The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest)

Yeah it's probably more effective, but I was thinking that if we did dedicated solo training than we could recreate techniques from Gai's version of the Strong Fist, or Lee's. I'm also getting Deja Vu explaining this...

That post wasn't quoting you. Also should point out that that may not work and if so we have just wasted an immense amount of time for no reason. We also may just pick up more move once we level up since we get ideas thanks to our past life connection.
And mental skill points.
When has Martial Arts Training ever raised our Mental Skill?
And the facets you have to learn wit the more ways you get to prestige your skill and posit ly open up the story events that let you cap break.
There isn't much reason to think that Firebending will help us in that matter. While it could, you could say the same about flower arranging. Yet I don't think you'd suggest us spend years to the art of flower arrangement.
Knowledge of the skills also gives you knowledge of fighting them and more of their techniques.
Only so much though. Regular sparing with them would grant the same, and would boost other stats as well.
Okay but we can bust dust and will bend metal so what of learning to manipulate electricity between the synergy of fire earth and water?
While electricity is conceptually linked to metal, conceptual links apparently aren't enough for us to do shit. Already asked about transmutation of one type of rock into another type of rock once we get good enough (like, S rank), since it'd just be turning one type of earth into another type of earth, but Astaroh-M said no, because it'd "require" matter manipulation. I feel manipulation of electrons and magenetic fields would have similar problems. We could do it the "hard" way by running naturally magentic metal through constructed conductive coils, but that wouldn't be feasible mid-fight.
Those people have air bison, scrolls and have taught others.
Air Bison aren't so fast that Tenzin could come over, teach us, and head back to do his job in Republic City. If he could, odds are that's what he would have done for Korra.
Scrolls are not that good if we don't actually got Airbending.
And the only people Tenzin has taught so far is his kids, who I also don't think would be allowed to come over and live in the compound to teach us.
Things like that. Tron. Things like that. We learned of these things by learning of the world and exploring it. So we could learn more things. Like say the existence of the foggy swamp and the concept of internal bending. Or medicine and how that might apply of ninja chemistry, or striking martial arts.
Except we already know about those things. All learning about the world would do is learn ABOUT things we ALREADY know about. If we want to learn the things themselves (like medicine), we wouldn't get that from learning about the world, we'd have to study medicine in particular.
Or politics in relation to war and political movements in relation to gais history that may let's us see kuvira coming
Considering almost no-one foresaw Kuvira turning, I rather doubt we will. And of course, it might never happen.
I actually mean our discussion, but anyway, it doesn't really matter, because I seriusly doubt that you people will leave canon as in the series, if by the time of book 4 you aren't running around the earth kingdom bringing justice to those that need like a traveling vigilante making Kuvira's job much more easier and stress free or something like that, I will be very dissapointed :V
Dude, Kuvira was a nice person, but her job make her develop a god complex, seriusly they called her the Great Uniter, what did you expect? Just imagine: town after town you bring peace and orden, is hard but you made it work, some times you had to do hard things, but is worth it, then suddenly someone else comes and says "That's enough I will take it from here," someone that you know is useless, someone that will bring the country to chaos again, all your work, all the difficult decisions, all for nothing! You're the Great Uniter, you will bring peace to this country! And nobody will stop you!

I just love how all the villians of Korra had reasons to do what they did, except Unalaq, fuck that guy. :V
[] Keep doing waterbending katas
[] Train dustbending
[] Train moving in the shadows
[] Try to train your seismic sense
[X] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[X] Spend time with Master Bao
[X] Spend time training with Korra
[X] Spar with the guards under Commander Kara supervision
[X] Learn to meditate
[] Explore the compound
[] Try to learn more about the world
@Astaroh-M Is there a way to reliably raise Body of Steel? Because it seems like it would take forever too raise if we need to get hit to raise it since Li is skilled enough to avoid getting injured it seems.
Hmm, @Astaroh-M How close is Korra to "mastering" Earth, and moving onto Fire?
She should be finishing by the time Li have 12 years and some months.

@Astaroh-M Is there a way to reliably raise Body of Steel? Because it seems like it would take forever too raise if we need to get hit to raise it since Li is skilled enough to avoid getting injured it seems.
You mean that the skill that could turn Li into a OP force of destruction is somewhat difficult to train?

I wonder why. :V
Huh, something I haven't considered. @Astaroh-M Because of our influence, is Korra going to be a better bender than she was in Canon? It seems like it'd be either that, or she masters the various elements faster.
Huh, something I haven't considered. @Astaroh-M Because of our influence, is Korra going to be a better bender than she was in Canon? It seems like it'd be either that, or she masters the various elements faster.
I think you already ask something like that.

Yes she will be a little more skilled, but part of her personality will be the same, she will act to the problems she finds out by running at them head on.

It will be your job to stop her... or help her. :V
Aren't those one and the same?
The difference is between a game of D&D and a Choose Your Own Adventure Goosebumps book. Because in D&D, your choices are nearly infinite, but here your choices are predetermined. No one chooses an option that isn't predetermined, the options are Lizards. We have only the illusion of control.
The difference is between a game of D&D and a Choose Your Own Adventure Goosebumps book. Because in D&D, your choices are nearly infinite, but here your choices are predetermined. No one chooses an option that isn't predetermined, the options are Lizards. We have only the illusion of control.
I'm fairly certain write-ins are allowed. Us not taking advantage of them does not mean we can't use them. @Astaroh-M If we wanted to, and the option got popular support, could we just ditch the compound and go off and do whatever?
I'm fairly certain write-ins are allowed. Us not taking advantage of them does not mean we can't use them. @Astaroh-M If we wanted to, and the option got popular support, could we just ditch the compound and go off and do whatever?
But because @Astaroh-M adds their own options at the end of each post, few readers have any incentive to read through the thread for player-made Choices. Readers can just choose what they saw at the end of the chapter.
I find the parallels with this past elections issues with the DNC very depressing.
But because @Astaroh-M adds their own options at the end of each post, few readers have any incentive to read through the thread for player-made Choices. Readers can just choose what they saw at the end of the chapter.
I find the parallels with this past elections issues with the DNC very depressing.
That would only be a valid complaint if there were any write-ins going around that have any real merit. And I have seen plenty of instances in other quests where, despite no [] Write-in being listed at the end of the update, a write-in became popular and gained massive support.

If you have any ideas for a good write-in, say them. Can't vote for something that isn't there.
The difference is between a game of D&D and a Choose Your Own Adventure Goosebumps book. Because in D&D, your choices are nearly infinite, but here your choices are predetermined. No one chooses an option that isn't predetermined, the options are Lizards. We have only the illusion of control.

But because @Astaroh-M adds their own options at the end of each post, few readers have any incentive to read through the thread for player-made Choices. Readers can just choose what they saw at the end of the chapter.
I find the parallels with this past elections issues with the DNC very depressing.

Oh god this again, look the whole we only have the illusion of control thing is complete and utter bullshit. We had control over how our character developed by the start and through out the story. Ever choice we made no matter how small built up our character over time along with the story. Had we picked something like the zero PC and chose to live in Zaofu and be adopted by Suyins family our character and the story would be completely different. The whole choose your own adventure is definetely is still a quest where the players characters and the choices we make matter with some examples being Sage quests.

The fact that players say that it's not a real quest is just infuriating because it seems like someone is just whining that we don't have complete control which seems like control freak behavior, no offense but it does feel that way when people complain about not having absolute control. I think the CYOA style should be done way more often since I believe it makes the QM writing the story way easier since they have an idea of how the quest would go while free styling is actually pretty damn hard for most people which may be why most quests never finish. If it makes the quest more likely to finish I say go for it.
But because @Astaroh-M adds their own options at the end of each post, few readers have any incentive to read through the thread for player-made Choices. Readers can just choose what they saw at the end of the chapter.
I find the parallels with this past elections issues with the DNC very depressing.
Err...what? That's how the vast majority of SV quests work. It allows for more narrative cohesion and less player-directed whiplash.

What quests have you been following? Sounds like you've only had experience with completely open world or micromanagement quests. Those are valid QMing styles too, but their playstyles are quite different.

The fact that players say that it's not a real quest is just infuriating
I don't think it's "players" plural? Just this player, probably unfamiliar with usual SV questing.
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That's not helping either. And I can't quite fault him, since your posts would have seemed pretty ridiculous if you had known that this is a typical QMing style. >_>
Ah, that makes sense. The first one is in a fairly typical QMing style, while the second definitely isn't. There are a lot of varying QMing styles, but the majority on SV are similar to this quest's: a list of pre-made options for most votes, with proposed write-ins being accepted when the QM deems them reasonable.

Dunno if you've QMed before, but there are actually quite a few hidden benefits for this approach. For example, as mentioned, it gives the QM more narrative control and avoids player-directed whiplash that can be common in write-in-focused quests.

Another benefit is that it provides more buy-in for regular casual players, making them feel like part of the quest. Write-ins often take substantially more effort to craft, so in practice, write-in-focused quests often result in everyone bandwagoning onto the two or three power players who are willing to craft write-ins early in the vote. You can look at this very quest to see when the vote count nearly halves when no pre-made options are provided.

What you've been talking about is a negative for this style that most players are already familiar with, and whether consciously or not, they don't mind the trade-offs.

There are many more pros and cons for the various QMing styles, of course. There are quite a few different styles. This isn't the thread to discuss them in general, though. Check out Intro to Questing and General Questing Discussion if you're ever curious and have time to burn.
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I don't think it's "players" plural? Just this player, probably unfamiliar with usual SV questing.

No, there have been cases where people actually complain that a quest isn't a sandbox. Most notably Sage quests. Considering how much players choices completely influenced the stories in those quests I can't comprehend why people think they don't have any choice.
[X] Train dustbending
[X] Spend time training with Korra
[X] Spar with the guards under Commander Kara supervision
[X] Learn to meditate
[X] Explore the compound
Ok, votes close, can someone give me a tally please?
Vote Tally : The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest) | Page 111 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[42] Spar with the guards under Commander Kara supervision
[41] Spend time training with Korra
[39] Train dustbending
[29] Learn to meditate
[19] Keep doing waterbending katas
[17] Spend time with Master Bao
[13] Train moving in the shadows
[10] Explore the compound
[7] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[6] Try to train your seismic sense
[3] Try to learn more about the world

Total No. of Voters: 46
Better luck next time.
[x] Spar with the guards under Commander Kara supervision
[x] Spend time training with Korra
[x] Train dustbending
[x] Learn to meditate
[x] Keep doing waterbending katas

It took a few hours but I was finally able to explain to Korra that, no, I wasn't proposing to her, she looked both relieved and disappointed… girls can be very weird.

Chief Tonraq didn't look better. I think he was between angry and relieved.

Master Bao just kept his hand over his face and Korra's mom just giggled and giggled… Like I said, girls can be weird.
Age: 12 Years

"So… how does it look?" Korra asked while showing me the choker, except that it wasn't on her neck but on her right bicep. She said something about wearing it on her neck when it was right, whatever that means.

"It looks greats!" I said with a big grin, which made Korra smile just as much, "But are you sure it will be alright to wear it while training?"

"Yep, it's a gift from you so I will use it and protect it forever!" She explained with a little blush on her face.

I don't why but that makes me feel a little hot on the face.

"We…well! Is time for training! Ready for a little repeat of the basics?"

"You know it!"

"All right! Let's begin with some waterbending and then move to earthbending.

Waterbending Martial Knowledge: D+ (O O) >>> D++ (O O)
Agility: D+ (O O)>>> D++ (O O)
Direct Contact: C+ (X O) >>> C++ (O O)
Remote Control: C+ (X O)>>> C++ (O O)

Taking a deep breath, I brought the dust ring closer to me.

Exhaling, I expanded the ring.

Inhaling, I make the dust take the shape of a dragon.

Exhaling, the dragon is biting his own tail.



Meditation: D+ (O O) >>> D++ (O O)
Dustbending: C+++ (X O) >>> B (O O O O)

"Oh? If isn't our little Green Beast! And… Chief Tonraq? What brings you to our little piece of frozen hell, Sir?" Commander Kara saluted us the moment we entered the training yard of the guards.

Chief Tonraq just smiled, "I was just curious of what kind of training the White Lotus Soldiers did in comparison with the guards in the Capital, we're having… difficulties with some small gangs and I wanted to take a look."

"Oh?" Commander Kara just raised an eyebrow after the explanation, "Well you're lucky! Is time for some special training!" Just as she said that, all the guards in the yard shivered.

"Oh, really?" Chief Tonraq asked with curiosity.

"Yup! Surviving the Green Beast! Those that are still standing after 10 minutes against Li, will have the rest of the day free!"

"I see… have someone ever won that prize?"

This time I was the one to answer that.


Strong Fist: C+ (X O) >>> C++ (X O)
Speed: B (O O O O) >>> B (X X O O)

Choose 5:
[] Keep doing waterbending katas
[] Train dustbending
[] Train moving in the shadows
[] Try to train your seismic sense
[] Train the Strong Fist on my own
[] Spend time with Master Bao
[] Spend time training with Korra
[] Spar with the guards under Commander Kara supervision
[] Learn to meditate
[] Explore the compound
[] Try to learn more about the world

AN: Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was (and still am) a little sick.
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