I don't think your interpretation of INT is correct.

Every stat makes you better at some kind of communication.

  • Below average DIP means that Shinji doesn't leave as much of a lasting positive impression on people.
  • Low MAR means that Shinji has difficulty communicating in a fight.
  • Below average STE means Shinji is likely to miss things that other people don't consider important, or fail to convey things she doesn't realize are important.
  • High INT means that Shinji is good at understanding what people are thinking, and passing on the information she wants to.
  • High LRN means that Shinji is good at understanding and explaining things that are difficult to comprehend.
I'm not seeing how this somewhat strained attempt to describe all five stats as "a form of communication" is relevant to what FictionPack was actually talking about.
A spymaster needs to be able to convey information effectively
Because that's their job.
But a character with high Intrigue does not have to be a Spymaster.
They can be someone that can't communicate with other people effectively, but be a great judge of character and intentions.

See example: small traumatized child that can tell who to trust, and who to be afraid of. This child would have high Intrigue, but they would most certainly NOT be a Spymaster.
Because that's their job.
But a character with high Intrigue does not have to be a Spymaster.
They can be someone that can't communicate with other people effectively, but be a great judge of character and intentions.

See example: small traumatized child that can tell who to trust, and who to be afraid of. This child would have high Intrigue, but they would most certainly NOT be a Spymaster.
The point of INT is that it is the only stat that a Spymaster actually needs.

CK stats are sufficient for their associated role.
The point of INT is that it is the only stat that a Spymaster actually needs.

CK stats are sufficient for their associated role.
What is the point of this statement here and now?
What bearing does this have?
Why the focus on a job?

Yeah, they only need this stat. They find out info. Then they can just write down hard facts with absolutely zero skill in how to word things nicely to other people so long as the facts they learned are clear. 'X Wants You dead.'
Writing things you know down doesn't take a stat check.
You can have the greatest Intrigue stat in the world and yet have the communication skills of a lukewarm potato.
A spymaster needs to be able to convey information effectively
So does basically every other job in the world. While we're at it, all jobs involve some amount of breathing, some amount of being able to physically move your body, and so on.

How are your observations on this subject helpful or likely to provide constructive insight? I'm not sure I understand that part here.
So does basically every other job in the world. While we're at it, all jobs involve some amount of breathing, some amount of being able to physically move your body, and so on.

How are your observations on this subject helpful or likely to provide constructive insight? I'm not sure I understand that part here.
There appeared to be an assumption made, that a low-DIP high-INT character would be bad at talking or something.

And I called bullshit on that.

INT is the stat for being a smooth talker who can manipulate people in the short term.

DIP is about making and maintaining friendships, and stuff related to that.
There appeared to be an assumption made, that a low-DIP high-INT character would be bad at talking or something.

And I called bullshit on that.

INT is the stat for being a smooth talker who can manipulate people in the short term.

DIP is about making and maintaining friendships, and stuff related to that.
Intrigue is the stat for a lot of things.

Since real human beings have more than five actual character traits, a character's Intrigue will necessarily reflect some weighted average of all the different things under the grab bag "Intrigue." This is true in CKII/III, but it is massively more true in a CKII/III quest such as this one, to the point where being comfortable with this obvious truth is important to being able to engage with the game and its ruleset usefully.

Intrigue covers a variety of things including but not limited to:
1) Ability to physically sneak around an area or steal things without being caught.
2) Ability to tell when another person is lying.
3) Ability to tell convincing lies to another person.
4) Ability to gather intelligence on a person.
5) Ability to physically search an area for someone or something.

For very obvious reasons, a person could be good at some of these things and bad at others. In the interests of making the game playable and its stat system manageable, we abstract this out with the concept of "Intrigue" as a sort of weighted average.

Now, Shinji, herself, specifically, is "high Intrigue" for an adolescent introvert. She is not "high intrigue" in the sense of "would make a good national spymaster." It is absolutely plausible and reasonable that Shinji can have relatively lesser Diplomacy and greater Intrigue because she is genuinely bad at communication but good at insights and thoughtful about others and their motives.

So I'm sorry, I literally do not care if your one true image of what "having High Intrigue" means requires that all characters with a high Intrigue stat be smooth-talking manipulators. That is not how CK-II/III quests on this forum work. Either accept this practical reality, or stop trying to talk to other people about your expectations of how the rules work, because your expectations will not be fulfilled in the long run.
Correct me if I am wrong but does this mean that Misato's dad is still alive. If so that says something, possibly a lot, but I don't know enough to even begin to speculate.
"My dad never communicates with me either. I mean, I get him flowers, I visit him occasionally, I talk about my problems, but it's like I'm speaking to a rock. You can come with me one day to see him. The cemetery isn't that far."
A long overdue meeting
"You really are nervous about meeting him, aren't you?" Misato asks.

Honestly, you can't help but chuckle at that, if somewhat self-deprecatingly. "It's been more than a decade now." You admit softly. "I can't say that I even really remember my father. And I've changed so much from the child that he abandoned. I don't know where to even begin with trying to meet him. And I have a feeling that things are going to be rocky." You can't say why you feel like that, just that you very much do.

"Heh." Misato chuckles, "Sounds like you have as much trouble with your old man as I do with mine."

Huh. You wouldn't have taken Miss Misato for being someone to have family troubles, but maybe the two of you are more alike than you might have first expected.

With a solid clunk, the SSE finally comes to a stop, and Misato hops up out of her car, pulling a map out. "Come on, Shinji. This way!"

…Why do you have a bad feeling about this?

Can I try = 1d10 + Dip = DC 11 = 9 + 7 = 16
Critical Map Skills = 1d10 + Lrn = DC 16 = 1 + 11 = 12
[NAT 1]
CRIT CONFIRM? = 1d4 = DC 2 = 2
Fifteen minutes later, you have your answer.

"I just don't get it…" Misato grumbles as she stares down at the map in her hands. You've been wandering through the halls of NERV's headquarters for long enough that you've been able to skim through a decent part of the operations booklet that Miss Misato gave to you.

All this time, you've been following behind her, trusting that since she works here, she knows what she's doing. It seems that might not be as true as you'd hoped.

"I'm sure that this is the right way…" Misato continues to grumble, before pausing at an intersection. She glances over to the discrete colored lines painted on the walls, before looking both ways down the hall and finally back to the map. The older woman chews on her bottom lip as she traces a line. From here, you can't see all that much, but it is more than clear that at this point she's entirely lost.


It seems that you are going to be late to that meeting with your father after all. "I think it's… this way." She says, before turning down one way. Personally, you aren't so sure, but Misato is the one with the map, so hopefully it won't take her too long to orient herself. Once that happens things should be much smoother sailing. A few more minutes pass before you find yourself standing on an automated walkway. Flipping through the pages once more, you note with an idle level of frustration that even this little 'Welcome to NERV' booklet that you have has entire pages that have been redacted out. What is the point of including knowledge that the ordinary person can't read into your book for the ordinary layperson just joining?

Wait a second. This isn't the first time that you've been on one of these walkways. Somewhere off in the distance you can hear the same automated system reporting something, but it's distant enough that you can't tell what it's saying. "Okay…" A glance above proves exactly what you were worried about.

Down, nearly ten levels below you can see a Water Closet sign. You'd mentioned it to Misato earlier, the last time that you were standing on one of these things. Your gaze trails up, and yes.

There's that hallway ten or so stories up that just comes to a stop halfway along the length with a wall separating the two sides of the hallway for no good reason.

"Uhh… Miss Misato."

"I've told you, Shinji. You can just call me Misato. I'm sorry for getting us lost, even after working here for two months I still get lost in this maze of a building."

"...I'd figured. Because we've already been here." You admit softly. Misato blinks, and you then point down towards the Water Closet, and up towards the hall.

Miss Misato lets out a long, low whine as she drops her head into her hands. "I swear this place was built specifically to spite me. But it's okay." You aren't entirely sure that Misato is trying to convince you, or herself at this point. "There are systems in place. NERV knows that this place is a bit complicated, so everything is going to be fine."

Once you reach the other side of the massive chasm room - Honestly, why does the NERV building even have that room? What is the point of it? - Anyways, once you reach the other side of that terrifying room, you take a step closer to Misato. "Can I take a look at the map?" You ask.

Misato stares at the map for another long moment before she sighs, holding the page out to you.
"So the central shaft is the cavernous room we just moved through." Misato says, poking at the center of the map. "And that spot that's circled, that's where we're supposed to report for your meeting with your father."

You stare at the map for a long moment, tracing the different pathways and trying to match them to the track that Misato took you. There is…

There is something wrong. An issue here, but you can't put a finger on exactly what the problem is. Like, there is the whole issue of the fact that Nerv's headquarters in the GeoFront is a massive square pyramid, built next to a huge underground reservoir built to be an inverted pyramid, but once you go further down under the surface of the Geofront, the entire facility decides to change shape. Now it is this massive hexagon.

While you might have been reading through the booklet that Miss Misato gave you, you were still aware enough of your surroundings that you could see the markings confirming that this is floor B-20. But at the same time none of this feels right. None of this looks like the path that your feet took you. "Okay… So that was the central shaft." You mutter, pointing a thumb over your shoulder at the massive cavern of a room behind you. "But which corner are we in?"

"We entered through the SSE, so we should have arrived at the South Western side." Misato easily rattles off as she thinks, one hand on her chin. "Then we passed through the central shaft, which should mean that we are on the North Eastern side of the building."

"If that's the case, then we should be able to head up along the hall here. After two rights there should be a left that we can take." But… That isn't what happens. As you head down the hall, you find a left… But no rights up until now, and it definitely isn't as long as you were thinking. Pressing forwards, you find… another left.

And then after that you find a… right.

Okay, no. If this is how this is, then you aren't on the North Eastern end of the building. Twisting the map around, your head tilting this way and that as you try to figure out what you are looking at… you…

Well to be entirely frank, you just don't know. None of this is making any sense to you. "Does that mean that we're on the South Eastern side of the building?" You mutter. "But that…"

There is something wrong here. Something that doesn't match up to what you are seeing. Actually, none of this is matching up to what you are seeing, but you are really struggling to parse together what the problem is. It feels like you have all the pieces of the puzzle, and yet something is staying right outside of your reach.

Without really thinking about it, the both of you shuffle off to one side of the hallway so that you aren't in the way of anyone passing by as the two of you stare down at the map, trying to make sense of what you are looking at. There is something wrong with the map. Both you and Misato can tell that much, but what the problem is neither of you can tell for certain.

Thankfully, before either of you can start to argue over what you might think the problem is, the two of you hear a nearby elevator Ding!, and a set of doors further down the hall slide open.

A woman with short bleached hair and a long lab coat steps out from the elevator, glancing back and forth through the halls before she spots you and Misato.
"There you are, Captain Katsuragi." The woman says as she all but stalks forwards, a frown on her lips.

Misato starts, stumbling back from the map as she twists around, almost desperate to try and hide it from the other woman's gaze. Honestly, if it weren't for the fact that you are holding it, you've got a feeling that she might have tried to hide the map.

Just who is this?

"Ah… Hi there, Ritsuko." Miss Misato mumbles.

"You're late, Misato. Late enough that I was sent to come find you. You need to stop messing around, we're too short of both the time and the manpower to have to keep sending someone to find you every time that you get lost."

"I know that." Misato says quietly but firmly. "It's just that it feels like every time that I come down here the layout is different. No matter how much I've tried to get my head around the maps, nothing seems to match up."

The now named Ritsuko gives Misato a look, and you can tell that she doesn't quite believe her. "The layout of the building this far up is completely stable, Misato. You shouldn't be having this much trouble with it."

This far up? What is that supposed to mean?

Before you have a chance to even start to ask that, Ritsuko glances over towards you, before starting to say something. But then she pauses, she blinks, and she glances over towards you again. "And this is?" She asks. "Misato, you were sent to go and pick up the Director's son."

"I am Shinji Ikari." You start to explain. "It isn't Misato's fault that my father's file on me is years out of date."

Ritsuko turns her attention back to you again, carefully looking you over before she gives a slight nod. "So you are one of the Third Children?" You don't have any idea what she is talking about, but before you have a chance to answer, Ritsuko gives you a short, shallow bow. "It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Ritsuko Akagi, Director of Research and Developmental Engineering, as well as the Lead Coordinator on Project E."

"It's nice to meet you too. I'm afraid that I don't have any fancy titles, other than being my father's only daughter." You say simply. "But… since I am going to be staying in the area, I'm likely going to need to speak with my father from time to time, so maybe you could help us with this map. It's been confusing both Miss Misato and myself."

"Shinji, we're running late as it is." Misato tries to argue, but Ritsuko just gives you a look, before holding her hand out. You easily pass the page over to her. Almost the very moment that she takes a look at the map, her eyebrows climb towards her hairline.

"Misato, is this the map that you've been using?" She asks, flipping away from the page of level B-20, and quickly glancing through the other maps.

"...Yes?" Misato answers, her words more a question than anything else.

"Where did you even get this?" Ritsuko asks, clearly utterly beside herself. "The whole map has been flipped, but then someone went back through and fixed all the text."

"...Two lefts and a right." You mutter, it suddenly clicking in your head.

"What?" Ritsuko asks.

"I asked to try and check the map to figure out what was wrong, and after we thought we figured out where we were, and where we should have been heading, I noted that we should have passed two rights and then taken a left. Instead we passed two lefts before coming up on a right."

"Wait. You're saying that I've been using an incorrect map all this time?" Misato squawks, stopping a little as she fumes. "That's just not right."

"No… It isn't." Ritsuko agrees. "Why don't you let me hold onto this, I'll find out who made it. And they will be punished accordingly." Ritsuko folds the paper up, before sighing softly. "But before that, you two need to come along. There's something that I need to show Shinji before the meeting begins."

You spare a glance over to Misato, but she looks just as confused as you do. "Lead the way." Mistao says, and with that, Ritsuko leads you back into the elevator that she stepped out of, and you begin to head down

After a few short minutes of quiet as Misato beats herself up for not realizing that there was something wrong with her map, and Ritsuko does… Well, honestly, you don't have a good read on Ritsuko yet. You aren't sure what she is thinking. But after those short minutes, the doors to the elevator opens up to a dim… Is this a pier?

What in the world is a pier doing under the NERV Headquarters?

The building is already underground in the Geofront, so this is even deeper than that. Sitting at the edge of the pier is a small boat, a handful of lifejackets thrown haphazardly across the interior. Ritsuko doesn't hesitate at all, stepping onto the boat with an ease born of common use. The water is deep enough that you can't see the bottom, but that might just be because of the dim lights. Even so, you can tell that the waters are the same red as the oceans, but there isn't any taste of salt in the air.

"All personnel, report to condition one battle stations!" A voice calls out over the intercom. Notably, that very much isn't the same AI that you've been hearing over up until now. "I repeat. Condition one battle stations! Prepare for ground interception."

"...Don't tell me…" Misato says quietly, turning away.

"Yes." Ritsuko confirms whatever it is that Misato doesn't want to hear.

"Even after…"

"The N2 mine. Yes."

Wait. The N2 mine was what destroyed Tokai City. Your head snapss up away from the booklet as you lock eyes on Ritsuko. "The Angel?" you ask, and Ritsuko looks away even as she nods.

"It survived the explosion, but last I heard it was still standing in the detonation zone. If this alarm is going on, then that means that it has started to move again." Ritsuko confirms.

You have so many questions. How in the world did it survive that attack? Why is it attacking? Why does NERV know so much about it? None of the answers to that were in this booklet. Unless it was on the redacted pages that you had to skip over earlier. You wish there was a way that you could meet that thing as an equal. Something that it can't just swat aside like it did to all the UN forces. Something that it can't just ignore. That would give you the chance to really try and interact with it. To try and see if there is any means of communicating at all.

Especially now that an entire city has paid the price. Unless NERV has something that can stand up to that monster, there really isn't anything that can be done to try and stop that thing. But all of this is so backwards in your opinion. Force isn't even the first option. It shouldn't be the second or the third option either.

Then again, it doesn't really matter. You're just your father's child. It isn't like you are going to have to handle all of this. This is something that NERV is responsible for.

"Preparing to initialize Anti-Angel Suppression Weapon Unit-01!" The voice over the intercom calls out, and Misato blinks, turning to look up at the ceiling.

"Wait, what? Why? What do they mean by that?" She asks.

Ritsuko huffs, shaking her head even while there is a ghost of a smile on her face. "It means that Unit-01 is being cooled down and prepped with its Type-B loadout. We'll be ready to attempt a launch at any time."

"Ritsuko, you know that isn't the problem. We've never managed to get the 01 to work, and even if we do Rei isn't in any condition to pilot either. What's the point in prepping the 01 without a pilot?" Misato asks, and now you have another name to keep track of. Rei.

If only that could distract you from the mention of an Anti-Angel Suppression Weapon…

There is something about all of this that is starting to make your stomach sink. A mad thought bounces across your mind, a horrible, terrible stupid thought. But a thought that answers the one question that you've still had about this whole situation and why your father brought you here.


No, you refuse to even acknowledge the terrible idea, lest your thoughts give it any more support.

Particularly because of the way that Miss Ritsuko looks over to Miss Misato with a flat look in her eyes. But before you have a chance to order your words, the little boat comes to a stop at the edge of another dim pier. Maybe you are trying to outrun your thoughts, but you are the first one out of the boat. There is very little near the pier, just a towering metal wall that stretches out into the darkness in every direction, and a single set of stairs that leads to an open doorway.

The room on the other side of the door is pitch black, dark enough that as Miss Ritsuko steps out of the dim strip lit by the outside she seems to disappear completely. Then, the doors behind you slide shut.

And it is like the whole of the world disappears.

"Can someone turn on the-" You start to complain, before all at once the room is bathed in light.

And there before you is-
A titanically massive metal face, shaped of a deep purple metal. It should be shocking, you've never seen something like this before, and yet there is something about this whole situation that just feels…

If there are any words to best describe what is happening in the here and now, it is almost like you are just waking up, for the first time in forever. Like you've seen this massive face before somewhere. Perhaps in a dream.

"Is this…" You start to ask, "...The Unit 01 that you were talking about earlier. The Anti-Angel Suppression Weapon?"

The bottle blonde chuckles. "I'm impressed, you were nose deep in the orientation manual, I didn't think that you were paying attention. Yes. This is the Man made, all purpose Anti-Angel Suppression Weapon - The Artificial Human Evangelion. First of its kind, this is Unit 01. Our last trump card, in case all else fails."

You stare at the machine, and its empty gold visored eyes stare back at you. "This is what my father has been working on for the last decade, isn't it?" You ask.

You hear a crackling of speakers, "That is correct." This voice is… New, and yet so hauntingly familiar, as if you've heard it before, yet cannot remember where. You know exactly who this is.

High above the head of Unit 01, there is a small room, and there next to the window, looking down at you…

Is your father.

Gendo Ikari.

"It has been a while, hasn't it… Shinji. It seems that the son I once had has grown into a charming young woman."

Your father stands above you, the light framing his head almost like a halo, and he speaks the words that you've been afraid that you'd never hear. In a way this is almost perfect. In fact, if there was any single word to describe it, it would be in fact… Too perfect.

"Ritsuko. Begin prepping the Eva for combat." Your father says, all the while continuing to stare at you. There is a part of you that wants to yell at him, a part that wants to shout. You know exactly what is happening here, but there doesn't seem to be any way out of this.

"Prepping…" Misato wonders, blinking as she looks between Ritsuko and then up to Gendo, a wild, confused look on her face. "What? But there's no way that Unit Zero can be used in the condition that it's in. It's going to take at least a week before-" Misato pauses as her head snaps over towards Unit 01 instead. "Are you talking about 01? But we've never managed to get 01 up and running."

"That will not be a problem." Your father's words are blunt and to the point.

"And what are we going to do for a pilot? Rei is in no condition to be piloting a desk chair, let alone anything dangerous. We don't have any pilots." Misato continues to argue, even as you turn to look up towards your father.

"But we do. Don't we, father? This is why you summoned me here, isn't it?" A part of you is completely and totally terrified by the idea of this, and yet…

In order to pilot an EVA, you must have a Sync Rating of at least 40%, the higher the sync rate, the better the EVA's stats will function.

There are three major things that affect Shinji's sync rate - Her Base Sync Rate (BSR), her Piloting Skill, and her Morale.

As this is the first time that you are being asked to pilot an EVA, and have had no training prior to this, you do not have a Piloting Skill, so information about that can wait.

What causes the most fluctuation with piloting is your Morale. At a morale of 50, you gain no positive or negative effects to your sync rate. As morale rises, your Sync rate also increases. For every 10 points over 50 that your morale increases, your Sync rate gains a bonus of 5%. Inversely, for every 8 points below 50 that your morale decreases, your Sync rate gains a malus of 2%.

So for instance, if you had a Base Sync Rate of 50%, and had a morale of 10/100, then you would settle at roughly 40% Sync Rate, which would be enough to run the Eva. If only barely.

[ ][Piloting] SYNC RATE Bonus #
- Your Base Sync Rate is 50%, and you have a current Morale of 50. HOWEVER, for the cost of 1 EVA point, you can increase your BSR by 5%. You have a total of 7 EVA Points that you can spend - for this vote, replace the # with the number of EVA points that you want to spend.

Misato looks to you, and then to Ritsuko, and then to Gendo, and finally to the massive machine in front of you. "Wait, wait wait wait. No. That's impossible. Director, you have to know that's impossible! It took Rei close to eight months to be able to reach a high enough Sync Rating to activate Unit Zero! There's no possible way that Shinji is going to be able to do this on command without training!"

Eight months? But the angel that is rampaging across Japan is here. Now. You… The idea of being in this giant machine in front of you. In some ways it is terrifying, but at the same time it just feels inevitable at this point. Though you can't say why.

"I am well aware of the difficulties at play, Captain." Your father says, not quite growling, but you can tell he is frustrated all the same. "I would prefer to have more time, but for the time being so long as my daughter is capable of synchronizing with Unit 01 even a little, then the Dummy Plug system should be able to fend off this attack. If the angel retreats, we will have time to train, and time for Rei to recover."

Misato is quiet, staring up at Gendo in clear horror. "R-Ritsuko, you know that this is a terrible idea, right?"

"I do." Ritsuko's words are quiet, but her eyes are sharper than flint all the same. "But what other option do we have? The only other pilot we have is Rei."

Misato flinches back from that statement, and you've already heard mention that she isn't in any condition to pilot. A part of you wants to refuse… And yet…

[ ] You don't want to die!
- You can't pilot this giant monster. Being sent out there to fight the Angel is all but a death sentence, and this is just… This is just too much. You haven't seen your father in a decade, and he just right out of the gate orders you into a massive monstrous machine.
[ ] Get in the Robot
- Your father wants you to get into the robot. You don't have to pilot it, you just have to sit there and be the thing's battery. That's all that it needs, right? You can do this.
[ ] For the sake of the world
- Piloting a giant robot is terrifying. Dealing with the angel approaching the city is terrifying. But if you don't do it, then the only other option is someone who can't do it. You are the only option, and for the good of the world you'll at least try.
[ ] Like meeting an old friend
- Eva Unit 01. You swear that you've seen this face before, in a dream. In a way, despite everything it feels almost like you are meeting with an old friend again. And you know that you'll be safe, so long as you keep a level head. Which you aren't great at, but that's not the point.
[ ] It's so BIIIIGGGGG
- Even standing here, you barely measure up to the absolute unit that is Unit-01. It has to be dozens of meters tall, bigger than anything that you've ever seen other than the angels, and being in control of that means being the biggest thing around. That's… exciting in a way that might not be that healthy, all things considered.
[ ] Wait… This means-
- The machine that you are standing in front of is massive, huge to the point that you can't see anything other than its head. It might be the same size as the Angel. If you can get close, then you might be able to try and communicate with the Angel. Find out why it is here, and why it wants to attack. Holy shit, you're going to be given the chance to communicate with an alien.

There are a couple more things that really need to be lined up and plotted out before things can move forwards, and it is much easier on my side if all the votes that involve EVA points are handled together.

As for the other vote-

[ ][EVA] Plan name
- [ ] Core goes here
- [ ] Skills go below Core
- [ ] Make sure not to go over your tolerance

[ ] Melee CORE
- Cost: 0 EVA
- Cannot be chosen with Ranged CORE, Support CORE, or AT CORE
- Consists of a Progressive Knife, Thunder Spear, Pallet Rifle, Pistol, and Heavy Shield
- With this CORE, Unit-01 prefers to Rushdown the enemy, striking hard and fast at close range and refusing to back off.
[ ] Ranged CORE
- Cost: 0 EVA
- Cannot be taken with Melee CORE, Support CORE or AT CORE
- Consists of a Progressive Knife, Sniper Rifle, Bazooka, Positron Rifle, and Gatling Gun
- With this CORE, Unit-01 prefers to Snipe the enemy from range with singular large attacks while staying out of direct combat
[ ] Support CORE
- Cost: 0 EVA
- Cannot be taken with Melee CORE, Ranged CORE, or AT CORE
- Consists of a Progressive Knife, Heavy Shield, Tonfa, and Double Saw
- With this CORE, Unit-01 prefers to Flank other Allies, distracting enemies and keeping them off balance so that more attack oriented units can work unbothered.
- PREREQ: BSR of 60% (That's 2 points on the Piloting Vote]
- Cost: 1 EVA
- Cannot be taken with Melee CORE or Ranger CORE
- Consists of Kesara Blade, Super Electromagnetic Crossbow, AT Leap, and AT Field Defense
- With this CORE, Unit-01 prefers to Manipulate the battlefield, relying on it's pilots ability to draw out the AT Field for defense, maneuverability and even attack at higher BSR

[ ] Energy Consumption 1
- Cost: 1 EVA
- Reduces Energy cost per round for Unit-01 by 2, down to 8 per round
[ ] Energy Consumption 2
- PREREQ: Energy Consumption 1
- Cost: 2 EVA
- Reduces Energy cost per round for Unit-01 by 2, down to 6 per round
[ ] Armor 1
- Cost: 1 EVA
- Increases Armor by 2. This update is already huge and vote heavy, so I don't want to add in Unit-01's stats. But this bonus would be applied on top of 01's stats.
[ ] Armor 2
- PREREQ: Armor 1
- Cost: 2 EVA
- Increases Armor by 2
[ ] Twitch Muscles 1
- Cost: 1 EVA
- Increases Dodge by 2
[ ] Twitch Muscles 2
- PREREQ: Twitch Muscles 1
- Cost: 2 EVA
- Increases Dodge by 2
[ ] Angel Eye 1
- Cost: 1 EVA
- Increases Hit by 2
[ ] Angel Eye 2
- PREREQ: Angel Eye 1
- Cost: 2 EVA
- Increases Hit by 2
[ ] AT Edge
- PREREQ: BSR of 65% (That's 3 points on the Piloting Vote)
- Cost: 1 EVA
- Increases Hit by 10% of Sync
[ ] AT Leap
- PREREQ: BSR of 60%
- Cost: 1 EVA
- Allows the manipulation of AT fields such that Unit-01 is able to better leap through the air and even possibly even create a platform to jump off of.
- Cost: 1 EVA
- After leaving the Eva for the first time, you swear that your hand sparked when it touched the doorknob? What is this?
[ ] Mark of the Beast
- PREREQ: BSR of 60% (That's 2 points on the Piloting Vote)
- Cost: 2 EVA
- Release partial control of the EVA, allowing Unit-01's instincts to rise to the surface, intentionally allowing Unit-01 to go berserk. At this point you are no longer Piloting Unit-01, but Riding the Eva, and this requires an attribute check to bring 01 back under control.

FINALLY, originally this was going to be a vote that gave you the three EVA Points that accidentally went into your asking questions.

But instead I am just going to give you something of free choice.

[ ][THREAT] Kaiju
- [ ] The Archons
– In the last few months, NERV has been collecting information and records of strange unusual life forms that have begun to appear near the shores of many Southern Hemisphere countries. They seem to be tied to the red seas, having to retreat back to them after a short period of time, or else they die and decay at insane rates
- [ ] The Shadows
– Apparently similar in nature to the Angels, but with unknown and different motivations, the Giants of Shadow have come to earth for reasons unknown
- [ ] The Saurians
– It seems that the Tomino Impact has opened up a pathway to somewhere deep, deep underground where it seems some life forms related to ancient dinosaurs have been waiting. Now they rise up and have started to explore the world above.
- [ ] The Parasites
– NERV believes that due to the nature of the Angels, infections and infestations from their place of origin may come alongside the angels, but a creature that is a parasite to a towering angel may be larger than a man all the same.

Now, none of these factions are explicitly crossovers, but they do have inspirations, and while I want to give you all the information that I can about these factions, these blurbs are good enough hints as to what they are and what kind of threat they pose if you want to go in blind. However, if you would prefer…
I am willing to say a bit more about the inspirations are.
The Archon faction is inspired by a large variety of different Kaiju movies, and media, not the least of which being Godzilla movies and shows such as Singularity Point. Expect big angry Kaiju that are more akin to angry animals than anything else

The Shadows Faction is heavily inspired by works of Tokusatsu - Primarily the Ultra series and those properties related to them. Expect individuals with their own motivations that may or may not be willing to work with humanity towards their own goals.

The Saurian faction is primarily based off of the Dinosaur Empire from Getter Robo, as well a the Klaxosaurs from Darling in the Franxxx. Expect big cyborg dinosaur monsters that want to take the earth for their own.

The Parasite faction are heavily inspired by the Invaders from Getter Robo, but also takes inspirations from things like The Things, ALIEN, the Zerg, the Tyranids. The Space Monsters from Gunbuster. Expect creatures that hunger and feed and destroy with no thoughts or plans.
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- [ ] The Parasites
– NERV believes that due to the nature of the Angels, infections and infestations from their place of origin may come alongside the angels, but a creature that is a parasite to a towering angel may be larger than a man all the same.
Imma be honest this sounds like Cloverfield. Iirc that's exactly what happened there. A giant monster and human sized "ticks" that we're living on it. Just beasts but very dangerous all the same.
[X] Wait… This means-
- The machine that you are standing in front of is massive, huge to the point that you can't see anything other than its head. It might be the same size as the Angel. If you can get close, then you might be able to try and communicate with the Angel. Find out why it is here, and why it wants to attack. Holy shit, you're going to be given the chance to communicate with an alien.

I mean, it's free and unique to our identity choice so we should get it!

Yeah.... sync rate should definitely be included in the EVA plan....

[X][EVA] Plan: AT Field Specialist
- [x]Piloting: SYNC RATE Bonus 3
- [x] Core: AT CORE
- [x] Skills
--[x] Twitch Muscles 1
--[x] AT Edge
--[x] AT BOOST

We have 7 EVA. Boost requires 3 in Sync and costs 1, AT CORE costs 1 and comes with AT Leap, Edge costs 1, and Twitch adds to the maneuverability aspect and that's 7 points.

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [x] The Archons
– In the last few months, NERV has been collecting information and records of strange unusual life forms that have begun to appear near the shores of many Southern Hemisphere countries. They seem to be tied to the red seas, having to retreat back to them after a short period of time, or else they die and decay at insane rates
- [x] The Shadows
– Apparently similar in nature to the Angels, but with unknown and different motivations, the Giants of Shadow have come to earth for reasons unknown
- [x] The Saurians
– It seems that the Tomino Impact has opened up a pathway to somewhere deep, deep underground where it seems some life forms related to ancient dinosaurs have been waiting. Now they rise up and have started to explore the world above.
- [x] The Parasites
– NERV believes that due to the nature of the Angels, infections and infestations from their place of origin may come alongside the angels, but a creature that is a parasite to a towering angel may be larger than a man all the same.

Archon definitely sounds like Godzilla Singular Point.

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [x] The Archons

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [x] The Parasites
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[X] For the sake of the world

[X][EVA] Plan: Rip and Tear
-[X] Melee CORE
-[X] Energy Consumption 1
-[X] Energy Consumption 2
-[X] Armor 1
-[X] Angel Eye 1
-[X] Angel Eye 2

Basically what it sounds like, a plan to hit hard and for as long as possible.
Rip and Tear until it is done.

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [X] The Archons
[X] Wait… This means-
- The machine that you are standing in front of is massive, huge to the point that you can't see anything other than its head. It might be the same size as the Angel. If you can get close, then you might be able to try and communicate with the Angel. Find out why it is here, and why it wants to attack. Holy shit, you're going to be given the chance to communicate with an alien.

[X][EVA] Plan: AT Field Specialist

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [x] The Shadows
– Apparently similar in nature to the Angels, but with unknown and different motivations, the Giants of Shadow have come to earth for reasons unknown

A single extra threat is already more than enough.

After all nuke equivalents and the annihilation of major population centres are already on the table, so lets's not push humanity any more to the brink shall we?
Alternative plan XP

[][EVA] Plan: Ramiel's Bad Day
- []Piloting: SYNC RATE Bonus 0
- [] Core: Ranged CORE
- [] Skills
--[] Energy Consumption 2
--[] Angel Eye 2
--[] Twitch Muscles 2
--[] Armor 1

The plan of stay far away, and use high power shots repeatedly, and not get hit.
Nor as much psychic AT Field fun though, so that's sad.
[X][Piloting] SYNC RATE Bonus 3


[X][EVA] Magical Girl EVA
- [X] AT Edge

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [X] The Saurians
The vote for "It's so BIIIIGGGGG" may not be the mechanically optimal choice but I like what it says about Shinji that her immediate reaction is to think about the power that will come from piloting a Giant Robot. It would be interesting to explore this as the start of a new take on the character of Shinji that contrasts with the canon take of them an ambitionless wallflower solely following the lead of others without using the common fanon practice of disregarding the canon personality of the character. This would be a version of Shinji who retains their canon problems with excessive timidity and parental issues but has causes she is willing to fight for and a strong instinctual interest in becoming powerful enough to stand against her oppressors.

The Magical Girl Eva plan is pretty obviously centered on the more supernatural aspects of the Evangelion. I like the idea of starting with a strong focus on the supernatural aspects of the Evangelion from a storytelling perspective. This build can be expected to provide strong combat advantages from the increase to Hit of 6, the maneuverability of AT Leap, and whatever defensive bonus comes from AT Field Defense.

I also find how the AT Boost describes Shinji acquiring some form of supernatural powers to be very interesting. It reminds me of the relatively excellent Lovecraftian Evangelion fanfic "Children of an Elder God" which had the Children pick up supernatural attributes from the Angels they defeated as part of a broader fusion with the Lovecraft mythos. This fanfic went in some disturbing directions later on but I greatly enjoyed the early parts centered on the Children exploring how their conflict with the Angels was turning them into something superhuman. The idea of reading a similar story arc written by Lunaryon is very appealing. There is also some potential synergy with the "It's so BIIIIGGGGG" vote centered on Shinji's interest in how piloting the Evangelion will increase her personal power.

I am voting for the Saurians as I want to see how the story changes with the appearance of a sentient alien civilization bent on planetary conquest rather than simplistic giant monsters that only attack a small range of targets. It is amusing to imagine the sinister conspiracies competing over their differing takes on the ideal form of human ascension and the realization of ancient prophecies reacting to the completely unexpected appearance of an Alien Civilization that is motivated by the mundane concerns of empire and has no interest in the seed of life.
terest in the seed of life.
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[X] Wait… This means-
- The machine that you are standing in front of is massive, huge to the point that you can't see anything other than its head. It might be the same size as the Angel. If you can get close, then you might be able to try and communicate with the Angel. Find out why it is here, and why it wants to attack. Holy shit, you're going to be given the chance to communicate with an alien.

[X][EVA] Plan: AT Field Specialist

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [x] The Shadows
– Apparently similar in nature to the Angels, but with unknown and different motivations, the Giants of Shadow have come to earth for reasons unknown
[X][EVA] Plan: AT Field Specialist

This vote won't work as there is a 1 point cost for It's so BIIIIGGGGG and 7 point cost for [EVA] Plan: AT Field Specialist. I would suggest my [EVA] Magical Girl EVA as it is the same except without the Twitch Muscles 1 so as to give a 6 point cost.
[X] Wait… This means-
- The machine that you are standing in front of is massive, huge to the point that you can't see anything other than its head. It might be the same size as the Angel. If you can get close, then you might be able to try and communicate with the Angel. Find out why it is here, and why it wants to attack. Holy shit, you're going to be given the chance to communicate with an alien.

[X][EVA] Plan: AT Field Specialist
- [x]Piloting: SYNC RATE Bonus 3
- [x] Core: AT CORE
- [x] Skills
--[x] Twitch Muscles 1
--[x] AT Edge
--[x] AT BOOST

Honestly I'm happy with anything that adds the AT CORE, Boost, and Edge- all in on magical girl/psychic powers thing lmao

[X][EVA] Magical Girl EVA

Hrm, threats- I'm voting for like, each of these combos, cuz I assume that's kinda how it works? iunno lmao, like- in order of "which 1, or which 2s" zmxnc
The Shadows seem funsies, so I'll just vote for the combos that have them

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [x] The Shadows
– Apparently similar in nature to the Angels, but with unknown and different motivations, the Giants of Shadow have come to earth for reasons unknown

Shadow-Archon and Shadow-Parasite are paired up cuz I wanna give an extra thing for us to have to team up against, potentially lmao- and if the AT stuff on a personal level is still pretty effective then against the parasite that could be fun to see

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [x] The Shadows
– Apparently similar in nature to the Angels, but with unknown and different motivations, the Giants of Shadow have come to earth for reasons unknown
- [x] The Parasites
– NERV believes that due to the nature of the Angels, infections and infestations from their place of origin may come alongside the angels, but a creature that is a parasite to a towering angel may be larger than a man all the same.

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [x] The Archons
– In the last few months, NERV has been collecting information and records of strange unusual life forms that have begun to appear near the shores of many Southern Hemisphere countries. They seem to be tied to the red seas, having to retreat back to them after a short period of time, or else they die and decay at insane rates
- [x] The Shadows
– Apparently similar in nature to the Angels, but with unknown and different motivations, the Giants of Shadow have come to earth for reasons unknown

On second thought screw it- Saurians and Shadows having to deal with each other as much as they'll teamm up against us- sure, like a harder version of the ones before this lmao
[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [x] The Shadows
– Apparently similar in nature to the Angels, but with unknown and different motivations, the Giants of Shadow have come to earth for reasons unknown
- [x] The Saurians
– It seems that the Tomino Impact has opened up a pathway to somewhere deep, deep underground where it seems some life forms related to ancient dinosaurs have been waiting. Now they rise up and have started to explore the world above.

Shadows and Saurians are intelligent- both likely wouldn't want the Parasite or the Angels winning, so that'll be a fun (lack of a better term or iunno lmao) mix to have to play against
[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [x] The Shadows
– Apparently similar in nature to the Angels, but with unknown and different motivations, the Giants of Shadow have come to earth for reasons unknown
- [x] The Saurians
– It seems that the Tomino Impact has opened up a pathway to somewhere deep, deep underground where it seems some life forms related to ancient dinosaurs have been waiting. Now they rise up and have started to explore the world above.
- [x] The Parasites
– NERV believes that due to the nature of the Angels, infections and infestations from their place of origin may come alongside the angels, but a creature that is a parasite to a towering angel may be larger than a man all the same.

Full chaos and more "yeah, let's see how this goes", though I'd be quite alright with it not going the full gamut lmao
[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [x] The Archons
– In the last few months, NERV has been collecting information and records of strange unusual life forms that have begun to appear near the shores of many Southern Hemisphere countries. They seem to be tied to the red seas, having to retreat back to them after a short period of time, or else they die and decay at insane rates
- [x] The Shadows
– Apparently similar in nature to the Angels, but with unknown and different motivations, the Giants of Shadow have come to earth for reasons unknown
- [x] The Saurians
– It seems that the Tomino Impact has opened up a pathway to somewhere deep, deep underground where it seems some life forms related to ancient dinosaurs have been waiting. Now they rise up and have started to explore the world above.
- [x] The Parasites
– NERV believes that due to the nature of the Angels, infections and infestations from their place of origin may come alongside the angels, but a creature that is a parasite to a towering angel may be larger than a man all the same.
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