The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

Add 'a' after 'for'


Add 'of a' after 'much'

Thanks, its fixed now.

Good way to put it, I like it.
Also, does he he have the mental plans for some of the crazier OR-era tech, like the Ion Crusher Rifle or NightShield?

No. His formal education focused on capital ship engineering - fusion/hypermatter reactors, engines, weapons, shelds, and related theory. The rest is engineering know how and practice picked up over decades of maintaining and building some of his equipment before he had a staff to do it and too much other work to focus on that angle outside of his lightsaber. So for example, given enough time and the right tools, he can build a stealth generator, or decent unpowered armor even without Tony's know how and mind. For other more exotic tech, he knows it existed, sometimes used it, but that was simply buying or otherwise procuring it without getting in how it works.
No. His formal education focused on capital ship engineering - fusion/hypermatter reactors, engines, weapons, shelds, and related theory. The rest is engineering know how and practice picked up over decades of maintaining and building some of his equipment before he had a staff to do it and too much other work to focus on that angle outside of his lightsaber. So for example, given enough time and the right tools, he can build a stealth generator, or decent unpowered armor even without Tony's know how and mind. For other more exotic tech, he knows it existed, sometimes used it, but that was simply buying or otherwise procuring it without getting in how it works.
Fair enough, not like he could learn everything. Tonys mind probably helps a lot here then, given how impressive his tech gets.
I mean I like it but the Pepper route is now probably completely closed, which suck because she was always one of my favorite characters. On the other hand I wonder who else he is going to get paired with, also hopefully Tony/Veil has a couple more kids. The hijinks of a combination of Tony and Veil raising some sons and daughters needs to be explored!
i cant wait for the inevitable gun fight/father daughter reunion where this poor girls life is set to explode as she learns that TONY STARK is her father in the middle of a hostage rescue probably cause del never gets it easy in regards to his family and i bet that this girl is one of Obis major trip wires. After all if Tony finds her then he knows everything probably and time to burn shit down

also @Illuviar is Tony/del gonna turn SI into a Atlas type deal from Advanced Warfare where they become the number one military R&D/PMC in the world and almost take the world over
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I mean I like it but the Pepper route is now probably completely closed, which suck because she was always one of my favorite characters. On the other hand I wonder who else he is going to get paired with, also hopefully Tony/Veil has a couple more kids. The hijinks of a combination of Tony and Veil raising some sons and daughters needs to be explored!
We'll see how things turn up.

i cant wait for the inevitable gun fight/father daughter reunion where this poor girls life is set to explode as she learns that TONY STARK is her father in the middle of a hostage rescue probably cause del never gets it easy in regards to his family and i bet that this girl is one of Obis major trip wires. After all if Tony finds her then he knows everything probably and time to burn shit down

also @Illuviar is Tony/del gonna turn SI into a Atlas type deal from Advanced Warfare where they become the number one military R&D/PMC in the world and almost take the world over

Well, SI is already the primary manufacturing conglomerate on MCU Earth. Sith Tony will need a private army to keep himself and his family safe once the world learns he's about to corner the enrgy market. Hell, for a time he might be in more danger from oil companies and petrol states than Hydra and everyone else he's pissed off.

Funny that you mentioned Stane....
We'll see how things turn up.

Well, SI is already the primary manufacturing conglomerate on MCU Earth. Sith Tony will need a private army to keep himself and his family safe once the world learns he's about to corner the enrgy market. Hell, for a time he might be in more danger from oil companies and petrol states than Hydra and everyone else he's pissed off.

Funny that you mentioned Stane....
sometimes i really do wish that you ran a quest with a Delkatar SI just from the amount of shenanigans that chat would get into that would be all very in line with what Del would do lol.

But also now im imagining Tony setting up recruiting stations or pamphlets in veteran 3rd party charity's and even just right outside military bases to start sucking up trained soldiers for his own private arm- i mean Stark Security division 'cough'
Hell yeah! A Tony Stark who's able to turn Earth into a spacefaring power ASAP!

The competency boost for the villains is worrying, but ups the stakes, certainly. Gives us a reason for the Holocron-boosted Tony!
I mean I like it but the Pepper route is now probably completely closed, which suck because she was always one of my favorite characters. On the other hand I wonder who else he is going to get paired with, also hopefully Tony/Veil has a couple more kids. The hijinks of a combination of Tony and Veil raising some sons and daughters needs to be explored!
Why? If anything having a child makes it more likely for Pepper to consider him for a relationship.
Oh you mean coz he's a Sith now who's killed billions. Hm wait a minute, is he just saying to them that he has memories while actually being Delkatar or is it true? He certainly had some Tony reactions, so how much is he Tony?
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Why? If anything having a child makes it more likely for Pepper to consider him for a relationship.
Oh you mean coz he's a Sith now who's killed billions. Hm wait a minute, is he just saying to them that he has memories while actually being Delkatar or is it true? He certainly had some Tony reactions, so how much is he Tony?

Their memories mixed up. While he is more Veil than Tony, there are reactions that show Tony wasn't simply erased or his body became a puppet. Otherwise, he wouldn't care at all about Pepper, Rhodes, Happy, or had any reactions at watching the death of Tony's parents. Or particularly caring that Tony might have had a daughter, which considering how much he slept around should come as a no real surprise. That said, due to all his memoris of war and how in his view, democracy at large scale failed catastrophically, Tony's memories won't much effect his decision making morality wise.
Phase 2: Razor Wings Part 1
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 2: Razor wings


Part 1


Stark Industries Headquarters

Happy drove us towards the SI seat in Silicon Valley in one of the armored SUVs that until recently didn't see much use. Until Afghanistan, I had preferred much faster and sleeker cars, especially if I was the one to drive. Otherwise, I would use limousines if I wanted to kick back, stretch my legs and relax while Happy drove me around.

Needless to say, I had a different perspective. The limousines I now had on beck and call were armored to the gills with the best SI could offer. That much was true. However, one of the SUVs, the kind we sold to the government to help them keep VIPs in one piece when someone tried to kill them, was the superior option. They were as well protected, almost as comfortable, and, more importantly, smaller and more agile cars.

We got to the central at ten sharp, fifteen minutes before I met with the Board of Directors. As our Military Liaison, Rhodey spent most of last night and early morning on the phone, confirming the Pentagon and company were aware of what was about to happen. He also contacted some buddies of his. In a few days, I would be busy interviewing a brand-new security detail for myself and Pepper.

The company's central, alongside many of our facilities all over the US, didn't need more guards for the time being. The critical locations, like this one, enjoyed protection by a combined force of well-equipped private security and the US military. In a few years at best, perhaps much sooner at worst, I might have to look at boosting the defenses. My fusion tech would ruffle many feathers all over the world. However, that was a concern for much later. Now, I had a bunch of bastards to deal with.

Speaking about bastards, a few police cars parked near the main entrance. A small police cordon stared impassively at a much larger group of rabid reporters, including a bunch of paparazzi. Behind the cops, a mix of SI security and soldiers looked warily at the commotion.

As soon as Happy parked in front of the building, the reporters surged forward, shouting questions.

"We won't be feeding the hyenas until later." I reminded everyone.

Happy and Pepper were the first to get out.

"We will be giving no interviews or answering questions until today's press conference!" Pepper shouted.

Rhodey got out next and straightened up his parade uniform. Kriffing journalists. I picked up my sunglasses and put them on before getting out of the car. Predictably, the flashes that followed could rival a battlefield.

Cops and SI security had to rush in to keep the reporters away from us and allow us to get into the building. The last time, we had the element of surprise, somehow. If this were the new normal, I would need a security detail to deal with reporters and another to fend off assassins.

At least there were no reporters inside. As a secure facility, any such irritants to enter would need an approved appointment. Sadly, the street outside was public property.

We headed to the elevators and up to the conference room where the Board usually met. A worried Bambi met us in front of the chrome doors. That was Bambina Teresa Bliss Arbogast, which was quite a mouthful even for someone raised by an Italian mother. Everyone in her good graces called Mrs. Arbogast Bambi.

"Mr. Stark, it's good to see you're all right. Mr. Stane left an hour ago and is still to get back."

"Did he?" I had the nagging suspicion that the bastard did a runner. "Get me the Chief of Security and Director of IT. Have them report as soon as they get here."

"You don't think?" Rhodey asked.

"You can make an educated guess," I grumbled and walked into the conference room, ignoring the empty platitudes most of the Board showered me with. I went to the head of the table and sat in what was supposed to be the CEO's chair. "I have a few announcements to make and a vote to call." That shouldn't be much of an issue. He had became the actual CEO only after I vanished in Afghanistan, even if he really did all the job the position required practically since my father's murder.

With Stane on the run, it was time for plan B.

I pulled out my phone, flicked it open, and put it on the smart pad built into the table.

"This is a recording of our beloved CEO negotiating with the terrorists who kidnapped me in Afghanistan, so they would kill me instead of holding me to build them weapons. I have another one where an intelligence agent gives Stane enough rope to hang himself over this mess. Watch them. Then I would require you to vote Stane from his position as a CEO."

I ignored the surprised and outraged exclamation of the Board. They at least quieted down to watch the show.

SI's Security Chief and the IT Director arrived midway through the first video.

"A government task force is on the way to investigating how SI weapons found their way to terrorists and Obadiah Stane's treachery. You will offer them all the assistance they require. There will be no stonewalling attempts." I ordered. "Doing anything less would be grounds for summary termination and criminal investigation."

In theory, about this time, investigation teams should be arriving in all SI industrial centers in the US producing weapons and weapon components to lock them down and begin an investigation. Another convoy should be on its way here to do the same.

Rhodey looked up from his phone and nodded once at me. So the convoy would be here soon.

"I think we saw enough, Mr. Stark. What Mr. Stane did is monstrous. I'm ready to vote him out of the CEO position now." This came from Jennifer Thompson, the PR Department Director.

With me having a controlling package of the company's shares, only a third of the Board of Directors got voted in by shareholders. The rest were actual directors of major divisions within the SI conglomerate. That had been the case when Howard ran the company and worked well enough for us. It made us much less vulnerable to the need to pursue short-term profits at the expense of everything else compared to almost all publicly traded companies.

That said, the people who did invest in SI did need to have a voice on the table, even if we could ignore it when we had to. Howard had been odd like that, and until recently, I didn't care enough to even think about it.

"I second the motion." Gregory Hayes, the R&D Director, soon followed.

Soon, Stane was out, and we did it by the numbers.

"With this sordid affair out of the way, we still need to deal with the fallout," I announced. "We're suspending weapons production until we can investigate and deal with all the ways our weapons up end in the hands of terrorists. There are government task forces en route to our manufacturing plants stateside to begin an investigation. We will do our best to complete our current contracts as soon as the investigations are complete. On a related note, we will pursue new markets and expand our R&D and manufacturing. We will do so to ensure the company can't be crippled by being driven even temporarily from certain markets. Depending on the investigations, new military contracts might be much harder to gain in the foreseeable future." The hell it would. I was sure the US military would love to play with power armor, among other things.

"What do you have in mind, Mr. Stark?"

"We will aim to increase our market shares in communications, computer technology, power generation, and vehicle manufacture for the civilian markets. If they pan out, I have some ideas to make us a big player in the energy market. I'll get back to you once I have a finished design ready for a prototype. As far as communications are concerned, we're going to be making better, more capable, and resilient phones. In that regard, Dr. Hayes, have your department buy a bunch of phones from our competition. Test how resilient they are and what is the usual way they break, then begin planning on how to ensure ours are proof against such incidents."

"I'll see to it, Mr. Stark."

"Good. Speaking about communications, I suspect that mobile internet and social media will be becoming increasingly important in the future. We'll see if it will be better to acquire shares in existing platforms or develop our own. I also want a plan for developing our mobile networks. I want us to find a way to offer cheap, speedy mobile internet for our future lines of phones and other mobile devices."

By now, everyone was taking notes and looking at me as if I was the golden goose that just came back after taking all the steroids. If this was anime, I was sure almost everyone in the room would have dollar signs in their eyes.

"Transportation. If my energy-related plans pan out, we'll be providing cheap and plentiful electricity in the medium to long run. I want R&D efforts aimed at electric cars, especially their motors and better affordable batteries. I also want plans for related infrastructure. Ideally, we would be building it in conjunction with the government."

Long before I was done charting a new course for SI, a large convoy reached the building. It disgorged an army of Federal Agents of all stripes and military personnel, who quickly swarmed the building. Unsurprisingly, Mr. Agent was among them, still posting as a Homeland Security guy.
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Much faster than I expected. Maybe now you wont need Natasha for the undercover move.

While all this is going on I wonder what happened to the first generation suit.
Much faster than I expected. Maybe now you wont need Natasha for the undercover move.

While all this is going on I wonder what happened to the first generation suit.

Ward's meeting with Stane blew that up. Now that Tony knows of it, he's aware that Stane had close to a day headstart to warn accomplices and cover tracks. The whole purpose of the undercover move was to act before Stane and company can either run or begin covering any evidence left in earnest.

The suit is in the hands of the US military and on the way to US soil or just got there. It's been just a few days since Tony's escape from Afghanistan. Besides, when all is said and done, Tony's the logical person to further develop the tech for the US. It's not like OTL where he swore publicly to stop making weapons forever.
us towards SI seat in
Add 'the' after 'towards'
our weapons end in the hands
Add 'up' after 'end'
This is a recording of our beloved CEO negotiating with the terrorists who kidnapped me in Afghanistan, so they would kill me instead of holding me to build them weapons. I have another one where an intelligence agent gives Stane enough rope to hang himself over this mess. Watch them. Then I would require you to vote Stane from his position as a CEO.
him out of the CEO position now
Wasn't Tony both the owner and CEO?
It's not like OTL where he swore publicly to stop making weapons forever.
And then proceeded to make a literal army of Iron Man suits
Add 'the' after 'towards'

Add 'up' after 'end'

Wasn't Tony both the owner and CEO?

And then proceeded to make a literal army of Iron Man suits

Howard Stark was the CEO until his murder, then fron 1991 until getting exposed, Stane was the CEO, while Tony retained a controlling portion of SI's shares. Unsurprisingly, he didn't even bothered trying to be a CEO until he absolutely had to after the first IM movie, and that lasted only for as long as it took to train Pepper so he could give her the position.

Yeah, that really didn't work for me. Tony could have gotten away, potentially with one of the two stunts - either cease building weapons for the US, which might have gotten SI nationalized despite the outcry, because by that point, SI was a huge part of the US military-industrial complex, or gotten away with being Iron Man, and not sharing all the military tech in the suit, not both.
Phase 2: Razor Wings Part 2
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 2: Razor wings


Part 2


Stark Industries Headquarters

"Agent Howard, you're a bit late." I looked blandly at Coulson. Whoever gave him the cover as a Homeland Security Senior Agent was an ass for using my father's name.

"So I see. From what I gather, we've got a severe case of one hand not knowing what the other does."

It was a veritable gathering of who's who in the US government and military. Rhodey was here as the official liaison. We also had two more Colonels – one from the Army and another from the Marines. A Navy Captain rounded up that group.

Next, we had ATF, FBI, Homeland/SHIELD, and even IRS vying for attention and jockeying for primacy in the investigation.

A prosecutor and a special investigator from the Justice Department were also here, doing their best and failing at herding cats.

A screen behind me played a muted recording of Stane's best treasonous hits. From what I could see, having that bit of evidence might have disrupted someone's plan. On the other hand, the military fellows looked pleased that I wasn't the traitor.

"Well, no one supposedly working for me tried to kill me today. It could have been worse." I offered them a fake smile. "Now, consultations with a few people I trust gave me conflicting answers about a few videos a friendly soul sent me. Can we use them in a court of law to nail Stane, or are they just enough to investigate the hell out of him after you fellows get all the warrants you need?"

"Depending on if we use State or Federal charges, those recordings might fall under the fruit of the poisoned tree doctrine. Ultimately it would be up to a Judge to decide. I'm not convinced they'll be enough to convict Mr. Stane. However, you're right, Mr. Stark. These videos are more than enough to get warrants and investigate everything he touched considering the national security implications of the investigation."

I would be confident reading between the lines if this weren't the US. 'We might be unable to nail the bastard legally, but this is enough to send commando squads to punch his number.' Here and now, I could practically smell the political complications.

"I am, of course, at your disposal ladies and gentlemen. However, I will have a lawyer team present before answering any questions. I might be a bit too paranoid after recent events," I shrugged and gave everyone a pointed look.

"So far, we have had no reason to believe you're anything but a victim of betrayal, Mr. Stark." Coulson tried to play the diplomat.

"You'll say that if you gave me enough rope to hang myself as well." I pointed out. "Now, let's get to business. I already gave an order to the Chief of Security and the Director of the IT Department to cooperate and give you all the assistance you need. If they fail to do so, you can gleefully consider them involved in Stane's treacherous activities and act accordingly. If that's the case, I can assure you SI's legal department won't be covering their asses. If nothing else, you can count on me being as cooperative as possible out of self-preservation. I would love to trust the people in my own damn company again one day. Thank you very much."

Pepper chose that moment to knock on the door and come back, leading a team of lawyers hungry for blood.

"I believe you have questions. Let's get to it." I waved at the free seats around the conference table.

The next few hours were rather unpleasant. My impression from yesterday was on point. While the FBI agents here were different, it quickly became apparent that they also had an ax to grind with me. The ATF fellows were professional and more interested in keeping advanced military equipment off the streets than anything else. Homeland Security, or well, SHIELD, represented by Mr. Agent, at least played the role of allies during the questioning.

Today, Coulson was much harder to read. I wasn't sure if the change was because of my conversation with Ward yesterday or if he was playing the nice cop.

The military appeared to be in my corner, especially the Army and Marines. It was a small wonder – they were the branches that would most benefit from a working power armor.

"Mr. Stark, some would call your stated intent to cease weapons production unpatriotic." Fed Suit Number Two asked.

"This question is out of order!" One of my lawyers snapped.

What was that, an inquisition in front of TV cameras? Why would the FBI care?

"I'll answer anyway." I waved my lawyer down. "I am surprised. I expected you and your colleagues to do so after the attack on my convoy in Afghanistan. It should have been obvious the attackers used SI weapons. If I don't stop production until we've audited all industrial plans and vetted everyone working there, any more American soldiers dying from SI's weapons would be on me. If I do nothing now that I know of the problem, and I am in a position to do something, any of our allies murdered with my weapons will be on me as well. This company is supposed to build weapons to protect the United States and its close allies, not get them killed by terrorists!" I slammed a fist on the table.

Most of the people in the room nodded with approval at the show. Fed Suit Number Two glared at me but kept any further edging questions to himself.

For another hour, I had to repeat details I recalled about the weapons I saw and used in Afghanistan and the equipment the US military recovered. Then we were back to all I could remember about how Stane ran my company, which wasn't much.

The inquisition finally ended when an excited young agent working for Mr. Agent came knocking. He couldn't be much older than eighteen.

"Mr. Stark was right! We've got everything Mr. Stane tried to delete or alter last night saved and indexed! It's a gold mine! We've got enough to begin unraveling this! Dates, times, redirected payments and logistics vehicles, potential contacts, and suspects in production facilities!"

"May I make a request in the name of expediency, provided some of you aren't going to treat me as a suspect any longer?" I asked lightly, earning myself a warning look from one of my lawyers.

"Ask away, Mr. Stark."

"A few of you might know that I have an operational AI. I want to request a copy of the data once you've secured it. Jarvis, my AI, can go over it faster than anyone else. He can then quickly supply you with targets to go after before they could go to ground or have more time to cover their tracks."

"We will consider your suggestion, Mr. Stark. At any rate, it would have to wait until we have the data at a secure location and copied just in case." Coulson spoke before anyone else.

I got more than a few wary looks at my suggestion. Someone had been watching too much Terminator. Either that or the paranoid bastards wondered if I wanted the data to prepare a defense in case it also incriminated me, which would be a fair concern.

"I think we've asked all pertinent questions for the time being. I suggest we meet again once we've had time to review the evidence gathered today." Vauban, the prosecutor, suggested. "Mr. Stark, I must request that you do not leave the country in the foreseeable future."

"I have no such intention. Will moving to a state with a cooler climate be an issue? California reminds me too much of Afghanistan and my captivity for comfort."

That statement got me a few sympathetic looks.

"It should be no issue, Mr. Stark. You're free to go."

"I've got a press conference to attend. I wouldn't call that being free." I noted and got up, followed by my hopefully loyal pack of lawyers.

Half an hour later, we were in front of the building alongside the whole Board of Directors. By now, the number of reporters had significantly increased. Some of the cops who came with the investigators had to aid in containing the rabid dogs.

Despite the disruption caused by the Alphabet agencies' invasion, my PR Department managed to set up a podium on the stairs leading towards the lobby. We gathered there, ready to feed the sharks.

"I'm open to questions." As soon as I said that, countless reporters bombarded me with questions.

"Yes, I was aware of the ongoing investigation. I am not at liberty to discuss details about it. All I can say is that the goal is simple, to find out how Stark Industries' weapons ended up in the hands of terrorists. The same terrorists who used our weapons to hit the Afghanistan convoy I was part of. The terrorists who held me had access to a large number of Stark Industries weapons. In related news, earlier today, the Board of Directors voted out the former CEO of Stark Industries, Obadiah Stane." I nodded to Vauban, who had joined us for the circus.

It wasn't surprising. Vauban probably had political ambitions and wanted as much publicity as possible.

"Good afternoon. I'm Mark Vauban from the US Justice Department. As of earlier today, Mr. Obadiah Stane is under investigation for the illegal sale of weapons and conspiracy for murder. He is on the run and is considered dangerous." Vauban paused. "The United States Department of Justice and various Law Enforcement Agencies are investigating the illegal sale and theft of weapons produced by Stark Industries. At this point, Mr. Stark and elements of Stark Industries are proving cooperative in our investigation. This is all I am at liberty to say at this point. Have a nice day."

I nodded to Vauban and got back behind the microphone.

"Because of recent events, Stark Industries will halt weapons production until the investigations conclude. We must be sure our weapons won't end up in the hands of terrorists or hostile nations. Further, I want to announce the creation of the Maria Stark Fund. Its purpose is simple. It will provide medical coverage and pay for the education of the families and children of the United States servicemen who were murdered with our weapons in Afghanistan." I announced. "Now, I'm open to questions."

The feeding frenzy that followed made the earlier inquisition pale in comparison.
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investigate the hell of him
Add 'out' after 'hell'
at your disposal, ladies, and gentlemen
Remove the commas
cease weapon production unpatriotic
nothing now, that I know of
Remove the comma
it should be no issue, Mr. Stark
Capitalise 'It'
Phase 2: Razor Wings Part 3
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 2: Razor wings


Part 3



The three of us headed back to my house. Rhodey remained behind, liaising with the military and trying to get some unofficial answers.

"Pepper, when would I have the legal options about Hannah ready?" I asked while Happy drove us around. "I wouldn't put to it past Stane to go after her out of spite and as a bargaining chip."

He would have first to ensure I knew of her, of course. Otherwise, it would be a bit hard to use a daughter you didn't know about and had no emotional connection with as leverage.

"You think he would step that low?" Pepper looked away from her phone, where she was busy monitoring public reactions to the press conference.

Needless to say, SI's shares nosedived for the second time in a few months. For once, this was a good thing. Jarvis was busy buying a lot of them on the cheap, ensuring I would have even more control over the company by the time the dust settled.

"I'm pretty sure he did see me as his son once upon a time, but that didn't stop him from trying to get me killed." I pointed out. "Now he is going to be desperate and desperate people can be dangerous." They made mistakes, too, the kind of otherwise they might have avoided.

"Happy, arrange my plane, be prepared and make sure it's clear we will be heading towards Washington instead of trying to flee the country."

I had an oversight to deal with. Yesterday I got distracted enough not to memorize or get the number of the supposed security detail looking after Hannah. After today's stunts, I saw from what passes for the US's best LEOs and company I wasn't confident that anyone bothered to give the security detail the memo about Stane.

I got my phone out and dialed my AI.

"Jarvis, buddy, the phone number in the phone Ward left us. Send it to me."

"It's done, sir. Do you need anything else?"

"Get the ball rolling on refueling my plane and gathering the crew. The destination is Washington."

"I will see to it, sir."

"Thank you, buddy."

My phone buzzed, and I got a message with the number.

Four beeps later, someone picked up.

"Agent Rumlow." A bored voice answered.

"This is Tony Stark, Agent. I'm not sure if anyone bothered to inform you and your team. Obadiah Stane did a runner this morning, and it's in the wild. If he has the assets, he'll likely go after your charge. I'll appreciate it if you can manage to keep her safe until I get there."

"No one bothered to inform us, Mr. Stark. I appreciate the head's up." Now Rumlow sounded fully alert, and no trace of boredom was left in his voice. "Do you have a potential threat profile?"

"Stane is guaranteed to have connections with terrorists, weapons smugglers, and potentially private security, as well as stashed black funds for a rainy day. I can't tell you how much he can get mobilized for action on short notice while on the run."

"Understood, Mr. Stark. We'll do our best."

"Thank you, Agent Rumlow."

"Tony, are you sure we should be going anywhere without additional security?" Happy asked. "If you're right about that bastard, he might go straight for you."

"Despite what some people in the media might believe, I don't have a private army on speed dial." I didn't add aloud I would be changing this on short notice.

"Pepper, Happy, what do you think are the chances that local police would take a request to offer a security detail until we can get there seriously enough?"

"Stane's a fugitive, likely still somewhere in California. Unless someone acts to do you a favor, boss, I don't think that the cops will send more than a patrol car to check perhaps if everything's all right." Happy offered.

"You're Tony Stark, Tony. I don't think that asking would hurt."

"Who do we know in Washington State with a connection to local police?"

"Which local police, boss?

There was that, too, yeah. I had to remind myself that the US didn't have anything even vaguely looking like centralized police. FBI might be an option, but for some reason, all the agents I met as of late weren't fans.

"Tacoma," I recalled after briefly thinking about it. At least Hannah went to school there.


Washington State

A SHIELD van slowly drove down the street. A strike team checked its equipment in its back before starting.

The unit's leader put down his mask. He ensured it fit comfortably and didn't cut off his vision too badly.

"I want no mistakes. Suppose any of you somehow gets captured by local LEOs. In that case, you must admit that Obadiah Stane contracted us for a bag-and-grab job. If you work to shift the blame on our patsy, there's no need to die for the cause in a case of a fuck up. Remember, the real objective is to draw out Tony Stark and terminate him, blaming it all on Stane's vendetta. Tim, make sure you don't forget the evidence. You'll be planting it all over the safe house."

Tim patted the black sack tucked between his feet.

"There are four SHIELD agents on overwatch duty. They aren't ours and are expendable. Alpha and Beta, you'll take them out or keep them suppressed until we're ready to displace."

The driver knocked on the metal wall separating the reinforced cargo compartment from the front of the van.

"One minute." The Commander announced.

He did a final check of his weapons and made sure the safety was on. The last thing they needed was an amateur mistake when their ride came to a screeching stop in the operation's zone. His team did the same and braced for a sudden stop.

"Target one will be to your right." The driver announced over the comm. "Target two is front, your left. I see the primary's guardian. I have eyes on the primary. Left, beside the green sedan." He hit the brakes, and the deceleration jolted everyone in the back.


Alpha and Beta surged to their feet and opened the rear door. They fanned left and right, zeroed in on the nearest SHIELD car, and opened fire. The Commander followed suit and went left.

He saw the target near a green sedan with an older woman standing beside her. He ignored everything else and ran toward them.

Suppressed gunfire and screams echoed across the street. A burst put down the woman who attempted to stand between him and the primary, and he wasted no time grabbing the wide-eyed kid. The Commander didn't even slow down but ran around the sedan and back towards the van while dragging a squirming primary target.

Loud pistol shots came from behind him. At least one of the SHIELD agents was still alive and active. That was less than ideal. Nevertheless, killing them was nothing more than a bonus. The Commander finally got to the back of the van, shoved the girl inside, and then got in behind her. He wasted no time securing her with zip-ties and duck tape over her mouth so she wouldn't scream. Beta pilled up after him, then Alpha.

The van's engine roared, and the vehicle shot forward.

"Time?" The Commander demanded. "Casualties?"

"Forty-five seconds. We're all intact, sir."


"At least one SHIELD Agent might still be alive."

"Control, this is Sigma One. Operation complete. We've got the primary and got away clean. Affirmative. Tim, Sigma two got the patsy quietly and are bringing him in."

"Then we're set, sir. After he arrives, I'll need a couple of hours to ensure everything looks legit. Then we can lure in the real target."
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Well either this little girl just saw her mother die in front of her or Pepper just died. No matter what things are about to get interesting in the Chinese sense of the word.

Also good communication within the strike team, a well planned hit. It's good to see competent bad guys, a lot better than mustache twirling super villains.
Well either this little girl just saw her mother die in front of her or Pepper just died. No matter what things are about to get interesting in the Chinese sense of the word.

Also good communication within the strike team, a well planned hit. It's good to see competent bad guys, a lot better than mustache twirling super villains.

Pepper's in a SUV with Tony and Happy in California. The kid saw her grandmother die. Her mother has been dead for years, because Stane wanted a loose end removed, and the girl herself could have been useful as leverage against Tony in the future.

These fellows are basically one of Hydra's black teams, who are both loyal and competent. They also has about a day or so to get in place and plan an operation. Now, the Hydra branch that's closest to the OTL Hydra will be full with crazy, or evil bastards, as well at the epitiome of Hard Men Making Hard Decisions While Hard, TM. Sadly, while what they do might be coutner-productive, and less than ideal, the execution will be mostly competent. Hell, OTL Hydra was competent until plot required it to be otherwise. There will be more nuance in this story. While tactically competent, their goals and ideology will be causing them issues, which will culminate in this story's Project Insight.

On a broader front, that I will be covering when the time is right in story, we've got the more typical Hydra groups which have been losing ground ideoligically from WWII onward. The branches of Hydra established in the US and Allies, who won both WWII and the Cold War are going for a softer approach, which appears to work. Broadly speaking, for all its issues, the "West" and aligned nations have better economies, militaries, as well as R&D going than the great majority of totalitarian and authoritarian states busy oppressing their people to maintain control. Hydra's branches and like-minded organizations and individuals aligned with the former, are slowly winning the ideological clash with the more traditional Hydra groups, which will eventually culminate in open clashes due to Project Insight. Insight would be away for the losing factions to kick the table so to speak and stop playing what they see as a rigged game.

It should be obvious which faction approached Tony through Ward, and which is planning to kill him and blame it all on Stane.
I appreciate the head."
heads up

So the little girl just saw her grandmother gunned down in front of her by Hydra commandos and got kidnapped by the same in order to acquire a bait for an assassination attempt on Tony Stark and will more then likely find out that Stane had her mother killed for having her at some point in the future. That she will have daddy issues is a massive understatement.
Phase 2: Razor Wings Part 4
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 2: Razor wings


Part 4


Long Beach Airport

Grant enjoyed a fast-paced drive to the airport, loving the feeling of the wind brushing against his leather jacket. With his work in California done, he was about to leave for his next assignment. A commercial flight would usually be less than ideal. However, it offered more cover than using SHIELD assets. That was especially true when other factions within SHIELD made somewhat open moves for the first time in years.

Ward parked the bike on the parking lot beside the airport, leaving it for an agent to eventually pick it up and bring it to one of the agency's workshops for a check-up and, if necessary, refit. Grant went to get his ticket when his phone rang.

"Ward," Ha answered calmly.

"We just got hit." Rumlow's terse voice got Ward's attention. "A commando team took the Principal. Three Agents down. I'm wounded but combat-effective. If I didn't know better, I would swear they were one of ours." Rumlow reported.

Ward's training allowed him to not miss a step at the news of the unfolding disaster.

"Get patched up and gather whatever information you can. I'll contact Stark, and we'll be on the way shortly." Ward cut off the connection and dialed up his mentor. "John, it's Ward. The op just blew up in our faces." He rapidly explained. "If we mishandle this, our new friend might turn on us. However, this is also an opportunity to deepen our ties with him. I'll need backup in Washington."

"I see where you're going. I'll call it up. Fury dispatched May to babysit him. I'll see if we can get her on board. Do what you believe, best boy. I trust you to handle the situation."

"I appreciate it, John." Grant ended the call and quickly flicked through his contact list until he found the new one.

"Just a few people have this number, and most of them are with me." Stark's dry voice spoke in Grant's ear.

"It's Ward, Mr. Stark. I have bad news. A strike team of unknown allegiance went after your daughter. The Agent in charge just contacted me. They took the girl and took out most of the security detail. The only survivor is wounded. He'll seek medical attention and attempt to gather any information he can. We're ready to offer you all the assistance we can."

"I see. I will be on my way to Tacoma ASAP. What assistance are we talking about?" Stark's voice shifted, sounding like ice.

"All the trustworthy trained agents we can get in place fast, Mr. Stark. I know the Director dispatched an Agent to ensure your security, Melinda May. She's both competent and extremely skilled. If it's all right with you, I'll also be on my way to meet you. I just informed my superiors, and they'll be moving loyal assets to assist."

"I have a plane getting ready at the Hollywood Airport. Meet us there."



"Tony…" Pepper trailed off. "I'm sorry, Tony."

"Happy, drive us straight to the airport," I told my friend and began dialing up Jarvis. "I'll want the two of you to stay here in California. Get in contact with Rhodey and get a trustworthy security team in place."

"I'm coming with you, boss." Happy announced even revved up the engine and drove on the edge of the speed limit.

"I don't need to worry about you two as well right now. Pepper, get on the phone with legal. I will need various issues straightened up yesterday."

"Sir, how can I help you?" Jarvis asked as soon as the call went through.

I recited a long override code. "Lift all restrictions. Someone took Hannah. Use everything at your disposal to track them."

"I see. Are you sure, Sir?" Jarvis inquired.

"I am sure, Jarvis. Lift all restrictions." Their primary purpose was so I wouldn't order Jarvis to do something stupid while drunk. Or when I was not thinking clearly after another days-long binge tinkering without sleep or proper nourishment.

"I understand, Sir. I'm redirecting SI satellites and breaching into networked cameras in Tacoma. Are you all right, Sir?"

"I'm as well as I can be under the circumstances." I could feel Pepper's unease at my sudden change of bearing.

"I'm in the school network. Accessing camera records… I'm copying a recording of the attack, Mr. Stark. I should be able to extrapolate the approximate weight and height of the attackers, as well as their body shape. I have enough on their vehicle to track if there are enough cameras I can access. The first satellite will be in a position in fifteen minutes. I'm emulating a software failure and locking out remote access until we no longer need it."

"Good work, Jarvis. Stream the video to my phone when you have it."

"Tony, are you sure you want to watch that now?" Pepper asked quietly.

"I need to know what I'm dealing with."

Pepper sighed and dialed up the Legal Department. I left her to it and focused on the video file Jarvis streamed to my phone. It was short and professional. It lasted less than a minute from the transport stopping and deploying an assault team to evacuation. Those were people who both knew what they were doing and were accustomed to working with each other. Two elements presumably neutralized the SHIELD security detail, while a single operative went after Hannah. A single burst took out Mrs. Roberts when she tried to step in between her granddaughter and the operative.

It was all fast, ruthless, and clean. These weren't run-of-the-mill mercenaries; I was sure this was a special forces team. If they were mercenaries at all, they'd been working together for a long time. Perhaps a whole special forces unit went into the private sector after retiring? Considering what Ward suggested and told me, this might be a rival faction. Maybe the same bastards who murdered my parents. I could see how they wouldn't want me allying with their rivals.

Well, it might be Stane. If he was more ruthless and dangerous than I gave him credit for. He might have had a strike team ready since he figured out I was back. This could be it. Or a SHIELD faction was using the chaos to remove a potential obstacle.

Either way, negotiations were unlikely to work. In case one, Stane might want me dead out of spite. Option two, well... The whole point would be to get me exposed and killed in option two.

It was frustrating I didn't have any actual combat assets and had to rely on SHIELD or at least a faction of it. That was something to change as soon as possible.

On the way to the airfield, Pepper had arranged for transportation and lawyers to wait for us on arrival. It wasn't surprising to find Ward sitting on his motorcycle near my plane. A tall, muscled woman sat on a darker racing motorbike near him. They were speaking with each other.

The third person who drove an Audi and parked near those two was a surprise. Ms. Agent, the Black Widow herself, exited the black German car, still wearing a form-fitting business suit. Her arrival stopped the conversation, and the other two Agents looked warily at her.

"Tony, promise me you'll be careful." Pepper demanded.

"I intend to get back in one piece, Pepper. Happy, keep her safe." I told my old friend and exited the SUV as soon as he parked.

"Ms. Agent, Mr. Ward, and Ms. Agent Number Two. If you intend to help, please get on board. Otherwise, get away from my plane." I told the small group and raced up the stairs.

I glanced back before entering the plane. They looked at each other, then the assassin, or well, perhaps a former assassin, followed me. The other two exchanged a terse look and headed for the plane.

"Tiffany, give us some privacy to talk. Tell the captain to get us in the air and Tacoma as fast as possible."

"Yes, Mr. Stark." The young woman nodded while keeping a professional smile. She vanished into the forward compartment meant for the crew so the passengers could have privacy.

I sat on one of the comfortable armchairs and looked at the three SHIELD Agents.

"Can I trust you to work together? What I just saw doesn't fill me up with confidence."

"This is most irregular, Mr. Stark." The woman with Asian features pointed out.

"Yes, it is. Behold how little I care right now."

"The Director is now aware of what happened. He is displeased that SHIELD elements went behind his back." Ms. Agent noted.

"He'll have to pick it up with the Council." Ward shrugged. "Like it or not, the Councilors have been building their small factions within SHIELD and do have a limited authority to give us orders."

This already sounded like a disaster in the making.

"That's why I'm here. One of the Councilors is up Fury's ass about his handling of the Stark situation. I'm Agent Melinda May, Mr. Stark. The Director dispatched me to see to your safety." Ms. Agent Number Two finally introduced herself.

"You already know who I am. Will you finally give me a real name, Ms. Agent?"

The Black Widow carefully moved to the couch, ensuring the other two Agents were always in her sight.

"I'm Natasha Romanoff, Mr. Stark."

Huh, that sounded right.

"You're all aware of what we're going to do?"

"Sit on you, while SHIELD recovers your daughter?" May suggest.

"Offer backup while I recover my daughter, thank you very much. I'm already offering you more trust than you or your organization has earned."

"Mr. Stark, despite what you managed to do in Afghanistan, you lack the proper training to be an asset. And even if that weren't the case, you still would be emotionally compromised."

"You're wrong on both counts, Agent May. I can handle my emotions just fine. And I have the relevant training, even if my endurance isn't up to prolonged high-intensity combat right now."

"I've been wondering about that." Romanoff glanced at me. "Your armor got damaged, but you did more than acceptable after that. I saw your handiwork with my own eyes, as you know, Mr. Stark. To even think about allowing you to participate in a potential rescue mission, we need to know what you bring to the table."

"I can't disagree with Romanoff here, Mr. Stark." Ward reluctantly admitted. "Otherwise, we risk fucking up by the numbers. I don't think you want to take that risk."

The three Agents watched me closely, pointedly observing each other from the corner of their eyes.
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somewhat open movies for the first time
him not to miss the step at the news
I think switching 'not' and 'to' and replacing the with a will work better
our new friends might turn on
Since he later mentioned Tony I think you meant for it to be singular 'friend'
video fileJarvis streamed
Add a space between 'file' and 'Jarvis'
we risk fucking
'we' needs to be closer to 'Otherwise'

Are they from different factions? I know Natasha and Ward definitely are but I'm not familiar enough with May to know what her allegiance is.