The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

Phase 8 Prometheus Part 5
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 8: Prometheus


Part 5


Prometheus facility
New York

In hindsight, building this facility as an experiment using the new building materials my people managed to recreate practically with my help was a good idea. We didn't even feel the explosion in front of the reactor chamber as we approached the compromised section of the facility. The roaring alarms were another thing.

"Sir, I am detecting a radiation spike. Reactor containment and integrity is still at a hundred percent," Jarvis reported. "There was an explosion in the currently dark section. All sensor feeds from within are now gone. Sensors from nearby sections detect radiological contamination,"

"Begin evacuation and quarantine procedures. We're getting out of here," I wasn't about to go radiation showering without proper armor, full access to the Force, and modern medicine. "And someone explains to me how what has to be a dirty bomb made it into my damn facility?!"

At that point, I didn't appreciate being manhandled by my security detail, who eagerly picked me up and carried me toward dubious safety. It was even more irritating that I didn't get even a flicker of a warning through the Force, even if it made sense – I didn't appear to be in any direct physical danger at this time.

Getting everyone out in an orderly manner, where they might be soft targets for a planned attack, could have been better. It was even less good publicity. A small army of QRF personnel in tactical gear swarming all over the parking lot didn't help matters. My emotions were in flux, fed by the panic, fear, and outrage of the politicians who got the same treatment as yours, truly, courtesy of their security details.

On the bright side, my choice of Director paid off again. Lopes calmly shut down the reactor before locking down the systems in the control room and leaving as the last person out. That at least proved the fusion reactors radically differed from fission ones. They could be safely shut down quickly, and it was as simple as cutting off the fuel feed. In the long run, that should help. My PR people would have to earn their keep in the short term.

Another bright spot was I saw Happy guide Pepper out of the building on the heels of a bunch of politicians and their security details. She looked unfazed if less than happy. Still, seeing them out and intact brought a refreshing relief.


About half an hour later, I was stuck in a new crisis center meant to coordinate the ongoing circus. Mr. Secret Agent Man looked harried for once, which wasn't exactly a good sign.

"We are sending people to check all radiological detectors in the city," one of Coulson's flunkies reported. He might have been genuinely from Homeland security instead of using them as a mask. "I find it highly unlikely that they are all compromised. For that matter, we know the detectors in the facility work. Yet, they detected the nuclear material only after the explosion!"

Did I mention I arrived to find out a pissing match between SHIELD, who weren't officially here, the local police, the FBI, Homeland, and even SWORD, who had an interest in keeping me in one piece for as long as I was useful?

Thanks to Jarvis, we knew that one of the security teams vetted by many of the organizations present for this fiasco managed to get itself blown into a radioactive paste, coating the corridor leading to the reactor chamber. By design, that was one of the most fortified places in the facility, with only the chamber itself being tougher, for apparent reasons. I was not sure what those idiots were planning to do down there. They were, in fact, supposed to be on guard in front of said corridor, and even that was, technically speaking, overkill. You couldn't open the reactor chamber door when it was active. The thing was much tougher than a bank vault door and harder to move, as the explosion demonstrated. The corridor itself was a reinforced structure able to tank the next best thing to a tactical nuke. Whatever petty sabotage someone intended thus ended with the fools blowing themselves up. Hopefully, there would be enough DNA that wasn't contaminated to determine who was who. Obviously, everyone involved had excellent false identities, which you could only get with government support.

For them to pass muster, there had to be people in the US government involved as well, at least as far as establishing the false identities was concerned. The best scenario was stolen identities, with someone merely altering details in various government databases. That wasn't supposed to be trivial at all.

Then there was the fact that the sabotage team managed to kill themselves. That might have been either an accident, incompetence, or just as intended, though not necessarily by the sheen of glowing red paste in the heart of my facility.

The worst thing was I now had to do damage control instead of running with all the benefits Prometheus could offer the world.

"You will, of course, have the full cooperation of Stark Industries and all our subsidiaries involved in the Prometheus Project," I raised my voice the first time the pissing match quieted down a bit. "Needless to say, I have a vested interest in figuring out who ruined our collective day with a dirty bomb," I noted.

"Do we know it was a dirty bomb, or did we just get extremely lucky?" Coulson asked an excellent question.

I was sure the Force would have warned me if someone tried to sneak a tactical nuke in my vicinity, but I couldn't say that aloud, could I?

"That's the more likely option, Agent. Terrorists with a tactical nuke would have had much better and softer targets to hit in this city alone," I pointed out. However, if this was primarily a sabotage instead of a more conventional terrorist strike, well….

"Sir, the camera records we have from the compromised security detail don't show them carrying anything bulky enough to be consistent with known tactical nuclear weapon designs," Jarvis pipped up from my phone. He conveniently listened and recorded everything for future use if needed. "In comparison, smuggling explosives and shielded nuclear material for dispersal are much more likely."


Shadow of terror over Prometheus ignition! Despite extraordinary security measures, an act of sabotage struck the first operational fusion reactor!

USA Today

Nuclear terror in New York! Unknown terrorists smuggled in and detonated a dirty bomb in the heart of the Prometheus test reactor! Despite this grave security breach, the fusion reactor is reported to be still intact and fully operational!

New York Times

Security measures in New York are at an all-time high as riots and protests plague the streets and terrorists strike Stark's Prometheus test reactor! Nevertheless, the act of sabotage was reported to be a failure, overshadowed by the successful ignition of the first commercially viable fusion reactor prototype.


The future is now! Stark Industries successfully tested the Prometheus Fusion Reactor. The produced fusion reaction is net positive, creating eight hundred megawatt hours of clean energy at maximum reactor output. Even more extraordinary, this small-scale test reactor has an effective output, on average, only four to five times less than many of the largest power plants in the United States. Preliminary projections for the capacity and utility of first-generation commercial fusion reactors must be updated upwards. The current expectation is that the full-scale fusion reactor planned to be built worldwide will produce sustained output at least five to six times larger than the Prometheus prototype.

If true, only the Grand Coole hydroelectric damn in the United States could produce more power than the average fusion reactor. Even more important is the implication that fusion technology is still in its infancy, with many positive refinements to be expected in the future. In comparison, most other existing power sources are mature technologies with little in the way of improvement or serious dangers and associated costs like fission…

Popular Science Magazine

Stark Industries is in talks with the Netherlands' government about future development and reinforcement of land reclamation efforts. According to sources, SI-patented new generations of building materials can be the answer to rising water levels and partial response to ongoing climate change. Computer simulations using the latest materials suggest increasing the Netherlands' landmass by an additional ten percent through land reclamation efforts and making such efforts orders of magnitude safer.


Despite terrorists attack and ongoing protests, the success of the Prometheus Project directly led to an unprecedented rise in Stark Industries' shares price. Further, said success now marks dozens of world leaders and their governments as visionaries for aggressively pursuing Stark fusion technology. At least a dozen governments have already pledged an even higher increase in infrastructure funding to build fusion reactors and rejuvenate their national power grids. More governments are expected to follow suit after talks in the coming weeks and months.

The implication for the existing power companies and the fossil fuel industry are staggering.

Forbes Magazine
I just love how you can keep speaking about the worldwide consequences of the MC's actions, more fics should be like this
Now the question, who really blew up? Wankandans, or the actual security team? It's hard to imagine how and why Wankandans would blow themselves up.
Now the question, who really blew up? Wankandans, or the actual security team? It's hard to imagine how and why Wankandans would blow themselves up.

The Wakandan handlers of Erik Stevens esured that he and his team would blow themselves up because they were lose ends. Dead men tell no tales after all, unless you have a proper necromancer conveniently nearby. After such an operation, anyone on the team that actually executed it would be too hot to touch by Wakanda, so bringing him back into the fold was out of the question. Initially, I thought about there being an epic showdown between Sith Tony, Killmonger and perhaps Wakandan backup using one of their stealth transports, however after thinking about it, doing so would be too much exposure for no tangible gain. Considering how high profile the event and the attack on it was, well, those who executed it were dead men walking from the moment the War Dogs contracted them for the operation.
The Wakandan handlers of Erik Stevens esured that he and his team would blow themselves up because they were lose ends. Dead men tell no tales after all, unless you have a proper necromancer conveniently nearby. After such an operation, anyone on the team that actually executed it would be too hot to touch by Wakanda, so bringing him back into the fold was out of the question. Initially, I thought about there being an epic showdown between Sith Tony, Killmonger and perhaps Wakandan backup using one of their stealth transports, however after thinking about it, doing so would be too much exposure for no tangible gain. Considering how high profile the event and the attack on it was, well, those who executed it were dead men walking from the moment the War Dogs contracted them for the operation.
Huh. You know if it ever comes to a confrontation tony could do a good old sith super troll on wakanda and king Tchaka.

On video. For the world and populace of wakanda.

Wow. So not only do you kill his father you manipulate him into killing himself to sabotage us and remove him as a threat to you. Leading him on by his belief in defending wakanda. 10 out of 10 for style and execution.
Phase 8 Prometheus Part 6
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 8: Prometheus


Part 6


Situation Room
the White House
Washington DC

This job was going to be the death of him, the President concluded. It wasn't enough that a government experiment turned a scientist into a green rage monster that caused incredible damage and was still on the loose. While that mess happened before his inauguration, it was still something that haunted his presidency. The knowledge that aliens were a thing and were hostile was another highlight of Obama's first months in office. Thankfully, so far, their existence was something the regular citizens didn't have to worry about.

Barak, on the other hand, had much to worry about. Hell, the mere existence of SHIELD and its nature, the brand new SWORD project still coming online, was beyond the wildest dreams of most conspiracy theorists. Yet, it was a reality he had to be content with. The truth about certain unprecedented acts that passed with unexpected ease through both Senate and Congress didn't help matters.

If he had known what he now knew back when he ran for the position, Obama might have seriously reconsidered. On the one hand, he was in an unprecedented position to do good and reshape the world for the better. However, the stakes were higher than he could have ever imagined. A failure, on mere bad luck, could damn humanity as a whole, not just the United States. As if that wasn't bad enough, the ongoing insanity in New York was straight out of a bestselling techno-thriller, which he guessed was par for the course.

The pale faces of his advisers didn't reassure the President.

"What exactly happened, how did it happen, what are the implications of the disaster, and what should we do about it?"

The glimpses from the unfolding media circus weren't particularly helpful at this point. What was clear was an explosion in what was supposed to be one of the best-protected places in the continental United States. The rest was idle speculation at best.

"Secretary Pierce?" Obama prodded.

"Mr. President, we know that one of the security teams protecting the Prometheus facility in New York has been compromised. They were either replaced or deep plants. We are investigating. We know those people managed to smuggle the materials for a dirty bomb into the heart of the facility, then assemble and detonate it. At this time, we are unsure if it was a one-way mission or if something went wrong, resulting in the death of the perpetrators. Due to the nature of the explosion and radioactive contamination, it will take our best experts time to gather evidence from the site of the incident. DNA, for example, will be contaminated and possibly compromised due to the radiation," Pierce reported. "That by itself is bad enough. What we are certain of at that point is that those terrorists had help from inside our government and security organizations. There is no way their identifications could have passed muster to get into the facility, much less to the reactor itself otherwise."

"Are we looking at foreign agents?" The President demanded.

"That is one possibility," The Director of the FBI allowed. He looked as if he had bitten into a lemon as he continued. "Some elements within our government aren't eager to see fusion power proliferate. For months, we have been investigating connections between major corporations in the energy sector, politicians on all local and federal government levels, and disruptive elements. In the past week alone, our agents have conducted over two dozen raids in New York alone, detaining eco-terrorists, mercenaries, and even foreign operatives targeting the Prometheus reactor. At this time, it can be either. We know we have strong domestic interests aimed at disrupting Stark's efforts to spread fusion power."

"The internet is alight with speculation. Social media we are monitoring shows concerning trends, and regular media is picking up on them,' The Director of Homeland Security added. "Very soon, we will be facing questions about the security of all our nuclear power plants. That will be only the beginning. The increased security in New York leading to the Prometheus ignition is not something we can afford to implement nationwide, obviously. Not to mention it failed to prevent the attack. People will fear terrorists might strike other, less protected, or even soft targets. We will need answers for that, both a practical one and to calm down the public."

"We can also mention the elephant in the room. The genie is out of the bottle, people," General Ross' voice thundered. "This was an act of nuclear terrorism on US soil. The first question we need to answer is if it is domestic or foreign. Hell, from what I gather, it might be a joint effort between foreign enemies and some of our home-grown idiots. This can not stand!"

Yes, that. While Obama didn't like Ross, the bastard was both very well-connected and usually reasonably competent. He tended to speak sense when he wasn't speaking about his obsession with the Hulk, or at least, so it appeared.

"Either way, we will need both domestic and international response," Obama noted.

"Before we can act, we need to wait for an analysis of the nuclear material so we can trace its origin," The Deputy Secretary of Energy pointed out. "One of my teams will be in place to gather samples within the hour. We won't get answers until early in the evening at the earliest."

"I want contingencies if this is foreign, and we can trace it. What do we know about the actual terrorists who did it?"

"Considering the nature of the attack, its target, and Stark's presence, SHIELD is taking the lead on this one," Pierce said. "We have people using drone footage and backtracking through camera feeds to discover where the compromised security team members came from. Safe houses, the works. Once we locate the sites, we will raid them for actionable intelligence and proceed from there."

"That's a good start. I want plans to overhaul the security of high-value sites nationwide and to figure out how feasible it is and how to make it more feasible. Now, the political site of the problem. The attack happened at a time and place when we had diplomats from all over the world present or en route to visit it. We can't even pretend this was just an internal problem. There will be an international outcry, and we will run with it. Contact our allies, both NATO and everyone we have intelligence agreements with. I want plans for a coordinated response. This is one precedent that can't be allowed to stand. We can't allow the proliferation of nuclear terrorism!"


In an unheard show of unanimity, the UN held an emergency session and voted to condemn the terrorist attack on the Stark Industries prototype Prometheus fusion reactor! Tomorrow, the general assembly of the UN will vote on a resolution to condemn nuclear terrorism…

BBC World

Foreign ministers of NATO countries and military leaders will meet the following Monday to discuss a joint response to combat nuclear terrorism.


In response to the terrorist attack in New York, the European Parliament will begin discussing implementing measures to harden critical facilities against terrorist strikes across the EU. There are unconfirmed rumors that the Parliament will start exploring the possibility of creating an EU military framework to better respond to evolving future threats.


A radical split within many environment protection organizations is happening due to the terrorist attack on the Prometheus Reactor in New York. While moderate wings of many organizations were quick to condemn the attack, radical groups within them are either calling for further action against nuclear proliferation or outright backing violent attacks. This comes after days of arrests of militant eco-terrorists, corporate spies, and alleged saboteurs across New York State.

New York Times

A new era of terror! The first use of nuclear material by terrorists is now a fact!

USA Today

An unprecedented breach of security responsible for the New York terrorist attack! Government sources claim that the terrorists were impersonating a vetted security team with clearance to go to the heart of the Prometheus reactor! Security specialists claim that if true, this would only be possible with inside help.

Washington Post

The terrorist attack nearly overshadows the successful ignition of the Prometheus Reactor! Commercially viable fusion is now a reality! Furthermore, advanced building materials pioneered by Stark Industries proved their toughness by containing and mitigating the effects of the terrorist attack. Indeed, the Prometheus Reactor kept working without an issue throughout the attack! It was only shut down as a security measure while the facility was evacuated in the attack's aftermath.

Scientific American magazine
Wakanda you done goofed!

Wonder how the new materials are going to effect the Ford-Class carriers. Similarly the new railgun DDG's are looking mighty handy. Stark should look to push through a complete rebuild of the current US/NATO fleets to rapidly bring shipyard workers and naval engineers up to date on the new materials he's rolling out. Especially since the new materials are going to be the foundation of the new space race and have just shown to be tactical nuke proof.
I liked the chapter, but a word of warning - using real-life celebrities, particularly political figures is an invitation for arguments, derailments, and flaming. It can also alienate some of your readers who feel that you are failing to portray the individual 'accurately', with wildly differing opinions of what is 'accurate'. Generally, it's better to make up names for politicians unless you are trying to bring real-life politics into your story (which is a whole other can of worms).
I liked the chapter, but a word of warning - using real-life celebrities, particularly political figures is an invitation for arguments, derailments, and flaming. It can also alienate some of your readers who feel that you are failing to portray the individual 'accurately', with wildly differing opinions of what is 'accurate'. Generally, it's better to make up names for politicians unless you are trying to bring real-life politics into your story (which is a whole other can of worms).

In the MCU, the US President in the early IM movies was indeed Barak Obama, followed by the fictional Elis, and then again Trump....
After all, I approved building this place with security in mind, not a luxury. In hindsight, it should have occurred to me that an army of VIPs might want to see history in the making and good publicity.
After all, I approved building this place with security in mind, not a luxury. Here we only had the Secretary of Energy, a representative of the EU, and the ambassadors of India, China, and Japan… Needless to say, the Secretary had a great time trying to keep those three civil.
These two have the same beginning sentence
and stopped snipping at each other so
sniping? Though I guess snipping works too somewhat
who got the same treatment as yours, truly
Remove the comma
genuinely from Homeland security instead of using
'Security' should be capitalised
is that the full-scale fusion reactor planned to be built
judging from context it should be plural reactors
and regular media is picking up on them,'
Should be a "
Now, the political site of the problem

I'm eagerly awaiting the day that Wakanda finds out just how big of a hole they dug for themselves.
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Phase 9 Part 1
AN: This whole chapter will consist of news reports and snippets from people all over the world about how things develop betwen the proof of comercially feasible fusion and the events leading to the first Avengers move, covering for a time skip unit the mid 2012 in universe.

Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 9: Halcyon Days


Part 1


For nearly two years after the ignition of the Prometheus reactor, Earth enjoyed a tense period of rapid infrastructure development characterized by a rise in terrorism across the globe. Protests and counter-protests rocked countries all over the world. The primary issue that caused this ever-increasing tension was the imminent rapid spread of fusion technology pioneered by Stark Industries. Despite the efforts of coal and oil lobbies, including those from many OPEC member countries, an ever-increasing number of states accepted the future offered by Tony Stark.

Government promises, and actual heavy investments in fusion technology and infrastructure based on new materials developed by Stark Industries were set up to change the world in a few short years radically. This was ironically most impactful within the United States and many then second and third-world countries. For the former, it was the fact that the national infrastructure was slowly but surely crumbling after decades of neglect. At the same time, the latter often lacked developed transportation and power infrastructure.

Other changes during this period saw increasing investments and rapid development into the infrastructure needed for the widespread use of electric vehicles and said vehicles. For many Western countries, the aim was to offer many accessible recharge stations shortly after their first batch of fusion reactors and updated power grids came online. Projections that were often classified at the time pointed out that the price of electricity for the regular consumer and most existing industries would rapidly decline. The reason for this would become unknown to the average citizens of Earth until after the Chitauri Invasion.

The short answer was simple – considering the end goal of the uplift project, Earth would find itself with a surplus of fusion reactors, and most countries could offer their citizens practically free energy. The energy grid under construction was meant to power up advanced weapon systems aimed at striking targets in orbit and, eventually, theater and planetary shields. In contrast to that need, in peacetime, the expectation was to have a significant surplus of energy that would result in an immediate increase in the standard of living across the globe. Until then, the primary power hogs would be developing industries to create new materials needed for the next step of the uplift project. The concentration of industries and the expected years of development for advanced weapon systems useful against orbital targets meant that, in the meantime, most fusion reactors could provide clean and incredibly cheap, often free energy, replacing fossil fuels and most renewable sources energy. Sadly, that was something that few believed possible or feasible back then. The thought of practical, free energy for the regular citizens would fly in the face of the prevailing economic theories and order...

Essay on the Earth Uplift project, by Victoria Al'Fahir

The attack on the Prometheus facility in New York represents a radical paradigm shift. This, alongside the proliferation of advanced weapon systems among terrorist organizations, makes the threat of terrorism more acute than ever. This meeting aims to devise long-term strategies to combat and neutralize these new trends. This includes not only direct action response, which can be under the purview of the NATO military, but a broad political strategy to combat radicalism and cut off sources of funding and supply.

From a speech by General Mycroft Barnes, Supreme Commander, NATO

The CEO of Von Doom Industries, Victor von Doom, finally appeared after going missing for weeks, alongside his girlfriend, Dr. Susan Storm. In a brief Press Release, a PR representative of the company cited that Dr. Doom and his girlfriend went on a quiet vacation, avoiding the public eye.

Dr. Doom announced he had been in talks with Tony Stark. Von Doom Industries are now negotiating joint research and development of practical space infrastructure with SI, including but not limited to R&D laboratories, habitats, orbital factories, and the technologies needed to build them at an affordable price. A merging of SI bleeding technologies and VDI's shipbuilding experience might make such a dream reality within our lifetimes!

Forbes Magazine

A rising controversy around Europe is how many NATO members pay for the infrastructure projects they've pledged to implement. Funding is being shared with existing military budgets, shifting money pledged for hardware upgrades or the development of new capabilities. The cited reason is simple – due to the rapid advance in technologies pioneered by corporations like Stark Industries, any significant investment into the military right now would buy obsolete or soon-to-be obsolete equipment. The official government stance across most of Europe right now is that building infrastructure and boosting the economy now means they will be able to afford relevant, state-of-the-art weapon systems later when they become available.


Over the past few weeks, we've seen vicious arguments within the Senate about the relevance of NATO when terrorism is on the rise. Yet, most of Europe technically cut down their military spending to redirect it into infrastructure. Due to the direct participation or licensing by Stark Industries, this directly or indirectly will benefit the US economy. At the same time, the US military is busy negotiating contracts with SI to develop future combat systems and upgrade existing vehicles with better armor and, eventually, fusion power plants and weapons. Because of these developments, the current stance of many NATO members makes sense. Yet, some prominent people on Capitol Hill and within the government disagree.


The newest protest in New York is once again related to the Prometheus facility, just not like one might expect. While most protests and riots so far were aimed against the development of fusion technology, citing imaginary dangers, this one is different. Thousands gathered in front of the Mayor's Office, demanding the truth about the act of nuclear terrorism against the Prometheus facility and, by extension, New York.

Nearly a month after what could have been the worst terrorist act in US history, there are precious little answers. There's no doubt where the material came from – presumably stolen or bought from a Russian Federation fission power plant. Who bought or stole it? Who did they sell it to if the same party wasn't the one behind the attack? How did the terrorists get it past all the detectors in New York? Who was behind the attack? There are no concrete answers. Persisting rumors point at domestic actors, a possibility backed by the security clearance of the few identified perpetrators.

New York Times

An investigation by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission confirms a few facts about the Prometheus reactor:

1. It is not a nuclear reactor in the traditional sense, once again affirming that the risks of nuclear contamination in case of failure are incredibly overblown.

2. The terrorists brought in the nuclear material on site. It is Russian in origin and has nothing to do with the operation of the Prometheus reactor.

3. The design of the reactor and the facility housing it more than meets any reasonable requirements about security.

4. The advanced materials used in the construction of the building as an exercise in their proper utilization give it structural integrity that far surpasses purpose build nuclear reactor domes, required to survive the impact of a crashing jetliner, for example…

USA Today

Critics question the rapid, perhaps even reckless, infrastructure spending by not only the US government but those of many other countries worldwide. The high price tag and the possibility of future materials making what is now available obsolete have often been cited as critical issues.

In a blistering response, Senator Carter from California roasted those opposing the ongoing. He pledged future infrastructure budgets funded by the US government.

"It is true all kinds of new materials are in development. However, even considering the expected economic boom, once the fusion infrastructure is in place and allows for nearly limitless cheap energy, their price tag is high, and availability will be limited. What we're looking at is going to be the golden standard as far as price and ease of mass production are concerned, combined with sheer durability that puts to shame everything else we have available. Any future advances in materials science would see limited use in critical projects which need them, now mass deployment at the scale of continent-wide infrastructure projects."

Washington Post

The Labor Government finally passed an overhauled budget incorporating major infrastructure projects across the country, including anything from multiple fusion reactor complexes to bridge and road overhauls. The Prime Minister promises that this is just a first step due to ongoing negotiations with Stark Industries about building state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in the North that would take advantage of the power produced by the fusion reactors. This means tens of thousands of new jobs at highly competitive wages.

Despite Tory objections and promises, Labor is projected to achieve a sweeping victory in the next local and government elections if they keep their new pledges.

BBC News
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Phase 9 Part 2
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 9: Halcyon Days


Part 2


A leaked video of the US military testing a man-portable energy weapon took the internet by storm, followed by traditional media. Confidential sources confirm this was one of a handful of hand-made prototypes supplied by Stark Industries and the reason for many of the new weapon R&D contracts going SI's way. When the technology matures and becomes practical for deployment in the field, it will be a game changer. The prototype offers a revolution in infantry firepower, offering the focused damage potential of a grenade launcher in a standard small arms package.

Another significant advantage of the technology is greatly simplified logistics when it becomes ready to be adopted at a scale that would see conventional firearms and other direct-fire weapons replaced.

US Army Magazine

Stark Industries just bought Star Wars! Due to a short but vicious bidding war with Disney, the price tag is astronomical 6,12 billion dollars. Lucas got about a tenth of the price in stocks. At the same time, SI and Mr. Stark cashed out literal billions in liquid assets for the acquisition. At any other time, while a sound investment, such a price tag would have been considered excessive and potentially ruinous. Yet, SI's stock prices keep rising, and the corporations continues to sign up massive government contracts from all over the world. That ensures a healthy liquidity and incredible future growth.

Forbes Magazine

Is there a new weapons race on the horizon? It has been a week since the viral energy weapon video has been making its rounds. More and more people have been jokingly calling it a blaster after Stark Industries officially concluded their deal with Lucas and bought the Star Wars franchise. Mr. Stark decided to run with it and officially filed a request to change the patent name for the weapon system to call it a blaster in homage to the original Star Wars trilogy. Such amusing news belittles the reality of the situation – countries worldwide are now entering a race to acquire and develop their practical energy weapons.

In that regard, we are broadly seeing three camps forming. First is the US and their allies – primarily NATO, Japan, South Korea, and Israel- which are all betting on Stark Industries and inquiring about joint R&D efforts and various contracts for future weapon systems.

Second, we have China, which currently has economic ties with SI. They've pledged to develop their indigenous energy weapons. However, experts claim that they are still broadly at least a decade technologically behind the West, making such an arms race to their disadvantage.

Finally, we've got the usual suspect, Russia. After its near collapse in the aftermath of the Soviet Union's dissolution, the Russian Federation is more of a confederation of highly autonomous regions with different standards of living and development across all metrics. A resurgent, if decentralized military-industrial complex supplies dozens of factions with advanced, reliable, and rugged equipment. While not on par with NATO standards, said equipment remains a competitive and cheaper alternative that sees constant high sales across the world. It is often used to good effect when utilized by competent military and paramilitary organizations. If anyone could get a credible alternative to Stark's blaster, it is likely the Russians.

BBC's On the Spot, with Jerry Trent

Justin Hammer declares Tony Stark's 'blaster' as an overly expensive and complicated boondoggle that would never make it in the field without decades of development.

"It might be good in a laboratory or on the firing range. Good luck making it practical in the field," Mr. Hammer commented, not even trying to hide his disdain.

Hammer Industries pledged to continue supplying the US military and its allies with reliable, budget alternatives to Stark Industries' overly complicated and expensive weapons systems.

New York Times

Tony Stark wins the Monaco Grand Prix after replacing the Stark Industries-sponsored driver! His announcement earlier this week about his intention to compete was met with incredulity and universal condemnation, only for Mr. Stark to prove his detractors wrong.

"I needed some time out of the office, so to speak, to clear my head. Besides, Monaco is great this time of the year, and it was nice to get my daughter out and about to see the sights and enjoy herself," Mr. Stark said. "As far as the coming race is concerned, I'll let my actions speak for themselves."

And he certainly did! Displaying incredible skill behind the wheel, Mr. Stark won the race fair and square, proving his ability as a driver and the design of the SI-sponsored and developed racing car!


"Stark, don't you have more important things to do instead of going to risk your life during a race of all things?!"

"Director Fury, what did I do to deserve you inflicting your presence upon me?"

"I'm calling you, not meeting you, damn it!"

"My point stands, Director. Is this a professional call? If not, don't you have anyone better to vent at?"

"The race, you infuriating bastard!"

"Do you talk that way to your own Oversight Council? If so, I'm unsure if I should be impressed with you or think you are drinking too much from certain types of cool-aid, Fury."

"Answer the damn question, Stark!"

"I've been getting restless, Fury. Thanks to my new memories, it's been a long time since I got to face any action. A race sounds like a great way to chill out. I preferred jumping into a small spacecraft and racing across the solar system; however, we're a long time from getting there. Besides, I don't have the time to cut through the red tape required to get a high-performance jet and fly around. Not to mention all the complications that would create…."

"I don't know if I should be impressed or despair!"

"Don't worry; I've had this effect on people in both lives I can remember!"

from a conversation between Director Nicholas Fury and SWORD Oversight Councilor Tony Stark, SHIELD Archives

"That fucker won fair and square! Now I owe people a hundred bucks, damn him!"

"I'll have my ten bucks now, if you will, boss."

Director Nicholas Fury and Senior Agent Phil Coulson, SHIELD

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Secretary of Defense will face Congress tomorrow, explaining mounting losses in Afghanistan and across the Middle East. At the same time, they will be defending a proposition for a troop surge in both Afghanistan and Iraq to take place alongside an air campaign against known terrorist targets.

Washington Post

Taliban and Ten Rings terrorists wiped out another NATO FOB in Afghanistan! They deployed advanced anti-air missile systems, allegedly bought from the Russian black market, utilizing them to fend off air support on standby in case of yet another mass attack. It is still unclear how drone and satellite intelligence missed the terrorists' massing forces for this attack as well. Consequently, there are now persistent rumors that the United States and, by extension, NATO's early warning systems have been compromised.

Over thirty soldiers from five NATO countries are confirmed dead in the fighting. Heavy reinforcements dispatched after air support proved unable to intervene found the FOB a site of a pitched battle and utter destruction. They recovered the bodies of the dead NATO soldiers alongside those of no less than forty enemy combatants.

The occupation of Afghanistan continues to escalate into open warfare. This is a great contrast compared to the original invasion and fall of the country, which happened due to a combination of air strikes and US special forces supporting the Northern Coalition. Are the Taliban back and ready for open warfare against coalition forces?


Earlier today, WikiLeaks released a large number of classified documents, many of them about the US government's investigation into Stark Industries. They tend to confirm many of the official beats that became public yet reveal that both government officials and SI representatives, including Mr. Stark, have severely understated the scope of the conspiracy and its impact.

The leaked data reveal this was a conspiracy that some now call a treasonous corporate version of the Iran-Contra. SI assets and employees working under a misplaced sense of patriotism and increased paychecks facilitated the shadow production and sale of enough weaponry on the black market to fight and win at least a few wars. This includes state-of-the-art Jericho missiles like the ones already used by terrorists against US bases in Afghanistan and a strike against Israel.

The core of the conspiracy was confirmed to be the belief that this shadow production was meant for US-aligned parties; the government couldn't be officially seen selling advanced weapons or, in some cases, supporting them.

BBC News

WikiLeaks' newest revelation seems to be very convenient for certain parties. It nicely spreads the blame over what is one of the greatest failures in US national security or places it squarely on the shoulders of a dead man. This is particularly relevant today! As you might know, dear viewers, mere hours ago, Somali pirates' launched an attack on a French frigate off the coast of Somalia on anti-piracy patrol. They used a Jericho missile which worked as intended. The weapon's multiple homing warheads were able to overwhelm the French ship's defenses and critically damage her. She has been drifting ever since while US and British vessels are racing for the rescue!

Who is to blame? That dead traitor Stane? Mr. Stark? Or everyone within our government who might have thought the whole scheme was a great idea and facilitated it? You'll note the leaked report says almost nothing about government participation in this fiasco! Then how were Stane and his cronies able to manufacture, move and sell what looks like whole arsenals worth of illegal weaponry?!

Kalligan Smith's Podcast
Phase 9 Part 3
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 9: Halcyon Days


Part 3


We have something special for you this time! Stark Industries' new entertainment division just released a short teaser hinting at the direction Mr. Stark tends to take Star Wars. For those of you who still need to watch it, please skip forward in the video. The rest of us, we're in for a treat!

Contrary to what many feared, Tony Stark doesn't intend to reinvent the wheel or throw away beloved characters and their stories. The Clone Wars show will continue, that's a direct promise from Mr. Stark, yet there will be changes. One of them is reining in the Expanded Universe of Star Wars. If you watch this, you're likely familiar with it. If not, the EU is a continuation and expansion of the Star Wars stories in book format, comics, and through certain games, like the famous Knights of the Old Republic.

The primary change Mr. Stark will make is the introduction of a Star Was tech bible, his words, not mine. That would explain how tech is supposed to work in this universe we love and, more importantly, what its limitations are. Considering what Super-Nerd he is, this shouldn't come as a surprise!

New content will be required to keep things in line with said tech bible, whether it's mainline movies, shows like the Clone Wars, books, or games. In the short term, this means that while the season of the Clone Wars currently in production will continue as envisioned, the next one and beyond will feature technology and capabilities that will be a canon from now on. We will likely see a soft retcon on things we saw on screen in the show and read about in the books. Mr. Stark claimed that any contradictions could be explained in-universe generally as unreliable narrators, which for me, at least shows respect for all the content creators who worked for decades to build the Star Wars universe! We can hope for the best on this one!

Finally, the teaser! We might get KOTOR III at this rate, folks! The narration and few awesome images we saw outright tell us that Mr. Stark intents to let our familiar characters rest on their lauders and explore the distant past of the Star Wars universe! We will see a conflict between the Old Republic and an ancient Sith Empire for galactic dominance!

Now, let us watch the teaser again!

From Luke Vader's Star Wars dedicated Youtube channel

Summer is back in vogue in California, and we have a hell of a time! The sun is fit to bake you if you show yourself outside, and we have a heat warning across the Eastern Seaboard! Meanwhile, in New Orleans, people are preparing to fend off yet another hurricane; yay for Mother Nature!

Pepe Rodriguez, from Californian Dreams radio station

"We are settling in for a long, hot, and dry summer, one of the driest on record. I don't know about global warming, folks, but climate change? That's here to stay, and with a vengeance! Those who don't believe in objective facts might go to the beach in LA and try their luck. As we saw earlier today, the beaches there are almost all empty, with only a few people brave enough to endure the unprecedented heat wave!"

"What can we do about it, you might ask? Well, throwing away fossil fuels into the garbage bin of history is a good start. The mass introduction of fusion reactors many governments are working on might just be what we need to save the planet. Facts didn't help; fear for the future wasn't enough to get our politicians moving. Yet, fusion did? I'm honestly not sure how that happened, but I'm going to be forever thankful!"

The Daily Show with Mitch Vauban

Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar pledged to develop fusion and power-grid infrastructure jointly. They are also in talks with Jordan to join in on the project. With oil set up to become obsolete as a fuel source in a few short years, the governments of those states have decided they need to chart a new path while it's still possible. The promise of plentiful and cheap fusion energy makes desalination at a large scale viable, which could turn those small Middle Eastern countries into veritable paradises focused on tourism.

Al-Jazeera News

Iranian diplomats are in talks with EU representatives in a surprising turn of events. We just learned they are discussing giving up on further development of fission nuclear power plants and pursuing nuclear weapons in exchange for restriction of sanctions and aid in developing fusion technology for civilian use. This came after months of protests and alleged clashes between moderate and conservative elements within the Iranian government. Rumors of a relatively liberal faction on the rise might prove true, considering that Iranian authorities have refused to unleash the military or Revolutionary Guard on the protesters. This is especially important because so far, the Iranian government has held back its military and paramilitary forces despite weeks of prominent Guard Officers promising swift retribution against subversive elements – something that fortunately hasn't happened yet.


Israel's Air Force struck more targets within Gaza and Lebanon as a part of their military's escalating retaliation over the Jericho missile strike that caused hundreds of casualties. The IDF executed limited raids aimed at terrorist bases and safe houses in the Beit Laha area. So far, the Israeli government has refused to launch a full-scale invasion, despite the demands of hardliners.

BBC World News

Two US Air Force jets were shot down above Afghanistan while providing air support to Coalition forces fighting a Taliban surge in Kandahar. It happened five days after massed missile strike hit the compound of local strongman Ishmail Shah, Afghan military and militia barracks, as the opening move of an insurgent offensive. We keep hearing that the Taliban are increasingly using advanced weapons – either stolen or bought on the black. They are primarily Stark Industries and Russian in origin. What's worse, it appears that the Taliban took the time and purchased the know-how to learn how to operate and utilize their new assets to good effect. As of early this evening, half of Kandahar province is contested or outright in insurgent hands. Coalition forces in the region are in for an unpleasant night.


The US military is scrambling to rush reinforcements to Kandahar. At the same time, the Taliban keep striking all over the country, causing chaos and disrupting logistics. Two relief convoys from Bagrain have been stopped cold by ambushes, and here's a big surprise – missile-deployed minefields. One thing is crystal clear now; there are critical and systematic intelligence failures in Afghanistan.

Washington Post

The French Navy will deploy its single aircraft carrier off the Somali coast as a part of a new piracy suppression operation. After losing the Frigate Floreal to a missile strike earlier in the year, the French parliament authorized the naval deployment to restore regional security.


Breaking news! We have unique images from War Reporter Richard Takeda. He was with a US Army Combat Engineers platoon in Kandahar when the Taliban unleashed their assault. Richard was presumed dead or captured after the unit he was with and the company of Canadian infantry they were attached to were cut off in the early hours of the battle.

Despite suffering heavy casualties, the Coalition forces managed to hold out until relief forces managed to break the siege of Kandahar.

Here you can see some unique pictures that will win Takeda a reward or ten! First, we have a US Combat Engineer wearing an unpowered exoskeleton carrying wounded to one of the last safe places the cut-off unit could protect. You can see tracer fire strike Sergeant Martin Morales' side and back, yet fail to penetrate the experimental Stark Industries armor issued to the whole platoon.

Next, we have Lance Corporal Julia Simmons utilizing the support of her exoskeleton to fire a SAW she picked up from a killed Canadian soldier during a fighting retreat…

Finally, this was what the Coalition soldiers thought was their last stand – you can see the only ones still standing are Combat Engineers, thanks to their advanced armor. They are firing all kinds of weapons removed from damaged or destroyed vehicles, using their exoskeletons as support frames to carry the weight and absorb the recoil. It's something straight out of a science fiction movie! Like Aliens or something!

CNN Evening News
Well the MCU is burning... But what else is new...

Well, in this timeline, there was never goint to be Iron Man in time to go get hunting weapon stocks all over the Middle East and Afghanistan, pushing years away the offensive that's currently unfolding in this story, so then other events could potentially derail it further - like the US and Shield unfucking their intelligence in those regions, finding the weapons and blowing them up. The above didn't happen, the terrorist got to train on how to use their new weapons, and even if they won't get anymore SI goodies, they can still buy good Russian gear, which while not as advanced as SI, and NATO standard, is still very good and it works. Ironically, Russia de-facto being fractured in this timeline with a lot of regions under Hydra and other factions' control has been gread as far as keeping corruption and bay so people could build and export shit for good old fashioned money, in general, and weapons to keep themselves alive and safe from rivals in particular.

How likely are you to fix the threadmark?

Now that someone pointed it out, it's fixed.
Phase 9 Part 4
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 9: Halcyon Days


Part 4


The diplomatic coup of the decade, if not the century, or an incredible geo-strategic blunder?

After weeks of negotiations, EU, US, and Iranian diplomats finally reached an agreement. Iran will dismantle its nuclear power program and cease supporting terrorists worldwide! In exchange, the Iranians will receive aid from the EU in building fusion power infrastructure, upgrading their power grid, and building large desalination plant complexes to begin pushing back the deserts within the country.

Optimists call this a great victory for liberty and stability in the region, while detractors accuse the West as a whole of capitulation against Iranian radicalism!


This past June was the darkest month in US military history since World War 2.

In hindsight, it's almost simple to conclude the heavy fighting in Kandahar Province in Afghanistan was a distraction by an enemy we didn't believe had the capacity for more. As bad as those initial clashes were, everyone thought we saw the Taliban's maximum effort.

Now we know we were wrong. Originally, Herat and Jalalabad were written off as diversions. Initial reports of Afghani military garrisons and reinforcements by the government holding and pushing the Taliban back helped us accept that picture as the truth. That was why we sent light reinforcements alongside at least a battalion worth of ANA forces to each city. Those were the two most reliable battalions in the Afghan military outside Kabul. These units distinguished themselves during the surge in the past few years, fighting hard and with surprising ability compared to the average Afghan unit.

A company of Marines went to Herat, supported by a platoon of German Mountain Infantry. The British sent a company from their rapid reaction force in Kandahar province to Jalalabad, augmented by two platoons of the US military – Combat Engineers and Mechanized Infantry. Those Coalition units were backed by an ANA battalion each.

Many assumptions and long-held truths were proven wrong in the following days.

Enduring the Storm: The Second Afghanistan War, a memoir of General George Roberts, US Army, retired

"We have an exclusive and explosive video from Herat, dear viewers! Be advised viewer discretion is advised. What we are about to see can is graphic in nature and include people dying! This is from our War Correspondent Frank Santos, attached to First Battalion, Eight Marines."

The video began playing.

A dirt-caked face appeared; a pair of wide brown eyes stared wildly into the camera while deafening rapid fire and explosions swallowed whatever the man was trying to say.

"It's hell out here! I don't know if anyone will ever see this, but" the intensity of the firefight waned for a bit, allowing Santos to be heard. "We were ambushed and betrayed! The leading elements of the ANA battalion and one platoon of Marines went ahead to reinforce and help hold the government complex in Herat. At the same time, the rest of the reinforcements moved in to find and engage the insurgent forces in the city. From what we heard, the complex had already fallen. The advance party that met our soldiers was the Taliban in disguise. The same is true for at least one company of the battalion we came in with! They led us into a prepared ambush and tore apart the loyal Afghani! It was a massacre!"

"Hold the damn flank! I have no reinforcements to send!"

"Where is our damned air support! The Germans are about to get cut off, and then the bastards will roll up our right flank!"

At those shouts, Frank turned the camera away from his face to show a dimly lit room with a low ceiling. A handful of marines were inside, looking at a map spread on a wooden table and shouting in communication equipment.

Deafening explosions shook the room, and dust fell from the ceiling.

"Fuckers just hit the left flank hard! They're breaking through!"

"With me. We're the only ones left to plug the gap. Have Henderson pull back and rotate fire teams to cover his left flank just in case!" One of the soldiers turned his head to the side, showing a face half-covered in bloody bandages. "You better stay here," He shouted at the reporter, picked up his rifle from the table, and ran out of the room.

Santos didn't listen. His hands shook as they held the camera, yet he followed the Marines out of the building. Smoke rose from all around the city outside – Santos was obviously in a slightly elevated area, giving him a decent view of Herat. What little could be seen from the sky was painted red by a nearly set sun.

Blood erupted from the neck of a marine moving low and fast. He fell and clutched his throat, writhing on the ground. The man behind him didn't pause but grabbed the wounded soldier by the harness and dragged him toward a nearby tree line. A second shot hit, slamming into the side of the shoulder of the marine who shouted at Santos. He staggered, then suddenly collapsed. The reporter couldn't stop his dash fast enough and tripped over the wounded man.

The camera went wild and then fell on the ground at an angle showing the nearby trees. US Marines in their distinct desert camouflage could be seen falling back, firing all the way, followed in by their attackers. The insurgents were not wearing the typical Taliban outfits you could often see on TV. Instead, they had dark armor, insect-like night vision goggles, and advanced-looking weapons, not old AK variants.

Before a stray bullet broke the camera, it caught a brutal close-range exchange of fire between the retreating marines and what would later be revealed to be Taliban shock troopers. Shots hitting center mass at near point-blank range staggered and even brought combatants to the ground, but often weren't fatal. They kept firing until more bullets or aimed fire finally took them out.

The recording ended at that point.

"The Coalition and ANA forces deployed to reinforce Herat suffered over ninety percent casualties, with only over twenty wounded US, and German soldiers confirmed as captured. Fifteen coalition soldiers, including four walking wounded and Frank, managed to break contact and retreat, later linking up with a handful of surviving loyalists from the destroyed ANA battalion. I honestly haven't done my homework on this one yet, but this is perhaps the gravest US military defeat in combat since Vietnam…."


"Stunned disbelief, anger, and outrage are the consequences of the catastrophic military blunders in Afghanistan! As you can see behind me, there are thousands of people protesting the mishandling of the War in Afghanistan in front of the White House. At the same time, you can see a small group of veterans holding vigil for the dead and captured American and allied forces during the fall of Herat and Jalalabad…."


US Army General Jorge Roberts is to assume command of the Coalition forces in Afghanistan. President Obama, with full backing from the Pentagon, removed General Trent from command soon after the full scope of the unfolding disaster in Afghanistan became clear.

Washington Post

The recent fighting in Afghanistan points towards an evolution of infantry warfare brought about by advancements in various technologies. In this case, materials science and robotics - passive, also known as unpowered exoskeletons. Experimental armor developed by Stark Industries and the ever-increased use of exoskeletons in logistics and among Combat Engineers combined to unintentionally point at a paradigm shift. We all saw the pictures from Kandahar. The After Action Report puts a strong emphasis on how the Combat Engineers outfitted with advanced armor and exoskeletons were vital in mitigating casualties, rescuing wounded, and even holding the line at critical moments by deploying heavy direct firepower in a way that should have been suicidal if not for their experimental equipment. The Combat Engineers proved highly resistant to small arms fire, in a few cases, all but immune during certain firefights during the engagement.

As a direct consequence, the US Army revealed outstanding contracts with Stark Industries to develop combat exoskeletons, including fully armored ones, first passive, then powered as precursors for potential power armor development when the technology allows for it.

US Army Magazine

President Obama approves a second troops Surge for Afghanistan. After the fall of three critical provinces to Taliban and Ten Rings insurgents, the ongoing conflict is now classified as the Second Afghan War. We are no longer fighting a 'simple' nation-building and anti-insurgency operation.

USA Today

After being quiet for a few months, Stark Industries have more news for us, fellow fans! I am Luke Vader; let's roll!

First, we have a confirmation that the Star Wars tech bible, the Anaxes Guide to Stellar Warfare and Technology, is now ready and sent for editing. Barring any unforeseen problems, it should hit paperback stores in late September, and it will be available for purchase in digital format as well. In just a month and a half, we will see for ourselves for sure what Tony Stark's vision for Star Wars really is!

Next, we have an announcement that KOTOR III will be a thing. The game is still in the planning stages. SI will be working with Bioware and Obsidian Entertainment to create the largest open-world RPG to date. We've got hints that if the technology allows it, we will see large parts of multiple planets, including some we have only heard of in the EU until now, real-time combat, more like the Jedi Knight series, and much more SI is for now keeping under wraps!

If that wasn't exciting enough, SI announced their overall plans for the core of the Star Wars franchise – a new movie trilogy, at least one more TV show, either animated or even live action, the last is not decided as of yet, and an MMORPG all taking place in the Old Republic era. The movies, shows, potential books, comics, and the MMORPG would complement each other in fleshing up the Star Wars universe four thousand years before the Clone Wars era.

In that regard, KOTOR III will act as a prequel to the events in the promised movies and other media!

Star Wars being Star Wars, we will be getting a new series of toys and all kinds of supplemental materials. SI is in negotiations with Hasbro for the production of such materials…

Luke Vader's Star Wars dedicated youtube channel

"We have been betrayed! They sold us to the American devils and their European servants!"

"The Revolutionary Guard is ready to do your bidding! We are all brothers in the light of Allah and ready to die as martyrs if that is what it takes!"

"We must show the whole world our strength and determination! Iran won't fall to decadence and depravity! I will not have it! Tell me, old friend, what do you suggest?"

"Our own turned against us. If Allah wills it, we will prevail. It is time for strength, Ayatollah. We should dispose of those who stand against us and are willing to sell their souls for the comforts of the flesh! We've been together from the start and will stand as brothers until the end!"

"Hail Hydra. General! the Great Satan will be moving against us. Those who pull their strings wouldn't let this chance to purge us pass. We will make them all bleed! A stunning display of strength is needed to paralyze them! We will wait until they fully commit to Afghanistan, then hit them where we can and use their distraction to dispose of the subversive elements poisoning our society!"

"By your command! Hail Hydra and praise Allah!"

"Hail Hydra! Allah is great! We will prove ourselves worthy of his grace!"

A conversation between Iran's Supreme Leader, the Commanding General of the Revolutionary Guard, and a close ally of the Ayatollah, who was a key figure in making the revolution a resounding success
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hydra is a fucking poison that needs to be rooted out...honestly that was a shitshow. goes to show what no full commitment can do when you piecemeal your army and military forces.
Woah hailing Hydra before Allah, that's a big no no

hydra is a fucking poison that needs to be rooted out...honestly that was a shitshow. goes to show what no full commitment can do when you piecemeal your army and military forces.

In this timeline, a Hydra grouop evolved, or devolved had in hand with a particular branch of radical Islam. The moderates are obviously pivoting to a more open Iran and a bright fusion powered future for the greater glory of Allah. The radicals, well....

The mess in Afghanistan? While thanks to Stark's fiasko there are a bit more troops than OTL, they're still primarily set up for counter-insurgency against opponents with a very limited access to modern weapons. From what I've read of Afghanistan, OTL in the real world at that point of time was total shitshow in places, much less ITTL, where the situation was much worse even before the Taliban and Ten Rings got the time to learn how to use their new weapons. Sadly, in this timeline, there was never going to be an IM suit capable of what we saw in the first IM movie in a relevant timeframe. A direct consequence is the unfolding shitshow as you put it.

The Coalition forces currently deployed in Afghanistan aren't equipped to deal with an opponent that is near peer in somre regards... and thanks to the Russians selling rugged, capable weapons, the Taliban and Ten Rings will still be very dangerous even after they run out of SI stockpiles.
right...this has become a shit-show, thanks russia for continuing to spread misery in this universe.
this will be a godright awful mess to the point everything will eventually get to the point of needing to either burn everything down, or the people just leave...honestly, at this point if the coalition forces dont take this shit seriously its going to spiral out of control...not that it hasnt already.

all it takes is one wrong move and shit really goes down the drain, and right before the next few alien invasions of course because you cant have nice things happen in marvel...its like a chill version of 40k...
right...this has become a shit-show, thanks russia for continuing to spread misery in this universe.
this will be a godright awful mess to the point everything will eventually get to the point of needing to either burn everything down, or the people just leave...honestly, at this point if the coalition forces dont take this shit seriously its going to spiral out of control...not that it hasnt already.

all it takes is one wrong move and shit really goes down the drain, and right before the next few alien invasions of course because you cant have nice things happen in marvel...its like a chill version of 40k...

Flawed assumptions, a bit of arrogance - even with modern weapons the damn Taliban couldn't take us in an open fight, more arrogance that led to more assumptions about what were the enemy's capabilities and maximum effort, which in fact was them testing the new weapons and training in the field. Then we got first the major deception at Kandahar, followed by mouse-trapping two of the ANA's best units, one of which was infiltrated heavily, and we got half a battalion of Coalition forces ambushed and nearly wiped out in cities that are on the opposite side of the country. Basically, in the Coalition lost more than a battalion worth of personnel, with most of them dead or captured, at a time when there were at most two regiments of Coalition forces in the country, and not much of that personnel is not combat troops.

The net result covered in the next update will be consolidation of forces for the Coalition so they don't get wiped in detail while spread all over the place, a surge of US and allied troops and then if it's all in the air how much of a clusterfuck the Second Afgan War turns into. What hurt the Coalition most was that they weren't set up to fight anyone with close to a peer capabilities, this includes modern heavy weapons used by people who know what they're doing.

You're right about ITTL's Russia - its awful, just in a different way. You won't see it directly invading anyone, or using salamit tactics. Anyone trying it will get gutted by their rivals while most of their forces are away. Sadly, the downside of the current Russian arrangement is that many regions enjoy much less corruption and they are building many rugged and capable weapons for sale to anyone with the money. They also offer training, which the Taliban and Ten Rings put to great use in Afghanistan. it wrong for me to want to sit back and enjoy when russia and co gets invaded by space invaders because its not in Nato, nor is it covered by any of the defenses and weapons that those countries will have thanks to stark tech? leaving it a very tempting and open spot to set up shop and start the invasion of earth from?

because karma is a bitch, and is a long-time coming for them. because it just makes me want to gripe massively about the foolishness of arming terrorist who will then turn those very guns and tactics against you eventually...and your left wondering why your "good freinds" are turning on you after all those years of good cooperation (not).