The Iron Sith V2 (SW/MCU AU)

Phase 16 Part 1
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 16: No one likes the taste of a future war


Part 1


Reports of Wakandan air strikes are finally petering off across the globe. In the US, we have reports of explosions and air battles stretching from New Orleans, where Dillard University is on fire in the Southern US, to St Louis, where Wakandan fighters struck industrial targets.


US citizens are scared, stunned by the attacks, and outraged. Social media is lit on fire with demands for bloody retribution and increasing calls for nuclear retaliation.


A major battle occurred just outside New York. Social media pinpointed Tony Stark's location in the area of the General Dynamics research and development facility. Emergency services and police were dispatched to the site, which is currently locked under martial law.


Attacks across the US, China, and Japan, and the first strikes of South Korea suddenly ceased. Experts claim that the likely reason is a possible high attrition rate suffered by Wakanda's Air Force.


A French government source announced an air raid carried by the Charles de Gaule air wing striking targets within Wakanda as the possible reason the air onslaught ceased.


NATO officials confirm a successful raid launched by the French Marine Nationale.


Wakandan Air Power attacked Charles de Gaule Carrier Battle Group as it approached the Persian Gulf. Unconfirmed reports point to hundreds of casualties. France's sole nuclear-powered carrier is reportedly still afloat but likely mission killed. This makes a second NATO-affiliated carrier disabled in the same general area if by different nations and weapons. Are we seeing the end of carrier dominance of the oceans?

BBC World News

The French raid confirms beyond a shadow of a doubt that Wakanda is a hidden technologically advanced country, with what experts claim is potentially technology literally out of this world. The French Ministry of Defense released videos from air combat above a futuristic city that appeared to be hidden by an enormous holographic field and defended by energy cannons built into the mountainsides around it.


In a short statement, President Obama affirms that all weapons within the United States military arsenal are on the table to defend the people and integrity of the United States and our allies; however, at this time, the US government is not contemplating launching a first nuclear strike. However, any deployment of WMDs or attack on critical infrastructure with the potential to create widespread damage, like nuclear power plants and dams, will be considered unacceptable escalation and will warrant a nuclear response. President Obama also confirmed that this includes such attacks or WMD deployment against targets within the United States or US troops deployed overseas and attacks on our allies.



SHIELD site Blue
location classified
United Kingdom

T'Challa sat on a not particularly comfortable chair, wearing a warm suit provided by his host. His little sister was beside him, sipping tea and looking at the wall with a far-off expression on her face. Ayo leaned the wall behind him, with her steely gaze focused on the door to what they all knew was an interrogation room. The Prince knew that warning the outside world was the right call. The same was true about his public call for all Wakanda diplomatic personnel and War Dogs to cease following orders from the madmen in control of Wakanda.

All that was cold comfort. After arriving at this side under heavy military escort, T'Challa had access to a TV and thus the ongoing news of constant attacks by the Wakanda Air Force. The only saving grace there was the targets, which in most cases, had been evacuated. His people thus killed only a few civilians, with most casualties being either military personnel or caused by the world's attempt to defend itself. Of course, morally, it was all on Wakanda, and there was going to be hell to pay. T'Challa knew there were radical factions within the country. However, he had thought that his father, the War Dogs, and Dora Milaje had it all in hand.

Well, they all found out they were catastrophically wrong on that account. Only Dora Milaje didn't fail completely. Otherwise, he and Shuri wouldn't be in this place feeling sorry for themselves and contemplating how they might save Wakanda if at all possible.

The door opened, and an older British woman entered. She wore a brown business suit and carried a steaming cup of tea in one hand and a tablet in the other.

"Prince T'Challa, Princess Shuri, we have much to discuss. I am Councilor Pamela Hawley, representing SWORD, an international organization tasked to deal with extraterrestrial incursions."

"What does that have to do with the crisis at hand?! There are no aliens involved!" Shuri perked up and asked a pointed question.

"Don't get me wrong; it's not the idea of an advanced civilization in Africa built by black people that give people pause. How you managed to remain hidden for so long, and the level of technological superiority your attack has revealed raises many questions. Many believe the most plausible explanation is that you've had alien help if you aren't proxies aliens are using to cripple the rest of the world. Why, some claim that the technologies your attacks have demonstrated to date are literally out of this world. And if this is the case, the consequences will be grave. Then this becomes more than the act of madmen who hijacked control over your country and military."

T'Challa closed his eyes and thought rapidly. He knew the truth, yet it wouldn't paint Wakanda in a better light; on the contrary. Then again, being declared traitors to humanity had all kinds of implications he didn't want to contemplate and were to be avoided.

"The truth doesn't paint my country in a better light than being alien collaborators. For a long time, until the early eighties, Wakanda's intelligence service, the War Dogs, kept stealing or buying technologies from the outside world and sabotaging research and development until the last years of my grandfather's reign as a King. That, combined with vibranium, the foundation of our technologies, allowed Wakanda to gain and retain its position as the technologically most advanced country on the planet."

"Industrial espionage we can provisionally overlook; everyone does it. Buying technology, even if it's classified and restricted, everyone has been doing it as well. Now sabotage to keep the rest of the world down, which will be harder to swallow," Hawley concluded. "Vibranium? Elaborate."

"It is an extraterrestrial material from a meteorite, so that is the only alien connection we have. The material has properties like nothing else on Earth. Vibranium and its alloys allow for the development and practical use of technologies that would be otherwise out of reach for years, or even decades to be practical," T'Challa explained.

"Is that how you got your cloaking system?"

"That's a fascinating story!" Shuri looked properly alive for the first time since the coup. "Our scientists cracked it while researching how to create an energy shield able to protect cities from nuclear weapons during the height of the Cold War! It overlaps with our holographic technology as well! You see, vibranium-based electronics and alloys we use in our holographic emitters allow them to sustain channeling much more energy than mere holograms require. We already knew that because our Warrior's energy shields are based on the same principles! We are using a combination of technologies to project a holographic field around our aircraft, which uses cameras and integrated sensors to create and maintain a coherent illusion that there is nothing to see! Of course, that's only the first step because doing so would only hide a plane from cameras and the naked eye! Next, we use some of our shield principles to bend light and electromagnetic radiation around the vessel in question, making it slide around it as if there is nothing to see! Finally, heat! That is a big problem that requires vibranium-based heatsinks to store. While they are a pain to build and maintain, they can store heat from a cloaked vessel of the size and power we build for up to a day of flight, giving them global reach while invisible!"

"How does that prevent your fighters from appearing on thermal cameras?" Hawley probed.

"That's again the application of the shield technology. Of course, our fighters don't have the power generation for the kind of shield that will be useful in combat or to protect them from a crash any better than their armor, so installing proper shields on them is a moot point! However, the basic technology at low power can be used to absorb the heat radiated by the vessel, including engine exhaust, instead of radiating a large part of it out; it creates a feedback loop to the heatsinks! After all, an energy shield not only has to reflect as much energy as feasible, it needs to absorb punishment, including thermal energy! We use that principle to hide the heat of our fighters! Even better, we can use vibranium heatsinks to turn some of that heat into electricity for use by the vessel in question, which further increases how long it could remain cloaked!"

Hawley was sure this explanation would be invaluable to scientists and engineers worldwide, just like everything this girl might know. It still didn't give a clue on how to actually detect Wakanda's fighters, which was her next question.
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It almost seems like a sound-based, bat-like-derived 'echolocation' system could be used to detect those cloaked fighters?

In the sense that physical sound is reflecting and/or rebounding against physical items?

Either that or quantum radar (which is a real thing).
@ Quantum radar - Wikipedia
It almost seems like a sound-based, bat-like-derived 'echolocation' system could be used to detect those cloaked fighters?

In the sense that physical sound is reflecting and/or rebounding against physical items?

Either that or quantum radar (which is a real thing).
@ Quantum radar - Wikipedia
Improbable for the echolocation. Who knows what that would do to the birds and ecosystem. They'd need a lot of speakers and even then vibranium might be bs enough to absorb sound waves too.
You know I find it disturbing that so many people are suggesting the destruction of Wakanda. I don't need to tell people that genocide is bad, and fucking stupid, you dont kill the people who have the know how and the capability to build advanced technology that will greatly help at the Uplift.

The main obiective of the coalition invading Wakanda should be capture the nation and its population as intact as posibile. Wakanda is an country with high standards of living, they can be used as way to improve the living conditions on the nearby countries by facilitating trade, immigration etc as soon that Wakanda is open to the world.

In another fact, if the Coalition troops (most of which will be from NATO) start massacring Wakandians or enact a form of Morgenthau plan by stripping the country of every resource and industry, what kind of message does it sends across the world,that the west is back in exploiting and genociding africans? Yes they will pay reparation in tech and vibranium but js foolish to strip the whole country bare. Yes what Wakanda did was bad, but going in to the extremes is just stupid. I am certain that if anyoane were to suggest this plans to Stark he will have them fired for being a moron.

Sorry for the rant but reading some of the comments made me write this.
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Sorry for the rant but reading some of the comments made me write this.
I suspect that a lot of posters were just having a strong knee-jerk reaction without thinking things through. This gets combined with the firm belief that a nation deliberately taking actions that impede Earth's ability to defend itself from extraterrestrial conquest must be harshly punished (which is true, since nation-states are far too often run by deeply self-interested parties, or idiots, or both), without thinking that the punishment must also not impede Earth's ability to defend itself.

EDIT: It probably also gets combined with resentment toward comic-canon Wakanda and MCU-canon Wakanda, which are mostly not relevant to this thread, but certainly factor into reader opinions.
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I suspect that a lot of posters were just having a strong knee-jerk reaction without thinking things through. This gets combined with the firm belief that a nation deliberately taking actions that impede Earth's ability to defend itself from extraterrestrial conquest must be harshly punished (which is true, since nation-states are far too often run by deeply self-interested parties, or idiots, or both), without thinking that the punishment must also not impede Earth's ability to defend itself.
Harsh punishment upon any government that actively chooses to invite existential danger is perfectly reasonable. It would be a sufficiently large stick to enforce compliance since everyone who is actually to blame is going to get Nuremburg Trialed straight up the gallows. Going after anybody else is ineffectual, liable to come back and bite you a decade or two down the road via a revanchist movement, and one hell of a crime against humanity deserving of a trial all of its own.

And, as I mentioned before, this probably isn't the last government to at least become temporarily subverted. For all we know the next one might be the US Government. Skrull would adequately explain why things got weird as fuck in the post-Obama years.

So far, the only site where Nuke Wakanda TM hasn't gotten out of hand that I'm posting this story is patreon.... That aside, something I'm actually looking forward to is for Sith Tony to be the voice of reason, and not just in this instance, but later, and after Hela arrives. You know the situation is messed up when a Dark Lord of the Sith is telling you to chill out. :D

While on tha topic, Sith Tony will want Wakanda's production lines and manufacturing capacity intact, even if its just very advanced artisians doing it instea of anything resembling mass production. Instead, if people want to bomb things, go for mines, refinerries, and such. Those can be rebuild, and literally dug out later, while more or less intact Wakandan industry will be priceless.

I suspect that a lot of posters were just having a strong knee-jerk reaction without thinking things through. This gets combined with the firm belief that a nation deliberately taking actions that impede Earth's ability to defend itself from extraterrestrial conquest must be harshly punished (which is true, since nation-states are far too often run by deeply self-interested parties, or idiots, or both), without thinking that the punishment must also not impede Earth's ability to defend itself.

EDIT: It probably also gets combined with resentment toward comic-canon Wakanda and MCU-canon Wakanda, which are mostly not relevant to this thread, but certainly factor into reader opinions.

Yes, there must be a ballance between punishment, making sure no one would dare contemplate imperiling Earth's security in such a fashion again, and getting to use Wakanda's intact industrial and human capital, as well as not sending the wrong message to the rest of the world.... even if the World Council's end goal is unificatio, at gun point if needed.

What helps Wakanda in this case is that the people who launched the attack seized power through a coup, so the whole nation, and citizenry at large might get away relatively lightly, when the shooting stops.

Oh, if this was comic Wakanda... After skimming through its wiki, I would say I will be seriously considering to join nuking the place on general principle camp, but only after looting it for all the tech and know how.

Harsh punishment upon any government that actively chooses to invite existential danger is perfectly reasonable. It would be a sufficiently large stick to enforce compliance since everyone who is actually to blame is going to get Nuremburg Trialed straight up the gallows. Going after anybody else is ineffectual, liable to come back and bite you a decade or two down the road via a revanchist movement, and one hell of a crime against humanity deserving of a trial all of its own.

And, as I mentioned before, this probably isn't the last government to at least become temporarily subverted. For all we know the next one might be the US Government. Skrull would adequately explain why things got weird as fuck in the post-Obama years.

Oh, that's a given. Any of the leaders of the coup captured alive are for fun times, international tribunals and life sentences, to many people's dissatisfaction, likely life sentences in cozy European prisons. War Dogs captured as spies, will vary from all the fun and games counter-intelligence might play with them, to life-long imprisonemnt if they're lucky, or getting shot as spies after a formality of a trial if unlucky, depending on the country where they're caught.

The regular citizens on the other hand, for most, their first idea WTF was actually happening, beyond the coup, obviously, was the French raid, which came as an incredible shock. The following updates will be covering that as well.

Do remember that in the MCU, Elis follows Obama, and after that, we got Trump again. If that happens, Sith Tony might actually seriously consider backing a Hydra faction that contemplates a coup in the US. Trum might be good for big business, but for Earth's defense? The odds are he, or anyone like him voted as US President would be a disaster. Hell, if something like that happens, its likely Sith Tony to become one of the least reasonable people in the Illuminati as far as where the line between control and freedom must be drawn in the future.
After reading the wiki entry I can understand his feelings. Current era comics Wakanda sounds the country version of a Mary Sue. A particularly obnoxious one at that.
Do remember that in the MCU, Elis follows Obama, and after that, we got Trump again. If that happens, Sith Tony might actually seriously consider backing a Hydra faction that contemplates a coup in the US. Trum might be good for big business, but for Earth's defense? The odds are he, or anyone like him voted as US President would be a disaster. Hell, if something like that happens, its likely Sith Tony to become one of the least reasonable people in the Illuminati as far as where the line between control and freedom must be drawn in the future.
If anyone in Hydra has any sense then at the very least they would be manipulating the election at that point. Not in the sense of rigging it, not in any direct fashion, but by making sure the right information hits the media at the right time... the right investigations having a little more success than they otherwise might have. Etc.

Considering that American elections tend to borderline tie even a couple percentage points can play kingmaker even if they aren't patronizing anyone specific. And Putin probably has bigger concerns than doing any overseas meddling of his own, assuming he isn't also a little green man.

Sadly this is past John McCain's chance to shine. The man had his high points and his low points but if we were going for a proper, reasonably sane war president he was probably at the top of the short list. But unless someone has a longevity treatment they can pull out of a cigar box... which I can't actually rule out... its not going to be him.
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What makes you dislike canon wakanda so much?

After reading the wiki entry I can understand his feelings. Current era comics Wakanda sounds the country version of a Mary Sue. A particularly obnoxious one at that.

Comic Wakanda, not MCU one, if that's what you're asking. Now, I do have mixed feeling about the MCU one for not making sense without some darker undertones, but in the comics? Thats outright the case. Until T'Challa becomes a king and cleans up houase like no-one's business, the War Dogs were runninb amock, assassinating presumed enemies of Wakanda, sabotaging research, doing their best to keep the rest of the world down, etc... Not to mention that various versions of Wakanda had cures for virtually most uncurable diseases and cancers, and rarely if ever shared the damn things. That by deafult gets me infuriated on general principle as someone whose grandfather and mother died from cancer.

Now, in general, the way Wakanda's portrayed.... I frankly don't know what its creators indended. Was it supposed to be an enlightened black kingdom lacking the flaws of the rest of the world? Was it a ham-fisted way to point out that people are people no matter their skin collor, and so Wakanda's citizens are basically a mirror image of those in any average first world country with all that entails? Are we supposed to be cheering for the 'enlightened' tribal based government we have in the MCU, something most African nations want nothing to do with, and believe that their tribal past is a divisive forse that they hope to overcome to be more cohesive and stable nations?

If anyone in Hydra has any sense then at the very least they would be manipulating the election at that point. Not in the sense of rigging it, not in any direct fashion, but by making sure the right information hits the media at the right time... the right investigations having a little more success than they otherwise might have. Etc.

Considering that American elections tend to borderline tie even a couple percentage points can play kingmaker even if they aren't patronizing anyone specific. And Putin probably has bigger concerns than doing any overseas meddling of his own, assuming he isn't also a little green man.

Sadly this is past John McCain's chance to shine. The man had his high points and his low points but if we were going for a proper, reasonably sane war president he was probably at the top of the short list. But unless someone has a longevity treatment they can pull out of a cigar box... which I can't actually rule out... its not going to be him.

If we're talking about 2016 in universe, we'll see. One big issue might be that no one sane might contemplate that Trump might get actually elected before its too late, especially after the Chitauri Invasion and the Dark Elves. By then, Earth will have a permanent Asgard Embassy and might be in contact with the Kree, the Skrull, or both as well. You would think that under such conditions, people will think long and hard for whom they will vote, and I'm not just talking about the US here.
If we're talking about 2016 in universe, we'll see. One big issue might be that no one sane might contemplate that Trump might get actually elected before its too late, especially after the Chitauri Invasion and the Dark Elves. By then, Earth will have a permanent Asgard Embassy and might be in contact with the Kree, the Skrull, or both as well. You would think that under such conditions, people will think long and hard for whom they will vote, and I'm not just talking about the US here.
Since when was the world sane? He just has to sensationalize himself someway. Maybe promise to build a world wall or something.
I just found this story and finished binge reading it.

I guess Wakanda Forever isn't a thing anymore. :(
Phase 16 Part 2
Disclaimer: I do not own any movies set up in the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars movies, cartoons, games, books, or comics. They belong to their respective copyright owners. This story is not created with a commercial aim. It is not for sale or rent.

Phase 16: No one likes the taste of a future war


Part 2


US Congress will vote on a formal declaration of war against Wakanda later today. Due to the threat of air strikes in Washington, the voting will be held remotely, with Congress members remaining dispersed in undisclosed locations for their safety. For most intents and purposes, this will be a mere formality after Wakanda's explicit acts of war against the United States and our allies.

NATO's Article V was activated by all attacked NATO members and the EU's Defensive Clauses. We have confirmed pledges of honoring said clauses from twenty of the EU's member states, with the rest expected to follow soon after their governments follow through lawful procedures required to formally declare war against Wakanda.


Within hours of Wakanda's attacks, Israel, India, China, Japan, and South Korea declared war on Wakanda. Singapore followed suit just an hour ago, even though it wasn't attacked. Australia and New Zealand's parliaments are in meetings as of right now, and we expect to hear declarations of war from them as well.

This might be World War Three in a format no one could have imagined.

BBC World News

The casualties of the Second Battle of Britain keep mounting. We have confirmed over hundred and fifty military personnel as dead or wounded, and the civilian casualties are over a thousand. A sad reality is that most of the wounded civilians were injured by ordnance used by the British military in their desperate attempts to fend off the Wakandan raids. That fits with news from Europe, the US, and the Middle East.

Experts claim that this surprising tragic fact has a simple explanation – due to the nature of the stealth systems utilized by the Wakandan aircraft, successfully targeting them proves extremely hard. Many missiles launched at them lost lock on the target and eventually crashed, causing collateral damage. While morally, there is no doubt that the blame lies with Wakanda's illegal regime that took power through a coup hours before the attacks, the realist of the situation leaves much to be desired.

Consequently, we see limited protests against the indiscriminate use of weapons across Europe, matched by groups demanding an immediate end to the war and a sane, peaceful resolution. The most surprising part is an increasing number of counter-protests by people infuriated by Wakanda's unprovoked attacks.

BBC News

Hundreds of thousands protest across many German cities, even as military combat engineers race to disarm live weapons expended during the fighting last night, and emergency services aid casualties and put down fires. In many cities, riot police are out in force, yet despite their best efforts, the situation is becoming ugly in places. We have Greens and left-leaning sympathizers condemning the war and demanding peace, now at any price. At the same time, we see an unprecedented splint in the Green Party, with over a third of their members out in numbers condemning the attacks on universities and fusion infrastructure; they claim to be our best bet for a brighter future.

Those groups are often met by counter-protests by angry and scared people demanding answers. The primary demand is for accountability as to why the Bundeswehr could not protect Germany and its citizens. There are escalating violent clashes between these groups of angry people and anti-war protesters.


Martial Law was declared in the worst-hit parts of the US. At the same time, emergency services and military personnel secured possible live munitions after Wakanda attacked America. Despite government warnings, tens of thousands are out on the streets holding vigils for the dead and wounded during the Wakanda air raids in an atmosphere of fear, disbelief, and righteous rage.


We are seeing more and more demands to bomb Wakanda back to the stone age and salt the ground in retaliation. This includes outright statements that President Obama shows unprecedented weakness as Commander in Chief by not ordering nuclear reprisal.

New York Times


New York

"Councilor Stark, it's good to see you survived the recent unpleasantries intact," Hawley greeted me from a bunker in the UK. Today she was all formal and proper as it befitted the occasion.

This meeting of SHIELD and SWORD Oversight Councils, practically the World Council, was to reach a consensus about recommending all relevant governments a way to handle the ongoing Wakanda issue. Meanwhile, the regular militaries were scrambling to recover from the first round of the war and doing their best to absorb valuable lessons. At the same time, most politicians were busy putting out fires back home and across the world. It was our job, alongside many advisors, to suggest viable strategies to go forward. For the World Council, SWORD, SHIELD, and the Illuminati, this would be a priceless opportunity to make our mark and put ourselves in a position to guide the whole world going forward.

Danvers and Fury were busy updating us on the damage caused, losses inflicted and taken, and what measures SHIELD was taking to deal with the War Dogs, Wakanda's Intelligence service, or at least the significant part that didn't listen to Prince T'Challa's plea to surrender.

I was more interested in what to do going forward. It was clear most of the damage was superficial, thanks to T'Challa's warning and the flawed planning of the people who launched the attacks.

"I am also glad to be in one piece," I smiled pleasantly to Hawley. "I am also thankful to my would-be assassins for all the gifts they brought us."

"Do you already have something useful for us, Councilor Stark? I would have thought that even you would need a few days in a laboratory for that," Secretary Pierce asked aloud, interrupting Fury's update on the War Dogs' hunts.

"Oh, I'll need time to study all captured technology before I am ready to offer conclusions about how feasible it will be for reverse engineering and production. My observations are simple – amazing underlying technology, wasted on impractical if creative and interesting designs. We are looking at people who haven't fought a peer opponent, much less a modern war, in a very long time. This is good. The downside is that many improvements that should make their military orders of magnitude deadlier will be relatively simple and perfectly within their technological capabilities."

"You believe we can't afford to fight a prolonged war against Wakanda?" Fury asked.

"The longer we wait, the higher the price to take them out conventionally will be. At the same time, rushing without a countermeasure for their stealth aircraft would be wasting an incredible number of assets for no good reason. I understand you have a working Wakandan fighter in custody and most of another one relatively intact?" I looked at Hawley.

"The same is true in our case. We have two of their heavy fighters somewhat intact after they took tremendous punishment," Danvers noted.

"Unless their cloaking and sensor systems are intact, that's a moot point. You asked if they have sensors able to defeat their own stealth, right?" I asked Hawley.

"Eventually," Pamela nodded. "Considering they were the only ones with such technology, to the best knowledge of our guests, Wakanda didn't put enough resources into proper countermeasures for their stealth systems. They were working on various ways to try and defeat the stealth, but to no avail, as far as we know."

"This makes it even more imperative to study the intact fighter and its cloaking system. We need ways to track and target cloaked fighters before launching an invasion or even before beginning serious efforts to build up the logistics for one. Otherwise, we will give more targets to the enemy," I pointed out. "Further, from what I've seen of their technology, we want their production lines and scientific know-how intact. After we absorb it, it will push us decades forward, perhaps centuries, in certain areas. I can't stress hard enough how much we need Wakanda's technology to defend Earth better."

"Then you are another vote in the camp not to nuke Wakanda," Pierce nodded in approval.

"Don't tell me people seriously contemplate such idiocy unless Wakanda uses WMDs first!" I snapped. "Shields, armor, a different type of energy weapons to work on, the active camouflage… I can't stress enough how much we need these technologies."

"I must note that according to Prince T'Challa and Princess Shuri, Wakanda's technology is all based on a material called vibranium retrieved from a meteor that hit Wakanda thousands of years ago. It is a finite resource and far from enough to base world defense on."

"Of course not! We need the working examples of the technology and the people who built and designed it to figure out how to replicate it without relying on a finite resource. Doing so will save us a fortune and an incredible amount of time compared to developing those technologies from scratch. And compared to any alien technology we might recover or purchase for reverse engineering, we are talking about devices designed and built by humans. I can't stress this enough! We need Wakanda's industrial base intact. Suppose you must bomb their logistics and resource extraction sites until they're smoking craters. We can dig up their mines at leisure when the war is over, and no factory can build weapons without the right resources feeding it!"

"That is the kind of recommendation and listening that we need!" Pierce nodded sharply.
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There mercy isn't really mercy it's enlightened self interest. In doing an invasion they've made Wakanda like every other African nation when this is done.

Edit: This was a skrull plot right?
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There mercy isn't really mercy it's enlightened self interest. In doing an invasion they've made Wakanda like every other African nation when this is done.

Edit: This was a skrull plot right?

Like the Skrull outright said, if it wasn't the coup, they wouldn't have gotten this pricelles opportunity to steal as much vibranium as possible, while ideally no one will be the wiser. At best, a Skrull infiltrator was yet another voice in support of the coup. All the people who fought in it, all the people who gave the orders for the attack? That was and is not on the Skrull. This is the same faction that in a realistic OTL MCU would have been grooming Killmonger as their puppet, supported him to become a king, and shared his views about setting Africa on fire in a glorious revolution. Otherwise, he would have hit a brick wall the moment he tried to implement any of his ideas as King. In the same vein, those people wouldn't have faded quickly into the night if T'Challa won against their puppet.

In this timeline? It should have been obvious many chapters ago that a faction within Wakanda had been grooming Eric Stevens as their puppet long before he earned the nickname Killmonger. And it was those same people who went for a coup, for variety of reasons. The world going for a rapid uplift, and potentially catching up fast, King T'Chaka not acting decisively enough to handle the emerging threat, an increasing number of people who were seriously discussing the possiblity of opening to the rest of the world and aiding in the uplift, etc... Then there are those among the War Dogs who were supremely unhappy that T'Chaka's father put an official end to their missions to steal technology, kill scientists and sabotage the efforts of the outside world to advance. In a sense, what we saw was a desperate attempt by various groups within Wakanda to bring back the glorious old days, not noticing or understanding how much the world outside has changed.
There mercy isn't really mercy it's enlightened self interest. In doing an invasion they've made Wakanda like every other African nation when this is done.
The one difference is that a despoiled Wakanda doesn't do most of the things you need it to. Oh, sure, you can probably stripmine vibranium out of the place with enough work... but then what? Like Tony said: He needs people, facilities, institutions, the interconnected labyrinth of human experience and assets built upon one another decade after decade that lets them know how the hell any of this works, and he needs all of it functionally intact. The rest of humanity doesn't have the time to sift through pillaged records, hoping to compile a complete picture from scattered fragments, or sitting down and trying to reverse engineer all of this garbage the hard way.

Every other African nation was kept poor and without any foundation to build upon. Wakanda has to be a functional machine unto itself, if one on a short leash, or else it would put us back decades.

It will be less a colony in the European style and more under a protectorate. If you want to be particularly cynical consider it a Quisling state.
Wakanda is such a fail. The idea is good but also basically the next step from token black character/hero, which backfired hard.
Comic/movie writers: "Hey, why don't we make a great advanced african nation to represent the black people, but also put it there with traitor legions and xenos."
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I'm just waiting to see what Namor and his little country is going to do in this situation. Also what the underwater fish person kingdom with a living "god" is like in this universe
I'm just waiting to see what Namor and his little country is going to do in this situation. Also what the underwater fish person kingdom with a living "god" is like in this universe
I dearly wish we were using Kull the Conqueror and Conan the Barbarian, the whole setting by Robert E. Howard that was treated as the actual prehistory of the Marvel Comics universe, instead... as cool as the Mesoamerican aesthetic was. Though considering the amount of H.P. Lovecraft leaked into Howard's setting, well, there are only so many gribblies Tony should have to wine and dine in a given afternoon.
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