The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

Phase 7: No good deed goes unpunished Part 2
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 7: No good deed goes unpunished


Part 2


SHIELD facility White
location classified

Stark's visit did have its benefits, Victor grudgingly admitted. By the end of the day, Richards got released from the clinic and sent to his quarters so that he wouldn't rile up everyone else. The same was true for the SHIELD security agent, Grimm. While he would remain under observation just in case, he got released to the barracks.

The downside was that Sue and her brother got their rooms as well, while Victor remained the sole occupant of the clinic. Unfortunately, that made sense.

Johnathan would still need minders with fire extinguishers for the time being. However, now he was stuck somewhere will less expensive equipment to burn down.

Sue was safer alone than most of them, which was an unpleasant thing to admit.

Victor winced and looked down at his hands. A Nurse was working on them above a metal pan. She liberally doused his bandages with an antiseptic solution to make them easier to remove without hurting him. The cold oxidized water sent chills through his aching hands.

The Nurse carefully cut through the bandages on the back of his hands. That way, she avoided most of the burns. She used more antiseptic solution and eventually got the last bandages off. By doing so, she revealed raw, disfigured skin and meat. Some of his skin looked wrong as if melted. That, more than the actual burns, would require further medical intervention if he ever wanted to regain the full functionality of his fingers.

Victor grimaced at the sight. The thought that something like that could have happened to Sue because of his temper cut deeply.

The Nurse replaced the pan with discarded bandages and now dirty antiseptic solution and brought out another one. She carefully washed his hands, then began slowly applying a cool gel to help him heal from the burns. Finally, she got out clean bandages and got busy bandaging his hands. With that done, a cup with antibiotics and one with water followed, then more painkillers.

The rest of the night, Victor was stuck watching an instructional video about meditation and various exercises that should help deal with anger. He immediately decided a punching bag with Reed's face on it would be a better solution, but that would have to wait until his hands healed.


Ben sat in a small briefing room built next to the barracks and explained everything he knew about his powers to the Director himself.

"That's some space magic shit you're stuck with, Agent." Fury eventually declared.

"Was that what research on our condition concluded, sir?" Grimm carefully asked.

"Research on commonalities with your abilities and what we know of Stark leads to all kinds of bullshit. From Star Wars fan sites to Dungeon and Dragons sourcebooks!"

"We're pretty sure Stark's trolling us by larping like a Sith when he can get away with it. I would almost admire the gall of the bastard if he were someone else's problem! Hell, he's already trying to buy Star Wars," Fury shook his head in a rare display of exasperation.

"What are your orders, sir?"

"Get a handle on your abilities without getting yourself killed. Figure out if Stark's right and that's a danger in the first place so you can avoid it. And keep an eye on that pyromaniac greenhorn, so he doesn't manage to burn down one of our bases."

The conference call cut off from the other side. Ben groaned. Johnny was a hothead before he could accidentally set things on fire. Grimm had the nagging suspicion that he would be stuck with the boy for the foreseeable future. Figuring out how not to get baked like a Thanksgiving goose suddenly became a high priority.


Reed was too excited to ever go to sleep. He couldn't fathom why the others were frustrated. Their abilities led to endless possibilities! Knowing that direct energy manipulation with the mind was possible opened all kinds of new avenues of research. There were whole new scientific disciplines at his fingertips.

He first needed to figure out how to detect, measure and classify the energy that fueled their abilities. That should be straightforward – get to a lab with all available sensors, then use telekinesis and measure the results. Perhaps stick Susan's brother in a test tube to better measure how his pyrokinesis works when surrounded by different gases? Test Susan's invisibility in front of different camera types, including thermal visors. Get Doom to shoot lighting into sensors to measure the power and the kind of energy his lighting was made of!

Reed's mind kept spinning with ideas to best test the limits and nature of the energy that fueled their abilities. There had to be a way to tap into it with technology and use it as a power source! The ideas and possibilities were indeed endless!


New York, US

Fury left his office after ensuring it was properly sealed behind him and walked into a nearby conference room. He confirmed that the standard security protocols were active and sat at the table in the middle of the room. A large flat screen on the wall in front of him lit up and divided into smaller windows, showing SHIELD's Oversight Councilors from Europe.

"Director Fury, what do you have for us?" Hawley demanded, not bothering with greetings or pleasantries. That by itself was a sign she was under a tremendous amount of stress.

"First, we can confirm what your intelligence services undoubtedly found out. The usual suspects are fueling money to slow down and discredit fusion technology as if cash is going out of fashion. The latest analysis of the issues at hand points out that we're dealing with an uncomfortable number of idiots who either haven't bothered to google fusion or don't believe it. We've got an increasing number of conspiracy theories that are a concern. Their reach and spread go beyond the usual suspects as far as these things are concerned."

"It's always good to have an independent confirmation, Director," Stefano's lips quirked into a tired smile. "We aren't speaking just to hear what we already knew again." She pointed out.

"There is a large number of industrialists, CEOs, and a diverse group of organizations that back up initiatives to slow down the introduction of fusion. At the same time, they are doing their best to divest from their current business models and are looking for ways to get on board the fusion train. Some are nominally among our backers, who aren't aware of the larger picture." Fury explained.

"We always knew that introducing changes as fast as humanly possible would cause unfortunate disruptions and more opposition than a slower approach," Monet admitted. "What we're seeing has implications I don't like. Director, there can be no incident with Stark's prototype reactor."

"The whole world is watching," Von Holstein added. "If we see anything but a flawless test, the consequences will be unpleasant. Some countries are facing elections soon, and we are already seeing the approval rating of demagogues standing against fusion rise sharply. We can't have anything adding fuel to this fire."

"SHIELD will take all possible precautions to ensure there will be no incident. As long as Stark can deliver."

"He has already delivered, Director. Scientists the world over had gone over his theories and reactor design. Both are sound and should work. SHIELDs scientists as well." Hawley's harsh reminder did little to improve Fury's mood.

The moment Stark delivered working fusion, he would become the next best thing to be indispensable for Earth's future security.

"Do you have contingencies in place if we have to pursue disclosure to proceed with the uplift?" Monet's question came out of a left field.

"Councilor?" Fury countered with a question while his mind raced to find a reason for this line of inquiry.

"Director, public opinion is a fickle thing. The ongoing madness in parts of Europe proves it. A few elections going astray can compromise the future of global security. If it comes down to it, we might have to painstakingly explain our dangerous strategic position to the public to justify doing what needs to be done to protect Earth. If it comes to that, SHIELD will become the public face of Earth's defense."

"Something like that would make much of our work more difficult. You're well aware that some of what we do as a matter, of course, is outright illegal." Fury didn't bother hiding a grimace. "Full disclosure would be a nuclear option, one I wouldn't dare pursue unless SHIELD as a whole is compromised."

"That's not good enough, Director," Hawley scowled. "However, you're right. The world knowing what SHIELD does would be counter-productive. Perhaps it would be for the best to hide the real SHIELD."

"What do you have in mind, Councilor?" Fury carefully asked for clarification.

"Director, explore the possibility of splitting SHIELD in two. We need a clean organization that has the singular purpose of ensuring Earth's defense against alien threats. That would be SHIELD's public face. The rest of SHIELD will continue to act clandestinely, doing what needs to be done away from public scrutiny." Hawley suggested.

Fury didn't even want to think about the disruption and logistics nightmare of doing as suggested. That said, on the face of it, the idea had some merit.

"Perhaps less of a traditional split?" Fury offered. "We create a new department within SHIELD that would focus on global defense against extraterrestrial threats. We use handpicked personnel that's clean and fold much of our R&D and some of our logistics personnel into it. That department will be our face if we have to go for disclosure."

The Councilors looked at each other.

"This idea has merit, Director. We'll bring it in front of the whole Council. You can start exploring what will be needed to make this suggestion a reality." Stefano offered.
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If they're really that worried about someone sabotaging the fusion test or the test going bad, a route that I'd explore would be setting up a fake facility with an inoperable 'reactor' without any of the dangerous and possibly radioactive components, using body-doubles if necessary for important figures or simply splicing footage from the real facility into the fake one to make it look as if everyone of significance is within that building.

Basically, just do all of the important stuff in one place and publicize doing it in another.

I wouldn't know how feasible that would be, but the allies managed to do it for D-Day at Normandy, I'd imagine an organization of SHIELD's caliber should be able to pull something like that off.
If they're really that worried about someone sabotaging the fusion test or the test going bad, a route that I'd explore would be setting up a fake facility with an inoperable 'reactor' without any of the dangerous and possibly radioactive components, using body-doubles if necessary for important figures or simply splicing footage from the real facility into the fake one to make it look as if everyone of significance is within that building.

Basically, just do all of the important stuff in one place and publicize doing it in another.

I wouldn't know how feasible that would be, but the allies managed to do it for D-Day at Normandy, I'd imagine an organization of SHIELD's caliber should be able to pull something like that off.

The facility where SI is building the test fusion reactor has been public since day one. The whole point of that stunt is to publicly prove that the tech works and its nowhere near as dangerous as nuclear fision. It's not just a proof of concept for the government to see that Stark can deliver fusion as well as other things.
possibly radioactive components
The thing is, Fusion is the Holy Grail because there are NO radioactive components. The environmentalist idiots are screeching about radiation, because they are idiots, like in real life. Wakandashit's plan is to drop in some Uranium where there should be none, to maintain their monopoly by proving those idiots right. It's like spiking an apple with razors to prove that they're more unhealthy than fruit loops.
It's because I'm marathoning this fic but I found Tony moving to vote out Stane as jarring since it was established multiple times that Tony was the CEO- maybe include a line somewhere that Stane took over as the new CEO after Tony was thought killed?
It was very much possible Obi got enough of Tony Stark's shenanigans. If I was out of the picture? Why he might just become the next CEO

Tony Stark was Stark Industries CEO, at least on paper

Perhaps it was one too many days doing Tony's job as a CEO.

I didn't need another reminder that Tony Stark was a fuck-up as a CEO.

Then I would require you to vote Stane from his position as a CEO."
Then we have Romanoff somehow divining Tony is telekinetic when he went out of his way to conceal that from everyone save Rhodes, Pepper and Happy which came out of the left field and jarred me enough I can't take pleasure from reading anymore, which is a shame since it's a pretty good fic.
"Are you enhanced, Mr. Stark?" Ms. Agent cut to the chase.

"Why? Would you want to take me for a test ride?"

My issue here was there was no good answer I could give. If I admitted to being enhanced, everyone would hound me with questions about how it happened.

"I'll need someone to cover me while we go to the back of the building, close to the basement and Hannah's cell."

Romanoff looked up from the tablet in her hands.

"You don't need a line of sight for telekinesis?"
I hope you have a good day, cheers!
The thing is, Fusion is the Holy Grail because there are NO radioactive components. The environmentalist idiots are screeching about radiation, because they are idiots, like in real life. Wakandashit's plan is to drop in some Uranium where there should be none, to maintain their monopoly by proving those idiots right. It's like spiking an apple with razors to prove that they're more unhealthy than fruit loops.
EH, actually it does create some radiation, if I remember right the inner lining of the fusion chamber should become slightly radioactive from neutrino bombardment? But still much less than traditional fission.
EH, actually it does create some radiation, if I remember right the inner lining of the fusion chamber should become slightly radioactive from neutrino bombardment? But still much less than traditional fission.
I googled it and first result with a short paragraph said that the radiation is short lived, turning it off makes it go away in milliseconds, while some other element would decay in 50-100 years which is much less than hundreds to thousands for fission.

SHIELD will take all possible precautions to ensure there will be the incident.
will not be an incident

So Reed is trying what Rakatans did, maybe with the light side or both or the fanon neutral?
It's because I'm marathoning this fic but I found Tony moving to vote out Stane as jarring since it was established multiple times that Tony was the CEO- maybe include a line somewhere that Stane took over as the new CEO after Tony was thought killed?
Then we have Romanoff somehow divining Tony is telekinetic when he went out of his way to conceal that from everyone save Rhodes, Pepper and Happy which came out of the left field and jarred me enough I can't take pleasure from reading anymore, which is a shame since it's a pretty good fic.
I hope you have a good day, cheers!

Romanoff was one of the first people Sith Tony used telekinesis on, during his escape in Afghanistan. They ran into each other in the dark, without being sure if it was a friendly or a terrorist. Romanoff tried to stun him and see if he was one of the people trying to escape or a terrorist, while Tony used telekinesis on her.

In this story Stane didn't need to take as a CEO after Tony vanished in Afghanistan. He had been running the corporation since Howards death. That gives him the reach and time needed to plausibly get an operation running that could have ghost produced anything close to the amount of weapons we saw in the movie. This is both in line with what we saw of Tony before Afghanistan, and with the amount of SI weaponry in the hands of terrorists and others that couldn't legally buy it. We aren't talking about a few crates falling from the back of a truck here, we're talking about enough weaponry to finght a few not so small wars. That's not something a few peopple do on the sly, and require dozens if not hundreds of people within SI involved, and that's an optimistic estimate. Later in the story the investigation implicates over a thousand people wthin SI, though at least some of them believed that the ghost production was in fact sanctioned by the US government and meant to go to allies that can't be seen bying the weapons the legal way.


So Reed is trying what Rakatans did, maybe with the light side or both or the fanon neutral?

Sadly, or fortunately, for him, Richards lacks the understanding of the Force and the overal tech base to do anything constructive.
I think it more likely Reed is on the way to kill himself in a spectacular fashion. Notice how he doesn't spend a single thought on balancing his moods and dives right into SCIENCE!, whereas the other four have come to accept they need training. When even DOOM admits the need to step back and take a breather, you know shit's gotten serious.
Romanoff was one of the first people Sith Tony used telekinesis on, during his escape in Afghanistan. They ran into each other in the dark, without being sure if it was a friendly or a terrorist. Romanoff tried to stun him and see if he was one of the people trying to escape or a terrorist, while Tony used telekinesis on her.
Oh yeah, I recall that. Well then, the question is- why the heck didn't she report it and why bother asking Tony if he's enhanced if she knows for sure?
In this story Stane didn't need to take as a CEO after Tony vanished in Afghanistan.
Yes, the quotes I provided are clear on that- Tony was the CEO on paper and Stane did all the work- my point is, he had to actually become the CEO for Tony to boot him, otherwise the scene doesn't work.
Oh yeah, I recall that. Well then, the question is- why the heck didn't she report it and why bother asking Tony if he's enhanced if she knows for sure?

Yes, the quotes I provided are clear on that- Tony was the CEO on paper and Stane did all the work- my point is, he had to actually become the CEO for Tony to boot him, otherwise the scene doesn't work.

She did report it and she aslo reported she wasn't sure exactly what happened, because her attempt to stun Tony backfired and she got a nasty electick shock. SHIELD and did operate under the assumption that Stark was enhanced, but didn't know for sure until later.

And I believe I was clear that in this story Tony has never been CEO of Stark Industries. He's the primary shareholder, and has been the one since Howard's death. The current CEO is the former head of SI's legal department and that's for no more than an year. Ideally, Pepper would be in a position to take the job afterward. If not, Tony will likely find someone else to handle it until she is ready, because he's busy with other things.

That this different OTL is of no consequence.
And I believe I was clear that in this story Tony has never been CEO of Stark Industries.
Did... did you not bother to read the quotes of YOUR story I included in my first post? I'll post them again, this time not spoilered:
It was very much possible Obi got enough of Tony Stark's shenanigans. If I was out of the picture? Why he might just become the next CEO

Tony Stark was Stark Industries CEO, at least on paper

Perhaps it was one too many days doing Tony's job as a CEO.

I didn't need another reminder that Tony Stark was a fuck-up as a CEO.

Then I would require you to vote Stane from his position as a CEO."
To me, these are painfully clear that Tony was, in fact the CEO- you can edit that of course but you are asserting something one thing when you wrote something else.
She did report it and she aslo reported she wasn't sure exactly what happened, because her attempt to stun Tony backfired and she got a nasty electick shock. SHIELD and did operate under the assumption that Stark was enhanced, but didn't know for sure until later.
Ah, so he just confirmed what she suspected. Still, you might want to make clear that at that point, Hannah was more important to him than keeping that secret for a while longer.
visit did have its' benefits
Richards' got released from
Remove the '
initiatives to slow the introduction of fusion
Add 'down' after 'slow'
see anything but flawless test
Add 'a' after 'but'
the next best thing to be indispensable
Remove 'be'
we do as a matter, of course, is outright illegal.
Remove the commas
From Star Wars fan sites to Dungeon and Dragons sourcebooks!"
I mean, what did they expect? Such powers are par for the course for any high-fantasy setting.
There had to be a way to tap into it with technology and use it as a power source!
Ask the Rakatans how that went for them. I also noticed that he didn't even think about asking any of the others if they want to do any of these tests. Basic power testing is fine but I feel like the tests he wants to run require consent. Or that he will be running them for that matter instead of someone who doesn't have a major fuck up on their record.
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Did... did you not bother to read the quotes of YOUR story I included in my first post? I'll post them again, this time not spoilered:

To me, these are painfully clear that Tony was, in fact the CEO- you can edit that of course but you are asserting something one thing when you wrote something else.

Ah, so he just confirmed what she suspected. Still, you might want to make clear that at that point, Hannah was more important to him than keeping that secret for a while longer.

Yeah, that should have not made it in V2 of the story, sadly no one noticed it until now. I'll have to see what would be easier to edit, because tracking it down in all sites I've got it posted is going to be a pain in the ass.

That should be obvious, otherwise he wouldn't have pushed to be a part of the SHIELD operation to get Hannah back.


I mean, what did they expect? Such powers are par for the course for any high-fantasy setting.

Ask the Rakatans how that went for them. I also noticed that he didn't even think about asking any of the others if they want to do any of these tests. Basic power testing is fine but I feel like the tests he wants to run require consent. Or that he will be running them for that matter instead of someone who doesn't have a major fuck up on their record.

From what I gather, that's how many of Reeds' incarnations are when they think about science. Litte things like consent, or people often don't matter.
Reed is EXACTLY the sort of person who would dismiss all the psychological safeguards Stark is trying to introduce as 'slowing down research' and 'fearmongering'. Dismissing the guy who has ACTUAL experience with the Force versus what he can find with SCIENCE!

Doom is only really going along with the meditation stuff because he doesn't want to hurt Sue and he already hurt himself. Anything to keep from hurting her has to be a good thing. Even if he feels stupid doing it.

I wonder if Doom might go for a more bio-feedback route to meditation rather than the traditional methods. I wouldn't be surprised if someone among the Force users in the GFFA had used them.
Phase 7: No good deed goes unpunished Part 3
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 7: No good deed goes unpunished


Part 3


Stark Industries and Starlight Consortium announce details of their deal. China will be building exoskeletons for civilian use.

Forbes Magazine

Stark Industries will begin testing powered exoskeletons and various "assistance" tools next month.

Science Today

US Navy launches program to explore the feasibility of armoring modern warships. SI's patented heavy polymer-based Permex building material cited as a key component of potentially viable warship armor.

US Navy magazine

Stark Industries licenses the production of Synthetic Concrete to over a hundred construction firms worldwide. Government sources confirm that the Infrastructure Bill passed by US Senate and Congress will require using SI's advanced building material to refurbish or rebuild infrastructure. Stark Industries is guaranteed to make billions from new license and patent fees.

Financial Times

Officials from the EU, NATO, Canada, Japan, South Korea, and China confirmed among the guests in Stark Industries prototype fusion reactor test in New York.

New York Times


Stark mansion
New York, US

The buying spree I went on during the investigation left me comfortably sitting at eighty percent control of SI's shares. This gave me more control over the company than ever, and it was something I gleefully used to push research and development ideas forward.

The downside was that now that I was paying attention, even with Jarvis' invaluable help, I was still swamped with paperwork. If I wanted to prevent a repeat of Stane's subversion of SI, it could be no other way.

The only reasonable answer was to vet more people and semi-regularly waste time ensuring no one else was subverting my company. I guessed that that would be less than ideal, but it couldn't be helped.

One of the many unfortunate consequences was I still didn't have the time to properly dedicate myself to exploring the potential of the Arc reactor and the Repulsor technology. I knew that those two could shine brighter with new materials and advances in supporting fields, just like everything else I was working on. The big difference was I knew the potential of the tech base I was attempting to rebuild.

This was the real world, not a movie. As they were now, the Arc reactor and Repulsors were far from enough to make a slim flying armor feasible, much less give it durability similar to that of a tank.

Heat was the primary problem, and that was something I would have to solve the hard way. Back in the universe I remembered, the heat was mostly a solved issue. Advanced materials, containment systems, and other technologies offered various ways to handle the heat.

I didn't have access to any of that. I knew that certain room-temperature superconductors would be of great help. However, making them in the first place, much less in an economically viable way, would require proper orbital infrastructure.

We needed better power sources and, ideally, better materials to get there. Ideally, we would like the fruits of said infrastructure to get those, so it was a catch-22.

Building fusion reactors all over the place and leveraging their energy was the way to break out of the trap. Fusion power and Ion engines could give us practical access to Earth's orbitals and the resources of the asteroid belt. That would be a jumping point for proper orbital industries and the resources of the whole solar system.

Those would be the next two giant steps towards uplift.

One could dream, right?

But until I had access to orbital industry, its products, and potential for experiments, I was greatly limited in what I could practically do.

The good news was I already had collated what should be possible to achieve and what we should focus on research-wise and sent it to SI's departments. Political and economic concerns slowed things down at this point, but hopefully not for much longer. I needed research institutes and laboratories worldwide to work on filling gaps and figuring out how to make my ideas a reality.

I was looking for the moment when I could focus on research and development beyond the foundational technologies we had to get off the ground before things could get interesting.

That train of thought brought me back to my current dilemma. I wanted the Arc reactor and repulsors as my trump cards. I wanted to be the one to push those technologies to the limit because, compared to everything else I was eager to share, those two items were what my father and I created. These weren't ancient technologies or newer development I learned from in school or by necessity over the past hundred years.

These were my family's legacy and my work as well.

That was how I found myself in my lab after getting back and checking on Hannah. Instead of working on making smaller fusion reactors a reality, I had Jarvis bring up schematics and development notes on the Arc reactor and the Repulsors.

I wasn't sure if this was a waste of time, a pointless obsession, or a possibility I had to explore before it was too late. The same went for sharing the technologies and letting others have a crack at them.

On the face of it, both technologies had the same limiting factors that made compact fusion hard: materials science and heat management. There were other issues as well, but those were the critical ones.

Compact designs required much stronger alloys to keep the generated energies contained. With a larger design, using the same technology would be easier. That would mean a much bigger containment chamber, where a large amount of the suitable gases could act as a buffer before even considering the thickness of the chamber's walls. Thick walls meant much more material to absorb and disperse heat. It meant large built-in cooling systems were possible.

Now, on one hand, a much smaller device wouldn't need to generate anywhere near the power of a large commercial reactor. On the other hand, in comparison, the containment vessel would have a much smaller proportional surface and mass to handle the stress. That was true for the heat too.

In theory, I could try to make the Arc reactor in my chest orders of magnitude more powerful. The math didn't lie. I could push it to about eight to ten gigajoules per second.

I didn't know of a material we could make on Earth in the foreseeable future that could safely contain that amount of energy without failing in short order if used in a containment vessel small enough to carry. That was just handling pure energy. The heat produced by eight gigajoules per the second reaction would be tremendous. That would be enough to flash-fry me even if the containment vessel didn't simply melt or even vaporize.

In comparison, the reactor in my chest had the constant output of two to three car batteries in a much smaller and lighter vessel. That was nothing to scoff at if we didn't consider the price. For most applications, cost, and space-wise, a bunch of car batteries or just plugging something into the power grid would be better.

This was the frustrating part, just like with the fusion reactors. I knew what was possible and what I needed to make it possible, yet doing so was out of reach for the time being. Perhaps for years or even a decade or two.

The Repulsor tech had the same issue. The devices were inherently short-lived with available materials before either frying themselves or suffering a catastrophic overload. The latter was how the Jericho warheads worked – a short burst of acceleration to get the sub-munitions to target, followed by intentional overload. The third ingredient was a dumb AI calculating how to best shape the resulting explosions so their geometry would reinforce the destruction.

Again, the only practical way I could see right now was to go big and use the sheer mass of the resulting device to contain the energies involved and help handle the heat without catastrophic results.

I shoved the holographic images aside.

"Jarvis, open a new file called critical stepping stones."

"It's ready, Sir."

I began to dictate a concise list of what supporting technologies we would need to develop and make practical for mass production for steps two and three of the uplift. I still wasn't sure what to do with the Arc reactor and the Repulsors. However, even without them, the same technologies would be needed. Those would be the supporting technologies that I needed the whole world to be busy researching soon.
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just everything else I was working on.
Something is missing here
Back in the universe, I remembered
remove the comma
and repulsors and my trump cards.
technologies and letting others crack at them
Add either 'have a' or 'take a' after 'others'. Both mean exactly the same though 'take a' sounds better here in my opinion
produced by eight gigajoules per the second reaction
add 'an' after 'by' and remove 'the'
a containment vessel large enough to carry.
Don't you mean small?
However, even within them, the same
Those would be what I needed the whole world to be busy researching soon.
Something is not right with this sentence but I'm somewhat tired right now and can't think of a good way to fix it
Phase 7: No good deed goes unpunished Part 4
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 7: No good deed goes unpunished


Part 4


New York, US

About two weeks before my prototype fusion reactor would be ready for ignition, I got a 'request' for a meeting in one of the many skyscrapers in the city. Instead of more negotiations between SI and one of the many corporations eager to get a piece of the pie, this one was worse.

I knew that sooner or later, I would have to get directly involved in politics, and this was it. No good deed gets unpunished. This would be part of the price I would have to pay to keep Earth from getting subjugated and ensure a good future for Hannah.

Speaking about politics, it was no coincidence that Mr. Agent met us at the entrance.

"Mr. Stark, I'm glad to see you under better circumstances." Coulson smiled pleasantly.

"I'm about to wade into politics again. Those aren't much better circumstances." I pointed out.

"You're familiar with the beast?" He didn't even bother to be subtle about fishing for information.

"I remember being the military governor of a few systems a handful of times. At least it's beneficial because that gave me a reason to be involved in figuring out alternative methods of manufacturing certain essential building materials.

"The patents that are currently revolutionalizing construction." Coulson nodded in understanding. "Please come this way, Mr. Stark. The meeting will happen on the top floor. Your security detail can wait with those of the others attending in person."

Mr. Agent led us past a regular-looking lobby to a row of sleek, fast elevators, and soon we reached our destination.

Groups of SHIELD security outfitted for combat held the right wing of the top floor. Coulson got us past them without incident. We got to a long hall leading to open conference and meeting rooms, with a large cafeteria to the right. It was complete with groups of bodyguards. A closer glance showed pins with the flags of multiple countries on their lapels.

I nodded at the commander of my security detail and let Coulson lead me to a nearby secure conference room. He opened the door and waved me in.

Several people were clustered in small groups talking to each other. Large monitors lined the walls or stuck from the ceiling above a long wooden table.

My breath hitched, and unbidden fury erupted in my chest when I saw a tall, dark-skinned man wearing a leather trenchcoat. Save for the eyepatch and two flesh and blood hands, he could have been Windu's twin brother. I was already reaching to lash at him when reality caught up with me.

More than a few people stared at me with interest and worry while I glowered at the bastard and examined him through the Force. I struggled to contain my fury.

"Is there a problem, Mr. Stark?" Mr. Agent asked warily.

"It's not every day I meet the twin brother of someone I loath." I bit out.

That man's Force signature was nothing like Windu's, even if the resemblance was uncanny.

The bald man narrowed his eye at me.

"Do we have a problem, Stark?" He demanded.

"You look like an uglier clone of a certain bastard who crippled my wife a few decades ago." I slowly lowered my hand. "That's what my new memories tell me anyway."

"Well, that's a novel reason for someone not to like the Director." Mr. Agent quipped.

"That's your boss? Fuck my luck."

"Mr. Stark, Tony, it's good to see you again." An older British woman left her group and approached me with a smile.

"Mrs. Hawley?" It took me a few seconds to place the face and name. I remember her visiting Howard at least a few times back in the day.

"It's Pamela, Tony. I'm glad we have you on board and want to finally personally thank you for what you're doing." She did her best to defuse the situation.

"You're welcome?" I used my anger to sharpen my focus. The realization that this wasn't Windu, who died long ago, did help in that regard.

"I'm also sorry about what you had to endure, even if it is beneficial in the grand scheme of things." Hawley continued.

"Yes, those memories come in handy more often than not."

Everyone was looking at us curiously, judging and evaluating already.

"Let me make an introduction so we can begin. Please join me and take a seat, Tony."

If nothing else, the woman was genuinely happy to see me. However, I doubted it was because of her connection with my father.

I soon got a complete introduction to the people who oversaw SHIELD as a whole, as well as its director, Nicholas Fury, who was supposed to have no connection with Windu. It had to be a quirk of genetics. He looked close enough to the actor who played Windu in this Earth's Star Wars prequels.

Just from the people present in person, or the few who attended over an encrypted satellite link, it quickly became apparent that SHIELD had more reach than I was aware of.

The interesting thing was who wasn't represented on this Council. There was no Russian representative, no one from Africa or South America. However, save for Russia, the principal economies and military powers that mattered were on board. That by itself was nothing to scoff at.

"You didn't call me here just for a meet and greet session." I pointed out after the introductions were mercifully over. "Who wants to spill the beans?"

"Tony, we've taken notice of your actions, claims, and achievements as of late. We've been evaluating you for the past few months and recently reached a few conclusions." Pamela explained. "We are here to get a first-hand experience with the new you. We want to give you further opportunity to demonstrate your expertise beyond the sciences you're pushing to their limit."

I pondered Hawley's words for a few seconds.

"Is this a job interview?" I asked in a bemused tone.

"At the very least, we'll want you as a consultant for a new organization we're creating under SHIELD's aegis. It will focus on global defense against alien threats," Hawley continued. "We want you as a consultant for SWORD, the Sapient World Observation, and Response Department."

"You people do love your acronyms," I noted. "What do you want to know?"

"We would like to hear more about what you can offer as a strategic adviser beyond the technical details of the uplift effort you're already involved with, Mr. Stark." The Indian representative elaborated. "What are your thoughts on global defense, and what advice can you offer on short notice?"

A test, then. This was almost like my last stint as a professor in a military academy during my retirement.

"The key word here is global," I began. "This matters when dealing with an alien aggressor interested in more than wholesale destruction. Borders? National identities? Those don't matter. The most dangerous part of an invasion is establishing a beachhead. In that regard, the worst-case scenario for the defender is if the enemy can do it unopposed because they have local sympathizers. For a global defense initiative to work, it needs global reach and everyone on board as far as a defense against alien aggression is concerned." I gave the Councilors a deadpan look. "I have no illusions that everyone can or will just come together singing kumbaya. In the coming decades, we'll need a united front to show the galaxy at large when we have the tools to defend ourselves. Failing to achieve this by any means necessary can be the greatest threat to Earth once we have defenses that matter. That, however, is beyond the scope I can influence. It's your job and that of your governments."

Those words alone earned me many thoughtful looks. Hawley and a few other Councilors appeared particularly pleased with my little speech.

Others, not so much. I was well aware of the implications. Doing this in any way that mattered would require unpleasant political choices. Those included bringing into the fold hostile nations or neutralizing them both as a threat and a potential friendly staging ground for an alien invasion. In the long run, doing so would sometimes require covert regime changes or even direct military action to neutralize threats and establish defensive positions against an alien invasion.

I wondered if anyone would have the stomach to do this without half-assing it because there were no good options in the time available. Without extreme measures, uniting Earth to face alien invasion would take much longer than getting the technology and industry ready. That was already a project that would take decades.

Then again, the uplift alone would shatter the existing world order and cause more than a few wars. That usually happens when something suddenly turns a current world order on its head in places nowhere near as divided as Earth.
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I am getting very strong Terra Invicta vibes, which is a good thing. Time to see where the dominos fall because we are about to have an entire warehouse of them suffer an earthquake.
Hmmmm.....yeah Earth is fucked. I see no way but sort of a world war first and hoping that aliens wait a bit.
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I am getting very strong Terra Invicta vibes, which is a good thing. Time to see where the dominos fall because we are about to have an entire warehouse of them suffer an earthquake.

That's one source of inspiration for this version of the story, yes.

Hmmmm.....yeah Earth is fucked. I see no way but sort of a world war first and hoping that aliens wait a bit.

Earth was always going to be fucked in this universe due to operating under much more down to ground rules among other things. So, there wouldn't have been a proper IM like in the movies, and Tony had great odds of not making it out of that cave in the first place, for example. The only question is if this can change fast enough due to the uplift and Sith Tony's influence, if everything will go to hell earlier because of those efforts. Perhaps, both.