The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

screw disney, Stark industries will make starwars great again!

this time with actual historical context of what happened, heck he might even show his own "personal" history of dealing with shit so the sith empire isnt just the "Bad Guys Being Bad" because of the whole shebang of the republic exterminating the sith species, oh i understand the danger of the darkside, but im pretty sure out of the bunch there were some lightside sith and such.
you forgot that he will make it great by giving it blackjack and hookers
screw disney, Stark industries will make starwars great again!

this time with actual historical context of what happened, heck he might even show his own "personal" history of dealing with shit so the sith empire isnt just the "Bad Guys Being Bad" because of the whole shebang of the republic exterminating the sith species, oh i understand the danger of the darkside, but im pretty sure out of the bunch there were some lightside sith and such.

To be fair, the Sith Empire was bad, obviously. It just wasn't as bad as the Republic propaganda painted it as, because even talking into account the Sith infighting it was a functional state, that was a military peer to the galactic hegemon. In both wars, neither side were paragons of virtue. Hell, looking at just the nicer element of the Empire, there were Republic Senators that were convinced that adopting them, or outright joining the Empire might be the better option for the Republic than reigniting the war.

Of course, the crazier elements on both sides wouldn't have it, especially Sith out for vengeance.

What does that ever mean?

you forgot that he will make it great by giving it blackjack and hookers

That's for the HBO version of the Galactic wars between the Old Republic and Sith Empire.
Flag, Susan dies and Doom goes off the deep end.
Odds are, if Susan dies it's because Reeds. This version of Reeds Richards reads like he has a kids emotional control, self control & wisdom, coupled with some version of ADHD and a desire (but not the skill) to snark.
It's Doom. He always goes there. It's like telling him he CAN'T do something.
Besides, he needs some kind of excuse to get the iconic armor.
Phase 6: Fantastic headaches Part 4
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 6: Fantastic headaches


Part 4


SHIELD facility White
location classified

Victor looked suspiciously at the nurse, who held a cup with pills and one with water in front of him.

"Mr. von Doom, if you want to negotiate an arrangement about your situation today, you will drink the relaxants and wait forty minutes for them to kick in." The nurse patiently explained.

"This is Stark's fault, isn't it?" Viktor grumbled.

"Wasn't he one of the few people you actually respect?" Sue shot at him.

"That lasts for as long as he opens his mouth in my presence. Or until I see how he wastes his potential in the news." He grumbled and kept glaring at the cups.

The nurse didn't seem perturbed. She just raised an eyebrow and stared back.

"Victor, do you want to risk losing your hands?" Sue huffed in frustration.

He clenched his fingers in irritation at the reminder and fought to keep a wince of pain off his face. It was frustration and anger at Richard's blithe comments that made him furious in a way he had seldom experienced. The next thing Victor knew, lighting cracked over his fingers and exploded in an arc that crackled over a nearby beframe, lighting the covers and mattress on fire. The sheer shock of what happened ensured he had no control over the lighting, and it arced between his hands just as he felt something within him drain.

He was lucky—just first and second-degree burns. With therapy and a potential visit to the best doctors money could buy, he should recover the full motion of his fingers.

The thought of going to Stark groveling and asking for training burned and infuriated him. Victor closed his eyes, took a series of deep breaths, and then slowly exhaled. Sue's hand gripping his shoulder in reassurance helped him restore his composure.

"I'll listen to what Stark has to say." He bit off.

"That's how negotiations start," Sue pointed out.

If Victor had his way, he would always negotiate from a position of strength. That was one of the things that irked him the first time he met Stark in person. The bastard acted as a typical rich playboy with no care about anything in the world, yet controlled arguably the most powerful corporation Earth has ever seen. Any talk between them, any negotiation, wouldn't have been one among peers. Then Stark opened his mouth, and it was as if he was doing his best to rile him up. Victor knew he was a prideful man, and on that day, he couldn't help himself.

It was petty, it was stupid, and it might have meant the ruin of his company if Stark didn't just get drunk and then slept with his latest conquest. That should have been a moment to bring relief to Victor. Instead, the sheer indifference Stark's inaction implied that hurt. It was like neither Victor nor his company mattered at all.

In some ways, that was worse to his pride than if Stark tried and even perhaps succeeded in ruining von Doom industries, forcing Victor to start from square one.

Now, Stark again held Victor's fate in his hands and…

The nurse cleared her throat and shoved the cup with drugs in front of his face. He rolled his eyes but opened his mouth, took in the damned pills, and then washed them with the offered water.

"Hey, what about us?" Reed had to open his stupid mouth.

"I have drugs for you, too, Mr. Richards," the Nurse stated calmly.

Victor had to give it to her. She was perhaps the only person in the room who could ignore Richards' antics as if they didn't matter.

"At least we'll get out of here and be away from Reed for a bit." Sue patted his shoulder in encouragement.

There were moments Victor wasn't sure what he might do if she wasn't here to help keep him grounded. He might have already fried Richards. Not that would be a bad thing…


A guard let them to the nearby mess hall, where Stark sat at a table in the corner, fiddling with a phone. He had a steaming cup of coffee on an otherwise empty table. Sue squeezed Victor's arm above the bandages, and he could swear he could feel a wave of reassurance wash over him.

"I'll behave," He muttered and escorted his girlfriend to meet with Stark. If nothing else, Victor was curious to hear about what memories that device gave the irritating man.

As they approached, Victor focused on Stark, trying to look at him the way he looked at Sue earlier when she went invisible. He got the vague impression of a solid wall of darkness shaped like a human sitting across the table. At the same time, Sue shone with bright, warm light. Victor shook his head, and the world came back into focus.

"Mr. Stark," Sue offered in greeting.

"Stark." Doom somehow managed to make the name sound neutral.

"Ms. Storm, Doom," Stark noted and put his phone away.

"It's von Doom, as you well know, Stark."

"Then it's Mr. Stark to you, von Doom."

"Boys, that's enough dick measuring." The redhead who arrived with Stark came from behind, carrying a fresh cup of coffee. She sat beside him and gave him a pointed look.

"I'll behave if von Doom finds it in him to do the same."

Victor stared at Stark until Sue poked him in the ribs with her elbow.

"I'll try my best to remain civil." He bit off.

"Richards' stunt made the five of you a problem I frankly don't have the time to deal with." Stark began.

The sheer arrogance was unsurprising, yet it stoked Victor's temper. If it wasn't for the drugs, he was sure he would be quickly getting angry right now.

"How much do the two of you know about our situation?" Stark looked tiredly at them.

That was new, Victor noted.

"From what I know, they didn't get a full briefing and haven't signed the relevant NDAs." The redhead explained.

"There's more to finding a random piece of alien technology?" Sue sounded less than impressed. "Who would have thought."

"In eighty-nine, a small alien commando team took out a US Air Force base seeking some alien artifact. In the mid-nineties, another group of aliens, shapeshifters this time, attempted infiltration and subversion of multiple global governments. We aren't alone. At least two species we're sharing this galaxy with are hostile." The redhead woman explained. "That's where Mr. Stark and the memories the device gave him come in."

Victor's mind ran with the provided information. If it was true, what happened to them implied it might be… He thought about everything that had happened over the months since Stark came back from Afghanistan. The investigation that should have crippled SI if not been the end of it, the sudden influx of new military contracts, Stark's fusion tech…

"You're uplifting Earth with government backing. Not just the US, the world." Victor declared as the pieces fell into place in his head. SI's new contracts in Europe, even with China, all pointed to the same conclusion.

"Yes, and thus I don't have the time to deal with five fledgling Acolytes who don't know the first thing about their power. I'm already swarmed, and the moment the foundation is in place, I'll be busier than ever."

This was different. There was no trace of the Stark he had met before. Hell, this wasn't even the man he met earlier today, or perhaps was, and Victor's own bias made him misread the situation poorly.

"You've got access to alien technology. How much? What kind?" Sue vibrated in excitement.

"I know what's possible. I have a century of experience working with alien technology and a few degrees in fusion and other useful tech. Sadly, I don't have actual alien technology to reverse engineer directly. That might significantly speed things up. There are huge gaps in my knowledge. I wasn't a scientist then, and even if I were, I still wouldn't be able to recreate a technology base thousands of years more advanced by myself."

"Supporting technologies, fields, and equipment that we now take for granted." Victor nodded along. Suppose he found himself a few hundred years in the past. In that case, Victor could do much, but getting anywhere near modern technology would be the work of a lifetime, if not longer. That would be especially true if he wanted to spread it worldwide quickly. The gap would be too big. Too many missing pieces would have to be reinvented, even if he could otherwise rapidly improve the world.

"Fusion will eventually mean practically unlimited power. That by itself will have a great positive effect on the economy and environment." Sue nodded rapidly, making connections as well.

"Metallurgy. The building materials you patented in such quick succession. It all makes sense." Victor nodded. "Where does that leave us?"

"You get training and work with me to make up for the time I need to dedicate to train you."

"Victor, this is an opportunity to work on technology and theories that are literally out of this world!" Sue shook with excitement. Despite the drugs, she shimmered out of existence and gasped.

Stark sighed and rubbed his temples. "Now imagine this was you, accidentally throwing lighting all around." He nodded at Sue.

Victor glared at Stark but then looked at his aching hands, then at Sue, who slowly became visible. The last thing he wanted was to hurt her by accident.

"Let's talk details, Stark."
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I like that Victor won't be a villain here. At least I hope he won't. Maybe a bit of what Obi-wan was to Veil?
Not that would be a bad thing…
Add another 'that' after 'Not'. I thought it was a mistake too in the beginning but apparently it is not.
where stark sat on a table in the corner,
Capitalise 'Stark', at
Doom something managed to make the name

I have drugs for you, too, Mr. Richards,
I always snicker quietly at how such statements would sound very wrong to someone who doesn't know English well enough.
Phase 7: No good deed goes unpunished Part 1
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 7: No good deed goes unpunished


Part 1


North Carolina, US

Erik jogged through a forest trail shrouded in twilight. Two shadows moved out of the treeline and joined him.

"My Prince, we finally have the opportunity we've been waiting for." One of them spoke in an accent painfully reminiscent of his father's.

"Stark?" Erik didn't bother to slow down. Such deviations from his routine could be dangerous if someone kept an eye on him.

"What that man is doing is a clear and present danger for Wakanda, my Prince." The second War Dog, a woman this time, confirmed.

"What do you need from me?"

"Stark needs to die. His prototype fusion reactor has to fail spectacularly."

"We must discredit this technology. It's not something the oppressors can have, my Prince."

Erik twitched every time he heard 'my Prince.' It was a reminder of what he lost, of the oppression of black people across the world he was in no position to do anything constructive about. He needed Wakanda's resources to force a real change!

Some of the influential people within Wakanda agreed. They were his father's allies, who had to lay quiet while the current King ran things.

"My Prince, if you succeed, we can finally bring you home, hailed as a hero." The woman whispered dark promises that harkened to everything Erik desired.

"With such a triumph to bring home, your allies can force a confrontation. You'll have earned the right to challenge the King for Wakanda's throne."

"Everything you yearn for can be yours, my Prince."

A shudder went through Erik's body. His head swam with possibilities. Vengeance and liberation?! They could finally be within his grasp.

"What does Wakanda require of its prince?" He asked.

"We will be in contact and provide equipment, my Prince. Intelligence as well. You need to gather a team. When the time is right, you'll go after Stark. The fusion reactor will fail catastrophically in the crossfire, irradiating the area. You'll have the tools to make it so, my Prince."

"Everything for Wakanda!" Erik nodded rapidly.

"You're a credit to your father, my Prince. Everything for Wakanda."

The War Dogs melted into the shadows, and Erik continued his jog alone. His mind spun with possibilities. He could hear chanting, the cries of the oppressed, and the smug, arrogant looks of the oppressors. Wakanda was the future! Wakanda was the key to breaking this cycle of oppression!


EKO Skorpion forward base
Sokovia, Eastern Europe

The sound of distant artillery was a constant companion every single night nowadays. Weapons supplied by Russia and bought on the black market fueled the government's arsenal. At the same time, quiet NATO support kept the rebels afloat. Rumors of a no-fly zone above Sokovia made the situation even more unpleasant. At this rate, Helmut worried there wouldn't be much left of his country by the war's end.

What the rebels wanted was unacceptable.

Baron Zemo certainly wasn't going to abandon his ancestral home, title, and all it entailed because a bunch of bastards wanted to change who ran their country. Europe at large began caring only after Stark's plans for fusion power had ensured the continent would be energy independent from Russia in a few years. The civil war had been going on for months, with the government slowly but surely grinding the rebels down, before the EU and NATO decided they could risk intervening.

The flow of weapons into rebel hands and what had to be real-time intelligence support from NATO recon planes on the other side of the border and satellites quickly turned the tide.

After a month of fierce fighting, the lines finally stabilized, if at a high cost.

Zemo glared at the map mocking him from a folding table in his tent. Almost half the country was in rebel hands, and there was non-stop vicious fighting at the capital's outskirts.

His unit wasn't set up for this kind of fighting. They were special forces attached to Sokovian Intelligence. Their training and equipment both aimed at short, sharp engagement. Raids, in other words, instead of protracted heavy fighting. They were light infantry with all that entailed.

Instead of hunting rebel leaders, weapon depots, and communication stations, or spreading terror among the bastards, now the Skorpions were stuck as a reliable reserve unit ready to plug any breach in the capital's defenses.

A commotion outside brought Helmut out of his dark thoughts.

"Sir, there's a man here wishing to see you. He has papers claiming he's Sokovian Intelligence. However, his accent's German."

"Have you searched him?"

"He willingly relinquished his weapons. He is not a suicide bomber. His escort is waiting outside the camp, under guard, sir."

"Good work, Lieutenant. Bring him in."

A man with a familiar smug face entered the tent, escorted by a squad of soldiers.

"It's rare to find nobility willing to get their hands dirty these days!" The bastard exclaimed in a thick German accent.

"Strucker? Why the hell are you here?" Helmut exclaimed.

"Not everyone on my side agrees with supporting your rebel problem," Baron von Strucker smiled like a hungry shark. "I have an offer that benefits us both."

"Leave us and make sure we aren't disturbed, Lieutenant."

"Sir!" The young soldier saluted and waved to the squad to follow him out of the tent.

"I hope for your sake you aren't here to implore me to defect or something equally foolish." Helmut stared suspiciously at this guest.

"Perish the thought. I told you, my side isn't a fan of the rebels or the people supporting them. We have a problem, and you have a problem. Scratch our back, and we'll scratch yours."

"What do you need, and what do you have to offer?" Helmut demanded.

"We can give you real-time intelligence support and even the scales in that regard. It was that, combined with modern weapons, that allowed the rebels to mousetrap and wipe out two of your battalions, turning the tide of your conflict. Further, I've got contacts that can supply you with state-of-the-art long-range Stark weapons. Those two factors alone will allow you to hit the rebels where it hurt. Finally, if you succeed in what I require, certain powerful people will lobby to cease supplying weapons to the rebels. It would be ideal if your people could get their hands on evidence that the other side is slaughtering people as gleefully as you are, my friend."

"We're not friends, Strucker. What do you want in exchange?"

"Deniable assets. The same people who can help your cause are liable to lose tons of money and influence if Stark's fusion technology gets implemented too fast. I need competent, able soldiers who can keep their mouths shut. They will have to carry out strikes against Stark Industries and related infrastructure connected with their fusion projects in continental Europe."

"Why did you come to me in the first place?" Helmut pushed. He had specific ideas about that, but it was always nice to get confirmation.

"Anyone caught can be written out as a mercenary who got tired of the civil war or an ideologue who wants to strike against the West for supporting your rebels. There would be no need to dig deeper, and your people wouldn't know better anyway."

"I'll need details and a demonstration that you aren't full of shit, Strucker."

"Some weapons for training and limited intelligence sharing so you can score a victory or two? Would that be enough?" Strucker kept smiling like a shark.

"If you can deliver, it will be enough."

AN: A note about the Sokovian civil war in this story - it's basically one bunch of murderous bastards fighting another bunch of murderous bastards about who would end up running what's left of the country when the dust settles. Obviously, all kinds of factions are using the mess as a proxy conflict.
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Phase 7: No good deed goes unpunished
Here it says 'goes' but in the threadmark name it says 'remains'
Everything you earn for can be yours,
an offer than benefits us both
people as gleefully as you're
Separate it into 'you are'
irradiating the area
Are they sure they know more then the rest of the world? Because I'm pretty sure fusion explosions don't leave an area irradiated unless they were made dirty on purpose and it should be known to the West too.
Further, I've got contacts that can supply you with state-of-the-art long-range Stark weapons
Either Struckers info is really out of date which is hard to believe, SI has another mole or SHIELD is about to have a civil war between Furys faction and Woods Hydra against Redskulls Hydra when they start investigating where all the SI weapons in Sokovia are coming from despite SI having been plugged.
Here it says 'goes' but in the threadmark name it says 'remains'



Separate it into 'you are'

Are they sure they know more then the rest of the world? Because I'm pretty sure fusion explosions don't leave an area irradiated unless they were made dirty on purpose and it should be known to the West too.

Either Struckers info is really out of date which is hard to believe, SI has another mole or SHIELD is about to have a civil war between Furys faction and Woods Hydra against Redskulls Hydra when they start investigating where all the SI weapons in Sokovia are coming from despite SI having been plugged.

That's one of the reasons why the War Dogs will be supplying Killmonger with specialized equipment. If the plan works, good look persuading the regular person that fusion isn't producing radiacy, after the prototype reactor blows up and the area gets irradiated.

There are literal tons of SI weapons in the wild, and as the news articles show, terrorists and others had the time to train with them and figure out how to effectively use the long range weapons. In this timeline there never would have been OTL Iron Man to hunt down all those caches around the world. Further, even the nicer Hydra parts have reasons to allow such caches to remain in the willd because their use further discredit the US's invasion of Iraq and the mess they made of Afghanistan. That fiasco wasn't backed by the Illuminati and allies, and the worse it turns up, the better it discredits those who backed it.

The Hydra on the other hand, has an interest in stirring up the pot, because it keeps fear and instability worldwide higher than it would otherwise be.
or SHIELD is about to have a civil war between Furys faction and Woods Hydra against Redskulls Hydra when they start investigating where all the SI weapons in Sokovia are coming from despite SI having been plugged.
Seems like he is going to give him some SI missiles from the original batch that already leaked and then assassinate Stark with "deniable" Solovian assets instead of more suspicious SHIELD-ish commandos.

That does seem optimistic...maybe he thinks whatever American ordered the first operation is an incompetent HYDRA-lite armchair general who doesn't know how real operatives roll and Strucker isn't going to over-complicate it with hostages or whatever.
Seems like he is going to give him some SI missiles from the original batch that already leaked and then assassinate Stark with "deniable" Solovian assets instead of more suspicious SHIELD-ish commandos.

That does seem optimistic...maybe he thinks whatever American ordered the first operation is an incompetent HYDRA-lite armchair general who doesn't know how real operatives roll and Strucker isn't going to over-complicate it with hostages or whatever.

Strucker doesn't want Stark dead at this junction. He represents interests which want to slow down the adoption of fusion power in Europe, because if it happens at breackneck speeds, they will lose a lot of money and influence. The weapon he offered Zemo are for use against the rebels in Sokovia, who tanks to NATO and EU backing have longer ranged and more precise weapons than the government at this point. SI weapons and the know how to use them, plus real time intelligence can help Zemo's side regain the upper hand, especially if in the future NATO and the EU find it much harder politically to back the rebels.

In this instance, a Hydra Head wants to have their cake and eat it. They want the uplift Tony is pushing, but they also don't want it to happen so fast it would hurt their industrialist backers and those involved in the petrol and natural gas industry. A slower adoption of fusion in certain parts of the world gives such people the best of both worlds - they will have sufficient time to shift their revenue streams away from oil and natural gas, and position themselves to profit from the implementation of fusion tech.
In this instance, a Hydra Head wants to have their cake and eat it. They want the uplift Tony is pushing, but they also don't want it to happen so fast it would hurt their industrialist backers and those involved in the petrol and natural gas industry. A slower adoption of fusion in certain parts of the world gives such people the best of both worlds - they will have sufficient time to shift their revenue streams away from oil and natural gas, and position themselves to profit from the implementation of fusion tech.
Okay, I did not consider the hypothesis that he was telling the truth about his plans for the soldiers to Zemo. In that case, he must be a bit annoyed at the HYDRA-US people for other reasons, since Stark will soon be gunning for him even if he had nothing to do with the first attempt. Guilt by association.

Luckily HYDRA security is impenetrable, and they use only air-gapped devices that no AI can ever get to. Right? Right?!?
Okay, I did not consider the hypothesis that he was telling the truth about his plans for the soldiers to Zemo. In that case, he must be a bit annoyed at the HYDRA-US people for other reasons, since Stark will soon be gunning for him even if he had nothing to do with the first attempt. Guilt by association.

Luckily HYDRA security is impenetrable, and they use only air-gapped devices that no AI can ever get to. Right? Right?!?

Yes, anyone sane is having airgaped networks. You certainly won't find Hydra's dirty money if you somehow get into SHIELD's servers. And yes, SHIELD's sensitive systems are air-gaped. The same goes for any military with competent cybersecurity and their networks that don't have to have external exposure. No magical hacking because the OTL movie plot required it. Tony and Jarvis are still not sure if the single SHIELD network they found was due to human error, or if it was bait for hackers. Needless to say, there was nothing incriminating on it.
Both are small countries, what about Russia and China? They're always the bad guys.
Also, Serbia doesn't have terrorists and nobody leaves North Korea.
Honestly its so that people but mostly activist don't shout (in activists case screech) that big bad USA industry is picking on & vilifying minority's which ultimately resulted in loss of profit ergo change name & avoid drama.

Russia & China have been used as enemies in movies, books, games etc. plenty of times, pretty shure most former empires have been used as big bad in some way or another plus countries under communisms ideology/authoritarian government was free game during cold war and it stuck.
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What's the purpose of renaming Serbia to Sokovia? To use a country as a hell hole but not throw on the IRL name?
Same for Rhaelesia or whatever Koreas are called in DC.

P.S. my personal pleasure is catching mistakes AlphaOmega doesn't :D

Just a clarification, at least in this story, neither Sokovia, nor Latveria are direct expies of existing countries. They're former Soviet Republics in Eastern Europe, not in the Balkans. One is roughly stuck between the Baltics, Poland and Russia, while the other is nested between Ukraine, Romania and Poland.
Just a clarification, at least in this story, neither Sokovia, nor Latveria are direct expies of existing countries. They're former Soviet Republics in Eastern Europe, not in the Balkans. One is roughly stuck between the Baltics, Poland and Russia, while the other is nested between Ukraine, Romania and Poland.
So for once Poland gets to go 'huh, so that's how it feels' about being the big dangerous neighbour to Sokovia and Latveria?