The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest)

In order:
1) Having children? In the Avatar-verse? I'd give even or better odds they just think they're some kind of spirit. It was only because the Lion Turtle said its kind were some of the first that we even know they are biological. Even that is suspect given the distance it covered in a single night.

2) I did not say energy bending. I said bending removal. As canon shows, that knowledge is quite clearly dangerous, even if the method is different.

3) How do we know it looks like a Lion Turtle? I mean really, the author has given us no info on that front. Small Moose-Lions don't really look like adults either. Or, for that matter, they could just think the Lion Turtle 'spirits' are based on another actual creature. Only bigger. Like the Moon and Ocean 'koi'. Let's not make any assumptions shall we?

In any case, its clear you aren't really thinking about my points, so I'm just going to shut up and wait for clarification from the author. The only one who's opinion matters.
1) Spirits have children. Koh is the son of the Mother of Faces.
2) It's only really dangerous when it's A) being used as the spear-head of a political revolution, and B) the Avatar isn't able to fix it. What's more, they had no reason to believe anyone else could learn to use it. Only two people knew how after all, Aang and that Lion Turtle.
3) We know it looks like one because they were able to tell it's one. Not all animals look like a small version of themselves when they are kids, but some do. They could just be assuming, it could be something else, but the two kids think it's a lion turtle, and unless they happen to know what a young lion turtle looks like, it's reasonable to assume that it looks like a small lion turtle.
Hmm...lots of things to edit. Spoiler-ed for length.

have fought, or had experience fighting

the death


shot, past tense


needs the comma for the shift

Where to begin...first, 'to see you caught in an explosion and thrown into the ocean' or if you want to be clear that Korra knew Lee was the cause the explosion, 'to see you strike that man and be caught in the blast, getting thrown into the ocean'. Both are unwieldy but the whole sentence is too long, though that is intentional from what I can tell. If you want a run on either use commas appropriately or use no commas at all. Since a comma essentially signifies a pause for breath in actual speech, Korra blurting everything at once would mean there should be no commas. It is harder on the readers to interpret though.


Why do you end your quoted lines with commas? Just use a period if its the end of a sentence. Otherwise it seems like that character is getting cut-off when they aren't.


'best earthbender in existence', 'best earthbender in the world', 'greatest living earthbeder', 'best I can possibly be", etc. Just 'exist' isn't very good for a descriptor.

don't need the 'the'.

Same comma ending problem as above. There are others like that, but I won't be quoting them from now on.




How didn't I

Now hold on. Unless you are on the head, how would you be able to tell you're on a Lion Turtle? Don't they look like islands from the top? Because they certainly aren't seeing the bottom.

Aren't Lion Turtles kind of...sapient creatures? That have names and eons worth of information more than any human? Unless this is a much smaller, still infantile Lion Turtle? If thats the case, how do they know its a Lion Turtle? They are practically a myth with two defining features:
1) Island sized
2) Super intelligent and speaking

Both of which, this one can't be if its a small, still-learning to talk Lion Turtle.
Thanks for the corrections, I had fixed them already.

Hey, @Astaroh-M I think we need some more details either in this chap, or the next, because otherwise I really can't see how they know what rescued Lee.
Of course I will! I just thought that that was the best (and more funny) point to end the update.

Seriusly guys, I know I barely said anything about the turtle :rolleyes: this is just an update not the whole story, be patient. :V
Really there are only three other turtle species, a duck, a crab and a seal. None of which would look like a turtle lion.
I'm stoked for more Li/Korra hijinks. It might be from other quests, but I'm in a shipping mood. If Katara and Aang could fall in love in a year, two years should be enough time.
Of course this doesn't preclude training, and more meditation! This is definitely going to shake up canon.
I wonder if Korra's Avatar memories (Aang's in particular) has any reaction to the Lionturtle.

Like, "yeah, I think... I've seen something like this before".
Oh, thought you meant Astaroh WOG. I remembered people in show being shocked that Amon could take bending, because "only the Avatar can do that", but it never struck me as something firm.
What's more, there's proof that energy-bending is a thing non-avatars can do, in Unalaq's ability to turn spirit energy dark, though he probably lacked the finesse to do something like removing bending.

Pretty sure that that ability isn't related to energy bending since Iroh mentioned that humans could effect spirits like how Korra was able to by accident. It could also be something he got from Vatuu.
"Heh, don't be to harsh on yourself kiddo, the first time I had a true fight to dead I ended using the wrong side of my spear!"

"to the death" unless you were meaning something else

I don't want to leave you, but if by leaving you for 2 years I can be sure to be at your side the forever, then I will do it," I said firmly.

The phrasing is off here, but the nuance of what it conveys changes with the multiple ways to fix it. Also, while not wrong, it is usually considered poor form to not write out numbers less than ten (although there are exceptions to that). For example, "I don't want to leave you, but if by leaving you for two years I can be sure to remain by your side forever, then I will." is an acceptable revision, but it coveys more of 'I am going to leave you' feeling while "I didn't want to leave you, but if by leaving you for two years I could be sure to remain by your side forever, then I will." is more confusing in what it conveys since its phrasing starts with something that suggests 'this is why I left you' followed by a 'so I would leave' phrase.

Here then was an awkward silence that I tried to break, "So… you rescue me from the ocean?"

This awkwardness has gone meta. The phrasing here is a bit awkward. "Here then was" needs to be replaced, but I can't think of what it should be since I forgot to quote the surrounding text. Sorry. :(

Tunnel Vision: (Sometimes when you focus too much at something you lost perception of things that happens around you, from big events to small actions, you may not notice them)

There's a lot wrong with this. I'm just gonna rewrite this and you can change it as you see fit.

Tunnel Vision: Sometimes you focus too much on things, loosing focus of that which goes on around you.

If you want it to be something that has pros and cons and not just cons though, this phrasing might be better.
Tunnel Vision: At times, your mind singles something out, centering your focus on it. While it eases pursuit of goals, you can be blind to the consequences of your actions.

Edit: Forgot to vote.
[X] "I have no idea. So, what's your name?"
-[X] Genbu if he doesn't have one or isn't talking.
Last edited:
Pretty sure that that ability isn't related to energy bending since Iroh mentioned that humans could effect spirits like how Korra was able to by accident. It could also be something he got from Vatuu.
I'm fairly certain it is related, especially since while humans can have an effect on spirits said practice also works prefectly well on humans, even going as far as destroying their soul. The Soul also seems to be the subject of Energy Bending, givin how the lion turtle talks about how your spirit must be unbendable to bend anothers.
What's more, relatedly, Chi seems to be a inherent part of bending, especially with several of the chakras being named after the elements and Toph making references to one of the chakras when trying to teach metal bending, and having your chi blocked inhibits bending. We know Water Bending can interact with Chi, it's how Healing does it's thing after all, and the technique Unalaq uses to bend spirits seems to be an extension of Healing.

As for Vatuu, while Vatuu might have taught him, I very much doubt it's a ability Vatuu gave him. After all, Vatuu is trapped. He shouldn't be able to interact with anything beyond conversation while in there, especially since until Korra came along there was no way for Unalaq to physically enter the Spirit World, as would be needed for bending to be granted to him.
Vote Tally : The Green Beast of the South (Legend of Korra Quest) | Page 141 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[11] "I have no idea. So, what's your name?"
-[11] Genbu if he doesn't have one or isn't talking.
[8] "So, what's your name?"
-[4] If No answer Rock Lee
-[3] Genbu if he doesn't have one or isn't talking.
-[1] If it has no name, name it after your frist lifetime's best friend, Kakashi
[5] Rock Lee
[1] Genjii
[1] A'Tuin
[1] Gamera the Guardian of the Universe
[1] Draciel
[1] Genbu

Total No. of Voters: 29
[X] "I have no idea. So, what's your name?"
-[X] Genbu if he doesn't have one or isn't talking.

What's wrong with Genbu? Is a good name for a turtle. We could even call her Bu-chan if we mess up the gender(Which I think is possible)
I wonder if the Four Great Turtle Sages exist here.

Reo, Dona, Mika and Raf.

Or if they still accept offerings of tomato-cheese-and-meat pies. :rofl:
This seems like a huge change from Canon. Korra entered the Avatar state and thus should have a better connection to the spirit side of the avatar, including her past lives. In season one her inability to do so lead to her being captured by Tarrlok and defeated by Amon.
This seems like a huge change from Canon. Korra entered the Avatar state and thus should have a better connection to the spirit side of the avatar, including her past lives. In season one her inability to do so lead to her being captured by Tarrlok and defeated by Amon.
Korra never had anyone she strongly cared in canon until then like Aang did, and he did it when he was twelve.
[X] "I have no idea. So, what's your name?"
-[X] Ningame if he doesn't have one or isn't talking.

Why aren't we naming the turtle after Gia's turtle again? That seems like something that should happen. We won't ever see that lion turtle reach island size due to the fact that they probably take centuries to grow to that size, so Genbu doesn't really seem appropriate, and Rock Lee should really go to our sidekick.
[X] "I have no idea. So, what's your name?"
-[X] Ningame if he doesn't have one or isn't talking.

Why aren't we naming the turtle after Gia's turtle again? That seems like something that should happen. We won't ever see that lion turtle reach island size due to the fact that they probably take centuries to grow to that size, so Genbu doesn't really seem appropriate, and Rock Lee should really go to our sidekick.
Actually you've got a point there.
[X] "I have no idea. So, what's your name?"
-[X] Ningame if he doesn't have one or isn't talking.

Why aren't we naming the turtle after Gia's turtle again? That seems like something that should happen. We won't ever see that lion turtle reach island size due to the fact that they probably take centuries to grow to that size, so Genbu doesn't really seem appropriate, and Rock Lee should really go to our sidekick.
Because we already have a Ningame. He's our faithful stuffed turtle that we sleep with every night.
And who says that he can't be our sidekick? Lots of people have animals side kicks, even Nuktuk, Hero of the South! More seriously, Lion Turtles are fully sapient, and seem like they'd be extremely powerful benders.
I was the only want that could stop him
"the only one that could"
"Thanks… *sigh* but even so, failed…
"even so, I failed"
"had to spend"
when all were take care of the ocean
"taken care of, the ocean" The comma is optional, but I think it's better.
she move looked at me,
Either "she moved to look at me" or "she looked at me"
"You're the only person with I can speak there! You're the only person with I can play!
"person I can speak with" and "person I can play with"
But Ningame was Gai's turtle. That was Gai's summon. Ningame was also fully sapient, and turtles grow at a slow rate if I'm not mistaken so we probably won't see him reach Genbu size until after we are dead, cause turtles can live for hundreds of years. Who knows how long it took for Aangs lion turtle teacher to reach the size he did.