The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest)

Vote Tally : The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest) | Page 141 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[19] "I have no idea. So, what's your name?"
-[16] Genbu if he doesn't have one or isn't talking.
-[2] Ningame if he doesn't have one or isn't talking.
-[1] Rock Lee if he doesn't have one or isn't talking.
[10] "So, what's your name?"
-[5] If No answer Rock Lee
-[3] Genbu if he doesn't have one or isn't talking.
-[1] If it has no name, name it after your frist lifetime's best friend, Kakashi
-[1] Rock Lee if he doesn't have one or isn't talking.
[7] Rock Lee
[1] Genjii
[1] A'Tuin
[1] Gamera the Guardian of the Universe
[1] Draciel
[1] Genbu

Total No. of Voters: 41
Vote Tally : The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest) | Page 141 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[20] Genbu
[14] Rock Lee
[2] Ningame
[1] Genjii
[1] A'Tuin
[1] Gamera the Guardian of the Universe
[1] Kakashi
[1] Draciel

Total No. of Voters: 41
[X] "I have no idea. So, what's your name?"
-[X] Genbu if he doesn't have one or isn't talking.
Cool, a turtle buddy. Now we no longer need to fear the wrath of the seas when we ride a ship. Because we'll just have our buddy here help us!

"Because I want to be with you always."

She stared at me with wide eyes and red cheeks.

You can't just say stuff like that Li! You're giving girls ideas when you say stuff like that.
"to the death" unless you were meaning something else

The phrasing is off here, but the nuance of what it conveys changes with the multiple ways to fix it. Also, while not wrong, it is usually considered poor form to not write out numbers less than ten (although there are exceptions to that). For example, "I don't want to leave you, but if by leaving you for two years I can be sure to remain by your side forever, then I will." is an acceptable revision, but it coveys more of 'I am going to leave you' feeling while "I didn't want to leave you, but if by leaving you for two years I could be sure to remain by your side forever, then I will." is more confusing in what it conveys since its phrasing starts with something that suggests 'this is why I left you' followed by a 'so I would leave' phrase.

This awkwardness has gone meta. The phrasing here is a bit awkward. "Here then was" needs to be replaced, but I can't think of what it should be since I forgot to quote the surrounding text. Sorry. :(

There's a lot wrong with this. I'm just gonna rewrite this and you can change it as you see fit.

Tunnel Vision: Sometimes you focus too much on things, loosing focus of that which goes on around you.

If you want it to be something that has pros and cons and not just cons though, this phrasing might be better.
Tunnel Vision: At times, your mind singles something out, centering your focus on it. While it eases pursuit of goals, you can be blind to the consequences of your actions.

Edit: Forgot to vote.
[X] "I have no idea. So, what's your name?"
-[X] Genbu if he doesn't have one or isn't talking.

"the only one that could"

"even so, I failed"

"had to spend"

"taken care of, the ocean" The comma is optional, but I think it's better.

Either "she moved to look at me" or "she looked at me"

"person I can speak with" and "person I can play with"
Thanks both of you for the corrections, I had already fixed them.
@Astaroh-M Been curious about this but if we had gone with the zero origin would they have had been able to do combustion bending?

Honestly? I'm not sure myself, for the information that we have it seems like combustion bending is something like some kind of secret or similar, I mean, here had been only two know benders. Which by itself is weird in Korra's time, when almost everyone know about sub-bendings.
Honestly? I'm not sure myself, for the information that we have it seems like combustion bending is something like some kind of secret or similar, I mean, here had been only two know benders. Which by itself is weird in Korra's time, when almost everyone know about sub-bendings.
I'd personally compare it to Lavabending (or how I think it works). Everyone can do it, but some people are naturally better at it than others. Only those who are EXTREMELY talented could possibly put it together completely on their own, and without any of them starting a school like Toph did that means there are extremely few teachers teaching, especially considering that Combustion Benders have a bad habit of blowing themselves up (the death of every canon combustion bender, and this non-canon one). And what teachers there are could easily decide not to waste their time on anyone but someone who already shows talent, thus leading to a small pool of teachers and a small pool of prospective students.
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I'd personally compare it to Lavabending (or how I think it works). Everyone can do it, but some people are naturally better at it than others. Only those who are EXTREMELY talented could possibly put it together completely on their own, and without any of them starting a school like Toph did that means there are extremely few teachers teaching, especially considering that Combustion Benders have a bad habit of blowing themselves up (the death of every canon combustion bender, and this non-canon one).
But, what about the fact that they always have a tattoo? That's what make me curious, it's tradition? Or something the have to do? So many questions. :sour:
But, what about the fact that they always have a tattoo? That's what make me curious, it's tradition? Or something the have to do? So many questions. :sour:
I'd guess it's something in the middle of the two. Like the dot that Jiraya puts on Naruto's hand when teaching him the Rasengan, it's functionally not much more than a focusing point, a physically indicated spot on the head they can focus on, and could be done without. The reason it's an eye could easily be tradition.

Also, something I put in the other post almost right after you responded
"I guess one could compare it to Lightning Bending. It used to be the mark of only the extremely skilled fire-benders, namely the royal family, the people who know it refusing to teach it to those who aren't that skilled. But as teachers became more willing to teach not-super-skilled students, the knowledge became more wide-spread, and now lots of fire-benders can do lightning, if not super well."
I'd personally compare it to Lavabending (or how I think it works). Everyone can do it, but some people are naturally better at it than others. Only those who are EXTREMELY talented could possibly put it together completely on their own, and without any of them starting a school like Toph did that means there are extremely few teachers teaching, especially considering that Combustion Benders have a bad habit of blowing themselves up (the death of every canon combustion bender, and this non-canon one). And what teachers there are could easily decide not to waste their time on anyone but someone who already shows talent, thus leading to a small pool of teachers and a small pool of prospective students.

Wasn't it mentioned somewhere that the original combustion man wa born with that ability?
Wasn't it mentioned somewhere that the original combustion man wa born with that ability?
He discovered it when he was a young child. Does not mean he was just naturally born with it. Could have been like Toph, a prodigy who was messing with fire and wondered what would happen if you compressed it really tight, though was met with more explosive results (pun intended) than simple metal bending.
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But, what about the fact that they always have a tattoo? That's what make me curious, it's tradition? Or something the have to do? So many questions. :sour:
I always guessed that it's the same thing as an airbender's tattoos. A mark of mastery in addition to, theoretically at least, acting as a focus for accessing their own chi.
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Vote Tally : The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest) | Page 141 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.8
-[X] Genbu if he doesn't have one or isn't talking.
No. of Votes: 21
[X] "I have no idea. So, what's your name?"
No. of Votes: 21
[X] "So, what's your name?"
No. of Votes: 11
[X] Rock Lee
No. of Votes: 7
-[X]If No answer Rock Lee
No. of Votes: 6
-[X] Ningame if he doesn't have one or isn't talking.
No. of Votes: 2
-[X] Rock Lee if he doesn't have one or isn't talking.
No. of Votes: 2
[X] Genjii
No. of Votes: 1
[X] A'Tuin
No. of Votes: 1
[x] Gamera the Guardian of the Universe
No. of Votes: 1
-[X]If it has no name, name it after your frist lifetime's best friend, Kakashi
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Draciel
No. of Votes: 1
[X] Genbu
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 44
She seems trustworthy!
I couldn't believe that I hadn't noticed that before. I was on top a pretty big turtle, well, it was actually pretty flat, barely raising me from the ground, but from tail to head it was the same size as me.

I just kept staring and it for a second, the turtle was doing the same with me.

"…Hi?" I said while waving my hand.

The turtle just nodded at me after a moment.

"Are you sure is a Lion Turtle?" I asked Korra after that.

"I think? I mean is a turtle and it has a cat like face right? So what else could be?"

"Huh… What about you guys, what do you think?" I turned my attention to the guards.

They just kind stared at the turtle before interchanging looks, "No idea kid, it looks like some of the statues in the compound, but I'm not sure," one of them answered.

"Hmmm, hey are you really a Lion Turtle?" I finally asked the turtle itself, Master Katara said that they were capable of normal speech so maybe it could answer me; of course she also said that they were of the size of an island so…

The turtle just stares for a moment before nodding again.

"Really? That's awesome! But aren't you a little small for that?" I asked.

"Are you a baby?" Korra said immediately after me.

The turtle just nodded again.

"Ohhhhh," well that explained it I guess, "that's why you can't talk?"

It nodded.

"Well, thanks for rescuing me from the ocean… eh, do you have a name?"

It looked at me for a moment and shakes its head.

"That's too bad… do you want one? I asked curiously.

It nodded after a few seconds of thinking.

"Hmmm what about… Genbu? I think it was the name of a guarding spirit that was part turtle."

"Really?" Korra asked.

"I think so, do you like it… boy?" I questioned my rescuer.

It looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding again.

"Excellent! Thanks for rescuing me Genbu! Now what you're going to do?"

The turtle just… shrugged? Before it began to move to the edge of the pier, I quickly moved off him and watched him fall to the ocean.

"…Well, that happened."
After that we were moved to an inn for the day, it seems like tomorrow someone from Zaofu would come to take us to the clan of metal, and the guards were still discussion what to do with Korra, the send a message to the South Pole but it would take some time before it reach them.
The next morning I wake up with an unexpected guess.

"…Ummm," Was the only thing I could say when I saw the Lion Turtle sleeping on the other side of the room, "How?"
After that little surprise, I prepare for the rest of the day. Outside I saw Korra running at very excited.

"Li! You have to see this!" She said just before taking me hand and dragging me through the place, "Look at the sky!"

I did just that and see why she was so excited. On the sky here was an airship, a green airship. Well, it seems like the Metal Clan traveled in style.

We reunite with the rest of the guards that were waiting for the ship near the piers.

After a few minutes the ship was on the ground and the door at its side opened to let out a young woman, she was wearing a green uniform with many metal pieces around it, she has a commanding presence yet didn't look very severe, she looked at the guards around before her gaze turned to Korra and me, she then smiled gently.

"Hello, I'm Kuvira, I was sent by Suyin Beifong to escort you back to our city, is nice to meet you."

She seemed nice!
I think I like airships better than boats, the view is much better, I could see hundreds of trees, the mountains were so close and the towns looked so tiny, much better than just water and ice that's for sure.

"Hey Li, how did you bring Genbu onboard?" Korra asked after taking her gaze off the window.


She just pointed behind her before looking at the view again.

Looking at where she pointed I looked at Naga, who have some bandages on her rear leg, resting to the side of the Lion Turtle… that I'm pretty sure didn't see entering the airship.

How are you going to spend your time on the ship?
[] Talk with Korra
[] Try to talk with Kuvira
[] Try to talk with Genbu