how Thor ended up exiled, especially if his latest shenanigans were the latest in a long pattern instead of a one-off fuck-up by the numbers. I was also confident he would have a good chance of winning an eating competition against a hungry Wookie… if the Wookie was a smaller example of its species.

"Let's go in chronological order with the latest issues at hand," I began while Thor munched on crispy bacon. Say what you will, a dinner in a small town so far was a better place to hold diplomatic negotiations than many others I've had to suffer back in my day.

"Yes, let's!" The Prince nodded eagerly.

"There were obviously Ice Giants involved in the break-in that led to the whole fiasco, right?"

"Yes, we caught them red-handed! There were even a few that would live long enough to be interrogated! There certainly were recordings from the Destroyer and pieces of Ice Giants left after that thing father uses as a security for the deep vaults finished blasting them to bits!"

Where's HK-117 when you need him? That assassin droid could solve all kinds of sticky problems I would inevitably face in the future.

"Deniable assets? False flag operations? Do those words ring a bell?" I asked.

Thor pouted at me while chewing on more bacon, which wasn't generally good. No matter how bad for your health, bacon was bacon, full stop.

"I really didn't think in those terms. There was a clear enemy in front of me, yet Father wanted to waste time with diplomacy and more investigations!"

Even going by his mixed emotions, I wasn't sure if Thor was trying to justify himself or merely explaining precisely what happened.

"First, before we discuss this in detail, which we should, I must ask you two pointed questions, Prince Thor," I shifted gears while trying to figure out what outcome would best serve Earth and me. A friendly future ruler of an interstellar Empire would fit the bill. However, an incompetent ruler, or a mediocre one who loathed the job and had no intention of improving themselves, could be a disaster in the making.

"One, do you want to one day rule Asgard? Do you want your father's throne and all that entails? Two, if not, are you prepared for the consequences of someone else sitting on that throne and getting it wrong?"

Thor's face scrunched in a complicated series of expressions, which did their best, yet miserably failed to mirror his rampaging emotions. Oppressive silence fell upon the dinner. Everyone was eager to see what would happen next, as if this was a soap opera they were die-hard fans of.

"It's my birthright. Me taking the throne after Odin one day passes? It is what everyone expects," Thor looked oddly at me. "I think you are the first person to ask me if I want it, Lord Stark. Some believe that I am not worthy. Hel, perhaps even Loki, believes he might do a better job of it. Yet, even he never asked if I wanted the damn position in the first place!" Thor snapped, then slumped in his seat. "To tell the truth, Lord Stark, I don't really know. Before my exile? I would have said I wanted it! It was mine! But now that you asked? After I got exiled by my Father for being unworthy? I don't know. I also don't know who besides Loki might replace me as an heir, much less what they would do if they ever tried to do my Father's job."

That admission was like opening a festering wound and letting it drain. After it, Thor felt exhausted and the calmest since I met him.

"People are not born rulers, though they might inherit talents that make it more feasible. It's something you are taught and, more importantly, have to learn on the job because no substitute could fully prepare you for it. Leadership, diplomacy, oratory lessons, knowledge about the military and military service… those are all foundations to build upon if you are fortunate enough to have them. Finding the right support base, the right people to fill in for your shortcomings can be more important than any other trait you have as a leader."

"The right councilors and advisers," Thor nodded in agreement. "Father is always trying to find the best, and the court is constantly trying to shove their candidates in his face."

"Such people often have their own agenda. At best, ideas they want to implement and believe would serve your nation better than any alternatives. At worst, they're merely masking their lust for power and how they serve themselves with clever words."

"I hate such duplicity! It has no place among honorable warriors!"

"In that, military leadership and leading a nation can differ greatly. There is no place for honorable warriors following their hearts and honor at the head of a nation unless you have an uncontested military advantage against everyone, both domestic and foreign. That much I can tell you from bitter experience."

"You were a warrior? Not just a commander?" Thor asked.

"I still am, to an extent, a warrior at heart, yet that was often not enough. Ruling and politics are different battlefields, requiring different skills and mindsets. There are often enemies in the shadows you can't openly strike at because you can't distinguish them from your friends and allies. Honor has its place and the reputation of being honorable as well. Just don't let it be a weapon used to bring you down," I chuckled bitterly. "Of course, nowadays, I'm stuck in a body that betrays me, crippled by metal in my chest. The path of the warrior is now closed for me. You, on the other hand…." I raised an eyebrow at Thor.

"I don't know if I want the throne. However, I do know that want might not come into it. There can be others who would be worse leaders of Asgard than me. I might have to become Odin's worthy heir no matter what my heart cries for!" Thor decided.

His certainty was a bright, reassuring flame. The question was would it remain that way?

"I should have waited for a proper investigation, right?" Thor changed the topic.

"As a ruler, just because you have a just cause for a military intervention doesn't mean you should execute one. In the same vein, sometimes, even an excuse could and should be enough. It is all in the details, Prince Thor. What is Asgard's strategic situation? What other enemies might wait for a distraction before striking? Could you afford a campaign against the Ice Giants? Do you have another choice? Will a potential victory serve Asgard best?" I gave him food for thought. "Those are just a few of the questions that your Father should have answered for himself before ordering a retaliation. Don't get me started on what your story implied about your incursion against the Ice Giants. A few friends and some Royal Guards? I hope you were greatly understating things there…."

The wave of guilt and shame that erupted from Thor was telling me all I needed to know in general about that stunt. A young Prince, who wasn't so young, did something dumb that could have killed many people and sparked a war. That was an ancient story, no matter the galaxy we were in.

"Aye, you are right, Lord Stark! I will think long and hard about the consequences of starting a war or just a punitive expedition. There are other things that the immediate offenders to consider! All I thought was the glory of combat! Of the heroism and accolades to win!"

"There are always heroes in wars, Prince Thor. There are heroes as long as there are wars until the wars end or there is no one left to fight. Glory can be a relative thing. It doesn't bring the dead back to life. It doesn't heal the broken in mind or body, neither it replenishes the spent resources, nor does it bring back the lost equipment. In my experience, glory is the privilege of the powerful and a drug for the masses."

"The Lady Sif and the Warriors Three, Loki too, the Jotun couldn't match us when working together. We were generally faster and stronger. We were better trained and equipped. Yet, the Royal Guard, even with their peerless equipment, couldn't properly keep up. They kept suffering casualties, and the Jotun kept coming…." Thor said with a far-off look on his face. "We barely held the line when Odin came and brought us back with the Bifrost. I was so angry at being pushed back, at not winning the glorious victory I believed we were owed… I didn't think, and when Father criticized me, I was in no state to think clearly or listen. I was just so angry that he wasn't the one to lead us against the Jotun! I… I fucked up," Thor bitterly admitted.
God I love stories where Thor is an actual person, espescialy one whose been groomed to be a king all his
life, of course over the course of centuries and millennia he'd pick up some political and scientific knowledge at least just from seeing it every day.
I think what makes the Thor movie shift interesting to read is that it provides a "So what?" There are countless stories that make changes and when a mainline event comes along it proceeds almost exactly the same as before. This provides a very nice satisfaction that this is not the same world at all. I enjoy the expression of normal complications.

That's a major point if this story arc, and it will set things up for radical changes after the Battle of New York, and the Dark Elf Incursion that will follow, which would be further catalysts for change both for Earth and Asgard. We should also be seeing a Thor who has grown as a character, and coming into his own as the future ruller of Asgard.
What's the state of Asgard, did you modify/enlarge it like in game to reality fics where game city is smol with few NPCs but in the fic it's real-sized? I find it bizarre that they know of sci-fi galactic empires and Thor knowing what fusion is, yet they're stuck in medieval part magical age with only a few thousand in total population.
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What's the state of Asgard? I find it bizarre that they know of sci-fi galactic empires and Thor knowing what fusion is, yet they're stuck in medieval part magical age with only a few thousand in total population.

Magitec society that's a fallen empire, which drank way too much warrior culture cool-aid. There are orders of magnitude more Asgardians, and Asgard is larger that we saw in the MCU movies, however individually, the Aesir, including the top examples like Thor and company, are far less powerful, tougher, etc... There will be fractions of their old military left that are formidable and outside of aesthetics are a far cry from what we saw on screen. However, those would generally be few and far between until and unless Asgard enters a resurgence period.
What's the state of Asgard(did you modify/enlarge it like in game to reality fics where game city is smol with few NPCs but in the fic it's real-sized)? I find it bizarre that they know of sci-fi galactic empires and Thor knowing what fusion is, yet they're stuck in medieval part magical age with only a few thousand in total population.
I think the medieval part is aesthetic choice.

And the few population might have something to do with how powerful the race is?

After all, one of the generic xianxia tropes that is applicable here is that the stronger a lifeform is, the longer it's lifespan usually is. And also the harder it is to reproduce.

Legendary creatures like the Primordial Divine Dragons or such things might only hatch after spending millions of years as egg.

So, yeah...

Considering Thor (in MCU) survived getting blasted by the fire of a dying star, the basic Asgardian package should be much greater than basic "Human" package.
I think the medieval part is aesthetic choice.

And the few population might have something to do with how powerful the race is?

After all, one of the generic xianxia tropes that is applicable here is that the stronger a lifeform is, the longer it's lifespan usually is. And also the harder it is to reproduce.

Legendary creatures like the Primordial Divine Dragons or such things might only hatch after spending millions of years as egg.

So, yeah...

Considering Thor (in MCU) survived getting blasted by the fire of a dying star, the basic Asgardian package should be much greater than basic "Human" package.

That example is one of the things that I'm outright ignoring. If Thor was anywhere near as durable as that, almost nothing else in the MCU should be able to touch him. The implications of theis are extreme, just like it makes it even harder to believe that anyone else survives being in his vicinity when he faces opponents that might make him break a nail or something, much less credible threats. I prefer things consistent in my stories, thank you very much.
That example is one of the things that I'm outright ignoring. If Thor was anywhere near as durable as that, almost nothing else in the MCU should be able to touch him. The implications of theis are extreme, just like it makes it even harder to believe that anyone else survives being in his vicinity when he faces opponents that might make him break a nail or something, much less credible threats. I prefer things consistent in my stories, thank you very much.
That scene is where Marvel gave him durability from the comic book, where he is an actual god. Pity they didn't went full god, but just a powerful alien.
Phase 11 Part 2
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 11: Party crashers


Part 2


Aesir prison realm

Some days, it was easier to imagine that the shades surrounding her, and trying to keep her sane, were the real people they looked, talked to, and felt like. On other days, the charade was pure torture.

Either way, without those engrams, Hela would have gone far beyond insane a long time ago. It didn't help that out of her prison, her Valkyries were gone. They had been gone for centuries upon centuries now. This prison was the closest she could ever be to a home that no longer was.

Hela was content to watch her Valkyries train. Some of them dueled, and others fought in melee, maintaining flawless formations. Many others prepared for the real wars their kind was meant to fight and win. Magnificent war machines blending Asgard's best technology and mastery of magic strode across deadly battlefields, reaping countless lives with their magi-tech armaments. Drones, fighters, strike craft, and bombers swarmed in the sky and low orbit, fending off an endless stream of worthy opponents. Above them, the silver hulls of Asgard warships cleaved the heavens with divine fire.

It was glorious. It was all an illusion. Hela wasn't sure if she cared anymore as long as she could lose herself in this blend of memories and simulated battles. Days flew by like heartbeats, and months and years blurred into centuries until one day, the very fabric of the prison rippled. The shift found Hela in the command center of a massive battleship, overseeing the invasion of a simulated Nova Empire.

The shades of her closest confidants and most trusted offices froze in the face of Odin's projection that walked in as if he belonged.

"Hela," Odin sounded and looked tired.

He was old, much older than the last time he dared show his face. How many centuries it was since he came to gloat after spawning himself a replacement for her, Hela wondered. Not that it mattered.

"King Odin," she hissed back, yet to her surprise, the venom in her voice had dried out sometime over the endless centuries she spent here. "Here to gloat, Your Majesty?" She made a mockery of a proper bow.

"I am contemplating my mistakes, General," Odin surprisingly admitted.

"Did your golden-haired son disappoint you? What was my replacement's name anyway? It has been so long since you mentioned it. Or visit, for that matter," Hela smiled after she could bring a semblance of her usual venom in her voice. It was just a fraction of what Odin deserved.

"Thor is my son! He was never meant to be your replacement!" Odin barked, and the whole prison realm shivered at his anger.

So there was some fire left in the old man's belly.

"Of course not. He was meant to be better, wasn't he? Less of a failure. An obedient little soldier," Hela spat. "He is your son. Yet you refuse to acknowledge me as your daughter. Hela. General. Weapon. Mistake. Monster. Butcher." Hela wagged her fingers at Odin as she spoke. "But never, your daughter! Not after you made me your weapon and threw me at Asgard's enemies!"

"I might not have been the best of parents. I wanted you to be what Asgard needed," Odin sighed. "Just like with Thor."

"What happened? Did my replacement get himself killed?"

"I exiled him to Midgard," Odin surprised her again.

"That primitive place? What did he do? Start a war?"

"He did his best to do so," Odin grumbled.

"Why isn't he here then?" Hela snapped.

"You did much more than try to start a war. You were the commander of Asgard's armies, the leader of the Valkyries!" Odin's voice shook the whole realm. "Thor didn't have a fraction of the authority I trusted you with!" Odin closed his eye as if it pained him to look at her. "He betrayed my trust and endangered Asgard just like you did anyway!"

Hela laughed at that. "Then I might like to meet the boy and congratulate him. He couldn't be all bad then!"

Odin narrowed his eye at her and waved a hand. "You want to encourage this?" Odinforce flowed into the prison, forming an illusion of a large blond man sitting in a strange place. He was conversing with a shorter man, dark of hair and eyes.

What they discussed made Odin shut up and stare at the illusion in disbelief. Hela followed suit, curiously observing her little brother and his companion. This was the first time she had seen him since Thor was a few years old, which was the last time Odin deigned to visit and torment her with visions of what was forever out of her grasp.

"A mortal appears to have more sense than you did back then, mighty King Odin!" Hela found herself again surprised that day, this time by her genuine and merry laughter. "Are you going to summon not-so-little Thor away from that bad influence?"

Hela looked at Odin, who had an odd, contemplative expression.

"He had access to the best teachers, thinkers, and philosophers on Asgard, yet he didn't pay them any attention. Now, he's listening to a Midgardian of all people?!" Odin exclaimed in bafflement. "At least the man isn't a fool. Where did I go wrong with that boy? Where did I go wrong with you, Hela?"

"I have a very long list!"



Loki stood behind Heimdall, weaving illusions to allow them both to see what the Watcher's sight observed about Thor. From all the expectations Loki had about his brother? This wasn't it.

Why couldn't Thor do anything right, including fail? At this rate, and because of that damned mortal, his brother might prove himself redeemed and worthy of the throne! If that happened, Loki didn't know what he would do. He could never compare or compete with a real son of Odin in the AllFather's eyes. Thor's continued failures and, well, Thor being himself, were the only path he had to power and a future in Asgard.

Loki paced behind the distracted Heimdall. He had to do something about this while he still could. Why would Thor listen to a random mortal anyway?! It wasn't like that man was a font of unprecedented wisdom! Loki could have told his fool of a brother the same, only if Thor sat down and listened! That he was doing so with a random stranger, instead of anyone from Asgard, much less Loki himself, hurt worse than the trickster believed possible!


Issabelle's Diner
Puente Antiguo
New Mexico

"Prince Thor, I will be remiss in my duties if I don't ask certain questions about the Frost Giants. From what you told me so far, I can't just assume your people will immediately intervene in case of Frost Giant incursion on Earth due to your presence. Dealing with something like that, without further aid from Asgard, is something your father might decide is part of your penance. That is especially true if we're talking about a limited incursion compared to a full-scale invasion. What are we looking at as a threat assessment? Military capabilities? Numbers? Preferred tactics?" I could absolutely see a certain kind of bastard doing something like this and using the resulting fallout as both a teaching opportunity and a way to remind the primitives that they needed their betters' protection.

Thor lit up at those questions. Excitement, eagerness to please, and need to be validated and recognized mixed with other, less acute emotions.

"That I can help with. I've clashed multiple times with the Jotun, including here on Earth, during their last invasion, when they managed to capture parts of what you call Scandinavia, I believe!"

"Do go on," I nodded. Every soldier in the diner leaned forward and was ready to literally or figuratively take notes on the tactical information we were about to receive.

"Now, unless they're cloaked with magic, there's no mistaking them. Jotun is, on average larger than me. They are tough bastards with obvious blue, gray, or mixed skin that often have colored patterns like waves or ripples. The Jotun tend to have ridges on their faces; sometimes, it's hardened skin; others, they're actual bone crests. Tactically and practically, they seldom use technology, relying on innate control of ice magic. The Jotun use it to form hardened armor around their bodies and various melee weapons around their limbs – from spikes and blades to spears and the like. They can create and launch hardened, razor-sharp ice shards that can penetrate advanced armor, making them dangerous at range, especially for those who are unaware of such abilities and underestimate them."

That covered basic infantry and physical overview. They did sound like nasty customers, especially if their ice armor, general toughness, and speed allowed them to get in close quarters. That would be deadly for our infantry.

"What about vehicles, air force, the like?"

"Air has always been a big weakness for them. Outside a limited number of Ice Dragons, which can be dangerous beasts at the best of times, the Jotun usually rely on using the Casket of Ancient Winters to create ice storms that ground combat and transport aircraft by either shredding them or freezing them over and forcing them to land. That was the artifact that I thought they were after. It binds much of their realm's magic and ensures they aren't a major offensive threat as long as it was under our control and sealed within Asgard's vaults."

Now, that would be a nasty out-of-context problem to deal with. It would cripple mobility, reconnaissance, air support, and perhaps even artillery, shaping the battlefield into one that plays to the enemy's strength and mitigates those of a modern military.

"Naturally, the Frost Giants won't be bothered by murderous winter and the ice storms?" I asked lightly.

"Their Frost Giants, of course not!" Thor scoffed. "While they can live in all reasonable climates, they thrive in the cold."

A magi-tech climate control device that doubles as a super-weapon. My inner scientist wasn't sure if it wanted to squeeze in glee at the idea and possibilities or scream in vexation.

"Combat vehicles and the like? Heavy weapons the Frost Giants favor?"

"Trained war-beasts and frost magic, which can be versatile and deadly; however, those who can utilize it for more than direct attacks are few and far between. They tend to be primary targets to take out. As for the beasts," Thor grimaced. "To be honest, awakening one of them was among the reasons we began to retreat. That thing was nearly as tall as this building, and its torso alone was larger than the first few floors. It took me multiple strikes with Mjolnir with all the power of the storm and lighting behind them to fend it off. You need heavy weapons or enchanted blades to pierce their tough hide, which can be a challenge even if they don't have ice armor."

If those things visited in force, we would have to rely on direct-fire weaponry and, at best short-range artillery. Anything longer-ranged would be potentially useless due to ice magic. Joy. Naturally, any force set up to exclusively counter the Ice Giant threat would be lacking against a different opponent.

I foresaw many sleepless nights in the Pentagon and other such facilities worldwide.

"What are their usual tactics?"

"The Jotun would prefer to advance under cover of a storm, which they can make even without the Casket, though those won't shred or necessarily down aircraft depending on how tough and capable they are. Ice Drakes and Dragons would hit defensive lines, followed by war-beasts and large numbers of Jotun aiming to exploit the chaos to get to grips with the defenders. On the defense, they would use the cold and storms to weaken the enemy, then counter-attack in terrain and places that maximize their natural advantages and minimize the enemy's strengths."
Where did I go wrong with that boy? Where did I go wrong with you, Hela?"

"I have a very long list!"
A several centuries old long list. But yeah,lets have Hela list it all!
If that happened, Loki didn't know what he would do. He could never compare or compete with a real son of Odin in the AllFather's eyes.
Well its not like MCU Loki actually wanted the throne,only Odins love ,approval and acknowledgement of him as his son.

That he was doing so with a random stranger, instead of anyone from Asgard, much less Loki himself, hurt worse than the trickster believed possible!
He does have a point. Which makes the whole thing so much more painful for Loki.
"Where did I go wrong with you, Hela?"

"I have a very long list!"
If the sagas are anything approaching correct? This is very, very true. Hela is not the only family member thrown into the cold, either.

He does have a point. Which makes the whole thing so much more painful for Loki.
Yeeeees.... but the fact Loki found this out while he was already in the middle of plotting to mess things up for Thor, for Loki's own profit? It's kind of telling. The ruling family of Aasgard seems VERY dysfunctional. Which is not exactly surprising.

"Do go on," I nodded. Every soldier in the diner leaned forward and was ready to literally or figuratively take notes on the tactical information we were about to receive.
This thing? Both a way to improve relations with Thor - and to make everything else happening that day worth it, and then some, it in the eyes of any military personell given the chance to read up on the briefing about it later. Military data about national to continent-scale threats that have a good chance of going active? That kind of matters.

An obvious idea is actually "network of seismic sensors" to find out where the giants stomp around, and use that to aim long-range artillery on them. "Groups of house-sized monsters" and "Army of giants" should give a lot of seismic data. Doesn't matter that much if you can't see them, if you know where they are well enough to use artillery anyway. But it depends on having a lot of boxes with sensors ready to drop, connections with seismic listening posts, analysis stations, and procedures to hand the information to the artillery in good ways. Probably needs gear and training with both it, and coordination, and good ways of hiding deployable sensors in the terrain, to really work well. Would probably work for targeting with high-altitude bombers too, as they can go faaaar over the clouds.
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Just to be clear here - while I am glad you are enjoying this story, or at least parts of it, I am intentionally wrtiting it for a certain limited influence, which is interested at least as much in the world building, big picture, how the world changes, etc.. as any hero or character shenanigans, if not more. This is a big part of the reason why I brought the MCU down to ground in this timeline - so regular people, soldiers, militaries, etc... are not just relevant, but will often be as relevant if not more than the individual heroes who would be at best power multipliers for regular forces in order to be most effective.
I didn't have any issues with the worldbuilding but the format made it tedious to read for several chapters straight, I enjoy the articles at the end of each chapter and I just kinda lost interest with the impersonal method of mass information distribution, I liked the Star Wars articles for two reasons 1. There was a person behind the words and emotions 2. The subject itself was something I found funny.

I recon if I was reading those Chapters as they came out it wouldn't be as bad but reading them one after the other made me bored and I skipped until I had more character interactions.

I may have missed it but changing the format to a talk show retrospective might've been better as you can get all that information without it reading like a dozen newspaper headlines while also allowing more of Starks opinions to show.

I love the world building and I'll probably reread those chapters later but while I was binge reading it, the information just started to blend together
Pentagons main takeaway from this, Napalm, White Phosphorus and Plasma guns

oh and of course probably stockpiling DPU and other ultra penetrative rounds for everything from 9mm to direct fire arty
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A several centuries old long list. But yeah,lets have Hela list it all!

Well its not like MCU Loki actually wanted the throne,only Odins love ,approval and acknowledgement of him as his son.

That's one of the big reasons why Odin went to visit Hela for the first time since shortly after Thor was born, when he did it in part to tell her the good news - she had a little brother now, which didn't go down well as we saw. Odin is now contemplating his failures as a father, and a kind as far as ensuring stable succession goes, and didn't even think of Loki under the circumstances. So yeah...

If the sagas are anything approaching correct? This is very, very true. Hela is not the only family member thrown into the cold, either.

Yeeeees.... but the fact Loki found this out while he was already in the middle of plotting to mess things up for Thor, for Loki's own profit? It's kind of telling. The ruling family of Aasgard seems VERY dysfunctional. Which is not exactly surprising.

This thing? Both a way to improve relations with Thor - and to make everything else happening that day worth it, and then some, it in the eyes of any military personell given the chance to read up on the briefing about it later. Military data about national to continent-scale threats that have a good chance of going active? That kind of matters.

An obvious idea is actually "network of seismic sensors" to find out where the giants stomp around, and use that to aim long-range artillery on them. "Groups of house-sized monsters" and "Army of giants" should give a lot of seismic data. Doesn't matter that much if you can't see them, if you know where they are well enough to use artillery anyway. But it depends on having a lot of boxes with sensors ready to drop, connections with seismic listening posts, analysis stations, and procedures to hand the information to the artillery in good ways. Probably needs gear and training with both it, and coordination, and good ways of hiding deployable sensors in the terrain, to really work well. Would probably work for targeting with high-altitude bombers too, as they can go faaaar over the clouds.

Now, in this timeline, and in the MCU, or even Marvel comics, the sagas should be different due to actual Asgard shenanigans. That said, in what happened, neither Hela nor Odin covered themselves in glory so to speak. Both had good reasons from where they stood for what they pushed for, then predictably fucked it up by the numbers, which was a big reason why Asgard entered a decline that is yet to be reversed.

Yes, there are many issues for many people and whole realms caused by Odin's A class parenting. When all is said and done, he's the King, the buck ends with him, no matter if he likes it or not. The whole mess with Loki is on him, though Loki isn't exactly innocent in any universe...

Gradually, Sith Tony is getting more and more respect and admiration from the military, and given his various position, this will mean less and less qualms about receiving orders from him. You'll note that the Frost Giants while somewhat larger than Thor aren't actual giants in this timeline. Seismic sensors wouldn't be very useful for pinpointing the Jotun for long-range artillery, however they should be useful for taking out their war-beasts. A big issue will be the Ice Dragons - most conventional AA missiles wouldn't have the oomph to get through their scales due to how they work. At this point, only the Russians and to a lesser extent the Chinese build big AA missiles that might get the job done with a direct hit. Hellfires and other antitank ordnance would be better in the role of taking those down. The same is going to be true for any alien small craft in the future. They are going to be tough, and expected to survive micrometeor strikes when operating in orbit or space. The fragmentation warheads most AA missiles have would do little more than scratch the paint.

A big problem for large countries like the US is the scope of the seismic sensor networks needed among other things. People will balk at the expense of any proposal and likely go for cheaper sensors, or an expensive sensor packages that would be useful against other threat types as well. Besides that, the idea is novel and out of the box.

I didn't have any issues with the worldbuilding but the format made it tedious to read for several chapters straight, I enjoy the articles at the end of each chapter and I just kinda lost interest with the impersonal method of mass information distribution, I liked the Star Wars articles for two reasons 1. There was a person behind the words and emotions 2. The subject itself was something I found funny.

I recon if I was reading those Chapters as they came out it wouldn't be as bad but reading them one after the other made me bored and I skipped until I had more character interactions.

I may have missed it but changing the format to a talk show retrospective might've been better as you can get all that information without it reading like a dozen newspaper headlines while also allowing more of Starks opinions to show.

I love the world building and I'll probably reread those chapters later but while I was binge reading it, the information just started to blend together

Well, it's just that, those updates, were mostly not about Stark, or his oppinions. They were about what happens to the world at large and this was the fastest and shortest way to get it done. Otherwise just the parts surrounding Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq could be their own damn technothriller.

Pentagons main takeaway from this, Napalm, White Phosphorus and Plasma guns

oh and of course probably stockpiling DPU and other ultra penetrative rounds for everything from 9mm to direct fire arty

There will be also an emphasis on heavy direct firepower and peer on peer engagements without the benefit of air superiority, or even air cover, something that the US, NATO, and their closest allies usually all but take for granted. This means integrated tons of artillery and all kinds of AA systems on per unit level in order to make up for the potential neutral or hostile skies.
If not seismic then heat cameras...wait... I got nothing.
Me like the more realistic Asgard, maybe Jotuns haven't been sitting idle for centuries and created a lesser Casket or other artifacts and doctrine?
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Yeeeees.... but the fact Loki found this out while he was already in the middle of plotting to mess things up for Thor, for Loki's own profit? It's kind of telling. The ruling family of Aasgard seems VERY dysfunctional. Which is not exactly surprising
Well at least they are doing better than the Greek olympians. Although to be fair those guys are not at the bottom in regards to divine family disfunction.
Phase 11 Part 3
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 11: Party crashers


Part 3


New York

Being the Director of SWORD was a pain on a good day. Today wasn't one of those rare occasions. Carol Danvers had to deal with aliens, who might just be rich fucks playing around with Earth, the Oversight Council, coordinating SWORD Strike Teams across the continental United States in preparation for a potential alien incursion, and now, all but certain SHIELD complications.

At least so far, Stark was living up to all the promises he made and was exceeding expectations. It was depressing the man who an alien entity might have compromised was causing less trouble than the people meant to deal with such issues in the first place.

"Fury is aware of the issue. However, he is taking advantage of it. Agent Coulson is in nominal command of the SHIELD units en route and is supposed to be as level-headed as they come. Coulson also has a working relationship with Mr. Stark, so that might help smooth over any issues," Hawley reported. As one of the Councilors that oversaw both organizations, the British woman had unique insight.

"Are you seriously telling us they will use the illegal alien excuse? What is this? A bad movie?" The Chinese Councilor demanded.

"What are you going to tell us next that you would have handled things better internally?" Akira snipped at her colleague.

"I would love to tell you all that we now have control of all our internal factions," Yen appeared deadly serious for a few moments, then grimaced. "Sadly, I can't."

Danvers had to remind herself that all these bastards were career politicians taught to steal candies from babies with a smile before they could even learn to walk. Playing poker with them was out of the question.

"I am contractually obliged to inform you that my government will take all due advantage of any diplomatic blunders our American counterparts manage to stumble into happily. We also regret any potential waste of Mr. Stark's good work." Yen continued.

"That idiocy aside, we have other more immediate issues to discuss. There's no guarantee that an alien incursion aiming at Thor from those Frost Giants will land on US soil or anywhere near New Mexico. We must assume that any airborne quick reaction force we dispatch could be significantly hindered in reaching the area in question. The same goes for Air Support." General Scudder interrupted them. As SOCOM's CO, he would provide the first reaction forces after SWORD in any alien incursion on US soil or near bases worldwide where US special forces were deployed.

"We need to re-evaluate various assumptions and combat doctrines," That admission physically pained Carol as someone who had been serving in the US Air Force for decades. Her whole branch being rendered impotent by a magic ice storm was not what they had planned. A tremendous reduction in capabilities by a sudden and unexpected ice age? Sure. A magical storm that can shred alien planes that are likely way tougher than a Warthog? Not quite.


Issabelle's Diner
Puente Antiguo
New Mexico

"We'll have to stockpile a lot of winter equipment, among other things, just in case then," I noted after Thor finished explaining the threat that the Jotun.

"Aye, Lord Stark, that makes sense. From what I recall, you Midgardian don't handle the elements as well as we do, and even we can't brave Jotunheim's storms for long without proper protection from the cold," Thor agreed. "It's my turn to ask questions."

"As away. I'll do my best to answer."

"Tell me, or better, show me more of Midgard as it is now. The more I think of it, the more sure I am that even if you bring me to Mjolnir right now, I might be unable to pick it up due to Odin still considering me unworthy."

Now Thor felt more resigned than angry and frustrated at the situation.

"So that's a thing then."

"Someone tried to pick it up, didn't they?" Thor chuckled. "Only someone worthy could pick it and use its basic abilities."

"I'm sure Private Alba will somehow survive the revelation he wasn't worthy of Asgard's Throne."

"Most people aren't. Now, I'm included too, so he is in good company," I wasn't sure if Thor was joking, and judging by his emotions, neither was he.

"As for showing some of Earth, both the good and likely the bad and embarrassing, someone switches on the TV."

A remote appeared in Isabella's hands, and she did so. A not particularly large flat screen came to life and turned on CNN.

"This is Jonathan Heller, back from the civil war in Iran! I'm with the Fifth Armored Division, the 'Lyons of Babylon,' which just entered the outskirts of Sufian! With the town contested, the last major supply line to Tabriz is in Loyalist's hands, cutting off estimated two Divisions of Revolutionary Guard and assorted Irregular forces dug into the city. On the following day, infantry will secure the town properly and dig in, releasing the Fifth Armored for further combat operations to secure the North of the country. At the same time, more appropriate Loyalist forces reduce the radicals trapped at Tabriz!"

"You have your own problems, it seems," Thor concluded.

"I've never claimed Earth is fully united. However, I am speaking with the baking of the most powerful nations on the planet," I elaborated on my position.

"That type of fighting is more like the Kree, Skrull, and Nova Corps on the ground and unlike how proper warriors do it. While it works, it lacks honor and glory," Thor grumbled. "General Tyr might love it here," He grudgingly added. "He hasn't been a fan of what we do for as long as I could remember."

There were many exciting implications that I could reach from such a statement.

The news shifted to the ongoing fighting in Afghanistan. While that did reveal some of our military capabilities, being on the news meant it wasn't classified. If we were to establish proper diplomatic channels, Asgard would know that and much more by switching a TV in their embassy if they ever deemed us worthy of one.

"This looks like used to be what we did across the Nine Realms to keep the peace – we had to go out often and break a few heads until people got the idea that killing each other for no good reason wasn't something Father approves of. Some of them are hard learners, so we had our hands full," Thor commented while watching. "However, we seldom ran into modern weapons. While enhanced weaponry was used against us, that merely made things sporting. It was nothing like that mess…." Thor grimaced at seeing a coordinated missile strike on an advancing ANA formation that gutted it before the Taliban counter-attacked, only to get blown up by Coalition forces waiting in reserve.

Thor looked at me and nodded grudgingly. "You were right, Lord Stark, there is a place for honor, and there is a place for getting the job done. You aren't Aesir. Expecting you to fight like us would be foolish and suicidal for you. I believe you are on the right track from what I see, though you will need much better weapons and armor if you want to stand against what lies beyond Midgard. You might want to look for inspiration from how we used to wage war when our magics and technology were less developed and their meld was less potent. Or how the Kree, Skrull, and Nova Corps do it."

"I would love to see how they fight and get my hands on some of their equipment to work on," It was my turn to perk up. "You wouldn't have to have some of it that they've accidentally misplaced?"

"They haven't been foolish enough to make an incursion in Asgard territory or openly enter one of our Protectorates," Thor shook his head, and his hair followed suit like a lion's mane. "It has been a very long time since we openly clashed."
If not seismic then heat cameras...wait... I got nothing.
Me like the more realistic Asgard, maybe Jotuns haven't been sitting idle for centuries and created a lesser Casket or other artifacts and doctrine?

Well at least they are doing better than the Greek olympians. Although to be fair those guys are not at the bottom in regards to divine family disfunction.

So far, what we know for certain about the Jotun is that Thor's incursion went more or less like in the movie, with Thor and company bringing a bunch of Royal Guard due to being less of powerhouses themselves. They did get chased off and nearly overran by a Jotun only wielding Ice Magic and one of their War-Beasts, who were using usual tactics -taking advantage of their abilities and terrain to blunt the attack, then counter-attack and would have succeeded in it wasn't for Oding arriving on a Bifrost bolt to save the day.

The Jotun might have various surprised hidden away for a rainy day in case they end up in another all-out war with Asgard, ideally when the Aesir are distracted by a different enemy.
Wait....did you make Hela reasonable?!

That's really cool, honestly.
I really liked her MCU character, but having a more sane version of her that is still recognisably Hela is really nice and novel.
Phase 11 Part 4
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 11: Party crashers


Part 4



Odin used the Bifrost to depose himself within his palace, near where he could feel Frigga's presence. He used Gungnir as a walking staff, feeling his full age. The fury and frustration weighed him down. Those, combined with all the power he had to expend to smooth things over with the Jotun and to save those foolish children, meant that he needed to rest and let magic replenish within his aging body.

Friga came out to meet him, striding down a long glittering corridor with a golden gown fluttering in her wake. Her ladies and guards respectfully remained behind.

"Odin," He knew the frost tone was coming, and perhaps in part deserved it, if not for exiling Thor but letting things deteriorate to the point it was necessary.

"Wife," Odin nodded tiredly. "I am sure you'll find it pleasing that our son found someone to listen to on Midgard, of all places. He might actually redeem himself."

"You didn't expect him to?" Frigga glowered. Magic rippled around her. That was a testament to how furious she was to let it slip out of her grasp that way.

"I had many expectations of our children, and they kept failing them. Now it's Loki's turn. I'll rest for a bit, and we will see what he would do of Asgard with a small taste of the power he desires."

Do I need to tell you that you are making a mistake? It's not your throne Loki really wants," Frigga chided him.

"Perhaps that wasn't what he wanted. It is still what he desires now, and it is within his grasp with Thor exiled. We will see if he can be more than a trickster content to amuse himself with parlor tricks."

"On your head, be it then, husband," Frigga shook her head and marched back towards her favorite gardens.

A surge of the Bifrost deposited Odin within his bedchamber. Another one brought Loki to him. The King let go of Gungnir, and the weapon hovered in the air between them.

"Father?" Loki looked wide-eyed at him.

"While your brother is exiled, you will have a chance to prove yourself, Loki. Do not disappoint me." A thought sent Gungnir floating within Loki's grasp.

Odin huffed at the continued incredulity of his adopted son. A surge of magic got him out of his armor and into a set of comfortable clothes.

"Do you mind? I am tired, Loki. Go rule and prove yourself!"

Loki nodded rapidly, muttering thanks, and ran out of the bedchamber.

Children these days… To think he had to rely on a Midgardian to get Thor to begin thinking like a Prince!? What was wrong with his whole realm? Odin wondered before collapsing into his bed and falling asleep.


Loki could hardly believe the fortune that fell into his hands. It was clear Odin was exhausted because of Thor's stunts and wasn't thinking clearly. Otherwise, he would have never given Loki Gungnir!

The old man was right about one thing – this was his chance! Loki had to remove Thor off the board while he still could, then ensure that Odin wouldn't be around to ask questions. The Frost Giants retaliating when Odin was weak and tired? He could help them get into the palace again, then blame them for Odin's assassination. Who knew, the fools might manage it as long as the old man was weak and without Gungnir!

Then a war against Jotuneim to cement his position as a ruler! There was nothing like an external enemy to unify people around a new regime!

But first, Loki had to get rid of the other people who might ask the most questions and were closest to Thor. Otherwise, Sif and the Warriors Three would be no end of trouble. Even with Thor around, keeping them out of too much trouble was a thankless job.

It was pathetically easy to whisper a few poisonous words in the ears of those four while cloaked in illusions. Confronting Heimdall and riling him up, so he would do the predictable thing in his pride took just a few brief sentences. Doing so drove the point home – these people would never fully accept him even when they didn't know the truth of his origin. He wasn't a brute like them and thus lacked respect even when wielding Gungnir and acting as Odin's regent!

All it took to rile up Heimdall was to demand the deference and obedience he was owed due to his current position! The next thing that fool was doing was watching the Warriors Three, and Sif be their typical idiotic honorable selves and openly discuss treason. Naturally, instead of reporting it, Heimdall enabled it. If the damned man weren't so valuable, Loki would have removed him already! Still, Heimdall could decide to serve properly when Odin and Thor were out of the picture. Otherwise, Loki would have to find or create a new Watcher.

He watched how Heimdall left his position unguarded, all but telling the four fools to commit treason. As soon as the Bifrost activated and moved them toward Midgard, Loki implemented the next step of his plan. He had to time things just right to see Thor dead and guide the Jotun assassins through the palace's security.

First, Loki went to the vaults and issued orders to the Destroyer. Next, he went in to summon his patsies and ensure they would make it far enough so he could plausibly blame them for his next scheme.


Issabelle's Diner
Puente Antiguo
New Mexico

"Mr. Stark, we've got a complication. A small convoy is approaching the town fast. They aren't ours," Captain Elis. "Three SUVs, government numbers, claiming they're Homeland Security."

"SHIELD. The one-eyed pirate is poking his nose where it doesn't belong, or someone is using his assets. I have to deal with this before it can escalate, Prince Thor. Hopefully." I got up, and my legs felt stiff after sitting and talking for what felt like hours.

I could see a few curious locals poking their heads out of second and third-story windows. However, the streets were clear, thanks to all the military vehicles parked around. Two squads of heavy infantry pilled out of the diner. They took defensive positions around the vehicles, which all had crewed weapon stations. My bodyguards followed suit, and we waited for the arrival of the party crashers.

Soon enough, the three black SUVs parked at a respectable distance, then a familiar face disembarked the lead vehicle.

"Mr. Secret Agent, we meet at the strangest of places," I greeted Coulson.

"Mr. Stark, this isn't how I hoped we might meet again. Before any unpleasantries that might follow, let me say I'm a fan of what you're doing for the world, and this wasn't my idea."

"I don't see you leaving," I noted.

"I have orders, and if not me, then someone less reasonable and more trigger-happy might try to follow them. Then we might have accusations of subverted people and military units," Coulson didn't even try to hide his distaste at the idea.

"Fury is too smart to have put you up to this. More likely, he sent you to keep things from escalating while he tries to take advantage of the situation."

"I can't possibly comment on the Director's intentions, Mr. Stark. I have orders to detain and interrogate an illegal alien who might threaten national security. Certain elements within SHIELD and people who back the organization apparently don't consider your approach good enough," Coulson looked around. "A dinner in a small town?"

"It worked great until your fellows turned up. Now it's obvious that you don't want to push the issue," I nodded at all the tense soldiers behind me. "This is a game that, if you decide to play, will have only losers."

"Are you ready to order US soldiers to open fire on Agents from Homeland Security doing their job? That would put you in an extremely dangerous position no matter what the soldiers do," Coulson appeared genuinely curious to find out the answer.

"Order you bunch shot?" I put as much disbelief in my voice as I could. Did they think I was an amateur in this kind of stupid game? "Of course not. Order them to keep you from arresting an Alien Royalty we are having a pleasant chat with? It might come to that. If someone under my authority opens fire, it won't be on my orders but in self-defense and defense of their fellow soldiers."

I could feel the troopers behind me relax a fraction at my words. The respect they felt for me after observing me handle Thor for hours rose up another notch.

Coulson slowly raised his hand and showed he was holding a phone, which he proceeded to dial-up.

At the same time, I could feel the electricity in the air. The sky began to darken, and distant thunder echoed above the city.

"Hold your fire! No one shoots unless we're fired upon! This appears to be the same phenomenon that brought Thor and the artifact last night!" I shouted moments before the skies sundered. A vortex of black clouds crackling with lightning connected the street between Coulson and me with the heavens. A bright light flashed over the road, followed by a loud thunderclap.

I blinked spots off my eyes and stared at four people straight out of a medieval fair stand between Coulson and me. The street below their feet was smoking. A closer look revealed that some strange symbol was burned into it. As if that wasn't a problem enough, a bunch of SHIELD agents had left their vehicles and were using them as cover, pointing SMGs and carbines in our direction.

A tall, muscular man to the left with vague Asiatic features blinked at me, then at the soldiers behind me. He looked around and shook his head.

"I don't think we arrived at the right place," He deadpanned in an oddly accented voice.
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