The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

Weirdly enough Disney has some serious security. Don't underestimate what and who they have stationed around the "parks" and what hey have as a QRF. When the mouse gets angry you dont want to be there.
Yeah. I can see the army being VERY interested in equipment that means they actually have a chance at protecting their homeland, instead of just getting rolled up like native tribals in anything resembling an open battle.

Hit and run with snipers is well and good, but being able to meet the enemy without crippling losses practically a guaranteed result is probably very much appreciated.

...and the Generals are going to go for squads of power armored people with crew served weapons and direct energy weapons. Fair enough, it looks like a serious upgrade to have available. Infantry that doesn't just melt is always appreciated.

At this point I suspect parts of the army are willing to bend the rules more than a little to safeguard vital strategic resources, if neccessary. Having a history of supplying said army for years probably makes said safeguarding more... helpful than it otherwise might have been.

You'll note that for Sith Tony, this blaster is a crap. For the military, it's one of the best if not the best prototype weapon that they've seen even if it's not supposed to be in any way ready for field deployment. They have very different perspecitves in this case.

That's one of the major reasons behind the ever increasing backign Tony will be getting. Realistically, like Fury and Pierce outright said, Earth has three options in case of a proper alien invasion.

1.Die if the aliens are genocidal.

2.Unconditional surrender.

3. Expend Earth's military in a desperate bid to earn a conditional surrender.

Until now, only options 1 and 2 were realistic. What SHIELD and company do was fend off subversion attempts and if very lucky, stop the odd alien covert operation.

Now, Sith Tony offers and alternative. If they can get a few decades, option 2 becomes feasible. If they can get more time, Earth might get actual fighting change against alien invasion.

Many of the same advances that will allow for power armor down the line will make for tougher and deadlier vehicles as well. However, in an alien invasion, meeting the enemy in an open field battle, is a bad idea unless you have neutral orbitals. if the enemy acutally invades and wants the real estate somewhat intact, the critical fighting will be for cities and infrastructure. No one would want to get caught in the open to be blown up in orbit because there's nothing of value to be destroyed as collateral damage.

Then we have an ever increasing number of enhanced people. Special Force units with the best weapons and armor are a good option to counter those who go criminal or crazy.

Dealing with covert alien operations is another application of such heavy infantry. It can be deployed much faster than any kind of armored vehicles.

Agh those green idiots, they are actually like that IRL. Germany shut down their nuclear plants. Unimformed crazy people pressing the government to choose inefficient enviroment ruining "clean" solar and wind power, instead of clean, the most efficent and very safe nuclear.
Why? Coz they think, nuclear waste is barrels of green stuff and plants are just waiting to explode.

This is the MCU, in many respect, its like IRL but worse, save for tech that never gets widely distributed so is mostly irellevant as far as the regular citizens are concerned.

Well to be fair, in the MCU the Greens have the Hulk to point at now.

Well, at the very least I can tell you that once you point out that fusion power means not being dependent on Russia for gas and oil will make it a lot easier in former Warsaw Pact and Soviet Republic countries.

Thank you.

Yes, that will be a big draw to Eastern Europe, no matter if their history with Russia and the USSR was outright hostile, or complicated.
I don't see why aliens would want our infrastructure, even if they are humanoid. They could build things better and more fitting to them, simpler to level the cities and build from scratch.
I don't see why aliens would want our infrastructure, even if they are humanoid. They could build things better and more fitting to them, simpler to level the cities and build from scratch.

Probably because if they level the cities they also kill the majority of their new subjects/slaves.

Indeed. Leveling cities and critical infrastructure goes under option 1 - genocidal aliens come to Earth and kill everyone or at least bomb us back to the stone age. Earth won't be in a postion to do anything if that's the case.

Everyone is scrambling to turn option 2 - unconditional surrender, into enough of a fight to earnt conditional surrender. It would be even better if Earth gets enough time to become a tough enough nut to crack to either repulse an invasion or to make aliens think it won't be worth it. At that point, they might even think that Earth's advanced enough to trade with and open diplomatic ties with.

If the aliens deem Earth too much of a threat and still decide on option 1, it wasn't like stagnation and waiting to get killed was ever an acceptable alternative.
Probably because if they level the cities they also kill the majority of their new subjects/slaves.
Ah those evil for the sake of evil aliens. There's no point in slavery after industrialisation, let alone a space faring civilization.

If possible, they should build or revamp an alien spaceship and send it to find possible allies.
Of course, Earth has nothing to offer right now and would be even absorbed into a minor power if it carelessly reached out.
Perhaps you can postpone Thanos for a decade?
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Will Tony use the Force to rediscover a hidden project done by Walt Disney himself? They give tours of his old office.
Phase 5: Changing World III Part 5
AN: Behold, we get to see a glimpse what This timeline's Thanos' and company are all about.

Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 5: Changing world III


Part 5


Beijing announced earlier today the formation of the Starlight Consortium. Its goal is to spearhead the implementation of fusion technology in China. Starlight Consortium and state officials will travel to New York next week to open negotiations with Stark Industries.


Prime Minister Pradesh reaffirms his intention to overhaul the Indian economy and combat poverty. In a passionate speech in front of Parliament at noon today, he announced that fusion technology is India's future and the one sure way toward prosperity.

Press Trust of India

The Greens in France issued an official statement that they back the government's position on fusion power. Further, Party Leader Claire Remy condemned what she called an insane position held by fellow green parties across Europe.

Agence France-Presse


Fort Bragg
North Carolina, US

Erik Stevens stood at attention as one of the dozens of assembled US special forces community members. In front of them, General Scudder paced back and forth, wearing a field uniform. They were in a large briefing room near one of the big exercise grounds of the largest base in the US.

"In the coming months and years, the face of warfare will change. New weapons and equipment currently in development will force a paradigm shift." The General paused. "Sit, pay attention, take notes and write down the implications you can immediately think of."

Scudder picked up a remote and pointed it at the wall-sized screen at the back of the room. A firing range, dummies that looked like ballistic gel? Cack-hiss. A flash of light. The dummy to the left detonated in a cloud of steam.

Two more shots. Armored targets. If those were people, they would be dead, opened up as if struck by an auto-cannon.

"This is Stark's idea of a crappy prototype energy weapon that is in no way ready for testing in real-world conditions, much less mass production. Stark Industries is already working on improving the concept."

Erik's eyes shone in the darkened room. That was something he wanted to get his hands on. He had only heard stories about energy weapons from his father.

The exiled prince did his best not to grimace openly. Combined with everything he heard Stark was working on, this would change things. It would make Erik's plans for the future much, much harder. Against such weapons and potentially good enough armor, Wakanda supplying weapons to resistance groups and utilizing targeting assassinations might not be enough to liberate Africa from the colonizers.

The worst case was Stark might make the United States and its allies a credible threat to Wakanda!

Erik blinked at a close-up image of the dummies. Kevlar had kind of held up to the strike, but the energy transfer would have been lethal for whoever was under that vest. The third target had modern Level 3 armor. The plate was shattered and deformed, with pieces driven deep into the ravaged gel of the dummy.

No one without proper vibranium armor would be able to survive such a hit. Well, perhaps that beast, the Hulk. However, that one was unique.

Rapid fire, longer effective range…. Eric jolted down ideas of what a better weapon might be. He tapped the notepad on the desk he sat at with his pen. Effectiveness against armor? Targeting the tracks? Could sustained small arms energy fire fuck up a tank if infantry could get into range?

Scudder pressed the remote again, and a new video played. This time, a bunch of soldiers in light summer field uniforms strapped into contraptions. Another test for exoskeletons? Those were ongoing for years, with no sign of being practical enough to use.

"Stark's next invention works too. This is the Hoplite System prototype," The General narrated.

Soldiers carried all kinds of heavy loads on the screen with surprising ease.

"Even if all other benefits are overblown, this will ease logistics and reduce injury rates while hauling heavy loads. Unfortunately, the exoskeletons' open nature doesn't handle mud and sand well. However, it can still offer great utility in urban areas, logistic centers, military bases, and the like." Scudder chuckled. "For now, there is no substitute for grunts hauling loads in the field. Stark is working to solve that problem and offer powered and regular combat exoskeletons. The proliferation of energy weapons in the future will change things. For a soldier to survive a direct hit, they might have to carry the kind of armor only an exoskeleton makes practical. It's another race between defense and offense."

Eric's blood cooled at this revelation. The exoskeletons still moving loads on the screen would have significant issues in much of Wakanda's terrain from what his father told him about their country. Future models, on the other hand? If they could resist energy weapon fire and carry enough firepower? Then this technology could become an extreme threat to Wakanda. Their shield would stop cold long-range bombardment. Right now, and for some time yet, Wakandian warriors would have the advantage on home ground thanks to vibranium and the equipment it allowed them to build.

They needed that advantage because of the great numbers disparity. Anything that watered down Wakanda's advantages was a threat to his plans and his real home.

Eric quickly jolted down a series of questions. Combat exoskeletons – advantages, disadvantages, potential capabilities?



Leviathans swam through the air, offering direct fire support to Chitauri infantry swarms. Interceptor wings howled above Thanos' flagship, flying in search patterns. The large cruiser hung above a city ravaged by neglect and lack of resources like a dagger, ready to deliver judgment and salvation.

Missiles streaked from beyond the nearby mountain range. The two closest Leviathans bellowed a warning and unleashed their primary weapons. Bright beams of light pierced through rising smoke and clouds to swat the barrage out of the sky.

"Mobile missile carriers located. Neutralizing," A familiar woman's voice announced on the combat network.

Crimson beams of condensed energy lanced from the cruiser's side. They briefly left burning trails through the air. The counter-fire burned through and pushed aside the cloud cover, further disturbing the weather in the region. The horizon lit up with the impact of capital ship weaponry.

"Targets neutralized." The same war coordinator happily reported.

Corvus Glaive, Warlord of the Black Order, strode down the steps leading away from the upper city. The 'worthies' who ruled the only prosperous citadel in this region of the planet

They were now all dead. Corvus' Gray Legions couldn't find a single one worthy among that bunch of grotesque slimes.

The stairway down offered a grand view of the valley stretching as far as Corvus' eyes could see. Down there, a few units of the local military still put up a fight. They were the exception that proved the rule.

There were precious few worthy locals in this region of the planet. Corvus wasn't surprised by this fact. Beaten-down people, weakened by starvation and lack of basic amenities, seldom had left what it took to impress him. If he was feeling generous, Glaive might say that this was why the Black Order existed. The same thing happened on countless worlds across the universe – overpopulation that few species found in themselves to overcome before the inevitable lack of resources led to civilization collapse and eventual damnation.

Most of the time, Corvus didn't care. If a species was foolish enough to let itself go that way, it deserved its fate.

The Black Order offered a second chance to those ready to fight for such a precious gift.

Corvus didn't follow Thanos to save the people of the universe from themselves. He proclaimed his adoptive father the Grand Warmaster of the Gray Legions, just like his father did so long ago.

There was a singular, logical reason behind that decision.

Thanos led them toward war and glory. Gathered behind him, the Grey Legions would fight the battles that would decide the fate of the whole universe. It didn't matter if they ultimately won or lost. Those battles would reverberate through eternity.

Nothing could be more glorious than walking this path to its ultimate end!

Screams of anguish, Chitauri chittering, and distant explosions echoed throughout the valley. The vista below was indeed beautiful. The fires of war and the last stand of worthy warriors made the scenery even grander.

Chitauri transports vroomed overhead, carrying heavy infantry. Recon squads on those ridiculous sleds the hive-mined soldiers loved so much buzzed around the larger craft, looking for trouble.

An interceptor squadron detached from the patrols overhead and fell in close defensive formation above the transports. Three more Chitauri craft vroomed overhead, this time transporting heavy armor.

Corvus looked away from the valley. Chitauri swarmed around, capturing people and shooting particularly pathetic examples of the locals. The Grand Warmaster's armies didn't need useless cowards. Whoever survived the invasion would also need to be made of sterner stuff.

The Warlord walked down to a large-ish plaza, by this city's standards anyway. Chitauri landing craft dropped a small swarm on a lower level of the stairway to corral the fleeing people. The plaza was the largest open space in this part of the city, which made it the only proper spot for the Black Legion to offer judgment.

The combat network pinged, announcing Thanos approached. Corvus glanced up the stairs and saw his father walk down as if he didn't have a care in the world. An honor guard from the Gray Legions marched behind their Grand Warmaster, looking for threats.

A local woman wearing simple weaved garb rushed out of a nearby primitive shack. This whole bazaar was a small picture highlighting how low the locals had fallen. It was like something from a rock where the people hadn't even thought about achieving space flight. At the same time, their supposed leaders enjoyed luxury, while doing nothing to fight the catastrophe gripping their world.

Down in the valley, Chitauri swarms fought against well-equipped military units. Not that equipment by itself said much. The rabble that guarded the city's leaders had even better gear. Yet, they shattered like glass when the Gray Legion began their attack.

A commotion focused Corvus' attention on the present. He had seldom taken part in invasions that were so boring his mind wandered off. It was that woman who ran out of the shack. She screamed, kicked, and tried to bite the Chitauri dragging her to the right, where they corralled the worthy locals. The hive-soldier shoved the local away and chittered in irritation. A small form screamed and jumped at the warrior's back, using a sharp rock to try and hurt it.

Corvus smiled at the sight. There were a few worthy souls here, after all.

"A feisty little thing, isn't she? You and your wife were the same at that age," Thanos' deep voice rumbled over the plaza.

"War and Glory, father!" Glaive saluted the Grand Warlord.

"War and Glory, my son," Thanos returned the salute with a fist across his chest.

The green-skinned woman jumped from the ground and hurled herself at the Chitauri. The hive-soldier still struggled to remove the girl from his back without hurting her too much. It wouldn't do to waste worthy ones unless you had to. Or unless they were determined to die in glorious combat.

Black Order priests came behind the Gray Legions' honor guard. They began to spin their tales to the locals, ignoring the commotion with experience and dedication.

Finally, the hivemind tired of playing around. Two more Chitauri left the groups minding the locals and dragged the two females from their swarm-mate.

Thanos walked towards the child and leaned forward to get a better look at her.

"You have spirit, girl." The Titan looked at the older woman and noted the close resemblance. "Your mother too?"

"Leave her alone!" The woman shouted, still struggling in the Chitauri's hands.

"Why would I do that? Why would I leave either of you?" Thanos asked reasonably. "I am here to help those who are worthy. Come," He offered the girl his hand.

"Here we go again…." Corvus snorted.

The girl's stomach growled.

"I offer you a future, little one. We're here to bring salvation through trial and destruction! Those unworthy will no longer hold back the rest of you!" Thanos proclaimed.

The girl warily took his offered hand, well, his finger, because, in contrast, her hand was too small to do anything else.

Thanos picked her up like a doll and put her on his shoulder. He waved to the Chitauri, holding the child's mother to follow.

"The rest of you now have a chance to rebuild and thrive. I offer you salvation through destruction!" Thanos' voice boomed. He turned around and headed up the stairs, where a heavy combat transport hovered in anticipation. "Son, purge the unworthy and replenish our ranks."

Corvus nodded and barked an order. The Chitauri to the left switched their weapons to a low-powered mode and opened fire like one, aiming center mass. That way, the Black Order's Techno Necromancers would be able to repair the corpses easier and turn them into expendable foot soldiers.

To the right, priests and Grey Legionaries looked for the best candidates to draw into the Grand Warlord's armies.
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This is cut off.

The Grey Legions are new and also reminded me that Thanos sis what he did both to save the universe and court Death. The second one was only in the comics so are you mixing the odd comic fact in too?

I'm unfamiliar with the comics. The Grey Legions are indeed new - those are Corvus Glaive's species, who in this timeline are warriors not too different from the Mandalorians of old. They're backing Thanos because he has offered them the most glorious battles of all - the battles that will decide the fate of the whole universe. Other parts of Thanos' armies he got in a similar way - warrior cultures who are in for the fights of their lives. Others are expendable troosp, like what the Techno Necromancers are playing with. Those in turn are an idea inspired from "The Techno Necromancers from Alpha Centauri" if you know what I'm talking about. Why waste dead bodies, when you can raise them and use them as cannon fodder? Considering what Thanos' motivation is and how he got there, this sounds like an idea he might approve of.
"Wakandian warriors would have the advantage on home ground thanks to vibranium and the equipment it allowed them to build."

Does he mean their sticks that shot a single plasma bolt like fucking SGC jaffa, or the very bright easy-to-target shields about a meter high. That screams RPG HERE.
"Wakandian warriors would have the advantage on home ground thanks to vibranium and the equipment it allowed them to build."

Does he mean their sticks that shot a single plasma bolt like fucking SGC jaffa, or the very bright easy-to-target shields about a meter high. That screams RPG HERE.

My headcanon is that Killmonger has more mental issues than just his motiavation and goals might imply. As supposedly one of the best SF soldiers the US produced in his generation, he really should know better.

edit: grammar
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Yeah Erik Stevens, Killmonger, just didnt capture me as an interesting villain in anyway. He came as too cartoonish, kill the colonizer, centuries too late for this and having this overblown vision of Wakanda.
Yeah Erik Stevens, Killmonger, just didnt capture me as an interesting villain in anyway. He came as too cartoonish, kill the colonizer, centuries too late for this and having this overblown vision of Wakanda.

Oh, it's worse than that. He basically wanted to liberate all the black people in Africa by arming them and leading them in rebellion in anyone whose skin wasn't dark enough. That there are lot of people in parts of Africa who never had particularly dark skin, yet have been living there long before the modern idea of colonializm was even a thing didn't seem to be of consequence.
Oh, it's worse than that. He basically wanted to liberate all the black people in Africa by arming them and leading them in rebellion in anyone whose skin wasn't dark enough. That there are lot of people in parts of Africa who never had particularly dark skin, yet have been living there long before the modern idea of colonializm was even a thing didn't seem to be of consequence.
Like the Arabs. They have lived in North Africa since antiquity and never had the deep black skin of people native to parts of Africa further south.
Phase 5: Changing World III Part 6
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 5: Changing world III


Part 6


Hamas claims responsibility for devastating missile strike against Tel Aviv. So far there are over three hundred dead after Iron Dome and other anti-missile systems failed to intercept the attack!

BBC News

Israel conducts air strikes on targets in Gaza and Syria!


Hundreds innocent Palestinians murdered by indiscriminate Israeli bombardment!

Al Jazira

Still no trace of MIA Coalition soldiers after the destruction of Firebase Guardian.

Washington Post

ANA Battalion mauled in Kandahar Province. US Marines Apache shot down and second damaged while providing air support to Afghani allies.

USA Today

Police clashes with protesters in former Soviet Republic Latveria!


The civil war in Sokovia enters its fifth month. Government forces and rebels indiscriminately shell populated areas.

Associated Press

Riot police in stand-off with Green party demnostrations across twenty seven European capitals. Majority of EU governments refuse to even discuss the possibility of not pursuing fusion power.


Green protesters clash with a far-right counter-protest in Rome. Carabineri arrest eleven people. Thirty protesters reportedly sought medical attention.

TG 2

Thousands gathered in front of Stark Mansion in New York protesting against SI's development of fusion energy. Rioters clash with police in front of Stark Mansion. Mr. Stark and his daughter are reported safe and sound in California.

New York Times

Eight civil suit filled against Stark Industries aimed at block the construction of fusion reactors. Five more suits aim at Toshiba and General Dynamics.

Financial Times

Congress will vote on the Fusion Today Bill next Monday. If the bill passes, Senate will vote on it Friday.


Conservative analysts warn against unrestricted government spending leading to recession, or worse. Republican Congressmen counter with the claim that the Infrastructure and Fusion bills are nothing less than investment in the future. What the hell is happening out there?!

Fox News


Stark Industries HQ
California, US

There was one advantage to using government and corporate conference rooms, and military briefing rooms – they were usually more secure than most alternative meeting locations to hold a meeting.

I was sure that soon enough, some tabloids would accuse me of treason because of this particular meeting and associated negotiations. Officially, the US and China weren't exactly on good terms, even if the volume of trade might point otherwise.

It was most irregular for the US government to have an observer during this kind of meetings. His name was Douglas Rockwell – a balding man in his sixties. He arrived chatting with Chao Yen, the leader of the Starlight Consortium delegation and representative of the Chinese Government.

We exchanged greetings and sat on the two sides of a long conference table made of polished wood. When compared to most pieces of similar furniture I spent too much time sitting at in the Corcusca galaxy, it looked and felt fragile. Back then, the material almost everyone used was their favored metal of choice. If nothing else, such tables could actually stop blaster bolts and serve as solid cover…. Because they were more or less solid blocks of metals with built in computer terminals and holoprojectors.

Rockwell was to my right, while Pepper sat to my left.

"Who wants to explain what's going on here?" Pepper asked politely. Despite her outward bearing she wasn't a happy camper.

"Is Ms. Potts aware of your new allies?" Rockwell asked.

"She is aware of who I am and that I'm closely working with both the US government and allies. Sooner or latter, Pepper will need to know more, because she's going to be the next Stark Industries CEO."

"Then I'm sure you'll explain to Ms. Potts the important details after this meeting, Mr. Stark." Rockwell nodded towards Pepper. "Mr. Yen and I are both on SHIELD's Oversight Council."

"My colleagues are all affiliated with corporations offering logistics and technical support to SHIELD and are in the know, Mr. Stark." Chao Yen shed some light on what was happening.

"That's interesting." I noted while keeping my face blank. "The reason for this is?" I gestured to encompass all my guests.

"Officially, we'll be making a trade deal to ensure China gets its share of fusion technology to end our reliance on fossil fuels." Yen, smiled. He was eagerly looking forward to that moment. "Unofficially, we're here to also figure out what you need to push forward with our common goals and help as much as we reasonably can. Raw resources? Manufacturing capacity? Human capital?"

I glanced at Rockwell.

"The President will be signing the Memorandum the Pentagon forwarded to him by the end of the week. The White House's legal team is making sure it will stand up to scrutiny as well as possible. As far as SHIELD and the Oversight Council are concerned, you can deliver what you promised."

"This is the first step in giving you what you need to make your promises reality, Mr. Stark."

Pepper's head snapped between Rockwell and the Chinese. Her apprehension and worry burned brightly.

"You'll make many people unhappy by stealing a march on them." I pointed out.

Yen smiled smugly. "I'm not beneath greatly enjoying the situation."

"Manufacturing capacity you said?" I asked thoughtfully. "The prototype exoskeletons that my governments is testing are meant for gradual upgrade and update to lead into eventual powered versions. This means that the test design isn't properly sealed and insulated against environmental effects like it should be to enter common use. I gave pointers to the design team and soon we'll have a refined unpowered design for both commercial and military use outside of combat. I know for a fact that even with common and cheap antigravity technology, such devices are incredibly valuable." I looked Yen in the eyes. "They were in use in logistics, maintenance, hospitals to move heavier patients and equipment, even in larger stores. The primary drawaback, is that running in budget models tend to be awkward. While this can be easily accounted for it makes for more expensive devices."

"You want us to manufacture exoskeletons for you, Mr. Stark? I see no problem, especially if we can keep a reasonable percentage of the production for use domestically." Yen noted.

"I want the markets flooded with the things. That would not only make us money to invest in foundational infrastructure, it will offer immediate logistics and economic benefits. I don't need to elaborate, do I?"

"What we're doing is going to require unprecedented amount of resources to see through." Yen confirmed we were on the same page.

Everything that helped the economy and eased up logistics was going to be godsend in the long run.

"The only thing to actually negotiate about my fusion technology is the price, and I might not necessary want money in exchange. Or only money. You mentioned resources, Mr. Yen. As soon as we have a few fusion reactors running, SI will need large amounts of rare Earth elements to work with. I'm sure that my government will be opening many new mines as well, however for the time being you have an advantage in that regard."

"What do you need, how much do you need, and what do we get in exchange?" Yen bluntly asked.

I liked him. There was no trace of the usual bullshit this kind of meetings often descended into.
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in former Soviet Republic Latveria!
I don't think Latveria is a thing in the MCU
his daughter, are reported safe
Remove the comma
Conservative analytists warn against unrestricted
compared to the most pieces of similar
Remove 'the'
"Who wants to explain what's going on here?"
It needs an indication that it was Pepper who spoke, it took me a bit to figure out who said this line.
the know." Chao Yen, Mr. Stark."
There is either an entire section missing after 'Chao Yen' or you need to shuffle some words around.
prototype exoskeletons the my governments are testing
that my government
They were in use logistics, maintenance
Add 'in' after 'use'
The primary drawaback is that running in budget models tend to be awkward.
drawback, aside from that I feel like there is something missing.
Hm yes that's weird. Ah...looks at map, Middle East is not on the Equator like I thought.
I know that >.< they're on the same latitude is what I meant, just that it twisted in my memory since I've had geography or need for a global map, so I thought it was on the Equator.

Haha Fox News got skipped, if I'm not mistaken that's the popular bigoted news in USA?
Latveria means Dr.Doom? I like the guy from the couple of almost longfics I've read(they got abandoned ofc). Should he make a deal with Tony, it could speed things up.
What exactly are these fusion generators going to be using for fuel, hydrogen?

Hydrogen, yes. It's a cheap and plentiful enough, especially once you have access to gas giants for minning to fuel your expansion and economy across a solar system.

Thank you, its fixed.

I know that >.< they're on the same latitude is what I meant, just that it twisted in my memory since I've had geography or need for a global map, so I thought it was on the Equator.

Haha Fox News got skipped, if I'm not mistaken that's the popular bigoted news in USA?
Latveria means Dr.Doom? I like the guy from the couple of almost longfics I've read(they got abandoned ofc). Should he make a deal with Tony, it could speed things up.

The Fantastic Four will be a part of the MCU as of next year. I think about using a version of them and Doom for various shenangians, though their powers will be limited and not based on either space radiation or exposure to other dimensions. Instead, they'll be in the vicinity of Veil's holocron, when Richards pokes it the wrong way. That way, I would have to create a few less OCs to fill in various roles later in the story. From those five, three are scientists who can be useful as parts of the uplift effort. The two others can be SHIELD agents.

Doom might get lighting Sith powers, though they all will be constrained in use like Sith Tony is. The Force is currently a shallow stream instead of an endless ocean.
The Fantastic Four will be a part of the MCU as of next year. I think about using a version of them and Doom for various shenangians, though their powers will be limited and not based on either space radiation or exposure to other dimensions. Instead, they'll be in the vicinity of Veil's holocron, when Richards pokes it the wrong way. That way, I would have to create a few less OCs to fill in various roles later in the story. From those five, three are scientists who can be useful as parts of the uplift effort. The two others can be SHIELD agents.

Doom might get lighting Sith powers, though they all will be constrained in use like Sith Tony is. The Force is currently a shallow stream instead of an endless ocean.
Why not just gave them their basic power?

Not the godlike multiversal eater whatever one.

Just their basic power.

Seriously, no need for other NINO character.

Please, I beg of you.
Why not just gave them their basic power?

Not the godlike multiversal eater whatever one.

Just their basic power.

Seriously, no need for other NINO character.

Please, I beg of you.

What's NINO? Their basic power insted of a Force related equivalent for example, really doesn't fit the type of universe and story I'm telling, unless it's direct effect of exposure to different Infinity Stones. The Hulk is enough of a magic bullshit on that front. Lighting, telekinesis, invisibility, toughness, pyrocinesis - all based on the Force and limited by how shallow the Force is can be close enough to their original powers without the crazy stull. There certainly won't be an elastic Richards, or flying burning Johnny.