The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

I mean it won't be relatively clean like it happens in similar fics but with a bigger cheat such as conceptual deck in See No Evil or Gamers(yes, non dumpster fire Gamers exist, I too was surprised). And yes, dumpster fire is my favorite term now.
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Honestly that would be a great and unexpected genre shift, a sudden turn from superhero's drama to a gritty world war three fic would be fun to read and pertinent to what's going on today irl.
I mean it won't be relatively clean like it happens in similar fics but with a bigger cheat such as conceptual deck in See No Evil or Gamers(yes, non dumpster fire Gamers exist, I too was surprised).

Honestly that would be a great and unexpected genre shift, a sudden turn from superhero's drama to a gritty world war three fic would be fun to read and pertinent to what's going on today irl.

Barring Russia going nuclear, there won't be a general WWIII. A series of wars, civil wars, insurections, etc... brought by the uplift, Hydra, and the need to get Earth kind of united to face against alien threat would likely become knows as Unifications Wars era or something in that vein.
for ignition, when I got a "request"
Remove 'when' and change the " into '
on its head in places nowhere as divided as Earth.
add 'near' after 'nowhere'

That's one source of inspiration for this version of the story, yes.
Nice, the feature I most like in Terra Invicta is the various ways of controlling nations and slowly unifying them into bigger and bigger Superstates
Honestly I just can't wait for tony to get to a point where he is mainly waiting on the designs and first rung in the ladder essentially to be finished and have nothing better to do than go on a spending and designing spree for his personal arm-security forces. nothing as outlandish as Iron man armor, yet, but maybe something along the lines of a pilot able converted loader mech alla titanfall. Something that would mainly be used only on the defensive because of power limitations, unless he goes fuck it and uses arc reactors, but that could put up a fight against dedicated armor and air assets. it is also kinda funny how this earths tech it's kinda going like a line of games with starting at Modern Warfare, then going Advanced warfare, then Titanfall, Star citizen and probably a couple more before reaching old republic Star Wars lol
Nice, the feature I most like in Terra Invicta is the various ways of controlling nations and slowly unifying them into bigger and bigger Superstates
Thank you!

Well, eventually SHIELD and others will be using all kinds of political shehanigans, subversion, and even direct military actions to get there and neutralize issues like North Korea for example.

Honestly I just can't wait for tony to get to a point where he is mainly waiting on the designs and first rung in the ladder essentially to be finished and have nothing better to do than go on a spending and designing spree for his personal arm-security forces. nothing as outlandish as Iron man armor, yet, but maybe something along the lines of a pilot able converted loader mech alla titanfall. Something that would mainly be used only on the defensive because of power limitations, unless he goes fuck it and uses arc reactors, but that could put up a fight against dedicated armor and air assets. it is also kinda funny how this earths tech it's kinda going like a line of games with starting at Modern Warfare, then going Advanced warfare, then Titanfall, Star citizen and probably a couple more before reaching old republic Star Wars lol

This will be one of the things he'll be focusing on sometime after the prototype reactor's test and fusion becoming a reality, because it will take a few years of dedicated targeted infrastructure building for this to happen. In that period, he'll be generally doing hard theoretical research focused for the second step of the uplift, and focusing on personal projects like the ones you speak of.

Yeah, that's kind of in line with what I plan. Getting anywhere close to Old Republic SW level, or close to being able to mass produce Mark 2 IM suits is going to be the realistic endgoal, idally one achieved with the help of reverse engineered alien tech, and purchased alien tech and know how. It would be certainly easier to make something like the Titans of Titanfall than get IM Mark 2 armors going with the performance we saw in the first IM 2 movie.
You know at this point I am waiting till other shoe drops and people conect dots that sith Tony has memories from SW and smarterones proceed to freak out cuz force is real and all it entails.
It almost seems like folks are being willfully ignorant, cause they don't want to imagine Tony Stark as a Dark Lord of the Sith....And the very idea has their inner id, quivering with fear, and their inner geeks, jumping up and down saying "moar Lightning! mOAR pOwER!" How many training vibro blades do you think SI is going to sell just to the fans :p

With Tony blatently stating that a one world government needs to happen, is also probably making all the "One Flag, One Nation.." Hydra camp jumping up and down with enthusasim at his potential recruitment. His antipathy towards the Windu Clone...I mean Fury, is probably going to fuel a few fantasies from Fury's enemies as well.
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It almost seems like folks are being willfully ignorant, cause they don't want to imagine Tony Stark as a Dark Lord of the Sith....And the very idea has their inner id, quivering with fear, and their inner geeks, jumping up and down saying "moar Lightning! mOAR pOwER!" How many training vibro blades do you think SI is going to sell just to the fans :p

With Tony blatently stating that a one world government needs to happen, is also probably making all the "One Flag, One Nation.." Hydra camp jumping up and down with enthusasim at his potential recruitment. His antipathy towards the Windu Clone...I mean Fury, is probably going to fuel a few fantasies from Fury's enemies as well.
True, no one asked him names from his past. Dunno why Fury would conclude he's larping, it's funny but I imagine he'd be paranoid enough that an actual Sith exists.
You know at this point I am waiting till other shoe drops and people conect dots that sith Tony has memories from SW and smarterones proceed to freak out cuz force is real and all it entails.

True, no one asked him names from his past. Dunno why Fury would conclude he's larping, it's funny but I imagine he'd be paranoid enough that an actual Sith exists.

Because from where people stand, Sith Tony's demonstrated powers can be from a great variety of settings.
Because from where people stand, Sith Tony's demonstrated powers can be from a great variety of settings.
Of course, but not volunteering such information would be suspicious. They haven't even asked him to provide it, which he could refuse, but increasing the suspicion. Sure he could lie and say he was a saint but they could learn more about him even from a white washed story.
In your shoes, I understand that you're trying to make it unknown to them. Just saying it's a bit streched, many geeks would shout "Oh lord Sith, please give us dem cookies!"
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Of course, but not volunteering such information would be suspicious. They haven't even asked him to provide it, which he could refuse, but increasing the suspicion. Sure he could lie and say he was a saint but they could learn more about him even from a white washed story.
In your shoes, I understand that you're trying to make it unknown to them. Just saying it's a bit streched, many geeks would shout "Oh lord Sith, please give us dem cookies!"

Do you think anyone cares if he was a saint or not?
I mean, honestly, even true global unification wouldn't strictly speaking be necessary, not under one power. Now consolidating as many nations as possible to minimize the powers that are working together, sure. But a single one might be a pill too big to swallow.

Say, you divided things up into North America, Central America/Caribbean, and South America. Europe, NorthwestAsia (ie Russia's Western half), Northeast Asia (Russia's eastern half), Southwest Asia (Middle East basically), EastAsia (China/Korea/Japan), Southeast Asia, NorthAfrica, CentralAfrica, SouthAfrica, Polynesia/Indonesia, Australia/New Zealand, even one for Antarctica as its own territorial zone. Have borders chosen by geography and to some extent existing cultures, try your best to avoid another Africa border snafu, and that by itself would substantially reduce the number of parties being dealt with to make major global decisions. It would be more of a Confederation than a true unified government, but you might be able to swing, say a...Republic out of it?

Now, would that still basically cause World War 3, or a lesser version of it? Probably. And splitting Russia and fusing China, Koreas, AND Japan into one block would cause oceans of blood by itself (so maybe leave them split, idk, its optional). It would be very violent and bloody...unless we could have something like the canon Chitauri invasion of NYC in the canon Avengers movie, which could prove a catalyst to push people in the right direction. Uniting in the face of an outside threat, and Homo sapiens doesn't react well to non-human threats...

I don't know, could work, could backfire horribly if one tried to deliberately induce it.

I am enjoying this fanfic very, very much. Been working on my own Stark SI fic on and off for months now, but this is very...inspiring.

EDIT: Oh, and somebody's use of the term "Unification Wars" makes me think somebody's going to take Captain America's DNA, the Hulk's, and Force powers and put them in a blender to create the God-Emperor of Mankind. Hopefully not, though I can Doom trying that.
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Isn't that just their European territory though? Or do you mean the western half of their territory past the Urals?
Russia's western half, in my mind, is all the stuff by Moscow and Russia's western border, all the way to and including the Ural Mountains. Eastern Asia would basically be everything east of Yenisei River (just looked it up on Google Maps it pretty much runs north-south, and right in Russia's center). It would be an independent Siberia basically, given its own government and tasked with developing native infrastructure.

I originally broke the world into these zones for a mental exercise thinking how best to develop a Planetary Transit System as in Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, coming to the conclusion that if nations were absorbed into larger national blocs, then it would simpler to coordinate standardizing, modernizing, and expanding global transportation infrastructure, as each bloc would have greater resources and simpler coordination across vast distances. The current size of nation-states is dictated by technological limitations from not that long ago (even in World War 2 conquering Russia was suicide), but we have supersonic fight jets, the internet, and maglev trains/highways that make the world NOW that much smaller. If one was willing to shed enough blood to do it, Earth could be run in much larger national blocs. Technically.

Though, the powers in place that pushed even global semi-unification would cause such oceans of blood worldwide to do it, that even if they did, all the people involved would be remembered as the greatest mass murderers in history, including Stark in this fic. He would be quite literally a Merchant of Death for the entire planet. Now, in the MCU, such measures are actually necessary given there's demon armies and hostile alien worlds around every light year, but morally what I'm speaking of is abhorrent.
Do you think anyone cares if he was a saint or not?

It's not like he can publically call himself a Sith until he has the obtained the copy rights. I can envision Tony asking for a meeting with George L. and giving him the real reason why and a bit of demonstration. Maybe a real life working light sabre...

That's true. What's needed is making sure that everyone is on board with global defense against alliens, due to two points - otherwise, an alien invasion could practically be uncontested during a landing and buildup phase, or worse, find pariah states that are eager to collaborate in exchange of alien support and uplift.

At any rate any kind of global unification that doesn't take centuries will be a bloody affair. It won't really start beyond the existing SHIELD and soon SWORD framework until the Chitauri invasion and later the Dark Elf incursion in London. The ongoing uplift and those two major incidents are going to shake the world and make ideas and options that were unthinkable before potentially acceptable.

Any attempt for unification at the scale of decades, will be a very bloody affair, that's true. It would be for many governemnts, and organizations like different Hydra heads to decide if going for it would be worth it. Needless to say, some of the people on the Oversight Council who liked the idea were either some stripe of Hydra or sharing a similar ideology - the desire for a strong and unithed humanity, even if they wouldn't be the ones necessary calling the shots.

Likely a push for eventual unification, or some form of consolidation of Earth in blocks that can work together towards unified global defense if nothing else is likely to start as SHIELD/SWORD initiative to begin putting out fires ignited by the uplift efforts and neutralizing rogue threats, like countries subverted by Hydra Heads implicated in the Insight project.

From there, such efforts backed by the Illuminati and other more reasonable Hydra branches, would turn into a dedicated push towards centralization and consolidation.

It's not like he can publically call himself a Sith until he has the obtained the copy rights. I can envision Tony asking for a meeting with George L. and giving him the real reason why and a bit of demonstration. Maybe a real life working light sabre...

Sadly we won't be seeing a light saber anytime soon. The tech that allows those to work as advertised is largely similar to the tech necessary to make an IM MK 2 actually work without killing the pilot. While the rest might be a bit too on the nose, that's might be an apporach that actually works in universe.
Why even call Europe a continent, as if Ural mountain range is an impassible game border lol.
As far as I know, that part of Russia west of Urals is the true Russia, while everything east is a bunch of other nations and cultures that got conqured/joined the empire/federation. Anyone watch Johnny Harris video on it? Some dude sent a report how he conqured some city thousands of kilometers away and it was strangely erotic.
Imperial court reacted like, who's this guy an why did he conquer that city? Good for him.
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Then why did you call it North-West Asia if it's in Europe?
Because I think of Europe's border as the border to Russia. I think of Russia as an Asian country, yes one heavily influenced by Europe, but sufficiently different to be "Asian" in my head. And, in the interests of my thought experiment, it's just...neater to basically say Western half of Russia = Northwest Asia bc it fit the naming conventions I broke the rest of the planet into.

Yes I know that's not the official cartographic stance, just my personal opinion. You asked for clarification, which I don't mind giving.
Phase 7: No good deed goes unpunished Part 5
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 7: No good deed goes unpunished


Part 5


New York, US

"That's a great way to start world war three!" Fury snapped.

"You did ask for military expertise, and I'm giving it to you. In my experience, most worlds tend to either get invaded and united that way, get blown up in a global war, or suffer a bloody unification period. Those particularly lucky manage to get united before nuclear weapons enter the stage. We aren't that lucky." I explained. "The particularly unlucky worlds enter the galactic stage divided, giving everyone else great levels to divide and conquer military, economically or diplomatically."

"That's not something we can decide by ourselves, at any rate, Mr. Stark," Pierce interjected. He was obviously trying to prevent an argument. "Setting the question of global unity or its lack aside, what else can you recommend?"

"We all agree that if we get properly invaded tomorrow, there's nothing much we can do besides surrender, right?" I asked.

"That's the sad truth." Pierce quickly replied.

"Then my recommendations will concern the short-term management of threats we can do something about. That is covert alien operations and limited incursions to either test our defenses or search for artifacts that someone might have displaced back in the day. As a bonus, such options should be useful against enhanced people going rogue and terrorist threats."

"Now, that's what I like to hear." Rockwell's approval was loud and clear. "Do tell!"

"Nodal defense," I offered. "Quick reaction forces with the best gear we can make. They will deploy from bases worldwide, ideally ensuring both global reach and quick deployment to any trouble spots. Heavy conventional forces augmented by units with state-of-the-art equipment to act as power multipliers would be the second wave of deployment if necessary. Such a strategy will have various benefits facing limited incursions. It would ensure our best units can't be taken with a few orbital strikes if we face pirates or other small-scale raids with orbital support. There are other military and political benefits to such an arrangement."

I observed the councilors quietly murmur to each other while digesting my second suggestion.

"Mr. Stark, your ideas are similar to the capabilities SHIELD strategists would like to develop to handle various issues organically. SHIELD has been working to achieve global reach to allow insertion of direct action units in hot spots." Rockwell admitted. "It makes sense that SWORD would need similar capabilities to face more dangerous opposition."

"The political implications and access to relevant technologies help sell such an arrangement," Monet added, speaking with a barely noticeable French accent. "Do you have other short-term suggestions?"

"Until we have access to better technology and through its designs to put it to good use, our options are strictly limited. In that regard, I have a few questions. Access to alien materials, like the one my father used to make Captain America's shield, can offer shortcuts. A critical issue we have right now is managing heat and the need for better materials to make all kinds of compact technologies practical. Even a limited number of advanced materials or technologies to emulate what we have on hand can be tremendously useful. Ideally, we will get working versions we can build mostly with Earth technology. Then we can focus resources and research on replicating or finding ways around the critical components currently out of reach."

These words led to a brief discussion on the idea's merits and how to get such materials. If SHIELD had access to enough alien metals and other toys, no one was willing to admit it openly. However, judging by the excitement and wariness of some people, either the organization as whole or certain local governments had access to more than they were willing to share.

"On a different topic, what would you suggest that SHIELD and SWORD focus on regarding dealing with covert alien activity, Mr. Stark?" Goldstein, the Israeli representative, asked.

"Intelligence. In the short run, we ideally need ways to scan for alien infiltrators and find ways to detect and deal with alien interference in political decisions at all levels. We need to be wary of anything from covert assassinations to aliens using shapeshifting abilities or technology to implicate politicians and industrialists that are in their way of crimes and remove them that way. In politics, often just credible accusations can be enough, no matter if they're true or not."

My words caused the loudest stir yet. How could they not, when the people in this room would be among the targets of such shenanigans if any alien intelligence agency figured out their position?

"Another thing to look at is the consequences of widespread planetary computer networks. The Internet with its implications in our case. One of the consequences is the truth becoming more subjective than ever. In many democratic or quasi-democratic systems, the truth often didn't matter. People tended to trust preferred sources of information, which often were private groups exclusively using the planetary networks to spread their version of the truth. This could lead to extreme divisions. Groups of people can take radically different things as their truth. The situation can easily reach a point where no one accepts evidence from sources they don't trust, which would be most of the existing ones."

More than a few people shared meaningful looks among themselves. It was more than likely a few of them had intelligent analysts who saw something like that coming and were preparing to take advantage of it. From what I recall, groups that saw what was coming in that regard and took the best advantage of it were often able to supplant many previously existing political organizations. They did it by carving out their spheres of influence on the networks and, through them, the society at large. Some of them did it by telling people what they wanted to hear. Others went to expose lies and thus gain trust, so they could sell their agenda to people now willing to listen to them. There were various ways to do it. The easiest way was to target societies that had large parts of the population ignorant and thus easy targets.

You needed better-constructed narratives and smarter people to properly manage educated societies that way, though it was far from impossible. Even the most brilliant people on a planet could only make decisions according to the information they had. That was why information control was always vital if you could achieve it.

If you had to invade, shattering local information networks and replacing them with your own could work in the long term. After all, if you repeated a lie long enough, people eventually tended to believe it, even if it took a generation or two.

That was precisely what I had to focus on over the next hour or so of discussing managing information flow and how critical it was.
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