Oh, right, in case anyone's wondering about stamina:

Energy Consumption Upgrades vs "rounds" of battery life after the power cables are cut:
  • 0: 10
  • 1: 12.5
  • 2: 16.6
Oh, right, in case anyone's wondering about stamina:

Energy Consumption Upgrades vs "rounds" of battery life after the power cables are cut:
  • 0: 10
  • 1: 12.5
  • 2: 16.6
You are presuming 100 energy is 100 percent, and that 10 energy per round is counted in percents.
In any case this early I doubt we'll be going 10 rounds with anything. We can always improve that later, sometimes even recharge between fighting something.
Okay, so like

I really don't get where peoples fear of the Angels comes from.

Up until the last 3 (I don't count Tabris. Especially in this quest where If Kaworu isn't recruited and tried to be assisted instead of killed, I'll eat my hat), the Angels were like, challenges, but no more than every other Kaiju of the week in a super robot show. Bardiel wasn't even a hard fight, it was the fact that it had a pilot inside it that was the problem.

The real problem was the downwards spiral of everyones mental state as their issues never got adressed, making those later fights far far harder as Shinji increasingly hated the world and Asuka couldn't maintain her fragile Ego. Rei was the only one to come out of that arguably more complete as a person... and she still handed third impact to Shinji (presumably she has no say in it herself and has to give someone the trigger), who promptly said "Fuck everything and everyone" and started the apocalypse.

We have Agency. We have, compratively, a better Base Stat Total (and thus reflection of ability) than canon shinji. And we also have a surplus of Eva points because Lunaryon messed up.

I don't think we're going to have the difficulty dealing only with the angels some people think we will.
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[X] Wait… This means-

[X][EVA] Plan: AT Field Specialist

[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [x] The Saurians
– It seems that the Tomino Impact has opened up a pathway to somewhere deep, deep underground where it seems some life forms related to ancient dinosaurs have been waiting. Now they rise up and have started to explore the world above.
- [x] The Parasites
– NERV believes that due to the nature of the Angels, infections and infestations from their place of origin may come alongside the angels, but a creature that is a parasite to a towering angel may be larger than a man all the same.
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[X][Piloting] SYNC RATE Bonus 3


[X][EVA] Magical Girl EVA
- [X] AT Edge

[X] Shadows

Just curious everyone but what's your favorite angel from Evangelion from the series. Mines is the blue cubed shaped one that shoots lasers.
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[X] Wait… This means-

[X][EVA] Plan: AT Field Specialist

X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [x] The Saurians
– It seems that the Tomino Impact has opened up a pathway to somewhere deep, deep underground where it seems some life forms related to ancient dinosaurs have been waiting. Now they rise up and have started to explore the world above.
- [x] The Parasites
– NERV believes that due to the nature of the Angels, infections and infestations from their place of origin may come alongside the angels, but a creature that is a parasite to a towering angel may be larger than a man all the same.
[X] Wait… This means-

[X][EVA] Plan: AT Field Specialist

X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [x] The Saurians
– It seems that the Tomino Impact has opened up a pathway to somewhere deep, deep underground where it seems some life forms related to ancient dinosaurs have been waiting. Now they rise up and have started to explore the world above.
- [x] The Parasites
– NERV believes that due to the nature of the Angels, infections and infestations from their place of origin may come alongside the angels, but a creature that is a parasite to a towering angel may be larger than a man all the same.

Just curious everyone but what's your favorite angel from Evangelion from the series. Mines is the blue cubed shaped one that shopped lasers.
Just noticed - neither of your Kaiju votes count. Your missing the first bracket. in front of Kaiju.

Also Sahaquiel. The one that tries to do a colony drop. Though Zeruel comes pretty close.
Just curious everyone but what's your favorite angel from Evangelion from the series. Mines is the blue cubed shaped one that shoots lasers.
Also Ramiel- mostly cuz of that one series that turned her into a girl and now I can't imagine Ramiel as anything else jxndfdj

Big beams and explosions, what more could a girl want or ask for? Xmdmf XD

I swear I remember having a character be inspired in part by her form changes in particular lmao, and the funky 4D/shifting thing that looks to be happening,

Also tangent but the "-el" sound at the end of the angel names is stimmy fun to say for me lmao
Only two Angels, Shamshel (whips) and Sahaquiel (orbital drop), were destroyed by anything resembling "normal" melee action.

Angels and how they were defeated in the original:
  1. Research expedition
  2. Recruited
  3. Melee (berserk)
  4. Melee
  5. Ranged (positron)
  6. Chestbursting
  7. Melee (synchronized dance)
  8. Melee (failed capture)
  9. Ranged (pallet rifle)
  10. Melee
  11. Cybersecurity
  12. Chestbursting
  13. Melee (dummy plug)
  14. Melee (berserk)
  15. Ranged (lance)
  16. Sacrifice
  17. Suicide by EVA
  18. Anti-AT-field

You could maybe count Israfel, but that required both EVAs to fight exactly the same way.
The thing is, that's still a lot more of the Angels that were defeated by melee weapons than by ranged weapons. Even if a lot of the Angels defeated in melee required specialized tactics or methods, or if the pilots failed to take things down in hand to hand due to skill issue, the Progressive ______ weapons seem a lot more consistently effective against Angels than any ranged weapon except the positron rifle. And the positron rifle has its own problems, because it's particularly bulky and hard to set up, and also even more power-hungry than the Evas themselves.

(Clarification: When I say 'effective,' I mean that when you hit the monster with this thing, something happens that is likely to damage them, as opposed to nothing happening. It's a weapon that does something, rather than nothing. Obviously, getting into melee with an Angel has its own problems and skill issues can still keep the pilot from actually taking down the enemy. But trying to take one down with ranged weapons presents the same problems, plus the fact that AT fields are pretty solid all-or-nothing defenses for keeping ranged weapon fire out.)

You are presuming 100 energy is 100 percent, and that 10 energy per round is counted in percents.
In any case this early I doubt we'll be going 10 rounds with anything. We can always improve that later, sometimes even recharge between fighting something.
Given how often in canon an Eva is crippled by being unplugged, being able to stretch out combat an extra round or two could be really important.

Okay, so like

I really don't get where peoples fear of the Angels comes from.

Up until the last 3 (I don't count Tabris. Especially in this quest where If Kaworu isn't recruited and tried to be assisted instead of killed, I'll eat my hat), the Angels were like, challenges, but no more than every other Kaiju of the week in a super robot show. Bardiel wasn't even a hard fight, it was the fact that it had a pilot inside it that was the problem.

The real problem was the downwards spiral of everyones mental state as their issues never got adressed, making those later fights far far harder as Shinji increasingly hated the world and Asuka couldn't maintain her fragile Ego. Rei was the only one to come out of that arguably more complete as a person... and she still handed third impact to Shinji (presumably she has no say in it herself and has to give someone the trigger), who promptly said "Fuck everything and everyone" and started the apocalypse.

We have Agency. We have, compratively, a better Base Stat Total (and thus reflection of ability) than canon shinji. And we also have a surplus of Eva points because Lunaryon messed up.

I don't think we're going to have the difficulty dealing only with the angels some people think we will.
Hopefully. On the other hand, I don't think our Shinji is by any means immune to psychological pressure or forces trying to break her down. And one thing about the Angels is that they historically have the ability to hit really hard; they can and do frequently dismember an Eva in a few blows. Even at a fairly high Sync Rate, they're powerful enough that if you fuck up things can get ugly fast.

So while we may well be able to push forward to where we're doing well against them rather than barely hanging on by the skin of our teeth, I don't think we'll outclass them to the point where they're not a real, serious threat.
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[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [X] The Parasites
[X] Wait… This means-

Only the parasites really interest me.

[X][EVA] Plan: AT Field Specialist
As for shipping if there is any I would ship Shinji with Rei for how different it would be from canon. Heck her befriending different characters would be funny. My main interest is the angel fights.
[X][THREAT] Kaiju
- [X] The Shadows

Here's that amendment regarding threats I mentioned before. While it would be cool for Shinji to take on like four different groups of Kaiju at once, I think the Shadows would definitely be the most interesting to tackle.
The thing is, that's still a lot more of the Angels that were defeated by melee weapons than by ranged weapons. Even if a lot of the Angels defeated in melee required specialized tactics or methods, or if the pilots failed to take things down in hand to hand due to skill issue, the Progressive ______ weapons seem a lot more consistently effective against Angels than any ranged weapon except the positron rifle. And the positron rifle has its own problems, because it's particularly bulky and hard to set up, and also even more power-hungry than the Evas themselves.

(Clarification: When I say 'effective,' I mean that when you hit the monster with this thing, something happens that is likely to damage them, as opposed to nothing happening. It's a weapon that does something, rather than nothing. Obviously, getting into melee with an Angel has its own problems and skill issues can still keep the pilot from actually taking down the enemy. But trying to take one down with ranged weapons presents the same problems, plus the fact that AT fields are pretty solid all-or-nothing defenses for keeping ranged weapon fire out.)
Thinking about it, the Angels categorized as "Chestbursting" are actually the strongest argument for melee over ranged: you're going to be meleeing them anyway, might as well be using something designed for the purpose

That being said, AT Field > Everything, because the AT field is the primary issue.

If Sachiel didn't have an AT Field, NERV would never have been called in, because Sachiel would be dead now.
[X] Wait… This means-
- The machine that you are standing in front of is massive, huge to the point that you can't see anything other than its head. It might be the same size as the Angel. If you can get close, then you might be able to try and communicate with the Angel. Find out why it is here, and why it wants to attack. Holy shit, you're going to be given the chance to communicate with an alien.

[X][EVA] Magical Girl EVA

[X] The Saurians
One of the? Okay, that's weird.

Like, even if this is one of the ever-popular time-loop or multiverse-hopping takes on Evangelion, it's weird to have someone like Ritsuko just come out and say "yeah, there are multiple Shinjis" or whatever this is implying.
Ritsuko: Multiple...? Oh, oh no. The 'Third Children' is a classification. It should be in your... Right, that page is Redacted until you reach a higher clearance. The short of it, is that you are one of the Third Children, and you should be trying to reach the status of being among the First Children.

I know Ritsuko's probably not a character with a reputation for a strong conscience, but I can't help but imagine her feeling bad for making fun of Misato for getting lost all the time.

Though it really does invite the question of who the hell provided such a map. More implication of multiversal weirdness going on, possibly. It seems bizarre, but I can't help but wonder if this might literally be a map from a parallel universe where the layout of the Geofront is flipped left-to-right or something.
Ritsuko: There are a couple of possible culprits, but I will make sure that the Security teams stop by to speak with them in order to prevent something like this from happening int he future. There are limits to what we can allow.

This, I gather, is a permanent bonus? That question may already have been answered.
Yes, that is a permanent bonus to your Base Sync Rate

Hmm. I wonder if "Tiny Shinji" would have had the second option for free, and if the Shinji option who was supposed to lean a little more into the multiversal stuff would have gotten the first for free.
Indeed. You'll be seeing several choice options in the future based off of interest in space, and a distinct desire to not only try and communicate with the Angels, but with anything else out there as well.

Hm. One wonders if Unit 01 will 'do' berserk mode without this. That, too, is a recurring theme in canon: it does.
Regardless of having this ability or not, if an EVA is active and the pilot is disabled, it is entirely possible for any EVA to 'wake up' for lack of a better term and start acting on their instincts.
Hm, I'm tempted to go for a higher sync rate.

Something to keep in mind guys, ranged weapons are nigh completely useless against Angels in EVA, they never do any damage, barring rare moments of sniping (e.g. against cube-chan). If we want to win, melee, AT, or bust.

Furthermore, @OP, is this the only place to spend EVA points? Will we acquire more down the line as we gain experience and defeat Angels, or is it pure character creation?
At this point I haven't been thinking of having the EVA points show up further, rather that it would be possible to train and learn new abilities over time.

Just curious everyone but what's your favorite angel from Evangelion from the series. Mines is the blue cubed shaped one that shoots lasers.
While it is probably not my Favorite I really like the Diemay Angel, and I will always be amused by Angelscream.

Is there any chance the threats that lose this vote may show up later down the line @Lunaryon ?
I am of a couple of minds about this honestly. Like - the crux of this Kaiju vote are threats that NERV is aware of. So the idea of more threats coming down the line that NERV is entirely in the dark about is a fun idea, but at the same time bringing in factions that the thread essentially voted to not include seems like a bad idea from a writing perspective.
but at the same time bringing in factions that the thread essentially voted to not include seems like a bad idea from a writing perspective.
There's another risk too, antagonist oversaturation and dragging the pacing of the quest because of it. If there were 4 core threats that NERV, and NERV alone were basically expected to handle, the pacing would likely wind up glacial.

Keeping it to 1 additional threat makes sense.
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I was thinking if after 1 of the 2 threats was removed completely we might see another take their place is all.
I am of a couple of minds about this honestly. Like - the crux of this Kaiju vote are threats that NERV is aware of. So the idea of more threats coming down the line that NERV is entirely in the dark about is a fun idea, but at the same time bringing in factions that the thread essentially voted to not include seems like a bad idea from a writing perspective.
that's why I voted for All Four. I demand Big Chaos with our plucky little space cadet trying to Innovate her way into mutual understanding.
There's another risk too, antagonist oversaturation and dragging the pacing of the quest because of it. If there were 4 core threats that NERV, and NERV alone were basically expected to handle, the pacing would likely wind up glacial.

Keeping it to 1 additional threat makes sense.
Well that depends on if NERV is the only faction in town capable of handling threats to the Earth.