[X] "Are we not cooperating with other groups to fight against the angels? Having back up there saved me getting stabbed in the eye"
[X] Can I have a not completely useless information packet?
[X] An Apostate bearing the name of Sachiel - how do you know the Angel's name?
[X] How did you know I was one of the First Children?
[ ] what did mom see in you!?
- This option takes all four questions
Seeing this takes all four questions I kinda want to see the explosion, but I'll be temperate and vote for actual things.

[X] "Where is mother's shrine?"
[X] "Do you have any pictures of mom I can have?"
[X] The Dummy plug failed. Was I brought her just to die, so that this Rei girl could have time to recover?
[X] I saw a injured girl earlier is she the only other person who can pilot that thing?
@Lunaryon If I could have your feedback, a couple of potential questions for Shinji to ask.

[_] "I've talked a lot to both my psychiatrist and gender specialist about us. I think I know the answer, to this question, but just to hear it in your words: In the 6 years you raised me, have I done, or not done, anything to make you loathe me so; and if I have what restoration can I do make up for six-year-old-me's tresspass?

[_] "I remember being hungry. People in dark clothes came and spoke to you and then you stayed in your office for 3 days nonstop. I remember knocking on the door saying I was hungry. I remember your face when you opened the door. If I ever did forget it, my nightmares would remind me. Not a hour later I was on a train against my will, bound for Uncle. My question to you is the same one she asked as the train doors closed. "Why father, why? Don't you love me?"

[manga reference, after the 13th Angel's attack] I don't see any sharp knives around this time. Smart. (After the 13th, towards the end of Shinji conversation\falling out with Gendo, Shinji tells Gendo "I -told- you: don't leave me alone with you and a knife!".

I realize that Sakamoto, not Anno wrote the manga, but that line stuck with me. It was something anime Shinji would never say. There is a lot of history packed into that line, and that's fascinating. (Manga Shinji always had a subtle undercurrent of soldering anger. It made Shinji seem more like an actual moody teenager most of the time.)
[X] "What are your expectations about how this will work?"
[X] "Why did you wait for the last second to bring me in here?"
[X] "It has been a long time, Father. Let's do this properly - I am Shinji Ikari, your and Yui Ikari's daughter, I enjoy outer space and my favourite food is... -- ...And you are?"
- This option takes Two Points
[X] "It has been a long time, Father. Let's do this properly - I am Shinji Ikari, your and Yui Ikari's daughter, I enjoy outer space and my favourite food is... -- ...And you are?"
- This option takes Two Points
[X] "What are your expectations about how this will work?"
[X] "Do you have any pictures of mom I can have?"
[X] why haven't you contacted me for all these years?
[X] "Do you have any pictures of mom I can have?"
[X] I haven't seen you in a while what do you know about me?

[X] "It has been a long time, Father. Let's do this properly - I am Shinji Ikari, your and Yui Ikari's daughter, I enjoy outer space and my favourite food is... -- ...And you are?"
This was a hard choice
ChildishChimera that last question counts as two so your one over

[X] "What are your expectations about how this will work?"
[X] "Can I learn how to use AAT fields without piloting?"
[X] The Kesara Blade made my AAT field turn purple, And it caused my eye to bleed. Is that supposed to happen? Are there any other side effects that I need to be worried about?
[X] Is there any way that I can... Practice piloting Unit 01, so that the next time this happens I am better prepared.
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If the 'reintroduction' question wins, which it probably will, I'm full on expecting Shinji to speak as formally as she can. Which in my understanding of Japanese culture and language, gets very formal.
[X] What was that Giant Monster, and what do you know about it?

[X] "Are we not cooperating with other groups to fight against the angels? Having back up there saved me getting stabbed in the eye"

[X] "The angel could have kept going... I would have lost but it stopped... Maybe there is a way we don't have to fight?"

[X] AAT Field stands for Artificial AT field, and the Angel had an AT field? What is it, and how did you design a way to create an AT field, even before the Angels arrived?

The fact that my questions made it in is hilarious.

To explain my reasoning about these questions, a lot of this information we know, but Shinji doesn't, so by making her aware might lead to different options and actions in-character.

Also fuck being polite to Gendo, he can go suck a lemon and sit on a cactus
[X] What was that Giant Monster, and what do you know about it?

[X] "Are we not cooperating with other groups to fight against the angels? Having back up there saved me getting stabbed in the eye"

[X] "The angel could have kept going... I would have lost but it stopped... Maybe there is a way we don't have to fight?"

[X] AAT Field stands for Artificial AT field, and the Angel had an AT field? What is it, and how did you design a way to create an AT field, even before the Angels arrived?

The fact that my questions made it in is hilarious.

To explain my reasoning about these questions, a lot of this information we know, but Shinji doesn't, so by making her aware might lead to different options and actions in-character.

Also fuck being polite to Gendo, he can go suck a lemon and sit on a cactus
To be fair the particular brand of politeness could be considered an insult in this case.
[X] "Why did you wait for the last second to bring me in here?"
[X] "Are we not cooperating with other groups to fight against the angels? Having back up there saved me getting stabbed in the eye"
[X] Can I have a not completely useless information packet?
[X] The Kesara Blade made my AAT field turn purple, And it caused my eye to bleed. Is that supposed to happen? Are there any other side effects that I need to be worried about?
[X] Can I have a not completely useless information packet?
[X] "Where is mother's shrine?"
[X] "Are we not cooperating with other groups to fight against the angels? Having back up there saved me getting stabbed in the eye"
[X] The Kesara Blade made my AAT field turn purple, And it caused my eye to bleed. Is that supposed to happen? Are there any other side effects that I need to be worried about?

There are a lot more questions I wanna ask, but these are my priorities for now. As for why:

First, information that's not 100% redacted, so Shinji can actually know what she's getting into.
Second, knowing where her mother's shrine is could at least provide some piece of mind and a bit of a morale boost, so I say that's important.
Third, that other mecha saved her bacon, so I want Shinji to ask why coordinatig with it wasn't the first option on the list.
Forth, that sus weapon is so fucked up even a Lilin can feel the wrongness of it, and it actually hurt her, so I imagine Shinji will want to know what the fuck it actually is.
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...I want to vote for the last one, solely because I want to see how badly Shinji here can explode.

And Misato having to awkwardly take us in probably isn't going to help his answer.

Nor will the stares of every single employee in the building.

...can we get that as a sidestory? Just, the absolute meltdown of completely burning every bridge Gendo thought he had on a single, throat-ripping rant?

"I haven't seen you since mom died."

...My brain is cooked (not durgs, no sleep), I can't figure out what to vote at all...Fuck it.

[X] what did mom see in you!?
- This option takes all four questions Seeing this takes all four questions I kinda want to see the explosion, but I'll be temperate and vote for actual things.

A question that nothing, not Canon, non-canon, or SRW, has ever answered.
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[X] "Why did you wait for the last second to bring me in here?"
[X] How did you know I was one of the First Children?
[X] How in the world did NERV prepare for the Angels even before they arrived? How did you know that this was coming?
[X] Now what?
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Lunaryon on Apr 20, 2024 at 12:24 AM, finished with 19 posts and 13 votes.

  • [X] "What are your expectations about how this will work?"
    [X] "It has been a long time, Father. Let's do this properly - I am Shinji Ikari, your and Yui Ikari's daughter, I enjoy outer space and my favourite food is... -- ...And you are?"
    [X] "Why did you wait for the last second to bring me in here?"
    [X] "Do you have any pictures of mom I can have?"
    [X] "Are we not cooperating with other groups to fight against the angels? Having back up there saved me getting stabbed in the eye"
    [X] Can I have a not completely useless information packet?
    [X] The Kesara Blade made my AAT field turn purple, And it caused my eye to bleed. Is that supposed to happen? Are there any other side effects that I need to be worried about?
    [X] How did you know I was one of the First Children?
    [X] "Where is mother's shrine?"
    [X] An Apostate bearing the name of Sachiel - how do you know the Angel's name?
    [X] The Dummy plug failed. Was I brought her just to die, so that this Rei girl could have time to recover?
    [X] I saw a injured girl earlier is she the only other person who can pilot that thing?
    [X] why haven't you contacted me for all these years?
    [X] I haven't seen you in a while what do you know about me?
    [X] "Can I learn how to use AAT fields without piloting?"
    [X] Is there any way that I can... Practice piloting Unit 01, so that the next time this happens I am better prepared.
    [X] What was that Giant Monster, and what do you know about it?
    [X] "The angel could have kept going... I would have lost but it stopped... Maybe there is a way we don't have to fight?"
    [X] AAT Field stands for Artificial AT field, and the Angel had an AT field? What is it, and how did you design a way to create an AT field, even before the Angels arrived?
    [X] what did mom see in you!?
    [X] How in the world did NERV prepare for the Angels even before they arrived? How did you know that this was coming?
    [X] Now what?
Alright, can I get a flat d100 for Gendo Answering, DC *rolls*... Well, okay then. DCs of 7 and 90.
7 for the second question, 90 for the third question.
Rolling for Other Gendo Thing

EDIT: Aaaand 15 on a DC of 90, I guess? Go figure.
Simon_Jester threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: What A Jerk Total: 15
15 15
Okay, the other rolls I need are

1d10 + 12 for The Way of Things - DC 8,12,16,20
1d10 + 7 for Formalities - DC of 10,12,14,17
1d10 + 12 for Underneath the Underneath - DC of 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
1d10 + 7 for Family Duty - DC 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 21
and a 1d10 + 11 for Info packet - DC 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30