Indeed. You'll be seeing several choice options in the future based off of interest in space, and a distinct desire to not only try and communicate with the Angels, but with anything else out there as well.
Goddess that sounds adorbs- fingers crossed that it does actually succeed (positively) sometimes lmao, for her sake and if we're lucky with how it goes- everyone else's sake
At this point I haven't been thinking of having the EVA points show up further, rather that it would be possible to train and learn new abilities over time.
So this is basically to get the EVA points out of the way for the training/learning? Is it possible to organically come across the other skills- especially stuff like the AT Edge/Boost? Wonder how you could increase BSR after this,,,

I was thinking if after 1 of the 2 threats was removed completely we might see another take their place is all.
Yeah- NERV could be aware of them all but they'd be working on their own schedules (and they might have a better idea about that), or could even have already sent smaller detachments that could handle it for a time but they grew too big to handle since; it shouldn't be too hard to come up with reasons why they were found out earlier but weren't even more active until now, I thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink.
Well that depends on if NERV is the only faction in town capable of handling threats to the Earth.
Sounds fair enough
honestly, I mostly feel that Shadows are just too much of an Evangelion-esque faction already that it's not going to really feel like there's another faction.

Like, they're the most directly compared to the Angels, and their thing is that they're a faction with their own unknown motivations and goals. It just feels like Making SEELE be angels to me.

I'd probably feel like it would work if hypothetical future factions were noticeably smaller to compensate. That would give enemy variety and aesthetic differences whilst also making sure we didn't get overloaded by them the way that a lot of people are terrified of us being.

Well that depends on if NERV is the only faction in town capable of handling threats to the Earth.
Could have had that implication before the current bandwagon gained a lead that cannot be caught.

… I think I'm going to have to stay out and not post here for a week if I can help it. This vote has made me very salty.
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So this is basically to get the EVA points out of the way for the training/learning? Is it possible to organically come across the other skills- especially stuff like the AT Edge/Boost? Wonder how you could increase BSR after this,,,
Over the course of the series, we see the different pilots using a few different methods of trying to increase their Sync ratings, through drugs, technology, and most relevant to your question a set of special Training Plugs that they can interface with to try and test their Sync capabilities.
Could have had that implication before the current bandwagon gained a lead that cannot be caught.

… I think I'm going to have to stay out and not post here for a week if I can help it. This vote has made me very salty.
I do apologize for that, this was the first time that I've had a chance to sit down and check the thread at all
ACTUALLY, because I didn't have the time to answer people's questions with information that might be important for making voting decisions - I am going to extend the length of the vote by 24 hours so that you guys have time to think things over and ask any more questions and stuff.
I do apologize for that, this was the first time that I've had a chance to sit down and check the thread at all
Yeah, sorry. I'm definitely a little bit bitter over this.

Also, not directed at you specifically, but part of the reason I've been very "eh" on Shadow purely on it's own I haven't got around to explaining is kinda spoilers as well, so before I head off to work, I'm going to leave this here.

Shadows primary inspiration is Ultraman. Tokusatsu in general of course, but Ultraman is the primary one namedropped

This is a problem for me because one of Evangelion and Anno's primary inspirations... is also Ultraman.

Giants of Light? One of the primary names for the Ultramen.

NERV? Would not be out of place at all as one of the various organisations like the Special Science Search Party.

The cinematography of the battles and frequent shots to smaller parts of the city with cars and bikes in the foreground with the 40m high Evas in the background? Thats classic Tsuburaya miniatures and Camerawork that Anno is directly drawing inspiration from.

Evangelion and Ultraman are very closely related due to just how much of a giant fan of Ultraman Anno is and how much of himself he poured into Evangelion.

So a faction primarily being based off that franchise doesn't feel like it adds a ton aesthetically, because Eva is already Based and Ultra-pilled. I think it would work great if it had something else to bounce off with to really highlight the differences though.
The real problem was the downwards spiral of everyones mental state as their issues never got adressed, making those later fights far far harder as Shinji increasingly hated the world and Asuka couldn't maintain her fragile Ego. Rei was the only one to come out of that arguably more complete as a person... and she still handed third impact to Shinji (presumably she has no say in it herself and has to give someone the trigger), who promptly said "Fuck everything and everyone" and started the apocalypse.
Yes, and? Things haven't exactly changed here, Shinjiko now has new mental and physical issues and scars to replace her old canonical ones that will inevitably be picked at, hurray! Neither Rei nor Asuka are going to be in a better place than in canon either, and our metaknowledge isn't as useful as you'd think, since we can't directly act on it and we're in an AU. Not even mentioning the inevitable trauma, PTSD, death, despair, and so forth going to happen. This is Evangelion, not Sailor Moon, I'd be disappointed if everything doesn't wind up going to hell in a handbasket at some point, even if Shinjiko doesn't fall anywhere near to their canonical levels.

that's why I voted for All Four. I demand Big Chaos with our plucky little space cadet trying to Innovate her way into mutual understanding.
It'd only really work if they all used different forms of combat scaling from interpersonal, to EVA, to subterfuge, and so forth, and were much more varied than just tossing even more EVA combat at us when there's already plenty coming our way. The concept of David v.s. Goliath is absolutely fun, but there are some core issues with 3/4 of the factions, primarily because fighting kaiju is only so interesting when they don't have any real emotion or character beyond a 2D archetype (or not at all in the case of Archons) to them to drive either the faction or foes in the faction in and of itself. Angels already fill that niche and it runs the risk of complete oversaturation and a feeling of any conflict with the factions essentially being completely meaningless filler with nothing of substance behind them. Even the Angels in canon are more like dangerous obstacles that are used to challenge the characters and their relationships physically, emotionally and mentally, rather than true antagonists with any sort of real agenda in and of themselves. When people think of antagonists in Eva, they think SEELE, or Gendou, not the Angels in and of themselves. Having more of the same is just meh, especially when the introduction of another faction is intended for more variation.

I'd honestly rather a human anti-NERV faction of some such, some mecha on mecha combat with human opponents with actual goals and shit, maybe using Jet Alones or stolen Evas. Add a dash of Gundam, like Zeta, to be mixed with the Eva, basically. Bonus points for added suffering from killing people too!

Something to mention @OP, I'm going to put my 2 cents to propone allowing some serious creative AT bullshit, even if it winds up turning the setting into a Gundam 00 or a straight up fantasy setting by the end. Asukaquest, for all it's flaws, did have one aspect I liked - we could pull some serious nonsense in training, but on the flipside anything we used on future Angels, or that they could see caused them to escalate in the next fight as well, even using our own AT tricks against us (as well did our human opponents). By the end we were capable of space combat, fly, could accidentally end the world with ease (and ourselves, we even did it too because of a 10/10 vote), had cloned ourselves into an AI, and all sorts of other insanity, it was fun as fuck. Sure, it could have used some more limitation, so people weren't monofocused on !science!, much of which led nowhere, but hey!

Edit: generally, I'd say there needs to be more variety between options that are more compelling, more likely to actually mix things up, and are less traditional. Like, toss in some !AU Zentradi or something maybe, or nerfed !eldritch monstrosities ala Demonbane.

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [X] The Shadows
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Yes, and? Things haven't exactly changed here, Shinjiko now has new mental and physical issues and scars to replace her old canonical ones that will inevitably be picked at, hurray! Neither Rei nor Asuka are going to be in a better place than in canon either, and our metaknowledge isn't as useful as you'd think, since we can't directly act on it and we're in an AU. Not even mentioning the inevitable trauma, PTSD, death, despair, and so forth going to happen. This is Evangelion, not Sailor Moon, I'd be disappointed if everything doesn't wind up going to hell in a handbasket at some point, even if Shinjiko doesn't fall anywhere near to their canonical levels.
1) Shinji is not Canon Shinji. She's far more perceptive when others are trying to hide something, such as when she cottoned onto her being the pilot early or realised that Gendo being gender affirming felt just a little bit too perfect. Stuff like, say, Asuka trying to hide her feelings won't be as effective as they would have been in canon. And it helps clue us in on what might be different.

2) we are not beholden to the whims of Hideki Anno. We the players have agency and a desire to try to improve things instead of having Shinji's more negative aspects draw them down. Yes, shinji's going to have emotional weaknesses, but we have the ability to try to plan around them. This also isn't a Raising project quest where we have to be Misato and try to make these dumb kids play nice, we have the opportunity to instigate things.

And on the aspect of "the factions not having human level threats"… Archons is likely to have human scale kaiju in swarms, Saurians are implied to be a faction rather than just dumb dinosaurs (think old school Super Robot empires like the Boazanians from Voltes or the Zentraedi from macross. Just Dino themed.) and parasites are noted to mostly be small to angels, so likely a lot are human sized problems.

I'm pretty sure Lunaryon did plan for this aspect given her SRW quest has a lot of stuff indicating just how important out of cockpit action is as well.

Though frankly, I think the 24 hours extension is pointless at this point. Shadows has a lead and in thread momentum that cannot really be stopped.

I really do need to leave and cool my head I think. For all the promise of this quest, I'm not that interested in Evangelion on its own, even if I really do like trans Shinji. And the expanded settings and factions of lunaryon quests tend to be the most interesting parts for me, so seeing the option I feel adds the least flair to the world get picked with likely no chance for anything else is leaving me feeling sour. I'd rather drop off for a bit and come back to something that surprises me than force myself to stay on something when it's starting to make me stressed irl, dumb as that is.
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If our Shinji is going to be having the ability to use AT fields outside an EVA, it would be interesting to have a faction that could be fought on foot occasionally.
While it is probably not my Favorite I really like the Diemay Angel

For those that don't know, you can find info on this one here: Diemay Angel

Goddess that sounds adorbs- fingers crossed that it does actually succeed (positively) sometimes lmao, for her sake and if we're lucky with how it goes- everyone else's sake

Well, some of the later angels, as early as Leliel, did make attempts at communication. Hell, Leliel, at least as far as I interpret it, offered up its core in the end. And, we have one angel that willingly died because it loved humanity in general and Shinji in particular. That doesn't happen without communication.
[X] Wait… This means-

[X][EVA] Plan: AT Field Specialist

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [X] The Archons
- [X] The Shadows
- [X] The Saurians
- [X] The Parasites
[x][Piloting] SYNC RATE Bonus 2
[x] Wait… This means-

[x][EVA] plan: mother ain't happy, so she's gonna punch a dino.
- [x] AT CORE
- [x] Energy Consumption 1
- [x] AT BOOST
- [x] Mark of the Beast
- [x] 7 EVA points

- [x][THREAT] The Saurians
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{X][Piloting] SYNC RATE Bonus 2
[X][EVA] Plan: Rip and Tear

[X] Get in the Robot

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
-[x] The Archons
-[X] The Saurians
Posted this idea on Discord.
Sharing here.

So since the mistake of gaining 3 EVA was probably meant for gaining more threat, we can probably safely add 1 of the other 3 factions that lose this vote, but have NERV not be aware of that particular faction yet. It could be random, or the next runner up which would currently be the Archons. Would make sense for red oceans.
A little late. Work and had to think of the other threats I wanted. Because we got the three Eva points I was willing for three threats, I can see its not going to win but my vote prioritised non sophont (is that the word ?) enemies. The parasites, and the pacific rim kaiju I guess since it played in Evangelion tendency of the big monsters are more powerful but there is no deep strategy or hiding that makes Seelee and so the humans enemies so dangerous the protagonistes doesn't know they exist until its too late. Adding saurians or shadows was the hard part but it seems we are going for archons in the open and shadows in hiding.

Still putting my preference.

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [x] The Archons
- [x] The Parasites
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Lunaryon on Jan 4, 2024 at 12:20 AM, finished with 78 posts and 33 votes.
And to start off here, can I get a:

*roll dice*

a 1d10 + 13 Roll for Striker DC of 11
and a 1d10 + 8 for DODDDGGGEEE DC of 16
Well that's a success and a bare failure.
Guess it's a good thing we added better dodging to our Eva?
Well that's a success and a bare failure.
Guess it's a good thing we added better dodging to our Eva?
Wait a second, that's right.
[X][EVA] Plan: AT Field Specialist
- [x]Piloting: SYNC RATE Bonus 3
- [x] Core: AT CORE
- [x] Skills
--[x] Twitch Muscles 1
--[x] AT Edge
--[x] AT BOOST
We got twitch muscles. But…
and a 1d10 + 8 for DODDDGGGEEE DC of 16

The number added to dodge was only 8. With twitch muscles, even with the 20% stat reduction from untested we should have had a modifier for 10 on that roll.
Well, Luna did just blame forgetting to list the DC of a roll over on UsagiQuest on sleep deprivation. Sounds like a good enough excuse to me.