Well amusingly - that first roll being low means most of your dorm building mates are off at club activities, at thier internships, or out with friends.

So most people aren't in today.


*Does a roll of my own*

Oh... Right. he's a classmate. Well you're meeting him a bit early

Can I get a 1d24 and a 1d4 for Stick it to the man, man

And finally a 1d10 + 7 DC of 9 for Hi, Nice to meet you, but , I gotta go yell at my sister
Well, I'm going to have to rework Davis before the next time he shows up, but I can work with this
Welcome to Tokyo Novus Part 2
If you were expected to die, then it would make sense for you to see the Angel with your own two eyes. That fear and terror would help you to fight it.

But you didn't die. Here you are, and now you have to figure out what that means going forwards. You nearly start to ask another question before your father sighs. "It seems that you have things to think about, daughter of mine. As your Director, and as your Father - You need to rest. Your injuries this evening were not a part of the expected outcome. We likely have time before Sachiel decides to return, and the sooner you have recovered, the sooner the people of Tokyo Novus will be safe."

"We shall speak of your accommodations in the morning."

[X][Home] School Dorms
It isn't entirely surprising, but it isn't long after your father leaves that you all but collapse into the bed that Miss Ritsuko has set aside for you in the medical wing. And it is even less of a surprise that you are out like a light the moment that your head hits the pillow.

Today had been the most stressful day of your entire life up to this point, afterall.

And before you know it, the next morning rolls around. Even if the only sign of the rising sun is the way that the lights in your room slowly start to brighten. As you start getting dressed, you find yourself wondering if there might be some deeper meaning to the fact that this bed here in NERV's medical wing was more comfortable than the unforgivingly dense bed that you used for the years that you stayed with your uncle.

Blinking, you shake your head. There's no real reason to think it means so much. And, honestly, if it does mean anything, then it just means that your cheapskate uncle was a cheapskate who hated spending money on anything he didn't have to.

Which is something that you already knew.

The actual problem is that you are suddenly second guessing the reasons behind your uncle's actions. Which… Probably ties back to the conversation that you had with your father last night. That theory that you came up with is weighing heavily on your mind…

The idea that your father was trying to get you killed fits everything that you've managed to put together… Except, now that you've had a night to sleep on it, there is a huge gaping hole in your theory.

The why of it all.

What would your father get out of your death?

Particularly when he seems to be struggling for pilots as it is.

That other pilot he mentioned, Rei… She was in some kind of condition which meant that it would be impossible for her to have piloted.

Not that that seemed to have bothered your father. He was definitely willing to force her to pilot as well.

So maybe that's just it. Maybe your father wasn't trying to get you killed. Maybe he was just being an asshole.

…God, you hope that he was only being an asshole.

With a final yawn, you glance around the room. A quick look down at yourself confirms that you're wearing a medical gown… You don't remember changing clothes… But at the same time, everything that you wore into the Eva was completely soaked through with that dark coppery smelling fluid.

So while it isn't that surprising that your clothing has been ruined, it is frustrating.

You'd been wearing the only good pair of shoes you had.

Your uncle would only buy you new shoes when your old ones were worn through after all. Always refusing to spend any money that he didn't have to.

Now that you're thinking about it, what happened to your suitcase? The last place that you can recall seeing it was…

Oh, right. The back of Miss Misato's car. That's not going to be much help at the moment. It isn't like you can go wandering around NERVHQ while only wearing a medical gown after all.

Then, as you struggle to figure out exactly what you are going to do, there comes a knock from the door, followed by Doctor Ritsuko's voice. "Shinji, are you awake?"

"Yes, ma'am." You call back, shifting a little to try and feel a little less exposed. Which you aren't – But you know just how thin the material keeping you modest is.

As the door opens, you hear an amused chuckle, as Miss Misato follows Miss Ritsuko into the room. Misato is dragging your luggage behind her in one hand with a trio of shopping bags in the other, each one bulging to the point of nearly ripping. Meanwhile, Ritsuko has black plastic bag in one hand, and a folder under her other arm.

"Sup!" Misato says cheerfully, drawing a sigh from Ritsuko as the blonde rolls her eyes.

"Good morning, Shinji." Ritsuko adds. "It's good to see that you are up. Head injuries are always a bit of a worry, so I'm wanting to run you through one last battery of tests before we let you go."

As she steps close to the bed, she holds the bags in her hands up. "It seems that Misato and I had something of the same general thought, even if we came from different directions. It is… technically… my fault that your clothing was ruined. " In a way, Ritsuko sounded like she was pulling teeth to admit any fault in what happened.

"She's right. We should have had additional plugsuits ready in case of new Children being brought in weeks ago." Misato adds, making Ritsuko scowl a little.

"What that means," Ritsuko says as she tries to wrangle the conversation back on track. "Is it is only right that I replace what was lost. There is another thing, but that can wait until you're dressed."

Both women quickly put down their bags at the foot of the bed before Ritsuko grabs hold of Misato's arm and pulls her out of the room.

The bag that Ritsuko brought for you seems to be a one for one copy of your old clothing. The same brand and style of pink shirt, and the same kind of green skirt that you were wearing yesterday.

…She even managed to find the same brand of underwear and socks. Right… That's a little weird, even if you had to change into a medical gown earlier. She must have just checked over your ruined clothing.

The bag that Miss Misato brought with her on the other hand is a mix of every different style under the sun. There's a long floral sundress, and a black spiked leather choker. Stockings and a garterbelt right next to a pair of jort hotpants. A formal button up blouse and a pair of flip flops. It's like Misato ran to a clothing store and just happened to grab something off of every third hanger with no real thought as to what works with anything else.

Then again, there's every style under the sun in here, so you'd be able to put something together out of all of this, especially after you grab your suitcase and add the clothing that you brought with you to all of this.

So you do appreciate the shotgun approach to finding you something. For the moment you pull on a pair of leggings and the clothing that Miss Ritsuko brought for you. You can tell that all of this is the right size at the very least, which you can't say for certain about the rest of all of this.

Stepping out of the room, you spot the slight pout on Misato's face, but you give her a smile as you hold up the bag. "I'm going to have to go through all of this before I can wear much of any of it."

Ritsuko almost seems to ignore the by-play as she turns away. "Come on you two, I mentioned the final battery of tests, let's get those out of the way so that you can get out of here."

"You mentioned that there was something else you wanted to talk about?" You ask as you hurry forwards, leaving Misato to try and catch up with a squawk.

"Two things actually…" Ritsuko says quietly. "The second one is going to annoy you. So might as well get the easy one out of the way first."

"Oh, this is about…" Misato starts to say, before she shakes her head.

"Yes. And we'll get to that." Ritsuko grumbles out. "First, there is something that we need to decide." Without turning, Ritsuko grabs the folder that she has been carrying under one arm this entire time, sliding it out and over holding it over to you. "I've collected for you all the information that you are cleared to know about the two types of Plugsuits that NERV has used since our formation. Additionally, there is information about the upcoming Gen 3 Plugsuit, as well as a suit that I spent the last several hours sketching out the general design for…" There is a long beat of quiet. "As well as a fourth suit design from NERV's London branch that their lead scientist was finalizing. Personally… I would imagine that last design to be more problematic than helpful, but it keeps one of their pilots happy, so I guess I can't be too upset."

[ ][Plug] The Mark 2 Male Suit
- "I have a feeling that you aren't going to be interested in the first suit." Ritsuko says simply. "But it's the standard issue male plugsuit, and the one that your father has on order for you. Due to certain parts of your anatomy, this suit should be slightly more comfortable to wear, but from the early testing done while we were developing the suits, the difference shouldn't be that notable."
- "Your father continues to confuse me, Shinji." Misato says as she looks down at the men's suit.
- Will cause other Eva Pilots to assume you are male during first meetings. Offers +2 to Unit 01's Armor and +1 to Dodge

[ ][Plug] The Mark 1 Female Suit
- "Next up we have the original Mark One plugsuit. Due to the fact that Rei prefers the original, we have everything that we require to construct the Mark One here within NERV's labs. Despite being nominally phased out other than by Rei, the Mark One still has all the same sensor and medical technologies in it, so if you prefer the style of the Mark One, it won't cause any issues."
- "So Rei keeps choosing to stick with the older design… Interesting." Misato adds.
- The Mark One is less durable than the Mark Two, making it more likely for the plug suit to be damaged. Offers +1 to Unit 01's Dodge, +1 to Hit

[ ][Plug] The Mark 2 Female Suit
- "Then the next file there is for the Mark Two plugsuit. The sensor suit and the medical technologies for the Mark Two are identical to those in the Mark One, other than being slightly smaller, but the weight difference is less than a pound total. The main changes are to the actual design, which is part of why Rei has decided to stick with the Mark One." Ritsuko explains.
- "It has ribs. That's weird." Misato adds, helpfully.
- Offers +1 to Dodge, +1 to Armor, +1 to Hit

[ ][Plug] The Test Suit
- "The fourth file is unfortunately only sketches at this point, because I haven't had a chance to construct an actual prototype yet. Designed this over the course of last night." Ritsuko explains, and while she continues stalking through the halls, you can hear the smile in her voice. "Completely overhauled the sensor suite with something of my own design. The semi-transparent material covering your chest is a pseudo-neural lace, allowing the suit to read your nervous system directly, which will give us a far better read as to what is happening with you. There are also several useful medical technologies included into the suit which have not been included in the Mark Two."
- "Rit-chan, this is barely decent, even counting the bra." Misato says softly, shaking her head. "If Shinji wears this, there is all the chance in the world that the other pilots will think she's weird."
– Offers a +5 to Base Sync Rate due to the suit interfacing with your nervous system directly.

[ ][Plug] Nyan Suit
- "Not any weirder than the First Child of the London Branch, who wears that final design that I have for you." Ritsuko says simply. "I have no idea why this particular plugsuit has an armored layer, but it also glows. The colored gradient actually pulses along the length of the suit in waves of color."
- "But… Why tho?" Misato asks.
"No idea." Ritsuko answers honestly. "The Doctor there says it increases his subject's morale, but I'd imagine it to be more distracting than anything."
– Offers a -2 to Base Sync Rate due to the bright glowing colors, but the armor plating and the interface helmet offer a +1 to Unit 01's Armor, and a +2 to Unit 01's Hit.

Before you have a chance to make a decision, Ritsuko stops in front of a small, slightly out of the way door. Inside of the room is what almost looks to be your ordinary medical examination room. Thankfully, the small battery of tests that Doctor Ritsuko wanted to put you through are all simple and quick enough that you don't have to wait long.

All in all, it takes less than twenty minutes to run through everything. The only thing that was a real bother was when she shined a bright light into your eyes in order to make sure that there wasn't anything wrong with your eyes. You still find yourself blinking and rubbing your eyes as Ritsuko leads you out of the room.

"I really hate eye exams…" You mutter frustratedly, barely focusing on anything other than keeping behind Miss Misato and Miss Ritsuko while you wait for the splotches of color to fade from your vision.

"I do apologize for having to add an eye exam to the battery of tests that you have already gone through." Ritsuko says honestly. "But after you bled through your eyes, it seemed to be a good idea to make sure that there wasn't anything else going wrong."

That makes sense… but it is still frustrating.

"And that leaves only one last thing to cover." Misato mumbles out, shaking her head.

You watch Ritsuko wince, as a feeling of dread starts to descend over you. Both women seem to have been trying to avoid whatever this conversation is going to be for as long as they can. Which is more than a little worrying.

Stopping in the middle of the hallway, Misato turns back to you, pulling a piece of paper and a key out of her pocket. "So… Your father said that he was going to speak to you this morning about where you were going to be staying from here on."

Oh… So that is what all of this is about. Your father is ignoring you.

You can't say that you are all that surprised about that. Father ignoring you very much is the standard, after all.

"So father is ignoring me once again." The funny thing is that you aren't even all that bitter about this. You just… Almost expected this. "I can't say that I am really that surprised."

Misato flinches at your statement, while Ritsuko shakes her head.

"Your father was planning on speaking with you this morning, however the United Nations Defense Council wished to speak with him, given that the Angels have finally started their attacks."

"As you are going to be attending Hinode High School starting on Monday, your father thought it would be for the best if you stayed at the school's dorms. The school is aware of your status as the Second Child, so if an Angel attack occurs, they will have the means of bringing you to the closest NERV facility." Misato explains, before she shakes her head. "Honestly, I offered to have you stay at my apartment, but the Director said that it wouldn't be necessary."

"Nor would it be hygienic." Miss Ritsuko says as she bumps Misato's hip with her own. "But regardless, you shouldn't offer up your landlord's place without talking to them first."

"...What?" Misato asks, glancing over to Ritsuko. "The Director is my landlord, I'm not sure what you me-"

"I'm pretty sure the Apartment in is Penpen's name isn't it?" Ritsuko says with a chuckle.

You aren't sure who this 'Penpen' is, but that sounds like the name someone might give their pet.

"I… You…" Misato sputters out, face going red. "My penguin doesn't own my apartment!"

You stare at the two for a long moment as you try and figure out what in the world Misato means by that. The two continue to banter back and forth between each other. When you first saw the way that Misato and Ritsuko interacted, you had worried that there might have been some kind of bad blood between the two…

But no. These…

Is this how friends act around each other? Well, their own kind of friendship at the very least.

After another minute or so of chattering back and forth, you cough - Loudly and on purpose.

Ritsuko somehow manages to step back from the conversation with grace, shifting from bantering to professionalism so quickly that you almost miss it, while Misato nearly stumbles over her own feet as she turns to look over at you.

Misato's eyes go half lidded as she stares down at you, arms crossed. "You heard nothing."

"Of course." You offer immediately. "But I do need my key, and a ride to the dorms if I'm going to be staying there."

"Before you go," Ritsuko says as she hands the key over to you. "I looked into your room assignment. You are going to be sharing a room with a Peni Parker. According to Balthazar, she's kind and well mannered, and she is a few years younger than you. Having skipped several grades to enter high school early. Do try and get along with her, please. She has a bright future ahead of her in robotics and engineering, and I expect that you'll likely be asking her for repairs to your Eva in ten years time."

I originally planned on getting all the way through the dorm content with this update, but it has been 47 days since the last update, and the scene with Tsukasa has been fighting me, so I am putting out what is complete for the time being.
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I definitely think we need a suit with one of those modifiers, and while the Nyan suit adds a much needed boost to our combat abilities narratively Shinji would be more interested in the suit Ritsuko designed just for her with all the extra medical equipment after she bled from her eye.
plus she went through the trouble of making it, and there can be hidden aspects to a prototype design.

[X][Plug] The Test Suit

Also that was some serious dedication to replacing the ruined clothes.

[X][Plug] The Mark 2 Female Suit
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[X][Plug] Nyan Suit

Helps with the areas Shinji is weaker in, though it does feel a bit less personal so might switch away...

Also Misato and Ritsuko feel a bit, well maybe not happier, but maybe a bit better adjusted and less bitter.

[X][Plug] The Mark 2 Female Suit
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[X][Plug] The Mark 2 Female Suit

Methinks Shinji would not prefer the fan service suit. Just saying.

Also, can we ask for the suit to be modified later (like to remove the glowing lights)?
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Now... hear me out cause the issue of the lights just sounds... easy to fix...

[ ][Plug] Nyan Suit
-[] Can we not just dim the LED's? Or turn them off? That does not seem hard to do.

Is this acceptable for a write in? I honestly think the -2 malus can be overcame easily and... well it makes it so more people would want to consider getting some extra defense. Honestly? I don't know who Shinji wouldn't request- actually wait. What is stopping us from just asking "Can we combine the Armor and Helmet from Nya and the direct link from the Test suit?"

I mean of course it would take time to make as always- but I think we have the time to request that no?

I'm just... I see the bonuses from Nyan and the Test suits able to work together- maybe as a layered system? Test as just underwear and a secondary defensive layer + helmet?

I am very curious as to if there would be any reason we can't get our cake and eat it too?
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I'm pretty sure sync rate is the most important stat, so I have to go with this:
[X][Plug] The Test Suit

If there weren't stat changes, I'd probably go with Rei's design because I find the idea of Rei and Shinji sharing clothes humorous:
[X][Plug] The Mark 1 Female Suit

EDIT: Okay, now I can vote for my favorite :p
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[X][Plug] The Mark 2 Female Suit

Now that the basic outfits have bonuses I think this one is a nice spread of stats without being a uh...fashion problem.

Test suit is probably fine too but it's winning so I'll hold my approval vote.
[X] [Plug] The Mark 2 Female Suit

The test suit??? Sure let's give the introverted teenage trans girl a big transparent patch on her torso. So that everyone can see her entire chest. In front of god knows how many professional adults... and her dad.

Not to mention how low cut it is!!! Shaving is mandatory for this suit. Either you go commando or everyone can see the top part of your panties. They are teenage pilots!!! Shinji is a teenager!!! What if she gets an erection?!?!?!?! It could poke up over that red belt part and show up in the transparent bit!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
The test suit??? Sure let's give the introverted teenage trans girl a big transparent patch on her torso. So that everyone can see her entire chest. In front of god knows how many professional adults... and her dad.
..... okay wow. I didn't think that was transparent, I thought it was a weird design on the front of it...