The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

Is Hydra considering deploying Black Widows? We know they have a few different ethnicities, they could possibly blend in enough to at least embassy staff which will probably be recalled. They might already be among the staff, in whatever holding facilities their being held in.

And if they got the Winter Soldier in under the Wakanda's shields, he could start wrecking infrastructure. Maybe he's tracking Ulysses Klaw down?
Phase 17 Part 1
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 17:Unintended consequences


Part 1


SHIELD facility X
a former Canadian military research site
Northern Canada

After more than a week of brainstorming and tests with all available sensors, everyone concluded that vibranium was bullshit and that Wakanda's cloak broke physics as we knew them. Well, it at least twisted thermodynamics into a Gordian knot, then cut through it without a care in the world.

The Talon's heat sinks were bullshit as well. They took advantage of vibranium's insane properties to absorb a ridiculous amount of heat while sheathed in vibranium alloy casings to keep the crew compartment from turning into an oven. Second, they were designed so that through vibration, the damn things would dump parts of the built-up thermal energy into capacitors as electricity, significantly increasing their endurance. The heat sinks could handle the heat buildup from a flight, the cloaking system itself, and intense periods of combat for over a day before needing a few hours to cool down properly. Otherwise, components of the alloy might begin to break down, as well as the support systems that make the whole system.

Without the strain of the cloaking system, their endurance was even more ridiculous.

"My bet is on alien technology or assistance. It's the shields and cloaks and how the damn things work!" Victor waved his hands in agitation, and sparks danced over his fingers. "They are so far ahead from everything else in that ship; it's not even funny. The engines? We can have a cruder model without vibranium operational within years with moderate effort and investments! We are already working on multiple ways to get an Ion engine working!" Doom nodded at me.

"Navigation and sensors? They're excellent but nothing groundbreaking," Another voice joined us. It had a light unusual French accent, making sure you couldn't mistake its owner. Dr. Julius Montague was one of Dassault Aviation's best engineers and designers, who did a lot of work on upgrading their Rafales.

At a nearby table in the cafeteria, we had a bunch of people working on the F-35, which was supposed to enter limited mass production finally. Now, despite by all accounts being the best fighter outside Wakanda, it was still hilariously outclassed. Instead of the workhorse for NATO's air forces, the F-35 would be a stopgap until new technologies allowed for something much tougher, deadlier, and, ideally, literally invisible.

That is different from saying that many of the systems designed for the air force's love child were now useless. It was the development of the F-35 that put us close to many of the systems the Wakandan Talons, and Dragons took for granted, and we would keep refining and using them going forward.

"That's a big weakness of the cloak! You can't detect anything beyond visual range when it's engaged!" One of the people working on the F-35 pointed out. "It literally requires you to come into visual range of your target!"

"Those things are stealthy enough that they don't have to! As we saw, their sensors are also good enough that if they had integrated long-range missiles, they could have struck beyond the range we could effectively detect, much less engage them anyway!" That was one of the pilots here to evaluate and fly the Talon for our tests.

Needless to say, keeping the Princess as our only pilot was out of the question for all kinds of reasons. We needed her with us anyway, explaining things about Wakanda's science, not flying around, and having fun.


After lunch, it was time for a regular brainstorming and debriefing session so we could all get our heads together and be on the same page regarding new developments. We were also to report to the powers that be what we learned and hammer the point why nuking Wakanda, unless necessary, would be inadvisable.

One of our regular contacts was Pamela Hawley, due to her official job as a British diplomat, which opened all kinds of doors for her. The rest of them rotated, depending on who was busy with what during our routine debriefing. The only constant was which countries had virtual representatives, not the individual people doing the representing.

We had US, Canada, and NATO officers from Europe, followed up by interested diplomats with high enough clearance to make sure their governments were informed on what was what. It smelled of paranoia, yet that was to be expected.

Due to my experience wrangling trained attack cats, as some put it, or well, crazy or not-so-crazy Sith, I ended up being the unofficial leader of the gathered scientists and engineers. My fame and uplift efforts earned me many green points with this crowd, which helped a lot in keeping them in line. Sadly, I had to spend nearly a third of my time playing manager of everyone in the facility. Not to mention what was needed to keep SI running smoothly in my absence. Only when all that was done could I dedicate time to glorious science properly.

That wasn't exactly a bad thing. Otherwise, slipping into some bad old habits would have been too easy.

Screens around the large conference room came to life, showing Generals, a few Colonels, and six diplomats led by Hawley.

"Mr. Stark, are you ready to begin?" Pamela asked.

I stood up and looked over the arguing people.

"We are," I nodded aloud. Most people had the courtesy to lower their voices. Expecting them to shut up before they heard something interesting was too much for this particular crowd. "We have been able to examine virtually all systems of the Talon, as well as take it mostly apart and then back together in a working order." That last point was necessary and not exactly easy, considering its vibranium armor. "Everything we've learned in the process backs our earlier conclusions. Vibranium is a game changer, yet there is not enough to base uplifting or protecting Earth on it. We can use it as a power multiplier, giving us limited access to technologies that would otherwise be out of reach for decades, if not longer. Through building, observing, and refining these technologies, we should be able to create inferior alternatives that do not rely on vibranium. We will then continue to improve said technologies as we advance in various scientific and engineering fields. I can't stress this enough if we are to put vibranium and vibranium-based technology to good use, we need intact production lines and, more importantly, the know-how of Wakanda's scientists and engineers. I am happy to say that most of their active military is useless to us. You can blow it up to your heart's content."

"That's good to know, Mr. Stark. There's the little problem of practically getting what we need," One of the Generals I wasn't familiar with pointed out.

"You can read the technical details in the briefing we will have ready for distribution later today," I agreed. "Now, practically speaking. We all agree that Wakanda's stealth and, to a lesser degree, shields are breaking our understanding of physics in various ways. We can not promise a viable way to target cloaked fighters in the short to medium term. After experimenting with the Talon's cloak, the best way to track them and prepare for possible attacks is to use souped-up weather radars with customized software to try and track the atmospheric disturbance created by their passage," I pointed at a cluster of radar development specialists.

"Most older weather radars, and many of the smaller ones, aren't going to be sensitive enough for the task at hand, and we will need custom-built software to try and track cloaked craft. Sensor fusion will be key there. Practically speaking, we might need an actual AI running calculations for real-time tracking," The leader of that clique explained and nodded at me.

"I don't have the time to build another AI. However, Jarvis will be eager to help if he is trusted with access to the relevant systems once they're in place. To actively defeat the Wakandan cloak, we might have to develop new types of sensors. We are still in the brainstorming stage on that point," I continued. "My recommendation is to try and neutralize the enemy fighters on the ground, don't attempt to meet them in the air or in a defensive posture. In that regard, we will soon finish our most critical work with the Talon. After that, having it at our disposal will be nice but not critical. I suggest using it to insert a commando team in one of Wakanda's airfields and steal as many fighters as possible before leveling the place with cruise missiles."
Is Hydra considering deploying Black Widows? We know they have a few different ethnicities, they could possibly blend in enough to at least embassy staff which will probably be recalled. They might already be among the staff, in whatever holding facilities their being held in.

And if they got the Winter Soldier in under the Wakanda's shields, he could start wrecking infrastructure. Maybe he's tracking Ulysses Klaw down?

At this point? No. While Wakanda does have a few etnicities, a white red head will stick out like a sore thumb so to speak.

We covered the Pym particles - they were discovered in the sixties like OTL MCU, however in this timeline, with saner tech levels for Earth, no one has been able to do anything with them outside of a laboratory for decades, and it wasn't due to lack of trying.

For the tech we see geniuses, ahem, plot devices, use in regular basis in the OTL MCU, Earth should have been interstellar power long before all that goes into the IM MK II and beyond, or the Pym particle based suits become viable and miniutarized enough for personal use. At the very least, the rest of the world would be decades or centuries more advanced and unrecognizable before those technologies could be miniaturized to be used in such suits.

The Winter Soldiers going wild in Wakanda alone, or with a commando squad would get him killed. The same goes for the Black Widow or Captain America. This isn't a super hero story, its a more grounded uplift and military sci-fi one based on the MCU. As noted in the last update, the best use for such operatives would be a surgical strike, like a smash and grab raid against an Wakandan airfield to steal a few fighters and blow up the rest, then get out before overwhelming enemy forces could respond.

To put it in another way, you know those missions the Avengers ran OTL, a few heroes against Hydra bases? Trying that in this timeline without acting as power multipliers for at least a battalion of mechanized infantry with air support, would get them all killed save for possibly Thor and Hulk.
When they inventory all the Vibranium at the end of this and decide on distribution, I think they should make stealth torpedo frigates(when they get to space ship dev) that can knock out capital ships, corvettes for spying, boarding, sabotage and lastly power armors&suits.

I don't really get Marvel people's attitude towards Jarvis, it's basically oh cool AI, instead of revolutionary and highly controversial as it should be. If I got it right, it's VI really, smart enough to fool you into thinking it's a real person but it's not really. Wasn't there some bs excuse why Tony can't make more that he doesn't remember from the fugue of tinkering? It's a can be copied.
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At this point? No. While Wakanda does have a few etnicities, a white red head will stick out like a sore thumb so to speak.

We covered the Pym particles - they were discovered in the sixties like OTL MCU, however in this timeline, with saner tech levels for Earth, no one has been able to do anything with them outside of a laboratory for decades, and it wasn't due to lack of trying.

For the tech we see geniuses, ahem, plot devices, use in regular basis in the OTL MCU, Earth should have been interstellar power long before all that goes into the IM MK II and beyond, or the Pym particle based suits become viable and miniutarized enough for personal use. At the very least, the rest of the world would be decades or centuries more advanced and unrecognizable before those technologies could be miniaturized to be used in such suits.

The Winter Soldiers going wild in Wakanda alone, or with a commando squad would get him killed. The same goes for the Black Widow or Captain America. This isn't a super hero story, its a more grounded uplift and military sci-fi one based on the MCU. As noted in the last update, the best use for such operatives would be a surgical strike, like a smash and grab raid against an Wakandan airfield to steal a few fighters and blow up the rest, then get out before overwhelming enemy forces could respond.

To put it in another way, you know those missions the Avengers ran OTL, a few heroes against Hydra bases? Trying that in this timeline without acting as power multipliers for at least a battalion of mechanized infantry with air support, would get them all killed save for possibly Thor and Hulk.
I believe he means their are widows of multiple ethnicitys, as any competent intelegence apparatus would do. And the widow program is more than merely competent
When they inventory all the Vibranium at the end of this and decide on distribution, I think they should make stealth torpedo frigates(when they get to space ship dev) that can knock out capital ships, corvettes for spying, boarding, sabotage and lastly power armors&suits.

I don't really get Marvel people's attitude towards Jarvis, it's basically oh cool AI, instead of revolutionary and highly controversial as it should be. If I got it right, it's VI really, smart enough to fool you into thinking it's a real person but it's not really. Wasn't there some bs excuse why Tony can't make more that he doesn't remember from the fugue of tinkering? It's a can be copied.

Jarvis indeed makes sense as a VI base that Tony made capable of learning, and then proceeded to upgrade and update for years, until he got an emergent AI that is primary focused in capabilities to be a personal assistant and aid in R&D. While that's incredibly useful, its is still a far cry from being able to create an emergent AGI on demand. Further, due to the processing power, and servers making him possible, Jarvis would not be able to be installed into something as small as a personal armor, though he would be able to remotely assist or pilot one depending on signal strength and network infrastructure available. The same is true for hacking - magical movie one is out. Bad network infrastructure in places can mage it slow to impossible. Practically speaking, bruteforcing it as far as military, government and intelligence databases and networks are concerned is a no go, though attacks to degrade their peformance with AI speed is possible if Jarvis is ever unleashed against a more conventional opponent. Now, Jarvis being a smart cookie, and using SI's resources, he has options to try social hacking and discovering passwords and such that way like IRL hackers and scammers do.

As a comparison you can consider him a mix between a Smart and Dumb UNSC AI in some regards. Jarvis is great in what he has learned to do and has been updated and made to do, and not so good in going out of his comfort zone. Doing a task that he doesn't have experience, and thus software to handle it, will require developing the latter first, if brute force calculations can't do it. And as far as brute forcing things... much of his significant computing power does go towards maintaining him at the best of time.

As far as making more, it's less about not being able to do it, and more in the process - in this timeline Tony didn't write an AI from the ground up. He wrote and has the software that can culminate into an AI, if the programs in question are given enough time to learn, and receive the proper patching and maintenance along the way.

Copying Jarvis should get you another Jarvis, yes. Maintaining said Jarvis as a stable entity in the long run without someone on the level of Tony Stark, or a major team of IT specailists would be needed. And in the end of the day, that's not what the military, or governments will need, because a copy of Jarvis without its code butchered, would remain loyal to Tony Stark first.

What's valuable would be the softwate that can grow into an AI specialized in what you set it up to learn, and indeed, that by itself should be game changing in the long run. However, touching that issue with a ten foot pole is going both to happen eventually, and have all kinds of reprecussions, including legal ones. And we will have people who will fuck up making their AIs for one reason or another, just like we will have instances where it will actually work as advertised, both for better and worse depending on the circumstances.
souped-up weather radars with customized software to try and track the atmospheric disturbance created by their passage,
The US Military developed and used this since the 80s or maybe earlier. Their paranoia of a Soviet counterpart to their stealth planes had them working on countering any stealth and jammer tech the other think thanks research as they are developed. They thought of it the moment after they thought of making radar invisible planes.

Don't know about the MCU USAF though.
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The Talon's heat sinks were bullshit as well. They took advantage of vibranium's insane properties to absorb a ridiculous amount of heat while sheathed in vibranium alloy casings to keep the crew compartment from turning into an oven. Second, they were designed so that through vibration, the damn things would dump parts of the built-up thermal energy into capacitors as electricity, significantly increasing their endurance. The heat sinks could handle the heat buildup from a flight, the cloaking system itself, and intense periods of combat for over a day before needing a few hours to cool down properly. Otherwise, components of the alloy might begin to break down, as well as the support systems that make the whole system.

Just to point how absolutely stupidly bullshit this stuff is...if it can hold this much heat and convert any of that heat back to electricity in a way that leaves you with less heat than you started, it fucks with thermodynamics enough to make perpetual motion and infinite energy a possibility instead an idiot's pipe dream. This is how stupidly overpowered this idiotic fucking rock is.
Just to point how absolutely stupidly bullshit this stuff is...if it can hold this much heat and convert any of that heat back to electricity in a way that leaves you with less heat than you started, it fucks with thermodynamics enough to make perpetual motion and infinite energy a possibility instead an idiot's pipe dream. This is how stupidly overpowered this idiotic fucking rock is.
Which should scare you. Any process like that is going to have some sort of cost and, since its not covered under conventional thermodynamics, its being paid out of something you can't see. Left running long enough I wouldn't be surprised if you would see a local distortion in the laws of physics, or the alteration of some obscure cosmological constant, because you are fucking with one of the variables in the big equation.

It might seem fine but, oop, then you find out the projected lifespan of the sun keeps dropping.
Phase 17 Part 2
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 17:Unintended consequences


Part 2


Research station Alert/SHIELD facility Theta
Northern Canada

To the world at large, this place was supposed to be a mundane research facility interested in the weather and the effect of global climate change near the North Pole. For SHIELD, the Canadian and US military, the area was an excellent place for covert research facilities working on and testing cold weather equipment. As a bonus, due to all the state-of-the-art weather radars at Alert, it was a place where one could try tracking stealth aircraft by their passage through the atmosphere without outside factors interfering. The sheer remoteness of the site ensured the only people who went to it were researchers, support staff, and the logistics needed to keep them alive and reasonably comfortable in extreme weather conditions.

Those factors made the station an ideal location for testing advanced weather radars against Wakandan stealth and a good enough remote site to get a few operatives trained on how to fly a Talon or a Dragon.

Even in SHIELD, there were only so many operatives who were both trained and experienced in direct action and, at the same time, were already passable pilots. The numbers were even lower across the regular special forces outfits. They tended to rely on air force support for transportation, after all.

However, between SHIELD's reach and the number of countries Wakanda managed to infuriate, finding the people with the necessary skills was more than possible. Narrowing them down to be trustworthy enough for the operation suggested by Stark was harder.

Five of SHIELD's best, a handful of the US Army's Delta detachment, two SAS operatives, and a member of the French Foreign Legion arrived within hours of each other. On the way there, many of them wondered how they fucked up by the numbers sufficiently to be deployed on the North Pole.

Their first guess that Station Alert was more than the first appearance suggested was seeing a well-concealed hangar practically invisible from the sky and, more importantly, its contents – an F-22 and F-35 surrounded by maintenance personnel. The second clue materialized shortly after the ten of them settled up and gathered in a small cafeteria for a briefing and a cup of hot coffee or tea.

For Natasha Romanoff, the place felt too much like certain training facilities in Siberia for comfort. That she would have to work with personnel she knew nothing about didn't fill her with confidence either. At least, there were a few other SHIELD operatives, and she knew their capabilities.

John Garrett and his protegee Ward were legends in SHIELD. The only issue was that since a mission went to hell in Bosnia, Garrett had become one of SHIELD's spymasters instead of a more active field agent. In contrast, Rumlow and Ward were rising stars among the organization's direct action units. From what Natasha could see of the other people that joined them, they were experienced special forces operatives, making Garrett stand out even more.

"Welcome to the middle of nowhere, or at least the next best place," a rough voice rasped, announcing the arrival of another person. He was a tall, pale-skinned man whose face looked like he lost a meeting with a blender. At a closer look, an experienced eye could notice traces of a recent massive facial reconstruction that was still healing.

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" One of the American operatives asked.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I am Lieutenant Schloss from SWORD and will be handling briefing and logistics for our little exercise."

"Schloss? Really, LT?" The same man asked.

"Certain people have an odd sense of humor, like our troubled kid over here who can't keep his mouth shut," The Lieutenant shook his head in mock disappointment.

A glance around confirmed Natasha wasn't the only one out of the loop. Yet the other Americans apparently had an idea who this 'Schloss' character was supposed to be.

"Keeping mum unless ordered is not in my job description, sir." The Delta Force soldier shrugged with a wide smile.

Now, two odd people were standing out among them, great.

"I am painfully aware of that. It's a good thing no one expects you to keep your mouth shut. We expect you to fly and, if necessary, neutralize a few threats, which is why we are here," Schloss pulled out a small remote from one of the pockets on his heavy winter clothes and switched a projector built into the ceiling on, before getting out of his jacket. "Congratulations, you've all been volunteered for a potentially suicidal mission because of your credentials. You are all veteran direct action specialists who, for one reason or another, can pilot modern fighters, which is the important part."

The gathered people looked at each other. That was not what any one of them expected to hear.

"First, the reason why we're here is simple; you will participate in a brief training program on how to fly a Wakandan fighter. Second, you will participate in the planning of an asset recovery operation. The target will be one of several Wakandan secondary air force facilities, holding no more than a squadron of aircraft and a limited number of personnel. The purpose of the exercise is to get in, using one of their stealth craft, and steal any fighters present at the facility at the time of the raid…."

Needless to say, the Lieutenant had everyone's undivided attention.



N'Jeru Basa, a Warrior of the Border Tribe, didn't enjoy his latest visit to Kenya. The last time he was in the country, he pretended to be the bodyguard of a supposed wealthy businessman working with the Commander of the Kenyan military unit stationed at Eldored. While Kenya and Wakanda didn't share a ground border, they were across each other, with only Lake Victoria separating them. That was a good enough reason for the Border Tribe and the War Dogs to be interested in the region long before Kenya became a thing. Thus, parts of the country's military were subverted back in the day of their original formation, ensuring those closest to Wakanda's border would not be loyal to Nairobi.

As of late, those underhanded actions proved to be extremely helpful. Otherwise, Wakanda would have found itself surrounded by enemies. Instead, it had a buffer of foreign forces ready to fight for it. They had already proved themselves in the fight to take over Kenya's and Tanzania's capitals.

That was all very good, yet it didn't explain why N'Jeru and his unit were beyond Nairobi, getting shot at in the small town of Kyumvi. Spirits, the place was little more than a village! If it weren't the main road to Mobassa passing through it, the area would be of no interest.

Unfortunately, for N'Jeru, the Mobassa road did pass through this place. More importantly, many Kenyan military units that refused to back their African brothers either returned to that port city to recover or moved deeper into the country to contest it. The War Dogs were supposed to do something about the General in charge of the traitors still loyal to the old regime, yet that was cold comfort. The young warrior was beginning to learn that many locals didn't see him and his comrades as liberators who came to help them remove the shackles of colonial oppression.

Case in point – a large group of armed civilians rallied around members of the local police, and a handful of soldiers holed in the hotel across the street.

N'Jeru took cover at the corner of the most significant building of the local market and used his shield to protect himself from stray bullets further.

"Ungrateful bastards!" Basa shouted in the general direction of the hotel.

The enemy answered with more gunfire.

"Youth and stupidity. It's such a charming combination," An old, tired voice grumbled behind the warrior.

N'Jeru stepped away from the corner and rapidly turned around, using his cloak and shield to protect himself. The vibranium tip of his energy spear pointed at the armored chest of a large, broad man with graying eyebrows.

"Commander!" N'Jeru stumbled to salute. Doing so was easier said than done when you held a spear and energy shield in your hands.

Distant shots and explosions made the young Warrior twitch and feel even more exposed, even if now he had a few walls behind the closest enemies and himself. Bright lights lit up the sky. Vibranium weapons cracked from above, and explosions shook the ground.

"We are in the process of bringing the war to their homes to protect Wakanda. That is not a reason for the average local to embrace us with open hands," The veteran warrior explained.

A group of warriors in stealth suits materialized from the shadows behind the Commander.

"Your unit will feint a direct assault on that hotel, focusing the enemy's attention on the front. Meanwhile, we will flank them and breach into the building to clean it the hard way."

"What about air support?" N'Jeru asked. Their fighters were supposed to reduce such strong points, so the warriors wouldn't have to storm them.

"Our air force is tasked to capacity tonight."

More figures emerged from the shadows, revealing the rest of Basa's unit, gathered together by the Commander's people.

"We are moving in flanking positions now. Attack in five minutes."


Wakanda strikes again! As of last night, cargo ships off Africa's coasts announced they were under attack before being silenced or failed to respond to desperate attempts to contact them. The current estimate is that over thirty cargo vessels of all types are currently out of contact and suspected to be crippled or destroyed by Wakandan fighters.

Associated Press
This war is making even less sense the longer it continues. And wow some wakandans are realising their neighbours might have reasons to not like them. Progress.

The problem with ending the war now is that even a sane and reasonable Wakandan leadership can't surrender, because the terms they will get will be unacceptable to anyone in Wakanda. And the rest of the world simply can't let Wakanda go with a slap on the wrist. That would be politically unacceptable on too many levels, especially when aliens are a thing and other strategic considerations are in play. The same goes for the ongoing Second Afghan War. The Coalition forces can't be seen to be defeated by the Taliban and company, no matter the price of the ongoing conflict. Such defeats can have catastrophic political consequences considering the changed strategic paradigm. If we can't deal with opponents on Earth we outclass in every metric that matters, then how are we supposed to protect Earth from alien incursions?
"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" One of the American operatives asked.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. I am Lieutenant Schloss from SWORD and will be handling briefing and logistics for our little exercise."
... OK, either Frank's family is still alive, or he's somehow saner than usual in spite of that. Interesting.
... OK, either Frank's family is still alive, or he's somehow saner than usual in spite of that. Interesting.
Am I missing something? Has his identity been revealed in previous chapter? I don't think I remember any mentions of the Punisher in this story.

Schloss is German for Castle. Between that, the voice, and the obvious healing scars of a recent facial reconstruction, someone who knew Castle from, say working with him in the military, could get to certain conclusions.
I wonder when Stark's side wins, if they'll get their hands on a couple of samples of that magical bullshit herb that creates super soldiers because magic?
Phase 17 Part 3
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 17:Unintended consequences


Part 3


Despite ongoing infrastructure upgrades, the power grid in multiple Southern states is on the edge of failing due to a combination of unexpectedly high temperatures and parts of the grid being too old to handle the strain.

USA Today

President Obama signed an executive order forming an Energy Commission tasked with investigating the state of the power grid across the United States. In a brief statement, the White House's Press Secretary explicitly stated the President's belief that the energy grid is vital infrastructure for national security. Further, the President promises that the United States government will do its utmost to preserve and maintain the power grid.


UN Ambassadors from multiple African states cited grave concern over food security. Africa, as a whole, imports nearly 85% of the food needed to feed the continent's population. Wakanda's new attacks on shipping off the coasts of Africa are a grave threat to the food supply required for the survival of hundreds of millions.

Associated Press

As of last night, the Ambassadors of fifteen African countries pledged full and unconditional support for any United Nations mandate to deal with Wakanda's aggression.

BBC World News

Ambassadors representing various African countries will meet with EU and NATO representatives in Brussels later this week.



SHIELD facility X
a former Canadian military research site
Northern Canada

A week of tests against all kinds of weather and military radars told us even more about the capabilities of the Wakandan Talon, and none of it was good.

Standard weather radars were out – they used 'broad' waves that simply went around most planes. That was even truer for Wakandan fighters, no matter if they had their cloaking field online or used just passive stealth. In the latter case, they made the newest F-35 and F-22 models look like huge transport planes, with their transponders screaming so no one could miss them.

Now, some experimental devices the US military toyed in, afraid that the USSR, or later, China, might get on the stealth game effectively, had a bit more promise. Unfortunately, even the best radars could not detect and track the Talon at long range, even when not cloaked.

At high subsonic speeds and relatively short range, getting a rough track of a cloaked Talon through sensor fusion from multiple state-of-the-art weather radars was possible. However, there were a few significant issues with that approach. The sensitivity required to get the job done threw so many false positives that it wasn't funny. Even with Jarvis helping, it only worked sometimes, at a place saturated with all kinds of experimental meteorological radars for apparent reasons, and no one else flying around save a few birds.

In most of North America or Europe, the saturation of the suitable radar types in any single area wasn't there. Most older weather radars were practically useless even for sensor fusion – adding their input only complicated the equation for no tangible gain.

"The radar density needed is simply ridiculous!" von Doom shook his head after he saw Jarvis' latest estimate of what would be needed to make the idea feasible.

It wasn't entirely covering most of the US with advanced radar stations. Still, it was close enough to make the idea dead on arrival due to the side effects of all that energy the sites would have to radiate all the time. The price tag was astronomical, not to mention the opportunity costs and side effects of that many radar stations being active all the damn time.

The deciding factor was that such an investment could be easily defeated by Wakandan fighters flying slowly, roughly at the speed of a fast bird. Doing so would make them invisible to weather radars beyond point-blank range, even without cloaks.

Weather radar wasn't the answer for defeating active cloaking.

Magnetic or energy sensors, the kind we lack on Earth, might do it.

"We're going to need a different solution," I said.

The other people gathered in the cafeteria for a brainstorming session reluctantly agreed, often cursing Wakanda's bullshit magical technology for good measure.

Gravity sensors could work, but only away from gravity wells. Otherwise, a planet's gravity could mask the distortion caused by anything smaller than a capital ship at close range. The exception was the crystal gravifield trap, which used very expensive synthetic crystals and state-of-the-art computers to detect gravity distortions created by cloaked craft. Sadly, while I knew a bit about the tech, I had no way of replicating it without decades of research. The first step in that direction was bringing Earth's understanding of how gravity worked on par with what I consider modern theories. Sadly, in that regard, I only had basic theoretical knowledge, which many others would have to make good use of over a long period. CGTs were advanced and expensive technology for an ancient interstellar civilization and sadly out of reach for us. Vibranium was of no help there, either. To get anything like the synthetic crystals needed, we would need a mature and advanced orbital infrastructure far beyond the next steps of the planned uplift program.

"Sensor fusion is going to be key because I doubt we will be able to create a brand new sensor type in the next few months, then get it ready for field use before this was over one way or another," I continued.

The more we brainstormed about defeating Wakanda's stealth systems, the clearer it became that, for the time being, the best way to do it was to avoid it altogether and take out their fighters when on the ground or forced to reveal themselves. That is why I suggested using the Talon in our custody to steal more of their fighters – doing so would both give us more assets to work with and, at the same time, diminish Wakanda's capabilities.

A sufficient number of military and weather radars, combined with enough processing power and AIs doing the data crunching, might get us a solution. The issues were the number of radars needed for a reliable defense, the sheer processing power, and the tons of data required to get a helpful result in a reasonable time frame. Even then, that would give us a track to follow, not functional targeting solutions. All that would be of little help as far as any expeditionary force going for Wakanda was concerned. We were talking about large fixed installations as far as the weather radar component went.

The answer for dealing with Wakanda's passive stealth was more straightforward yet similar: better sensors, sensor fusion again, and better computers with possibly AIs in each plane or radar station handling the data processing.

In theory, that could work; however, making such a solution useful in practice with what we had available would not be easy or cheap. The core of the issue was simple - outside of thermal or visual guidance, all useful targeting sensors relied on reflection - no matter if it was light for LIDAR or radio waves for radar. Vibranium, the literal bullshit created to frustrate any self-respecting scientist, was practically tailor-made to defeat modern sensors by simply existing. Add some good design the Wakandan engineers had stumbled upon as far as their Talons and Dragons were concerned, and even the best targeting sensors couldn't track and keep a lock on the damn things beyond visual range, usually much closer.

Thermal tracking was an option. However, it had a similar issue - beyond point-blank range used by SAMs like Stingers, fighters usually guided missiles close to the target using radar before the thermal imaging could lock on. That had obvious issues with Wakandan aircraft because you couldn't track them with radar beyond visual range. In practice, the same would be true for image guidance - the missile would have to get close enough to the target for it to kick in and be useful, and that was the core of the issue in the first place, finding the enemy and getting close enough to engage them.

The feeling of bashing my head against a solid wall without going anywhere was extremely frustrating. The atmosphere in the compound didn't help either – practically everyone but the support personnel shared my feelings, combined with what was becoming an unhealthy dose of resentment towards the task at hand.

Something odd rippled in the air beside me. It sent my senses tingling. I surged to my feed, making my bodyguards stir from their positions around me. The air rippled again, in full view of everyone in the cafeteria, twisting in all rainbow colors. Observing what was happening through the Force told me little. There was a lot of odd energy gathering and trying to form a pattern, yet I could sense no danger.

My bodyguards were already on the move, ready to drag me out of the room, when the rippling stilled, then rapidly formed into the transparent form of a tall, dark-skinned man wearing silver armor. He looked around; then his dark eyes stared at me.

"Lord Stark, I presume?" He asked in an accent that was similar to Thor's. "I am General Tyr, the Commander of Asgard's military. We have much to discuss."
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Vibranium, the literal bullshit created to frustrate any self-respecting scientist, was practically tailor-made to defeat modern sensors by simply existing
Stark to doom

"Victor I feel like I am being trolled by an inanimate metal. Crazy meta materials are a thing. It's a big universe. But this vibranium seems to combine the properties of over a dozen different metamaterials solid, liquid and gas into one object. That violates reality just sitting there on my desk. I can think of things created using literal space magic that are less bullshit than this!!"

Victor. "The worse part Tony. I would be enjoying this if I also was not experiencing the exact same thing."

Susan storm." Guys you both look ready to blast that hunk of metal with your lightning powers and for all we know it could send them back at you. "
Huh, a solution to the stealth detection problem has arrived.

It hasn't.

Yeah, for some reason when I think of Tyr, I'm seeing Heimdal in my head....

I'm not sure how you want to correct this but it didnt flow the first time I read it

What's the issue with it? To me, it reads fine as a statement that the war will be over before they have any viable solution to the Wakandan stealth, which is how it is supposed to be.

Stark to doom

"Victor I feel like I am being trolled by an inanimate metal. Crazy meta materials are a thing. It's a big universe. But this vibranium seems to combine the properties of over a dozen different metamaterials solid, liquid and gas into one object. That violates reality just sitting there on my desk. I can think of things created using literal space magic that are less bullshit than this!!"

Victor. "The worse part Tony. I would be enjoying this if I also was not experiencing the exact same thing."

Susan storm." Guys you both look ready to blast that hunk of metal with your lightning powers and for all we know it could send them back at you. "

You're spot on! :D