The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest)

Business Visit?
[X] Spend time with the kids

Today I decided to spend all my time with the kids, after all they were the main reason for my visit.
"Let's see… there! Found you!"


That was the number 5, 15 to go, this was going to be a long game of hide and seek.

I could use my seismic sense to make things easier, but I wanted to keep things fair.

"Do you think he can see us?"

"*Shhhh* Don't make noise!"

…They make this very easy already.

"Found you!"


Perception: E >>> E++
"Hmmm I see, I see, quite rustic but with a comfy feeling, similar to a home, I like it!" I heard someone talk in the front… wait I know that voice.

With a quick pace i opened the door to find, "Varrick?"

"Oh? Hello there Li!" Indeed it was my… Editor, I guess? With Zhu Li behind him.

"What are you doing here?" I asked a little surprise.

"Well I decided to watch your environment a little, it will help to write the book, unless you have a problem with that?"

"No, no, come in. I will tell the staff."
"…And this is the backyard, the kids are playing right now," I finished our little tour.

"Ah, the eternal energy of the youth! I remember when I was a kid I invented my snow-launcher 100, it was-!" Varrick story was interrupted by a big snow-ball hitting him in the face, which was followed by the laugh of children.

Varrick meanwhile just kept a neutral face, before smirking and cracking his knuckles, "Oho~ So that's how they want to play, Zhu Li! The Snow-Launcher 2500!" He suddenly yelled while making grabbing motions with his hands towards his assistants direction, expecting the… toy?

Zhu Li then pulled out some kind of big metal tube with a handle from her backpack… I'm pretty sure it was bigger than the backpack.

With the toy in his hands, Varrick put it on his shoulder and began to move, "Prepare yourself kids!"

In the end I just shrugged and joined the fight, on the side of the kids of course.
"Hey Li! Tell us a story!" One of the kids asked after we finished playing outside.

"Yeah! I want a story about dragons!"

"No! About warriors!"

"No, no! About a Magical Princess!" The others kids just stare at the boy for a moment, "…what?"

"Ok, ok, sadly I don't know any tales about that," I tried to explain to them.

"Awww…" They began before I interrupted them.

"But I know a story about guardians that move in the shadows, they're called Ninjas!"

"Oh?" It seems that I have their attention.

"This is the tale of a young Ninja that didn't have any kind of talent, but refused to give up, this is the tale of Rock Lee."

Story Telling: D (O O)
Motivator: D+ (X O) >>> D++ (O O)

[] Spend time with the kids
[] Explore the city

I have 2 days left.
Story Telling: D (O O) (Your ability to spin a tale, to create a fantastic story, an epic)
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Ice Eels 4 life!
[X] Explore the city

This city really needs better guards, I mean, one or two robs was to be expected, is the Capital after all, but in practically the same place, and by the same group?

I assume is the same group at least, one of them yelled 'Ice Eels for Life!' after stealing from that lady. Sadly I was too late to stop them, but began to follow them hoping to find their hideout.

Anyway, all that hinted to one thing, this was their 'territory', well, at less they weren't the same ones that assaulted Varrick that would make the Guards either incompetent or corrupted… I don't know which would be worse.

After a few minutes following the 'gangsters' from the shadows we ended in the piers of the city, I watched them enter one of the warehouses that seemed abandoned.

I waited for a few minutes more to see if someone would go out, but the place was very quiet.

Hmmm, I then pulled out my right shoe and pressed it against the ground.

"Cold, cold, cold, cold!"

Well, I managed to 'see' how many people were inside the place, 18, not that big of a number for a gang… I think, but maybe this was just one of the bases.

Now, what to do?

[] Call the guards.
[] Take them out from the shadows.
[] Blow a wall, time to make some noise.
[] Write-in

AN: …What? Come on, you knew that this simple vacation would end with the destruction of a would-be gang with a bad name, don't lie to me. :V
Subtle Explosions!
[x] Take them out from the shadows.

Hmmmm, attacking them directly may cause some of them escaping, so I think the best option is stay in the shadows and deal with them from there.

Quickly I move to one section of the wall that didn't have gang members on the other side, which I knew thanks to my early use of seismic sense.

I then lowered part of the wall entered the warehouse and close it again, luckily no one managed to notice me.

Slowly I began to walk in the shadows of the building. Ahead of my I see to gangs guarding some stairs which lead to some catwalks and an office.

I moved under the stair using its shadow to kept hidden, then I began to control some dust into two smalls clouds that moved slowly to the guards, quickly I pressed the dust around their mouths effectively gagging them.

"Hmmm?! Mfff!"

Then I pulled them back to my direction, by controlling the solid gags around their mouths, before they could react and then knock them out.

Stealth: E++ >>> D (O O)

2 out, 16 to go.

I continue to move in dark, moving right under some members at the catwalk and using my dustbending to take a hold of their legs with manacles and gagging them too before pulling them down, right into my fists.

8 out, 10 to go.

Stealth: D (O O) >>> D+ (O O)

With all the thugs in the catwalk deal with, here were only left the other 6 in the ground floor, and the last 4 in the office, I need to move fast if I don't want people to-

"Hey Cosak I your turn to deal the cards!" One of the Ice Eels exited the office and began to yell.

Well, it was hood while it lasted.

"Cosak? "

Before he could notice what was happening I turn my right arm manacle into dust I prepared my attack.

"Morning Dragon!" I punched as fast as I could, aiming into one of the supports of the office.

It connected and destroyed the support.


"What the hell is happening?!"

"Boss! Take cover!"

Without stopping I turned my left arm manacle into dust too and throw another attack, right at another of the supports.

With 2 out of 4 supports out, the office began to fall down stopping just short of the ground.

The other gang members that were at the ground were running right to the toppling section to help their comrades.

Right at my light of sight, some chunks of earth latter and everybody was unconscious.

"Well, I think this was a good job!"
The guards came a few minutes later, without doubt being alerted by the explosions. I decided to leave without giving me presence, after all I'm sure that if the gang knew that they were defeated by a little child they simply would try harder next time to save their 'reputation', that's how many small timers think anyway.

If my memories of my past life were right anyway.

But if they were defeated by some 'mysterious dark figure' maybe they will think twice next time.
[] Spend time with the kids
[] Explore the city

This will be my last day in the capital.
AN: What do you think of the stealth scenes? I think is the first time I don't write a direct fight.

[X] Blow a wall, time to make some noise.
AN 2: A little bit late.
[X] Spend time with the kids

This was my last day in the city, I had a lot of fun, both in the city and in the orphanage, but it was time to return with Korra and Master Bao.

"Li it is time for breakfa… Li, why are you using the rest of the children as a blanket?"

"They don't want to let me go," I answered while getting up from the bed, dragging the kids with me.

"Children, I know is difficult to say good bye to Li again but-" the lady tried to explain but the children wouldn't have any of that.

"I don't want Li to go!"

"Please don't go Li!"


And that's why I spend part of the morning with the kids on top of me, part of me was proud that they didn't let me go though, even while we were all eating breakfast, that's dedication.
Eventually I was able to calm them down enough for them to release me, just in time for a surprise visit.

"Chief Tonraq? Mrs. Senna? What are you doing here?"

"Well good to see you too Li," the chief said with a small smile.

"Oh! Sorry Sir! Good to see you again!" I answered immediately while straightening my back.

"None of that now," He said while dismissing my salute, "Master Bao told me that you were having a little vacation here as a reward for becoming a Master, congratulations by the way."

"Thank you sir!"

"No problem, Senna and I thought we'd take this chance to go with you and visit Korra, it has been a while since our last visit sadly."

"I'm sure that she would love that! We depart in a few hours, you can make yourselves comfortable while a finish packing."

"Of course Li, take your time, but before you go, I have one other thing to tell you."


"Next time you find a warehouse with gang members, please contact the guards, and don't destroy the place," He said calmly and with a serene face.

"…No promises sir!" I responded with a smile.
"Ah~ Compound sweet Compound," I said while stretching after coming out of the ship, "I wonder if Korra is he- Agh!" Before I could finish I was tackled down by a white ball of fur that began to lick me without stop, "Gah! It is good to see you too Naga!"

I finally managed to move the giant doggy off of me only to have Korra jump from Naga's back onto me, "Li!"


"I missed you so much! How was your visit? Did you buy me something? How are the rest of the orphans?" She began to ask question after question without letting me go.

"If you don't stop that you're going to make me jealous honey," Chied Tonraq said from behind Korra.

"Dad?! Mom?!" Korra asked surprised, just for a moment, she then run to hugged them too, while still hugging me.
A few minutes later I was done with my unpacking and took a small blue box simply decorated.

"This is for you Korra!" I said while giving her the gift with a big smile.

"Thanks!" She tore apart the gift paper and them opened the box, taking the choker that I bought for her, "Li… is…" She didn't finish her sentence and simply kept staring at my gift, her face growing more and more red.

"Li… do you remember the meaning of the kind of gift?" Master Bao asked my while putting a hand to his face.

"Huh? What do you mea- ohhhhhhhh," Right, chokers can be used to propose in the Water Tribes.

Well, that explains why Korra's mom is trying to hold a giggle, while Chief Tonraq is just staring at me… and staring… and staring, "Oops?"
Choose 5:

[] Keep doing waterbending katas
[] Train dustbending
[] Train moving in the shadows
[] Try to train your seismic sense
[] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[] Spend time with Master Bao
[] Spend time training with Korra
[] Spar with the guards under Commander Kara supervision
[] Learn to meditate
[] Explore the compound
[] Try to learn more about the world
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Better luck next time.
[x] Spar with the guards under Commander Kara supervision
[x] Spend time training with Korra
[x] Train dustbending
[x] Learn to meditate
[x] Keep doing waterbending katas

It took a few hours but I was finally able to explain to Korra that, no, I wasn't proposing to her, she looked both relieved and disappointed… girls can be very weird.

Chief Tonraq didn't look better. I think he was between angry and relieved.

Master Bao just kept his hand over his face and Korra's mom just giggled and giggled… Like I said, girls can be weird.
Age: 12 Years

"So… how does it look?" Korra asked while showing me the choker, except that it wasn't on her neck but on her right bicep. She said something about wearing it on her neck when it was right, whatever that means.

"It looks greats!" I said with a big grin, which made Korra smile just as much, "But are you sure it will be alright to wear it while training?"

"Yep, it's a gift from you so I will use it and protect it forever!" She explained with a little blush on her face.

I don't why but that makes me feel a little hot on the face.

"We…well! Is time for training! Ready for a little repeat of the basics?"

"You know it!"

"All right! Let's begin with some waterbending and then move to earthbending.

Waterbending Martial Knowledge: D+ (O O) >>> D++ (O O)
Agility: D+ (O O)>>> D++ (O O)
Direct Contact: C+ (X O) >>> C++ (O O)
Remote Control: C+ (X O)>>> C++ (O O)

Taking a deep breath, I brought the dust ring closer to me.

Exhaling, I expanded the ring.

Inhaling, I make the dust take the shape of a dragon.

Exhaling, the dragon is biting his own tail.



Meditation: D+ (O O) >>> D++ (O O)
Dustbending: C+++ (X O) >>> B (O O O O)

"Oh? If isn't our little Green Beast! And… Chief Tonraq? What brings you to our little piece of frozen hell, Sir?" Commander Kara saluted us the moment we entered the training yard of the guards.

Chief Tonraq just smiled, "I was just curious of what kind of training the White Lotus Soldiers did in comparison with the guards in the Capital, we're having… difficulties with some small gangs and I wanted to take a look."

"Oh?" Commander Kara just raised an eyebrow after the explanation, "Well you're lucky! Is time for some special training!" Just as she said that, all the guards in the yard shivered.

"Oh, really?" Chief Tonraq asked with curiosity.

"Yup! Surviving the Green Beast! Those that are still standing after 10 minutes against Li, will have the rest of the day free!"

"I see… have someone ever won that prize?"

This time I was the one to answer that.


Strong Fist: C+ (X O) >>> C++ (X O)
Speed: B (O O O O) >>> B (X X O O)

Choose 5:
[] Keep doing waterbending katas
[] Train dustbending
[] Train moving in the shadows
[] Try to train your seismic sense
[] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[] Spend time with Master Bao
[] Spend time training with Korra
[] Spar with the guards under Commander Kara supervision
[] Learn to meditate
[] Explore the compound
[] Try to learn more about the world

AN: Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was (and still am) a little sick.
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To protect or to hurt.
[x] Spar with the guards under Commander Kara supervision

[x] Learn to meditate

[x] Spend time with Master Bao

[x] Spend time training with Korra

[x] Keep doing waterbending katas

Age: 12 Years and 6 Months

It was finally time for Korra's parents to return to the Capital.

In the docks of the compound we were saying our goodbyes.

"It always saddens me to remember that we're taking her away from her family," Master Bao said quietly while we watch Korra hug her parents.

"But… it's for her own good… right?" I asked back.

"Indeed, but that doesn't make it less sad, though the alternative is much worse I suppose, I fear to think what the Red Lotus would have done with her."

"I will find them… all of them and I will make sure that they won't be able to hurt her," I growled.

"Li, look at me," Master Bao said while crouching on his knee to see to the eye, "Never let revenge get a hold of your actions, if you need a reason to fight look at Korra," he said while moving his head to her direction.

She was smiling while waving to her parents.

"Think of the people that you're protecting, think of the smiles of your loves ones, focus on the good that you're defending, not on the bad that you want to inflict into others, understand?" He finished in a serious tone.

"Yes Master!" I said while looking him at the eyes.

Master Bao smiled at that, "Good, now come on, it's time to comfort a friend."

Cool: D+++ (X O) >>> C (O O)
Cautions: D (O O) >>> D+ (O O)
Comforting: D (O O)

"Kid, I enjoy humiliating my troops as much as any Commander, it makes easier to make them train, but I don't know if their poor self-esteem can handle being beaten by a 12 year old with his eyes covered," Commander Kora explained while caressing her chin, thinking about my request.

"Oh, I was just thinking in ways to train my seismic sense too," I said a little dejected. I guess I will have to think of another plan.

"Wait, I think I know of someone that would mind fight against you."

"Really? Who?"

"Me!" She answered with a confident smile.
"Ready?" One the guards asked, the rest was around the training yard with expecting looks, either hoping for me to lose and their boss to joint them in their suffering, I don't know.




As soon as he said that I rushed forward preparing to punch the Commander at the stomach. Only for her to kick me at the face when I was in her range.


Sending me to the side of the training yard.

"Isn't doesn't matter how fast you're kid, if you're that predictable!"

I just get up with a smile, this was going to be interesting.

Strong Fist: C++ (X O) >>> C+++ (X O)
Speed: B (X X O O) >>> B+ (O O O O)
Seismic Sense: C (O O) >>> C+ (O O)

"Whoa!" Korra exclaimed breaking my mediation.

I opened my eyes to see her staring in wonder in the dragon of dust that I made dance around me while meditating.

"How did you do that!" She asked after I retuned the dust.

"I just began to move the dust around me following the movements of some waterbending katas." I said while shrugging.

"Really?" Korra said with curiosity.

"While meditating," I finished with a smirk.

"Yuck!" She said while sticking up her tongue.

"Ha ha ha! Why does it bother you so much?" I asked, meditation have never being a thing for Korra, but I always wonder why she didn't like that much.

"It's just so… boring! I don't learn anything from it, why spent time closing me eyes while thinking of nothing, when I could be learning some new techniques?" She tried to explain.

"Hmmm I can see your point, but sometimes these things take time."

"Ugh~, now you sound like the other Masters!" She pouted.

"Well… technically I'm a-"

"Hey let's play with Naga!" She interrupted me before I could finish.

But I just smiled, she always has lots of energy, "Sure!"

Meditation: D++ (O O) >>> D+++ (O O)
Waterbending Martial Knowledge: D++ (O O) >>> D+++ (O O)
Agility: D++ (O O) >>> D+++ (O O)
Direct Contact: C++ (O O) >>> C++ (X O)
Remote Control: C++ (O O) >>> C++ (X O)

Choose 5:

[] Keep doing waterbending katas
[] Train dustbending
[] Train moving in the shadows
[] Try to train your seismic sense
[] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[] Spend time with Master Bao
[] Spend time training with Korra
[] Spar with the Commander Kara
[] Learn to meditate
[] Explore the compound
[] Try to learn more about the world

Comforting: (Your ability to calm the mental pain, sorrows or sadness of others)

AN: Next update will have a especial decision, I'm just letting you know. :V
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That's pretty metal...?
[x] Learn to meditate
[x] Explore the compound
[x] Spar with the Commander Kara
[x] Spend time training with Korra
[x] Spend time with Master Bao

Age: 13 Years

"Uff! You really know how to make a girl work for a victory kid," Commander Kara said while using a towel to clean off her sweat.

"Thanks, ugh," I answered back from the ground too tired to get up.

Strong Fist: C+++ (X O) >>> B (O O O O)
Speed: B+ (O O O O) >>> B+ (X X O O)
Physical Skill: C+ (X O) >>> C++ (O O)

"Hmmm, hey are you busy tomorrow?"

"No, why?"

"Some of the guards are going outside to hunt some animals and one of the guys got sick; wanna replace him?"

"Hmmmm, sure," I said with a shrug, "but, don't we have enough food in storage?"

"Sure, but sometimes fresh meat is just better," She responded with a smirk.
"I really enjoyed the trip, thanks for convincing them to let me go Commander!" I said with a smile on my face, it really was a very enjoyable journey, they taught me quite a lot about hunting animals.

"You're welcome Li, and I should be thanking you too, after all you helped me win a bet," She said with a smug look.

"What bet?"

"That you would manage to hunt something on your first trip!"

"It was nothing really."

"Kid, you caught a 2 meter long tiger-shark," She deadpanned.

I just shrugged at that.

Tracking: E++
"And then the tiger-shark jumped at me, but I just rolled to the side and threw one of my manacles at it, finishing it!" I finished telling Korra my journey to the outside.

"Whoa~" Korra just stared at me with wide eyes, "That was awesome! I wish they could let me go outside too," She said, looking a little down after remembering that she could leave.

"Well, they have to balance it after all," I began to side, an idea forming in my head to cheer her up.


"I mean you will probably travel around the world after you master all the elements, right? Bringing balance to the world and all that."

"…Yeah! From here to the Fire Nation, to the North Pole and the Earth Kingdom!"


"And… you will be with me, right?"

"Of course!"

Charming: D+++ (X O) >>> C (O O)
Comforting: D (O O) >>> D (X O)
Social Skill: C (X O) >>> C+ (O O)
Remote Control: C++ (X O) >>> C+++ (O O)
Direct Contact: C++ (X O) >>> C+++ (O O)

Meditation: D+++ (O O) >>> C (O O)
Everything was black for a second, then I opened my eyes.

I was on an island… except, it wasn't a island, I remember this, I was on a giant turtle.

I could feel it, it was moving along with some others around it, it was quite the incredible sight. But soon my gaze focused on something I hadn't seen before, I person.

He was an old man, he had the biggest pair of eyebrows I ever saw, along with a very green and very familiar green body suit.

I stared at him and he stared at me.

Then suddenly the old man began to yell while pointing at me.


I got so startled that I ended opening my eyes, again, ending my… vision, or whatever that was.

"…that was weird."
"So… I'm rich?" I finally asked after spending a few minutes trying to understand the letter that Master Bao brought me.

It seems like Varrick finished his… my? The book about my life, it was quite popular, I don't know if it was simply my story or the little touch that Varrick added, but the 'Noble Green Beast of South' was a best seller, which means lots of money for Varrick and me.

"*sigh* So it seems, I was a little worried when you told me of this Varrick, but for now things seems to be going alright, and thanks for keeping your connecting to the White Lotus as a secret, we may be a more public origination now, but that doesn't mean that all our actions should be public." Master Bao explained.

"Of course."

"Anyway, as per your deal, your orphanage will receive the money, 70% will be of their personal use and the rest will be ketp for you, correct?"

"Yeah, I just didn't see why I would need that much money," I shrugged, "If I ever need much I will just ask them."

"That's very noble of you Li," Master Bao nodded, "I recommend for you to ask for some money to keep on you though, in case of emergency."

Cautions: D+ (O O) >>> D++ (O O)
Perception: E++ >>> D (O O)

"Li, I have some news for you," Master Bao began to explain after I sat down in the chair of his office.

"For a while now, I had been looking for a Metalbending Master that would be able to teach you."


"Of course, even with the advances that Master Toph made with her school, teachers of Metalbending are very rare, but I finally managed to find someone."

"That's great! When I will begin?" I asked excited, after all Metalbending was one skill that very few earthbenders could hope to master, no matter their talent.

"…That's a complicate answer," Master Bao said with a very serious face, "I have talked with them about your skills and they were fascinated by your skill in dustbending, they wish to see it and learn from it… at their home."


"They agreed to teach you for 2 years, but because of their other responsibilities they can't come to the compound, so you will have to leave," Master Bao finished with a sad tone on his voice.

"What!? Where!?"


I blinked.

"This is a very important decision Li, take your time, and remember, I will support your choice, whatever it is."

[] Leave
-[] Write-in: What to say to Korra

[] Stay - Choose 5:
-[] Keep doing waterbending katas
-[] Train dustbending
-[] Train moving in the shadows
-[] Try to train your seismic sense
-[] Train the Strong Fist on my own
-[] Spend time with Master Bao
-[] Spend time training with Korra
-[] Spar with the Commander Kara
-[] Learn to meditate
-[] Explore the compound
-[] Try to learn more about the world

Tracking: (Your skill to follow and find all kind of animals, humans count too)

AN: And in case you're wondering, yes, you can end meeting with Opal and the rest of the Beifong clan.
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4.- Omake: Another Story (Canon... in its own dimension)
In another place, in another time

I was tired, I was exhausted, I feel like every muscle in my body was on fire… I couldn't stop smiling.

"Fuhuhu! That's the best you can do!?" I yelled with all my strength.

Around me were dozen of Equalists ninja like soldiers, all on the grounds twitching and groaning.

"*Pfft* Bunch of punks that don't know how to fight," I mutter after seeing that no one would get up again, "well, if any of one want to get their ass kicked again you know where to find me! Now if you excuse me, I'm going to find your boss and hit him on the face with his own mask!"

But before I could begin to move, I hear some footsteps ahead of me.

"That won't be necessary," said the familiar masked man that just entered the room, in a deep and annoying voice.

Honestly I was glad that he had shown himself, after all these fight, and the punches and electroshocks, my body wasn't at 100%, but I was a hero and I always have to appear confident.

"Ngahhh! If isn't the main villain himself! Are you here to surrender yourself Amon?" I said with a smirk, doing my best to hide how tired I was.

"*Hmpf* You're proved yourself to be a really annoying variable 'Red Water Demon' a very adequate nickname if a little exaggerated."

"Fuhuhuhu, said that to all your beaten and agonizing minions, though personally I prefer 'Crimson Justice Hero'," I shrugged, "but there's nothing I can do about it."

"…Always so blunt I see, but it doesn't matter, the Equalist moment have thousands of followers, soon here will be more to take the place of those that you defeat, even now the city is falling to our mighty strength! And here's nothing you can do to stop it."

I just smiled, "I true hero knows when to ask for help you know."

Suddenly, front one of the radios in the room a desperate voice was heard, "Help! We need help! Here's a… a mecha that isn't of our own! Is blue, painted as some kind of fish and is destroying our forces! We need backup!" Then the transmission was cut.

Amon eyes where wide for a second before they turned to me in scorn.

"Fuhuhuhu, that's my babe! I wonder if she managed to put the flamethrower in," I wonder with a curious tone, I didn't manage to convinced her to put that harpoon in her car after all, "I hope your happy, you're making miss a fight between giant robots-agh!"

Suddenly I was kneeling on the ground, my muscles moving on their own, I feel like my blood was on fire… this was blood bending.

"I have enough, Between you and the Sato heiress you're managed to make a serious blow to our plan, that's true," While talking, Amon began to walk towards me, "but nothing that can be fixed, especially if we take you and your girlfriend out of the way."


"I wonder how the Avatar and the rest of your little gang will feel when they see their stronger fighter crippled and useless."


"Without your precious bending."






Gathering all my strength, all my Will, all my DETERMINATION, I moved!

I jumped forward tackling Amon to the ground and then I rolled to the side quickly getting up.

Amon got up just as fast, "How… I won't be defied by someone like you! Kneel!" I yelled while extending his hands toward me.

I could feel it, the blood in my body was burning, it was being force to obey him, yet I resisted, I won't let him win, I won't allow the villain to win.

I just said one word, "No," and the pressured disappeared, "For every person in this city, for every person in the world, I won't kneel!"

Amon, for the first time I have known him, looked afraid, "Wha…what are you?"

I smirked, "I'm The Undying Red Water Demon!" then I focus in the water in the air and create 6 ice spears, one in my hand and the rest floating around me, "and if you want to defeat me," I raised my guard and prepared for battle, "YOU'RE GOING TO TRY HARDER THAN THAT!"
AN: after all the talk about Li, I wanted to write about something a little different for a change, what do you think?
Pirates vs Ninjas?
[x] Leave

-[x] Tell Korra you hope that by the time you get back she's got to be able to go on her journey by then. On your part you're going to see if you can master Metalbending in less than two years so you can meet again sooner!

-[x] Promise to teach her metalbending yourself once you get back.

I thought, I thought about it a lot.

It was a difficult decision.

On one hand: I could learn a bending style, teach my own, and explore a whole different place!

On the other one: I would be leaving my friends and family behind, isn't like I wouldn't contact them! But letters could be slow, especially between two continents, and Korra…
After a few days of constant thinking I walked into the Office of Master Bao and just said.

"I will go."
"Hey Korra," I said while walking toward her in the yard.

"Hey Li! Do you feel better now?" He asked tilting her head a little.


"Well, you have been very quiet these last days, so… I was a little worried," she finished, looking at the ground and kicking the floor.

I couldn't help but smile, she really knows me a lot.

"Nah I'm fine, I'm sorry for worrying you!" I bowed to her, "As an apologize I will do 100 Katas!"

"Don't do that! I'm glad you're fine," She looked relieved.

"Yeah, it's just that… Master Bao told me that I could learn metalbending soon," I began to explain.

"Really?! That's awesome! What about me? I mean I almost finish my earthbending training after all!"

"That's the thing, I won't be learning here."


"I will travel to Zaofu."


"For two years… Bu… but I will send you lots of letters I promised! And I will learn it really fast so maybe I can come back sooner and I-" I was interrupted of my explanation by a sob.

Korra just stared at me with her two eyes, crying.

"Korra, I-" before I could say anything else, she just began to run to her room, "…Sorry."
It had been two days since then and Korra hasn't come out of her room yet, I had spent hours in front of her door talking to her, but she never said anything.

And now is the day that I must go.

"Do you think she's ok Master?" I asked Master Bao while we walked to the big boat.

"She will be, we have to give her a little time, I talked with Master Tenzin, the son of Avatar Aang, and he said that will be visiting soon along with his children, they aren't of the same age of Korra, but maybe having others kids around will cheer her up."

"*sigh* I hope so," I just could help but worry.

Master Bao then put a hand on my shoulder, "Good luck out there Li, you may be a powerful Master, but don't overconfident."

"I won't Master don't worry!" I said with a little more cheerfulness.

"I know, but I still worry, be careful Li, see you soon," he said before hugging me.
Boats are boring.

I spent a good part of the morning training and walking around the whole thing, every way I looked here were just ice from the icebergs and wood from the boat, nothing too excited.

Then near sunset I heard someone yelling.


Well… that was some distraction.

I ran to the side of the boat when the rest of crew was and I could see them.

It was a huge ship, very dark and with a black flag that a skull on it, yep definitely pirates, before the captain could give some orders here was a some explosions from the pirates's ship, they had shoot their cannons!

We brace for impact, some people trying to hide, some desperate ones jumping to the ocean, then our ship was hit and rocket to the side, when the movement calm down a little a saw that they didn't shoot cannonballs, they shoot hooks, and now we were caught.

I need to do something but what?

[] Wait for the pirates to get closer and then jump on their ship and began to fight.
[] Began to shoot Morning Dragons at the pirates ship, you have 4 shots before you need to gather dust from the ship, and is quite clean so it may take a while.
[] Try to release the ship from the hooks.
[] Write-in
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Sparky sparky boom man.
[x] Try to release the ship from the hooks.
-[x] If the pirates come on the ship prioritize removing them over the hooks.
--[x] Try passively gathering dust in a cloud around you

We need to flee, I have confidence in my skills but I wasn't the only one in this ship, alongside the guards here were civilians, we couldn't risk them.

With an objective established I moved right to the edge of the ship were the hooks were, pull the hooks out would take too much time, they were quite deep, so I did the next best thing, I aimed with my right arm at the rope connecting the hook with the pirate's ship and shoot a small rock from my manacle, the rock flied true at severe the rope, one down… a lot more to go.

As I continued to cut more ropes I could see how others White Lotus guards were doing the same thing and from time to time I could heard the sound of our own cannons being shoot, it seems like this ship still have a lot of fight on it.

Then in that moment two things happened, the pirates shoot even more hooks at us, and here was a huge explosion right behind me.

Body of Steel: D+++ (O O) >>> C (O O)

I don't remember exactly what happened, just that I was on the floor of the ship with a high pinch sound in my ears. With wobbly legs I got up and could see that the enemy ship right to the side of our ship now, it was so close that I could see the tattoo that one of them have on their foreheads, it was an eye… wait I think I remember something about that-

My thoughts were interrupted by the tattoo man releasing something similar to a shoot of high pressure air from his forehead right at the mast of our ship, destroying it completely and making it fall to the ocean.

Oh… right, one of those.

Around me I could only see a few guards still standing and the pirates were getting ready to board us, what can I do!?

[] Defend the ship!
[] Attack the enemy ship!
[] Attack the combustionbender!
[] Write-in.

AN: *innocent whistling*